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Title: Pacita Caalim-Verzonilla complainant vs. Atty. Victoriano G. Pascua Villarama, Jr.

Citation: A.C. No. 6655, October , !"
Fact: Verzonilla #ile$ a complaint see%in& t'e $isbarment o# respon$ent Atty. Pascua. ('e alle&e$
t'at Pascua #alsi#ie$ a public $ocument an$ eva$es t'e payment o# correct ta)es t'rou&' t'e use o#
#alsi#ie$ $ocuments.
*'e respon$ent prepare$ an$ notarize$ t+o ,ee$s o# -)tra-.u$icial (ettlement o# t'e estate o#
$ecease$ /ope Caalim. *'e #irst $ee$ +as in t'e amount o# P'p !5",""" an$ t'e secon$ $ee$ +as
at P'p ,""",""" bot' 'avin& t'e same i$entical re&istration nos., pa&e nos., an$ boo% nos. ('e
alle&e$ t'at Pascua #alsi#ie$ t'e si&nature o# t'e 'eirs o# /ope Caalim to #avor t'e spouses
. 1'et'er t'e respon$ent #alsi#ie$ t'e $ocuments
!. 1'et'er t'e respon$ent 'as $eliberately c'an&e$ t'e amount o# t'e $ee$ to $e#rau$ t'e
. *'e issue o# #or&ery is still pen$in& in t'e Civil Case No. !236-(
!. *'e respon$ent violate$ 4ule 5V (ec. 6 o# t'e !""6 4ules on Notarial Practice - 4e#usal to
A notary public s'all not per#orm any notarial act $escribe$ in t'ese 4ules #or any person
re7uestin& suc' an act even i# 'e ten$ers t'e appropriate #ee speci#ie$ by t'ese 4ules i#8 9a: notary
%no+s or 'as &oo$ reason to believe t'at t'e notarial act or transaction is unla+#ul or immoral.
(ec. ! -ntries in t'e Notarial 4e&ister 9e: *'e notary s'all &ive eac' instrument or $ocument
e)ercise$ or s+orn to or ac%no+le$&e$ be#ore 'im a number correspon$in& to one in 'is re&ister
an$ s'all also state on t'e instrument or $ocument t'e pa&es o# re&ister in +'ic' t'e same is
recor$e$. No blan% line s'all be le#t bet+een entries.
*'e respon$ent also violate$ 4ule ."! o# Canon o# t'e Co$e o# Pro#essional 4esponsibility - A
la+yer s'all not counsel or abet activities aime$ at $e#iance to t'e la+ or at lessenin&
t'econ#i$ence in t'e le&al system.
*'e respon$ent +as suspen$e$ in t'e practice o# la+ #or t+o years, 'is notarial commission 'as
been revo%e$ an$ $enie$ #or reappointment in t'e perio$ o# t+o years an$ +as +arne$ t'at any
similar act in t'e #uture +ill be $ealt +it' more severely.

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