Skills 1.0

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[Level 1] Flee. Roll 1d20, if 5 or above, flees the battle successfully. Gain no loot or X.
[Level !] Redirect. Roll 1d20, if 5 or above, the ne"t turn tar#eted ene$y shall attac% the
&layer 'ho used Redirect. (ses 20 ).
[Level *] Fortify. +hoose one &layer fro$ &arty, then, roll 1d20, de&endin# on your roll,
that,s ho' $uch da$a#e you $ay &rotect the$ for, lasts for 2 turns.
[Level 1] )$all Fireball. Roll 1d20 for accuracy if 5 or belo', $isses. -f hi#her, roll 1d.
/1 for each ! 0-). 1"a$&le2 'ill be 1d3 if 1! 0-). (ses 20 4ana. 4a" bonus da$a#e
is *.
[Level !] )&ar%. Roll 1d20 for accuracy, if 5 or belo', $isses. -f hi#her, roll 1d10 /1 for
each ! 0-). -f hits 5 or above, stuns tar#et for 1 turn. (ses !0 4ana. 4a" bonus
da$a#e is *
[Level 5] )$all su$$on. )u$$on a creature fro$ the aether to assist you6 7)u$$on
re&laces &layer until su$$on is #one.8. 9efore su$$on, roll 2d*0 for :ealth and
;a$a#e. ;e&endin# on rolls, that,s ho' $uch health<da$a#e the su$$on has<can do.
Lasts until su$$on is %illed, or battle is over. (ses 50 $ana.
[Level 1] )$all :eal. Roll for s&ell success, if 5 or belo', fails. :eals tar#et for 20 :
/10 for each ! 0-). (ses 20 4ana. 4a" bonus health is *0.
[Level !] rotect. +hoose one &layer fro$ &arty, then, roll 1d20 for s&ell success, if 5 or
belo', fails. uts &arty $e$ber into bubble 'hich defends the$ a#ainst 5 da$a#e. (ses
!0 4ana. Lasts until bubble is #one.
[Level !] Redirect. Roll 1d20, if 5 or above, the ne"t turn tar#eted ene$y shall attac% the
&layer 'ho used Redirect. (ses 20 ).
[Level 5] )tun. Roll 1d20, if 10 or above, attac% succeeds. Roll 1d 'ea&on da$a#e, hit
'ill stun the ene$y for 1 turn. (ses !0 ).
[Level 1] )teal. Roll 1d20, if 10 or above, 'or%s. )teal a rando$ ite$ fro$ the tar#eted
ene$y. 7+urrently doesn,t 'or% due to no functionin# ite$ table.8
[Level !] ;oublestab. Roll 1d20, if 10 or above, attac% hits. Roll 2d of current 'ea&ons
stren#th. (ses 20 ).
[Level !] Rata=tat=tat. Roll 1d20 for accuracy, if 5 or belo', $isses. Roll *d71<28 of
current 'ea&ons stren#th. (ses 50 1ner#y. 4a" da$a#e is 10.
[Level 5] 9ouncin# 9ullets. Roll 1d20 for >ccuracy, if 5 or belo', $isses first !
bounces. Roll ?d!, total da$a#e is dealt to tar#et. (ses !0 1ner#y
[Level !] Rata=tat=tat. Roll 1d20 for accuracy, if 5 or belo', $isses. Roll *d71<28 of
current 'ea&ons stren#th. (ses 50 1ner#y. 4a" da$a#e is 10.
[Level !] Redirect. Roll 1d20, if 5 or above, the ne"t turn tar#eted ene$y shall attac% the
&layer 'ho used Redirect. (ses 20 ).
[Level *] Fortify. +hoose one &layer fro$ &arty, then, roll 1d20, de&endin# on your roll,
that,s ho' $uch da$a#e you $ay &rotect the$ for, lasts for 2 turns.
[Level !] 9loc%er ;rone. +reates a s$all drone 'hich &rotects the entire &arty fro$
da$a#e. +an ta%e only 10 da$a#e before #ettin# destroyed. !0 ). -nstantly constructed.
[Level 5] +onstruct >uto$aton. Roll t'o stats for the auto$aton, : and ;>4 via
2;20. @a%es 1 turn to construct. (ses 50 ). >uto$aton is controlled by &layer $ade,
and acts as a se&arate $e$ber. Anly 'or%s for the current battle.
[Level !] Rata=tat=tat. Roll 1d20 for accuracy, if 5 or belo', $isses. Roll *d71<28 of
current 'ea&ons stren#th. (ses 50 1ner#y. 4a" da$a#e is 10.
[Level 5] 9ouncin# 9ullets. Roll 1d20 for >ccuracy, if 5 or belo', $isses first !
bounces. Roll ?d!, total da$a#e is dealt to tar#et. (ses *0 1ner#y
[Level !] >rcane 0his&er. Roll 1d20 for >ccuracy, if 5 or belo', fails. Roll 1d? /1 for
each ! 0-). 4a" bonus da$a#e is *. -f roll is above !, roll a#ain. )to& rollin# 'hen roll
is ! or belo', or 'hen ! rolls have been co$&leted. (ses !0 4ana.
[Level 5] >rcane 4issile. Roll 1d20 of >ccuracy, if 5 or belo', fails. Roll 1d10 /1 for
each ! 0-). 4a" bonus da$a#e is 5. (ses !0 4ana.

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