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Date: June 26 28, 2014

Clinical Area: Gyne Ward 7

I was assigned as a staff nurse for the first time in this rotation. At first I had no
idea what must a staff nurse should do, but after everything had explained to us that we
must do what we usually do, I feel lighted and more competent to do my duty as what I
usually do.
At first I feel nervous because I thought everything will be hard for me but as I
started doing the duties that was assigned to me, everything seems to do well.
If I am going to evaluate myself, I could say that I had done my duty quite well.
As for the good thing in my duty, I think I had done my job pretty well; I had monitored
her vital signs accurately and report any unusuality toward the patient.
Out of the exposure I had in the Gyne Ward, one of the patient had been
admitted with a cyst on her right ovary and I had reflected it to myself wherein I had also
undergone the same operation she had then I realized that in dealing patient with cyst,
cancer and other known illnesses in women, we must be equipped with more
knowledge about the diseases that we may encounter so that we can deliver the
appropriate care needed by the patient, and also to alleviate the anxiety of the patient
by giving them health teachings and other factors related to their health needs.

In that kind of situation, all we can do is to give the patient the appropriate care
she need and teach her about the factors relating to her case. It is not easy to
undergone some operation like salpingoooperectomy wherein her right fallopian tube
and ovary that had been damaged by the cyst had been removed. We as a nurse must

Date: July 3 5, 2014
Clinical Area: ICU 1 7
I was assigned as a staff nurse in this rotation. When it comes to ICU, I always
feel so nervous that I may encounter some major problem when it comes to health, like
a death of a patient.
I always felt nervous when in times I am assigned to an ICU area, because you
must be quick in every actions/ duty you are assigned to, you must more attentive to
your patients.

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