Assignment On Letter and Memo: Course Title: Business Communication (MBA 506) Section: 02

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Course Title: Business Communication (MBA 506)
Section: 02
Prepared for: Mr. Sayeedul Karim
Adjunct Faculty,
MBA ro!ram
Prepared b:
Mr. Md. S"o"idul #slam K"an 20$%&$&
Mr. Md. #(ram )ossain 20$%&$&
Mr. Asi* +a"man 20$%&$&
Ms. Ayes"a A*ter 20$%&$&'5&
Mr. Sai,ul #slam 20$%&$&
Date of Sub!ission: Marc" 25, 20$%
-A./ 0 Marc" 25, 20$%
.1 0 All /m2loyees
F+1M 0 Mana!er, )+
S3B4/C. 0 +eminder o, com2any 2olicy on 5rea* time
#t seems t"at some em2loyees are ta*in! lon!er 5rea* and lunc" "our t"an
t"ey are entitled. 6e also o5ser7ed t"at some o, t"em are too casual to
lea7e t"e o8ce at lunc" "our 9it"out in,ormin! t"eir su2er7isor. As ,ar,
com2any 2olicy e7ery em2loyee a5le to ta*e $5 min tea 5rea* and $&"our
lunc"time. #t is our res2onsi5ility to ,ollo9 t"e rules and maintain t"e
disci2line. #, 9e are una5le to maintain disci2line, it 9ill create 5ad im2act on
our or!ani:ation and 9or* en7ironment as 9ell. From no9 on, 9e are !oin!
to ,ollo9 t"e com2any 2olicy a5out lunc" and 5rea* time strictly.
6e are e;2ectin! your coo2eration re!ardin! t"is issue.
Soft"are Priest Li!ited
Quality and Reliability
)ouse < $0, +oad < $0, -"anmondi +=A, -"a*a&$20'
"one0 '$$22>>, '$$22%% /mail0 (uery?
Marc" 25, 20$%
So,t9are riest Aimited
)ouse < $0, +oad < $0,
-"anmondi +=A, -"a*a&$20'
-ear /m2loyees0
Su5ject0 As* ,or coo2eration 9it" 9or*er durin! construction 9or*.
# 9ould li*e to in,orm you t"at 9e are !oin! to c"an!e our o8ce decoration
,or our 5etterment and smoot" 9or*Bo9. ."e ne9 decoration 9ill 5e more
,riendly and sa,e ,or all o, us. From ne;t Sunday, t"e constructional 9or* 9ill
5e!in. 6or* may create some 2ro5lem. # am e;2ectin! your co&o2erate 9it" 9or*
and tolerate some una7oida5le "arassment.
)ere are some sc"edules and 2rocedures t"at 9e all need to ,ollo90
$. Construction o, Fi,t" Boor 9ill "eld on Sunday. So all t"e em2loyees o,
C,t" Boor 9ill 5e s"i,ted to Boor %
, >
and 2
2. Construction o, Fourt" Boor 9ill "eld on Monday. So all t"e em2loyees
o, ,ourt" Boor 9ill 5e s"i,ted to Boor 5
, >
and 2
>. Construction o, ."ird Boor 9ill "eld on .uesday. So all t"e em2loyees o,
t"ird Boor 9ill 5e s"i,ted to Boor 5
, %t" and 2
%. Construction o, Second Boor 9ill "eld on Sunday. So all t"e em2loyees
o, second Boor 9ill 5e s"i,ted to Boor 5
, %
and >
5. #, 9or*er need "el2 durin! 9or* t"en 2lease coo2erate 9it" t"em.
All o, you 2lease ,ollo9 t"at instruction and coo2erate 9it" t"em. ."us, it
creates a !ood ima!e to t"em a5out our or!ani:ation as 9ell. For any *ind o,
(ueries or su!!estions, you may contact our administration de2artment.
Best +e!ards,
Ea7ed Foor .alu*der
-irectior, Administration
So,t9are riest Aimited
-A./ 0 Marc" 25, 20$%
.1 0 Mana!er, )+
F+1M 0 /;ecuti7e, )+
S3B4/C. 0 Feed ,or a rinter
#n our )+ de2artment, # and my ot"er team mem5ers "a7e to maintain many
o8cial and conCdential documents. 6e "a7e to 2rint so many 2a!es ,or
o8cial 2ur2oses. )o9e7er, t"e 2ro5lem arises "ere since 9e do not "a7e any
2rinter ,or our de2artment t"at is 9"y 9e "a7e to s"are a 2rinter 9it"
administration de2artment. At t"is situation, 9e need a se2arate 2rinter ,or
our )+ de2artment so t"at 9e can do our re!ular jo5 smoot"ly.
6e are e;2ectin! a 2ositi7e ,eed5ac* ,rom your side.

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