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Designing a PV System

Input Data Required For PV System

Input Data Required For PV System
The daily or hourly load requirements during a
The daily or hourly load requirements during a
typical year
typical year
The required security of supply, taing into
The required security of supply, taing into
account the !ac"up source, if any#
account the !ac"up source, if any#
The mean daily irradiation in the plane of the
The mean daily irradiation in the plane of the
array at the chosen site for e$ery month of a
array at the chosen site for e$ery month of a
typical year#
typical year#

Data Required cont%d
Data Required cont%d
The ma&imum num!er of consecuti$e sunless days liely
The ma&imum num!er of consecuti$e sunless days liely
to !e e&perienced#
to !e e&perienced#
The mean daily am!ient temperature for e$ery month of
The mean daily am!ient temperature for e$ery month of
a typical year#
a typical year#
The estimated cell temperature rise a!o$e am!ient of the
The estimated cell temperature rise a!o$e am!ient of the
modules in the array#
modules in the array#
Typical current"$oltage characteristics of the module at
Typical current"$oltage characteristics of the module at
$arious irradiances#
$arious irradiances#

Data Required cont%d
Data Required cont%d
The selected D' !us $oltage#
The selected D' !us $oltage#
The ma&imum allo(a!le depth of discharge of
The ma&imum allo(a!le depth of discharge of
the !attery#
the !attery#
The estimated percentage energy losses in the
The estimated percentage energy losses in the
!attery, po(er conditioning equipment and
!attery, po(er conditioning equipment and
control system#
control system#
The estimated losses in the array from module
The estimated losses in the array from module
mismatch, ca!les and $oltage drop across
mismatch, ca!les and $oltage drop across
!locing diodes#
!locing diodes#
The estimated losses from dust and shading#
The estimated losses from dust and shading#

Types of )ateri al s
Single Crystal

*ff"+rid Design

*ff"+rid Design ,&ample
Step -. Determine the D' /oad#
D' De$ice De$ice 0 1ours of 2 D' 3att"1rs
3atts Daily 4se per Day
Refrigerator 56 78 -,886
/ighting fi&tures -96 8 566
De$ice : -7 ; <5
Total D' 3att"hrs=Day >:? 7,-@5

Step 7. Determine the :' /oad, 'on$ert to D'
:' De$ice De$ice 0 1ours of 2 :' 3att"1rs
3atts Daily 4se per Day
De$ice A -B9 5 -,696
Pump ;6 6#9 86
Tele$ision -B9 7 @96
Total :' 3att"hrs=Day -,886
Di$ided !y 6#;9 CIn$erter, lossesD
Total D' 3hrs=Day >A? -,5<8

Step @. Determine the Total System /oad
Total D' /oads >:? 7,-@5
Total D' /oads >A? -,5<8
Total System /oad @,;@6 3hrs=Day
Step 8. Determine Total D' :mp"hours=Day
Total System /oad = System Eominal Voltage 2
C@,;@6 3hrs=DayD = -7 Volts 2 @-< :mp"hrs=Day
Step 9. Determine Total :mp"hr=Day (ith Aatteries
Total :mp"hrs=Day 0 -#7C/osses and safety factorD
@-< :mp"hrs=Day 0 -#7 2 @;7#; or @;@ :mp"hrs=Day

Step 5. Determine Total PV :rray 'urrent

Total Daily :mp"hr requirement = Design InsolationF
@;@ :mp"hrs = 9#6 pea solar hrs 2 B5#5 :mps
F Insolation Aased on *ptimum Tilt for Season
Step B. Select PV )odule Type
'hoose AP Solar"Solare& )S0"56 module.
)a& Po(er 2 56 3 CSTPD
)a& 'urrent 2 @#95 :mps
)a& Voltage 2 -5#; Volts
Eominal *utput Voltage -7 Volts

Total PV :rray 'urrent = C)odule *perating 'urrentD 0
C)odule Derate FactorD
B5#5 :mps = C@#95 :mps=)oduleDC6#<6D 2 7@#<6 modules
4se 78 )odules
Step ;. Determine Eum!er of )odules in Parallel
Step <. Determine Eum!er of )odules in Series
System Eominal Voltage = )odule Eominal Voltage
-7 Volts = C-7 Volts=moduleD 2 - )odule
Step -6. Determine Total Eum!er of )odules
Eum!er of modules in parallel 0 Eum!er of modules
in Series
78 0 - 2 78 modules

Step --. Determine )inimum Aattery 'apacity
>Total Daily :mp"hr=Day (ith Aatteries CStep 9D
0 Desired Reser$e Time CDaysD? = Percent of
4sa!le Aattery 'apacity
C@;@ :mp"hrs=Day 0 @ DaysD = 6#;6 2 -,8@5 :mp"hrs
Step -7. 'hoose a Aattery
4se an Interstate 47S G -66 Flooded /ead :cid Aattery
Eominal Voltage 2 5 Volts
Rated 'apacity 2 776 :mp"hrs

Step -@. Determine Eum!er of Aatteries in Parallel
Required Aattery 'apacity CStep --D = 'apacity of
Selected Aattery
-,8@5 :mp"hrs = C776 :mp"hrs=AatteryD 2 5#9
4se 5 Aatteries
Step -8. Determine Eum!er of Aatteries in Series
Eominal System Voltage = Eominal Aattery Voltage
-7 Volts = C5 Volts=AatteryD 2 7 Aatteries
Step -9. Determine Total Eum!er of Aatteries
Eum!er of Aatteries in Parallel 0 Eum!er of Aatteries
in Series
5 0 7 2 -7 Aatteries

" "
@ :
-7 V
@ :
-7 V
@ :
78 V
@ :
-7 V
@ :
-7 V
" "
5 :
-7 V
Voltage is additi$e
'urrent is additi$e

Step -B. 'omplete Aalance of System
a# 'omplete the design !y specifying the.
'harge 'ontroller
3ire Sizes CAattery (ill ha$e larger gage
due to higher currentsD
Fuses and Disconnects
Stand!y +enerator, if needed
Aattery 'harger, if needed
)anual Transfer S(itch, if needed#
Step -5. Determine the need for a Stand!y
+enerator to reduce other 'omponents
Cnum!er of )odules and AatteriesD# Se$eral
iterations may !e necessary to optimize costs#

d# *!tain permits as required#
!# Determine mounting method.
Roof mount
+round mount (ith racs
+round mount (ith pole#
c# :ssure proper grounding for safety#
Step -B C'ont#D.

The ,legance of Simplicity

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