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A Series On

Understanding Nikola Teslas

By Konstantinos Pappas
10 August 2014

The Wheelwork Of Nature
The Purpose Of This Presentation

Understand what is the Wheelwork of Nature

Understand what is your relationship to the Wheelwork of Nature

An Introduction - Why I Studied Nikola Teslas Work
My quest for understanding the UFO phenomena and how we can derive
energy from the universe led me to the great man Nikola Tesla

While I found Teslas history interesting, the more I delved into his work, the
more intrigued I became and wanted to find out more about him

It became my passion to study Nikola Tesla

I realised the profound implications Teslas work had to the world

But there was something that made me realise why I continued my interests
in Teslas work

I shared something deeply with Tesla and it was because of our affinity to

Worthy Quotes of Nikola Tesla:

In Part 1 of this series in understanding Nikola Teslas work, there are two
quotes worth exploring in this presentation because they will help us
understand how the universe works and how we can derive energy from
the ambient medium
Worthy Quotes of Nikola Tesla:

Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power
obtainable at any point of the universe. It is a question of time when men
will connect their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature
- Nikola Tesla

This planet, with all its appalling immensity, is to electric currents virtually
no more than a small metal ball
- Nikola Tesla

Earths Motion Through Space
Earths Motion Through Space

In our quest to connect machinery to the very Wheelwork of Nature, crucial
to making this leap is understanding how the Earth and the Sun are moving
through space

The Standard Model Of Earths Orbit Around The Sun

The standard model depicts the Earth orbiting the
Sun in a circular motion

The standard model is a 2-dimensional view and depicts the Earth orbiting
around the Sun in a circular motion

The standard model provides a limited view and does not truly reflect how
the universe works

This 2-dimensional view also limits our understanding and suppresses our
quest for comprehension and universal understanding
The Standard Model Of Earths Orbit Around The Sun

Now, the standard model may hold true if the Sun is stationary

However, the Sun is also moving through space

Why is this so important?

Because this changes how we view the universe, including the laws of

It also has profound implications on mind consciousness and our wellbeing

The Standard Model Of Earths Orbit Around The Sun

Key to understanding the Wheelwork of Nature is understanding Earths
true path in the universe

If we trace Earths true path around the Sun, this is what we would get

Earths True Orbit About The Sun

--- Suns Path
--- Earths Path

This illustration shows Earths true path around the Sun,
with the Suns motion included
Why is Earths path around the Sun so important?

By simply changing the way we see how Earth moves through space

Nikola Teslas muse on the Wheelwork of Nature becomes clear

And, this has significant implications for our quest to derive energy from the
universe, which in turn, has profound implications for humanity, and the
Physics that governs planetary motion

The dynamics of this motion are akin to a spring oscillating, like a harmonic
This motion is also referred to as the Helical model
Similar behaviour is observed at the atomic level
Similar pattern is observed in our DNA


What happens if we add Earths spin or
axis of rotation to the equation?

Adding Earths Spin Dynamic

--- Suns Path
--- Earths Orbit
--- Earths axis of rotation
Day and night cycle 24 hours
--- 1 Year Cycle = 365 days
365 smaller cycles

This illustration shows Earths equators true path
around the Sun, designated by the red spiral
The Importance Of This

Earths surface forms yet another Helical pattern

This is also the path you take, including your mind, your consciousness,
and your physical body

The Solar System
What happens if you combined the helical motions of our entire Solar

We will leave that to your imagination

The Physics Of This Motion
The Physics Of This Motion
The dynamics of Earths HELICAL motion through space around the Sun demands
that Earth is mechanically geared to the universe like a clockwork

Earths night and day cycles, yearly cycles and even the weather patterns alone
substantiate this

There are two forces of particular interest keeping Earth mechanically geared to this
helical/harmonic motion

1. First, there is the attractive force that is keeping Earth fixed on this Helical pattern
This, has already been proven to be the gravity force exerted by the Sun
This force is also Centripetal in nature

The physics of this motion demands that there is an equal and opposite force acting
on Earth

2. The second force is Centrifugal in nature
Without this force, Earth would drift towards the Sun

Definitions of Centripetal and
Centrifugal forces
Definition of the Centripetal Force:

Is the force that makes a body follow a curved path

In the case of Earth, this is the Suns gravitational force that acts on Earth

Definition of the Centrifugal Force:

Is the force that draws a rotating body away from the centre of rotation

In the case of Earth, this is Earths angular momentum and its axis of
Angular momentum Defines Earths orbit
Axis of rotation Defines Earths spin

*Note keyword rotating body
* These forces are Electro Magnetic in nature

Key Items To Note
The Centripetal force is the force that the Sun exerts on Earth that keeps
Earth in orbit about the Sun

The Centrifugal force also works in an equal and opposite direction to the
Suns gravitational force to prevent Earth from drifting towards the Sun

The Centrifugal force is equal and opposite to the Suns gravitational pull
and this keeps Earth in a balanced orbit about the Sun

The net result gives Earth its helical path, which links it to the inner cycles
of nature

Key Items To Note

Had it not been for the Suns gravitational pull on Earth, Earth would fly
off into a tangent and veer off course into space

The same for the Centrifugal force. This force prevents the Earth from
drifting towards the Sun

Earths spin dynamic, coupled with its angular momentum, are key to
extracting energy from the universe

A Closer Look at Earth
A Closer Look at Earth
From a Physics and Mathematical point of view, there are properties in wave
oscillations that defines Earths Wheelwork of Nature

- Is the maximum height that a wave form reaches in its oscillation
- Is the number of waves created in a given time
- Is the time it takes to make one complete cycle in a wave

The same applies to Earths motion through space, because it exhibits these
same wave properties
Wave Properties Of Earth - Summary

Earth oscillates RADIALLY up and down
like a 3D wave with an amplitude of
150,000,000 km about the Sun Earths
distance from the Sun

Earths angular velocity is 107,208 km/h
Also known as Earths orbital velocity

Earths core completes 1 full cycle in
365 days - Point A to B - The Period/Frequency
which gives us the yearly cycle
Note that Earths core is spinning and follows the blue helix

Earths surface forms a sub-helical path red helix which gives us the 365 night and day cycle

Very Important:
Every point along the Earths path is an opportunity for us to extract energy from the ambient
The Suns path orange line is part of a much larger helix
The Suns velocity is 792,000 km/h

The Key Components Of Earths Velocities

Within the confines of our Milky Way
Galaxy, there are six components of
velocities that keeps Earth in the helical
path about the Sun

1. Earths rotation:
Earth Spins at 1,674 km/h on its axis, which gives Earth its night and day
cycles, and also forms a sub-helical pattern - the red helix
1,674km/h is also the speed of Earths surface. This is how fast you are
travelling along the red helix
In Earths core, where the rotation originates, it is extremely hot with
immense electric/magnetic fields
Earths core follows the helical path the blue helix - about the Suns path -
the orange line

The Key Components Of Earths Velocities

2. Earths orbital path:
The speed of Earth along this helical pattern - the blue helix - is the angular
speed - 107,208 km/h
Also known as Earths orbital speed about the Sun
It also defines Earths radial oscillatory motion like a spring

3. The Suns axis of rotation:
The Sun spins on its axis at 7,189 km/h, creates a huge vortex which acts on
Earth to keep it in orbit about the Sun through the forces of gravity

4. The Suns motion through space:
The Sun moves through space at 792,000 km/h, which acts as the driving force in
keeping Earth in orbit
The Sun also leaves a trail of disturbances behind it, and acts like a huge vortex,
pulling the planets towards it
The Sun also follows a much larger Helical/Vortex path about the Milky Way
The key components of velocities of Earth

5. The Milky Way Galaxy:
The Milky Way Galaxy is moving through space at about 2,000,000 km/h
Thats 556 km/s!
This is how fast you are travelling too
While the Milky Way Galaxy behaves like an EVEN bigger vortex at its core,
it too, pulls the planets and stars along its path

6. The Milky Way Galaxys rotational motion:
The spin/rotation of the Milky Ways spiral arms also affects the inner
cycles of the planets

*Note: There are other forces acting on Earth beyond the Milky Way Galaxy, that extend
beyond the Cluster of Universes billions of light years away, which are not included in this

The key components of velocities of Earth - Summary

The net result of these forces links Earth on the helical path through the
Universe like a vortex

Very Important:
Earths centre follows this helical path
Earths centre is spinning along this helical path
Earths surface forms yet another helical pattern about its centre

A helix within a helix which is part of a much larger helical pattern formed
by the Sun and the Milky Way Galaxy

All these forces, and others not included (Forces beyond the Milky Way
Galaxy) keep Earth on this path defined as the Wheelwork of Nature

A Closer Look At The Sun
Suns Motion Through Space

If we study Suns motion through space, we will find that the Wheelwork of
Nature is more complex than thought

Suns True Orbit About The Galaxy

This illustration shows the Suns true path around the Milky Way Galaxy
--- Suns Path
--- Suns axis of

Wave properties of the Suns
Helical Path:

The Milky Way Galaxy is moving at a
speed of ~ 1,987,200 km/h

Suns rotational speed is ~7,189km/h

The Sun also oscillates up and down
like a harmonic oscillator with an
amplitude of ~2.7 x 10

The Suns angular velocity is 792,000 km/h orbital velocity

The Suns core follows the Helical Path the orange helix

The Suns surface forms a sub-helical path the green helix

In 1 Galactic Period of the Sun of 225,000,000 Earth years, there are 225,000,000
smaller Earthly helical cycles about the Suns helical path around the Galactic Centre

Holistic View Of The Wheelwork Of Nature

The next illustration shows all the combined spiralling motions of the Earth and
the Sun
The Holistic Vew Of The Wheelwork

Earths Spin Red Helix
Earths Orbit about the Sun Blue Helix
Suns Spin Green Helix
Suns Orbit about the Galaxy Orange Helix
The Milky Way Galaxy motion The Black line yet another spiral/helix

That is what I call a COSMIC SYMPHONY
The Holistic Vew Of The Wheelwork Of Nature (Summary):
From this, we can observe that the Wheelwork of Nature is a series of inter-
locking, helical motions, the outer helical motions governing the inner helical
vortexes within vortexes

While the Earth is oscillating about the Sun, the Sun is also oscillating about the
Milky Way Galaxy

While the Sun oscillates about the Milky Way Galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy is
moving at 1,987, 200 km/h (556km/s) through the Universe
Pulling the Earth and the Sun with it through gravitational forces
You are also moving at 556km/s through the universe. That is a mere 556
kilometres per second, or 0.18% of the speed of light!

The Milky Way Galaxys motion through space, which is part of much a larger
Also defines the Suns yearly cycle
Which then defines the Earths yearly cycles
Which then defines Earths day and night cycles

Sir Isaac Newtons Law of
Sir Isaac Newtons Law of Gravitation

Now, I will use Isaac Newtons Laws of Gravitation to link them to the Wheelwork of
the Universe

Sir Isaac Newtons Law of Gravitation
According to this law, the gravitational forces acting between the Earth and the Sun
is defined by this formula:

is the force that the Sun exerts on Earth
G is the Gravitational Constant = 6.67384 x 10
N (m/kg)
is the mass of Sun = 1.9891 x 10
kg (kilograms)
is the mass of Earth = 5.9721 x 10
kg (kilograms)
r is distance of Earth from Sun = 149,598,251,000 m (metres)

is the Centripetal force the attractive force
Also, the Centrifugal force the repulsive force which acts on Earth that prevents
Earth from drifting towards the Sun is defined by:

is the Centrifugal force
is the mass of Earth = 5.9721 x 10
kg (kilograms)
is Earths orbital velocity = 107,208 km/h (kilometres per hour)
r is distance of Earth from Sun = 149,598,251,000 m (metres)

is the Centrifugal force

Now, in the case of Earth, F
= F

Basic Algebra yields


Using the values provided, we can calculate the value of v

This will yield the value for v
= ~29,780 m/s (metres per second)

= ~107,208 km/h (kilometres per hour)

This value is the actual orbital velocity of Earth about the Sun!
Here I have used Classical Newtonian Physics to link Newtons Laws of
Gravitation to the Wheelwork of the Universe

Although Sir Isaac Newton did not believe in the idea that the Universe
worked like a clockwork

With his discovery of the Law Of Gravitation, not only did he contradict
himself, but Newtons Law of Gravitation actually proves the idea that the
Universe does indeed work like a clockwork

The Inter-locking Cycles
The Inter-locking cycles
To illustrate how the outer cycles of the Milky Way Galaxy defines the inner
cycles of the Earth, in 1 Galactic cycle of the Sun around the Milky Way
Galaxy, there are

225,000,000 x 365 night and day cycles!

1 Galactic period equals*
225,000,000 Earth years
225,000,000 x 365 Earth days
225,000,000 x 365 x 24 Earth hours
225,000,000 x 365 x 24 x 60 Earth minutes
225,000,000 x 365 x 24 x 60 x 60 Earth seconds

Key Observation:
Alternating Current AC has a frequency of 60 cycles per second 60 Hz

The key to understanding the Wheelwork of Nature is that the centres or cores of
the Heavenly bodies, i.e., planets, stars and galaxies, are geared to the Helical
pattern like a clockwork

The Milky Way Galaxy forms a sub-helical pattern for the Suns core, which then
forms a sub-helical pattern for the Suns surface, which then forms a sub-sub-helical
pattern for Earths core, which then forms a sub-sub-sub-helical pattern for the
Earths surface and so on for our moon

Had it not been for the spin, all the planets would drift towards the Sun, and the Sun
would drift towards the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy

In our current understanding of the Physics of planetary motion , it is not possible
for Earth to be orbiting the Sun in a circular/elliptical orbit like a broken record, with
the Suns gravitational force alone

Mechanically, this is not possible

The Tremendous Power of the
Wheelwork - Summary
The Tremendous Power of the Wheelwork - Summary
To begin comprehending the tremendous power that the entire Milky Way
Galaxy possesses, and how we can use that power for Humanity
The Milky Way Galaxy is propelling through space at about 2,000,000 km/h
That is an awesome speed of 556 km/s! (kilometres per second)

And taking with it about 200 Billion stars

That is an enormous amount of rotational momentum and energy propelling
through space!

That is enough to provide energy for Humanity for thousands of years!

Our Sun alone serves as confirmation of this

The Sun is working like an enormous oscillating machine providing us with heat
and energy in abundant amounts

Harnessing The Power of the

Harnessing The Power of the Wheelwork

So, how do we harness this power?

The truth is we are already partially harnessing this power, however, we are
paying for it dearly through
Wasted coal/gas/fuel emissions
Power stations
The thirst to monetise the energy
Global warming and natural disasters

Every breath we take, every step we take, every beat of the heart, we are
partially harnessing this divine power, however, it goes to waste in the form
of war, anger, stress and greed, and the belief that resources are limited

In actual fact, they are abundantly available to us
Harnessing The Power of the Wheelwork

Every machinery man has invented, some good and some bad, these
machinery have ultimately worked because they were harnessing one form
or another the Wheelwork of Nature!

There are even some bad inventions that are working against the
Wheelwork of Nature and are wasting enormous amounts of energy,
polluting our planet Earth

To name a few

Spaceships and rockets, which use combustion and fuel to power them, are
working against the Wheelwork of Nature

Every automobile on this planet is using combustive, wasted energy to
power them
In terms of our electricity usage, we have made progress though

Over 100 years ago, Thomas Edison introduced Direct Current (DC)
It was inefficient and required thick copper wires
And a power station every mile to transmit the power

DC was clearly not in tune with the Wheelwork of Nature

Mother nature demanded something more efficient and more cleaner
Then came along the great Nikola Tesla, who discovered the Rotating Magnetic
field and Alternating Currents (AC) (Note key word rotating)

The Universe liked AC better because
Frequency of 60 Hz works harmoniously with Wheelwork of Nature

To work even more harmoniously with nature, the key is
To CONSERVE the energy
Not to create any waste Electromagnetic Waves and combustion engines
are a form of wasted energy
Nikola Tesla created one such machine over 100 years ago, but it was
destroyed because Teslas financier at the time, J P Morgan, said that if
anybody could tap into this unlimited source of power

Where do you put the meter?

That machine was the Magnifying Transmitter!

The Implications of Harnessing
the Wheelwork of Nature
Earth Behaves Like A Giant Current

This planet, with all its appalling immensity, is to electric currents virtually
no more than a small metal ball
- Nikola Tesla

When considering the Wheelwork Of Nature, these facts about the Sun and
the Earth cannot be ignored:
They both exhibit immense Electric and Magnetic fields
They are both spinning at immense speeds
The axis of rotations spin - for the Sun and the Earth play integral roles
in keeping them in their orbits
The rotating magnetic fields created by the Earth and the Sun also play
vital roles

These characteristics renders Earth and the Sun as GIANT CURRENTS, like an
electrical current in a wire
Altering Earths path

Tesla stated that he had the power to veer Earth off course, and change its
orbit around the Sun

Crucial to understanding this possibility is acknowledging that in the same
way an electrical current is created in a wire

An electrical current of global proportion is created by Earth in its cosmic

By virtue of this fact, Earths path can also be changed

Earth As An Electrical Current
Earth exhibits similar property because

At its core, Earth has tremendous electrical and magnetic charge

In its cosmic motion, Earth creates tremendous electrical currents

While it spins, Earth creates enormous rotating magnetic fields

Using Lorentz force Altering Earths path
The Lorentz force is the combination of electric and magnetic force on a
point charge due to electromagnetic fields. In our case:
Earth is the point charge
Earth is the current
The Sun is our external magnetic field

If a particle of charge (q) moves with velocity (v) in the presence of an
electric field (E) and a magnetic field (B), then it will experience a force:

This applies to Earth because at the Cosmic scale, Earth is like a point
charge, which is spinning, and thus creates a rotating magnetic field, and is
also engulfed by the Suns Magnetic Field
q is Earths net electrical charge
v is Earths orbital velocity about the Sun
B is the magnetic field strength of the Earth

Recall from the formula:
The Centrifugal force that acts on Earth that prevents Earth from drifting
towards the Sun is defined by:

These two forces are equal:

A little algebra will yield:

Now I want you think about this and its implications

Suppose you increase Earths charge (q) or Earths magnetic field strength

The value of (r), which is Earths distance from the Sun, decreases

This is the power that the Magnifying Transmitter had

It had the power to change Earths path around the Sun
Change weather patterns
Human consciousness
Among other applications

Applications Of The Wheelwork
Of Nature
Applications Of The Wheelwork Of Nature
As Tesla envisioned, men will connect their machinery to the very
wheelwork of nature

The time is near

To name a few applications that will bring humanity to the next level of

Automobiles will not require any fuel or gas or batteries to power them

Homes will not require electricity from power stations

Electrical devices will not require any batteries to power them

Flying machines will require no fuel source to levitate

The power that will propel all of Humanity will be derived from the
inexhaustible energy that we all have access to


From the core of The Milky Way Galaxy
Your Connection To The
Your Connection To The Universe
There is an even greater power above all
That is propelling through the Universe is unison

Every second, there are approximately 6 Billion (6,000,000,000) people on
planet Earth using this power to propel them through space, to breath, to
speak, to digest, to create, to love.

The Universe has kindly provided us with a beat that resonates with Mother

And that has given us life

This great power is at the very core of Humanity, and is found in the Heart

That beat is beautiful and powerful, and is intrinsically connected to the
entire Cosmos, beating with the Cosmos

Your Connection To The Universe

Profound Implications Include
The Physical Body
The Non Physical Body
The nervous system
The Heart Beat
Profound Implications On Your Consciousness
While the Galaxy, the Sun, the Earth and the planets are spinning, you are
apart of that system

You may be totally oblivious to this power, yet all the power you will ever
need is within youyou are RADIANT BEINGS

This force regulates your entire psychology and physiology
Controls your bodily functions
Controls your delicate organsespecially your HEART
Regulates your sleep
Even controls your breathing

Profound Implications On Your Consciousness
And the most important organ in your body is your heart because it is
geared to the Wheelwork of Universe, like the Earths heart

So, how can you work with this divine force to become more coherent with
Become healthier and more vibrant
Slow down or reverse the aging process
More powerful than diet and exercise
Reduce stress

A simple, yet powerful technique that you can use in your life to resonate
with the Universe
Tune your mind to the Universe by listening to the heart beat when
you go to sleep

It all begins in your mothers womb, nurtured by NATURE, and the Sun
provides the gentle heat


The average heart beats per person per minute: (Approximately 60)
1 = 1 beat per second
1 x 60 = 60 beats per minute
1 x 60 x 60 = 3,600 beats per hour
1 x 60 x 60 x 24 = 86,400 beats per day
1 x 60 x 60 x 24 x 365 = 31,536,000 beats per year
1 x 60 x 60 x 24 x 365 x 6,000,000,000 = 189,216,000,000,000,000


While the Heart beats in unison with Humanity, there lies also a cavity in the
heart, a black hole, which creates that TORUS energy field around the
human body

This field is embraced and enveloped by the Torus energy field of the Earth

By the Sun

By the Milky Way Galaxy

And ultimately, the entire Cosmos

End of Part 1

I hope you have benefited from this knowledge and
been inspired by this presentation

Light Workers, Philanthropists, Scientists, Enthusiasts,

Lets Collaborate, Learn and Create for Humanity

Thank you


Tesla Autobiography Nikola Tesla

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