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Pastor Warren Lyons Lion Of Judah Fellowships
Call To Prayer Ministries International
Email propheti!"oi!e#pswarren$%mail#!om
Jesus 'i"es Warnin%
The (i%ns of the Times and the End of the )%e
(piritual O"ersi%ht
*Wa+e ,p Call- From the Lord
True Prophets and Prophe!y
Propheti! )!!ountability
(ilent .oi!e in the Chur!h
Prophe!y to be Tested
The /elp of the /oly (pirit
0ein% (et Free from false prophe!y
Prayin% in the /oly (pirit
Paul the )postle to the Chur!h
Fi"e 1ey Points to Test Prophe!y2
Temptation and the fall of Man
Prayer of Faith
His Name Is Exalted
May the Lord bless those that read this
booklet and open all our eyes with
understanding and discernment in the time
and season before Jesus returns to rule and
reign on the earth - Halleluah
Jesus is Lord
Jesus !i"es #s $arning
Jesus gives us warning in the Gose!s regarding the many conditions
we all will be facing on Planet Earth before His return to the Mount of
Olives, when He comes back to rule and to reign from Jerusalem. Jesus
gave His disciples the following answer to their uestions!
He said, "#take heed that no one deceives you, as many will come in
My name... " imposters pretending to represent Him, yet from another
spirit, a spirit of deception.

#o we must all be alert, having the knowledge given to us in #cripture
and with discernment and understanding, so that we are able to remain
faithful to Him, in order that we too are not deceived. $e must take
heed to His words, as He warns us "many false prophets will rise
up and deceive many$$$"
%et us there&ore 'e in ra(er an) re*ain vigi!ant in or)er to cover
one another from the onslaught of deception thereby correcting in love,
and tough love where needed, seasoned with %Grace and Truth in
order to bring accountability and correction to those who are willing to
be corrected and would seek forgiveness, which is necessary for the
sake of the whole &ody of 'hrist.
This wa( the Truth will prevail over the )e+etion &ro* Satan via
these false prophets and their prophecies. (he )O*+ has shown to us in
#cripture His warning that deception and many false prophets would be
one of the signs that will take place before the End of the ,ge.
, Corinthians ,-./-,0
Lo"e ne"er fails& 'ut whether there
are prophecies( they will fail) whether there are
tongues( they will cease) whether there is knowledge(
it will "anish away&
+or we know in part and we
prophesy in part&
'ut when that which is perfect has
come( then that which is in part will be done away#
.he /igns of the .imes and the End of the
2atthew 45.--,5

Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him
privately, saying, %(ell us, when will these things be- ,nd what will be
the sign o& 6our +o*ing7 an) o& the en) o& the age83
And Jesus
answered and said to them !Take heed that no one deceives you.
9or *an( wi!! +o*e in 2( na*e7 sa(ing7 :I a* the Christ7; an)
wi!! )e+eive *an($
,nd you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. #ee
that you are not troubled0 for all these things must come to pass, but the
end is not yet.
2or nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against
kingdom. An) there wi!! 'e &a*ines7 esti!en+es7 an) earth<ua=es in
various !a+es$
A!! these are the 'eginning o& sorrows$
(hen they
will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by
all nations for My name4s sake.
An) then *an( wi!! 'e o&&en)e)7
wi!! 'etra( one another7 an) wi!! hate one another$
Then *an(
&a!se rohets wi!! rise u an) )e+eive *an($
,nd because
lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.
&ut he who
endures to the end shall be saved.
An) this gose! o& the =ing)o*
wi!! 'e rea+he) in a!! the wor!) as a witness to a!! the nations7 an)
then the en) wi!! +o*e$
'OMME8(#! (he 9many false prophets9 Jesus speaks about in the
#cripture gives us good insight regarding #atan:s work to deceive as he
always seeks to hinder and stop the gospel of the "ingdom #eing
preached to all nations, as #atan is looking to e$tend his own dominion
on the earth and change his final prophetic destiny as written and
prophesied in scripture, that will bring in the End of the ,ge.
9a!se rohets an) &a!se rohe+ies are +!ear!( a )e+etion '(
Satan as a way to deceive the gullible and even the very elect of ;od if
it were possible. (he work of #atan has always been to draw man away
from ;od by deception, as he did in the ;arden of Eden with ,dam and
Eve, wanting to destroy the $ord of ;od to ;od4s creation, Man, and
the fellowship ;od desires to have with Man. #atan purposes to
continually undermine and deceive man from the %(ruth< " that ,bba
2ather ;od sent His $ord that became flesh, His only begotten #on,
being full of Grace and Truth by the way of Jesus 'hrist, even our
#alvation and deliverance from sin and from #atan, offering to us
forgiveness by 2ather ;od to all those that believe on His #on4s name.
The &a!se rohets a!wa(s un)er*ine the >Truth3 that is Go);s
Wor)7 as the( +o*e a!so in His na*e =wolves in sheep%s clothing> 'ut
are insire) '( other sirits7 wrong *otives an) attitu)es o& ri)e
an) )o*ination, seeking to deceive into error by using their position
and form of control to entrap those by their deception who are earnestly
seeking and desiring the %(ruth<, that is given by the 2ather to us all in
Jesus 'hrist our )O*+.
2atthew 45.45 9or &a!se +hrist;s an) &a!se rohets wi!! rise an)
show great signs an) won)ers to )e+eive7 i& ossi'!e7 even the e!e+t$
&ehind the 9false prophets and their false prophecies9 is a spirit of
deception &'take heed do not be deceived, Jesus said.( (hese false
prophecies are from, or inspired by, #atan the angel of light, as he uses
the false prophets who have been knowingly or unknowingly deceived
of the !Truth with a false light in a prophecy that is not from ;od or
totally inspired by the Holy #pirit, as #atan purposes to lead people by
the spirit of deception into error and lawlessness.
&The false prophets in their deception can #e following a false demonic
realm of authority, #eing deceived of the !Truth and the true authority
in )esus *hrist #y #eing #ound in pride and re#ellion(
Phi!iians 4.? %et this sa*e attitu)e an) urose an) @hu*'!eA
*in) 'e in (ou whi+h was in Christ Jesus. @%et Hi* 'e (our
eBa*!e in hu*i!it(A$
, Corinthians ,5.-4--- An) the sirits o& the rohets are su'Ce+t
to the rohets$
9or Go) is not the author o& +on&usion 'ut o&
ea+e7 as in a!! the +hur+hes o& the saints$
Humility is the mind of *hrist, His +ody honoring one another and
su#mitting in humility to the authority and the witness of the +ody of
*hrist =Philippians ?!7@55> =5 (hessalonians .!53@?5>
Many will be deceived by false prophets and their prophecies in the
last days, according to #cripture, as they, the many false prophets and or
prophetesses " step outside the boundaries of ,criptural Truth and
accounta#ility to deceive many- Humility allows testing for %(ruth<.
!nce a false prophecy is e"posed the need then is for the prophet,
prophetess, publishers and#or endorsers to be held accountable to
what they have said and proclaimed by firstly acknowledging the wrong
and #y renouncing the spirit of deception and the false spirit of the false
prophecies- (his action is reuired not only for their restoration that is
lovingly open and available to them =the false prophets> but to all who
have erred and have been deceived by them, so often unwillingly, but
also for the future protection of the &ody of 'hrist from further false
prophecies of deception through them. This )oorwa( o& a++etan+e is
the doorway of true repentance, as repentance acknowledges the
wrong and is important when a false prophecy has been released. so the
false deceiving spirit does not remain over the &ody of 'hrist.
9orgiveness7 hea!ing an) restoration are &ree!( given to all those that
genuinely and sincerely humble themselves and repent from being
influenced by the deception of the false prophets. %God is love. His
desire is to restore and bless when the fruit of true and sincere
repentance is evident. #eek first His kingdom and His *ighteousness, as
the /ove, Grace and Truth in )esus gives opportunity for repentance.
We are a!! vu!nera'!e to )e+etion an) nee) the !ove7 the gra+e7 the
Truth an) the oortunit( to reent when re<uire), as deception is
one of #atan:s main weapons he uses against the $ord of ;od and the
followers of Jesus so as to destroy the ,pirit of Truth, as #atan is the
father of lies. We7 as 'e!ievers7 &ight not against &!esh an) '!oo)D 'ut
against the rin+ia!ities an) owers an) the wi+=e) sirits in high
!a+es of the many deceiving spirits of this ,ge. =Ephesians! />
$ove covers a multitude of sins to all those that sincerely repent.
/1I2I.#0L 34E2/I!H.
Please pray for a 9spiritual oversight9 of strong brethren of renown,
lovers of Truth in the +ody of *hrist, to be raised up to protect by
discernment and wisdom the prophetic prayer ministry particularly in
our region of ,sia and the Pacific. An ?655 two day@dated, failed, false
prophecies were received by our ministry from 'hristians, one of the
false prophecies sending 'hristchurch 'ity and *egion into a tail spin
and confusion0 this false prophecy unleashed a spirit of 9fear and
terror9. (his dishonored the &ody of 'hrist, pastors, elders, leaders, the
people in the region0 as well as the prayer and prophetic ministries
throughout the nation, as it went viral, allowing the enemy =#atan> to
undermine the ;ood 8ews of the ;ospel of the Bingdom.
, warning and witness was given to the persons promoting and
publishing the prophecy that the prophecy was not in alignment with
scripture and %not of the ,pirit of Truth. both were unwilling at that
time to receive the discernment and surrender the publication of the
prophecy to others in authority and leadership of the city and the region.
$e must all learn from this eCperience and apply correction so as to
protect the &ody of 'hrist in the future, where possible, from people
that are in deception and lead other people into error. (he &ody of
'hrist, the pastors0 elders and leaders should always be recogniDed by
those that prophecy and publish, as ;od4s vessels to test and bring a
true witness to any regional or nationally released prophecy. This is also
good for the prophet%s and pu#lisher%s protection, and their ongoing ministry
to the +ody of *hrist0 and most important, to the honor of the 8ame of Jesus.
=Truth brin%s challen%e to false prophecy, e"posin% the false prophets(
This (ear ear!( in 40,4 a further prophecy was sent to the ministry for
discernment, to test and weigh up the content. On receiving, the
prophecy was then forwarded to other reputable and discerning prayer
leadership with knowledge and insight for their comments. (he
prophecy and the international prophet was checked and tested and
found to be out of order with #cripture, and the #alvation only found in
Jesus. , previous dated prophecy by the prophet also had failed and the
prophet4s own personal doctrine comments were out of alignment with
;od4s $ord, a clear warning and check was received.
1ue to this &in)ing a +aution is a!so given to in+!u)e rohe+ies that
we receive from 0nternational 1rophets in these days0 and in particular
any specific dated prophecies. Af you have received any prophecies that
are day@dated please beware and !take heed. $e must be prayerful0
%testing , weighing and discerning all the predictive prophecies, and
the prophets4 credentials, their ministry and validity, checking in the
#pirit with the &ody of 'hrist4s leadership, with a clear witness and the
$ord of ;od.
The prophetic record of the prophet is a goo) in)i+ator o& the
rohet;s +re)entia!s, whether he is a genuine (rue Prophet of ;od or
a %false prophet- Has his, or her, previous prophecies failed- Af so,
%#eware and take heed, as )esus said, before receiving any new
prophecies from that source as being a %(rue< word from ;od. 'heck
first what other leaders discern and listen to their wisdom. +o not try to
Eustify a false prophecy that has no witness0 if it is %(rue< let ;od
confirm. 2or in the end we all want only ;od4s %(ruth< in all prophecy.
2ull testing of all new or suspect prophecies, with leadership and
seeking their confirmation and endorsement is wisdom0 especially those
prophecies with 8ational or Anternational significance that may be
suspect. $ords spoken in prophecy bring life or death0 as false words defile
the +ody, as life or death is in the power of the tongue. =Proverbs 5F!?5>.
$ith such a false prophecy there can be a spirit of death released. this
is why prophetic discernment is essential due to the harm such
prophecies can do- (rue repentance by those that give this type of failed
prophecy releases the #pirit of life in 'hrist Jesus and brings healing
and cleansing to the people, while destroying any yoke of death.
Prophecies can seem to be correct but are false, so testing, weighing
and discerning is a #cripture reuirement for all prophecies, for our
own protection.
I& a witness against a rohe+( is given '( the Ho!( Sirit this is
normally a signpost, like a stop sign, as #eing out of order, or a false
prophecy. (ake prayerful authority in Jesus4 name. =)uke 56!53> 2irst,
bind the strongman of deception and the subtle working of any false
deceiving spirit with the prophecies. Proclaim a release and cleansing
from all the residue and defilement of the prophecy, asking ,bba 2ather
for His protection, grace, mercy, forgiveness and healing from the false
prophetic word in Jesus4 name.
It is 'etter to err in +aution7 than a++et a!! as 'eing true7 &ro*
rohe+ies that we re+eive$ Go) is a'!e to +!ear!( show the
authorities an) Eo)( o& Christ those rohets who are prophesying
in the ,pirit of Truth and those that are prophesying and ministering
under another spirit-

There should never be a battle over a prophecy a*ongst 'e!ievers in
the Eo)( o& Christ, but each prophecy is to be wei%hed and discerned
and must bear witness with leaders0 elders0 pastors0 associated
ministries and the &ody of 'hrist as having been sent from ;od.
, John 4.4, I write to (ou not 'e+ause (ou are ignorant an) )o not
er+eive an) =now the Truth7 'ut 'e+ause (ou )o er+eive an)
=now it7 an) @=now ositive!(A that nothing &a!se Fno )e+etion7 no
!ieG is o& the Truth$
The Sirit o& Go) is within usD the ver( Sirit o& Truth $ho bears
witness with our spirit on whether the prophecy is either True or false.
, miCture that contains both truth and error is dangerous in a prophecy
as this brings confusion, doubt and fear, as the Holy #pirit, the %#pirit of
(ruth<, dwells within us. (he prophecy is either true or &a!se.
&'od is not the author of confusion but of peace F, Corinthians ,5.--G
#atan the master deceiver seeks to present a prophecy in such a way that
it seems to be from the truth but it is in a false light =deception( and we
need to beware, alert and discerning.
The *ost )angerous &a!se rohet is one who wor=s within the
Eo)( o& Christ$ We must beware and not i%norant of (atan)s devices,
as a false prophet and prophecy defiles all in the *ody of +hrist,
dividin% the *ody, causin% division and immeasurable harm.
$05E #1 60LL7 +23M .HE L328

This is a reminder to all that the wor= o& )e+etion is now resent
a*ong usD as many are being deceived by the plotting of these prophets
with their prophecies that are being freely circulated and easy to obtain
on the web. $e all must take responsibility, individually first, and test
and check the prophets out with other reputable leadership0 even
reputable ministries can also be deceived and defiled, so we all must
cover one another in prayer with due diligence0 in ;odly love for the
&ody of 'hrist, and with a (rue (estimony in 'hrist. %(ruth< desires to
be, and is, willing to be tested by all.
FA True ,rophet desires to be tested, as testin% confirms the Truth-
Those that 'e!ieve the( have a roheti+ wor) from the )O*+ for
wider regional or national publication must first surrender the prophecy
to their local or regional authority and recogniDed leadership for witness
and discernment. , signed endorsement by leadership is the mandate
reuired that the prophecy has true witness as being sent from ;od and
available for public release.
Again this 'rings a++ounta'i!it( an) rote+tion to a!!7 in+!u)ing
those that rohes(- 2or #y one ,pirit we are #apti3ed into one #ody,
so as a body0 together we endeavor to keep the unity of the #pirit in the
bond of peace.
When a rohe+( has 'een surren)ere) to a *inistr( &or )is+ern*ent
and prayer, being checked for authenticity, this does not mean that it is
approved by that ministry, or can be sent to others to publish by giving
the publisher and recipient readers a false perception that the prophecy
has been approved as being legitimate by carrying the weight of the
person4s name and the ministry they represent who are testing the
prophecy. Af persons are named and published without their knowledge
and endorsement, this is a further form of %false witness and deception<.
Na*es *entione) as en)orse*ents &or a rohe+( shou!) 'e
+he+=e) a!so '( the u'!isher as normal procedure and common
courtesy0 this brings a further protective measure for all ministries.
#atan will usurp any opportunity to deceive, divide and destroy the
&ody of 'hrist. ,ny endorsements can be attached at the base of the
prophecy by being signed by the endorsee, as transparency brings
accountability, credibility and acceptance as being of the %(ruth<.
,ublishers that send out false prophecies with a false witness are
responsible and accountable to 'odly authority and correction.
I& (ou are sent a rohe+( &or >ra(er an) inter+ession3 as being
part of the prayer and prophetic ministry, then that is what the prophecy
has been sent for0 that is for prayer and intercession. (he )O*+ may
have given a revelation that needs effectual fervent prayer0 it may be
even a warning, as the Holy #pirit does give to prayer and intercessory
ministries, so )o not see= to u'!ish an) ost the rohe+( as it is
&or ra(er an) inter+ession on!(7 unless stated for public distribution
and then it must be endorsed. =James .!5/>
2alse prophets do not like transparency, accounta#ility, correction or
admitting to #eing wrong, with a true and sincere repentance-
Ti*oth( 5., @The 'reat ApostasyA Now the Sirit eBress!( sa(s that
in !atter ti*es so*e wi!! )eart &ro* the &aith7 giving hee) to
)e+eiving sirits an) )o+trines o& )e*ons$
,s prophecies can fail according to #cripture =5 'orinthians 57!F>
therefore no absolutes can be given outside of #cripture. 4ay5dated
prophecies can #e #ound in deception, witchcraft and even operating
with a clairvoyant predictive fortune telling spirit of deception0 these
sorts of prophecies have a long record of failure.
Jere*iah 4-.4,
I )i) not sen) these @&a!seA rohets7 (et the( ranD
I )i) not sea= to the*7 (et the( rohesie)$
,bba 2ather ;od can intervene and change a situation with answered
prayer as He did with Jonah and the city of 8ineveh. ;od does not call
the people of ;od to pray and make intercession =standing in the gap>
and not answer His call that He has given, as He is a faithful prayer
answering ;od and we trust Him to confirm His $ord of %(ruth< to us.
Jere*iah ,5.,5 The %or) sai) to *e7 the @&a!seA rohets rohes(
!ies in 2( na*e$ I sent the* not7 neither have I +o**an)e) the*7
nor have I so=en to the*$ The( rohes( to (ou a &a!se or
reten)e) vision7 a worth!ess )ivination @+onCuring or ra+ti+ing
*agi+7 tr(ing to +a!! &orth the resonses suose) to 'e given '(
i)o!sA7 an) the )e+eit o& their own *in)s$
$e must test the prophecy( all true
ser"ants mo"ing in prophecy as we all may
prophecy according to faith and scripture
must always gi"e the prophecy o"er to the
listener hearer or recei"er for testing to
the glory of !od
.2#E 1231HE./ 0N8 1231HE69
, Thessa!onians ?.,H-44
1o not <uen+h the Sirit$
1o not
)esise rohe+ies$
Test a!! thingsD ho!) &ast what is goo)$
A'stain &ro* ever( &or* o& evi!$
$e must keep also in balance that prophecy is good and encouraged by
the )O*+ and is also for today:s churches gathered in His name. (he
&ible itself is a Prophetic &ook0 Jesus also is the %(rue Prophet< of ;od
bringing forth and proclaiming %(ruth< that He is the only way to the
2ather0 speaking only the $ords the 2ather asked Him to speak. Jesus
went about teaching and preaching the Bingdom of ;od of those things
that would happen to Him as spoken by the Prophets and brought
warnings to all, of what would happen before the End of the ,ge as
written in Matthew 'hapter ?G. )esus spoke to all that followed Him
and who listened to His 6ords, the 6ord of the 2ather-
The New Testa*ent is a &u!&i!!*ent o& the roheti+ Wor) spoken
that was given by the Old (estament Prophets who were Holy men
moved by ;od. Jesus was a fulfillment of the Prophetic $ord given in
the Old (estament as spoken for eCample by the Prophet Asaiah, in
Asaiah 3!/@1, speaking prophetically of Jesus.
Isaiah H.I-J
.or to us a +hild is born, to us a (on is %iven and the government
shall #e upon His shoulder, and His name shall #e called 6onderful
*ounsellor, Mighty God, 7verlasting 2ather 8of 7ternity9, 1rince of
1eace -
!f the increase of /is %overnment and of peace there shall be
no end, upon the throne of 4avid and over his kingdom, to esta#lish it
and to uphold it with ;ustice and with righteousness from the 8latter9
time forth, even forever more- The 3eal of the /ord of hosts will perform
Prohets an) the roheti+ wor) are re!evant to)a( an) integra! to
the Gose! o& the King)o* o& Go) an) the New Testa*ent
&e!!owshisD as Prophets are given to the church with the other
ascension gift ministries =7phesians <> >for the e0uippin% of the saints
for the work of ministerin% and the edifyin% of the saints#3
6e must distinguish #etween God%s call to the office of a 1rophet,
called and anointed of God &7phesians *hapter <( and the gift of
prophecy to the +ody of *hrist &=omans >?@(-
The Eo)( o& Christ has 'een +a!!e) to 'e a Eo)( o& intercessory
prayer, as the Holy #pirit is the #pirit of intercession who dwells in
each born again believer. (his is the true house of prayer made up of
living stones, or redeemed ones, praying in the Holy #pirit, the temple
of ;od =*omans F!5F@73> according to the will of ,bba 2ather>.
Ro*ans /.4I
%i=ewise the Sirit a!so he!s in our wea=nesses$ 9or we )o not
=now what we shou!) ra( &or as we ought7 'ut the Sirit Hi*se!&
*a=es inter+ession &or us with groaning whi+h +annot 'e uttere)$
Prophets are called and anointed by ;od to speak on His behalf as part
of the five fold ,postolic calling to euip the saints for the work of
ministry =Eph G! 55@5/>. $e all, as members of 'hrist4s &ody, should
honor and pray for the %(rue Prophets< to be released and speak ;od4s
$ord in the nations with an openness to hear in the &ody of 'hrist and
to receive them who are sent by ;od with ;od4s $ord as they minister
in the power of the Holy #pirit as a mouthpiece for ;od and for His
glory. (he 8ew (estament 'hurch according to scripture is built on the
foundations of the ,postles and Prophets. (he center and head of the
'hurch is Jesus, the chief 'ornerstone.
Ehesians 4.40 6ou are 'ui!t uon the &oun)ation o& the aost!es
an) rohets with Christ Jesus Hi*se!& the +hie& Cornerstone.
Ehesians 5.,,-,I
,nd He Himself gave some to #e apostles, some
prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers,
for the
euipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the
body of 'hrist,
till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the
knowledge of the #on of ;od, to a perfect man, to the measure of the
stature of the fullness of 'hrist0
that we shou!) no !onger 'e
+hi!)ren7 tosse) to an) &ro an) +arrie) a'out with ever( win) o&
)o+trine7 '( the tri+=er( o& *en7 in the +unning +ra&tiness o&
)e+eit&u! !otting7
but, speakin% the truth in love7 *a( grow u in
a!! things into Hi* who is the hea) Christ
from whom the whole
body, Eoined and knit together by what every Eoint supplies, according to
the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth
of the body for the edifying of itself in love.
, Corinthians ,4.4/
So Go) has aointe) so*e in the +hur+h @&or His own useA. &irst
aost!es Fse+ia! *essengersGD se+on) rohets Finsire) rea+hers
an) eBoun)ersGD thir) tea+hersD then won)er-wor=ersD then those
with a'i!it( to hea! the si+=D he!ersD a)*inistratorsD @sea=ers inA
)i&&erent Fun=nownG tongues$

Ro*ans ,4.I
Having gi&ts F&a+u!ties7 ta!ents7 <ua!itiesG that )i&&er a++or)ing to the gra+e
given us7 !et us use the*. @He whose gi&t isA rohe+(7 @!et hi* rohes(A
a++or)ing to the roortion o& his &aith$
4 Peter ,.4,
9or no rohe+( ever originate) 'e+ause so*e *an wi!!e) it @to )o
so -- it never +a*e '( hu*an i*u!seA7 'ut *en so=e &ro* Go)
who were 'orne a!ong F*ove) an) i*e!!e)G '( the Ho!( Sirit$
Isaiah 55.4?
@I a* the %or)A Who &rustrates the signs an) +on&oun)s the o*ens
@uon whi+h the &a!se rohetsL &ore+asts o& the &uture are 'ase)A o&
the @'oastingA !iars an) *a=es &oo!s o& )iviners7 Who turns the wise
'a+=war) an) *a=es their =now!e)ge &oo!ishness
A+ts 40.4/
Kee wat+h over (ourse!ves an) a!! the &!o+= o& whi+h the Ho!(
Sirit has *a)e (ou overseers$ Ee sheher)s o& the +hur+h o& Go)
Reve!ations ,.-
E!esse) Fha(7 to 'e envie)G is the *an who rea)s a!ou) @in the
asse*'!iesA the wor) o& this rohe+(D an) '!esse) Fha(7 to 'e
envie)G are those who hear @it rea)A an) who =ee the*se!ves true
to the things whi+h are written in it @hee)ing the* an) !a(ing the*
to heartA7 &or the ti*e @&or the* to 'e &u!&i!!e)A is near$
Reve!ations ,H.,0
Then I &e!! rostrate at his &eet to worshi Fto a( )ivine honorsG to
hi*7 'ut he @restraine) *eA an) sai)7 Re&rainM @6ou *ust not )o
thatMA I a* @on!(A another servant with (ou an) (our 'rethren who
have @a++ete) an) ho!)A the testi*on( 'orne '( Jesus$ $orship
;odH .or the substance 1essence- of the truth revealed by Jesus is the
spirit of all prophecy @the vita! 'reath7 the insiration o& a!! insire)
rea+hing an) interretation o& the )ivine wi!! an) urose7
in+!u)ing 'oth *ine an) (oursA$
1231HE.I6 0663#N.0'ILI.9
, Corinthians ,5.4H
So !et two or three rohets sea= @those insire) to rea+h or
tea+hA7 whi!e the rest a( attention an) %weigh and discern what is
Prohets; rohe+ies are weighe) an) )is+erne)7 locally, nationally
and internationally. (he Holy #pirit aids the testing and checking
confirming whether it is of the !,pirit of Truth or of another spirit.
2alse prophets who have no intention to honestly and sincerely repent
of false prophecies that have been witnessed and Eudged among many
that the prophecy given out is not of the %#pirit of (ruth< and proven to
be false due to clear failure of their prophecy, yet they continue to try to
Eustify and further deceive the body0 these false prophets must #e held
accounta#le for what they have said and what they say in the future0
with a warning to the body of 'hrist, as this is also needed as a
protective love measure to the brothers and sisters in the )O*+-
On+e &a!se rohets are warne) an) +hoose to +ontinue reCe+ting
the +ounse! an) +orre+tion o& e!)ers an) !o+a! an) regiona!
authorit(, they must be challenged and made accountable by the true
authorities for the protection of those vulnerable in the body of 'hrist.
Prover's ,4.,J
He who 'reathes out truth shows &orth righteousness Furightness
an) right stan)ing with Go)G7 'ut a &a!se witness utters )e+eit$
#atan uoted #cripture to Jesus in His temptation in the wilderness, so a
mi$ture of God%s 6ord may be used by false prophets but the source of
the spirit can be from #atan, this is why Jesus tells us to %take heed,
we must '#eware' and diligently test =prove> everything amongst the
&ody and (HE8 stand in (*I(H.
John /.-4 And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.
#atan, by using ;od:s $ord the #criptures, brings confusion and fear by
the way of deception and false witness, presenting the false as being of
the (ruth. (harp discernment is re0uired and prayer should be
continually upheld for a clear *ody discernment of what is deception
and what is &Truth or error. Please read! ? (hessalonians 'hapter ?.
Jesus sai) =)uke 56!7>, 9'o your way 2 send you out like lambs in
the midst of wolves" 5 there are many wolves and many false prophets.
$e must keep our eyes on Jesus the good shepherd and listen to His
voice while submitting to those that hold authority with a humble spirit0
honoring one another in the mind of 'hrist so all can be protected
=Philippians 'hapter ?>. Testing, weighing and discerning all things
with the 6ord of God and witness from pastors, elders and leaders and
the &ody of 'hrist as ,bba 2ather will keep us safe and secure in Jesus4
name through to the End of the ,ge, and the days of the 'false
4 Peter 4., EUT A%SO @in those )a(sA there arose &a!se rohets a*ong
the eo!e7 Cust as there wi!! 'e &a!se tea+hers a*ong (ourse!ves7 who wi!!
su't!( an) stea!thi!( intro)u+e hereti+a! )o+trines F)estru+tive heresiesG7
even )en(ing an) )isowning the 2aster Who 'ought the*7 'ringing uon
the*se!ves swi&t )estru+tion$
2ar= ,-.44 9a!se +hrists F2essiahsG an) &a!se rohets wi!! arise
an) show signs an) @wor=A *ira+!es to )e+eive an) !ea) astra(7 i&
ossi'!e7 even the e!e+t Fthose Go) has +hosen out &or Hi*se!&G
2atthew 45.45 9or &a!se +hrists an) &a!se rohets wi!! rise an)
show great signs an) won)ers to )e+eive7 i& ossi'!e7 even the e!e+t$
.HE /ILEN. 43I6E IN .HE 6H#26H
(he #criptures4 instruction and warning is clear! by revealing deception
as a tool in #atan:s hand so as to lead us into error and draw us away
from ;od. Much of the voice of the 'hurch is silent and is not willing
to speak out or stand up for the love of the Truth. as the %(ruth< is not
%politically correct<, and nobody wants to step out of, or rock the boat0
as many may be offended with the %(ruth< including those holding
responsibility in leadership. Beeping a political correctness by being
silent and saying nothing is actually passivity0 instead we must activate
Truth in /ove with a stron% voice and stand up and be counted for
what is right and ;ust, thus protecting the more vulnerable sheep from
the agendas of the false prophets and their prophecies, by warning the
&ody of the witness given to us by the Holy #pirit, which is the very
purpose for this booklet.
1'od)s 3ord is Truth and Jesus is the Truth revealed by Abba .ather-
Jesus +ha!!enge) the re!igious sirits o& His ti*e as the( were His
*ain resistan+e0 many of the religious leaders knew ;od4s $ord but
misrepresented the %(ruth< and the revelation of the $ord. Jesus openly
rebuked them and even used a whip against the money changers at the
temple of ,bba 2ather4s House, saying clearly !.-my house shall #e
called a house of prayer for all nations and you have made it a den of
ro##ers A Jesus did not shrink back or mince words but spoke the
Truth and challen%ed those who were out of the divine order of 'od4s
&Jesus enemies of the 5in%dom were reli%ious leaders with
knowled%e of scripture yet did not know the truth 6the 3ord made
It is now ti*e to &ight the 'ear an) the !ionD the &a!se rohets o&
this age an) their rohe+ies. #hepherds and all leaders are called to
arise and take responsibility and speak out to protect the vulnerable
flock of ;od from these false spirits, deceivers of the brethren, Eust as
+avid did for the sheep of his father4s pastures.
, Sa*ue! ,J.-5--?
An) 1avi) sai) to Sau!7 6our servant =et his &atherLs shee$ An)
when there +a*e a !ion or again a 'ear an) too= a !a*' out o& the
I went out a&ter it an) s*ote it an) )e!ivere) the !a*' out o&
its *outhD an) when it arose against *e7 I +aught it '( its 'ear)
an) s*ote it an) =i!!e) it.
, Ti*oth( -.,?
I& I a* )etaine)7 (ou *a( =now how eo!e ought to +on)u+t
the*se!ves in the househo!) o& Go)7 whi+h is the +hur+h o& the
!iving Go)7 the i!!ar an) sta( Fthe ro an) suortG o& the Truth.
1231HE69 .3 'E .E/.E8
, John 5.,
&E)OJE+, )o not ut &aith in ever( sirit7 'ut rove FtestG the
sirits to )is+over whether the( ro+ee) &ro* Go)0 for many &a!se
rohets have gone forth into the world.
Testing the sirit 'rings )is+over( o& the many false prophets0 as the
%(rue Prophets of ;od< would desire their prophecies to be tested by
reputable brethren and be subEect to ;od4s $ord and discernment in the
testing, as the %(rue Prophets< would only want the %(ruth< released.
Go);s !ea)ers an) eo!e nee) to sea= u an) 7oice the Truth$
Many times the %(ruth< is compromised with an acceptance of the false
spirits through soul ties that also can become evident from the personal
supporters for a false prophet, a form of deception that gives an
opportunity for #atan to enter in to divide the flock and further destroy
;od4s family, causing the love of many to become cold. Af a false
prophet and his prophecy are not corrected, the door is also left open for
#atan to continue his deception to the brethren unhindered. =5 'or. 7!55@51>.
Ehesians I.,4
9or we are not wrest!ing with &!esh an) '!oo) @+onten)ing on!( with
h(si+a! oonentsA7 'ut against the )esotis*s7 against the owers7
against @the *aster sirits who areA the wor!) ru!ers o& this resent
)ar=ness7 against the sirit &or+es o& wi+=e)ness in the heaven!(
Fsuernatura!G shere$
$e can see from the #cripture the power of deception0 that even the
disciple that Jesus loved, Judas, who sat at the table with Jesus, betrayed
Jesus by his own choice. Judas was sitting at the table with Jesus and
the other brethren and being in His presence did not stop #atan entering
into Judas and betraying Jesus0 let us prayerfully take heed also, not
being ignorant of #atan4s desire to deceive.
We a!! *ust 'e )i!igent an) a!ert7 testin% the spirits to see whether
they are from ;od0 for in the last days, the #criptures tell us, there will
be doctrines of demons and Satan wi!! 'e *oving with false si%ns and
wonders even causing fire to come down from heaven0 as many false
prophets have gone into the world. (hese false prophets are subEect unto
themselves and their own code, and their own conduct and circle of
influence, not willing to be subEect to #criptural testing and &ody
witness as they are under their own self appointed authority that leads
many into deception and error causing damage to ;od4s temple, the
living stones. =Mark 57!??, *evelations 57!55@5F, *evelations 53!?6>
,Ti*oth( 5.,
Eut the @Ho!(A Sirit )istin+t!( an) eBress!( )e+!ares that in !atter
ti*es so*e wi!! turn awa( &ro* the &aith7 giving attention to
)e!u)ing an) se)u+ing sirits an) )o+trines that )e*ons tea+h$
Jesus, in the ;ospel of Matthew chapter seven, teaches us all to
"'eware o& &a!se rohets" and how to know and distinguish who are
the false prophets and true prophets. Many false prophets will arise in
the end days, being a greater reason for alertness, testing and diligence.
>8ou will fully reco%ni9e them :the false prophets; by their fruits
2atthew J.,?-40 Eeware o& &a!se rohets, who come to you dressed
as sheep, but inside they are devouring wolves.
Kou will fully
reco%ni9e them by their fruits. +o people pick grapes from thorns, or
figs from thistles-
Even so, every healthy =sound> tree bears good
fruit Lworthy of admirationM, but the sickly =decaying, worthless> tree
bears bad =worthless> fruit.
, good =healthy> tree cannot bear bad
=worthless> fruit, nor +an a 'a) F)isease)G tree 'ear eB+e!!ent &ruit
@worth( o& a)*irationA$
Ever( tree that )oes not 'ear goo) &ruit
is +ut )own an) +ast into the &ire.
There&ore, you will fully know
them by their fruits$

How )o we =now the( are &a!se rohets8 0t is simply ;ust as )esus
said '+y their fruit you will fully know them- (his is the distinguishing
factor revealed to us in #cripture giving us all clarity on whether the
prophet has been sent from ;od or not.
.HE HEL1 3+ .HE H3L9 /1I2I.
The Ho!( Sirit gives )is+ern*ent o& what is goo) &ruit an) what is
'a) &ruitD by the witness, through testing, that He gives to the &ody of
'hrist0 and those who hold responsibility for what is needed in
prophetic discernment. (he fruit of the good prophecy must be in
alignment with the fruit of the Holy #pirit as revealed in #cripture! love0
Eoy and peace0 even prophetic warnings sent by ;od will have ;od4s
presence with it when sent by Him to warn His people. $hen a warning
is given by the Holy #pirit through His vessels, His wisdom which is
from above and not earthly is always first peacea#le and easily to #e
entreated and always bearing witness to the %(ruth< and purpose of
;od who is our Heavenly 2ather0 a ;od of love, ready to forgive and to
save to the uttermost. =James 7!51, ECodus /!/>
When )ea!ing with )e+eiving sirits7 a strong wor) o& re'u=e is
o&ten nee)e) =)esus did this also.> $e first must bind the strongman
=Matthew 5?!?3>, the spirit of deception, and the words of the false
prophecy and the effects of those words0 stron%ly rebuke the false
spirit in Jesus) name in prophetic prayer while standin% on 'od)s
3ord and in /is presence- ,ny person wanting to be loosed and set
free from the demonic spirits of false prophecy, including the false
prophets, need to humble themselves in sincere repentance.
John J.,/
He who sea=s on his own authorit( see=s to win honor &or hi*se!&$
@He whose tea+hing originates with hi*se!& see=s his own g!or($A
Eut He Who see=s the g!or( an) is eager &or the honor o& Hi* Who
sent Hi*7 He is trueD an) there is no unrighteousness or &a!sehoo)
or )e+etion in Hi*$
%u=e -./ &ring forth there&ore &ruits worthy of reentan+e#
2atthew -./ &ring forth there&ore &ruits meet for reentan+e#
'EIN! /E. +2EE +23M IN43L4EMEN.
+0L/E 1231HE69
Ro*ans 4.5 %the %oodness of 'od leads you to repentance
$hen a person is ready and willing to respond to Jesus4 command with
a humble and contrite spirit of humility unto obedience, the following
#cripture guidance will help bring healing and release for persons
wanting to be set free by receiving the counsel of #cripture and
discernment from those that are willing to stand in prayer and
intercession to set the captive free in Jesus 8ame.
,cknowledge first that you have been deceived with a false spirit which
is not of the Holy #pirit, for %reconciliation based on %(*I(H<.
,$ Humble ourselves and repent of the sin of any false prophecy,
deception and error. =James G!/@1, )uke 5!G, )uke 7!F>
4$ *enounce #atan and the spirits of deception and all that is of
#atan and the sin of false prophecy. =Psalm /F!?6, ,cts ?/!5F>
-$ 'all on the name of the )O*+ for forgiveness and healing with
a forgiving heart. =Matthew ?/!F, )uke 5!11, Matthew 5F!7.>
5$ +eliverance, healing and restoration can take place for you and
to the body of 'hrist. =Psalm 7.!3, ? 'orinthians .!53>
?$ #tand delivered and cleansed by the blood of Jesus. =Eph!5!1>
I$ $alk in the light of ;od4s $ord as revealed in Holy #cripture
=John 5?!7., 5 John 5!1>
J$ &e 2*EE in Jesus4 name and be submissive to the &ody4s
authorities. =John F!7/, Matthew 56!F, James .!5/, 5 John ?!5?>

We *ust a!wa(s re*e*'er where our vi+tor( over sin an)
Satan too= !a+eD an) that was at the Cross o& Ca!var(
where Jesus )ea!t with Sin an) with Satan an) the owers
an) rin+ia!ities7 in+!u)ing the )e+eiving sirits o& the &a!se
rohets an) their rohe+ies$
, John ,.H I& we @&ree!(A a)*it that we have sinne) an) +on&ess our
sins7 He is &aith&u! an) Cust Ftrue to His own nature an)
ro*isesG an) wi!! &orgive our sins @)is*iss our !aw!essnessA
an) @+ontinuous!(A +!eanse us &ro* a!! unrighteousness
@ever(thing not in +on&or*it( to His wi!! in urose7
thought7 an) a+tionA$
,t the victory of the 'ross of 'hrist0 #atan4s power has been stripped
from him. Jesus4 name is above all names and above the deceiving
powers of the false prophets of this age. =6e also need to acknowledge
the sin of grieving the Holy ,pirit, of !Bll Truth. asking B##a 2ather
for His mercy, forgiveness, restoration and reconciliation to the +ody of
*hrist in )esus and to all that have not o#eyed His 6ord(-
, John -./' The reason the Son o& Go) was *a)e *ani&est Fvisi'!eG
was to un)o F)estro(7 !oosen7 an) )isso!veG the wor=s the
)evi! @has )one$A
, Corinthians ,4.,4 9or Cust as the 'o)( is a unit( an) (et has
*an( arts7 an) a!! the arts7 though *an(7 &or* @on!(A one
'o)(7 so it is with Christ Fthe 2essiah7 the Anointe) OneG$
4 Corinthians 4.,5 Eut than=s 'e to Go)7 Who in Christ a!wa(s
!ea)s us in triu*h @as trohies o& ChristLs vi+tor(A an) through us
srea)s an) *a=es evi)ent the &ragran+e o& the =now!e)ge o& Go)
Reve!ations -.,0 Ee+ause (ou have guar)e) an) =et 2( wor) o&
atient en)uran+e @have he!) &ast the !esson o& 2( atien+e with the
eBe+tant en)uran+e that I give (ouA7 I a!so wi!! =ee (ou @sa&eA
&ro* the hour o& tria! FtestingG whi+h is +o*ing on the who!e wor!)
to tr( those who )we!! uon the earth$
John ,.,J-,/ 9or the !aw was given through 2oses7 but gra+e an) truth
+a*e through Jesus Christ$
No one has seen Go) at an( ti*e$ The on!(
'egotten Son7 who is in the 'oso* o& the 9ather7 He has )e+!are) /im.
Reve!ations -.,5 An) to the ange! F*essengerG o& the asse*'!( F+hur+hG
in %ao)i+ea write. These are the wor)s o& the A*en7 the trust( an)
&aith&u! an) true Witness7 the Origin an) Eeginning an) Author o& Go)Ls
1209IN! IN .HE /1I2I. - L335IN!
#N.3 JE/#/
He'rews ,4.4
%oo=ing unto Jesus7 the author an) &inisher o& our &aith7 who &or
the Co( that was set 'e&ore Hi* en)ure) the +ross7 )esising the
sha*e7 an) has sat )own at the right han) o& the throne o& Go)$
0n ,ummary we must keep our eyes on Jesus the author and finisher
of our faith as we are re*in)e) '( >His Wor)s3 "#take heed that
no one deceives you, as many will come in My name... These are the
&a!se rohets that wi!! +o*e in His na*e see=ing to )e+eive *an($
We are in a siritua! war&are together 'e&ore Jesus returns to ru!e
an) to reign on the earth, as we are not fighting against flesh and
blood but against the enemy of the 'ross and the deceiving spirits of
this age =Ephesians 'hapter #iC>.
Ehesians I.,/
Pra(ing a!wa(s with a!! ra(er an) su!i+ation in the Sirit7 'eing
wat+h&u! to this en) with a!! erseveran+e an) su!i+ation &or a!!
the saints$
/et us encourage ourselves in the /O=4 and His mighty victory that
)esus has achieved for each one of us when He defeated ,atan at the
*ross of *alvary. pray then always with fervent prayer, #eing ever alert
and watchful praying for all the #rothers and sisters in *hrist-
Our &o+us *ust 'e on Jesus and in prayer, being alert with a thankful
heart to ;od and in all things asking the )O*+ to keep us and guide us
in His ways, with His ;race, (ruth, )ove and to walk in them as guided
by the Holy #pirit and the $ord of ;od.
(ogether we hold before the )O*+ in prayer those that are blinded in
deception through the work of the false prophets and their false
prophecies while honoring one another in 'hrist0 standing firm in the
(ruth and in love0 unmovable0 seeking only for His ;lory and His name
to be eCalted in *ighteousness, Justice and in (ruth.
%et us ta=e the authorit( in His Na*e an) 'in) this stron%man of
deception over our region o& Asia Pa+i&i+ and especially over the &ody
of 'hrist0 overcoming the lies and the spirit of deception of the enemy
in the power of the Holy #pirit0 with the #pirit of %(*I(H<
proclaiming Jesus 'hrist as )O*+ and soon coming BA8;.
Psa!* ,,H.,0 6our wor) is a !a* to *( &eet an) a !ight to *( ath$
Reve!ations ,4.,, An) the( have over+o*e F+on<uere)G hi* '(
*eans o& the '!oo) o& the %a*' an) '( the utteran+e o& their
testi*on(D &or the( )i) not !ove an) +!ing to !i&e even when &a+e)
with )eath @ho!)ing their !ives +hea ti!! the( ha) to )ie &or their
)esus is our victory, not only as ,aviour from our sins, #ut as victor
over every weapon ,atan forms against God%s people- The victory is
ours and we are instructed to overcome ,atan #y the power of the #lood
of the /am# and #y the word of our testimony in *hrist%s victory for us-
Isaiah ?5.,J
No weaon &or*e) against (ou sha!! roser an) ever( tongue
whi+h rises against (ou in Cu)g*ent (ou sha!! +on)e*n$ This is the
heritage o& the servants o& the %OR17 an) their righteousness is
&ro* 2e73 sa(s the %OR1$
10#L .HE 013/.LE - .3 .HE 6H#26H
0cts :-; :<-=:
Therefore I testify and protest to you on this
5our partin%6 day that I am !lean and inno!ent
and not responsible for the blood of any of you#
For I ne"er shran+ or +ept ba!+ or fell short
from de!larin% to you the whole purpose and
plan and !ounsel of 'od#
Ta+e !are and be on %uard for yoursel"es and
the whole 9o!+ o"er whi!h the /oly (pirit has
appointed you bishops and %uardians2 to
shepherd :tend and feed and %uide; the !hur!h
of the Lord or of God whi!h /e obtained for
/imself 5buyin% it and sa"in% it for /imself6 with
/is own blood#
I +now that after I am %one2 fero!ious wol"es
will %et in amon% you2 not sparin% the 9o!+=
E"en from amon% your own sel"es men will
!ome to the front who2 by sayin% per"erse
:distorted and !orrupt; thin%s2 will endea"or to
draw away the dis!iples after them 5to their own
Therefore be always alert and on your %uard2
bein% mindful that for three years I ne"er
stopped ni%ht or day seriously to admonish and
ad"ise and eAhort you one by one with tears#
)nd now 5brethren62 I !ommit you to 'od 5I
deposit you in /is !har%e2 entrustin% you to /is
prote!tion and !are6# )nd I !ommend you to the
Word of /is %ra!e 5to the !ommands and
!ounsels and promises of /is unmerited fa"or6# It
is able to build you up and to %i"e you 5your
ri%htful6 inheritan!e amon% all 'odBs setapart
ones :those !onse!rated2 puriCed2 and
transformed of soul;#
+I4E 5E9 13IN./ .3 .E/. 1231HE69
,$As the Prophet and the public prophecy endorsed by recogniDed mature
leadership- Af so who are they- (ransparency is important =5(hess. .!5?@57>
4$ As the prophecy in alignment with the (ruth of ;od4s $ord-
-$ As the name of Jesus %;race and (ruth<, revealed to us, even when a
warning or Eudgment is given within the prophecy published- =John 5!5G>
5$ As there a general witness of the prophecy with others outside your own
area of influence that can discern and weigh up prophecy while keeping
the unity of the #pirit in the bond of peace- =5(hess!.!?5, 5 'or!5 G! ?3@77>
?$ (rust others for their wisdom and witness, especially your local and
regional leaders0 pastors and elders. ,lways be willing to surrender the
prophecy as in the mind of 'hrist to ,bba 2ather0 and leave it in the hands
of all wisdom at the foot of the cross in Jesus name =Heb!57@51>
=Blways check day dated and directive prophecies of calamity and allow
leaders to confirm whether the prophecy #ears witness with the !Truth
and sent from God, as many false prophets will arise and deceive manyC(
#atan is the cunning serpent, and in the end days he resorts back to
doing what he knows best0 deceiving and tempted Man as in the garden.
.HE .EM1.0.I3N 0N8 .HE +0LL 3+ M0N
!enesis = ;,->& Dow the serpent was more
!unnin% than any beast of the Celd whi!h the
LOEF 'od had made )nd he said to the woman2
*/as 'od indeed said2 GHou shall not eat of e"ery
tree of the %ardenBI-
)nd the woman said to the
serpent2 *We may eat the fruit of the trees of the
but of the fruit of the tree whi!h is in
the midst of the %arden2 'od has said2 GHou shall
not eat it2 nor shall you tou!h it2 lest you die#B-
Then the serpent said to the woman2 *Hou will
not surely die#
For 'od +nows that in the day
you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you
will be li+e 'od2 +nowin% %ood and e"il#-
when the woman saw that the tree was %ood for
food2 that it was pleasant to the eyes2 and a tree
desirable to ma+e one wise2 she too+ of its fruit
and ate# (he also %a"e to her husband with her2
and he ate#
Then the eyes of both of them were
opened2 and they +new that they were na+ed=
and they sewed C% lea"es to%ether and made
themsel"es !o"erin%s#
1209E2 3+ +0I.H
4ear 2ather in Heaven, we thank you for your warnings you have given
to us in your 6ord #ecause you love us in )esus- 6e pray for a sharp
discernment in the +ody of *hrist for the protection of your +ody- =ise up,
dear 2ather, +rethren of renown, leaders that are willing to speak out for
the sake of the vulnera#le and e$pose the false prophets of this age- May
those that have #een deceived #y false prophecy and follow false prophets
have their eyes open and seek the freedom you give and deliverance from
every form of deceptionC Have mercy on us 2ather in )esus% name, as any
one of us can #e deceived #y ,atan and we need your 6isdom, Grace,
Mercy, Truth and the voice of authority to speak out when necessary-
Teach us your ways 2ather and keep us faithful in your 6ord, for your
6ord is Truth- Bmen-
6ontact 1s $arren Lyons 0otearoa New ?ealand; for
international prayer needs) let us ha"e the pri"ilege
to ser"e you in pray @held conAdentially email;

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