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← CHAPTER 3: Philosophy of Psychoanalysis or I in a

structured relation with others

• C cannot be understood just by relations with other
individuals but that the inner characteristics of C must be
understood within the context of the relation b/w A + B
• Ex. long ago, couldn’t wait to jump to marriage – now
postpone jumping
o 50% marriages fail
o failure of married couples impacts on yourself
• use psychoanalysis

← A. Introductory Remarks
← 1/ Freud
• introduced a radical change in treatment of patients
• medicine related to patients in a very specific way
• before look at ‘I’ – treat human as an object that can
• Freud changes this: his method is listening to a speaking
• Before Freud:
o mental illness: illness of the body
o had to find something in the body
o hypothesis: too high BP, therefore cut a vein to leave
out some BP
o lobotomies
o inoculated with malaria
o when they reduce mentally ill to a body.
2/ Descartes, Philosophy of Psychoanalysis
• started modern philosophy
• made sharp distinction b/w body and consciousness
• Consciousness: characterized by thinking
o Descartes: thinking of thoughts that you are aware of
 “I know the thought I have”
 “if I do not know it, it is not a thought”
o another theater: thinking goes on but we are not aware
of it
 it shows itself but outside of conscious control
o Freud studied the visible effects of the thinking of
which we are not aware- “unconscious” (reveals what is
not seen)
 appears in form of denial, dream, slips of tongue,
forgetting, jokes
 Freud had a dream – with a bossy female figure
 Who is that person in your dream? – mom?
 denial: naming of what you do not want to name
 intellectually acknowledging the fact but
emotionally refusing to accept the implications
 if I represent and know that my mom is bossy, I
should take my distance
 def: unconscious process in which you label the
fact but you are unable to name up the fact
 ex. boasting
 I am so happy that I had not had my
convulsions for three months
 Freud: patient feels something
• unconscious feels as though
something is coming
• consciousness looks around and sees
• unconscious sees more than conscious
 consciousness is like the dean’s office – no
clue what goes in the dormitories
 there is thinking going on, but it is outside
of consciousness
 dream of daughter of Freud – she is sick
 she dreams of someone eating ice cream &
strawberries – her favorite foods
 dream: expression of a wish that is satisfied, but
it is satisfied during the day
 we express unreachable wishes in our dreams
 some of these wishes we are not yet aware of!
 Freud: boasting of poor German poet, wants to do
as if he is an important person because he is
related to Rochet? (wealthy bankers)
 but he has mis-speech/slip of the tongue: I
am familiaronaire (familiar and millionaire)
with Rochet
 consciously, poet wanted to say that I am
successful because I know Rochet
 but unconscious told the truth
 when I see Rochet, he treats me as any
millionaire treats me – looks down on me
 slip of the tongue: wanted to say he was on
familiar tongues, not that he was treated by
Rochet as millionaires treat everyone else!
 conscious thinking is not the only thought
that occurs
 “merit goods”
 wrote “married goods”
 “organism”  “orgasm”
 when it is a mispeech – it socially acceptable
 Freud
 Means you forgot me
 cry of lady: indicates that she understood
that being forgotten that I am not on the
top of your priorities
 if you forget to prepare for an exam, etc.,
unconscious forgets what it is not interested
 way of talking about what is forbidden
 mostly about sexuality
 Freud: makes a general conclusion
 sexuality is an ever-present force in human
 that force is not just a
biological/anatomical/chemical force, it is
also a psychological phenomena because in
sexuality, we discover our finitude? ( we
cannot be everything )
 mentally ill fantasize they are both male
and female
 indicates difference – other can be ‘other’
than myself
 realize my dependence on the other –
something that is not easy to accept
The self has many dimensions
• Descartes: We have conscious thoughts
• Freud argues: we have unconscious thinking
• ex. cocktail parties
o conscious statement: nice to see you
o conscious gesture: I cannot run faster away from you
o in contacts with people, we have double
communication: conscious & unconscious
• ex. difference in how we see smile of Ms. Clinton & Ms. Palin
o Clinton: has suffered a lot- any smile is an effort
 unconscious message about she carries life

• body: characterized as spatial extension

o in W. medicine, body discovered by people like
 W. medicine based on study of dead body
 dead body can be treated as parts, where some
parts can be replaced.
o Chinese medicine
 totally different
 emperor couldn’t be seen but needed to be
 let a curtain fall b/w doctor and emperor
 made a hole to feel the pulse
 diagnose on basis of just feeling the pulse
 claim that they feel not the dead body but the live
 live body: body with nrg & nrg fields
 if nrg is blocked in muscle – nrg makes muscles
constantly move
 then, in a crisis mode
 make that stored nrg disappear so that nrg can
throw back as it is now
 last step: stimulated growth of soft tissue b/w the
vertebrae so that it doesn’t friction the nerve
 help body heal itself
 work with immune system
• human beings as body & consciousness: too limited view

2nd part of psychoanalysis: part of who we are is not known to
• expresses itself in denials, slips of tongue, forgetting – these
phenomena are more directly visible to the other and thus
unconscious aspects of ourselves are often more visible to the
other than to ourselves
3rd point: many dimensions of ourselves that we do not know express
themselves in language like misspech, slips of tongue, denials and
thus, a new definition of human being emerges = it is not that human
beings are rational beings; human beings are speaking beings and it is
that aspect that Freud in psychoanalysis really understands because
only tool for profession I speaking and listening – that radical change
in medical towards patients that was created by Freud; instead of
looking, you listen and thus allow patient to speak for himself.

2/ Phenomena of DEPRESSION
• sign of our time
• predominant mental illness changes by __________
• 16/17 C: predominant illness: Melancholia
o connected with social habits of that time
o ex. primogeniture : 1st son inherits everything
o success of capitalism
• Vergote
o Cultural Melancholia
 exemplified by great poets
 ex. British literature
 Keats
• aware of time passing
• q: what is the meaning of life?
o A good meal but after the meal
is gone, what do you have?
 Every good thing disappears in the past
 is there something with permanent meaning?
 Freud argued that cultural melancholics were
nostalgic, that they cannot accept the finitude of
death- they aspire to something that is not
available to mankind
 Vergote disagrees with Freud & says that human
psyche is precisely torn b/w things that disappear
in past and the aspiration for something
permanent that is not an illusion
 it is a challenge for every human being to
live with attention
 everything disappears in the past and we
want something more permanent
 solution for CM
 use language to create a beautiful poem
which then is felt to have permanent value
 Keats: a thing of beauty is a jewel forever
 Vergote: lesson that cultural melancholics
give us is that as human beings, we all have
the challenge of trying to find a meaning
that goes beyond the disappearance of all
experience into the past
o Depressive person does not have linguistic skill of
cultural melancholics when faced with the same
challenge of CM to translate experiences that disappear
in past into something beautiful that has permanent
o Mourning
 Similar to depression
 Nothing is worthwhile
 no interest in things they sometimes have no
energy to do normal things
 loses interest in the world because the loved one
has died/left the world
 mourning person is constantly in his/her mind
with the dead, loved one
 depressed person has no one who died –
depressed person is therefore not present with
someone who was lost
 depressed person misses something that other
person has
 mystery of mourning: mourning person is present
in all the details of past living together
 _______________________________________*
 when mourning is successful, person reenters life
rich with characteristics of dead one
 dead one is now permanently present in enriched
character of mourner
 depressed person has no loved one who is dead.
has no loved one that they try to mourn. No loved
on from whom they can bottle an admire
characteristic from which they can enter more
enriched in life, through which life gets meaning
o Psychotic Melancholia
 accuse themselves beyond rational reasons
 they feel guilty that a child died even if it died
from illness
 seem to enjoy self-accusation
 combination of self-accusation and lack of shame
is a curious phenomena
 in psychiatry, teachers have difficulty to find a
patient to show to an audience of students
 most mentally ill patients are uncomfortable
 Vergote is puzzled by that combination of self-
accusation and lack of shame leading to them
looking to any opportunity to accuse themselves!
 Vergote’s psychoanalytic argument: if they accuse
themselves are enjoy the self-accusation, but
have no shame – must be that they accuse
someone else by accusation of themselves
 argument becomes the psychotic
melancholic accuses a hated pattern with
whom they have identified
 children become themselves with
identification with parents
 here we can refer to master-slave dialectic,
slave is in need of giving a sense of worth
to him or himself and does it by idealizing a
master, identifying with a master even
though they might be very angry at that
master – similarly, psychotic melancholics
identify with parent
 hence, they feel they are the hated parent
and they have joy in criticizing the hate d
parent even if it is ______
 interpreted as an overstrong, misdirected
 depressed person is not accusing him or
 depressed person is also not enjoying
talking about him or herself to others – on
the contrary, they are bothered by presence
of others
 obvious phenomena of depressed person:
COMPLAIN that they have no energy, cannot do
what they want to do,
 self-accusation leads to diagnosing melancholic a
defected superego, complaint indicates something
of a problem in a totally different area
 to complain means, acc to Vergote
 to confess that you are less than what you
want to be
 confess that in your own eyes you do not
give up to your ideal
 depressive person has some difficulties with
that crucial aspect of being human: to have
an ideal ego or an ego ideal
 depressive person is deficient in the ideal
 Vergote asks why is it that there is something
defective in the conception of own ideal in
 we build our ideals by idealizing and
identifying with our parents
 children feel very little compared to parents
- thus idealize and identify with parents
 overidealize parents
 use two ideals of father and mother to
correct the two great ideas and create as it
were an ideal for ourselves
 what we discovered in Douglass: capability
of criticizing the idealized parent is as
crucial for you as it was for Douglass
 what is added in psychoanalytic theory? If
you have 2, it is less dangerous to criticize
 challenge emerges if two parents have
totally different values; hence one parent
cannot be used easily to relativize other .
• all deal with death and how we deal with death
• basic reason for possibility of depression
• child creates own identity where not everything of mother and
not everything of father is combined – combination is
relativizing the ideal that the mother and the father represent
• extreme where that becomes very difficult for the child
• enormous conflict b/w mother and father that is not just a
conflict, also deals with infidelity of family
• confronted with two opposing, condescending attitudes, child
is normally not capable of doing that work. Instead it will
identify positively with one (say mother) and negatively with
the other (father). But emotional life is such that even if you
identify negatively you cannot leave out the one you identify
negatively with. As a consequence, this child creates an
identity by gluing together the two ideals thereby creating a
super ideal
• Construction of own ideal is not relativized by comparison of 2
because comparison is not realistically possible. Gluing of two
ideals (idealized mother/idealized father – could not combine
or relativize b/c of big conflict)  becomes super ideal
• Such children hence are super-achievers until something
occurs in their lives and that thing that occurs makes them
choose b/w this part or this part.
• when the child later in life is forced to choose b/w either half
of its ideal, what happens with the super ideal?
o super ideal is destroyed
o hence, from then on, that person does not have an
ideal that can give meaning to everyday life
o aka depression
• ex. Suppose you have a generous mother & a stingy/hard
working father.
o work at world bank – help poor people
o event occurs- disagree with superior with program in
o atm, person feels that to do good, must contradict my
superior but anyone who has realism needs that if you
oppose your superior, cannot be promoted!
o atm, whatever the person chooses leads to the
destruction of half of the ideal. Hence, life makes no
sense. From then on, the person does not have an ideal
from where to give meaning to everyday life.
Characteristics of a Depressed person
• in context of theory of Vergote
• Apathy
o depressed person is apathetic
o nothing interests/delights them
o we must have something to value the events as they
o cultural melancholic does it by artistic language
o normal person does it by the help of an internalized
o ex. studying for midterm
 give meaning to that challenge (graduating)
o you give meaning with reference to ideal you have of
o if your ideal is destroyed, you have no place from where
to give meaning to even simple things in life
o love to sleep all the time during the day, but suffer from
o to sleep – complicated, psychological experience
 to be able to sleep – be able to put outside of you
all your emotional investments and allow your
emotions to fall back on yourself
 Vergote: effort similar to dying, giving up
 therefore, we should expect that sleeping is a
great achievement and insomnia is a burden
 we are able to sleep because we normally have
good relations with our ideal ego (work hard, try
to be fair, try to have friends), we live according
to our ideal ego. When we sleep, we can then be
warmly received by our ideal ego. Fear of death
is not overwhelming us.
 Situation with depressed person?
 What is the relation b/w depressed person
and his ideal ego?
 They have an ideal ego that is destroyed –
antagonistic relation with ideal ego. Ideal
ego is not capable of dealing with the fear
of death that is provoked by the activity
required to sleep. Hence, they fall asleep
during the day but they are insomniacs at
• Inactive
• neglect personal care: malnourished, do not dress decently
• all these activities are promoted by pride in ideal ego. No
pride in ideal ego because ideal ego is destroyed.
• Contrary to melancholic persons, depressed persons want to
be alone, annoyed by presence of others.
• We want to be respected by others, value their recognition.
Hence, presence of another is a form of appeal to show our
best side. And depressed people have no best ‘side.’ Hence,
the presence of the other is the occasion for shame.
• Acc to Vergote, depressed person has something deficient in
their ideal ego.
• Whenever they see somebody, they complain.
o To complain – frequent psychic activity
o depressed complains about him or herself.
o In that symptom, Vergote sees the heart of depression.
o in the complaint, depressed person confesses that they
are less than what they want to be.
o hence, they point to the fact that they feel that as a
human being, they are less than what they want to be.
But in complaining, confess to something even more
tragic. They confess that they want to hold on to the
impossible ideal. They are not capable of changing
their ideal.
o ability to change your ideal and still be satisfied by it.
It is that capability that depressed person is lacking.
Depressed person is in the extreme – it is because it is
a super ideal. If the person was in the extreme positive
situation, he has already diminished the ideals. That
person is already from childhood ___ - in process of
diminishing _____. This is a strategy not in the
o In the reality, because we are in between, there are
parts of our ideal that we are able to work with and
there are other parts that we are more paralyzed in
• Speaks from the point of view of indefinite present
o Future is blocked
o past is not seen as having latent possibility
o time passes without differentiation
o this connects the concept of ideal self with the
experience of time.
o to be able to live with an ideal of yourself, it is
necessary to see the future as a possibility to realize
your ideal.
o with an ideal, you can look back on your past and notice
where you failed and where you succeeded. Without an
ideal, time is just indifferent facts.
o discovery of a new ideal allows one to see a future and
to experience a past.
• Do not accuse themselves, rather they see themselves as
a victim of fatality
o Ex. lady said: I had choices, if only I had married the
other one.
o depressed person experiences him/herself as powerless
o they do not argue that “I could have done something”
argue that “somebody else could have done something
for me” “that man would have been more successful
and provided a bigger income”
o secretly hope that someone will save them.
o depressed person in his complaint maintains a negative
distance towards his illness and has a secret desire to
be saved.
o counselor must allow depressed person to see that
salvation will come by working on their own/ideal
o counselor in listening can provide the recognition
necessary from depressed person to accept the change
in perspective –salvation not from others, but from
• Does not complain about rottenness of human condition (not
Sartre, human condition is absurd). Rather, depressed
person feels that his or her life is struck by a fatal past.
o IT is their journey that is leading to the feeling of
C. General theory of mental illness: Next section in
• Theory of psychosis/schizo
• Theory: Developed a lot by means of study of one case:
Judge Schreber – lawyer who in an early age was selected to
be the head of the 2nd most important court in Germany
under Bismarck
o socially very highly regarded
o found that appointment such an honor that he wanted
to prove himself worthy to that nomination
o most of the judges with whom he would be the head –
were 20/30 years older than him
o as a consequence, he overworked himself and became
mentally ill
o had been ill – decade earlier
 ran for Parliament against Bismarck
 ultimately lost  first mental breakdown
o went to Dr. Flexie?
o Wife of Judge Schreber impressed by Dr. – gave
husband back!
o 2nd illness
 Flexie started to realize that he couldn’t cure
Schreber- thus shipped him off to a state hospital
where he stayed for several years
 during his stay, took notes. 7 years later, he
improved and Flexie wrote a book on his mental
illness. – helped psychiatric understand
hallucinations of schizo
o curious habits
 every morning, every 15 minutes, necessary to
stand naked in front of mirror with female
ornaments to convince himself that he was
becoming a woman
 whenever there were forces stopping his
transformation into women, started to make
noises with his stomach
 doctors argued he was crazy and should stay in
o in every country, to be someone permanently in
asylum- need a specific law to apply to.
 In Germany, law that husband (father) was
responsible for finances of home.
 argument: as he needed female ornaments,
spend all family resources on female ornaments.
Thus, he was not able to perform the paternal
function under German law.
 Judge Schreber said: yes I need FO but they are
cheap ornaments and actually they are less
expensive than what other men use for recreation
(tobacco, beer). Hence, my need for FO is not
more expensive than other men for their
 Judges said good argument, go home~
o symptoms prominent in Judge Schreber
 accused his doctor (Dr. Flexie) as trying to
commit sole murder on him
 talked amusingly about his doctor
 ___________________
 narcissism
 megalomania
← Challenge: not application of idea
• what is puzzling you in life?
o Saw a movie, read a book, poem
o Puzzled by what you see around yourself
o Articulate puzzle you have
• Must have some answers to your own puzzle
• Articulate what it is you do not understand in that puzzle
• Looking to ideas in the course that can clarify the remaining
• Not possible to completely understand – but you can have
superficial/intelligent/very intelligent approaches

← Freedom is the ability to think!

← Schizophrenia
• Symptoms of Dr. Schreber continued…
• totally different ways in interpreting symptoms
• US and Western World strongly divided in how to interpret – 2
points of view – biological, lack of dopamine in brain OR
o great problem: purely biological? Purely psychological?
• Lack of Energy
• 5th symptom of Dr. Schreber
o felt that everyday for about 15 minutes he had to stand
naked from waist on in order to confirm that he was
becoming a woman
o at first, resisted idea and then later fully embraced idea
and thought he was becoming a woman in order to
marry god and create a world where he would marry
the patron saint
o read in his own newspaper: his own obituary
 took it seriously
 this is an indication that my hope to return to
mankind is excluded
o his wife was with him but after several days, decided to
visit her father
 while she was goes, shreber thought she was
 invented a new concept: that she was a fleetingly
improvised person
 when she is in my presence, she looks like a
human being; when she goes, she disappears
from my consciousness
o many experiences of bodily integration
 after he ate bread, stomach taken away, and
bread filled his thighs
o had to complete sentences
 “ I have to __________ “
 as the voices wanted him to complete them
 I have to accept that I am stupid – precisely
opposite of what he thinks about himself
o many words have special meaning
 poison=food
 reward=punishment
o some reflections on voluptuousness and the moral
 moral domains for voluptuousness does not exist
 God demands that I imagine myself as man and
woman in one person and having intercourse with
myself and achieving some sort of sexual
o Many symptoms
o BIOLOGICAL APPROACH: biologically oriented
psychiatrist will listen to the patient- 2 totally different
 biologist says pay attention to Detail that
statistically occurs most frequently
if it is with the eyes, something is wrong with
area of brain that controls brain
 hence, biology looks at the symptoms as isolated
symptoms where statistical frequencies indicates
where in the brain there might be a problem
 in the meantime, we do not know enough about
the brain but the program is put forward
 hence, you must do something physical in order
to help those patients, thus there is a port report
about how to deal with schizophrenics and they
are honest and say that our recommendations are
medication because we don’t have much research
on psychology
• Symptoms as a totality
o Freud:
 Draws attention to one fact
 story told by Schreiber changes over time
 in the beginning, he is indignant about idea that
he is becoming a woman
 towards the end, he embraces the idea and
makes it part of his grandiosity
 curiously enough, says Freud, in the process of
changing his story, he becomes better
 so good that he is asking to leave the hospital
 asks a legal question: is my hospitalization
permanent or temporary?
 Judge says: permanent
 asks his own lawyer to appeal
 lawyer loses the case
 Schreiber appeals himself and wins the case
 Recovers himself- becomes a better lawyer
 Schreiber: how do we have to interpret this
system of delirious ideas?
 Biological approach looks at it as a
symptom of illness – something that has to
be cured – something that has to be
 medication is supposed to suppress such
stupid ideas
 Freud, on the contrary, discover that these
delirious ideas allow the patient to become
o delirium: attempt to solve an unsolvable problem for
the patient
 Freud: delirium, crazy ideas of schizophrenic is
not the illness to be eliminated – it is the highest
creative act of that person
 It is that by which they keep themselves
psychologically alive
o Freudian recommendation: opposite of biological
 Bio: give them medication so they stop believing
these crazy ideas
 Freud: listen to their ideas because in those ideas,
you can have the secret to their great creative
effort to give meaning to their lives
o depressed person is so depressed – cannot sleep
 no psychological interest in their dreams
 cannot even do psychological work
o tides are turning from purely biological to psychiatric
• Psychological Approach
o Interprets delirious ideas as the highest intellectual
effort of that person to deal with an unsolvable problem
in himself
o Freud had the challenge
o if you listen to Schreber’s symptoms: his unsolvable
problem is:
o 1) not comfortable with his own sexual identity
o 2) Dutch poet: each one of us are gods, sitting on a
throne in the depth of our own heart waiting to be
discovered by the others
 we all have a little bit of grandiosity
 we need to contain it
o basic problem: not being comfortable with own sexual
identity and Freud then combines accepting ones own
sexual identity with giving up grandiosity because if you
accept that you are a man not a woman, you are
accepting that you are not everything.
o problem Judge Schreber must have been dealing with is
inability to be comfortable with his own sexual identity
o Freud makes a two-quick? Conclusion
 looking to basement of our unconscious
 hypothesized that Schreber was afraid of his own
homosexual tendencies to such a degree that he
is willing to believe that he is becoming a woman
 everyone has hetero/homosexual feelings –
bisexual feelings
o translate into a sentence:
 I (a man) love another (man).
 Homosexuality
o Judge Schreber not able to construvely dealing with
feeling and needs to deny it.
 To deny this sentence (I love another): way to
deny feelings of homosexuality
 therefore, Freud proposes something radically
different instead of an infinite # - only 4 kinds
 one more Freudian thought: Freud says that the
challenge of Judge Schreber who cannot accept
his homosexual tendencies is that he must do 2
contradictory things at the same time: first deny
it and he must also justify it
 deny and justify at the same time- not
logically possible
 if something is logically impossible for us, what do
we do?
 what cannot be solved logically in reality we try to
solve illogically in fantasy
 by dreaming of walking with 4 boys to make one
who rejected you jealous, we feel good.
 delirious ideas are precisely ideas that are capable
in imagination to solve logically impossible
challenge of refusing/denying/justifying
homosexual feelings at the same time
 there are 4 methods because you can deny in the
sentence, the verb, subject, object or whole
 1) deny verb
 LOVE another man
 says Freud: one of the symptoms, delirious
ideas of Schreber: Dr. Flexie is trying to
commit sole murder then have you proven
that you love Flexie or that you are
rightfully hating?
 Freud says in creating the delusion that Dr.
Flexie tries to commit sole murder, he
denies that there is love with Dr. Flexie
instead there is hate
 this strategy is called PARANOIA
 in creating the fantasy that Dr. Flexie is
trying to commit sole murder, he now has
justified the denial of his love for Dr. Flexie
 but how can he justify having homosexual
 if you believe that Dr. Flexie is trying to
commit sole murder on you, should you
forget about him or watch him all the time?
← 2 Studies
• Tienari
o from Finland
o 1st 20 years: look to all the hospital records in Finland
o told all women that were admitted in hospital with
diagnosis of psychosis
o 2nd step: look to civil records to see which of these women
had children
o families divided into 3 groups
 normal
 conflictual
 chaotic
o biological predisposition is nothing more than a
o listen again
o 2nd study: Finland: free prenatal care
 when mothers came to prenatal care ctr, they
asked “are you happy with the pregnancy?”
 received 3 answers:
 I am very happy.
 It is mistimed, but I am happy.
 I am unhappy
• Myhrman

← Look to a possible psychological explanation of symptoms of
Schizophrenia, then a conceptualization of the development of the
← 1) Freud’s idea – you do not have to look to the details, look to
the whole system and over time the delusions changed
• delusion tries to find a solution
o I, a man love another man.
• 1) Deny object
o you cannot just deny, you must justify it in disguised
o to justify and deny it is impossible in reality
o logical contradiction
o patient creates a fantasy that justifies hatred
o ex. if you feel that Dr. Flexie is committing sole murder
on you, you would have feelings of hatred
o next Q: how is fantasy of sole murder at the same time
justified the satisfaction of homosexual interest in Dr.
o PARANOIA: nerve
• 2) ex. pastor makes unacceptable sexual advances to him;
don’t accuse me for loving sister of pastor – but this is
inappropriate love
o 1st strategy: denial of lesbian emotions
o how is this person by that fantasy capable of justifying
lesbian relationship?
 By 1 move, she fears that every morning, she has
to go to sister of pastor to complain about pastor
 strategy called Erotomania
• 3) ______________ ex. capable of denying that there is
homosexual lesbian love.
o how does she justify her lesbian love? by spying on her
female love – aka JEALOUSY
o everybody has libido – and if somebody says they love
nobody, it really means I love nobody but myself.
• next idea of Freud: what does it mean to love?
o If you love a boy/girl, do you evaluate them
realistically, looking down on them, or exaggerating
their good characteristics?
o young kids these days: exaggerate
o therefore, interpret statement: I love nobody but
myself, what will Schreiber do about himself?
 Exaggerate his good characteristics and that
becomes megalomania
 redraw his loving investment in others
 Freudian conclusion: diminish the other person
and indeed Schreieber talks about other ppl as
fleetingly improvised – they are not real people
• what did Hegel teach you about being a self-consciousness?
o are you a self-consciousness by sitting at your desk in
your room? Or are you becoming a self-consciousness
in a fight for recognition with others?
• Symptoms: paranoia, erotomania, jealously, megalomania
• practical consequence
o _______________________
• likes Freudian explanation
• but thinks I can do better
• his reflection by a factual observation
• if we look at all the symptoms, Freud argues that there are
only 4 possible categories
• looking at Judge Schreiber, there are 2 categories of
symptoms that Freud has not talked about and therefore, has
not given an explanation for ______________________.?
• Freud has not explained phenomena of language
o Language phenomena
• Philosophically, challenge for Lacan
o Two kinds of symptoms that Freud has not addressed
o Lacan must choose which one of two is most
o gamble of Lacan: opt for the symptom of language as
the crucial symptom of Judge Schreiber
o in general, Lacan would say that mental illness is a
defective relation to language
o and Lacan, in all his megalomania, has some humility
and says the 3 great works of Freud are works that pay
exquisite attention to language of patients or to
language of every person when they dream
o claim that language is central phenomena fits with
whole picture with conception of psychoanalysis
• Lacan’s views of Judge Schreiber concentrating on idea that
language is the central phenomena
• language makes no demands on them
o in trying to let patient relate to language so that he/she
is capable of saying that I am not a thief, even though I
o Lacan: totally different relation to language
o analyze symptom of voices
 voices & Judge Schreiber
 Judge Schreiber hears the beginning of the
 he feels that he has to complete that sentence or
else God will punish him with death
 he must complete sentence acc. To what he
thinks voices want
 must try to understand desires/wishes of other
 hears that I must resign myself to being stupid
 sentence that he must complete not about
whatever – it is about the SELF ?!?!?!
 Judge Schreiber is forced to say about himself
that he is stupid
 what he says about himself is the opposite of
what he believes
 Lacan calls this self-alienation
 transform yourself against desire of another
 process that is deeply ingrained in all
human beings
 psychoanalytic approach
 develop a strategy that is not successful for
 go to early years of your childhood!
 Lacan theory will be this strategy that we
discovered in Judge Schreiber at age 50
 we will take a look that in human dvlp there
is not a period in which that strategy is not
the normal strategy of the child
 Lacan starts by means of a statement that is
generally accepted by psychoanalysts and
psychologists – there does not exist something
like a baby
 Baby alone is dead
 baby is alive only in a joint unit between
child and mother (maternal figure)
 child contrary to baby animals cannot do
 human baby is born too premature before
the muscles/nervous system is developed
 human babies start to develop some
 when something is unacceptable in the
reality and we cannot do anything about it,
what is the human solution?
• We go in the domain of fantasy of
 what can child do in fantasy to deal with
unacceptability of being totally dependent
on mother?
• Child imagines that mother is
• Absence of omnipotence : danger for
 If mother is omnipotent, and she doesn’t
care about me?
• Then child gives more importance
than it has- it is everything that the
mother could want.
 In order to survive, children has to develop
2 fantasies
• With these 2 fantasies: completely
secure and accept to live in their
• they are self-secure and behave as
his/her majesty, the baby.
 As child develops and grow older, the non
presence immediately of mother when there
is something hurting makes the child
question the fantasies they have created.
• Doubting omnipotence of mother is
too frightening, we are left to
• simplistic way of translating: start to
question whether they are loveable
for mother. If they are loveable for
mother and mother is omnipotent,
would be there immediately. Child
starts to doubt lovability in eyes of
 How can child find a strategy to deal with
that anxious question?
 Two diff. families
 1) mother like that child is active even if
that means putting child in sink and water
 2) mother like that child is perfectly dressed
even if that means don’t touch anything
 2 years later – what can you expect?
• 1) active child
• 2) nicely clean child
 hence, says Lacan, in response to asking
am I still lovable for the mother? Child has
a solution [clever]. Look to what the
mother might want and then they apply it to
themselves even if that is not what they
 Psychic strategy of Schreiber remained
strategy of 2 yrs. Old child
 mental illness: lack of correction of
original childish issue that was necessary to
develop self-confidence
• that correction normally occurs when
instead of 2, there are 3 that are
normally referred to as Oedipal
• argument: by the time the child is 3,
able to differentiate b/w different
figures, mother/father before it fuses
them. Once it is capable of
differentiating them, child is
interested in 3rd – mostly father but
father can be dead and have an
influence therefore, Lacan calls it the
name of the father.
 If mother is interested in father, it means I
am not enough for her. This is called
narcissistic wound. Instead of believing
that I am everything for mother, I must
now realize that I am not everything
 Children do not like to get that msg.
 first attempt of child: try to interrupt
relation b/w mother and father
 strategy: look to father with signals of
mother and try to figure out what it is in the
father that is of such interest to the mother
 at that point, identify with a mark in the
father that becomes the first signifier which
they organize their desire
 6 yrs: girl goes back to mother (pre-
oedipal: thought to be omnipotent)
• must make sure that it is a post-
oedipal mother characterized by not
being everything
• Lacanian theory of human
 1) mark = signifier
 2) work
 3) patience
 4) future
 if they do not have it now, they have a
temper tantrum
 child creates itself as an ideal ego
 those who create narcissistic wound create
an ego ideal
 one more important argument:
• intellectual mother/father
 Freud argues that people who have
character difficulties have difficulty with
• Sexuality confronts us with not being
• sexual satisfaction demands that one
accepts being submitted to desire of
• I am therefore not an autonomous
human being.
Idea of bodily disintegration
 Argument: after your bf drops you, is it the case
that you have a lot of energy or not?
 Disappointment in ones ideal has impact in
way we experience our body
 Radical destruction of our ideal ego/ego
ideal destroys the psychic experience of a
unified body


← Dual relationship
• ideal ego: conception of ego
• dvlp of self worth
• subjective position #1
← Big change happens with introduction of 3rd aka Triangle
• no longer a dual relationship
• narcissistic wound
• ideal ego is challenged
• subjective position #2
• creates an ego-ideal (something you want to be, but you
are aware you are not; hence, tension in yourself. Tension
allows you to accept imperfections, patience, and allows you
to work)
o different from ideal-ego
• identification with signifier
• symbolic order

← Lacan
• technical term used to refer to this part of child development
& that influence permanently on us – imaginary

← Linguistic capability of using and understanding
• Most difficult to understand
• most puzzling dimension
• if you are in S#1 and you are in dual relations – you have not
the opportunity to understand metaphors
• if you are S#2 (triangle), capability to understand and use
• schizo people cannot understand metaphors
• first test to distinguish mentally ill from schizo – give them
• metaphor: great puzzle
• need a psychological structure in order to understand
• Linguistic Metaphor
o metaphor – using a word; you mean it and you don’t
mean it at the same time and the listener understands
• when child is in S2 – identifies I = ego-ideal (wants
everything now)
• but it used to be that I was an ideal-ego
o as ideal-ego, child has patience, willing to work, looks
to future
• therefore, I of child has changed
• 1) I in pos S 1 not same as I in pos 2
• 2) I = I
o child is still same child
• child is different yet same at the same time
• has made the psychological moves required parallel
to/identical to the linguistic measures
• move from S1  S2 provides the psychological underpinnings
for the linguistic metaphor
• application
o granddaughter
o move away from dual position to triangular position
o absence of triangular --> dvlp of psychotic structure
which often leads to breakdown that expresses itself in
• depression
o Vergote: background world of our fantasies in which we
are sticking to overidealized images for ourselves to
give meaning to our lives
o going to S2 allows child to accept a narcisstic wound
o all children, including ourselves, resist these narcisstic
wounds, message that introduces the NW
o NW can be accepted a little bit but we resist a deep
narcistic wound
o hence we are all confronted with possibility of
depression if circumstances are such that our
exaggerated image of ourselves that makes us satisfied
with ourselves is challenged by circumstances that we
o coming to college is such an external circumstance that
challenges in general our ideal of ourselves

← 1) Human development - there is a conflictual element
• maternal/paternal figure both have a function
o child needs to feel that it is proverbially the apple in the
eye of the mother, needs to be fed narcisstically – basis
for security of self
o corrected with introduction of father
• as a result of introduction of 3rd – narcisttic wound – you are
not everything to your mother – you have to find your own
• theme of course = I am not an automonous individual
o I become myself between the relation b/w others
o relation of mother-child, triangular relationship that
invites narcisstic wound
• U.S. – idea of autonomy
o In current US family law – family is not automatically
requested to live up to his function
o Ex. Mary Ann Glendon
 Transformation of divorce laws in US
 US thinks that both mother & father were equally
autonomous figures who could take care of
 hence, they allowed great flexibility to negotiate
terms of divorce before the judge
 disastrous results:

← Dr. Patrick
← What do you do with ego/id/etc?
← All tell important story – Vergote
← Engelhard – builds a bridge to our everyday way of living, “lived
Take it from world of intellectual
think from your own life
most medicated in post-secondary education
 depression & anxiety
go from extraordinary  ordinary at Georgetown
we’ve all experienced depression & anxiety – through support, we are
balanced again
imagine you are a river – tributaries coming into the river
• if it flows the right way, water does not overflow
• if a huge amount of water coming from tributary, water
overflows its banks  problem
• you must look at the many tributaries in your life
← talk about essence of VALUES
• values in your life, and what drives your life
• what happens when value is disrupted
• values hold us up
← choices you make move you closer? To values
← when we find ourselves in opposition to our values --> crisis
← enter into relationships determining who are we? What do we
want to be?
← it is hard for us to ask for help
← I’d rather suffer than say to someone that I cannot manage this
on my own.
← hero: first person not to recognize a problem, first person to do
← you have to step up, share your feelings

← master-slave dialectic
• there are certain times in our life we can become enslaved.
• are there things in your life that control you?
• none of us want to feel like we are being controlled
• always a search to make sense out of something
• stress comes at you – and can give way to anxiety &
• is tehre 1 thing in my life that if i were to stop doing it - it
would add positive value to my life?
• what's stopping us?
• Powerful what holds us from values we construct, actions we
• What is sense of really knowing “I”?
← How do we begin to shift and move towards personal growth?
• Vergote – melancholia, state of mourning, not connecting
← Look back, things that have occurred – things you have no
control over.
← When we are super anxious/worried - we are locked in future.
← how do i live my life right now that allow me to move to where I
want to be?
← Even though there are things that I wish I didn’t do, I can
choose now, so that I don’t live with regret.
← Have a goal and you do everything you can do to achieve it –
you ultimately will.
← depressed - powerlessness.

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