1st Tips Physics SPM Success Paper 2 Section A General Tips

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SPM Physics Answering Techniques

1:29 PM A+ Notes, SPM, study tips No comments

For students and teachers who are finding perfect answering techniues for SPM Physics, here are a few
!in"s which you might find it usefu!#
$han"s to the schoo! teachers who are generous to share their e%perience in Physics in terms of mar"ing
papers and teaching#
#1. How to answer SPM Paper 2 Structured Section A only
Physics paper 2 is the most cha!!enging paper of the & papers in SPM Physics, many students understand
the theories and concept of physics 'ut fai! to answer in the correct way which is reuired 'y the e%aminer#
$his document gi(es simp!e e%amp!es of uestions and a!so the correct answering techniues to hand!e
each uestion#
#2. How to answer SPM Paper 2 Essay Section B !
Paper Section ) and * carries +, - 1,, mar"s of the paper# Students ha(e pro'!em !aying out the answer
correct!y to a!!ow the e%aminer to award mar"s#
#". How to answer SPM Paper "
SPM e%aminers !i"e to pic" on a few things when they mar" Paper &, this document point out c!ear!y a!! the
reuirement to write perfect A+ answers in SPM Paper & : .%periment /uestions
##. !o$plete SPM Physics Ter$s and %e&inition
0n e(ery year the physics paper wi!! a!!ocate a few mar"s for definition of physics term and wor"s# 1 mar" for
each# Memorise it 'efore the paper#
#'. Physics Precautionary Steps
Paper & first and second uestion wi!! as" precautionary steps which carry 1 or 2 mar"s# $his teacher has
narrow it down easi!y for her students to use# 1ery impressi(e#
2ea!!y appreciate the effort and their generosity to share
1# *i"gu *how
2# Mr 3ih $ang
4i!! rea!!y appreciate readers who ha(e usefu! information or documents to share, p!ease !ea(e a comment
'e!ow# A!! the 'est#
5 See more at: http:--mrsaimun#'!ogspot#com-2,1&-,9-spm5physics5answering5
.8AMP9. 1
:iagram 'e!ow shows a mode! of a schoo! 'us#
Rajah d bawah menunjukkan model sebuah bas sekolah.
.%p!ain the modification to the 'us to he!p to impro(e the safety of the
passengers and wi!! 'e more comforta'!e#
.mphasise your e%p!anation in the fo!!owing aspects:
;i< the shape of the 'us 'ody
;ii< safety features of the 'us
Terangkan pengubahsuaian pada bus yang boleh meningkatkan
keselamatan dan keselesaan penumpang.
Dalam penerangan anda berikan penekanan bagi aspek-aspek berikut:
(i) bentuk badan bas
;ii< ciri-ciri keselamatan dalam bas
1. Present the answers in table form
2. Each fact must be followe b! an e"#lanation$reason
%. Gi&e short an accurate answer
1 mar' is (i&en for one moification an 1 mar' is (i&en for e"#lanation. )ou can write
more than that. *ar's are not eucte for incorrect answers. *a'e sure that !our
answers are lo(ic an acce#table b! common sense. The examiners will not judge your
grammar and linguistic arts; they will judge the facts only.
Modifications Explanation
+einforce #assen(er
com#artment (1 mark)
The #assen(er shoul remain intact urin( a collision. It is
mae of hi(h tensile stren(th steel that is able to withstan
lar(e forces (1 mark)
,rum#le -ones
These are s#ecific #oints at the
front an bac' #ortion of the
car that are mae to crum#le
#ro(ressi&el! ( 1 mark )
Len(then the time of collision. hence reuces the im#ulsi&e
force on the bus. ( 1 mark )
Safet! belt ( 1 mark ) Pre&ent #assen(er from /er'in( forwar when the bus sto#
suenl! ( 1mark )
0irba( ( 1 mark ) Len(then the time of collision ( 1 mark )
Narrower at the front sha#e
1 1 mar' 2
To ecrease air friction 1 1 mar' 2
E30*PLE 2
:iagram 'e!ow shows a hot air 'a!!oon carries up the !oads at a certain height in
the morning and diagram 1,#2 shows the same hot air 'a!!oon carry up the !oads
at a certain height in the afternoon# $his hot air 'a!!oon used he!ium gas at the
same temperature in 'oth situations#
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan suatu belon udara panas mengangkat beban ke
atas suatu ketinggian tertentu di waktu pagi dan Rajah 1.! menunjukkan belon
udara yang sama mengangkat beban ke atas suatu ketinggian yang tertentu
pada waktu petang. "elon udara panas ini menggunakan gas helium pada suhu
yang sama dalam kedua-dua situasi.
0n the morning ;#aktu pagi) 0n the afternoon ;#aktu

:iagram A :iagram )

Num'er of
h h
a# ; i < 4hat is meant 'y density>
$pakah yang dimaksudkan dengan ketumpatan% ?1 mark@
; ii < Asing diagrams 9#1 and 9#2, compare the density of the air, the !oad
that can 'e carry up 'y the hot air 'a!!oon and the height of the hot air
'a!!oon from the ground#
2e!ate the 'uoyant force with the density of the air to ma"e a
deduction regarding the re!ationship 'etween the density of the air and
the weight of the !oad carry up 'y the hot air 'a!!oon#
&enggunakan Rajah '.1 dan '.!( bandingkan ketumpatan udara(
beban yang boleh diangkat ke atas oleh belon udara panas dan
ketinggian belon udara panas dari tanah.
)ubungkaitkan daya apungan dengan ketumpatan udara untuk
membuat kesimpulan hubungan di antara ketumpatan udara dan berat
beban yang diangkat ke atas oleh belon udara panas tersebut.

?* marks@

'# 4hy does an iron nai! sin" in water 'ut a cargo ship with a huge mass
&engapa paku besi tenggelam di dalam air tetapi kapal kargo yang berjisim
besar terapung%

?+ marks@
1i2 Density is = m/V 1this answer is incorrect2
450T IS 67 450T IS m7 450T IS 87
9 !ou must efine the meanin( of each s!mbol in the formula
9 6 : ensit!
9 m : mass
9 8 : &olume
Present the answer in sentence an insert the formula as well ;
9 Density is distriution of mass per unit !olume of a sustance
( 1 mark is given )

9 = m/V " where = density" m= mass and V = !olume
,sing diagrams '.1 and '.! compare the density o- the air( the load
that can be carrying up by the hot air balloon and the height o- the hot air balloon
-rom the ground.
Relate the buoyant -orce with the density o- the air to make a deduction
regarding the relationship between the density o- the air and the weights o- the
load carry up by the hot air balloon..
Ste# 1< +ea the =uestion an obser&e the ia(rams carefull!
Ste# 2< 4hat is re=uire b! the =uestion7
9 )ou are as'e to com#are % #h!sics> =uantities. ensit!. loa an hei(ht.
9 5ow to com#are7
9 )ou M#$T use the sentences such as A is bigger than B OR B is smaller
than A, X is taller than Y OR Y is shorter than X and etc.
9 Therefore" your answers M#$T e presented as ;
1 2
ensit! o" air in iagram A is greater than densit! o" air in iagram B
ensit! i" air in iagram B is smaller than densit! o" air in iagram A
#he n$mber o" load in iagram A is greater than in B OR vice versa
#he height o" the balloons in both iagram A and iagram B are e%$al
5O4 TO +EL0TE7 LOO? 0T T5E E30*PLE @ELO4<
" !
1A 2A
2A %A
F 0s " increases. ! increasesG
" !
F0s ! increases. " ecreasesG
So. relationshi# is statement that escribe the interaction between two &ariables.
B$o!ant "orce increases as densit! o" air increases
&eight o" load carries $' increases as densit! o" air increases
Compare the correct density
% Densit! of the iron nail is hi(her than the ensit! of water$$
0&era(e ensit! of the car(o shi# is lower than the ensit! of water
State the volume of water displaced
& 8olume$ wei(ht of water is#lace b! the iron nail is smaller
State the correct relation
' Hor the car(o shi#. the buo!ant force is e=ual to its wei(ht .
( Hor iron nail . its buo!ant force is smaller than the wei(ht

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