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Contoh soal TOEFL

Listening: Part A
In this part you will see short
conversations between two people.
Choose the best answer
to each question. Answer the
questions on the basis of what is
stated or implied by the speakers.
1. Woman: Pardon me. o you know
what time that this store opens!
"an: I do not# but I believe that it is
written on the door.
$arrator: What does the man imply
that the woman should do!
a. %ook on the door
b. &pen the door
c. Ask someone else
d. Come back later
Jawaban a.
'. Woman: I am (oin( to buy )ohnny a
toy train for his birthday.
"an: Are you sure he*d like one!
$arrator: What does the man imply!
a. )ohnny loves toy trains
b. )ohnny already has too many toy
c. )ohnny said he wants a toy train
d. )ohnny may prefer somethin( else
Jawaban d.
+. "an: I need some shampoo for my
Woman: All of the shampoo is in the
back of the store on the third shelf.
$arrator: What will the man probably
a. Walk out of the store
b. ,uy the shampoo
c. Come back later
d. -o to another store
Jawaban b.
.. "an: Are you (oin( to (o to the
/niversity of 0e1as to (et your
Woman: I don*t think so.
"an: Why# have you been accepted to
any other schools!
Woman: 2es# I have received news of
acceptance from %3/# /niversity of
0ennessee# and 4arvard.$arrator:
What are the speakers discussin(!
a. 0he /niversity of 0e1as
b. 3chools with octorate pro(rams
c. Where the woman will (o to school
d. Who can (et accepted to the most
Jawaban c.
5. "an: I*m really tired on studyin( for
economics every weekend.
Woman: I hear you.
$arrator: What does the woman
a. 3he has e1cellent hearin(
b. 3he has heard the man talk about
this frequently
c. 3he understands his point of view
d. 3he needs to have her ears
Jawaban c.
6. "an: We are (oin( to (et ice cream.
Would you like to come with us!
Woman: I am waitin( for a packa(e to
be delivered.
$arrator: What does the woman
a. 3he does not eat ice cream
b. 3he has no money
c. 3he does not like packa(es
d. 3he will not be (oin(
Jawaban d.
7. Woman: Are you (oin( to (o to the
ball (ame!
"an: 2ou bet8
$arrator: What does the man mean!
a. 4e will place a wa(er on the ball
b. 4e will definitely (o to the ball (ame
c. 4e likes to (amble
d. 4e does not like ball (ames
Jawaban b.
9. "an: 0hat*s a nice car.
Woman: I (ot it almost four years a(o.
"an. It looks brand new.
Woman: 2es# it*s in (ood shape.
$arrator: What does the woman
a. 0he woman needs a new car
b. 3he likes to e1ercise
c. 3he has a new car
d. 0he car is in (ood condition
Jawaban d.
:. "an: id you (et you movie
Woman: I spoke to your secretary
about it# and she took care of it for me.
$arrator: What does the man mean!
a. 0he secretary was responsible for
(ettin( the movie passes
b. 0he are no movie passes
c. 4e has the movie passes
d. 0he movie passes are in the mail
Jawaban a.
1;. "an: 4ow do you like livin( in
Woman: I am used to it know.
$arrator: What does the woman
a. 3he has always liked livin( in
b. 3he hates livin( in America
c. 3he is accustomed to livin( in
d. 3he would rather live in America
Jawaban c.
11. Woman: "arie sure likes shoppin(.
"an: If only she liked doin( homework
as well8
$arrator: What does the man imply
about "arie!
a. 3he is very likeable
b. 3he does not put much effort into
her homework
c. 3he (oes to the mall everyday
d. 3he has a lot of homework
Jawaban b.
1'. "an: I thou(ht I was supposed to
perform the e1periment in <oom .5.
Woman: $o. 0icket .5 is in <oom 5..
$arrator: What will the man probably
a. -o to <oom 5.
b. -o to <oom .5
c. ,uy a ticket
d. -o home
Jawaban a.
1+. "an: id you know that 0racey
and ,ob are back from their
honeymoon to %as
Woman: 3o they did (et married after
$arrator: What had the woman
assumed about 0racey and ,ob!
a. 0hey were still in %as =e(as
b. 0hey would not (et married
c. 0hey had a spectacular weddin(
d. 0hey hate %as =e(as
Jawaban b.
1.. "an: o you usually take a nap!
Woman: I do now and then.
$arrator: What does the woman
a. 3he occasionally takes a nap
b. 3he always takes a nap
c. 3he never takes a nap
d. 3he used to take a nap
Jawaban a.
15. "an: Can you believe it! I (ot an A
on my >inance e1am
Woman: Way to (o8
$arrator: What does the woman
a. 3he is askin( where to (o
b. 3he wants him to leave her alone
c. 3he is con(ratulatin( him
d. 3he thinks he is a liar
Jawaban c.
16. "an: 4ow did the ?ob interview (o!
Woman: I could not have been more
$arrator: What does the woman
a. 0he interview went very well
b. 0he woman did not like the interview
c. 0he interview was cancelled
d. 0he interview went terrible
Jawaban a.
17. "an: o you mind if I turn on some
music for a while!
Woman: $o# I don*t mind.
$arrator: What does the woman
a. "usic will not bother her
b. 3he hates listenin( to music
c. 3he wants to think harder
d. 3he does not have any music
Jawaban a.
Listening: Part B
In this part you will see several
lon(er conversations and talks. 2ou
should answer each question on the
basis of what is stated or implied by
the speakers in the conversation or
$arrator: %isten to a lecture by a
biolo(y instructor."any people think of
(orillas as dan(erous killers. &ne
reason for this is that television and
movies often show these animals this
way. ,ut (orillas are really (entle
animals.0he (orilla is a ve(etarian. It
lives in the African rain forests where it
finds the fruits and plants it needs to
survive. A lar(e# wild (orilla mi(ht eat
over .; pounds of leaves and fruit in
one day. /nfortunately# these peaceful
creatures are in dan(er of becomin(
e1tinct. @ach year# lar(e areas of the
rain forests are bein( cut down.
,ecause there is less and less food
from these forests# the number of wild
(orillas is becomin( smaller and
18. The passage describes gorillas as
a. Dangerous killers
b. Carnivores
c. TV and movie stars
d. Gentle animals
Jawaban d.
1. !ccording to the passage" wh# are
gorillas in danger$
a. %ecause people keep hunting them.
b. %ecause the# eat too much.
c. %ecause &orests get too much rain.
d. %ecause their &ood suppl# is being
Jawaban d.
'(. )& something is becoming e*tinct" it is:
a. %ecoming livel#.
b. D#ing out.
c. Growing wild.
d. Getting sick.
Jawaban b.
$arrator: %isten to the conversation
between two (raduate students.
Woman: What did you think about the
assi(nment we were supposed to
complete for our
statistics class!
"an: I haven*t done mine yet. Is it
Woman: Aind of. It was full of
"an: erivative problems!
Woman: $ot really# "ore a review of
the whole semester.
"an: &h.
Woman: It was time consumin(.
"an: <eally!
Woman. 2es. I started it at about lunch
time and didn*t finish it until supper.
"an: I*m surprised at that.
Woman: I was too# I did not e1pect our
professor would (ive us so much.
"an: 4e usually doesn*t.
Woman: I know. 0hat is why I was
"an: Well# I do have some free time
this afternoon. o you know when it is
Woman: 0omorrow.
"an: Well# I better (et movin(.
'1. What was on the assi(nment!
a. erivative problems
b. A review of the whole semester
c. What was for lunch
d. A surprise
?awaban b.
''. What did the students find
a. 0he len(th of the assi(nment
b. 0he problems
c. %unch
d. 0he professor
?awaban a.
'+. What did the woman start at
a. 0he assi(nment
b. erivative problems
c. @atin(
d. A surprise
?awaban a.
'.. What will the man probably do
a. @at supper
b. "ove out
c. Complete the assi(nment
d. Ask the woman to supper
?awaban c
$arrator: %isten to part of a
conversation between a student and a
clerk in a colle(e
"an: I need to buy an basic @n(lish
Woman: &kay. What is the course
"an: 2ou mean there is more than one
Woman: 3ure. We offer Poetry#
Writin(# and %iterature.
"an. If I take Poetry will we write
Woman: $ot really. 0he Poetry class is
very basic rhymin(.
"an: -reat. 0hat is what I wanted to
hear. 4ow much is that one!
Woman: It*s twentyBnine dollars# plus a
tenBdollar notebook fee.
"an: Wait a minute# can*t I ?ust use my
own notebook.
Woman: "ost students prefer the
special poetry notebook# so we made it
a requirement.
"an: &kay. I*ll take one Poetry book
and notebook. o you take credit
Woman: 2es# but you don*t have to
pay now. )ust fill out this form and we
will bill you.
"an: 3ounds (reat.
'5. What kind of @n(lish te1tbook does
the man decide to buy!
a. Writin(
b. %iterature
c. Poetry
d. 3onnets
?awaban c.
Contoh Soal Toefl Dan Pembahasannya
1. The &irst recorded use o& natural gas to light street lamps it was in the town o& +rederick"
,ew -ork" in
Answer : B (it was)
The use o& the pronoun sub/ect it is unnecessar#0 it should be omitted.
2. The +rench 1uarter is the most &amous and the most old section o& ,ew 2rleans.
Answer : C (most ol)
The superlative &orm o& a one3s#llable ad/ective 4old5 is &ormed with the su&&i* -est: oldest.
!. 6i7uids take the shape o& an# container which in the# are placed.
Answer : C (whi"h)
in The preposition must precede the relative pronoun: in which.
#. 8h#sical therapists help patients relearn how to use their bodies a&ter disease or in/ure.
Answer : D (in$%re)
! noun 4injury5" not a verb 4injure5" is re7uired.
&. )n the south3western part o& the 9nited :tates" most o& the watercomes
! %
o& the Colorado ;iver and the manmade lakes created &rom it.
!nswer : 4C5 comes o&
Grammar : the correct answer is <comes &rom= because it>s e*plain prepositions o& place
'. %ill Clinton" that won the 1' presidential election" was
! % C
&ormerl#governor o& the state o& !rkansas.
!nswer : 4!5 that
Grammar : the correct answer is <who= because it>s e*plain ad/ective clause
(. The hard palate?.. between the mouth and nasal passage
a. +orming a partition
b. ! partition &orms
c. +orms a partition
d. ! &orm and partition
4C5 %ecause it uses the present tense using the verb 1 and to be is
). ???.. the outermost la#er o& skin" is abaout as thick as sheet o& paper over most o& the
a. )t is epidermis
b. The epidermis
c. )n the epidermis
d. The epidermis is
4D5 %ecause it uses the present tense using the verb 1 and to be is
*. During the 8recambrian period" the earth>s curst &ormed" and li&e??. )n the seas
a. +irst appeared
b. The &irst appear
c. The &irst appearance
d. !ppearing &irst
4!5 %ecause using the verb @
1+. %e&ore the statue o& libert# in the united states" newspaper invited the public to help
determine where?.. .placed a&ter its arrival
a. :hould the statue be
b. The statue being
c. )t should be the statue
d. The statue should be
4D5 %ecause the use o& past continuous tense is &uture shoud Abe

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