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The Anglican Parish of Cobden-Runanga PRAYER FOR HEALING in Islamic countries as secret

Just a reminder for Cobden folk. There believers. All welcome and an offering
is always Ministry prayer for any need will be taken.

The Herald
To know Jesus Christ and to make Him known.
offered during the sung worship. Just
move forward to the prayer team and
they will pray with you. However the
team is also available for prayer out
Thursday 7th May at 77 Packers Quay
(old St Andrew's) Women's Aglow will
the back immediately after the service. be hosting Sista Jacqui a world class
Sunday 3rd May 2009 gospel singer. Meeting starts at
They will wait 5-10min after the service
finishes and then if no-one comes will 7:30pm and an offering will be taken.
Theme for this Sunday: Christianity and War
join the rest of us. You can also PROMISE KEEPERS, 14-16th AUG
Readings: Matt 5:38-48, Luke 3:1-14 approach team members and ask for Promise Keepers is just around the
specific prayer. corner. It is a fantastic event for men
Theme for 10th May: Christ the True Vine (Runanga), Pauline Stengs (Cobden)
OPEN DOORS VISIT and I am happy to use some of my
Readings: Acts 9:26-31, 1Jo 3:18-24, John 15:1-8 (Runanga), Pauline Stengs (Cobden) vicar's discretionary funding to help
On Monday the 18th of May Wayne
guys get there. Transport is free and
Tim Writes  with them financially and otherwise. Curham of Open Doors will be
the accommodation is cheap.
We will be discussing at vestry how we speaking at the Cobden Anglican
Last Sunday's sung Brochures arriving soon See Tim to
might make that connection more Church at 7:30pm. He will be speaking
worship time at Cobden express an interest.
active and prominent. on the state of the persecuted church
as we made space for
God to speak into our WORD FOR TODAY What's On This Week!
lives personally and The Word for Today devotional for Mon 4th All Day Vicars Day off
corporately was a powerful time. There May, June, July has arrived and copies Tues 5th 7:00am Ecumenical Prayer Meeting
were several words that spoke clearly are at the back of each church. Please 9:00am Wardens Meeting
of God's love for us despite our feel free to take one and if you can 6:30pm Friendship Kids
struggles and of his desire to work in please drop a $1 or $2 into the plate to Wed 6th 11:30am Hospital Chapel Service
and through us to touch our help cover the cost. 7:00pm Shirley Smith's Home Group
communities in the power of His Spirit,
NEW LOCK - SEE TIM 7:30pm Lorimer's Home Group
and not in our own strength. I look
We have installed a new combination Thurs 7th 9:00am Bible in Schools Runanga
forward to seeing how God will speak
lock with a secret code to get into the 7:30pm Parish Prayer Meeting
to us and through us in the future as
Cobden Church. If you are a person Fri 8th 9:00am Bible in Schools Cobden
we work at becoming more attune to
like one of our church cleaners who 7:00pm Youth Group at "The Shed"
his voice and will for our lives.
needs to know the code then please Sat 9th 10:30am Music Group Practice
Next Sunday will also be a sad day as
ring Tim who will give it to you. One Sun 10th All Day Mother's Day
it is Pam Honey's last Sunday with us
helpful suggestion for remembering the 9:00am Runanga Church Service
for the immediate future. Her and
code was to input it into your cell phone 10:30am Cobden Church Service
Steve leave shortly afterwards to go to
as a contact. e.g. Name=Church Code, 6:30pm The Way Youth Service
Australia to be near their boys and
families. It is hard to express how Phone No.= xxxx (code). If you are Priest-in-Charge: Rev. Tim Mora, 186 Main South Rd, Greymouth
deeply we will miss Pam. given the code please never ever Phone & Fax: 768 9605 Mobile: 027 204 8560
divulge it for obvious security reasons Email:
ANGLICAN BOARD OF MISSIONS but also to protect our ability to claim Vicars Warden: Eric Holman 768 7704 E-Mail:
It was encouraging and informative last insurance.
Sunday to also see the Board of Peoples Warden: Nolene Millar 768 4638 E-Mail:
Missions DVD which gave us a good Blackball Contact Person: Trevor Johnston 732 3820
Lawn Mowing Roster
overview of the Board's work and the Runanga Contact Person: Barry Smithson 762 7826
3rd May Tim Mora Website & Newsletter:
way in which we as a Parish connect

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