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Ricardo Mansilla

Career Summary

Ricardo is a web, mobile and backend developer, mainly focused on real time/data analysis platforms. Has
an strong theoretical background in statistical and quantitative methods for data analysis. Has experience
as project manager and team leader in some software development projects.

Qualifications for Position
Data Analysis: Ricardo has almost six years of experience as data analyst. His first approach was strictly
academic, but recently has been involved in projects requiring a lot of both technical and theoretical skills
related with data analysis. Namely, a lot data from social networks and web in general. He feels confident
in a the most common scripting environments used for data analysis, preferible: Matlab, R and Python, in
which have experience working with the most used libraries as Sklearn, PyBrain, Neurolab, NLTK, etc.

Python: His experience includes four years working with the language and two years working as
freelance developer for several customers. He has been involved with a wide range of projects using the
language. From web applications, backend system and noSQL databases management platforms.

Summary of Qualifications
Proficient In:













Spanish (native speaker)

English (advanced)

Career History

Merge6, Mexico City, Mexico 2013 2014
Co-Founder, Data Scientist, System Engineer
Merge6 is an startup which is mainly focused in finding and exploiting patterns in the mechanisms related
with social media marketing, in order to boost and improve this process.
They offer services of consulting and management of marketing campaigns in the most important social
networks. Ricardo's work here is the design and development of the algorithms and the software of the
consulting service. He serve as manager and chief of the software development group.

Key technologies: Python, Javascript, C/C++, Erlang, Redis, CouchDB, MySQL.

Social Rocks, Mexico City, Mexico 2013
Co-Founder, Data Scientist, System Engineer
He was working as data analyst for this company of social media marketing services. His work mainly
involved the development of a platform for monitoring and measurement of the effectiveness of
marketing campaigns on social networks.
The platform was never finished, and it became in the starting point of what would be called later

Key technologies: Python,PyBrain, SKLearn, NLTK, OpenCV, C/C++, CouchDB, MongoDB, MySQL.

Elka Soluciones, Mexico City, Mexico 2011 2013
Head Developer
He was involved with the implementation and management of several software application development
projects. His work involved some recent technologies as cloud computing services and NoSQL database
He was the head of a development group consisting in around twenty developers, working in different
projects. Interaction with clients and negotiations were also part of their duties.

Key technologies: Objetive C, Python, Javascript, MySQL, CouchDB.

Junior Developer
He started to work in a small company of mobile apps development. Since he started as junior developer
his main function was support of more experienced programmers on their own projects.

Key technologies: iOS, XCode, Objective C.

Institute of Economics Research, UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico 2008 2011
Research Assistant
He was part of a project as software developer of econometric and statistical framework related with a
work on prediction and modelling of econometric phenomena in mexican market.
The final result of his work there (the source code) was never published or commercialised. Though
exists a published research paper [

Key technologies: Matlab, R, C/C++, Python.

UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico Aug. 2008 Jun. 2011
BS Mathematics

UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico Aug. 2012 Jun. 2014
MSc Applied Mathematics

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