3-26-08 Agenda

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Agenda for First Impressions/Assimilation Study Group

Wed., Mar. 26, 2008

6:00 p.m.
Location - FCWC

A. Opening: Scripture to claim for our team: Hebrews 12: 1 – 2: Therefore,

since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith,
let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so
easily hinders our progress. And let us run with endurance the race that God has
set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, on whom our faith depends
from start to finish. He was willing to die a shameful death on the cross because
of the joy he knew would be his afterward. Now he is seated in the place of
highest honor beside God’s throne in heaven. (Life Application Bible)

B. Prayer
C. Introduce yourself and tell us one thing we don’t know
about you.
D. What is expected of you as a team member?
E. Prayer Secretary needed: ___________________________________
(Write down requests concerning what we are doing. Personal prayer requests may be
included if permission is given by the person asking for prayer. Include answered
prayers too!)

F. Team Secretary needed: (record minutes of each meeting

and send to all team members and to Jack Lynn (Jack has
asked that his be sent to him “immediately after the
meeting is completed.)
G. Adjective Approach – handout (relates to our perception of
our church)
H. Mission Statement, Core Values, Vision Statement, and
Evaluating Questions Handout from Strategic Planning
Committee (Read aloud for direction and discussion)
I. Current Reality of FCWC concerning First

We have:
1) music playing as people get out of their cars
2) greeters
3) ushers
4) connection center (first time attendees pick up bag/info
5) name tags
6) hospitality (coffee and cookies)
7) time during service where we shake hands with those
around us
8) Keith sends out letter to visitors the 1st and 3rd time they

To assimilate people we currently have:

1) Next Steps Room
2) Connection Cards – Keith follows up with a phone call if
they check a need and then goes further if needed. (Some
visitors don’t fill out their cards. . . . .)
3) Small groups
4) 40 Days of Community just completed (Sold 420 books for
this) and Transforming Thursdays developed out of this. It
continues for another 5??? Weeks. . . . .
Questions to ponder:
1) Is our church relevant?
2) Do we have “WOW” experiences for visitors to encourage
them to come back?
3) How can people who have attended 2 – 3 times be plugged
in so they feel they are a part of the church?
4) Do visitors know where to enter the church?
5) Do they know where to go once inside?

J. The Strategic Planning Committee has found the

following opportunities for our team to study:
a. The ‘Back Door Problem – The church is initially
welcoming but it is hard to break through the next
layer and become part of the church family. The
church does not do well in following up with those
who have left the church or with those who are
b. Good follow up for new people is missing.
c. Communication in general needs improvement.
d. How a person gets ‘plugged in’

K. Dream Big!!!!!!!! What does success look like to us?

L. How do we proceed?
M. Next meeting dates: _____________________________

N. Closing Prayer

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