International Field Trip To Norway Report New

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International Field Trip to Norway Report

Being as one participant in the collaboration program between PETRONAS and Baker
Hughes had been a great experience. This program gave us the opportunity to visit one of
the most top notch countries in oil & gas field which is in Norway. It has been the leading
country for oil and gas in term of technology usage. The effort they have made to use the
technology provided by Service Company is unbeatable. Their national oil company Statoil
investment has been one of the biggest after Arab country as they have second largest oil
reservoir. Therefore with the promising oil reserves they dare to invest more on the
technology to increase productivity. Furthermore, drilling and exploring in the North Sea has
never been an easy job to do. Their rough weather is the main challenge they have to face
to make sure continuous production and efficiency. Throughout this trip we were exposed
on both party from Service Provider to the Oil operator in Norway on how they face
challenges and their way to manage things here. Next, this report will be partitioned by day
to brief the activities that weve done.
Day 1
We arrived at Amsterdam in Schiphol airport at 7 a.m and proceed to go to Norway at 11
am. We reached Sola airport at 12 noon and checked in at Park inn hotel in Stavanger.
Surprisingly, we did not experience any jet lag. Later on after we put our things in the hotel
we started to look around to find place for lunch. We find a place to eat near the Port
Stavanger and they have such beautiful scenery in Stavanger. The temperature was pretty
cold in Stavanger it was 3 to 5 degree Celsius. After we were done wandering around the
town we went back and slept early to prepare for tomorrow program.

Day 2
On second day in Norway, we had our breakfast at 7 am and departed to Baker Hughes
office. It was just 20 minutes from our hotel. There we were greeted by Miss Siw Hansen the
Competence Assurance Supervisor in Norway shes been working with Baker for 28 years up
till now. She took us around the Baker Hughes office and to the meeting room inside the
office. In each of the meeting room they hang pictures that have a story about Stavanger. It
was an interesting concept. Next we were brought to another room which we met Mr. Peter
Murphy the Vice President for the Norway Geomarket. I was shocked when he greeted me
in Bahasa as he said Selamat Pagi. Later on he explained that once he worked in Malaysia
when Baker Hughes decided to expand their businesses in South East Asia. He continued to
brief us on the geomarket what is the current update and current operation in Norway. As
expected, Baker Hughes has established a very strong base in Norway. The way they run
business in Norway is favorable by the customer especially in Directional Drilling and
Completion product line. On the other hand, he presented on how the customers here are
keen on testing the new technologies brought by them. As drilling in the North Sea is not an
easy thing to do. He further explained on the organization for the Europe, United Kingdom
and Russian Caspian geomarket how Baker Hughes growth in this region. Next part is the
presentation from Mr. Nil the engineer from Drilling Services department. This sharing
session was to explain about the specialty provided by Baker Hughes to the customer in
Norway. Baker Hughes Drilling Service is considered as a leader in the field especially in
directional drilling. During the sharing session he displayed us some of the latest technology
used by Baker Hughes in drilling services. Autotrak that perform really well in directional
drilling as it can maintain precisely the 90
horizontal drilling and its been a main reason
why Baker Hughes is leading in directional drilling. Besides that, It also provided an
excellence service in Logging-While-Drilling. With the help of sophisticated tools Baker
Hughes manage to pull off great jobs in Norway. Some of the tools used by them are,
MagTrak, Lithotrak, On Trak, StartTrak and SoundTrak. These tools have been used widely
by the customers in Norway as it provides a clearer picture on well data. After that, they
took us to look around the workshop in the warehouse at the back of the management
office. This warehouse is only used by drilling services. It consists 3 main sections. Cleaning,
dissemble & maintaining and assemble & testing. These are the steps need to be taken by
the tools used in the field before can be shipped to use it again. In this workshop we get to
look real equipment used in the drilling process. We cant take picture in this workshop so
we did not manage to get a sample of picture to show some of the tools.

After visit to the drilling service workshop, we were brought to their cafeteria to have lunch.
Their culture is different from us which there the employees will have their lunch there
without going out of their compound. We proceed with the next presentation presented by
Ms. Siv from Completion & Production product line. This is also the main contributor in
Baker Hughes Norway geomarket. From this department it is also supported by using latest
technology created by Baker Hughes to increase the production. During the first part of
presentation, Ms. Siv explained the concept of completion, their step in doing the job.
Where there are 3 methods to do the completion of the well. Cased hole completion,
Multilateral completion and Combination completion. All these methods are applied
according to the well condition. She proceed with showing us some of the technology used
in the completion steps such as, Dual-String retrievable packers offer maximum reliability in
dual completions and electrical submersible pumping system applications. Plus, from safety
perspective Baker Hughes self-equalizing, surface-controlled subsurface safety valves
(SCSSVs) ensure more cost effective operations then completions using a non-equalizing
valve. Equalizing pressure enables you to place a well on production much sooner after a
system test or emergency shutdown. Same as before after explaining about the theory, it
was time for us to look at the real equipment. They have the same section as the previous
workshop before. The showed us the type of packer they used and of course whipstock to
create a deviated well underground. For me the one who created this method on creating
deviated well is absolutely brilliant. Well I could say that he or she came with simple
solution but yet a very effective one. We end our trip in Baker Hughes office at 3 pm. We
have absolute great time learning in Baker Hughes. If there will be another same trip like
this. I would suggest that more time will be given. Lastly, it would be good if each of us can
learn from the product line that related to our own product line apart from these two.
On that night we had a dinner with Baker Hughes employee with Mr. Barry the Sales
Director in Norway, Nina and Daniya LEAD program engineer. We have a great chat through
the dinner and we ask a lot of questions regarding culture in Norway and of course how
LEAD program introduced by Baker Hughes works. LEAD program is a program that uses to
train a junior engineer that has potential to be a leader for Baker Hughes in the future.
Engineers are selected based on the performance during the orientation. To be in this
program would be an honor as you are potentially to be one of the people that will be a
leader in Baker Hughes.

Day 3
On day 3 we depart from Park Inn hotel to Ullrigg the test rig in Rogalands-forskning at 8.30
pm. The journey time to Ullrig took about 10 minutes from our hotel. There, we were
greeted by Jan-AgeRydland an engineer in Ullrig. Ullrig is owned by International Research
Institute of Stavanger (IRIS). This facility is provided to be used for several companies in
Stavanger. It has the latest technology that a rig could provide. Together with cyber deck
that we control the drilling operation just by using computerize technology. We picked up
our PPE and move to the site. At first, Mr Jan gave us safety briefing before we enter the site
and next he showed us how many wells that have been drilled in this site. There were 7
wells total and they have average 300 to 1500 TVD for each well. He brought us to the mud
pit section where they stored the mud and showed us some of the equipment used. Most of
the time mud used to drill the hole is sea water. He then showed us the mud mixer place
and the solid control equipment at the rig. Later on, we Awent to the drilling deck, almost all
the equipment use are control by using this cyber deck. They have 2 controller places to
monitor drilling process. In addition to that by using these technologies it can reduce the
risk to work on rig. We are lucky because during our visit there were one company that
testing their equipment and specifically they were miling the hole. We saw clearly how the
rig operating and it was a very great experience for us. Mr Jan then bring us to the ground
again and the he showed us the BOP secondary defence in conventional rig. Usually rig has 2
barriers, first is the mud and second is the BOP so these two are the safety precaution if
blow out happen on the rig. The trip last for 1 hour and half and we went back to the hotel.
My suggestion for this trip is maybe next time we can arrange a longer period.

Day 4

On this day we went to visit Statoil National Oil Company in Norway. On this visit, there
were 2 section first is the presentation from Subsurface Support Centre and Production
Support Centre. Basically these two presentations are to educate us on how they deal with
the challenges they face in Norway. For the first section we were welcome by the Statoil
Officer and he continued on briefing us with the background of the company. First and
foremost we asked about the meaning of the Statoil Logo. It is actually symbolised the
northern star for the Scandinavian country. Next he introduced us with their way on
handling a challenging situation if something happen on the rig. Here they call rig as an
asset. If an asset has a problem they will consult and discuss with the service provider
company to solve the problem. But in case the problem cant be solved they will consult
experts from Statoil on shore to ask their opinion on facing the problem. This has been their
way of doing things to make sure their operation run smoothly. Furthermore, to reduce
human error, data from the rig will be updated to the Headquarters in real time to double
check the well data. One person from HQ will monitor all these data and to make sure
action has been taken if something wrong with the well. It is basically another solution to
reduce the risk that could happen on the rig. This data will be provided from the entire
service provider that related to Statoil. If an accident happens they will make a detail report
on how the overcome it and put the data on the casebox for the future reference. I found
that this is a very systematic system that deals the obstacle efficiently. Next up, they exhibit
us with their technology on light well intervention (riserless). This method used stack of MK
II which comprise:
Pressure Control Head
Lubricator Section
Well Control Package

The main focus was on well control package as it is the biggest equipment in MK II. Its
functional are:
Main safety barrier
Shear/Seal Ram cuts wire line, and WL tool string
Enables flushing of hydrocarbons back into well
Provides hydraulic pressure and supply, as well as communication to XT functions.
These tool is mainly used for Light Well Intervention where, it is for data gathering (PLT,
CBL), Perforating/re-perforation, zone isolation (plug/straddle),
Inspection/repair/installation of insert DHSV, well killing operation and etc. This
equipment can be controlled within the control room without involving any personnel to
dive in together with it. This has made the equipment favourable to use as it
accomplished the safety requirement.

After we had our lunch, they brought us to the other department Production Support
Centre. Basically it works same way as the previous department from overcome
obstacles perspective. First she described about the production technology discipline.
They are focus on 3 cores:
Close cooperation with other disciplines and professional ladder.
Long experience and competence from multiple areas
Effective troubleshooting & problem solving

A lot of disciplines that related to this core, from Subsea & Platforms Well until
Productivity Injectivity. Basically it covers almost whole process of drilling to production.
The employees are drive by these 4 value drivers:
Gateway to expert competence within short time frame
Solving multidisciplinary challenges
Close cooperation with operating assets to ensure common understanding of the
problems and solutions
Experience gained from one asset is effectively available to other assets

From these presentations we gained some knowledge about how Statoil can be one of
the top notch oil operators in the world with their systematic work flow and also their
value that has been instil in their employees.

Day 5
Day 5 in Norway, basically we did not have any activity to do. But we grab this chance to
go to the Petroleum Museum in Norway. It is indeed help us to know the history and the
petroleum industry grow in Norway.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank PETRONAS and Baker Hughes Incorporated
for giving us a once in a lifetime opportunity. This trip really benefits us on gaining
knowledge on the world outside of Malaysia. Many examples can we take to implement
it in Malaysia, such as their workflow, their culture and many more. It is indeed widened
our eyes and mind that a lot we can improve in the way we work here. I hope there will
be a trip like this next time so that a lot of people can benefit the knowledge shared.

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