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_______ dispersion occurs because light propagates differently in the core than in the cladding :-

>Wave guide
_______ terminates the end of an optical fiber, and enables quicker connection and disconnection
than splicing :->Optical fiber connector
_______ dispersion is a function of the source spectral width :->Wave guide
_______ dispersion is the dominant source of dispersion in multimode fibers :->Inter modal
_______ dispersion occurs because each mode travels a different distance over the same time span
:->Inter modal
_______ dispersion occurs because the mode propagation constant, is a function of the size of the
fibers core relative.tothe wave length of operation :->Wave guide
_______ dispersion occurs because the spreading of a light pulse is dependent on the wavelength
interaction with the refractive inde of the fiber core :->Material
_______ !ispersion occurs in all types of fibers :->Intra modal
__________connector employs a moulded spherical lens :->Expanded beam
__________"onnectors are useful for mortifier connection and edge connector for printed circuit
boards :->Expanded beam
__________"onnectors rely up on alignment of the two prepared fiber ends in close proimity to
each other so that the fiber core aes coincide :->Butt jointed
__________"onnectors utilize interposed optics at the #oint in order to epand the beam from the
transmitting fiber end before reducing it again to a size compatible with the receiving fiber end :-
>Expanded beam
__________fiber splices are designed to be quicker and easier to install :->Mechanical
__________is semi $ermanent %or& permanent #oints which find ma#or use in most fiber
telecommunication system: ->Fiber splices
__________misalignment reduces the over lap region between the two fiber cores: ->Lateral
__________splices are alignment gadgets that hold the ends of two fibers together with some inde
matching get on glue between them :->Mechanical
_______dispersion occurs because different colors of light travel through different materials and
different wave guide structures at different speeds :->Intra modal
_______properties determine the limit of the information "apacity of the fiber :- >Dispersive
_______refers to the electric field 'rientation of a light signal, which can vary significantly along the
length of a fiber :->polariation
______is the wave length range for optical fiber communications :->l!" um # $!% um
______may be broadly defined as the transfer of information from one point to another:-
_____absorption is associated with the basic fiber material :->Intrinsic
_____arc utilized for the detection of the optical signal :->'hoto diodes
_____are employed in high-speed local area applications to transmit several wave lengths on the
_____are generally used with multimode fibers:->LED(s
_____can increase fiber losses by letting high order modes leaks out of the core :- >Bending
_____category of rays are transmitted with out passing through the fiber ais :->)*e+ ra,s
_____fiber core has a refractive inde slightly higher than the cladding material, confining the light
by total internal reflection to the core :->)tep index multimode
_____fibers are constructed by letting the dimensions of the core diameter be a few wavelengths
%usually (-)*& and by having small inde differences between the core and cladding :->)ingle mode
_____glasses belong to a general family of halide glasses :->Fluoride
_____has smaller diameter and much lighter weight than the corresponding copper cables. :-
>Optical fiber
_____is also known as fiber loss %or& signal loss :->)ignal attenuation
_____is associated both with the fiber material and with the strtctutal imperfections in the optical
wave guide :->)cattcring
_____is caused by atomic defects in the glass composition :->-bsorption
_____is fabricated from glass or some times a plastic polymer, acts as electrical insulators. :->Optical
_____is made by fusing mitures of metal oides, sulfides or scicnidcs :->.lass
_____law of refraction states that n) sin+), n*sin :->)nell/s
_____losses in glass arise from microscopic variations in the material density, from compositional
fluctuations, and from structural in homogeneities or defects occurring during fiber manufacture :-
_____losses is minimized by etruding a compressible -acket over the fiber :->Micro bending
_____losses occur either because of electronic transistors between the energy levels associated with
the incompletely filled inner sub shell of these ions or because of charges transistors from one ion to
another :->impurit, absorption
_____losses occur whenever on optical fiber undergoes a bend of finite radius of curvature :- >Micro
_____modulation involves the discrete changes in the light intensity :->Digital 0he transmission
medium consists of an optical fiber cable and the receiver consists of a _____ :->Optical detector
_____modulation involves the variation of the light emitted from the optical source in a continuous
manner :->-nalog
_____modulation is needed for high speed systems to minimize undesirable non linear effects:-
_____occurs when photon interacts with an electron in the valence band and ecites it to a higher
energy level :->-bsorption
_____plays a ma#or role in determining the maimum transmission distance between a transmitter
and a receiver.:--ttenuation
_____term indicates that light can travel in many modes through fibers :->Multimode
_____yields a greater potential transmission band width than metallic cable systems. :- >Optical
fiber cable
. compressible #acket etruded over a fiber reduces micro bending resulting from forces :->External
. general communication system is, the function of which is convey the signal from the information
source over the_____ to the destination :->0ransmission s,stem
. hetero #unction semiconductor laser diodes are best suitable for fiber transmission systems
because of_____:->1igh po+er $2'
. permanent #oint formed between two individual optical fibers in the field is known as
a__________fiber :->Fiber splicing
. potentially greater source of loss at a fiber- fiber connection is caused by__________of the two
#ointed fibers :->Misalignment
._____consists of two ad#oining semiconductor materials with different bawl gap-energizer :-
>1etero junction
.n optical fiber has a core with refractive inde of )./* and a cladding with inde of ).0/. 1ts
numerical aperture is_____ :->$!34
.nalog optical fiber communication links arc generally limited to shorter distances and band widths
than digital links :->Lo+er
.ny deviations in the geometrical and optical parameters of the two optical fibers which core #ointed
will affect the__________through the connection :->Optical attenuation
.s a light travels along a fiber, its power decreases_____ with distance :- >Exponentiall,
.ttenuation coefficient is usually denoted by _____:-> !ecibels per kilometer ))2. .bsorption is
related to the_____ :->Fiber material
.ttenuation owing to radiate effects originates from _____ :->'erturbations
3and widths of multimode graded-inde fibers are :->5$$#5$$$ M1#6m
"ladding must have _____inde than the core :->Lo+er
!epending on______of the electromagnetic carriers can be transmitted over considerable distances
:->Wave lengths
!ifferent wave lengths travel at _______speeds in the fiber material :->Different
!ispersion and_____depend on the fibers internal characteristics and its length :->Band +idth
!ouble eccentric connector will ehibit the insertion losses of__________d3 :->$!3%
4ach type of dispersion mechanism leads to_______ so that the energy is over lapped :->'ulse
5errule connector is_______ coupling type :->)cre+
5errule connectors are used in_______ lasers :->)ingle mode
5iber material must be transparent at a particular optical wave length in order for the filter to guide
light _____ :->Efficientl,
5iber materials should have slightly different_____ for the core and cladding must be available :-
>7efractive indices
5iber optic communication systems transmit near_____ light invisible to the human eye :- >Infrared
5or a step inde fiber the various distortion effects tend to limit the bandwidth distance product to
about_____ 67z.8m :->8$
5or "ommercially available fiber connectors the range of insertion losses is__________:->$!8 to 9 dB
5or fiber transmission applications 94!:s must have efficiency :->1igh :uantum
5or high fiber count applications, the most suitable method is_______ :->Mass splicing
5or optical fiber systems the laser sources used are_____:->)emiconductor laser diodes
5or the propagation of electromagnetic waves in free space ,the wavelength equals :->&2f
5or_____ fibers the geometric distribution of light in the propagation mode is used when predicting
the performance characteristics of these fibers :->)ingle mode
5usion splices are made by welding the two fibers together usually by an__________:->Electric arc
;lass composed of pure silica is referred to as_____ :->;itreous silica
7ctero #unction -structured semiconductor laser diodes are also referred to as_____diodes :-
>Injection laser
7ow can erbium doped fibers be made into lasers< :->B, adding mirrors to form a resonant cavit,
7ow many modes would a step inde fiber with a core )++um in diameter and a numerical aperture
of +.*= transmit at (/+ nm< :->5$$$
1f a fiber has numerical aperture of +.), what must its core diameter be less than for it to transmit
only a single mode at ).> um wave length< :->5$um
1f the length of the fiber increases _______ dispersion increases :->Inter modal
1f the light passes from air to glass, it is_____ :->7efracted
1n an incoherent 94! source, no optical cavity eists for_____selectivity :->Wave length
1n cylindrical ferrule connectors__________materials are used :->&eramic
1n graded inde fibers the various distortion effects tend to limit the band width - distance product
to about_______ ;7z .km :->89
1n 9ambert ion pattern, the source is equally bright when viewed from any direction, but the power
diminishes as_____:->&os
1n multi mode fibers, _______ dispersion is usually neglected :-:Wave guide
1n order to calculate the acceptance angle for a skew ray it is necessary to define the direction of the
ray in_____ planes :->0+o perpendicular
1n practical designs of single mode fibers ,the core cladding inde difference varies between _____
and_____ percent :->$!8< 5!$
1n_____emitter, the plane of the active light emitting region is oriented perpendicularly to the ais
of the fiber :->)urface
1n_____source, the optical energy is produced in an optical resonant cavity :-=&oherent
1n_____wave guide, the central region has a higher refractive inde than the outer regions:-
>'ositive index
1n_____wave guide, the central region of the active layer has a lower refractive inde than the outer
region :->>egative index
1nter modal dispersion occurs in_______ fibers :->Multimode
1ntra modal dispersion depends primarily on_______:->fiber materials
1ntra modal dispersion is also called as _______dispersion :->&hromatie
9aser action is the result of > key processes? photon absorption,spontaneous emission and_____:-
>)timulated emission
9aser light is produced by :->)timulated emission
9ight always travels more slowly in a material than in a vacuum, so the refractive inde is always in
the optical part of the spectrum :->;reater than )
9ight emission from an 94! is modulated by :->&urrent passing through the diode
9ight is guided in multi mode graded-inde fibers by :->7efraction in the region +here the core
refractive inde changes _____rays from the fiber in air will depend up on the number of reflections
they undergo rather than the input conditions to the fiber :->)*e+
9ocal connector is normally used in______:->1igh densit, connections
6aterial dispersion comes under what type of dispersion :->Intra modal
6aterial dispersion is less at_______ wave lengths :-=Longer
6aterial dispersion occurs because the inde of refraction varies as a function of the optical _______
:->Wave length
6aterial dispersion which arises from the variation of the refractive inde of the core material as
function of _____ :->Wave Length
6echanical transfer registered #ack connector is normally used in_______connections :->Duplex
multi mode
6odal dispersion is highest in which type of fiber< :->)tep # index multi mode
'ptical fiber attenuation can be as low as_____ :->$!8 db2*m
'ptical fibers are fabricated with losses as low as_____ :->$!8 dB 6m#5
'ptical fibers from a dielectric wave guide and are there fore free from_____ :->Electro magnetic
optical fibers have_____ diameters which are often no greater than the diameter of a human hair. :-
>;er, small
'ptical fibers may be connected to each other by connector and on by__________:->)plicing
'ptical losses resulting from longitudinal. 9ateral and angular misalignment depends
upon__________ , __________and the distribution of the optical power between the propagating
modes :->Fiber t,pe< core diameter
'ptical sources fabricated from gallium aluminum arsenide alloys operate _____in wave length band
:->$!% to $!? pm 544!
pair recombination above threshold :->External differential :uantum
$lastic fibers are less widely used because of their substantially higher _____than glass fibers :-
@efraction occurs when light passes through a surface where_____ the changes :- >7efractive index
Akew rays normally tend to have a smoothing effect on the distribution of the light so as to give
_____ :->@niform output
Aplices are__________connections between two fibers: ->'ermanent
Atandard connector is used in_______ applications :->Data corn
Atraight tip connector is used in__________applications :-> Multimode net+or*s
Bhe _____mechanisms in a fiber cause optical signal pulses to broaden as they travel along a fiber :-
Bhe amount of wave guide dispersion depends on the_______ :->Fiber design
Bhe attenuation coefficient parameter is generally referred to as_____ :->Fiber loss
Bhe avalanche photo diode detector is used to provide equalizer and______:->1igh gain
Bhe average loss obtained using ferrule connectors with multimode graded inde fiber
is__________:->$!88 dB
Bhe chief advantage of mass splicing is__________:->)peed
Bhe connectors mechanically couple and align the cores of fibers so that _______can pass :- >Light
Bhe duple fiber connector are used in__________"ommunication :->t+o +a,
Bhe effect of _____dispersion on pulse spreading can be approimated by assuming that the
refractive inde of the material is independent of wave length :->Wave guide
Bhe effect of fresenesl reflection at a fiber fiber connection can be reduced to a very low,through the
use of a__________fluid in the gap between the #oined fibers :->Index matching
Bhe emitter consists of an active #unction region, which is the source of the incoherent light, and two
guiding layers:-> Edge
Bhe eternal quantum efficiency is defined as the ratio of the photons emitted from the 94! to the
number of internally generated_____:->'hotons
Bhe fiber cable is not susceptible to _____if used over head rather than underground :- >Lightning
Bhe fundamental parameter of a single mode fiber is_____ :->Mode field diameter
Bhe generally accepted splicing method is_______ :->-rc fusion
Bhe higher the radiation level, the larger the _____:->-ttenuation
Bhe information carrying capacity of _____ systems has proved far superior to the best cable
systems. :->'ptical fiber cable
Bhe isotropic patterns from a surface emitter is called a_____pattern :->Lambert ion
Bhe lateral misalignment give__________losses per unit displacement than the longitudinal
misalignment :->.reater
Bhe light from optical fibers does not radiate significantly and there fore they provide a high degree
of _____:->)ignal securit,
Bhe losses of multimode fibers are generally_____ than those of single mode 5ibers :->1igher
Bhe magnitude of the partial reflection of the light transmitted through the interface can be given by
using_______ formulae :->Fresnel
Bhe main differences among types of connectors are_______ and methods of mechanical coupling :-
Bhe main use of _____fibers is in short distance applications and in abusive environments, where the
greater mechanical strength is needed :->'lastic
Bhe ma#ority of fibers made of glass consist of :->)ilica
Bhe measure of the information "apacity of an optical wave guide is usually specified by the
_____product :->Band +idth#distance
Bhe mis alignment because of separation between the fibers is called as__________misalignment :-
Bhe misalignment because of the angle between the core aes is called as__________misalignment
Bhe misalignment because of the offset perpendicular to the fiber core aes is called
as__________misaligned :->Lateral
Bhe modulated carrier information after transmitted to receiver, the original information signal is
obtained by______:->De#modulation
Bhe most common step-inde multimode fiber has_____ core and a_____ cladding :->5$$ umA 53$
Bhe number of modes a fiber can transmit depends on its immerical aperture,_____and wavelength
:->&ore diameter
Bhe optical output from 94! is_______:->Incoherent
Bhe optical source which provides the electrical-optical conversion may be either a______or______:-
>)emiconductor laser< light emitting diode
Bhe output from the laser diode is:->&oherent
Bhe principal light sources used for fiber optic communications applications are_____:->ILD/s and
Bhe principal raw material for silica is_____ :->)and
Bhe process of imposing information on a light stream is called_____:->Modulation
Bhe refractive inde of a medium is defined as the ratio of the velocity of light in a_____ to the
velocity of light in the medium :->Cacuum
Bhe signal distortion mechanisms thus limit the _____of a fiber :->Information carr,ing capacit,
Bhe skew rays follow _____path through the fiber :->1elical
Bhe small size of optical fibers makes what necessary in any device connecting them< :->0ight
mechanical tolerances
Bhe spectral width of a semiconductor laser is about:->8 nm
Bhe spreading of the optical pulse as it travels along the fiber limits_______ the of the fiber :-
>Information capacit,
Bhe step inde multi mode fibers collect light easily but have a limited_____:->Band +idth
Bhe two basic 94! configurations used in fiber optics are_____and_____:->)urface emitters<edge
Bhe use of an__________material in the connector between the two #ointed fibers can assist the
__________connector by increasing the light transmission and avoiding dust and dirt between the
fibers :->Index matching
Bhe_____ drive circuit directly modulates the intensity of the semi conductor laser with the encoded
digital signal :->Laser
Bhe_______can be determined by eamining the deformation of short light pulses $ropagating along
the fiber :->Inforrnation carr,ing &apacit,
Bhe_____efficiency is defined as the number of photons emitted per radiative electron_hole:-
>External differential :uantum
Bhe_____in the active region is the fraction of the electron -hole pairs that recombine radiatively :-
>Internal :uantum efficienc,
Bo consider the propagation of light with in a optical fiber utilizing the ray theory model it is
necessary to take account _____of the of the electric medium :->7efractive index
Bwo techniques of splicing are fusion and__________:->Mechanical
Dnlike communication using electrical conductors, _____is negligible, even when many fibers are
cabled together :->&ross#tal*
Dnlike wires ,optical fibers are immune to______:->Electromagnetic interference
Ehat are the ma#or advantages of optical fibers for long distance communications< :->Lo+ losses
when carrying high speed signals
Ehat diameter arc the cores of multimode step-inde fiber< :->)++
Ehat is the power source for erbium- doped fiber amplifiers :->Diode lasers emitting at ?%$ or 539$
Ehat makes dispersion zero at )>++nm in step-inde single-mode fibers< :->Wave guide and
material dispersion cancel each other out
Ehen a ray is incident on the interface between two dielectrics of differing refractive indices _____
occurs :->7cfraction
Ehich of the following is needed for high-speed transmission at )//+nm< :->)pecial fibers +ith ero
dispersion at that +ave length
Ehich of the following is not true for plastic fibers< :->Both single mode and multimode forms are
Ehich of the following will not reduce the number of modes that an optical fiber can carry< :-
>7educing attenuation

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