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Curried Rice with Shrimp

Serves 8| Hands-On Time: 20m| Total Time: 40m

2 tablespoon olive oil
2 large onion, chopped
4 carrots, chopped
4 cloves garlic, chopped
4 teaspoons crr! po"der
2 cp long-grain "hite rice
#osher salt and blac# pepper
$ ponds peeled and deveined large shrimp
% cp &resh basil
%( Heat the oil in a large s#illet over medim heat( )dd the onion and carrots
and coo#, stirring occasionall!, ntil so&t, * to 8 mintes(
2( )dd the garlic and crr! po"der and coo#, stirring, ntil &ragrant, 2 mintes(
$( )dd the rice, 2+ cps "ater, and + teaspoon each salt and pepper and
bring to a boil(
4( ,edce heat and simmer, covered, &or %- mintes(
-( Season the shrimp "ith + teaspoon salt and . teaspoon pepper( /estle
them in the partiall! coo#ed rice(
*( 0over and coo# ntil the shrimp are opa1e throghot, 4 to - mintes( 2old
in the basil(
Chicken Fajita Rice bowl
3recoo#ed &a4ita chic#en
2 cans blac# beans
sliced red5!ello"5green peppers
sliced "hite5!ello" onion
2 cps rice, "hite or bro"n
toppings: salsa, avocado, sor cream
%( 0oo# rice: combine 4 cps "ater and 2 cps rice in a large pot, cover,
trn heat on high and bring to a boil(
2( Heat hal& o& the bag o& chic#en according to the pac#age directions
6the! "ill go on a ba#ing sheet in the oven7(
$( ,inse and drain the blac# beans, pt them in a sace pan on lo" heat
to "arm
4( Slice onion and peppers( )dd % glg olive oil to s#illet, heat to medim
high and add peppers and onions( Sate ntil coo#ed(
-( 8hile things are "arming and coo#ing, prepare topping bo"ls: sliced
avocado, salsa, and sor cream(
*( Scoop rice into serving bo"ls and top "ith the chic#en, blac# beans
and pepper mi9(
Gluten Free Mexican Lasagna Recipe
/on-stic#, coo#ing spra!
2 tablespoon olive oil
2 "hite or !ello" onion, chopped
2 pond lean grond tr#e! 6or bee&7
% pond 4ar salsa
2 teaspoon grond cmin
% teaspoon #osher or :ne sea slat
% teaspoon &reshl! grond blac# pepper
2 6%- once7 can blac# bean, rinsed and drained
% cp "ater
%* corn tortillas
4 cps grated ;e9ican cheese blend 6a combo o& cheddar and montere!
% 62(2- once7 can sliced blac# olives, drained
4 scallions, sliced
2 large tomatoes, diced
. cp cilantro leaves, coarsel! chopped
+ cp sor cream, &or serving
3reheat oven to 42- degrees( Spra! an %% b! < inch 6or similar7 ba#ing pan
"ith coo#ing spra!(
In a large s#illet over medim-high heat, heat the olive oil( )dd the onion and
coo# ntil so&tened, abot - mintes( )dd the tr#e! and coo# ntil bro"ned,
abot - mintes(
In a blender, combine 2 cps salsa, the cmin, salt, pepper, blac# beans, and
+ cp "ater( =o shold have a thic# sace( I& not, add more "ater, %
tablespoon at a time ntil a thic# bt porable sace is achieved( 'rain an!
&at &rom the tr#e! and add the blac# bean sace( 0oo# &or another 2 > $
mintes ntil heated throgh(
0t the tortillas into 1arters( Spread hal& the blac# bean5tr#e! sace into
the prepared pan( ?a!er in hal& the tortillas, add hal& the cheese and repeat
the la!ering( Sprin#le the olives on top( @a#e the casserole &or %2 > %-
mintes or ntil the cheese is hot and bbbl!( Top "ith the scallions, diced
tomatoes, and cilantro leaves( Serve "ith sor cream and remaining salsa(
Black Bean Nachos
3reheat the broiler o& !or oven
% @ag 1alit! tortilla chips
2 can o& blac# beans, drained and rinsed
2 cp shredded cheese
Assorted toppings to bake on the nachos such as:
chopped scallions
diced &resh tomatoes
blac# olives
sateed mshrooms5onions
golden corn
Assorted toppings to add after the nachos are remoed from the
avocado, salsa, sor cream, chopped cilantro
!sing an "# cast iron skillet or comparable broiler safe baking dish:
0reate a single la!er o& tortilla chips across the bottom o& !or ba#ing dish(
'istribte the beans evenl! across the chips, add the shredded cheese( )dd
"hatever toppings !o "old li#e to ba#e along "ith !or nachos( I love
scallions, 4alapenos and tomatoes( Sper simple, sper !mm! and color&l
to boot(
3lace !or s#illet in the broiler, chec#ing &re1entl! to ma#e sre !o donCt
brn the cheese on top 6probabl! - mintes ma97( ,emove &rom heat, serve
"hile hot and add !or &avorite cold toppings(
Salmon$ %ashed potatoes$ and green beans
$0 mintes
20 mintes hands on
%ore&'s (ild Caught %arinated Seasoned )rill Salmon * + ct,
Instant ;ashed 3otatoes
2roDen Ereen @eans
0oo# salmon and mashed potatoes according to pac#age directions
0oo# green beans according to directions(
%A-. A/.A0
Slow Cooker$ Apple Cinnamon Steel*Cut 1atmeal
4 apples, peeled, cored, ct into %52-inch pieces 62-%52 to $ cps
$ cps &at-&ree mil# 6or sbstitte non-diar! alternative li#e almond
$ cps "ater
2 cp ncoo#ed steel-ct oats
4 tablespoons bro"n sgar 6or sbstitte maple s!rp or other desired
$ tablespoons btter, ct into --* pieces 6optional7
% teaspoon cinnamon
2 tablespoon grond Ga9 seed
%52 teaspoon salt
Optional garnishes: chopped nts, raisins, maple s!rp, additional mil#
or btter
1. 0oat inside o& $-%52 1art 6or larger7 slo" coo#er "ith coo#ing spra!(
2. )dd all ingredients 6e9cept optional toppings7 to slo" coo#er(
3. Stir, cover, and coo# on lo" &or appro9( H hors 6slo" coo#er times can
4. Spoon oatmeal into bo"lsI add optional toppings, i& desired( Store
le&tovers in re&rigerator( 2reeDes "ell(
To reheat single servings: 3t %-cp coo#ed oatmeal in micro"ave proo&
bo"l( )dd %5$ cp &at-&ree mil#( ;icro"ave on high &or % minteI stir(
0ontine coo#ing &or another minte, or ntil hot(
2aleo Salmon Cakes
Serves: <
$ * oD( 0an o& @oneless and S#inless Salmon
medim onion, diced
4 tbsp( 0ocont 2lor
* eggs
$ rib o& celer!, diced
$ tbsp o& dried dill
$ tsp o& lemon pepper
% tsp o& 0eltic Sea Salt
$ tbsp o& cocont oil5btter

%( In a bo"l brea# the salmon p and add the diced onion, celer! and
2( ;i9 in the cocont Gor and combine thoroghl!(
$( Then add in the eggs and mi9 &or roghl! one minte(
4( Set !or brner to medim high and add !or cocont oil to the pan(
-( Shape the mi9tre in to - patties, roghl! 2J "ide(
*( )dd the patties to !or pan and coo# ntil the sides are golden bro"n,
roghl! $ > 4 mintes on each side(
Sere with baked or mashed potatoes and a big salad
o % onion, chopped
o % bell pepper, chopped
o % 6%4 once7 cans ste"ed tomatoes
o 4 68 once7 cans tomato sace
o % 6%4 once7 cans ranch st!le beans
o % 6%4 once7 cans pinto beans
o % 6%4 once7 cans #idne! beans
o % 6%0 once7 cans ,otel diced tomatoes
o % 6% %54 once7 pac#ages ;c0ormic# mild chili seasoning
o 2 lbs grond chc#
%( @ro"n Erond 0hc#( )dd all canned items, inclding 4ice, into large
2( 0oo# ntil onion and pepper are tender(
$( Serve(
4( 2reeDes nicel!F
.nchilada Chicken Stew
3rep time: %0 mins
0oo# time: 8 hors
Total time: 8 hors %0 mins
Serves: 4-*
2lbs chic#en breasts
% !ello" onion, chopped
% green bell pepper, chopped
% 64oD7 can o& chopped 4alapenos
% 64oD7 can o& chopped green chiles
2 tablespoons cocont oil
% 6%4oD7 can o& diced tomatoes
% 6H oD7 can tomato sace
$ garlic cloves, minced
% tablespoon cmin
% tablespoon chili po"der
2 teaspoons dried oregano
salt and pepper, to taste
bndle o& cilantro, to garnish
avocado, to garnish
%( 3ll ot !or hand! dand! croc#pot(
2( )dd !or chic#en breasts(
$( Then add the rest o& the ingredients on top, in an! order(
4( 3t on lo" &or 8-%0 hors or high &or *-8(
-( )&ter itKs done coo#ing, se tongs to pic# at the chic#en to shred it in
"ith all the ingredients(
*( Top "ith cilantro and some avocado(
H( Aat pFF
Serve "ith salad, over rice or "ith tortilla chips
%A-. A/.A0
1n*3he*)o .gg Bites
3rep time: %- mins
0oo# time: %- mins
Total time: $0 mins
Serves: *
%lb grond por# mild italian sasage
%2 eggs, beaten 6i& pre&erred7
%-2 narro" s"eet potatoes, sliced
salt and pepper, to taste
%( 3reheat !or oven to $-0 degrees(
2( )dd !or grond por# to a large s#illet over medim heat( Lse a
spatla to brea# it p into crmbl! pieces
$( 8hile the por# is coo#ing, slice !or s"eet potatoes a little bit thic#er
than a chip "old beMIKd sa! the thic#ness o& 2 1arters stac#ed together(
,eal technical( Then beat !or eggs 6nless !o are going to crac# them
directl! into the egg cps7(
4( Once the meat is coo#ed throgh and there is no pin# remaining,
trans&er that to a plate 6a slotted spoon "ill be best becase it "ill #eep
the le&tover &at in it, bt 4st poring it "or#s as "ell7(
-( /o" add !or sliced s"eet potatoes to the pan "ith the le&tover &at
and trn the brner on high(
*( 0oo# &or abot - mintes per side, depending ho" thic# the! are bt
!o "ant them to be so&t so the! "ill coo# throgh &ll! "hen the! are in
the oven(
H( /o" place a coo#ed s"eet potato slice into !or mNn tin, top it "ith a
little grond por#, then another slice o& slice potato and top it all oO "ith
some beaten eggs or crac# an egg into it, it "ill bind it all togetherF
8( 0oo# &or abot %0-%- min or ntil nothing ooD! is moving arond in the
tins "hen !o chec# them(
<( ?et cool, top "ith hot saceFF
I got abot %$ cps made "ith these ingredientsF
Spaghetti with meat sauce
1.5 pounds pasta
%(-52 pond grond sirloin bee& 6<0P lean7
% medim onion, chopped
4 cans 6%- oD each7 HntCsQ Tomato Sace
2 cans 6%4(- oD each7 HntCsQ 'iced Tomatoes
2T @asil, Earlic R Oregano or Italian Seasoning mi9 on spice rac#
% tablespoon olive oil
- tablespoons :rml! pac#ed bro"n sgar
%( 0oo# spaghetti according to pac#age directions, omitting salt(
2( ;ean"hile, coo# bee& "ith onion in large s#illet over medim-high heat
H mintes or ntil bee& is crmbled and no longer pin#, stirring occasionall!I
drain( Stir in tomato sace, ndrained tomatoes, oil and bro"n sgarI blend
$( Simmer covered over medim-lo" heat %- mintes or ntil hot and
Gavors have blended( 'rain spaghettiI serve "ith sace
Chili 0og Fries
%0ish Hot dogs
2 cps 0hili 6le&tover or canned7
% pac#age 2roDen &rench &ries
0heddar, shredded
diced onion
@roil hot dogs and coo# &ries according to directions
Heat chili over medim heat in sace pan
0t p hot dogs and toss into chili
8hen ever!thing is coo#ed throgh, top &ries "ith chili mi9tre and serve(
2ower 4unch
@oiled eggs
pt eggs in pan and cover "ith "ater
heat ntil boiling, remove &rom heat, cover and let sit &or %8 mintes
rinse nder cold "ater
Slice cheese
Beggie stic#s
slice p carrots 6or se bab! carrots7
slice ccmbers
"ash cherr! tomatoes

2rit salad5&rit slices
0hop p &rit and combine in a salad
slice p &rit to serve on side
serve "ith a side o& Hmms
Baked 2otato Bar
@a#e potatoes
Scrb potatoes nder cold "ater
3o#e "ith a &or# t"ice each
place in oven on rac#s
trn oven to $H- and ba#e &or an hor and a hal&

8arm le&tover or canned chili in sace pan over medim heat
sor cream
shredded cheese
Serve "ith large salad
5uesadillas and smoothies
0orn tortillas
re&ried beans
sor cream
Heat electric s#illet to medim high
driDDle "ith olive oil or add % T cocont oil
spread tortillas "ith a la!er o& re&ried beans and top "ith shredded cheese
place in "arm s#illet and top "ith another tortilla
:ll p s#illet and cover "ith lid ntil bro"n on bottom
Gip 1esadillas, cover and remove "hen bro"ned on the bottom
8hile the! are coo#ing, prepare the smoothiesM(
3t in blender
2 0 =ogrt
2 T hone!
% 0 2roDen &rit
2-$ bananas
enogh mil# or orange 4ice to thin
$ T 2la9 seeds
@lend ntil smooth
0orn tortillas
@ro"ned grond bee& or slo" coo#er chic#en

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