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3GPP TS 43.318 V8.3.

0 (2008-08)
Technical Specification
3rd Generation Partnership Project;
Technical Specification Group GSM/EDGE
Radio Access Networ;
Generic Access Networ !GAN";
Sta#e $
!Release %"
The present document has been developed within the 3
Generation Partnership Project (3GPP
) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP.
The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP

Orani!ational Partners and shall not be implemented.
This "pecification is provided for future development wor# within 3GPP

only. The Orani!ational Partners accept no liability for any use of this
"pecifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPP
system should be obtained via the 3GPP Orani!ational Partners$ Publications Offices.
GSM, access, stage 2, architecture
Postal address
3GPP support office address
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Copyright Notification
'o part may be reproduced e(cept as authori!ed by written permission.
The copyriht and the foreoin restriction e(tend to reproduction in all
) *++,- 3GPP Orani!ational Partners (./&0- .T&"- 11".- 2T"&- TT.- TT1).
.ll rihts reserved.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" $ Release %
4 "cope......................................................................................................................................................
* /eferences..............................................................................................................................................
3 5efinitions- symbols and abbreviations................................................................................................
3.4 5efinitions.........................................................................................................................................................
3.* "ymbols.............................................................................................................................................................
3.3 .bbreviations.....................................................................................................................................................
6 .rchitecture..........................................................................................................................................
6.4 G.' .7Gb mode architecture...........................................................................................................................
6.* G.' &u mode architecture................................................................................................................................
8 3unctional entities................................................................................................................................
8.4 Mobile "tation (M")..........................................................................................................................................
8.* Generic .ccess 'etwor# 1ontroller (G.'1)...................................................................................................
8.*.4 G.' .7Gb mode.........................................................................................................................................
8.*.* G.' &u mode...............................................................................................................................................
9 1ontrol and :ser Plane .rchitecture....................................................................................................
9.4 1" 5omain (G.' .7Gb mode).........................................................................................................................
9.4.4 1" 5omain ; 1ontrol Plane......................................................................................................................... 1" 5omain ; 1ontrol Plane ; G.' .rchitecture...................................................................................
9.4.4.* 1" 5omain ; 1ontrol Plane ; M" .rchitecture......................................................................................
9.4.* 1" 5omain ; :ser Plane..............................................................................................................................
9.4.*.4 1" 5omain ; :ser Plane ; G.' .rchitecture........................................................................................
9.* P" 5omain (G.' .7Gb mode).........................................................................................................................
9.*.4 P" 5omain ; G.' .rchitecture..................................................................................................................
9.*.4.4 P" 5omain ; 1ontrol Plane ; G.' .rchitecture...................................................................................
9.*.4.* P" 5omain ; :ser Plane ; G.' .rchitecture........................................................................................
9.*.* P" 5omain ; M" .rchitecture.....................................................................................................................
9.3 1" 5omain (G.' &u mode)..............................................................................................................................
9.3.4 1" 5omain ; 1ontrol Plane......................................................................................................................... 1" 5omain ; 1ontrol Plane ; G.' .rchitecture...................................................................................
9.3.4.* 1" 5omain ; 1ontrol Plane ; M" .rchitecture......................................................................................
9.3.* 1" 5omain ; :ser Plane..............................................................................................................................
9.3.*.4 1" 5omain ; :ser Plane ; G.' .rchitecture........................................................................................
9.3.*.* 1" 5omain ; :ser Plane ; M" .rchitecture..........................................................................................
9.6 P" 5omain (G.' &u mode)..............................................................................................................................
9.6.4 P" 5omain ; 1ontrol Plane.......................................................................................................................... P" 5omain ; 1ontrol Plane ; G.' .rchitecture...................................................................................
9.6.4.* P" 5omain ; 1ontrol Plane ; M" .rchitecture......................................................................................
9.6.* P" 5omain ; :ser Plane..............................................................................................................................
9.6.*.4 P" 5omain ; :ser Plane ; G.' .rchitecture........................................................................................
9.6.*.* P" 5omain ; :ser Plane ; M" .rchitecture...........................................................................................
< Manaement functionality....................................................................................................................
<.4 "tate diaram for Generic .ccess......................................................................................................................
<.* G.;/1 (Generic .ccess /esource 1ontrol).....................................................................................................
<.*.4 General.........................................................................................................................................................
<.*.* "tates of the G.;/1 sub;layer....................................................................................................................
<.3 G.;1"/ (Generic .ccess 1ircuit "witched /esources)...................................................................................
<.3.4 General.........................................................................................................................................................
<.3.* "tates of the G.;1"/ sub;layer..................................................................................................................
<.6 G.;P"/ (Generic .ccess Pac#et "witched /esources)....................................................................................
<.6.4 "tates of the G.;P"/ sub;layer...................................................................................................................
<.6a G.;//1............................................................................................................................................................
<.6a.4 General.........................................................................................................................................................
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" 3 Release %
<.6a.* "tates of the G.;//1 sub;layer..................................................................................................................
<.8 "ecurity Mechanisms.........................................................................................................................................
, =ih;>evel Procedures for G.' .7Gb Mode......................................................................................
,.4 Mechanism of Mode "election in Multi;mode terminals..................................................................................
,.* P>M' "election................................................................................................................................................
,.3 /e;selection between G2/.'7:T/.' and G.' modes...............................................................................
,.3.4 /ove;in (from G2/.'7:T/.' mode to G.' mode)..............................................................................
,.3.* /ove;out (from G.' mode to G2/.'7:T/.' mode)............................................................................
,.6 G.' 5iscovery and /eistration related procedures.......................................................................................
,.6.4 5iscovery and /eistration for Generic .ccess..........................................................................................
,.6.4.4 General...................................................................................................................................................
,.6.4.* "ecurity Gateway &dentification.............................................................................................................
,.6.4.3 G.'1 capabilities.................................................................................................................................
,.6.4.6 M" capabilities.......................................................................................................................................
,.6.4.6a /e?uired G.' "ervices.........................................................................................................................
,.6.4.6b G.' Mode "election.............................................................................................................................
,.6.4.8 5iscovery Procedure..............................................................................................................................
,. 'ormal 1ase.....................................................................................................................................
,.6.4.9 /eistration procedure...........................................................................................................................
,. 'ormal case......................................................................................................................................
,.6.4.9.* .bnormal cases.................................................................................................................................
,.6.* 5e;/eistration............................................................................................................................................
,.6.3 /eistration :pdate......................................................................................................................................
,.6.6 %eep .live...................................................................................................................................................
,.6.8 1ell 0roadcast &nformation..........................................................................................................................
,.8 .uthentication...................................................................................................................................................
,.9 2ncryption.........................................................................................................................................................
,.9.4 2stablishment of a "ecure .ssociation........................................................................................................
,.< G.;1"/ 1onnection handlin..........................................................................................................................
,.<.4 G.;1"/ 1onnection 2stablishment............................................................................................................
,.<.* G.;1"/ 1onnection /elease......................................................................................................................
,., 1ipherin 1onfiuration....................................................................................................................................
,.@ G.;1"/ "inallin and "M" Transport Procedures........................................................................................
,.@.4 'etwor# initiated 1" "inallin..................................................................................................................
,.@.* M" initiated 1" "inallin..........................................................................................................................
,.4+ Mobile Oriinated 1all 3low.............................................................................................................................
,.44 Mobile Terminated 1all 3low............................................................................................................................
,.4* 1all 1learin......................................................................................................................................................
,.43 1hannel Modify...........................................................................................................................................
,.46 1" =andover between G.' .7Gb mode and G2/.'7:T/.' mode............................................................
,.46.4 1" =andover to G.' .7Gb mode...............................................................................................................
,.46.4.4 G2/.' to G.' 1" =andover..............................................................................................................
,.46.4.* :T/.' to G.' 1" =andover..............................................................................................................
,.46.* 1" =andover from G.' .7Gb mode to G2/.'.......................................................................................
,.46.3 1" =andover from G.' .7Gb mode to :T/.'.......................................................................................
,.48 1ell 1hane Order between G.' .7Gb mode and G2/.'7:T/.' mode...................................................
,.49 G.;P"/ Transport 1hannel Manaement Procedures......................................................................................
,.49.4 M" initiated .ctivation of G.;P"/ Transport 1hannel..............................................................................
,.49.* M" initiated 5eactivation of the G.;P"/ Transport 1hannel....................................................................
,.49.3 &mplicit 5eactivation of the G.;P"/ Transport 1hannel due to M" 5ereistration..................................
,.49.6 'etwor# initiated G.;P"/ Transport 1hannel .ctivation..........................................................................
,.4< GP/" 5ata- "inallin and "M" Transport......................................................................................................
,.4<.4 G.;P"/ GP/" 5ata Transport Procedures.................................................................................................
,.4<.* G.;P"/ GP/" "inallin and "M" Transport Procedures........................................................................
,.4<.*.4 General...................................................................................................................................................
,.4<.*.* 'etwor# initiated GP/" "inallin.......................................................................................................
,.4<.*.3 M" initiated GP/" "inallin................................................................................................................
,.4, G.;P"/ "pecific "inallin Procedures...........................................................................................................
,.4,.4 Pac#et Pain for GP/" 5ata "ervice.........................................................................................................
,.4,.* Pac#et Pain for 1" 5omain "ervice........................................................................................................
,.4,.3 GP/" "uspend Procedure............................................................................................................................
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" & Release %
,.4,.6 GP/" /esume Procedure............................................................................................................................
,.4,.8 M" &nitiated 5ownlin# 3low 1ontrol..........................................................................................................
,.4,.9 :plin# 3low 1ontrol....................................................................................................................................
,.4@ "hort Messae "ervice.......................................................................................................................................
,.4@.4 G"M based "M"..........................................................................................................................................
,.4@.* GP/" based "M"........................................................................................................................................
,.*+ "upplementary "ervices....................................................................................................................................
,.*4 2merency "ervices...........................................................................................................................................
,.*4.4 General.........................................................................................................................................................
,.*4.* 'orth .merican 2merency 1alls...............................................................................................................
,.*4.*.4 Phase 4 "olution.....................................................................................................................................
,.*4.*.4.4 Phase 4 /e?uirements.......................................................................................................................
,.*4.*.4.* Phase 4 Mechanism..........................................................................................................................
,.*4.*.* Phase * "olution.....................................................................................................................................
,.*4.*.*.4 Phase * /e?uirements.......................................................................................................................
,.*4.*.*.* Phase * Mechanism..........................................................................................................................
,.** >ocation "ervices..............................................................................................................................................
,.*3 P" =andovers between G.' .7Gb mode and G2/.'7:T/.' mode...........................................................
@ =ih;>evel Procedures for G.' &u Mode............................................................................................
@.4 Mechanism of Mode "election in Multi;mode terminals..................................................................................
@.* P>M' "election................................................................................................................................................
@.3 /e;selection between G2/.'7:T/.' and G.' modes...............................................................................
@.6 G.' 5iscovery and /eistration related procedures.......................................................................................
@.8 .uthentication...................................................................................................................................................
@.9 2ncryption.........................................................................................................................................................
@.< G.;//1 1onnection handlin..........................................................................................................................
@.<.4 G.;//1 1onnection 2stablishment...........................................................................................................
@.<.* G.;//1 1onnection /elease......................................................................................................................
@.<.3 G.;//1 1onnection /elease /e?uest........................................................................................................
@., "ecurity Mode 1ontrol......................................................................................................................................
@.@ '." "inallin Procedures...............................................................................................................................
@.4+ Mobile Oriinated 1" 1all................................................................................................................................
@.44 Mobile Terminated 1" 1all...............................................................................................................................
@.4* 1" 1all 1learin................................................................................................................................................
@.4*.4 1" 1all /elease............................................................................................................................................
@.4*.* 1" 1hannel /elease.....................................................................................................................................
@.43 1" 1hannel Modification..................................................................................................................................
@.46 1" =andover between G.' &u mode and G2/.'7:T/.' mode.................................................................
@.46.4 1" =andover from G2/.' to G.'......................................................................................................................
@.46.4.4 'ormal caseA &M"& is present in /elocation /e?uest messae..............................................................
@.46.4.* 2(ception 1aseA 'o &M"& in /elocation /e?uest..................................................................................
@.46.* 1" =andover from :T/.' to G.'...........................................................................................................
@.46.*.4 'ormal 1aseA &M"& is present in /elocation /e?uest messae.............................................................
@.46.*.* 2(ception 1aseA 'o &M"& in /elocation /e?uest..................................................................................
@.46.3 1" =andover from G.' &u mode to G2/.'............................................................................................
@.46.6 1" =andover from G.' &u mode to :T/.'............................................................................................
@.48 1ell 1hane Order between G.' &u mode and G2/.' mode.......................................................................
@.49 G.;//1 Pac#et Transport 1hannel Manaement Procedures.........................................................................
@.49.4 "tates of the G.;//1 Pac#et Transport 1hannel.......................................................................................
@.49.* PT1 .ctivation.............................................................................................................................................
@.49.*.4 PT1 .ctivation when G.'1 receives /.0 .ssinment /e?uest........................................................
@.49.*.* PT1 .ctivation when G.'1 receives /elocation /e?uest...................................................................
@.49.3 PT1 5ata transfer.........................................................................................................................................
@.49.6 M" initiated PT1 5e;activation...................................................................................................................
@.49.8 M" initiated PT1 /e;activation.................................................................................................................
@.49.9 'etwor# initiated PT1 5e;activation........................................................................................................
@.49.< 'etwor# initiated PT1 /e;activation.........................................................................................................
@.49.<.4 .ctive P5P 1onte(t- P" "inallin 1onnection 2(ists.......................................................................
@.49.<.* .ctive P5P 1onte(t- 'o P" "inallin 1onnection............................................................................
@.49., &mplicit PT1 5e;activation due to M" 5e;reistration.............................................................................
@.49.@ PT1 Modification......................................................................................................................................
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" , Release %
@.4< (void)...............................................................................................................................................................
@.4, (void)...............................................................................................................................................................
@.4@ "hort Messae "ervice.....................................................................................................................................
@.4@.4 "M" via the 1" domain.............................................................................................................................
@.4@.* "M" via the P" domain.............................................................................................................................
@.*+ "upplementary "ervices..................................................................................................................................
@.*4 2merency "ervices.........................................................................................................................................
@.** >ocation "ervices............................................................................................................................................
@.*3 P" =andover between G.' &u mode and G2/.'7:T/.' mode...............................................................
@.*3.4 P" =andover from G2/.' to G.'.........................................................................................................
@.*3.4.4 Preparation Phase.................................................................................................................................
@.*3.4.* 2(ecution Phase...................................................................................................................................
@.*3.* P" =andover from :T/.' to G.'.........................................................................................................
@.*3.*.4 Preparation Phase.................................................................................................................................
@.*3.*.* 2(ecution Phase....................................................................................................................................
@.*3.3 P" =andover from G.' to G2/.'.........................................................................................................
@.*3.3.4 Preparation Phase.................................................................................................................................
@.*3.3.* 2(ecution Phase....................................................................................................................................
@.*3.6 P" handover from G.' to :T/.'..........................................................................................................
@.*3.6.4 Preparation Phase.................................................................................................................................
@.*3.6.* 2(ecution Phase....................................................................................................................................
Annex A (normative): Secrit! mec"ani#m#$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
..4 2.P based .uthentication..................................................................................................................
..4.4 2.P;"&M Procedure for authentication...........................................................................................................
..4.* 2.P;.%. Procedure for authentication..........................................................................................................
..4.3 3ast /e;authentication.....................................................................................................................................
..4.3.4 2.P;"&M 3ast /e;authentication...............................................................................................................
..4.3.* 2.P;.%. 3ast /e;authentication.............................................................................................................
..* Profile of &%2v*.................................................................................................................................
..3 Profile of &Psec 2"P...........................................................................................................................
Annex B (in%ormative): Con%i&ration In%ormation$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
0.4 G.' .7Gb mode ./31'70"&1 for handover;to;G.'.....................................................................
0.* G.' &u mode :./31'7P"1 for handover;to;G.'.........................................................................
0.*.4 1ell Measurement Buantities and Calues........................................................................................................
Annex C (in%ormative): I'enti%ier# in GAN$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
1.4 &dentifiers for M"s and eneric &P access networ#.............................................................................
1.* 1ell identifiers for G.' .7Gb mode..................................................................................................
1.*.4 G.' 1ell &d for >ocation "ervices D 0illin.................................................................................................
1.*.4.4 .ssinin G.' 1ell &d based on G"M location.......................................................................................
1.*.* G.' 1ell &d for handover;to;G.'.................................................................................................................
1.*.3 G.' ./31'70"&1 for handover;to;G.'.....................................................................................................
1.3 (void)...............................................................................................................................................................
Annex ( (in%ormative): C"an&e "i#tor!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" - Release %
This Technical "pecification has been produced by the 3
Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).
The contents of the present document are subject to continuin wor# within the T"G and may chane followin formal
T"G approval. "hould the T"G modify the contents of the present document- it will be re;released by the T"G with an
identifyin chane of release date and an increase in version number as followsA
Cersion (.y.!
( the first diitA
4 presented to T"G for informationE
* presented to T"G for approvalE
3 or reater indicates T"G approved document under chane control.
y the second diit is incremented for all chanes of substance- i.e. technical enhancements- corrections-
updates- etc.
! the third diit is incremented when editorial only chanes have been incorporated in the document.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" . Release %
1 Sc$e
The present document defines the stae * service description for a Generic .ccess 'etwor# (G.') . &t describes the
G.' system concepts- documents the reference architecture- functional entities- networ# interfaces- and hih;level
G.' supports two modes of operationA
G.' .7Gb mode
G.' &u mode
G.' .7Gb mode supports an e(tension of G"M7GP/" mobile services that is achieved by tunnellin 'on .ccess
"tratum ('.") protocols between the M" and the 1ore 'etwor# over an &P networ# and the . and Gb interfaces to the
M"1 and "G"'- respectively.
G.' &u mode supports an e(tension of :MT" mobile services that is achieved by tunnellin 'on .ccess "tratum
('.") protocols between the user e?uipment (M") and the 1ore 'etwor# over an &P networ# and the &u;cs and &u;ps
interfaces to the M"1 and "G"'- respectively.
0oth G.' modes are complements to traditional G"M7GP/"7:MT" radio access networ# coverae.
2 Re3ere&ces
The followin documents contain provisions which- throuh reference in this te(t- constitute provisions of the present
/eferences are either specific (identified by date of publication- edition number- version number- etc.) or
3or a specific reference- subse?uent revisions do not apply.
3or a non;specific reference- the latest version applies. &n the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (includin
a G"M document)- a non;specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same
Release as the present document.
F4G 3GPP T" *3.++*A H'etwor# architectureH.
F*G 3GPP T" *3.++@A H=andover proceduresH.
F3G 3GPP T" *3.*<4A H>ocation "ervices (>1")E 3unctional descriptionE "tae *H.
F6G 3GPP T" *3.4**A H'on;.ccess;"tratum functions related to Mobile "tation (M") in idle modeH.
F8G 3GPP T" *3.*39A H&ntra;domain connection of /adio .ccess 'etwor# (/.') nodes to multiple
1ore 'etwor# (1') nodesH.
F9G 3GPP T" *6.++,A HMobile radio interface layer 3 specificationE 1ore networ# protocolsE "tae 3H.
F<G 3GPP T" *9.+<4A H.M/ speech codecE General descriptionH.
F,G 3GPP T" *@.*36A H3GPP system to Iireless >ocal .rea 'etwor# (I>.') interwor#in- "tae 3H.
F@G 3GPP T" 33.*36A H3G securityE Iireless >ocal .rea 'etwor# (I>.') interwor#in securityH.
F4+G 3GPP T" 63.+*+A H"ecurity related networ# functionsH.
F44G 3GPP T" 6,.++6A H0ase "tation "ystem ; Mobile;services "witchin 1entre (0"";M"1) interfaceE
>ayer 4 specificationH.
F4*G 3GPP T" 6,.++9A H"inallin transport mechanism specification for the 0ase "tation "ystem ;
Mobile;services "witchin 1entre (0"";M"1) interfaceH.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" % Release %
F43G 3GPP T" 6,.++,A HMobile "witchin 1entre ; 0ase "tation "ystem (M"1;0"") interfaceE >ayer 3
F46G 3GPP T" 6,.+46A HGeneral Pac#et /adio "ervice (GP/")E 0ase "tation "ystem (0"") ; "ervin
GP/" "upport 'ode ("G"') interfaceE Gb interface >ayer 4H.
F48G 3GPP T" 6,.+49A HGeneral Pac#et /adio "ervice (GP/")E 0ase "tation "ystem (0"") ; "ervin
GP/" "upport 'ode ("G"') interfaceE 'etwor# "erviceH.
F49G 3GPP T" 6,.+4,A HGeneral Pac#et /adio "ervice (GP/")E 0ase "tation "ystem (0"") ; "ervin
GP/" "upport 'ode ("G"') interfaceE 0"" GP/" protocolH.
F4<G 3GPP T" 63.+8@A H3unctional stae * description of >ocation "ervices (>1") in G2/.'H.
F4,G 3GPP T" 68.++,A H/adio subsystem lin# controlH.
F4@G &2T3 /31 <@3A HTransmission 1ontrol ProtocolH.
F*+G &2T3 /31 388+A H/TPA . Transport Protocol for /eal;Time .pplicationsH.
F*4G &2T3 /31 *684A HThe 2"P 101;Mode 1ipher .lorithmsH.
F**G &2T3 /31 39+*A HThe .2";101 1ipher .lorithm and &ts :se with &PsecH.
F*3G &2T3 /31 *4+6A H=M.1A %eyed;=ashin for Messae .uthenticationH.
F*6G &2T3 /31 *348A HP%1" J<A 1ryptoraphic Messae "ynta( Cersion 4.8H.
F*8G &2T3 /31 *6+6A HThe :se of =M.1;"=.;4;@9 within 2"P and .=H.
F*9G &2T3 /31 *6+9A H&P 2ncapsulatin "ecurity Payload (2"P)H.
F*<G &2T3 /31 3899A HThe .2";K101;M.1;@9 .lorithm and &ts :se Iith &PsecH.
F*,G &2T3 /31 6636- 3ebruary *++9A HThe .2";K101;P/3;4*, .lorithm for the &nternet %ey
2(chane Protocol (&%2)H.
F*@G &2T3 /31 3*,+A H&nternet K.8+@ Public %ey &nfrastructure 1ertificate and 1ertificate /evocation
>ist (1/>) ProfileH.
F3+G &2T3 draft;haverinen;pppe(t;eap;sim;49 (5ecember *++6)A H2(tensible .uthentication Protocol
Method for G"M "ubscriber &dentity Modules (2.P;"&M)H.
F34G &2T3 draft;ietf;p#i6ipsec;i#ecert;profile;+3 (October *++6)A HThe &nternet &P "ecurity P%& Profile
of &%2v47&".%MP- &%2v*- and P%&KH.
F3*G &2T3 draft;ietf;ipsec;i#ev*;4< (October *++6)A H&nternet %ey 2(chane (&%2v*) ProtocolH.
F33G &2T3 draft;ietf;ipsec;i#ev*;alorithms;+8 (.pril *++6)A H1ryptoraphic .lorithms for use in the
&nternet %ey 2(chane Cersion *H.
F36G &2T3 draft;ietf;ipsec;ui;suites;+9 (.pril *++6)A H1ryptoraphic "uites for &PsecH.
F38G &2T3 /31 3@6,A H:5P 2ncapsulation of &Psec 2"P Pac#etsH.
F39G &2T3 /31 *6,9A HThe 'etwor# .ccess &dentifierH.
F3<G &2T3 /31 <9,A H:ser 5ataram ProtocolH.
F3,G &2T3 draft;ar##o;pppe(t;eap;a#a;48 (5ecember *++6)A H2(tensible .uthentication Protocol
Method for 3rd Generation .uthentication and %ey .reement (2.P;.%.)H.
F3@G &2T3 /31 <@4A H&nternet ProtocolH.
F6+G 3GPP T" *8.334A H/adio /esource 1ontrol (//1) protocol specificationH.
F64G 3GPP T" *3.+3*A H:niversal Georaphical .rea 5escription (G.5)H.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" / Release %
F6*G &2T3 /31 *6+@A HThe &nternet %ey 2(chane (&%2)H.
F63G 3GPP T" *3.++3A H'umberin- addressin and identificationH.
F66G 3GPP T" 63.4*@A H Pac#et;switched handover for G2/.' .7Gb modeE "tae *L.
F68G 3GPP T" *8.64+A H:T/.' &u &nterfaceA eneral aspects and principlesH.
F69G 3GPP T" *8.644A H:T/.' &u interface layer 4H.
F6<G 3GPP T" *8.64*A H:T/.' &u interface sinallin transportH.
F6,G 3GPP T" *8.643A H:T/.' &u interface /adio .ccess 'etwor# .pplication Part (/.'.P)
F6@G 3GPP T" *8.646A H:T/.' &u interface data transport D transport sinallinH.
F8+G 3GPP T" *8.648A H:T/.' &u interface user plane protocolsH.
F84G 3GPP T" *8.64@A H:T/.' &u;01 interfaceA "ervice .rea 0roadcast Protocol (".0P)H.
F8*G 3GPP T" *8.68+A H:T/.' &upc interface eneral aspects and principlesH.
F83G 3GPP T" **.+44A H"ervice accessibilityH.
3 4e3i&iti&s, s56'#s a&! a''re7iati&s
3.1 4e3i&iti&s
3or the purposes of the present document- the followin terms and definitions applyA
A)*I(: The .P;&5 (.ccess Point;&5) is the physical identity (e.. M.1 address) of the eneric &P access networ# point
throuh which the M" is accessin G.' service. This identifier is provided by the M" (obtained via broadcast from the
.P) to the G.'1 via the :p interface- when it re?uests G.' service. The .P;&5 may be used by the G.'1 to support
location services. The .P;&5 may also be used by the service provider to restrict G.' service access via only
authori!ed .Ps.
GERAN+UTRAN Mo'e: M" mode of operation where the '." layers communicate throuh either the G2/.' // or
the :T/.' //1 entities.
GAN A+G, Mo'e: M" mode of operation where the '." layers communicate throuh the G.;1"/ and G.;P"/
GAN I Mo'e: M" mode of operation where the '." layers communicate throuh the G.;//1 1" and G.;//1 P"
GAN Mo'e: This term is used when a procedure applies to both G.' .7Gb mode and G.' &u mode (e..- see clause
,.4- MMechanism of Mode "election in Multi;mode terminalsL).
Generic Acce## Net-or.: access networ# providin access to .7Gb or &u interfaces via an &P networ#
Generic Acce## Net-or. Contro//er: networ# node that connects to the M"1 and "G"' via the .;interface and Gb
interface (G.' .7Gb mode) or the &u;cs interface and &u;ps interface (G.' &u mode) and enables access via a eneric
&P networ#.
Three different loical roles for the G.'1 are defined in this specificationA Provisionin G.'1- 5efault G.'1 and
"ervin G.'1.
'e%a/t GANC: loical role of a G.'1 in the =P>M'- which redirects an M" performin the G.' /eistration
Procedure to a preferred "ervin G.'1 within the =P>M' or CP>M'. The "ervin G.'1 and 5efault G.'1 may
be the same entity- in which case no redirection is re?uired.
'i#cover! 0roce're: process by which the M" discovers the 5efault G.'1 in the =P>M'.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" (* Release %
CS "an'over: mobile station enaed in a call (a 1" domain service) moves between 3GPP access networ#s and G.'.
"an'over in: mobile station moves from 3GPP access networ#s to G.'.
"an'over ot: mobile station moves from G.' to 3GPP access networ#s.
)S "an'over: . mobile station with one or more onoin P" domain services moves between a G.' cell and a
G2/.'7:T/.' cell.
0rovi#ionin& GANC: loical role of a G.'1 in the =P>M' of an M". Ihen an M" performs the 5iscovery
Procedure to this G.'1- the M" is provided the address of the 5efault G.'1 in the =P>M'.
re'irection: process by which a 5efault or "ervin G.'1 redirects an M" to an alternative "ervin G.'1
This alternative G.'1 is li#ely to become the "ervin G.'1 for the M".
re&i#tration 0roce're: process by which an M" re?uests the Generic .ccess "ervice from a G.'1.
rove in: mobile station reselects from 3GPP access networ#s to G.'.
rove ot: mobile station reselects from G.' to 3GPP access networ#s.
rovin&: action of re;selection between 3GPP access technoloy and G.' for a mobile station in idle mode.
#eam/e##: free from noticeable transitions (i.e. no end;user action is re?uiredE speech interruptions are shortE service
interruptions are shortE incomin calls are not missedE pac#et sessions are maintainedE services wor# identically).
#ervin& GANC: loical role of the G.'1 in a P>M' which provides an M" with the Generic .ccess service.
#ita,/e ce//: this is a cell on which an M" may camp. &t must satisfy criteria which are defined for .7Gb mode in 3GPP
T" 63.+** and for &u mode in 3GPP T" *8.3+6.
#er e1i0ment: enerally referred to as Mmobile stationL in this document.
3.2 S56'#s
3or the purposes of the present document- the followin symbols applyA
:p &nterface between M" and G.'1
3.3 %''re7iati&s
3or the purposes of the present document- the followin abbreviations applyA
... .uthentication- .uthori!ation and .ccountin
.%. .uthentication and %ey .reement
.P .ccess Point
." .ccess "tratum
0"1 0ase "tation 1ontroller
0"" 0ase "tation "ubsystem
0""GP 0ase "tation "ystem GP/" Protocol
0""M.P 0ase "tation "ystem Manaement .pplication Part
11 1all 1ontrol
1G& 1ell Global &dentification
1M 1onnection Manaement
1' 1ore 'etwor#
1" 1ircuit "witched
1TM 1ellular Te(t Telephone Modem
5'" 5omain 'ame "ystem
5TM 5ual Transfer Mode
2.P 2(tensible .uthentication Protocol
2T"& 2uropean Telecommunications "tandards &nstitute
311 :" 3ederal 1ommunications 1ommission
3B5' 3ully Bualified 5omain 'ame
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" (( Release %
G.;1"/ Generic .ccess ; 1ircuit "witched /esources
G.5 Georaphical .rea 5escription
G.' Generic .ccess 'etwor#
G.'1 Generic .ccess 'etwor# 1ontroller
G.;P"/ Generic .ccess ; Pac#et "witched /esources
G.;/1 Generic .ccess ; /esource 1ontrol
G.;//1 Generic .ccess ; /adio /esource 1ontrol
G2/.' G"M 25G2 /adio .ccess 'etwor#
GG"' Gateway GP/" "upport 'ode
GMM7"M GP/" Mobility Manaement and "ession Manaement
GP/" General Pac#et /adio "ervice
G"M Global "ystem for Mobile communications
G"' GP/" "upport 'ode
=>/ =ome >ocation /eister
=P>M' =ome P>M'
&2T3 &nternet 2nineerin Tas# 3orce
&%2 &nternet %ey 2(chane
&M2&"C &nternational Mobile station 2?uipment &dentity and "oftware Cersion number
&M"& &nternational Mobile "ubscriber &dentity
&P &nternet Protocol
>. >ocation .rea
>.& >ocation .rea &dentity
>>1 >oical >in# 1ontrol
M.1 Medium .ccess 1ontrol
M.1 Messae .uthentication 1ode
MM Mobility Manaement
M" Mobile "tation
M"1 Mobile "witchin 1enter
MTP4 Messae Transfer Part layer 4
MTP* Messae Transfer Part layer *
MTP3 Messae Transfer Part layer 3
'." 'on;.ccess "tratum
P5P Pac#et 5ata Protocol
P5: Protocol 5ata :nit
P>M' Public >and Mobile 'etwor#
P" Pac#et "witched
P".P Public "afety .nswerin Point
'OT2A . P".P is an emerency services networ# element that is responsible for answerin emerency calls.
P"T' Public "witched Telephone 'etwor#
P;TM"& Pac#et ; TM"&
Bo" Buality of "ervice
/. /outin .rea
/.1 /outin .rea 1ode
/.& /outin .rea &dentity
/.T /adio .ccess Technoloy
/>1 /adio >in# 1ontrol
/'1 /adio 'etwor# 1ontroller
/T1P /eal Time 1ontrol Protocol
/TP /eal Time Protocol
"11P "inallin 1onnection 1ontrol Part
"2GI "2curity GateIay
"G"' "ervin GP/" "upport 'ode
"&M "ubscriber &dentity Module
"M>1 "ervin Mobile >ocation 1enter
"M" "hort Messae "ervice
"'51P "ub;'etwor# 5ependent 1onverence Protocol
T03 Temporary 0loc# 3low
T1 Transport 1hannel
T1P Transmission 1ontrol Protocol
T3O Tandem 3ree Operation
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" ($ Release %
TM"& Temporary Mobile "ubscriber &dentity
Tr3O Transcoder 3ree Operation
TTN Te(t Telephone or TeletNpewriter
:5P :ser 5ataram Protocol
:2 :ser 2?uipment
:MT" :niversal Mobile Telecommunication "ystem
C>/ Cisited >ocation /eister
CP>M' Cisited Public >and Mobile 'etwor#
4 %rchitecture
4.1 G%) %1G' 6!e architecture
The Generic .ccess 'etwor# .7Gb mode functional architecture is illustrated in fiure 4.
0i#ure (1 GAN A/G2 3ode functional architecture
The main features of the G.' .7Gb mode architecture areA
'ew entities- and entities with enhanced functionalityA
; Mobile "tation (M").
; Generic .ccess 'etwor# 1ontroller (G.'1). The G.'1 appears to the core networ# as a G2/.' 0ase
"tation "ubsystem (0""). &t includes a "ecurity Gateway ("2GI) that terminates secure remote access
tunnels from the M"- providin mutual authentication- encryption and data interity for sinallin- voice and
data traffic.
. Generic &P .ccess networ# provides connectivity between the M" and the G.'1. The &P transport connection
e(tends from the G.'1 to the M". . sinle interface- the :p interface- is defined between the G.'1 and the
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" (3 Release %
1o;e(istence with the G"M7GP/" /adio .ccess 'etwor# (G2/.') and interconnection with the 1ore 'etwor#
(1') via the standardi!ed interfaces defined for G2/.' .7Gb modeA
; .;interface for circuit switched services as defined in 3GPP T" 6,.++, F43G.
; Gb;interface for pac#et switched services as defined in 3GPP T" 6,.+4, F49G.
; >b;interface for supportin location services as defined in 3GPP T" 63.+8@ F4<G.
; 101;0"1 interface for supportin cell broadcast services as defined in 3GPP T" *3.+64
Transaction control (e.. 11- "M) and user services are provided by the core networ# (e.. M"17C>/ and the
:se of ... server over the Im interface as defined by 3GPP T" *@.*36 F,G. The ... server is used to
authenticate the M" when it sets up a secure tunnel. 'ote that only a subset of the Im functionalities is re?uired
for the G.' application. .s a minimum the G.'1;"2GI shall support the Im authentication procedures.
&ndication of support for P" "ervices and of support for 5TM is provided throuh appropriate sinallin to the M".
4.2 G%) 8u 6!e architecture
The Generic .ccess 'etwor# &u mode functional architecture is illustrated in fiure 4a.
0i#ure (a1 GAN 4u 3ode functional architecture
The main features of the G.' &u mode architecture areA
2ntities with enhanced functionalityA
; Mobile "tation (M"). The functionality of the M" defined for G.' .7Gb mode is modified to support G.'
&u mode operation. The M" may support G.' &u mode operation- G.' .7Gb mode operation- or both.
Mode selection is performed durin reistration.
; Generic .ccess 'etwor# 1ontroller (G.'1). The functionality of the G.'1 defined for G.' .7Gb mode
is modified so as to appear to the core networ# as a :T/.' /adio 'etwor# 1ontroller (/'1). .s for G.'
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" (& Release %
.7Gb mode- the G.'1 includes a "ecurity Gateway ("2GI) that terminates secure remote access tunnels
from the M"- providin mutual authentication- encryption and data interity for sinallin- voice and data
. eneric &P access networ# provides connectivity between the M" and the G.'1. The &P transport connection
e(tends from the G.'1 to the M". . sinle interface- the :p interface- is defined between the G.'1 and the
M". 3unctionality is added to this interface- over that defined for G.' .7Gb mode- to support the G.' &u mode
1o;e(istence with the :MT" Terrestrial /adio .ccess 'etwor# (:T/.') and interconnection with the 1ore
'etwor# (1') via the standardi!ed interfaces defined for :T/.'A
; &u;cs interface for circuit switched services as overviewed in 3GPP T" *8.64+ F68G.
; &u;ps interface for pac#et switched services as overviewed in 3GPP T" *8.64+ F68G.
; &u;pc interface for supportin location services as described in 3GPP T" *8.68+ F8*G.
; &u;bc interface for supportin cell broadcast services as described in 3GPP T" *8.64@ F84G.
Transaction control (e.. 11- "M) and user services are provided by the core networ# (e.. M"17C>/ and the
:se of ... server over the Im interface as defined by 3GPP T" *@.*36 F,G. The ... server is used to
authenticate the M" when it sets up a secure tunnel. 'ote that only a subset of the Im functionalities is re?uired
for G.' &u mode. .s a minimum the G.'1;"2GI shall support the Im authentication procedures.
. G.'1 implementation may simultaneously support both G.' .7Gb mode and G.' &u mode operationE the
interfaces associated with both modes of operation are shown in the followin fiure.
0i#ure (21 Si3ultaneous GAN A/G2 3ode and GAN 4u 3ode functional architecture
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" (, Release %
5 (u&cti&a# e&tities
5.1 M'i#e Stati& (MS)
The M" contains a new functional bloc# to access a Generic .ccess 'etwor# (G.').
5.2 Ge&eric %ccess )et2r9 *&tr##er (G%)*)
5.2.1 G%) %1G' 6!e
The core networ# interacts with the Generic .ccess 'etwor# 1ontroller (G.'1) as thouh it was an .7Gb mode 0"".
The eneric &P access networ# provides connectivity between the G.'1 and the M". The G.'1 entity inter;wor#s
between the .7Gb interfaces and a eneric &P access networ#- usin the followin functionalityA
:ser plane circuit switched servicesA
; /eframin of .M/7/TP to .M/7(.;interface framin).
; &f non;Tr3O- transcodin voice to7from the M" to P1M voice from7to the M"1.
; &f Tr3O- transcodin maybe re?uired if a common codec cannot be neotiated.
:ser plane pac#et switched servicesA
; &nter;wor#in data transport channels over :p interface to pac#et flows over Gb interface.
1ontrol plane functionalityA
; "ecurity Gateway ("2GI) for the set;up of a secure tunnel to M" for mutual authentication- encryption and
data interity. The "2GI provides a subset of the Im functions- specifically the authentication procedures.
; /eistration for G.' access and providin system information.
; Manaement of G.' bearer paths for 1" and P" services- includin the establishment- administration- and
release of control and user plane bearers between the M" and the G.'1.
; 3unctionality providin support for pain- handover and P" handover procedures.
; Transparent transfer of >3 messaes (i.e. '." protocols) between the M" and core networ#.
5.2.2 G%) 8u 6!e
The core networ# interacts with the Generic .ccess 'etwor# 1ontroller (G.'1) as thouh it was an /'1. The eneric
&P access networ# provides connectivity between the G.'1 and the M". The G.'1 entity inter;wor#s between the &u
interfaces and a eneric &P access networ#- usin the followin functionalityA
:ser plane circuit switched servicesA
; The interwor#in of circuit switched user data between the :p interface and the &u;cs interface
:ser plane pac#et switched servicesA
; The interwor#in of pac#et switched user data between the :p interface and the &u;ps interface
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" (- Release %
1ontrol plane functionalityA
; "ecurity Gateway ("2GI) for the set;up of a secure tunnel to the M" for mutual authentication- encryption
and data interity
; G.' 5iscovery support and 5efault G.'1 assinment
; G.' /eistration support includin provision of G.' system information to the M" and possible
redirection to a different "ervin G.'1
; Manaement of G.' bearer paths for 1" and P" services- includin the establishment- administration- and
release of control and user plane bearers between the M" and the G.'1
; 3unctionality providin support for pain and relocation7handover procedures
; Transparent transfer of >3 messaes (i.e.- '." protocols) between the M" and core networ#
6 *&tr# a&! :ser P#a&e %rchitecture
6.1 *S 46ai& (G%) %1G' 6!e)
6.1.1 *S 46ai& - *&tr# P#a&e *S 46ai& - *&tr# P#a&e - G%) %rchitecture
The G.' architecture in support of 1" 5omain control plane is illustrated in fiure *.
0i#ure $1 5p 6S Do3ain 6ontrol Plane Architecture
The main features of the :p interface for the 1" domain control plane are as followsA
The underlyin .ccess >ayers and Transport &P layer provides the eneric connectivity between the M" and the
The &Psec layer provides encryption and data interity.
T1P provides reliable transport for the G.;/1 between M" and G.'1 and is transported usin the /emote &P
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" (. Release %
The G.;/1 manaes the &P connection- includin the G.' reistration procedures.
The G.;1"/ protocol performs functionality e?uivalent to the G"M;// protocol- usin the underlyin
connection manaed by the G.;/1.
Protocols- such as MM and above- are carried transparently between the M" and M"1.
The G.'1 terminates the G.;1"/ protocol and inter;wor#s it to the .;interface usin 0"".P messain.
The /emote &P layer is the OinnerP &P layer for &Psec tunnel mode and is used by the M" to be addressed by the
G.'1. /emote &P layer is confiured durin the &Psec connection establishment. *S 46ai& - *&tr# P#a&e - MS %rchitecture
The M" architecture for the 1" domain control plane in the M" is illustrated in fiure 3.
0i#ure 31 MS 6S Do3ain 6ontrol plane Architecture
3iure 3 illustrates the main features of the M" 1" 5omain 1ontrol Plane architecture- which are as followsA
The //;".P interface to the G"M;MM layer is preserved identically for both G"M and G.' access.
.n access mode switch is provided to switch between G2/.'7:T/.' and G.' .7Gb modes.
G.;1"/ peers with G"M;// to provide coordination for rovin and handover.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" (% Release %
6.1.2 *S 46ai& - :ser P#a&e *S 46ai& - :ser P#a&e - G%) %rchitecture
The G.' protocol architecture in support of 1" domain user plane is illustrated fiure 6.
0i#ure &1 5p 6S Do3ain 5ser Plane Protocol Architecture
The main features of the 1" domain user plane of the :p interface are as followsA
The underlyin .ccess >ayers and Transport &P layer provides the eneric connectivity between the M" and the
The &Psec layer provides encryption and data interity.
1" domain user plane is transported over /TP7:5P between M" and G.'1.
"upport for .M/ 3/ codec- as specified in 3GPP T" *9.+<4 F<G- is mandatory when operatin in G.' .7Gb
mode- with support for other codecs bein optional.
1";data is transported over /TP7:5P- by definin a new /TP frame format to carry the T.3;T/.: (C.44+;li#e)
frames over /TP.
TTN is transported usin 1TM over G"M codec over /TP7:5P.
The G.'1 re;frames the 1" domain user plane between /TP7:5P and the speech bearers over the .;interface.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" (/ Release %
6.2 PS 46ai& (G%) %1G' 6!e)
6.2.1 PS 46ai& - G%) %rchitecture PS 46ai& - *&tr# P#a&e - G%) %rchitecture
The G.' architecture in support of P" 5omain 1ontrol Plane is illustrated in fiure 8.
0i#ure ,1 5p PS Do3ain 6ontrol Plane Architecture
The main features of the :p interface for the P" domain control plane are as followsA
The underlyin .ccess >ayers and Transport &P layer provides the eneric connectivity between the M" and the
The &Psec layer provides encryption and data interity.
T1P provides reliable transport for the G.;P"/ between M" and G.'1.
The G.;/1 manaes the &P connection- includin the G.' reistration procedures.
The G.;P"/ protocol performs functionality e?uivalent to the GP/";/>1 protocol. The concept of a T03 is
replaced by mechanisms to manae an &P connection between M" and G.'1.
'OT2A 'o Bo" can be assured when utili!in the G.;P"/ transport channel.
Protocols- such as >>1 and above- are carried transparently between the M" and 1'.
The G.'1 terminates the G.;P"/ protocol and inter;wor#s it to the Gb;interface usin 0""GP.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" $* Release % PS 46ai& - :ser P#a&e - G%) %rchitecture
The G.' architecture for P" 5omain :ser Plane is illustrated in fiure 9.
0i#ure -1 5p PS Do3ain 5ser Plane Protocol Architecture
The main features of the :p interface for P" domain user plane are as followsA
The underlyin .ccess >ayers and Transport &P layer provides the eneric connectivity between the M" and the
The &Psec layer provides encryption and data interity.
The G.;P"/ operates between the M" to the G.'1 transportin the upper layer payload (i.e. user plane
data)across the :p interface.
Protocols and data- such as >>1 and above- are carried transparently between the M" and 1'.
The G.'1 terminates the G.;P"/ protocol and inter;wor#s it to the Gb;interface usin 0""GP.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" $( Release %
6.2.2 PS 46ai& - MS %rchitecture
The M" architecture for the P" domain is illustrated in more detail in fiure <.
0i#ure .1 MS PS Do3ain Architecture
3iure < illustrates the main features of the M" P" 5omain architecture- which are as followsA
The G//;".P to the GP/";>>1 layer is preserved.
The GMM//;".P interface to the GP/";GMM layer is preserved.
.n access mode switch is provided to switch between GP/" and G.' .7Gb modes.
G.;P"/ peers with GP/";/>1 to provide coordination for rovin and P" handover.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" $$ Release %
6.3 *S 46ai& (G%) 8u 6!e)
6.3.1 *S 46ai& - *&tr# P#a&e *S 46ai& - *&tr# P#a&e - G%) %rchitecture
The G.' &u mode architecture in support of the 1" 5omain control plane is illustrated in fiure <a.
0i#ure .a1 6S Do3ain 6ontrol Plane Architecture
The main features of the G.' &u mode 1" domain control plane architecture are as followsA
The underlyin .ccess >ayers and Transport &P layer provides the eneric connectivity between the M" and the
The &Psec layer provides encryption and data interity between the M" and G.'1.
The /emote &P layer is the OinnerP &P layer for &Psec tunnel mode and is used by the M" to be addressed by the
G.'1. The /emote &P layer is confiured durin the &Psec connection establishment.
. sinle T1P connection is used to provide reliable transport for both the G.;/1 and G.;//1 sinalin
between the M" and G.'1. The T1P connection is manaed by G.;/1 and is transported usin the /emote &P
'." protocols- such as MM and above- are carried transparently between the M" and M"1.
The Generic .ccess /esource 1ontrol (G.;/1) protocol manaes the :p session- includin the G.' discovery
and reistration procedures.
The Generic .ccess /adio /esource 1ontrol (G.;//1) protocol performs functionality e?uivalent to the
:T/.' //1 protocol- usin the underlyin :p session manaed by the G.;/1. 'ote that G.;//1 includes
both 1" service and P" service;related sinalin messaes.
The G.'1 terminates the 1";related G.;//1 protocol and inter;wor#s it to the /.'.P protocol over the &u;
cs interface.
The &u;cs sinallin transport layer options (both .TM and &P;based) are defined in T" *8.64* F6<G.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" $3 Release % *S 46ai& - *&tr# P#a&e - MS %rchitecture
The M" architecture for the 1" domain control plane is illustrated in fiure <b. The M" architecture illustrates support
for both G.' .7Gb mode and G.' &u mode.
0i#ure .21 MS 6S Do3ain 6ontrol Plane Architecture
3iure <b illustrates the main features of the M" 1" domain control plane architecture- which are as followsA
The :T/.' //;".P interface to the MM layer is preserved identically for both :T/.' and G.' &u mode
The G2/.' //;".P interface to the MM layer is preserved identically for both G2/.' and G.' .7Gb mode
.n access mode switch is provided to switch between G2/.'7:T/.' and G.' modes.
G.;//1 (G.' &u mode) peers with :T/.';//1 and G2/.';//1 to provide coordination for rovin and
G.;1"/ (G.' .7Gb mode) peers with :T/.';//1 and G2/.';//1 to provide coordination for rovin
and handover.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" $& Release %
6.3.2 *S 46ai& - :ser P#a&e *S 46ai& - :ser P#a&e - G%) %rchitecture
The G.' &u mode protocol architecture in support of the 1" domain user plane is illustrated fiure <c.
0i#ure .c1 6S Do3ain 5ser Plane Protocol Architecture
The main features of the G.' 1" domain user plane architecture are as followsA
The underlyin .ccess >ayers and Transport &P layer provides the eneric connectivity between the M" and the
The &Psec layer provides encryption and data interity.
1" domain user plane is transported over /TP7:5P between M" and G.'1.
"upport for .M/ 3/ codec- as specified in 3GPP T" *9.+<4 F<G- is mandatory when operatin in G.' &u mode-
with support for other codecs bein optional.
1";data is transported over /TP7:5P- by definin a new /TP frame format to carry the T.3;T/.: (C.44+;li#e)
frames over /TP.
TTN is transported usin 1TM over G"M codec over /TP7:5P.
The G.'1 provides interwor#in between /TP7:5P and the circuit switched bearers over the &u;cs interface.
The G.'1 supports the &u :ser Plane (&u :P) protocol. 2ach &u :P protocol instance may operate in either
transparent or support modes- as described in *8.648 F8+GE the mode choice is indicated to the G.'1 by the
M"1 usin /.'.P.
The &u;cs data transport layers (both .TM and &P;based) and associated transport networ# control options are
defined in *8.646 F6@G.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" $, Release % *S 46ai& - :ser P#a&e - MS %rchitecture
The M" architecture for the 1" domain user plane is illustrated in fiure <d. The M" architecture illustrates support for
both G.' .7Gb mode and G.' &u mode.
0i#ure .d1 MS 6S Do3ain 5ser Plane Architecture
3iure <d illustrates the main features of the M" 1" domain user plane architecture- which are as followsA
.n access mode switch is provided to switch between G2/.'7:T/.' and G.' modesE i.e.- to route 1" user
plane dataQeither speech or circuit switched dataQto the active access subsystem.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" $- Release %
6.4 PS 46ai& (G%) 8u 6!e)
6.4.1 PS 46ai& - *&tr# P#a&e PS 46ai& - *&tr# P#a&e - G%) %rchitecture
The G.' &u mode architecture in support of the P" 5omain 1ontrol Plane is illustrated in fiure <e.
0i#ure .e1 PS Do3ain 6ontrol Plane Architecture
The main features of the G.' P" domain control plane architecture are as followsA
The underlyin .ccess >ayers and Transport &P layer provides the eneric connectivity between the M" and the
The &Psec layer provides encryption and data interity.
T1P provides reliable transport for the G.;//1 between M" and G.'1.
The G.;/1 manaes the &P connection- includin the G.' reistration procedures.
The Generic .ccess /adio /esource 1ontrol (G.;//1) protocol performs functionality e?uivalent to the
:T/.' //1 protocol- usin the underlyin :p session manaed by the G.;/1. 'ote that G.;//1 includes
both 1" service and P" service;related sinalin messaes.
The G.'1 terminates the G.;//1 protocol and inter;wor#s it to the /.'.P protocol over the &u;ps interface.
'." protocols- such as for GMM- "M and "M"- are carried transparently between the M" and "G"'.
The &u;ps sinallin transport layer options (both .TM and &P;based) are defined in *8.64* F6<G.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" $. Release % PS 46ai& - *&tr# P#a&e - MS %rchitecture
The M" architecture for the P" domain control plane is illustrated in fiure <f. The M" architecture illustrates support
for both G.' .7Gb mode and G.' &u mode.
0i#ure .f1 MS PS Do3ain 6ontrol Plane Architecture
3iure <f illustrates the main features of the M" P" domain control plane architecture- which are as followsA
The :T/.' /.0M.";".P and GMM.";".P interfaces to the MM layer are preserved identically for both
:T/.' and G.' &u mode access.
The G2/.' G//;".P and GMM//;".P interfaces to the MM layer are preserved identically for both
G2/.' and G.' .7Gb mode access.
.n access mode switch is provided to switch between G2/.'7:T/.' and G.' modes.
G.;//1 (G.' &u mode) peers with :T/.';//1 and G2/.';//1 to provide coordination for rovin and
G.;P"/ (G.' .7Gb mode) peers with :T/.';//1 and G2/.';//1 to provide coordination for rovin and
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" $% Release %
6.4.2 PS 46ai& - :ser P#a&e PS 46ai& - :ser P#a&e - G%) %rchitecture
The G.' &u mode architecture for the P" 5omain :ser Plane is illustrated in fiure <.
0i#ure .#1 PS Do3ain 5ser Plane Protocol Architecture
The main features of the G.' P" domain user plane architecture are as followsA
The underlyin .ccess >ayers and Transport &P layer provides the eneric connectivity between the M" and the
The &Psec layer provides encryption and data interity.
The G.;//1 protocol operates between the M" to the G.'1 transportin the upper layer payload (i.e. user
plane data) across the :p interface.
P" user data is carried transparently between the M" and 1'.
The G.'1 terminates the G.;//1 protocol and inter;wor#s it to the &u;ps interface usin GTP;:.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" $/ Release % PS 46ai& - :ser P#a&e - MS %rchitecture
The M" architecture for the P" domain user plane is illustrated in fiure <h.
0i#ure .h1 MS PS Do3ain 5ser Plane Architecture
3iure <h illustrates the main features of the M" P" domain user plane architecture- which are as followsA
The :T/.' P51P;".P interface to the P" user plane upper layers is preserved identically for both :T/.'
and G.' &u mode access.
The G2/.' G//;".P interface to the P" user plane upper layers is preserved identically for both G2/.' and
G.' .7Gb mode access.
.n access mode switch is provided to switch between G2/.'7:T/.' and G.' modesE i.e.- to route P" user
plane data to the active access subsystem.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" 3* Release %
0 Ma&age6e&t 3u&cti&a#it5
0.1 State !iagra6 3r Ge&eric %ccess
0i#ure %1 State dia#ra3 for Generic Access in the MS
4. The followin cases are possible when switchin the servin // to G.' &u modeA
a. Transition to G.;//1;&5>2 for both 1" and P" domains (i.e.- idle mode transition)
b. Transition to G.;//1;&5>2 (P" domain) and G.;//1;1O''21T25 (1" domain) (i.e.- due to 1"
c. Transition to G.;//1;&5>2 (1" domain) and G.;//1;1O''21T25 (P" domain) (i.e.- due to P"
d. Transition to G.;//1;1O''21T25 (1" domain) and G.;//1;1O''21T25 (P" domain) (i.e.-
due to combined 1" handover and P" handover)
*. The followin cases are possible when switchin the servin // from G.' &u modeA
a. Transition from G.;//1;&5>2 for both 1" and P" domains (i.e.- idle mode transition)
b. Transition from G.;//1;&5>2 (P" domain) and G.;//1;1O''21T25 (1" domain) (i.e.- due to
1" handover).
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" 3( Release %
c. Transition from G.;//1;&5>2 (1" domain) and G.;//1;1O''21T25 (P" domain) (i.e.- due to
P" handover)
d. Transition from G.;//1;1O''21T25 (1" domain) and G.;//1;1O''21T25 (P" domain)
(i.e.- due to combined 1" handover and P" handover)
3. There is no re?uirement for the M" to support both G.' &u mode and G.' .7Gb mode.
0.2 G%-R* (Ge&eric %ccess Resurce *&tr#)
0.2.1 Ge&era#
The G.;/1 protocol provides a resource manaement layer- with the followin functionsA
discovery and /eistration with G.'1- includin G.' mode selection (G.' .7Gb mode or G.' &u mode)E
reistration :pdate with G.'1E
application level #eep;alive with G.'1E and
support for identification of the .P bein used for G.' access.
0.2.2 States 3 the G%-R* su'-#a5er
The G.;/1 sub;layer in the M" can be in one of two states ; G.;/1;52/2G&"T2/25 or G.;/1;/2G&"T2/25 ;
as illustrated in fiure ,.
&n the G.;/1;52/2G&"T2/25 state- the M" may be in a G.' coverae areaE however- the M" has not reistered
successfully with the G.'1 and cannot e(chane G.;1"/ and G.;P"/ sinallin messaes (G.' .7Gb mode) or
G.;//1 messaes (G.' &u mode) with the G.'1. The M" may initiate the G.' /eistration procedure when in the
G.;/1;52/2G&"T2/25 state. The M" returns to G.;/1;52/2G&"T2/25 state on loss of T1P or &Psec
&n the G.' .7Gb mode G.;/1;/2G&"T2/25 state- the M" is reistered with a G.'1- has an &Psec and an T1P
connection established to the "ervin G.'1- throuh which the M" may e(chane G.;1"/ or G.;P"/ sinalin
messaes with the G.'1- and the ".P between the G.;1"/ and MM entity and the G.;P"/ and the GMM entity are
not active. &n the G.;/1;/2G&"T2/25 state- the M" may be camped on G2/.' or :T/.'- active in G2/.' or
:T/.' (e.. a G"M // or a :T/.' //1 connection may be established) or may have no G2/.' or :T/.'
service while still maintainin the reistration in the G.'.
&n the G.' &u mode G.;/1;/2G&"T2/25 state- the M" is reistered with the "ervin G.'1. The M" has an &Psec
tunnel and a T1P connection established to the "ervin G.'1 throuh which the M" may e(chane G.;/1 or G.;
//1 sinalin messaes with the G.'1. The ".P between the G.;//1 and MM entity and the G.;//1 and the
GMM entity are not active. &n the G.;/1;/2G&"T2/25 state- the M" may be camped on G2/.' or :T/.'- active
in G2/.' or :T/.' (e.. a G"M // or a :T/.' //1 connection may be established) or may have no G2/.' or
:T/.' service while still maintainin the reistration in the G.'.
0.3 G%-*SR (Ge&eric %ccess *ircuit S2itche! Resurces)
0.3.1 Ge&era#
The G.;1"/ protocol provides a resource manaement layer- which is e?uivalent to the G"M;// and provides the
followin functionsA
setup of bearer for 1" traffic between the M" and G.'1E
handover support between G2/.' and G.'E and
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" 3$ Release %
functions such as GP/" suspension- pain- cipherin confiuration- classmar# chane.
0.3.2 States 3 the G%-*SR su'-#a5er
The G.;1"/ sub;layer in the M" can be in two states ;G.;1"/;&5>2 or G.;1"/;525&1.T25 as illustrated in
fiure ,.
The M" enters G.;1"/;&5>2 state from G.;/1;/2G&"T2/25 state- when the M" switches the servin // entity to
G.;1"/ and the ".P between the MM and the G.;1"/ is activated. "imultaneously- the G.;P"/ ac?uires the control
of the />1 G// and GMM// ".Ps and transitions to G.;P"/; "T.'50N state. Ihile the M" remains in G.'
.7Gb mode it performs reistration :pdate and application level #eep;alive with the G.'1 as per the G.;/1;
/2G&"T2/25 state.
The M" moves from the G.;1"/;&5>2 state to the G.;1"/;525&1.T25 state when the G.;1"/ connection is
established and returns to G.;1"/;&5>2 state when the G.;1"/ connection is released. :pon G.;1"/ connection
release an indication that no dedicated resources e(ist is passed to the upper layers.
The M" may also enter G.;1"/;525&1.T25 state from G.;/1;/2G&"T2/25 state of G2/.'7:T/.' mode
when =andover to G.' is bein performed. &n the same way- the M" enters G.;/1;/2G&"T2/25 state of
G2/.'7:T/.' mode from G.;1"/;525&1.T25 when =andover from G.' is bein performed.
0.4 G%-PSR (Ge&eric %ccess Pac9et S2itche! Resurces)
The G.;P"/ protocol provides the followin servicesA
delivery of GP/" sinallin- "M" messaes over the secure tunnelE
pain- flow control- GP/" transport channel manaementE
P" handover support between G2/.'7:T/.' mode and G.' .7Gb modeE and
transfer of GP/" user plane data.
The G.;P"/ Transport 1hannel (G.;P"/ T1) provides the association between the M" and G.'1 for the transport of
GP/" user data over the :p interface. Given that the G.' user data transport is :5P based- the G.;P"/ Transport
1hannel is associated with correspondin M" and G.'1 &P addresses and :5P ports used for GP/" user data transfer.
The M" and G.'1 manae the G.;P"/ Transport 1hannel based on the re?uests for data transfer and the
confiurable G.;P"/ 1hannel Timer.
0.4.1 States 3 the G%-PSR su'-#a5er
The G.;P"/ sub;layer in the M" can be in two states ; G.;P"/;"T.'50N or G.;P"/;.1T&C2 ; as illustrated in
fiure ,.
GA*)SR*STAN(BY: This is the initial7default state of the mobile station in G.' .7Gb mode. The M" is not
able to send or receive GP/" user data to and from the G.'1. The G.;P"/ Transport 1hannel does not e(ist
when the M" is in G.;P"/;"T.'50N state. The G.'1 or the M" needs to activate the G.;P"/ Transport
1hannel before sendin any GP/" user data. Ihen the M" G.;P"/ successfully establishes a G.;P"/
Transport 1hannel- it transitions to the G.;P"/;.1T&C2 state.
GA*)SR*ACTI2E: The M" is able to send and receive GP/" user data to and from the G.'1. The
correspondin G.;P"/ Transport 1hannel e(ists.
:pon a successful switch to G.' .7Gb mode as a result of rove;in- the M" G.;P"/ ac?uires the control of the />1
G// and GMM// ".Ps- and transitions to G.;P"/;"T.'50N state and G.;P"/ T1 activation may then be
.fter successful G.;P"/ T1 activation when in G.' .7Gb mode- the M" G.;P"/ transitions to G.;P"/;.1T&C2
state. The followin are the possible triers for G.;P"/ T1 activation when the M" is in the G.;P"/;"T.'50N
state in G.' .7Gb modeA
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" 33 Release %
The M" >>1 entity initiates the uplin# data transfer usin >>1 ".P& 3- 8- @ or 44 and the G.;P"/ sub;layer is
in the G.;P"/;"T.'50N state.
The G.'1 initiates G.;P"/ T1 activationE i.e. the M" receives a G.;P"/;.1T&C.T2 :T1 /2B messae
from the G.'1 (see sub;clause ,.49.6).
.s described in 3GPP T" 63.4*@ F66G- the M" and G.'1 establish a G.;P"/ T1 durin the P" handover preparation
phase which results in M" enablin the reception of downlin# >>1 P5:s. :pon a successful switch to G.' .7Gb
mode as a result of receivin the P" =andover 1ommand- the M" transitions to G.;P"/;.1T&C2 state- the M" G.;
P"/ ac?uires the control of the />1 G// and GMM// ".Ps and enables the transmission of uplin# >>1 P5:s on
the allocated G.;P"/ T1.
:pon the successful G.;P"/ T1 activation and in parallel with transition to G.;P"/;.1T&C2 state- the M" G.;P"/
starts the G.;P"/ 1hannel Timer. Ihen the G.;P"/ 1hannel Timer e(pires- the M" sends a messae to the G.'1 to
initiate G.;P"/ T1 deactivation. :pon successful G.;P"/ T1 deactivation- the M" G.;P"/ transitions to G.;P"/;
"T.'50N state.
.t any time- while in G.' .7Gb mode- if the servin // entity is switched to G"M;//- the G.;P"/ is disconnected
from GP/" ".Ps and the M" enters G2/.'7:T/.' mode. "imultaneously- the M" will release the associated G.;
P"/ T1 reardless of the G.;P"/ 1hannel Timer status.
The M" G.;P"/ maintains one G.;P"/ T1 for all active user data flowsE i.e. if the G.;P"/ is in G.;P"/;.1T&C2
state- any uplin# user data pac#et is transferred usin the active G.;P"/ T1 reardless of the associated P31 and >>1
".P. The G.;P"/ 1hannel Timer is restarted whenever any uplin# user data pac#et is sent or downlin# user data
pac#et received reardless of the associated P31 and >>1 ".P.
0.4a G%-RR*
0.4a.1 Ge&era#
The G.;//1 protocol provides a resource manaement layer which is e?uivalent to :T/.';//1 and supports the
followin functionsA
setup of transport channels for 1" and P" traffic between the M" and G.'1E
1" and P" handover support between G2/.'7:T/.' and G.'E
direct transfer of '." messaes between the M" and the core networ#E and
other functions such as 1" and P" pain and security confiuration.
0.4a.2 States 3 the G%-RR* su'-#a5er
The G.;//1 sub;layer in the M" contains two entities- the 1" domain G.;//1 sublayer entity and the P" domain
G.;//1 sublayer entity (as illustrated in 3iure ,). These entities operate independently and in parallelE e..- two G.;
//1 connections are established in the case of simultaneous 1" and P" services- one G.;//1 connection for each
2ach G.;//1 sub;layer entity in the M" can be in one of two states- G.;//1;&5>2 or G.;//1;1O''21T25 as
illustrated in fiure ,.
0oth the 1" G.;//1 sub;layer entity and the P" G.;//1 sublayer entity in the M" enters the G.;//1;&5>2 state
when the M" switches the servin // entity to G.;//1 and the ".P between the '." and the G.;//1 is activated.
This switch may occur only when the G.;/1 is in the G.;/1;/2G&"T2/25 state.
The 1"7P" G.;//1 sublayer entity in the M" moves from the G.;//1;&5>2 state to the G.;//1;1O''21T25
state when the 1"7P" G.;//1 connection is established and returns to the G.;//1;&5>2 state when the 1"7P" G.;
//1 connection is released. :pon 1"7P" G.;//1 connection release- an indication that no dedicated resources e(ist
for the domain is passed to the upper layers.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" 3& Release %
The 1"7P" G.;//1 sublayer entity in the M" may also enter the G.;//1;1O''21T25 state while in the G.;/1;
/2G&"T2/25 state in G2/.'7:T/.' mode when 1"7P" handover to G.' is bein performed.
0.5 Securit5 Mecha&is6s
G.' supports security mechanisms at different levels and interfaces as depicted in fiure @.
0i#ure /1 GAN Securit7 Mechanis3s
4. The security mechanisms over the :p interface protect sinallin- voice and data traffic flows between the M"
and the G.'1 from unauthori!ed use- data manipulation and eavesdroppinE i.e. authentication- encryption and
data interity mechanisms are supported.
*. .uthentication of the subscriber by the core networ# occurs between the M"17C>/ or "G"' and the M" and is
transparent to the G.'1 ; however- there is a cryptoraphic bindin between the M";1' authentication and the
M";G.'1 authentication to prevent man in the middle attac#s. GP/" cipherin is the standard >>1 layer
cipherin that operates between the M" and the "G"' (not applicable to G.' &u mode). These mechanisms are
out of scope of the present document.
3. .dditional application level security mechanisms may be employed in the P" domain to secure the end;to;end
communication between the M" and the application server. 3or e(ample- the M" may run the =TTP protocol
over an ""> session for secure web access. These mechanisms are out of scope of the present document.
.ll sinallin traffic and user;plane traffic sent between M" and G.'1 over the :p interface is protected by an &Psec
tunnel between the M" and G.'1;"2GI- that provides mutual authentication (usin "&M credentials)- encryption and
data interity usin the same mechanisms as specified in 3GPP T" 33.*36 F@G.
8 ;igh-"e7e# Prce!ures 3r G%) %1G' M!e
8.1 Mecha&is6 3 M!e Se#ecti& i& Mu#ti-6!e ter6i&a#s
. Generic .ccess capable terminal may support any &P access technoloy in addition to the G2/.' and possibly
:T/.' radio interfaces. The M" may be either in the G2/.'7:T/.' mode or in G.' mode of operation.
The M" can be confiured to operate in one of the above two modes at any iven time. There may be preferred mode of
operation that can be confiured by the user- or by the operator throuh various mechanisms- e.. device manaement.
On power up- the M" always starts in G2/.'7:T/.' mode and e(ecutes the normal power;up se?uence as specified
in 3GPP T" *3.4** F6G. 3ollowin this- the M" may switch into G.' mode based on mode selection preference
determined by user preferences or operator confiuration.
The various preferences for the M" that are possible are as followsA
G2/.'7:T/.' ;onlyA
; The M" // entity remains in G2/.'7:T/.' mode and does not switch to G.' mode.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" 3, Release %
G2/.'7:T/.' ;preferredA
; The M" // entity is in G2/.'7:T/.' mode as lon as there is a suitable G2/.' cell or a suitable
:T/.' cell available. &f the M" cannot find a suitable G2/.' cell or a suitable :T/.' cell to camp on-
and M" has successfully reistered with a G.'1 over the eneric &P access networ#- then the M" switches
to G.' mode. Ihen the M" in G.' mode is able to find a suitable G2/.' cell or a suitable :T/.' cell
to camp on- or the M" has de;reistered or loses connectivity with the G.'1 over the eneric &P access
networ#- the M" returns to G2/.'7:T/.' mode.
; Ihen the M" has successfully reistered with the G.' over the eneric &P access networ#- the M" switches
to G.' mode and stays in this mode as lon as the G.' is available. Ihen the M" dereisters- or otherwise
loses connectivity with the G.' over the eneric &P access networ#- the M" switches to G2/.'7:T/.'
; The M" switches to G.' mode (after initial power up se?uence in G2/.'7:T/.' mode to obtain cellular
networ# information- but e(cludin (G)MM procedures with G2/.' core networ#) and does not switch to
G2/.'7:T/.' mode. 5urin the initial power up se?uence in G2/.'7:T/.' mode the M" shall
inore pain messae received throuh G2/.'7:T/.' networ#.
8.2 P"M) Se#ecti&
There shall be no chane from the P>M' selection procedures in the '." layers (MM and above) in the M"- with the
e(ception that in G.' mode the Min CP>M' bac#round scanL shall be disabled.
. G.'1 can be only connected to one P>M'.
The P>M' selection in the '." layers shall not lead to chane of mode between G2/.'7:T/.' mode and G.'
mode. 3or a specific instance of P>M' selection only P>M's available via G.' or only P>M's available via
G2/.'7:T/.' are provided to the '." layer (i.e. no combination of the P>M's available via G2/.'7:T/.' and
&n the case of a G.' capable M"- a G.'1 selection process also may be re?uired as part of the process of establishin
the connectivity between the M" and the G.'1. This ta#es place when- durin G.' reistration- a G.' capable M"
may have a choice amon two or more G.'1;P>M' pairs indicated by the 5efault G.'1 (i.e. in the G.;/1
/2G&"T2/ /25&/21T messae). The G.'1 selection process ta#es place while the M" is still in G2/.'7:T/.'
mode (i.e. before the M" roves into G.' mode) as followsA
Ihile a mobile station is attemptin to become G.' reistered- the G.'1 selection process shall attempt
G.' reistration with the currently reistered P>M'.
&f G.' reistration with the currently reistered P>M' is not possible and there are one or more remainin
G.'1;P>M' pairs that were received within a G.;/1 /2G&"T2/ /25&/21T messae- they shall all be
treated as havin sufficient received sinal ?uality and P>M' selection should be performed accordin to the
P>M' selection rules of 3GPP T" **.+44 F83G.
&f the M" does not have any stored information related to the "ervin G.'1 for the cell &5 or .P to which the M" is
currently connected- the M" attempts to reister with the 5efault G.'1 (always located in the =P>M') stored in M".
The M" includes an indication- identifyin the G.'1 as the 5efault G.'1 in the G.;/1 /2G&"T2/ /2B:2"T
Ihen an M" attempts to reister on the 5efault G.'1 includin an indication that it is in automatic P>M' selection
&f the 5efault G.'1 wishes to serve the M"- the 5efault G.'1 responds with a G.;/1 /2G&"T2/ .112PT
&f the 5efault G.'1 wishes to redirect the M" to another G.'1 within the =P>M'- the 5efault G.'1
responds with a G.;/1 /2G&"T2/ /25&/21T messae- not includin a list of P>M' identities.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" 3- Release %
&f the 5efault G.'1 wishes to redirect the M" to a P>M' that is not the =P>M'- the 5efault G.'1 responds
with a G.;/1 /2G&"T2/ /25&/21T messae and includes a list of P>M's that may provide G.' service to
the M" in its current location. The list contains one or more P>M' identities alon with the identities of their
associated G.'1 and "2GI nodes (either in &P address or 3B5' format). 3ollowin the G.'1 selection
process- the G.;/1 shall attempt to reister on the associated G.'1.
&f at any time the user wishes to perform manual P>M' selection or a H:ser reselectionH irrespective of whether the M"
is in manual or automatic P>M' selection mode- the M" sends a G.;/1 /2G&"T2/ /2B:2"T messae to the
5efault G.'1- includin an indication that it is in manual P>M' selection mode. The 5efault G.'1 is not allowed to
accept the reistration and responds with a G.;/1 /2G&"T2/ /25&/21T messae and includes a list of P>M's that
may provide G.' service to the M" in its current location.
&f the M" includes the identity of the current servin networ# in the G.;/1 /2G&"T2/ /2B:2"T messae- the
5efault G.'1 uses this to identify the list of P>M's to send to the M" in the response messae.
The G.;/1 /2G&"T2/ /25&/21T messae may inform a mobile station that G.' .7Gb mode- G.' &u mode or
both G.' .7Gb mode and G.' &u mode are supported for each P>M' indicated by this messae.
.fter successful reistration with a servin G.'1- the M" shall not store the P>M' list. The M" shall not use the
P>M' list- provided to the M" durin the reistration procedure- for bac#round scannin.
'OT2A .n M" cannot use Generic .ccess in a CP>M' unless the =P>M' supports and authorises Generic
.fter enterin G.' .7Gb mode- a mobile station may trier handover bac# to G2/.'7:T/.' mode by sendin a
G.;1"/ =.'5OC2/ &'3O/M.T&O' messae or G.;P"/ =.'5OC2/ &'3O/M.T&O' messae to the G.'1
and includin an ordered list of preferred G2/.'7:T/.' cells. .fter enterin G.' &u mode- a mobile station may
trier handover bac# to G2/.'7:T/.' mode by sendin a G.;//1 /2>O1.T&O' &'3O/M.T&O' messae to
the G.'1 and includin an ordered list of preferred G2/.'7:T/.' cells. &n each case- the list of preferred
G2/.'7:T/.' cells shall include cells havin the same P>M' as the currently reistered P>M' (if at least one such
cell is #nown to the M").
8.3 Re-se#ecti& 'et2ee& G+R%)1:TR%) a&! G%) 6!es
8.3.1 R7e-i& (3r6 G+R%)1:TR%) 6!e t G%) 6!e)
This procedure is applicable only if G.' service is available- a M" is not in '1* mode (as defined in 3GPP T" 68.++,
F4,G) and has an M" preference forA
G.';preferred orE
G2/.'7:T/.';preferred and the M" cannot find a suitable G2/.' cell or a suitable :T/.' cell to camp
3ollowin successful G.' reistration- the .ccess mode in the M" is switched to G.' mode. G.;1"/ or G.;//1
entity in the M" reports to the '."- the '.";related system information received in the G.' /eistration Procedure.
The '." considers the G.'1 allocated cell &5- as the current servin cell.
Ihile in G.' mode- an M" in G2/.'7:T/.';preferred mode may perform G2/.'7:T/.' cells monitorin
accordin to 3GPP T" 68.++, and follow the behaviours accordin to 3GPP T" *3.4**.
Ihile in G.' mode- G2/.';// and :T/.' //1 entities are detached from the //;".P in the M"- as a result the
entities do notA
inform '." about any G2/.'7:T/.' cell re;selection and7or the chane of system information of the current
campin cellE
inform '." about any newly found P>M' over G2/.' or :T/.'E and
act on any pain re?uest messae received over G2/.' or :T/.'.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" 3. Release %
/ove;in may be applied to support 1" call re;establishment followin the loss of an // connection in G"M or to
support pac#et service re;establishment followin abnormal T03 release with cell reselection in GP/". The support for
call re;establishment is indicated to the M" in the G.' system information.
8.3.2 R7e-ut (3r6 G%) 6!e t G+R%)1:TR%) 6!e)
This procedure is applicable when M" detaches from the eneric &P access networ#- and its mode selection is
G.';preferred or when M" finds a suitable G2/.'7:T/.' cell for campin on- and its mode selection is
Ihen the M" detaches from the eneric &P access networ#- dependin on prevailin circumstances the M" may be able
to dereister first with the G.'1.
3or the G.';preferred and G2/.'7:T/.';preferred mode selections- the M" detaches G.;1"/ or G.;//1 from
the //;".P and re;attaches G2/.';// or :T/.' //1 to //;".P and restores normal G2/.';// or :T/.'
//1 functionality.
3or the G.';only mode selection- G.;1"/ or G.;//1 remains attached to '." and the M" stays in G.' mode (in
H'o "erviceH condition).
8.4 G%) 4isc7er5 a&! Registrati& re#ate! $rce!ures
8.4.1 4isc7er5 a&! Registrati& 3r Ge&eric %ccess Ge&era#
The 5iscovery and /eistration procedures are applicable only if the M" preference is operatin in G.';only- G.';
preferred or- if no allowable P>M' is available throuh G2/.'7:T/.'- in G2/.'7:T/.';preferred mode.
Once the M" has established a connection to the eneric &P access networ#- the mobile determines the appropriate
G.'1;"2GI to connect to- by completin the 5iscovery Procedure to the Provisionin G.'1 in the =P>M' of the
M". The Provisionin G.'1 provides the address of the 5efault G.'1 in the =P>M' of the M"- to which the
mobile can reister.
The M" attempts to reister on the 5efault G.'1 provided by the Provisionin G.'1 durin the 5iscovery
procedure- by completin the /eistration Procedure. The 5efault G.'1 may accept the /eistrationE redirect the M"
to another G.'1E or /eject the /eistration. Securit5 Gate2a5 8!e&ti3icati&
The (:)"&M of the M" contains the 3B5' (or &P address) of the Provisionin G.'1 and the associated "2GI or the
M" derives this information based on information in the (:)"&M. &f the M" does not have any information about other
G.'1s and associated "2GI stored- then the M" completes the 5iscovery procedure towards the Provisionin
.s part of the /eistration Procedure- the 5efault G.'1 can indicate whether this G.'1 and "2GI address or the
address of a G.'1 that the M" is bein redirected to- may be stored by the M".
The M" may also store "ervin G.'1 information for "ervin G.'1s with which the M" was able to complete a
successful reistration procedure. The default G.'1 is in control of whether the M" is allowed to store "ervin G.'1
information. &f there is no G2/.'7:T/.' coverae in the .P location- the stored "ervin G.'1 information shall be
associated with the .P;&5. &f there is G2/.'7:T/.' coverae in the .P location- the stored "ervin G.'1
information shall be associated with the G"M 1G& or >.& and :T/.' 1&. The stored "ervin G.'1 information isA
servin "2GI 3B5' or &P address followin successful reistrationE
servin G.'1 3B5' or &P address followin successful reistrationE and
optionally- "ervin G.'1 T1P port followin successful reistration and if returned from the networ#.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" 3% Release %
The number of such entries to be stored in the M" is implementation specific. Only the last successfully reistered
G.'1 association shall be stored when the 5efault G.'1 indicates that the M" is allowed to store these addresses. .n
M" may preferentially join a eneric &P access networ# point of attachment whose association with a "ervin G.'1
has been stored in memory.
On connectin to the eneric &P access networ#- if the M" has a stored "ervin G.'1 for the .P;&5 or the
G2/.'7:T/.' cell- the M" shall attempt to reister with the associated "ervin G.'1 in its memory. The G.'1
may still reject the M" for any reason even thouh it may have served the M" before. The M" shall delete from its
stored list the address of the "ervin G.'1 on receivin a reistration reject or if the reistration fails for any other
reason (e.. not receivin any response).
&f the M" does not receive a response to the /eistration /e?uest sent to the "ervin G.'1 (and which is not the
5efault G.'1)- it shall re;attempt to reister with the 5efault G.'1. &f the M" does not receive a response to the
reistration re?uest sent to the 5efault G.'1- it shall attempt the discovery procedure with the Provisionin G.'1 in
order to obtain a new 5efault G.'1.
&n the case when a M" is attemptin to reister or discover a G.'1 after failin to reister on a G.'1- the M"
provides in the /eistration or 5iscovery procedure an indication that the M" has attempted to /eister on another
G.'1- the failure reason- and the G.'1 and "2GI addresses of the failed reistration.
Ihen the M" connects to a eneric &P access networ#- for which it does not have a stored "ervin G.'1 in it$s
memory- it shall attempt to reister with the 5efault G.'1. G%)* ca$a'i#ities
To be populated with G.'1 specific information that needs to be transferred to the M" on successful reistration. MS ca$a'i#ities
To be populated with G.' specific capabilities of the M" that needs to be transferred to the G.'1 durin reistration
and the interaction to what is reported to the 1' is 33". Re<uire! G%) Ser7ices
The M" may re?uest which G.' services it re?uires from the G.'1 as part of the /eistration procedures.' G%) M!e Se#ecti&
The M" (i.e.- with G.' &u mode support) transfers its G.' Mode "upport information to the G.'1 durin 5iscovery
and /eistration proceduresE i.e.- in the G.' 1lassmar# &2. G.' Mode "upport options are G.' .7Gb mode
supported- G.' &u mode supported- or both modes supported. &f no G.' Mode "upport information is received- the
G.'1 assumes that the M" supports G.' .7Gb mode operation only.
The provisionin G.'1 may use the received G.' Mode "upport information to assin the M" to an appropriate
default G.'1 (e..- if separate G.' .7Gb mode and G.' &u mode G.'1s are deployed in the networ#) or to an
appropriate T1P port on the default G.'1 (e..- if separate T1P ports are used for G.' .7Gb mode and G.' &u mode
service). 5urin reistration- the G.' &u mode capable G.'1 shall also indicate the G.' mode to use for the current
session in the G.' Mode &ndicator &2E this allows the M" to determine the G.' &u mode capability of the =ome
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" 3/ Release %
The followin table enumerates the discovery handlin for the various combinations of M" and =ome P>M' G.'
mode capabilities.
Ta2le (1 GAN Mode Selection procedures associated with GAN Disco8er7
=ome P>M' G.' Mode 1apabilities
M" G.' Mode
.7Gb only &u only 0oth
.7Gb only G.'1A =andle as normal
G.' .7Gb mode discovery
M"A Proceed with
G.'1A 'o G.' Mode
"upport information
provided or G.' .7Gb
mode (only) indicated by
M"- therefore /eject
M"A /etry on ne(t power;
G.'1A 'o G.' Mode
"upport information
provided or G.' .7Gb
mode (only) indicated by
M"- therefore handle as
normal G.' .7Gb mode
discovery. .ssin M" to
G.' .7Gb;capable
M"A Proceed with
&u only G.'1A =andle as normal
G.' .7Gb mode discovery
M"A Proceed with
G.'1A G.' &u Mode
"upport (only) indicated by
M"- therefore accept and
assin M" to G.' &u mode
capable G.'1.
M"A Proceed with
G.'1A G.' &u Mode
"upport (only) indicated by
M"- therefore accept and
assin M" to G.' &u mode
capable G.'1.
M"A Proceed with
0oth G.'1A =andle as normal
G.' .7Gb discovery
M"A Proceed with
G.'1A "upport for both
modes indicated by M"-
therefore accept and assin
M" to G.' &u mode
capable G.'1.
M"A Proceed with
G.'1A "upport for both
modes indicated by M"-
therefore accept and assin
M" to G.' .7Gb mode
capable G.'1 or G.' &u
mode capable G.'1 ('ote
M"A Proceed with
'ote 4A The G.'1Ps choice of G.' &u mode versus G.' .7Gb mode may be based on other information received
in the G.' discovery messae from the M"- information stored in the G.'1- and on operator policy.
The default or servin G.'1 may use the received G.' Mode "upport information to redirect the M" to a different
G.'1 or a different T1P port on the current G.'1. The G.' &u mode capable G.'1 shall also indicate the G.'
mode to use for the current session in the G.' Mode &ndicator &2.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" &* Release %
The followin table enumerates the reistration handlin for the various combinations of M" and 5efault7"ervin
G.'1 G.' mode capabilities.
Ta2le $1 GAN Mode Selection procedures associated with GAN Re#istration
5efault7"ervin G.'1 G.' Mode 1apabilities
M" G.' Mode
.7Gb only &u only 0oth
.7Gb only G.'1A =andle as normal
G.' .7Gb mode
M"A Proceed per G.'
.7Gb mode procedures
G.'1A 'o G.' Mode
"upport information
provided or G.' .7Gb
mode (only) indicated by
M"- therefore /eject
(&nvalid G.'1)
M"A .ttempt reistration
with 5efault G.'1 or re;
discovery (per G.' .7Gb
mode procedures)
G.'1A 'o G.' Mode
"upport information
provided or G.' .7Gb
mode (only) indicated by
M"- therefore handle as
normal G.' .7Gb mode
reistration. &f re?uired-
redirect M" to G.' .7Gb
mode capable G.'1.
M"A Proceed per G.'
.7Gb mode procedures
&u only G.'1A =andle as normal
G.' .7Gb mode
M"A 'o G.' Mode
"election provided by
G.'1- therefore
5ereister and treat as
reister reject (&nvalid
G.'1A G.' &u Mode
"upport (only) indicated by
M"- therefore accept and
send G.' Mode &ndicator
R G.' &u mode
M"A Proceed per G.' &u
mode procedures
G.'1A G.' &u Mode
"upport (only) indicated by
M"- therefore accept and
send G.' Mode &ndicator
R G.' &u mode.
M"A Proceed per G.' &u
mode procedures
0oth G.'1A =andle as normal
G.' .7Gb mode
M"A 'o G.' Mode
"election provided by
G.'1- therefore proceed
per G.' .7Gb mode
G.'1A "upport for both
modes indicated by M"-
therefore accept and send
G.' Mode &ndicator R
G.' &u mode
M"A Proceed per G.' &u
mode procedures
G.'1A "upport for both
modes indicated by M"-
therefore accept and send
G.' Mode &ndicator R
G.' &u mode or G.'
.7Gb mode ('ote 4). &f
re?uired- redirect M" to
G.' &u mode or G.'
.7Gb mode capable
M"A Proceed per G.' &u
mode or G.' .7Gb mode
'ote 4A The G.'1Ps choice of G.' &u mode versus G.' .7Gb mode may be based on other information received
in the G.' reistration messae from the M"- information stored in the G.'1- and on operator policy.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" &( Release % 4isc7er5 Prce!ure )r6a# *ase
Ihen an M" supportin G.' first attempts to connect to a G.'- the M" needs to identify the 5efault G.'1. 2ach
G.' capable M" can be confiured with the 3B5' (or &P address) of the Provisionin G.'1 and the associated
"2GI or the M" can derive this 3B5' based on information in the (:)"&M (see 3GPP T" *3.++3 F63G). The M" first
connects to a Provisionin G.'1;"2GI and G.'1 in the =P>M' of the M"- by establishin a secure &Psec tunnel
and a T1P connection usin the provisioned or derived addresses. The M" obtains the 3B5' or &P address of the
5efault G.'1 in the =P>M' and the associated "2GI- throuh the 5iscovery procedure.
&f no G2/.'7:T/.' coverae is available when an M" connects to the G.'1 for G.' service- then the G.'1
cannot necessarily determine the location of the M" for the purposes of assinin the M" to the correct servin G.'1
(e..- to enable handover and location;based services). The G.'1 shall permit the operator to determine the service
policy in this caseE e.. the operator could provide service to the user with certain limitations (possibly with a user
interface indication on the M").
'OT2A Ihen the M" initiates the 5iscovery7/eistration procedures and no G2/.'7:T/.' coverae is
available- the G.'1 may have insufficient information to correctly route subse?uent emerency calls.
0i#ure (*1 Disco8er7 procedure
&n the description below it is assumed that the M" has a mode selection of G.';only or G.';preferred or
G2/.'7:T/.';preferred and that the M" has already connected to the eneric &P access networ#.
'OT2A &t is implementation specific what sinal level should be deemed as sufficient for trierin the G.'
5iscovery and /eistration procedures.
4. &f the M" has a provisioned or derived 3B5' of the Provisionin "2GI- it performs a 5'" ?uery (via the
eneric &P access networ# interface) to resolve the 3B5' to an &P address. &f the M" has a provisioned &P
address for the Provisionin "2GI- the 5'" step is omitted.
*. The 5'" "erver returns a response includin the &P .ddress of the Provisionin "2GI.
3. The M" establishes a secure tunnel to the Provisionin "2GI.
6. &f the M" has a provisioned or derived 3B5' of the Provisionin G.'1- it performs a 5'" ?uery (via the
secure tunnel) to resolve the 3B5' to an &P address. &f the M" has a provisioned &P address for the Provisionin
G.'1- the 5'" step will be omitted.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" &$ Release %
8. The 5'" "erver returns a response includin the &P .ddress of the Provisionin G.'1.
9. The M" sets up a T1P connection to a well;defined port on the Provisionin G.'1. &t then ?ueries the
Provisionin G.'1 for the 5efault G.'1- usin G.;/1 5&"1OC2/N /2B:2"T. The messae containsA
; 1ell &nfoA 2ither current campin G2/.'7:T/.' cell &5- or last >.& where the M" successfully
reistered- alon with an indicator statin which one it is.
; Generic &P access networ# attachment point informationA .P;&5- as defined in anne( 1.
; M" &dentityA &M"&.
; G.' 1lassmar#A &ncludin G.' Mode "upport information indicatin G.' .7Gb mode supported- G.' &u
mode supported or both modes supported.
<. The Provisionin G.'1 returns the G.;/1 5&"1OC2/N .112PT messae- usin the information provided
by the M" (e.. the 1G&)- to provide the 3B5' or &P address of the 5efault G.'1 and its associated 5efault
"2GI. This is done so the M" is directed to a HlocalH 5efault G.'1 in the =P>M' to optimi!e networ#
,. &f the Provisionin G.'1 cannot accept the G.;/1 5&"1OC2/N /2B:2"T messae- it returns a G.;/1
5&"1OC2/N /2S21T messae indicatin the reject cause.
@. The secure &Psec tunnel to the Provisionin "2GI is released. &t shall also be possible to reuse the same &Psec
tunnel for G.' /eistration procedures. &n this case the &Psec tunnel is not released. Registrati& $rce!ure )r6a# case
3ollowin the 5iscovery procedure the M" establishes a secure tunnel with the secure ateway of the 5efault G.'1-
provided by the Provisionin G.'1 in the 5iscovery procedure- and attempts to reister with the 5efault G.'1. The
5efault G.'1 may become the "ervin G.'1 for that connection by acceptin the reistration- or the 5efault G.'1
may redirect a M" performin reistration to a different "ervin G.'1.
G.'1 redirection may be based on information provided by the M" durin the /eistration procedure- operator chosen
policy or networ# load balancin.
The G.' /eistration procedure serves the followin functionsA
2nsures the M" is reistered to the appropriate G.'1 entity i.e. with use of the redirection processE
&nforms the G.'1 that the M" is now connected throuh a eneric &P access networ# and is available at a
particular &P address. The G.'1 maintains the reistration conte(t for the purposes of (for e(ample) mobile;
terminated callinE
Provides the M" with the operatin parameters associated with the G.' service- includin the G.' mode to
use for the session- either .7Gb or &u. The H"ystem &nformationH messae content that is applicable to the G.'
cell is delivered to the M" durin the G.' reistration process. This enables the M" to switch to G.' mode-
and followin the /eistration procedure trier '." procedures with the core networ# (such as
>ocation7/outin .rea :pdate- mobile oriinated calls- mobile terminated calls- etc.)E and
2nables the M" to re?uest which G.' services are re?uired.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" &3 Release %
)=T+, The G%-R* R+G8ST+R R+48R+*T 6essage 6a5 c&tai&, a si&g#e Ser7i&g S+G> a&! G%)* a!!ress r
a #ist 3 P"M) i!e&tities a&! assciate! Ser7i&g S+G> a&! G%)* a!!resses? a&! a& 8&!icati& 3
2hether G%)* a!!ress(es) ca& 'e stre! i& the MS 3r 3uture use.
0i#ure ((1 Re#istration procedure
4. &f the M" was provided the 3B5' of the 5efault or "ervin "2GI- the M" shall perform a 5'" ?uery (via the
eneric &P access networ# interface) to resolve the 3B5' to an &P address. &f the M" has a provisioned &P
address for the "2GI- the 5'" step is omitted.
*. The 5'" "erver returns a response.
3. The M" shall then set up a secure &Psec tunnel to the "2GI. This step may be omitted if an &Psec tunnel is bein
reused from an earlier 5iscovery or /eistration.
6. &f the M" was provided the 3B5' of the 5efault or "ervin G.'1- the M" shall then perform a 5'" ?uery
(via the secure tunnel) to resolve the 3B5' to an &P address. &f the M" has an &P address for the G.'1- the
5'" step is omitted.
8. The 5'" "erver returns a response.
9. The M" then sets up a T1P connection to a T1P port on the G.'1. The T1P port can either be a well;#nown
port or one that has been earlier received from the networ# durin 5iscovery or /eistration. The M" shall
attempt to reister on the G.'1 by transmittin the G.;/1 /2G&"T2/ /2B:2"T. The messae includesA
; 1ell &nfoA 2ither current campin G2/.'7:T/.' cell &5- or last >.& where the M" successfully
reistered- alon with an indicator statin which one it is. &n addition- the M" includes the :./31' of the
current servin cell (if that cell is a :T/.' cell).
; Generic &P access networ# attachment point informationA .P;&5- as defined in anne( 1.
; M" &dentityA &M"&.
; M" 1apability &nformation.
; G.' "ervices /e?uired
; G.' 1lassmar#A &ncludin G.' Mode "upport information indicatin G.' .7Gb mode supported- G.' &u
mode supported or both modes supported.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" && Release %
<. &f the G.'1 accepts the reistration attempt it shall respond with a G.;/1 /2G&"T2/ .112PT. The messae
; G.' specific system information (e..)A
G.' Mode &ndicatorA G.' .7Gb mode or G.' &u mode.
1ell description of the G.' cellA
&f G.' .7Gb mode selectedA The 011= ./31'- P>M' colour code- and base;station colour code
correspondin to the G.' cell.
&f G.' &u mode selectedA The :T/. ./31' (:./31') and Primary "cramblin 1ode (P"1)
correspondin to the G.' cell.
>ocation;area identification comprisin the mobile country code- mobile networ# code- and location area
code correspondin to the G.'1 cell.
1ell identity identifyin the cell within the location area correspondin to the G.' cell.
.pplicable system timer values (e..- for the application;level #eep;alive messae transmission interval-
see clause ,.6.6).
; G.' 1apability &nformation.
&n this case the T1P connection and the secure &Psec tunnel are not released and are maintained as lon as the
M" is reistered to this G.'1.
,. .lternatively- the G.'1 may reject the re?uest. &n this case- it shall respond with a G.;/1 /2G&"T2/
/2S21T indicatin the reject cause. The T1P connection and the secure &Psec tunnel are released and the M"
shall act as defined in clause ,.6.4.3.*.
@. .lternatively- if the G.'1 wishes to redirect the M" to (another) "ervin G.'1- it shall respond with a G.;
/1 /2G&"T2/ /25&/21T providin the 3B5' or &P address of the taret "ervin G.'1 and the associated
"2GI. &n this case the T1P connection is released and the secure &Psec tunnel is optionally released dependin
on if the networ# indicates that the same &Psec tunnel can be reused for the ne(t reistration. %'&r6a# cases
&f the "ervin G.'1 rejects the /eister re?uest and does not provide redirection to another "ervin G.'1- the M"
shall re;attempt /eistration to the 5efault G.'1 includin a cause indicatin the failed reistration attempt and the
"ervin G.'1 and "2GI with which the /eister re?uest failed. The M" should also delete all stored information
about this "ervin G.'1.
&f the 5efault G.'1 rejects a /eistration /e?uest and is unable to provide redirection to suitable "ervin G.'1- the
M" may re;attempt the 5iscovery procedure to the Provisionin G.'1 (includin a cause indicatin the failed
reistration attempt and the 5efault G.'1 provided in the last 5iscovery procedure). The M" should also delete all
stored information about the 5efault G.'1.
8.4.2 4e-Registrati&
The G.;/1 5e;/eistration procedure allows the M" to e(plicitly inform the G.'1 that it is leavin G.' mode
(e.. when it detaches from the eneric &P access networ#)- by sendin a G.;/1 52/2G&"T2/ messae to the G.'1-
allowin the G.'1 to free resources that it assined to the M". The G.'1 also supports Himplicit G.'
dereistrationH- when the T1P connection to the M" is abruptly lost.
The G.'1 can also autonomously release the M" reistration conte(t- and send a G.;/1 52/2G&"T2/ messae to
the M". .lternatively- the G.'1 can implicitly dereister the M" by closin the T1P connection with the M".
'OT2A .t power;down the G.;/1 sublayer of the M" ensures that the M" e(plicitly detaches from the networ#-
where possible- before completin the G.;/1 5e;/eistration procedure.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" &, Release %
0i#ure ($1 De+Re#istration initiated 27 the MS
4. The M" sends the G.;/1 52/2G&"T2/ to the G.'1- which removes the M" conte(t in the G.'1.
0i#ure (31 De+Re#istration initiated 27 the GAN6
4. The G.'1 sends the G.;/1 52/2G&"T2/ to the M".
8.4.3 Registrati& :$!ate
The G.;/1 /eistration :pdate procedure allows the M" to update information in the G.'1 by sendin a G.;/1
/2G&"T2/ :P5.T2 :P>&'% messae to the G.'1 carryin the updated information. This messae is sent as a
result of the followinA
; 5etectin the availability of G2/.'7:T/.' coverae after reportin no coverae durin G.' reistration.
; 1hanes to the identity of the servin G2/.'7:T/.' cell while in G2/.'7:T/.' mode.
; 1hanes to the :./31' of the servin :T/.' cell while in G2/.'7:T/.' mode.
; 2stablishment of a new servin cell a result of inter;/.T handover from G2/.' to :T/.'.
; 1hanes to the eneric &P access networ# point of attachment.
This may result in the M" bein redirected to another servin G.'1- or bein denied service e.. due to operator
The G.' /eistration :pdate procedure also allows the G.'1 to update the G.' system information in the M"- if
needed- by sendin a G.;/1 /2G&"T2/ :P5.T2 5OI'>&'% messae to the M" carryin the updated information.
0i#ure (&1 Re#istration 5pdate 5plin
4. Ihen the M" detects any of the conditions listed above- it shall send the G.;/1 /2G&"T2/ :P5.T2 :P>&'% to
the G.'1 with the updated information. Ihenever the eneric &P access networ# point of attachment chanes- the M"
shall send a G.;/1 /2G&"T2/ :P5.T2 :P>&'% to the G.'1 with the updated eneric &P access networ# point of
attachment information. &f the M" re?uires to update the G.'1 with a new list of G.' "ervices re?uired- then the M"
sends G.;/1 /2G&"T2/ :P5.T2 :P>&'% messae to the G.'1 includin the new G.' "ervices /e?uired list.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" &- Release %
*. The G.'1 may optionally send the G.;/1 /2G&"T2/ /25&/21T when it wants to redirect the M" based on
updated information.
3. The G.'1 may also optionally dereister the M" on receivin an update by sendin G.;/1 52/2G&"T2/ to
the M".
0i#ure (,1 Re#istration 5pdate Downlin
4. The G.'1 sends G.;/1 /2G&"T2/ :P5.T2 5OI'>&'% with the updated system information.
8.4.4 @ee$ %#i7e
The %eep .live process is a mechanism between the peer G.;/1 entities to indicate that the M" is still reistered to
the G.'1. :sin periodic transmissions of the G.;/1 %22P .>&C2 messae the M" in turn determines that the
G.'1 is still available usin the currently established lower layer connection.
0i#ure (-1 9eep Ali8e procedure
4. The M" sends G.;/1 %22P .>&C2 to the G.'1.
8.4.5 *e## Ara!cast 8&3r6ati&
The 1ell 0roadcast &nformation is a mechanism between the peer G.;/1 entities- allowin the G.'1 to pass the M"
information relatin to the 1ell 0roadcast "ervices. The M" includes G.' "ervice /e?uired information in the G.;/1
/2G&"T2/ /2B:2"T and G.;/1 /2G&"T2/ :P5.T2 :P>&'% messaes passed to the G.'1- indicatin that the
M" re?uires the 1ell 0roadcast "ervice. The G.'1 then passes the re?uired information to the M" in the G.;/1
12>> 0/O.51."T &'3O messae.

G.'1 M"
1. G%-R* *+"" AR=%4*%ST 8)(=
G%)* MS
0i#ure (-a1 6ell :roadcast 4nfor3ation
4. The G.'1 sends the 12>> 0/O.51."T &'3O messae to the M"- includin information re?uired by the M".
8.5 %uthe&ticati&
The :p interface shall support the ability to authenticate the M" with the G.'1 (for the purposes of establishin the
secure tunnel) usin G"M or :MT" credentials. .uthentication between M" and G.'1 shall be performed usin
2.P;"&M or 2.P;.%. within &%2v*.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" &. Release %
The M" and G.'1;"2GI establish a secure association for protectin sinallin traffic and user;plane (voice and
data) traffic. The protocol for authentication is &%2v*. Mutual authentication and #ey eneration is provided by 2.P;
"&M or 2.P;.%..
The basic elements of these procedures are the followinA
The M" connection with the G.'1;"2GI is initiated by startin the &%2v* initial e(chanes (&%2T".T&'&T).
The 2.P;"&M or 2.P;.%. procedure is started as a result of these e(chanes.
The 2.P;"&M procedure for M" with "&M only or M" with :"&M- but not capable of :MT" .%.- is
performed between M" and ... server (that has access to the .u17=>/7="" to retrieve subscriber
information). The 2.P;.%. procedure for M" with :"&M and the M" is capable of :MT" .%.- is performed
between M" and ... server. The G.'1;"2GI acts as relay for the 2.P;"&M72.P;.%. messaes.
Ihen the 2.P;"&M72.P;.%. procedure has completed successfully- the &%2v* procedure can be continued to
completion and the sinallin channel between M" and G.'1;"2GI is secured. The M" and G.' can then
continue with the discovery or reistration procedure.
"inallin flows for 2.P;"&M and 2.P;.%. authentication and fast re;authentication are shown in anne( ..
8.6 +&cr5$ti&
.ll control and user plane traffic over the :p interface shall be sent throuh the &Psec tunnel that is established as a
result of the authentication procedure. 2ncryption shall use the neotiated cryptoraphic alorithm- based on core
networ# policy- enforced by the G.'1;"2GI.
The M" and G.'1;"2GI set up one "ecure .ssociation throuh which all traffic is sent. . sinle neotiated
cipherin alorithm is applied to the connection.
8.6.1 +sta'#ish6e&t 3 a Secure %ssciati&
.fter the authentication procedure (clause ,.8)- the M" shall re?uest an &P address on the networ# protected by the
G.'1;"2GI (i.e. the public &P interface of the G.'1). The M" shall set up one &Psec "ecurity .ssociation (".)
between M" and G.'1;"2GI.
The M" shall initiate the creation of the ". i.e. it shall act as initiator in the Traffic "elector neotiation. The protocol
&5 field in the Traffic "electors (T") shall be set to !ero- indicatin that the protocol &5 is not relevant. The &P address
rane in the T"i shall be set to the address assined to the M" (within the networ# protected by the G.'1;"2GI). The
&P address rane in the T"r shall be set to +.+.+.+ ; *88.*88.*88.*88. The M" and G.'1;"2GI shall use the &%2v*
mechanisms for detection of '.T- '.T traversal and #eep;alive.
.ll control and user plane data over the :p interface between M" and G.'1 shall be sent throuh the "..
The cipherin mode is neotiated durin connection establishment. 5urin setup of the ".- the M" includes a list of
supported encryption alorithms as part of the &%2 sinallin- which include the mandatory and supported optional
alorithms defined in the &Psec profile- and ':>> encryption. The G.'1;"2GI selects one of these alorithms- and
sinals this to the M".
Ihen ':>> encryption is applied- both control and user;plane traffic is sent unencrypted. This confiuration can be
selected e.. when the connection between the eneric &P access networ# and the G.'1 is under operator control. The
interity alorithm is the same as for either confiuration i.e. non;ciphered traffic is still interity protected.
8.0 G%-*SR *&&ecti& ha&!#i&g
The G.;1"/ connection is a loical connection between the M" and the G.'1 for the 1" domain. &t is established
when the upper layers in the M" re?uest G.;1"/ to enter dedicated mode. Ihen a successful response is received
from the networ#- G.;1"/ replies to the upper layer that it has entered dedicated mode. The upper layers have then the
possibility to re?uest transmission of '." messaes to the networ#.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" &% Release %
8.0.1 G%-*SR *&&ecti& +sta'#ish6e&t
3iure 4< shows successful establishment of the G.;1"/ 1onnection.
0i#ure (.1 GA+6SR 6onnection Esta2lish3ent
4. The M" initiates G.;1"/ connection establishment by sendin the G.;1"/ /2B:2"T messae to the G.'1.
This messae contains the 2stablishment 1ause indicatin the reason for G.;1"/ connection establishment.
*. G.'1 sinals the successful response to the M" by sendin the G.;1"/ /2B:2"T .112PT and the M"
enters dedicated mode and the G.;1"/ state chanes to G.;1"/;525&1.T25.
3. .lternatively- the G.'1 may return a G.;1"/ /2B:2"T /2S21T indicatin the reject cause.
8.0.2 G%-*SR *&&ecti& Re#ease
3iure 4, shows release of the loical G.;1"/ connection between the M" and the G.'1.
0i#ure (%1 GA+6SR 6onnection Release
4. The 1' indicates to the G.'1 to release the user plane connection allocated to the M"- via the Clear
*. The G.'1 confirms resource release to 1' usin the Clear Complete messae.
3. The G.'1 commands the M" to release resources- usin the G.;1"/ /2>2."2 messae.
6. The M" confirms resource release to the G.'1 usin the G.;1"/ /2>2."2 1OMP>2T2 messae and the
M" enters idle mode and the G.;1"/ state in the M" chanes to G.;1"/;&5>2.
8.8 *i$heri&g *&3igurati&
The messae flow for cipherin confiuration is shown in fiure 4@.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" &/ Release %
0i#ure (/1 6ipherin# 6onfi#uration
4. The 1' sends 0""M.P HCipher Mode CommandH messae to G.'1. This messae contains the cipher #ey
%c- and the encryption alorithms that the G.'1 may use.
*. The G.'1 sends G.;1"/ 1&P=2/&'G MO52 1OMM.'5 to the M". This messae indicate whether stream
cipherin shall be started or not (after handover to G2/.') and if so- which alorithm to use- and a random
number. The mobile station stores the information for possible future use after a handover to G2/.'. The
messae also indicates whether the M" shall include &M2&"C in the G.;1"/ 1&P=2/&'G MO52
1OMP>2T2 messae.
3. The M" computes a M.1 based on the random number- the M" &M"& and the #ey %c. The M" then sends
G.;1"/ 1&P=2/&'G MO52 1OMP>2T2 messae to sinal its selected alorithm- the computed M.1- and
the &M2&"C- if indicated so in the G.;1"/ 1&P=2/&'G MO52 1OMM.'5.
6. This G.'1 verifies the M.1. &f the G.'1 verifies M.1 to be correct it sends Cipher Mode Complete
messae to the 1'.
'OT2A The M.1 proves that the identity that is authenticated to the G.'1 is the same as the identity
authenticated to the core networ#. The confiuration option of not enablin cipherin in the networ# will
therefore open up the networ# to more security threats than in G2/.'.
8.. G%-*SR Sig&a##i&g a&! SMS Tra&s$rt Prce!ures
8...1 )et2r9 i&itiate! *S Sig&a##i&g
0i#ure $*1 Downlin 6ontrol Plane Transport
4. 3or 'etwor# initiated sinallin7"M"- the 1ore 'etwor# sends a MM711 sinallin or "M" messae to the
G.'1 via the . interface.
*. The G.'1 encapsulates the received messae within a G.;1"/ 5> 5&/21T T/.'"32/ messae that is
forwarded to the M" via the e(istin T1P connection.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" ,* Release %
8...2 MS i&itiate! *S Sig&a##i&g
0i#ure $(1 5plin 6ontrol Plane Transport
4. 3or M" initiated sinallin7"M"- the M" G.;1"/ receives a re?uest from the '." layer to transfer an uplin#
'." sinallin messae or "M" messae. The M" G.;1"/ encapsulates the '." messae within a G.;1"/
:> 5&/21T T/.'"32/ messae and sends the messae to the G.'1.
*. The G.'1 relays the received messae to the 1ore 'etwor# encapsulated in 5T.P.
8.10 M'i#e =rigi&ate! *a## (#2
0i#ure $$1 Mo2ile ;ri#inated 6all
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" ,( Release %
The description of the procedure in this sub;clause assumes the M" is in G.' .7Gb mode i.e. it has successfully
reistered with the G.'1 and G.;1"/ is the servin // entity in the M".
4. The G.;1"/ 1onnection 2stablishment procedure is performed as described in clause ,.<.4.
*. :pon re?uest from the upper layers- the M" sends the CM Service Request to the G.'1 in the G.;1"/ :>
5&/21T T/.'"32/.
3. The G.'1 establishes an "11P connection to the 1' and forwards the CM Service Request to the 1' usin
the Complete Layer 3 Information. "ubse?uent layer;3 messaes between mobile station and core networ# will
be sent between G.'1 and 1' via 5T.P.
6. The 1' may optionally authenticate the M" usin standard G2/.' authentication procedures.
8. The 1' may optionally initiate the 1ipherin 1onfiuration procedure described in clause ,.,.
9. The M" sends the Setup messae providin details on the call to the 1' and its bearer capability and supported
codecs. This messae is contained within the G.;1"/ :> 5&/21T T/.'"32/ between the M" and the
G.'1. The G.'1 forwards the Setup messae to the 1'.
<. The 1' indicates it has received the call setup and it will accept no additional call;establishment information
usin the Call Proceeding messae to the G.'1. G.'1 forwards this messae to the M" in the G.;1"/ 5>
5&/21T T/.'"32/.
,. The 1' re?uests the G.'1 to assin call resources usin Assignment Request.
@. The G.'1 sends the G.;1"/ .1T&C.T2 1=.''2> to the M" includin bearer path setup information
such asA
; 1hannel mode.
; Multi;rate codec confiuration.
; :5P port D the &P address for the uplin# /TP stream.
; Coice sample si!e.
4+. The M" establishes the /TP path to the G.'1. M" optionally sends idle /TP7:5P pac#ets to the G.'1 but
has not connected the user to the audio path.
44. The M" sends the G.;1"/ .1T&C.T2 1=.''2> .1% to the G.'1 indicatin the :5P port for the
downlin# /TP stream.
4*. The G.'1 establishes the downlin# /TP path between itself and the M". The G.'1 may start sendin idle
/TP7:5P pac#ets to the M".
43. The G.'1 sinals to the 1' that the call resources have been allocated by sendin an Assignment Complete
46. The G.'1 sinals the completion of the bearer path to the M" with the G.;1"/ .1T&C.T2 1=.''2>
1OMP>2T2 messae. .n end;to;end audio path now e(ists between the M" and the 1'. The M" can now
connect the user to the audio path.
48. The 1' sinals to the M"- with the Alerting messae- that the 0;Party is rinin. The messae is transferred to
the G.'1 and G.'1 forwards the messae to the M" in the G.;1"/ 5> 5&/21T T/.'"32/. &f the M"
has not connected the audio path to the user- it shall enerate rin bac# to the callin party. Otherwise- the
networ#;enerated rin bac# will be returned to the callin party.
49. The 1' sinals that the called party has answered- via the Connect messae. The messae is transferred to the
G.'1 and G.'1 forwards the messae to the M" in the G.;1"/ 5> 5&/21T T/.'"32/. &t connects the
user to the audio path. &f the mobile station is eneratin rin bac#- it stops and connects the user to the audio
4<. The M" sends the Connect Ack in response- and the two parties are connected for the voice call. This messae
is contained within the G.;1"/ :> 5&/21T T/.'"32/ between the M" and the G.'1. The G.'1
forwards the Connect Ack messae to the 1'.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" ,$ Release %
4,. 0i;directional voice traffic flows between the M" and 1' throuh the G.'1.
8.11 M'i#e Ter6i&ate! *a## (#2
0i#ure $31 Mo2ile Ter3inated 6all
The description of the procedure in this clause assumes the M" is in G.' .7Gb mode i.e. it has successfully reistered
with the G.'1 and G.;1"/ is the servin // entity in the M".
4. . mobile;terminated call arrives at the 1'. The 1' sends a Paging message to the G.'1 identified throuh
the last Location pdate received by it and includes the TM"& if available. The &M"& of the mobile bein
paed is always included in the re?uest.
*. G.'1 identifies the M" reistration conte(t usin the &M"& provided by the 1'. &t then paes the M" usin
the G.;1"/ P.G&'G /2B:2"T messae. The messae includes the TM"&- if available in the re?uest from
the 1'- else it includes only the &M"& of the mobile.
3. The M" responds with a G.;1"/ P.G&'G /2"PO'"2 includin the M" 1lassmar# and cipherin #ey
se?uence number. The M" enters dedicated mode and the G.;1"/ state chanes to G.;1"/;525&1.T25.
6. The G.'1 establishes an "11P connection to the 1'. The G.'1 then forwards the pain response to the
1' usin the Complete Layer 3 Information messae.
8. The 1' may optionally authenticate the M" usin standard G2/.' authentication procedures.
9. The 1' may optionally update the cipherin confiuration in the M"- via the G.'1- as described in
clause ,.,.
<. The 1' initiates call setup usin the Setup messae sent to the M" via G.'1. G.'1 forwards this messae
to the M" in the G.;1"/ 5> 5&/21T T/.'"32/ messae.
,. The M" responds with Call Confirmed usin the G.;1"/ :> 5&/21T T/.'"32/ after chec#in it$s
compatibility with the bearer service re?uested in the Setup and modifyin the bearer service as needed. &f the
Setup included the sinal information element- the M" alerts the user usin the indicated sinal- else the M"
alerts the user after the successful confiuration of the user plane. The G.'1 forwards the Call Confirmed
messae to the 1'.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" ,3 Release %
@. The 1' initiates the assinment procedure with the G.'1- which triers the setup of the /TP stream (voice
bearer channel) between the G.'1 and M"- same as steps ,;43 in MO call scenario.
4+. The M" sinals that it is alertin the user- via the Alerting messae contained in the G.;1"/ :> 5&/21T
T/.'"32/. The G.'1 forwards the Alerting messae to the 1'. The 1' sends a correspondin alertin
messae to the callin party.
44. The M" sinals that the called party has answered- via the Connect messae contained in the G.;1"/ :>
5&/21T T/.'"32/. The G.'1 forwards the Connect messae to the 1'. The 1' sends a correspondin
Connect messae to the callin party and throuh connects the audio. The M" connects the user to the audio
4*. The 1' ac#nowledes via the Connect Ack messae to the G.'1. G.'1 forwards this messae to the M" in
the G.;1"/ 5> 5&/21T T/.'"32/. The two parties on the call are connected on the audio path.
43. 0i;directional voice traffic flows between the M" and 1' throuh the G.'1.
8.12 *a## *#eari&g
3iure *6 shows call clearin initiated by the mobile station.
0i#ure $&1 Mo2ile Station initiated 6all clearin#
4. The M" sends the !isconnect messae to the 1' to release the call. This messae is contained in the G.;1"/
:> 5&/21T T/.'"32/ messae between M" and G.'1. The G.'1 forwards the !isconnect messae to
the 1'.
*. The 1' responds with a Release messae to the G.'1. The G.'1 forwards this messae to the M" usin the
G.;1"/ 5> 5&/21T T/.'"32/ messae.
3. The M" responds with the Release Complete messae. This messae is contained within the G.;1"/ :>
5&/21T T/.'"32/ messae between M" and G.'1. The G.'1 forwards the !isconnect messae to the
6. The 1' triers the release of connection as described in clause ,.<.*.
8.13 *ha&&e# M!i35
The G.'1 may use the 1hannel Modify procedures to modify parameters used for an onoin call- this procedure may
be used if codin scheme should be chaned- in fault or conestion situations if the G.'1 for e(ample detects Hpac#et
lossH and =andover to another G2/.'7:T/.' mode is not possible or desired.
The G.'1 may modify the followin parametersA
1hannel mode.
"ample "i!e.
&P address.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" ,& Release %
/TP :5P port.
/T1P :5P port.
0i#ure $,1 6hannel Mode Modif7
4. . call is established as described in clauses ,.4+ or ,.44.
*. The G.'1 sends the G.;1"/ 1=.''2> MO52 MO5&3N messae to the M" to modify parameters for the
established call.
3. The M" responds with the G.;1"/ 1=.''2> MO52 MO5&3N .1%'OI>25G2 messae to the G.'1.
8.14 *S ;a&!7er 'et2ee& G%) %1G' 6!e a&! G+R%)1:TR%)
8.14.1 *S ;a&!7er t G%) %1G' 6!e G+R%) t G%) *S ;a&!7er
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" ,, Release %
0i#ure $-1 GERAN to GAN 6S <ando8er
The description of the G2/.' to G.' 1" handover procedure assumes the followinA
the M" is on an active call on the G2/.'E and
its mode selection is G.';preferred- or if G2/.'7:T/.';preferred the /(>ev from the current servin cell
drops below a M" implementation specific thresholdE and
the M" has successfully reistered with a G.'1- allowin the M" to obtain G.' system informationE and
the G2/.' provides information on neihbourin cells such that one of the U./31'- 0"&1V in the neihbour
list matches the U./31'- 0"&1V associated with the G.'1- as provided in the .";related component of the
system information obtained from G.'1.
4. The M" beins to include G.' cell information in the Measurement Report message to the G2/.'. The M"
reports the hihest sinal level for the G.' cell U./31'- 0"&1V. This is not the actual measured sinal level
on G.'- rather an artificial value (i.e. /(>ev R 93)- allowin the M" to indicate preference for the G.'.
*. 0ased on M" measurement reports and other internal alorithms- G2/.' decides to handover to the G.'
cell- usin an internal mappin of U./31'- 0"&1V to 1G&. The G2/.' starts the handover preparation by
sendin a "andover Required messae to the 1'- identifyin the taret (G.') cell.
3. The 1' re?uests the taret G.'1 to allocate resources for the handover- usin "andover Request message.
6. The taret G.'1 ac#nowledes the "andover Request messae- usin "andover Request Ackno#ledge
messae- indicatin it can support the re?uested handover- and provides a "andover Command message that
indicates the radio channel to which the mobile station should be directed.
8. The 1' forwards the "andover Command messae to the G2/.'- completin the handover preparation.
9. G2/.' sends "andover Command messae to the M" to initiate handover to G.'. The "andover Command
message includes amon other parameters information about the taret G.' such as 011= ./31'- P>M'
colour code and 0"&1. The M" does not switch its audio path from G2/.' to G.' until handover
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" ,- Release %
completion- i.e. until it sends the G.;1"/ =.'5OC2/ 1OMP>2T2 messae- to #eep the audio interruption
<. The M" accesses the G.'1 usin the G.;1"/ =.'5OC2/ .112"" messae- and provides the entire
"andover Command messae received from G2/.'. &nformation in the =andover 1ommand messae (e..
=andover /eference) allows the G.'1 to correlate the handover to the "andover Request Ackno#ledge
messae earlier sent to the 1' and identify the successful completion of the handover.
,. The G.'1 sets up the bearer path with the M"- usin the same steps as in steps @ to 46 of Mobile Oriinated
1all 3low as defined in sub;clause ,.4+.
@. The M" transmits the G.;1"/ =.'5OC2/ 1OMP>2T2 messae to indicate the completion of the
handover procedure at its end. &t switches the user from the G2/.' user plane to the G.' user plane.
4+. The G.'1 indicates to the 1' that it has detected the M"- usin "andover !etect messae. The 1' can
optionally now switch the user plane from the source G2/.' to the taret G.'.
44. 0i;directional voice traffic is now flowin between the M" and 1'- via G.'1.
4*. The taret G.'1 indicates the handover is complete- usin the "andover Complete messae. &f it had not
done so before- the 1' now switches the user plane from source G2/.' to taret G.'. The 1' may use the
taret 1G& used in the =andover procedure for charin purposes.
43. 3inally- the 1' tears down the connection to the source G2/.'- usin Clear Command messae.
46. The source G2/.' confirms the release of G2/.' resources allocated for this call- usin Clear Complete
messae. :TR%) t G%) *S ;a&!7er
0i#ure $-21 5TRAN to GAN 6S <ando8er
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" ,. Release %
The description of the :T/.' to G.' 1" =andover procedure assumes the followinA
the M" is on an active call on the :T/.'E and
the M" has included the Support of "andover to $A% indication in the :2 /.1E and
the :2 has been ordered by the /'1 to ma#e inter;/.T measurements- and
if the M" is in G.' preferred mode with an 2vent 3. confiured- the M" handles parameters associated
with the 2vent 3. in a G.' specific manner (as described in 3GPP T" 66.34,) for the reportin of the G.'
cell U./31'- 0"&1VE and
when the :2 is in G2/.'7:T/.' preferred mode and an event 3. has been confiured for the G.' cell
(and possibly for G2/.' cells)- the :2 shall only send a measurement about the G.' cell- when this event
is triered and no G2/.' cells from the neihbour cell list of the :2 satisfy the trierin condition of this
2vent (as described in 3GPP T" *8.334)E
the :T/.' provides information on neihbourin cells such that one of the U./31'- 0"&1V in the neihbour
list matches the U./31'- 0"&1V associated with the G.'1- as provided in the .";related component of the
system information obtained from G.'1. The selection of the /3 channel numbers (./31's) used for the
:T/.' to G.' handover procedure should not correspond to a channel from a fre?uency band supported by
any :2- to avoid :2s that do not re?uire compressed mode from unnecessarily powerin up their G"M
4. The M" beins to include information about a G.' cell in the Measurement Report message sent to the /'1.
The M" reports the hihest sinal level for the G.' cell U./31'- 0"&1V. This is not the actual measured
sinal level on G.'- rather an artificial value (i.e.- G"M carrier /""& R 93) allowin the :2 to indicate
preference for the G.'.
*. 0ased on M" measurement reports and other internal alorithms- the /'1 decides to initiate handover to the
G.' cell- usin an internal mappin of U./31'- 0"&1V to 1G&. The /'1 starts the preparation phase of the
/elocation procedure by sendin a Relocation Required messae to the 1'- identifyin the taret (G.') cell.
3. The 1' re?uests the taret G.'1 to allocate resources for the handover- usin "andover Request message.
6. The taret G.'1 ac#nowledes the handover re?uest messae- usin "andover Request Ackno#ledge
message- indicatin it can support the re?uested handover- and includin a "andover Command message that
indicates the radio channel to which the mobile station should be directed.
8. The 1' sends the Relocation Command messae to the /'1- completin the relocation preparation.
9. The /'1 sends "A%!&'(R )R&M *RA% C&MMA%! message to the M" to initiate handover to G.'.
The "A%!&'(R )R&M *RA% C&MMA%! message includes the // =.'5OC2/ 1OMM.'5 messae-
specified in 66.+4,- which contains other parameters about the taret G.' such as 011= ./31'- P>M'
colour code and 0"&1. The M" does not switch its audio path from :T/.' to G.' until handover
completion- i.e. until it sends the G.;1"/ =.'5OC2/ 1OMP>2T2 messae- to #eep the audio interruption
<. The M" accesses the G.'1 usin the G.;1"/ =.'5OC2/ .112"" messae- and provides the entire
"A%!&'(R )R&M *RA% C&MMA%! received from /'1. The handover reference in the "A%!&'(R
)R&M *RA% C&MMA%! messae allows the G.'1 to correlate the handover to the "andover Request
Ackno#ledge messae earlier sent to the 1' and identify the successful completion of the handover.
,. The G.'1 sets up the bearer path with the M"- usin the same steps as in steps @ to 46 of Mobile Oriinated
1all 3low as defined in sub;clause ,.4+.
@. The M" transmits the G.;1"/ =.'5OC2/ 1OMP>2T2 to indicate the completion of the handover
procedure from its perspective. &t switches the user from the :T/.' user plane to the G.' user plane.
4+. The G.'1 indicates to the 1' that it has detected the M"- usin "andover !etect messae. The 1' can
optionally now switch the user plane from the source /'1 to the taret G.'1.
44. 0i;directional voice traffic is now flowin between the M" and 1'- via G.'1.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" ,% Release %
4*. The taret G.'1 indicates the handover is complete- usin the "andover Complete messae. &f it has not done
so before- the 1' now switches the user plane from source /'1 to taret G.'.
43. 3inally- the 1' tears down the connection to the source /'1- usin Iu Release Command.
46. The source /'1 confirms the release of :T/.' resources allocated for this call- usin Iu Release Complete.
8.14.2 *S ;a&!7er 3r6 G%) %1G' 6!e t G+R%)
0i#ure $.1 6S <ando8er fro3 GAN A/G2 3ode to GERAN
The procedure description in this sub;clause assumes the followinA
the M" is on an active call on the G.' .7Gb modeE and
the G2/.' becomes availableE and
the M" mode selection is G2/.'7:T/.';preferredE or
the M" mode selection is G.';preferred and the M" beins to leave G.' coverae- based on its local
measurements- received /T1P reports- as well as any uplin# ?uality indications received from the G.'1.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" ,/ Release %
The handover from G.' to G2/.' procedure is always triered by the M".
4. The G.'1 may send a G.;1"/ :P>&'% B:.>&TN &'5&1.T&O' if there is a problem with the uplin#
?uality for the onoin call. :plin# Buality &ndication is information sent by the G.'1 to the M" indicatin
the crossin of a uplin# ?uality threshold in the uplin# direction. Ihenever the M" receives an indication of
bad ?uality- it should start the handover procedure- as described in the ne(t step. .lternatively- M" can use its
local measurements or received /T1P reports- to decide to initiate the handover procedure.
*. The M" sends the G.;1"/ =.'5OC2/ &'3O/M.T&O' messae to the G.'1 includin a list of taret
G2/.' cells- identified by 1G&- in order of preference (e.. ran#ed by 14 path loss parameter) for handover-
and the received sinal strenth for each identified G2/.' cell. This list is the most recent information
available from the G"M // subsystem. &n addition- the G.;1"/ =.'5OC2/ &'3O/M.T&O' messae
may include a list of taret :T/.' cells ran#ed in order of preference for handover- and the received sinal
strenth for each identified :T/.' cell.
3. &f the "ervin G.'1 selects a taret G2/.' cell- the handover to G2/.' procedure is performed. The
"ervin G.'1 starts the handover preparation by sinallin to the 1' the need for handover- usin "andover
Required+ and includin the G2/.' cell list provided by the M". The G.'1 may include only a subset of the
cell list provided by the M".
6. The 1' selects a taret G2/.' cell and re?uests it to allocate the necessary resources- usin "andover
8. The taret G2/.' builds a G2/.' //1 "andover Command messae providin information on the channel
allocated and sends it to the 1' throuh the "andover Request Ackno#ledge messae.
9. The 1' sinals the G.'1 to handover the M" to the G2/.'- usin "andover Command messae- endin
the handover preparation phase.
<. G.'1 transmits the G.;1"/ =.'5OC2/ 1OMM.'5 to the M" includin the =andover from G.'
1ommand &2. The =andover from G.' 1ommand &2 encapsulates the G2/.' //1 "andover Command
,. The M" transmits "andover Access containin the handover reference element to allow the taret G2/.' to
correlate this handover access with the "andover Command messae transmitted earlier to the 1' in response
to the "andover Required.
@. The taret G2/.' confirms the detection of the handover to the 1'- usin the "andover !etect messae.
4+. The 1' may at this point switch the user plane to the taret 0"".
44. The G2/.' provides Physical Information to the M" i.e. *iming Advance- to allow the M" to synchroni!e
with the G2/.'.
4*. The M" sinals to the G2/.' that the handover is completed- usin "andover Complete.
43. The G2/.' confirms to the 1' the completion of the handover- via "andover Complete messae. The 1'
may use the taret 1G& used in the =andover procedure for charin purposes.
46. 0i;directional voice traffic is now flowin between the M" and 1'- via the G2/.'.
48. On receivin the confirmation of the completion of the handover- the 1' indicates to the G.'1 to release any
resources allocated to the M"- via the Clear Command.
49. &f the G.'1 has not already received the G.;/1 52/2G&"T2/ messae from the M"- the G.'1
commands the M" to release resources- usin the G.;1"/ /2>2."2 messae.
4<. G.'1 confirms resource release to 1' usin the Clear Complete messae.
4,. The M" confirms resource release to the G.'1 usin the G.;1"/ /2>2."2 1OMP>2T2 messae.
4@. The M" may finally dereister from the G.'1- usin the G.;/1 52/2G&"T2/ messae. 'ote that the M"
may send the G.;/1 52/2G&"T2/ messae at any time after transitionin from G.' .7Gb mode to
G2/.' mode (i.e.- after step 4*).
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" -* Release %
8.14.3 *S ;a&!7er 3r6 G%) %1G' 6!e t :TR%)
0i#ure $%1 6S <ando8er fro3 GAN A/G2 3ode to 5TRAN
The procedure description in this sub;clause assumes the followinA
the M" is on an active call on the G.' .7Gb modeE and
the M" is capable of operatin in all of the G.' .7Gb- G2/.' and :T/.' modesE and
the :T/.' becomes availableE and
the M" is in G2/.'7:T/.';preferred modeE or
the M" mode selection is G.' preferred and beins to leave G.' coverae- based on its local
measurements- received /T1P reports- as well as any uplin# ?uality indications received from the G.'1.
The &nter;/.T handover from G.' procedure is always triered by the M".
4. The G.'1 may send a G.;1"/ :P>&'% B:.>&TN &'5&1.T&O' if there is a problem with the uplin#
?uality for the onoin call. :plin# Buality &ndication is information sent by the G.'1 to the M" indicatin
the crossin of a uplin# ?uality threshold in the uplin# direction. Ihenever the M" receives an indication of
bad ?uality- it should start the handover procedure- as described in the ne(t step. .lternatively- M" can use its
local measurements or received /T1P reports- to decide to initiate the handover procedure.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" -( Release %
*. The M" sends the G.;1"/ =.'5OC2/ &'3O/M.T&O' messae to the "ervin G.'1 includin a list of
candidate taret :T/.' and G2/.' cells- in order of preference for handover- and includes the received
sinal strenth for each identified cell. The :T/.' cells are identified by the P>M' &5- the >.1 and the 3G
1ell identity (defined in 3GPP T" *8.334 F6+G).
'OT2A The choice of the candidate taret :T/.' cells is out of the scope of this technical specification.
3. &f the "ervin G.'1 selects :T/.' as a taret /.T- the inter;/.T handover procedure is performed. The
"ervin G.'1 starts the handover preparation by sinalin to the 1' the need for handover- usin "andover
Required and includin the taret /'1;&5 that the G.'1 derives from the taret :T/.' cell it selects from
the list of candidate taret :T/.' cells provided by the M". The G.'1 may include only a sinle /'1;&5
in the "andover Required messae. The G.'1 also includes the "ource /'1 to Taret /'1 Transparent
1ontainer that contains the selected taret :T/.' cell &5.
6. The 1' starts the inter;/.T handover procedure towards the taret /'1 identified by the "ervin G.'1. The
1' re?uests from the taret /'" to allocate the necessary resources usin Relocation Request.
8. The taret :T/.' builds a :T/.' //1 "andover to *RA% Command messae providin information on
the allocated :T/.' resources and sends it to the 1' throuh the Relocation Request Ackno#ledge messae.
9. The 1' sinals the "ervin G.'1 to handover the M" to the :T/.'- usin "andover Command messae
(which includes the :T/.' //1 "andover to *RA% Command messae)- endin the handover preparation
<. The "ervin G.'1 transmits the G.;1"/ =.'5OC2/ 1OMM.'5 to the M" includin the =andover
from G.' 1ommand &2. The =andover from G.' 1ommand &2 includes the G2/.' //1 Inter System to
*RA% "andover Command messae- which encapsulates the :T/.' //1 "andover to *RA% Command
,. Taret /'" achieves uplin# synchroni!ation on the :u interface.
@. The taret :T/.' confirms the detection of the handover to the 1'- usin the Relocation !etect messae.
4+. The 1' may at this point switch the user plane to the taret /'".
44. The M" sinals to the :T/.' that the handover is completed- usin "andover to *RA% Complete.
4*. The :T/.' confirms to the 1' the completion of the handover- via Relocation Complete messae. &f the user
plane has not been switched in step 4+- the 1' switches the user plane to the taret /'".
43. 0i;directional voice traffic is now flowin between the M" and 1'- via the :T/.'.
46. On receivin the confirmation of the completion of the handover- the 1' indicates to the "ervin G.'1 to
release any resources allocated to the M"- via the Clear Command.
48. &f the "ervin G.'1 has not already received the G.;/1 52/2G&"T2/ messae from the M"- the "ervin
G.'1 commands the M" to release resources- usin the G.;1"/ /2>2."2 messae.
49. The "ervin G.'1 confirms resource release to 1' usin the Clear Complete messae.
4<. The M" confirms resource release to the "ervin G.'1 usin the G.;1"/ /2>2."2 1OMP>2T2 messae.
4,. The M" may finally dereister from the "ervin G.'1- usin G.;/1 52/2G&"T2/ messae. 'ote that the
M" may send the G.;/1 52/2G&"T2/ messae at any time after transitionin from G.' .7Gb mode to
:T/.' mode (i.e.- after step 44).
8.15 *e## *ha&ge =r!er 'et2ee& G%) %1G' 6!e a&!
G+R%)1:TR%) 6!e
Ihile in G2/.'7:T/.'- a mobile station may be ordered to perform a cell reselection to G.' .7Gb mode- by usin
the 1ell 1hane Order procedures used in G2/.'7:T/.'- with no modifications. The mobile station reards the
procedure as completed when it has successfully performed /ove &n to G.'.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" -$ Release %
Ihile the mobile station is involved in a P" session in the G.' .7Gb mode- there is no identified need for a 1ell
1hane Order procedure.
8.16 G%-PSR Tra&s$rt *ha&&e# Ma&age6e&t Prce!ures
The G.;P"/ Transport 1hannel (G.;P"/ T1) manaement procedures are the basic G.;P"/ procedures specified to
facilitate the control of the G.;P"/ connection for the user data transfer. . :5P based G.;P"/ connection between
the M" and the G.'1 for GP/" data transfer is referred to as the G.;P"/ Transport 1hannel.
The G.;P"/ Transport 1hannel consists of the followinA
The &P address and destination :5P port number to be used for GP/" data transfer at both the G.'1 and M".
The G.;P"/ 1hannel Timer.
The M" or G.'1 will activate a G.;P"/ Transport 1hannel only when neededE i.e. when the GP/" user data transfer
is initiated.
The G.;P"/ can be in two different states- G.;P"/;"T.'50N or G.;P"/;.1T&C2 state. The state of the G.;P"/
and the correspondin transport channel are always synchroni!ed.
&n G.;P"/;"T.'50N stateA
; The M" is not able to send or receive GP/" data to and from the G.'1. The G.'1 or the M" needs to
activate the G.;P"/ Transport 1hannel before sendin any GP/" data.
; . correspondin G.;P"/ Transport 1hannel does not e(ist. Ihen the G.;P"/ Transport 1hannel is
activated- the M" enters the G.;P"/;.1T&C2 state.
&n G.;P"/;.1T&C2 stateA
; The M" is able to send and receive GP/" data to and from the G.'1. 3urthermore there e(ists a
correspondin G.;P"/ Transport 1hannel for this M".
. G.;P"/ 1hannel Timer is also defined to control the transition from G.;P"/;.1T&C2 to G.;P"/;"T.'50N state
as followsA
The M" G.;P"/ layer implements a timer that is started when the M" enters G.;P"/;.1T&C2 state and
restarted each time a >>1;P5: is transmitted to or received from the networ#. Ihen the timer e(pires- the M"
deactivates the G.;P"/ Transport 1hannel and the M" G.;P"/ enters G.;P"/;"T.'50N state.
The G.;P"/ 1hannel Timer value is returned to the M" as part of the G.' /eistration procedure (i.e. in G.;/1
/2G&"T2/ .112PT messae).
8.16.1 MS i&itiate! %cti7ati& 3 G%-PSR Tra&s$rt *ha&&e#
3iure *@ depicts the M" initiated G.;P"/ Transport 1hannel activation procedure. The basic idea is that the G.'1
and M" can dynamically neotiate the &P address and :5P port numbers for data transfer. This procedure can facilitate
the G.'1 load balancinE moreover- it allows the G.'1 to optimi!e the processin and maintain the conte(t for active
users only.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" -3 Release %
0i#ure $/1 Acti8ation of GA+PSR Transport 6hannel
&nitially- the M" G.;P"/ is in the G.;P"/;"T.'50N state as the >>1 layer re?uests the transfer of one or more
uplin# >>1;P5:s. .s the M" G.;P"/ is in G.;P"/;"T.'50N state- the correspondin G.;P"/ Transport 1hannel
does not e(ist. This is a trier for the M" to activate the G.;P"/ Transport 1hannel (T1).
4. The G.;P"/;layer sends a G.;P"/ .1T&C.T2 :T1 /2B messae to the G.'1 to re?uest the activation of
the G.;P"/ Transport 1hannel. This messae contains M" :5P port number that the G.'1 can use for the
downlin# transfer.
*. The G.'1 replies with a G.;P"/ .1T&C.T2 :T1 .1% messae that contains the &P;address and the :5P
port number to be used for the uplin# user data transfer. :pon receivin the ac#nowledment- the M" G.;P"/
transitions to G.;P"/;.1T&C2 state.
3. .fter successful G.;P"/ T1 activation- the M" forwards the >>1;P5: to the G.'1 &P;address and :5P;port
received in the ac#nowledment messae usin G.;P"/ :'&T5.T. messae. The G.'1 forwards the
>>1;P5: and other parameters to the core networ# as per procedure described in clause ,.4<.*.3 (not shown in
the se?uence). The M" restarts the G.;P"/ 1hannel Timer.
6. The G.'1 receives a downlin# user data messae for the M" as per procedure described in clause ,.4<.*.* (not
shown in the se?uence) while the G.;P"/ T1 is still active. The >>1;P5: and the re?uired parameters are sent
to the M" encapsulated in a G.;P"/ :'&T5.T. messae usin the associated G.;P"/ Transport 1hannel
information (M" &P;address and :5P;port received in step 4).
8.16.2 MS i&itiate! 4eacti7ati& 3 the G%-PSR Tra&s$rt *ha&&e#
The followin messae se?uence depicts the scenario when the M" deactivates the G.;P"/ Transport 1hannel after the
G.;P"/ 1hannel Timer e(pires. &n addition- when a P" handover from $A% A,$- mode to $(RA%,*RA% mode is
successfully completed both the G.'1 and the M" shall consider the G.;P"/ Transport 1hannel as implicitly
deactivated and the M" shall stop the G.;P"/ 1hannel Timer.
0i#ure 3*1 Deacti8ation of GA+PSR Transport 6hannel
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" -& Release %
4. G.;P"/;layer in the M" sends the G.;P"/ 52.1T&C.T2 :T1 /2B messae to the G.'1 to re?uest the
deactivation of the G.;P"/ Transport 1hannel. The messae includes cause parameter to indicate Hnormal
*. The G.'1 deletes the related M" information associated with the G.;P"/ Transport 1hannel and replies to the
M" with a G.;P"/ 52.1T&C.T2 :T1 .1% messae. :pon receivin the ac#nowledment messae- the M"
enters G.;P"/;"T.'50N state.
8.16.3 86$#icit 4eacti7ati& 3 the G%-PSR Tra&s$rt *ha&&e# !ue t MS
Ihen a G.;/1 52/2G&"T2/ messae is received by the G.'1 or if the M" is implicitly dereistered- the G.;P"/
Transport 1hannel associated with the M"- if any- is automatically released by the G.'1.
8.16.4 )et2r9 i&itiate! G%-PSR Tra&s$rt *ha&&e# %cti7ati&
3iure 34 depicts a scenario when the G.'1 activates a G.;P"/ Transport 1hannel for a G.' reistered M". This
scenario covers the followin casesA
The G.'1 receives a downlin# user data pac#et (>>1 P5:) from the core networ# and the specified M" does not
have an active G.;P"/ Transport 1hannel.
P" =andover to G.' .7Gb mode is initiated in support of one or more P" domain services.
0i#ure 3(1 Networ initiated GA+PSR Transport 6hannel Acti8ation
4. The G.'1 sends a G.;P"/ .1T&C.T2 :T1 /2B messae to the M" to re?uest the activation of the
correspondin G.;P"/ T1. The messae contains the G.'1 &P address and :5P port number assined to the
G.;P"/ T1 and the M" G.;P"/ transitions to G.;P"/;.1T&C2 state.
*. The M" replies with a G.;P"/ .1T&C.T2 :T1 .1% messae that contains the selected :5P;port number.
"ubse?uently- the M" enters G.;P"/;.1T&C2 state and starts the G.;P"/ 1hannel Timer.
3. The G.'1 forwards the previously received downlin# >>1;P5: to the M" usin G.;P"/ :'&T5.T.
messae as per procedure described in clause ,.4<.4. 3or the case of P" handover to a G.' cell the reception of
downlin# >>1 P5:s is enabled in the M" upon allocation of the G.;P"/ Transport 1hannel in step 4.
6. The G.;P"/ Transport 1hannel is active and the M" can send the uplin# data usin G.;P"/ :'&T5.T.
procedure described in clause ,.4<.4. 3or the case of P" handover to a G.' cell the M" enables the
transmission of uplin# >>1 P5:s on the allocated G.;P"/ Transport 1hannel upon successful completion of
the P" handover procedure.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" -, Release %
8.10 GPRS 4ata, Sig&a##i&g a&! SMS Tra&s$rt
8.10.1 G%-PSR GPRS 4ata Tra&s$rt Prce!ures
3iure 3* illustrates the transport of GP/" user data messaes via G.'.
0i#ure 3$1 5ser Plane Data Transport
4. Optionally- if the G.;P"/ is in G.;P"/;"T.'50N state- the G.;P"/ Transport 1hannel is activated as per
description in clauses ,.49.4 or ,.49.6. :pon successful activation- the M" starts the G.;P"/ 1hannel Timer.
*. The M" encapsulates the uplin# >>1;P5: within the G.;P"/ :'&T5.T. messae that is forwarded to the
G.'1. The messae includes parameters re?uired for Gb interface procedures and T>>& as M" identifier. The
M" restarts the G.;P"/ 1hannel Timer.
3. The G.'1 forwards the >>1;P5: to the 1ore 'etwor# as per standard Gb interface procedures.
6. The 1ore 'etwor# sends the downlin# >>1;P5: that contains GP/" user data via the Gb interface. The M" is
identified with the T>>&.
8. .ssumin that the correspondin GP/" T1 is available- the G.'1 forwards the >>1;P5: to the M"
encapsulated in the G.;P"/ :'&T5.T. messae. :pon receivin this messae- the M" restarts the G.;P"/
1hannel Timer.
9. The GP/" data transfer (steps * to 8)- both in uplin# and downlin# direction- can be processed as many times as
necessary while the G.;P"/ T1 is active.
<. Ihen the G.;P"/ 1hannel Timer e(pires- the correspondin G.;P"/ T1 is deactivated as per description in
clause ,.49.*.
8.10.2 G%-PSR GPRS Sig&a##i&g a&! SMS Tra&s$rt Prce!ures Ge&era#
The T1P connection that is used for G.;1"/ sinallin is also used for G.;P"/ GP/" sinallin and "M" transport
identified by >>1 ".P& 4 and ".P& < respectively. This T1P connection is available after G.' reistration- so
establishment of a separate channel- i.e. a T1P connection- for GP/" sinallin and "M" transport is not re?uired.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" -- Release % )et2r9 i&itiate! GPRS Sig&a##i&g
3or 'etwor# initiated sinallin7"M"- the 1ore 'etwor# sends a GMM7"M sinallin or "M" messae to the G.'1
via the Gb interface as per standard GP/"E e.. the >>1 P5: may include GMM attach accept or "M P5P conte(t
activation accept messae. The G.'1 encapsulates the received >>1 P5: within a G.;P"/ 5.T. messae that is
forwarded to the M" via the e(istin T1P connection.
0i#ure 331 Downlin 6ontrol Plane Data Transport
4. The 1ore 'etwor# sends a GMM7"M sinallin messae or an "M" messae as per GP/" via the Gb interfaceE
e.. the >>1;P5: may include GMM attach accept or "M P5P conte(t activation accept messae.
*. The G.'1 encapsulates the received >>1;P5: within a G.;P"/ 5.T. messae that is forwarded to the M". MS i&itiate! GPRS Sig&a##i&g
3or M" initiated sinallin7"M"- the M" G.;P"/ receives a re?uest from the >>1 layer to transfer an uplin#
GMM7"M sinallin messae or "M" messaeE e.. this could be a GMM attach re?uest or "M P5P conte(t activation
messae. The GMM7"M sinallin messaes are identified with >>1 ".P& 4 and "M" messaes with >>1 ".P& <.
The M" G.;P"/ encapsulates the >>1 P5: within a G.;P"/ 5.T. messae includin the parameters that will be
re?uired for Gb interface procedures. "ubse?uently- the messae is forwarded to the G.'1- and the G.'1 forwards
the messae to the 1ore 'etwor# as per standard Gb interface procedures.
0i#ure 3&1 5plin 6ontrol Plane Data Transport
4. The M" G.;P"/ receives a re?uest from the >>1 layer to transfer an uplin# GMM7"M sinallin messae or
"M" messaeE e.. this could be a GMM attach re?uest or "M P5P conte(t activation messae. The M"
G.;P"/ encapsulates the >>1;P5: within a G.;P"/ 5.T. messae includin the parameters that will be
re?uired for Gb interface procedures. "ubse?uently- the messae is forwarded to the G.'1.
*. The G.'1 forwards the messae to the 1ore 'etwor# as per standard Gb interface procedure.
8.18 G%-PSR S$eci3ic Sig&a##i&g Prce!ures
8.18.1 Pac9et Pagi&g 3r GPRS 4ata Ser7ice
The 1ore 'etwor# sends a P" pae for a mobile station that is currently GP/" attached via the G.'.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" -. Release %
0i#ure 3,1 Pacet Pa#in# for GPRS
4. The 1ore 'etwor# sends a PA$I%$ PS for a mobile station that is currently GP/" attached via the G.'. This
messae contains always &M"& and it may also contain P;TM"&.
*. G.'1 identifies the M" reistration conte(t usin the &M"& provided by the 1' and paes the M" usin the
G.;P"/ P" P.G2 messae on the e(istin T1P sinallin connection. The G.;P"/ P" P.G2 messae on the
:p interface includes the P;TM"&- if received in the PA$I%$ PS messae from the 1'- else it includes the M"
3. The mobile station sends any >>1;P5: to respond to the pae- activatin G.;P"/ T1- if needed. The uplin#
>>1;P5: is forwarded to the G.'1 usin the GP/" data or sinallin transfer mechanism as described in
clause ,.4<.*.3.
6. The G.'1 forwards the >>1;P5: to the 1ore 'etwor# via the standard Gb interface procedures.
8.18.2 Pac9et Pagi&g 3r *S 46ai& Ser7ice
The 1ore 'etwor# may send a 1" pae for a mobile station that is currently GP/" attached via the G.'.
0i#ure 3-1 Pacet Pa#in# for 6S Ser8ice
4. The 1ore 'etwor# sends a PA$I%$ CS for a G.' reistered mobile station via the Gb interface. The mobile
station is currently GP/" attached via the G.'. The PA$I%$ CS messae always contains &M"& as Mobile
&dentity and it may also contain TM"&.
*. G.'1 identifies the M" reistration conte(t usin the &M"& provided by the 1' and paes the M" usin the
G.;1"/ P.G&'G /2B:2"T messae on the e(istin T1P sinallin connection. The G.;1"/ P.G&'G
/2B:2"T messae on the :p interface includes the TM"&- if received in the P.G&'G 1" messae from the
1'- else it includes the M" &M"&.
3;6. The mobile station initiates the standard 1" pae response procedure via the G.' as described in clause ,.44.
8.18.3 GPRS Sus$e&! Prce!ure
The GP/" "uspend procedure is invo#ed if a mobile station is unable to support simultaneous voice and data services
and is transitionin to dedicated mode.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" -% Release %
0i#ure 3.1 GPRS Suspend
4. Ihile transitionin to dedicated mode and if unable to support simultaneous voice and data services- the mobile
station sends a G.;1"/ GP/" ":"P2'"&O' /2B:2"T messae to the G.'1 to suspend downlin# GP/"
traffic. The re?uest is transferred via the e(istin T1P sinallin connection and includes T>>& and "uspension
1ause parameters as per standard GP/".
*. The G.'1 initiates and completes the standard GP/" "uspend procedure as defined for Gb interface.
8.18.4 GPRS Resu6e Prce!ure
&f the GP/" service has been suspended while the mobile station entered the dedicated mode- it needs to be resumed
when the mobile station leaves the dedicated mode.
0i#ure 3%1 GPRS Resu3e
&nitially- the M" is in the dedicated mode and the GP/" service is suspended.
4. The 1ore 'etwor# sends a Clear Command messae to release the resources associated with the dedicated mode
*. The G.'1 responds with a 1lear 1omplete messae.
3. Optionally- the G.'1 may initiate the standard 0""GP GP/" resume procedure.
6. The G.'1 sends a G.;1"/ /2>2."2 messae to instruct the M" to release the G.;1"/ 1onnection. The
messae includes GP/" resumption indication as per standard G"M7GP/" to indicate whether or not the
networ# successfully resumed GP/" service.
8. The M" replies with a G.;1"/ /2>2."2 1OMP>2T2 messae and resumes GP/" service internally.
9. Optionally- if the 1ore 'etwor# indicated unsuccessful resumption- the M" initiates GP/" service resumption as
per standard GP/".
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" -/ Release %
8.18.5 MS 8&itiate! 42&#i&9 (#2 *&tr#
The principle of the M" &nitiated 5ownlin# 3low 1ontrol is that the M" sends to the G.'1 flow control parameters-
which allow the G.'1 to perform standard Gb interface procedures towards 1' for downlin# 3low 1ontrol either on
M" or P31 level.
The followin fiure illustrates the messae flow involved in the normal case when the M" sends a G.' flow control
re?uest to the G.'1 as an indication that the M" is not able to handle current data rate. The G.'1 will utili!e the
standard M" based Gb interface flow control mechanism to adjust the data rate.
0i#ure 3/1 Downlin 0low 6ontrol
4. The M" detects a flow control condition related to the downlin# data traffic.
*. The M" constructs a flow control re?uest messae (G.;P"/ 31 /2B) that is sent to the G.'1 via the G.;P"/
T1 and starts a G.;P"/ downlin# flow control timer to continue monitorin the flow control condition. The
messae includes the flow control adjustment &2 to specify the re?uired data rate correction.
3. :pon receivin the indication- the G.'1 calculates adjusted flow control parameters for the M" and sends the
correspondin re?uest to the 1ore 'etwor# to reduce the downlin# data rate for the M". The 1ore 'etwor#
adjusts the downlin# data rate for the M" as per re?uest.
6. :pon the e(piry of the G.;P"/ downlin# flow control timer- the M" evaluates the flow control condition and if
it has not been resolved- calculates the adjustment aain and forwards another re?uest to the G.'1.
8. The G.'1 processes the re?uest and sends another re?uest to the 1ore 'etwor# to adjust the downlin# data rate
for the M".
9. The G.;P"/ downlin# flow control timer e(pires aain.
<. "teps 6 to 9 are repeated until the flow control condition is resolved.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" .* Release %
8.18.6 :$#i&9 (#2 *&tr#
The principle of the :plin# 3low 1ontrol is that the G.'1 sends to the M" flow control parameters- which uide the
M" on sendin of GP/" data towards the G.'1.
The followin fiure illustrates the messae flow involved in the normal case when the G.'1 initiates G.' flow
control procedure when it is not able to handle current uplin# data rate.
0i#ure &*1 5plin 0low 6ontrol
4. The G.'1 detects a flow control condition related to the uplin# data traffic associated with a specific M".
*. The G.'1 constructs a flow control re?uest messae (G.;P"/;31;/2B) that is sent to the M" via the
G.;P"/ T1 and starts a timer to continue monitorin the flow control condition. The messae includes the flow
control adjustment &2 to specify the re?uired data rate correction. :pon receivin the messae- the M" adjusts
the uplin# data rate accordinly.
3. .fter the timer e(pires- the G.'1 evaluates the flow control condition and if it has not been resolved- calculates
the adjustment aain and forwards another re?uest to the M".
6. The G.'1 timer e(pires aain. The G.'1 evaluates the flow control condition and determines that the
condition has been resolved. 0ased on the G.'1 alorithm that is implemented- it may radually increase the
uplin# data rate usin the same G.;P"/;31;/2B messae.
8. The flow control condition does not e(ist any more and the procedure is complete.
8.1. Shrt Message Ser7ice
G.' provides support for both 1ircuit "witched (G"M based) and Pac#et "witched (GP/" based) "M" services.
G.';attached and GP/" enabled mobile stations will be able to send and receive G"M and GP/" "M" messaes via
the G.'- reardless of the GP/" class (0 or 1) with the restriction that the class 1 mobiles can support only GP/"
based "M".
8.1..1 GSM 'ase! SMS
G"M "M" support in G.' is based on the same mechanism that is utili!ed for G"M mobility manaement and call
control. On the M" side- the "M" layers (includin the supportin 1M sub layer functions) utili!e the services of the
MM layer to transfer "M" messaes per standard circuit switched G"M implementation. The "M;1P protocol is
effectively tunnelled between the M" and the 1'- usin G.;1"/ messaes from the M" to the G.'1- where the
G.'1 relays the "M;1P to 0"".P 5T.P messaes for transport over the . interface.
.s with G"M mobility manaement and call control procedures- the secure &Psec tunnel and T1P session are used to
provide secure and reliable "M" delivery over the &P networ#.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" .( Release %
8.1..2 GPRS 'ase! SMS
GP/" "M" messae transfer is based on the same mechanism as the transfer of the GP/" MM7"M sinallin
messaes. On the M" side- the "M" layers (includin the supportin 1M sub layer functions) utili!e the services of the
>>1 layer to transfer "M" messaes per standard pac#et switched GP/" implementation.
.s with GP/" sinallin- the secure &Psec tunnel and T1P session is used to provide secure and reliable GP/" "M"
delivery over the &P networ#.
8.20 Su$$#e6e&tar5 Ser7ices
G"M has a lare number of standardi!ed supplementary services. These supplementary services involve procedures that
operate end;to;end between the M" and the M"1. The 5T.P messaes used for the supplementary service are relayed
between the M" and M"1 in the same manner as in the other call control and mobility manaement scenarios described
in this document.
8.21 +6erge&c5 Ser7ices
8.21.1 Ge&era#
The G.'1 can indicate- in the G.' /eistration procedures- an .ccess 'etwor# preference for the placement of
emerency calls.
0ased on the .ccess 'etwor# preference- and if any G2/.'7:T/.' coverae is available (either from the G.'
subscriberPs home P>M' or from any roamer P>M'- irrespective of roamer areements)- the M" should switch from
G.' mode to G2/.'7:T/.' mode and place the emerency call over G2/.'7:T/.'- to leverae the location
determination infrastructure in G2/.'7:T/.'. 5urin the emerency call- the M" should not attempt to handover
the call to G.'. .fter the emerency call is completed- the M" may perform normal rove;in procedures to re;enter
G.' mode- if G.' coverae is still available. .lternatively there may be a penalty timer confiured to ensure that the
M" remains in G2/.'7:T/.' for call;bac# purposes. On e(piry of the penalty timer the M" may perform normal
rove;in procedures to re;enter G.' mode- if G.' coverae is still available.
0ased on the .ccess 'etwor# preference- or if no G2/.'7:T/.' coverae is available (neither from the G.'
subscriberPs home P>M' nor from any roamer P>M'- irrespective of roamer areements)- the M" places the
emerency call over G.'. &n G.'- the emerency call is handled just li#e a G"M emerency call oriination. The cell
&5 associated with the G.'1 provides an indication of the location of the M". .dditionally- more accurate location
information may be obtained by the G.'1 either directly from the M" (e.. usin .GP") or from the eneric &P access
networ# point of attachment (e.. usin a database of &P or M.1 addresses). &f available- the G.'1 can pass this
location information throuh 0""M.P or /.'.P sinallin to the core networ#- when re?uested. =owever- location
services based on mechanisms usin the G2/.'7:T/.' physical layer cannot be applied.
'OT2A . mechanism may be re?uired in the G.'1 to force the M" to G2/.'7:T/.' mode- if the location
accuracy is not deemed sufficient for emerency calls in G.' mode.
8.21.2 )rth %6erica& +6erge&c5 *a##s Phase 1 S#uti& Phase 1 Re<uire6e&ts
Iireless service providers were re?uired by the 311 to have the capability to send wireless @44 calls to an 2@44 public
safety answerin point (P".P) containin two important sets of dataA
4. The location of the cell tower throuh which the 2@44 call was processed.
*. The mobile directory number (M5') or Hcall bac# numberH of the wireless phone placin the @44 call.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" .$ Release % Phase 1 Mecha&is6
The G.'1 shall indicate durin reistration- when enterin G.' mode- whether G2/.'7:T/.' or G.' is
preferred for support of emerency calls.
&f G.' mode is the preferred emerency call mode- the emerency call shall be placed over G.' if the mobile
is in G.' mode. The G.'1 can reject the call dependin on operator policy.
&f G2/.'7:T/.' mode is the preferred emerency mode- the emerency call shall be placed over the
G2/.'7:T/.' when a G2/.'7:T/.' networ# is available. &f a G2/.'7:T/.' networ# is not available
the emerency call shall be placed over G.'. Phase 2 S#uti& Phase 2 Re<uire6e&ts
Iireless service providers are re?uired by the 311 to have the ability to provide the actual caller$s location to the 2@44
P".P. The location accuracy re?uirements differ dependin on whether a networ#;based or handset;based approach is
'etwor#;based re?uirementA Iithin 4++ meters- 9<W of the time and within 3++ meters- @8W of the time.
=andset;based re?uirementA Iithin 8+ meters- 9<W of the time and within 48+ meters- @8W of the time.
The handset;based re?uirements apply to terminals supportin location determinin mechanisms (e.. .;GP"- 2;OT5).
This may re?uire new- modified or upraded terminals. Phase 2 Mecha&is6
The emerency call is placed over G2/.'7:T/.' or G.'. &f the emerency call is placed over G.'- the G.'1
will need to provide accurate location information for the M" or the .P throuh which the M" is placin the emerency
call. This can be done in a number of waysA
the G.'1 can reference an .P;&5 to location mappin database for the G.' serviceE
the M" can provide its current location (e.. obtained via .GP") in G.;/1 /2G&"T2/ /2B:2"T7:P5.T2
the G.'1 can reference an M" (public) &P address to location mappin databaseE
the G.'1 can deliver the re?uired location information to the "M>1 via >b interface and the "M>1 is
responsible for final location determination.
The G.'1 passes this location information throuh 0""M.P or /.'.P sinallin to the 1'- when re?uested.
8.22 "cati& Ser7ices
The G.'1 uses information received from the M" durin the G.' /eistration and G.' /eistration :pdate
procedures to determine the eoraphic location of an M".
3$ Ce//*In%o: The M" provides the identity of the G"M or :T/.' cell it is camped on- in case G2/.'7:T/.'
coverae is available- at the time of G.' reistration. The G.'1 determines the M" location to the resolution
of a sinle cell. This enables location services that re?uire location resolution provided by a cell (e.. 2@44 Phase
'OT2 4A The accuracy of the location may be reduced if no up;to;date cellular coverae information is available.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" .3 Release %
4$ Generic I) acce## net-or. 0oint o% attac"ment in%ormation (A)*I(): The M" provides the .P;&5 at the
time of G.' reistration. The G.'1 may maintain an internal database of mappin between .P;&5 and .P
location. The .P >ocation may be defined as street address- postcode or !ip code and would re?uire a translation
function to a G.5 shape as defined in 3GPP T" *3.+3* F64G. The G.'1 may then determine the M" location to
the resolution of a sinle attachment point$s coverae area. This can enable location services that re?uire a
location with reater resolution than that provided by a G"M cell (e.. 2@44 Phase *).
'OT2 *A The location of the point of attachment may not be reliable- and is dependent on up;to;date information
bein provided either by the M" or by the owner of the point of attachment.
8.23 PS ;a&!7ers 'et2ee& G%) %1G' 6!e a&!
G+R%)1:TR%) 6!e
Procedures for P" handover between G2/.'7:T/.' mode and G.' .7Gb mode when an M" and 0""7/'17G.'1
support this type of P" handover are described in 3GPP T" 63.4*@ F66G.
. ;igh-"e7e# Prce!ures 3r G%) 8u M!e
..1 Mecha&is6 3 M!e Se#ecti& i& Mu#ti-6!e ter6i&a#s
"ee clause ,.4.
..2 P"M) Se#ecti&
"ee clause ,.*.
..3 Re-se#ecti& 'et2ee& G+R%)1:TR%) a&! G%) 6!es
"ee clause ,.3.
..4 G%) 4isc7er5 a&! Registrati& re#ate! $rce!ures
"ee clause ,.6.
..5 %uthe&ticati&
"ee clause ,.8.
..6 +&cr5$ti&
"ee clause ,.9.
..0 G%-RR* *&&ecti& ha&!#i&g
The G.' &u mode G.;//1 1" and P" connections are loical connections between the M" and the G.'1.
. G.;//1 connection is established when the upper layers in the M" re?uest the establishment of a sinallin
connection for either 1" or P" domain and the M" is in G.;//1;&5>2 state for that domainE i.e.- no G.;//1
connection e(ists. Ihen a successful response is received from the networ#- G.;//1 replies to the upper layer that the
M" has entered the //1 connected mode (i.e.- the G.;//1;1O''21T25 state). The upper layers then have the
possibility to re?uest transmission of '." messaes to the networ#.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" .& Release %
'ote that in the case of a networ#;initiated 1" or P" session- the G.;//1 connection is implicitly established when the
M" responds to the G.;//1 P.G&'G /2B:2"T messae from the G.'1 with the G.;//1 &'&T&.> 5&/21T
T/.'"32/ containin the pain response. This is illustrated in clause @.44 for the 1" case and clause @.49.<.* for the
P" case.
.lso- in the case of handover from G2/.' or :T/.' to G.' &u mode- the G.;//1 connection is implicitly
established when the M" sends the G.;//1 /2>O1.T&O' .1% messae to the G.'1 (normal case) or the G.;
//1 /2>O1.T&O' .112"" messae to the G.'1 (e(ception case)- as described in sub;clause @.46.
..0.1 G%-RR* *&&ecti& +sta'#ish6e&t
The followin fiure shows successful and unsuccessful establishment of the G.;//1 connection for either the 1" or
P" domain.
0i#ure &31 GA+RR6 6onnection Esta2lish3ent
4. The M" initiates G.;//1 connection establishment by sendin the G.;//1 /2B:2"T messae to the
G.'1. The messae includes the 1' 5omain identity (1" or P") and the 2stablishment 1ause indicatin the
reason for G.;//1 connection establishment.
*. The G.'1 sinals the acceptance of the connection re?uest to the M" by sendin the G.;//1 /2B:2"T
.112PT and the M" enters the G.;//1;1O''21T25 state.
3. &f the G.'1 determines that the G.;//1 connection re?uest shall be rejected- it sends a G.;//1 /2B:2"T
/2S21T to the M" indicatin the reject cause- completin the procedure.
..0.2 G%-RR* *&&ecti& Re#ease
The followin fiure shows release of the loical G.;//1 connection between the M" and the G.'1.
0i#ure &&1 GA+RR6 6onnection Release
4. The 1' indicates to the G.'1 to release the resources allocated to the M"- via the /.'.P Iu Release
Command messae.
*. The G.'1 commands the M" to release resources- usin the G.;//1 /2>2."2 messae. The messae
includes the 1' 5omain &dentity (1" or P").
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" ., Release %
3. The G.'1 confirms resource release to the 1' usin the Iu Release Complete messae. The G.'1 may
optionally wait for receipt of the G.;//1 /2>2."2 1OMP>2T2 messae from the M" before sendin the Iu
Release Complete messae to the 1'.
6. The M" confirms resource release to the G.'1 usin the G.;//1 /2>2."2 1OMP>2T2 messae and the
G.;//1 state of the 1" domain G.;//1 sublayer entity or the P" domain G.;//1 sublayer entity (i.e.-
dependin on the value of the 1' 5omain &dentity received in step *) in the M" chanes to G.;//1;&5>2.
..0.3 G%-RR* *&&ecti& Re#ease Re<uest
The followin fiure shows release of the loical 1" or P" G.;//1 connection between the M" and the G.'1 when
initiated by the M" or the G.'1 (i.e.- due to abnormal conditions).
0i#ure &,1 GA+RR6 6onnection Release Re=uest
4. The M" may initiate 1" or P" G.;//1 connection release by sendin the G.;//1 /2>2."2 /2B:2"T
messae to the G.'1. The messae includes the 1' 5omain identity (1" or P") and the 1ause indicatin the
reason for G.;//1 connection release.
*. On receipt of the G.;//1 /2>2."2 /2B:2"T from the M" or due to local conditions in the G.'1- the
G.'1 initiates &u release for the particular 1' domain by sendin the Iu Release Request messae to the 1'
5omain entity.
3. The 1' triers the release of connection as described in clause @.<.*.
..8 Securit5 M!e *&tr#
The messae flow for security mode control is shown in the followin fiure.
0i#ure &-1 Securit7 Mode 6ontrol
4. The 1' sends the /.'.P Security Mode Command messae to the G.'1. This messae contains the interity
#ey (&%) and allowed alorithms- and optionally the cipher #ey (1%) and allowed alorithms.
*. The G.'1 selects the interity alorithm and (optionally) the cipherin alorithm based on the permitted
alorithms received from the 1' and the M" security capabilities indicated in the &2 H3G "ecurity 1apabilityH
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" .- Release %
received from the M" in the G.;/1 /2G&"T2/ /2B:2"T messae. The G.'1 sends the G.;//1
"21:/&TN MO52 1OMM.'5 messae to the M". This messae indicates the selected interity protection
alorithm and cipherin alorithm (i.e.- that are applicable after handover to :T/.')- and a random number.
The M" stores the information for possible future use after a handover to :T/.'.
3. The M" computes a M.1 based on the random number- the M" &M"& and the interity #ey. The M" then sends
the G.;//1 "21:/&TN MO52 1OMP>2T2 messae includin the computed M.1.
6. The G.'1 verifies the M.1. &f the G.'1 verifies the M.1 to be correct it sends the Security Mode Complete
messae to the 1'.
'OT2A The M.1 proves that the identity that is authenticated to the G.'1 is the same as the identity
authenticated to the core networ#.
... )%S Sig&a##i&g Prce!ures
.fter G.;//1 connection establishment- '." P5:s may be transferred from 1';to;M" and from M";to;1'.
The initial '." P5: from the M" to a core networ# domain is transferred in the G.;//1 &'&T&.> 5&/21T
T/.'"32/ messae as illustrated in the followin fiure. This scenario assumes that a G.;//1 connection already
e(ists between the M" and G.'1E if not- the procedure described in clause @.<.4 is performed before step 4.
0i#ure &.1 4nitial MS+to+6N NAS si#nallin#
4. The M" receives a re?uest from the '." layer to establish a sinallin connection to a core networ# domain.
The re?uest also includes a re?uest to transfer an uplin# '." P5:. The M" encapsulates the '." P5: within a
G.;//1 &'&T&.> 5&/21T T/.'"32/ messae and sends the messae to the G.'1. The messae includes
the 1' 5omain identity (1" or P"). &t also includes the &ntra 5omain '." 'ode "elector (&5''") to be used
by the G.'1 to route the establishment of a sinallin connection to a 1' node within the indicated 1' domain
(i.e.- usin &u3le().
*. The G.'1 establishes a sinallin connection to the indicated core networ# domain entity and relays the
received '.";P5: to the 1' via the /.'.P Initial ( Message messae.
"ubse?uent '." P5:s from the M" to the core networ# domain entity are transferred in the G.;//1 :P>&'%
5&/21T T/.'"32/ messae as illustrated in the followin fiure.
0i#ure &%1 MS+to+6N NAS si#nallin#
4. The M" receives a re?uest from the '." layer to transfer an uplin# '." P5:. .ssumin the re?uired sinallin
connection already e(ists- the M" encapsulates the '." P5: within a G.;//1 :> 5&/21T T/.'"32/
messae and sends the messae to the G.'1. The messae includes the 1' 5omain identity (1" or P").
*. The G.'1 relays the received '.";P5: to the 1' via the /.'.P !irect *ransfer messae.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" .. Release %
'." P5:s from the core networ# to the M" are transferred in the G.;//1 5OI'>&'% 5&/21T T/.'"32/
messae as illustrated in the followin fiure.
0i#ure &/1 6N+to+MS NAS si#nallin#
4. 3or 1';to;M" '." sinallin- the 1' sends a '." P5: to the G.'1 via the /.'.P !irect *ransfer
*. The G.'1 encapsulates the '." P5: within a G.;//1 5> 5&/21T T/.'"32/ messae and forwards the
messae to the M" via the e(istin T1P connection. The messae includes the 1' 5omain identity (1" or P").
..10 M'i#e =rigi&ate! *S *a##
The description of the procedure in this sub;clause assumes the M" is in G.' &u modeE i.e.- it has successfully
reistered with the G.'1 and G.;//1 is the servin // entity for 1" services in the M". &t also assumes that no G.;
//1 sinallin connection for the 1" domain e(ists between the M" and G.'1E i.e.- the 1" domain G.;//1
sublayer entity in the M" is in the G.;//1;&5>2 state. &f the 1" domain G.;//1 sublayer entity in the M" is already
in the G.;//1;1O''21T25 state- step 4 is s#ipped.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" .% Release %
0i#ure ,*1 Mo2ile ;ri#inated 6S 6all
4. The 1" G.;//1 1onnection 2stablishment procedure is performed as described in clause @.<.4.
*. The M" sends the CM Service Request messae to the G.'1 within the G.;//1 &'&T&.> 5&/21T
T/.'"32/ messae. The messae includes the 1' 5omain identity (1").
3. The G.'1 establishes an "11P connection to the M"1 and forwards the '." P5: (i.e.- the 1M "ervice
/e?uest messae) to the M"1 usin the /.'.P &nitial :2 Messae. The messae includes the 5omain
&ndicator set to value O1" domainP. "ubse?uent '." messaes between the M" and M"1 will be sent between
G.'1 and M"1 usin the /.'.P 5irect Transfer messae.
6. The M"1 may optionally authenticate the M" usin standard :T/.' authentication procedures.
8. The M"1 normally initiates the "ecurity Mode 1ontrol procedure described in clause @.,.
9. The M" sends the Setup messae providin details on the call to the M"1 and its bearer capability and
supported codecs. This messae is contained within the G.;//1 :> 5&/21T T/.'"32/ between the M"
and the G.'1. The G.'1 forwards the Setup messae to the M"1.
<. The M"1 indicates it has received the call setup and it will accept no additional call;establishment information
usin the Call Proceeding messae to the G.'1. The G.'1 forwards this messae to the M" in the G.;//1
5> 5&/21T T/.'"32/ messae.
,. The M"1 re?uests the G.'1 to assin call resources usin the /.'.P RA. Assignment Request messae.
The M"1 includes the /.0 &5- the 1' Transport >ayer .ddress and the 1' &u Transport .ssociation for user
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" ./ Release %
@. The &u bearer is established per standard &u procedures. &n the case of the .TM;based &u;cs interface- this may
include the e(chane of .>1.P sinallin between the G.'1 and the M"1 to setup the .TM virtual circuit.
3or both .TM and &P;based &u;cs interface types- &u bearer establishment may also include the &u :P
initiali!ation e(chane- if &u :P support mode is re?uired as indicated by the M"1 in the /.'.P RA.
Assignment Request messae.
4+. The G.'1 sends the G.;//1 .1T&C.T2 1=.''2> messae to the M" includin bearer path setup
information such asA
; 1' 5omain &5 (i.e.- indicatin 1" domain).
; /.0 &5 (provided by the M"1 in step ,).
; /.0 1onfiuration (based on /.0 parameters provided by the M"1 in step ,).
; Multi;rate codec confiuration.
; :5P port D the &P address for the uplin# /TP stream.
; Coice sample si!e.
44. The M" sends the G.;//1 .1T&C.T2 1=.''2> .1% to the G.'1 indicatin that the M" has
successfully established a 1" bearer channel for the call and includin the :5P port for the downlin# /TP
4*. The G.'1 sinals the completion of the /.0 establishment to the M" with the G.;//1 .1T&C.T2
1=.''2> 1OMP>2T2 messae.
43. The G.'1 sinals to the M"1 that the /.0 has been established by sendin a /.'.P RA. Assignment
Response messae.
46. The M"1 sinals to the M"- with the Alerting messae- that the 0;Party is rinin. The messae is transferred
to the G.'1 and G.'1 forwards the messae to the M" in the G.;//1 5> 5&/21T T/.'"32/. &f the
M" has not connected the audio path to the user- it shall enerate rin bac# to the callin party. Otherwise- the
networ#;enerated rin bac# will be returned to the callin party.
48. The M"1 sinals that the called party has answered- via the Connect messae. The messae is transferred to
the G.'1 and G.'1 forwards the messae to the M" in the G.;//1 5> 5&/21T T/.'"32/. The M"
connects the user to the audio path. &f the M" is eneratin rin bac#- it stops and connects the user to the
audio path.
49. The M" sends the Connect Ack messae in response- and the two parties are connected for the voice call. This
messae is contained within the G.;//1 :> 5&/21T T/.'"32/ between the M" and the G.'1. The
G.'1 forwards the Connect Ack messae to the M"1.
4<. 0i;directional voice traffic flows between the M" and M"1 throuh the G.'1.
..11 M'i#e Ter6i&ate! *S *a##
The description of the procedure in this clause assumes the M" is in G.' &u modeE i.e.- it has successfully reistered
with the G.'1 and G.;//1 is the servin // entity for 1" services in the M".
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" %* Release %
0i#ure ,(1 Mo2ile Ter3inated 6S 6all
4. . mobile;terminated call arrives at the M"1. The M"1 sends a /.'.P Paging messae to the G.'1
identified throuh the last Location pdate received by it and includes the TM"& if available. The &M"& of the
mobile bein paed is always included in the re?uest. 'ote that the pain messae may also be sent from the
"G"' to the G.'1 (i.e.- if the Gs interface is present between M"17C>/ and "G"').
*. The G.'1 identifies the M" reistration conte(t usin the &M"& provided by the M"1. &t then paes the M"
usin the G.;//1 P.G&'G /2B:2"T messae. The messae includes the TM"&- if available in the re?uest
from the M"1E else it includes only the &M"& of the M". The messae includes the 1' 5omain identity (1" or
3. The M" responds with a G.;//1 &'&T&.> 5&/21T T/.'"32/ messae containin the Pain /esponse
messae. The messae includes the 1' 5omain identity (1" or P"). The 1" domain G.;//1 sublayer entity
in the M" transitions to the G.;//1;1O''21T25 state.
6. The G.'1 establishes an "11P connection to the M"1. The G.'1 then forwards the pain response to the
M"1 usin the /.'.P Initial ( Message. "ubse?uent '." messaes between the M" and core networ#
will be sent between G.'1 and M"1 usin the /.'.P !irect *ransfer messae.
8. The M"1 may optionally authenticate the M" usin standard :T/.' authentication procedures.
9. The M"1 normally updates the security confiuration in the M"- via the G.'1- as described in clause @.,.
<. The M"1 initiates call setup usin the Setup messae sent to the M" via G.'1. G.'1 forwards this messae
to the M" in the G.;//1 5> 5&/21T T/.'"32/ messae.
,. The M" responds with Call Confirmed usin the G.;//1 :> 5&/21T T/.'"32/ after chec#in it$s
compatibility with the bearer service re?uested in the Setup and modifyin the bearer service as needed. &f the
Setup included the sinal information element- the M" alerts the user usin the indicated sinal- else the M"
alerts the user after the successful confiuration of the user plane. The G.'1 forwards the Call Confirmed
messae to the M"1.
@. The M"1 initiates the assinment procedure with the G.'1- which triers the setup of the /TP stream
(voice bearer channel) between the G.'1 and M"- same as steps ,;43 in the MO call scenario described in
clause @.4+.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" %( Release %
4+. The M" sinals that it is alertin the user- via the Alerting messae contained in the G.;//1 :> 5&/21T
T/.'"32/. The G.'1 forwards the Alerting messae to the M"1. The M"1 sends a correspondin alertin
messae to the callin party.
44. The M" sinals that the called party has answered- via the Connect messae contained in the G.;//1 :>
5&/21T T/.'"32/. The G.'1 forwards the Connect messae to the M"1. The M"1 sends a
correspondin Connect messae to the callin party and throuh connects the audio. The M" connects the user
to the audio path.
4*. The M"1 ac#nowledes via the Connect Ack messae to the G.'1. G.'1 forwards this messae to the M"
in the G.;//1 5> 5&/21T T/.'"32/. The two parties on the call are connected on the audio path.
43. 0i;directional voice traffic flows between the M" and M"1 throuh the G.'1.
..12 *S *a## *#eari&g
..12.1 *S *a## Re#ease
The followin fiure shows 1" call clearin initiated by the M". This scenario assumes that the M"1 uses &u /elease to
release the call (i.e.- versus a separate /.0 /elease then &u /elease).
0i#ure ,$1 MS initiated 6S 6all release
4. The M" sends the !isconnect messae to the 1' to release the call. This messae is contained in the G.;//1
:> 5&/21T T/.'"32/ messae between M" and G.'1. The G.'1 forwards the !isconnect messae to
the 1' (i.e.- usin the /.'.P !irect *ransfer messae).
*. The 1' responds with a Release messae to the G.'1. The G.'1 forwards this messae to the M" usin the
G.;//1 5> 5&/21T T/.'"32/ messae.
3. The M" responds with the Release Complete messae. This messae is contained within the G.;//1 :>
5&/21T T/.'"32/ messae between M" and G.'1. The G.'1 forwards the !isconnect messae to the
6. The 1' triers the release of connection as described in clause @.<.*.
..12.2 *S *ha&&e# Re#ease
The followin fiure shows 1" channel release (i.e.- user plane only) correspondin to the &u /.0 /elease procedure.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" %$ Release %
0i#ure ,31 6S channel release
4. The 1' indicates to the G.'1 to release the /.0 allocated to the M" (identified by the /.0 &5)- via the
/.'.P RA. Assignment Request messae.
*. The G.'1 commands the M" to release the 1" user plane channel (but maintain the 1" sinallin connection)-
usin the G.;//1 52.1T&C.T2 1=.''2> messae. The messae includes the 1' 5omain &5 (indicatin
1") and the /.0 &5.
3. The M" confirms 1" channel release to the G.'1 usin the G.;//1 52.1T&C.T2 1=.''2> 1OMP>2T2
messae. The M" remains in the G.;//1;1O''21T25 state.
6. The G.'1 confirms resource release to 1' usin the RA. Assignment Response messae.
..13 *S *ha&&e# M!i3icati&
The G.'1 may initiate the 1" channel modification procedure when it determines that one or more active 1" channels
re?uire modificationE e..- based on information received from the M"1 in the /.0 .ssinment /e?uest messae or
based on local G.'1 loic. 3or e(ample- the G.'1 may initiate this procedure if it detects Hpac#et lossH and handover
to G2/.'7:T/.' is not possible or desired. 1" channel modification and PT1 modification use the same messaes
and the same basic messae flows- but differ in the content of the messaes.
The G.'1 may modify the followin parametersA
; /.0 1onfiuration
; "ample "i!e
; /TP :5P Port
; G.'1 &P .ddress
; Multi;rate 1onfiuration *
; /TP /edundancy 1onfiuration
; '." "ynchronisation &ndicator
; /T1P :5P Port
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" %3 Release %
0i#ure ,&1 6S 6hannel Modification
4. . call is established as described in clauses @.4+ or @.44.
*. The G.'1 sends the G.;//1 MO5&3N 1=.''2> messae to the M" to modify parameters for the
established call.
3. The M" responds with the G.;//1 MO5&3N 1=.''2> .1%'OI>25G2 messae to the G.'1.
..14 *S ;a&!7er 'et2ee& G%) 8u 6!e a&! G+R%)1:TR%)
..14.1 *S ;a&!7er 3r6 G+R%) t G%)
The description of the G2/.' to G.' =andover procedure assumes the followinA
the M" is on an active call on the G2/.'E and
its mode selection is G.';preferred- or if G2/.'7:T/.';preferred- the /(>ev from the current servin cell
drops below a defined thresholdE and
the M" has successfully reistered with a G.'1- allowin the M" to obtain G.' system informationE and
the G.'1 has directed the M" to operate in G.' &u modeE and
the G2/.' provides information on neihbourin 3G cells such that one of the cells in the 3G neihbour list
matches the 3G cell information associated with the G.'1- as provided in the .";related component of the
system information obtained from the G.'1.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" %& Release %
..14.1.1 )r6a# case, 8MS8 is $rese&t i& Re#cati& Re<uest 6essage
0i#ure ,,1 6S <ando8er fro3 GERAN to GAN !4MS4 in Relocation Re=uest"
4. The M" has successfully reistered with the G.'1 and beins to include G.' &u mode cell information in
the Measurement Report message to the G2/.'. The M" reports the hihest sinal level for the G.' &u
mode cell. This is not the actual measured sinal level on G.'- rather an artificial value (i.e.- /(>ev R 93)-
allowin the M" to indicate preference for the G.'.
*. 0ased on M" measurement reports and other internal alorithms- the G2/.' 0"1 decides to handover to the
G.' &u mode cell. The 0"1 starts the handover preparation by sendin a "andover Required messae to the
M"1- identifyin the taret 3G /'1 (G.'1).
3. The M"1 re?uests the taret G.'1 to allocate resources for the handover usin the Relocation Request
messae. The M" is identified by the included &M"& parameter.
6. The &u bearer is established per standard &u procedures. &n the case of the .TM;based &u;cs interface- this may
include the e(chane of .>1.P sinallin between the G.'1 and the M"1 to setup the .TM virtual circuit.
3or both .TM and &P;based &u;cs interface types- &u bearer establishment may also include the &u :P
initiali!ation e(chane- if &u :P support mode is re?uired as indicated by the M"1 in the /.'.P Relocation
Request messae.
8. The G.'1 sends the G.;//1 /2>O1.T&O' /2B:2"T messae to the M" includin bearer path setup
information such asA
; /.0 &5 (received from M"1 in step 3)
; Multi;rate codec confiuration.
; :5P port D the &P address for the uplin# /TP stream.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" %, Release %
; Coice sample si!e.
9. The M" sends the G.;//1 /2>O1.T&O' /2B:2"T .1% to the G.'1 indicatin that the M" has
successfully established resources for the call and includin the :5P port for the downlin# /TP stream.
<. The G.'1 builds a "andover to *RA% Command messae and sends it to the M"1 throuh the Relocation
Request Ackno#ledge messae.
,. The M"1 forwards the "andover to *RA% Command messae to the G2/.' 0"1 in the 0""M.P
"andover Command messae- completin the handover preparation.
@. The G2/.' 0"1 sends the Intersystem to *RA% "andover Command messae- containin the "andover to
*RA% Command messae- to the M" to initiate handover to G.' &u mode. The M" does not switch its audio
path from G2/.' to G.' until handover completion (i.e.- until it sends the G.;//1 /2>O1.T&O'
1OMP>2T2 messae) to #eep the audio interruption short.
4+. The M" transmits the G.;//1 /2>O1.T&O' 1OMP>2T2 messae to indicate the completion of the
handover procedure. &t switches the user from the G2/.' user plane to the G.' &u mode user plane.
44. The G.'1 indicates to the M"1 that it has detected the M"- usin Relocation !etect messae. The M"1 can
optionally now switch the user plane from the source G2/.' to the taret G.'.
4*. 0i;directional voice traffic is now flowin between the M" and 1'- via G.'1.
43. The G.'1 indicates the handover is complete- usin the Relocation Complete messae. &f it had not done so
before- the M"1 now switches the user plane from source G2/.' to taret G.'.
46. 3inally- the M"1 tears down the connection to the source G2/.'- usin Clear Command messae.
48. The source G2/.' confirms the release of G2/.' resources allocated for this call- usin Clear Complete
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" %- Release %
..14.1.2 +/ce$ti& *ase, ) 8MS8 i& Re#cati& Re<uest
0i#ure ,,a1 6S <ando8er fro3 GERAN to GAN !No 4MS4 in Relocation Re=uest"
4;*. "ame as steps 4;* in clause @.46.4.4.
3. The M"1 re?uests the taret G.'1 to allocate resources for the handover usin the Relocation Request
messae. The &M"& parameter is not included in the messae since it is not available at the M"1.
6. "ame as step 6 in clause @.46.4.4.
8;<. "ame as steps ,;4+ in clause @.46.4.4.
,. The M" accesses the G.'1 usin the G.;//1 /2>O1.T&O' .112"" messae- and provides the entire
Intersystem to *RA% "andover Command messae received from G2/.'. &nformation in the Intersystem to
*RA% "andover Command messae (e.. =andover /eference) allows the G.'1 to correlate the handover
to the Relocation Request Ackno#ledge messae sent to the M"1 in step 8.
@;44. The G.'1 sets up the bearer path with the M"- usin the procedure as in steps 4+ to 4* in clause @.4+.
4*. The M" transmits the G.;//1 /2>O1.T&O' 1OMP>2T2 messae to indicate the completion of the
handover procedure. &t switches the user from the G2/.' user plane to the G.' &u mode user plane.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" %. Release %
43. The G.'1 indicates to the M"1 that it has detected the M"- usin the Relocation !etect messae. The M"1
can optionally now switch the user plane from the source G2/.' to the taret G.'.
46. 0i;directional voice traffic is now flowin between the M" and M"1- via the G.'1.
48. The taret G.'1 indicates the handover is complete- usin the Relocation Complete messae. &f it had not
done so before- the M"1 now switches the user plane from source G2/.' to taret G.'.
49. 3inally- the M"1 tears down the connection to the source G2/.'- usin Clear Command messae.
4<. The source G2/.' confirms the release of G2/.' resources allocated for this call- usin Clear Complete
..14.2 *S ;a&!7er 3r6 :TR%) t G%)
The description of the :T/.' to G.' 1" handover procedure assumes the followinA
the M" is on an active call on the :T/.'E and
the M" has successfully reistered with a G.'1- allowin the M" to obtain G.' system informationE and
the G.'1 has directed the M" to operate in G.' &u modeE and
the :T/.' provides information on neihbourin cells such that one of the cells in the neihbour list matches
the cell associated with the G.'1- as provided in the .";related component of the system information obtained
from G.'1.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" %% Release %
..14.2.1 )r6a# *ase, 8MS8 is $rese&t i& Re#cati& Re<uest 6essage
0i#ure ,-1 6S <ando8er fro3 5TRAN to GAN !4MS4 in Relocation Re=uest"
4. The M" beins to include information about a G.' &u mode cell in the Measurement Report messae sent to
the /'1. "ee .nne( 0.*.4 for further information.
*. 0ased on M" measurement reports and other internal alorithms- the /'1 decides to initiate handover to the
G.' &u mode cell. The /'1 starts the preparation phase of the /elocation procedure by sendin a Relocation
Required messae to the M"1- identifyin the taret (G.' &u mode) cell.
3;9. "ame as steps 3;9 for 1" handover from G2/.' to G.' in clause @.46.4.4.
<. The G.'1 ac#nowledes the relocation re?uest messae- usin Relocation Request Ackno#ledge messae-
indicatin it can support the re?uested handover- and includin a Physical Channel Reconfiguration messae
that indicates the radio channel to which the M" should be directed.
,. The M"1 sends the Relocation Command messae to the /'1- completin the relocation preparation.
@. The /'1 sends the P"/SICAL C"A%%(L R(C&%)I$RA*I&% messae to the M" to initiate handover to
G.' &u mode. The M" does not switch its audio path from :T/.' to G.' until handover completion (i.e.-
until it sends the G.;//1 =.'5OC2/ 1OMP>2T2 messae) to #eep the audio interruption short.
4+;43. "ame as steps 4+;43 for 1" handover from G2/.' to G.' in clause @.46.4.4.
46. 3inally- the M"1 tears down the connection to the source /'1- usin Iu Release Command.
48. The source /'1 confirms the release of :T/.' resources allocated for this call- usin Iu Release Complete.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" %/ Release %
..14.2.2 +/ce$ti& *ase, ) 8MS8 i& Re#cati& Re<uest
0i#ure ,-a1 6S <ando8er fro3 5TRAN to GAN !No 4MS4 in Relocation Re=uest"
4;*. "ame as steps 4;* in clause @.46.*.4.
3. The M"1 re?uests the taret G.'1 to allocate resources for the handover usin the Relocation Request
messae. The &M"& parameter is not included in the messae since it is not available at the M"1.
6. "ame as step 6 in clause @.46.*.4.
8;<. "ame as steps <;@ in clause @.46.*.4.
,. The M" accesses the G.'1 usin the G.;//1 /2>O1.T&O' .112"" messae- and provides the entire
Physical Channel Reconfiguration messae received from :T/.'. &nformation in the Physical Channel
Reconfiguration messae allows the G.'1 to correlate the handover to the Relocation Request Ackno#ledge
messae sent to the M"1 in step 8.
@;44. The G.'1 sets up the bearer path with the M"- usin the procedure as in steps 4+ to 4* in sub;clause @.4+.
4*. The M" transmits the G.;//1 /2>O1.T&O' 1OMP>2T2 messae to indicate the completion of the
handover procedure at its end. &t switches the user from the :T/.' user plane to the G.' user plane.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" /* Release %
43. The G.'1 indicates to the M"1 that it has detected the M"- usin the Relocation !etect messae. The M"1
can optionally now switch the user plane from the source :T/.' to the taret G.'.
46. 0i;directional voice traffic is now flowin between the M" and M"1- via the G.'1.
48. The taret G.'1 indicates the handover is complete- usin the Relocation Complete messae. &f it had not
done so before- the M"1 now switches the user plane from source :T/.' to taret G.'.
49. 3inally- the M"1 tears down the connection to the source /'1- usin Iu Release Command.
4<. The source /'1 confirms the release of :T/.' resources allocated for this call- usin Iu Release Complete.
..14.3 *S ;a&!7er 3r6 G%) 8u 6!e t G+R%)
The procedure description in this sub;clause assumes the followinA
the M" is on an active call in G.' &u modeE and
the G2/.' becomes availableE and
the M" mode selection is G2/.'7:T/.';preferredE or
the M" mode selection is G.';preferred and the M" beins to leave G.' coverae- based on its local
measurements- received /T1P reports- as well as any uplin# ?uality indications received from the G.'1.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" /( Release %
0i#ure ,.1 6S <ando8er fro3 GAN 4u 3ode to GERAN
4. The G.'1 may send a G.;//1 :P>&'% B:.>&TN &'5&1.T&O' if there is a problem with the uplin#
?uality for the onoin call. :plin# Buality &ndication is information sent by the G.'1 to the M" indicatin
the crossin of a uplin# ?uality threshold in the uplin# direction. Ihenever the M" receives an indication of
bad ?uality- it should start the handover procedure- as described in the ne(t step. .lternatively- M" can use its
local measurements or received /T1P reports- to decide to initiate the handover procedure.
*. The M" sends the G.;//1 /2>O1.T&O' &'3O/M.T&O' messae to the G.'1 includin a list of taret
G2/.' cells- identified by 1G&- in order of preference (e.. ran#ed by 14 path loss parameter) for handover-
and the received sinal strenth for each identified G2/.' cell. This list is the most recent information
available from the G"M // subsystem. &n addition- the G.;//1 /2>O1.T&O' &'3O/M.T&O' messae
may include a list of taret :T/.' cells ran#ed in order of preference for handover- and the received sinal
strenth for each identified :T/.' cell.
3. &f the "ervin G.'1 selects a taret G2/.' cell- the handover to G2/.' procedure is performed. The
"ervin G.'1 starts the handover preparation by sinallin to the M"1 the need for handover- usin
Relocation Required+ and includin the selected G2/.' cell from the list provided by the M".
6. The M"1 re?uests the taret G2/.' to allocate the necessary resources- usin "andover Request.
8. The taret G2/.' builds a G2/.' //1 "andover Command messae providin information on the channel
allocated and sends it to the M"1 throuh the "andover Request Ackno#ledge messae.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" /$ Release %
9. The M"1 sinals the G.'1 to handover the M" to the G2/.'- usin the Relocation Command messae
which includes the encapsulated G2/.' //1 "andover Command messae- endin the handover preparation
<. G.'1 transmits the G.;//1 /2>O1.T&O' 1OMM.'5 to the M" includin the :T/.' //1 "andover
from *RA% Command messae- which encapsulates the G2/.' //1 "andover Command messae.
,. The M" transmits "andover Access containin the handover reference element to allow the taret G2/.' to
correlate this handover access with the "andover Command messae transmitted earlier to the M"1 in
response to the "andover Required.
@. The taret G2/.' confirms the detection of the handover to the M"1- usin the "andover !etect messae.
4+. The M"1 may at this point switch the user plane to the taret 0"".
44. The G2/.' provides Physical Information to the M" (i.e.- *iming Advance) to allow the M" to synchroni!e
with the G2/.'.
4*. The M" sinals to the G2/.' that the handover is completed- usin "andover Complete.
43. The G2/.' confirms to the M"1 the completion of the handover- via "andover Complete messae. The
M"1 may use the taret 1G& used in the =andover procedure for charin purposes.
46. 0i;directional voice traffic is now flowin between the M" and M"1- via the G2/.'.
48. On receivin the confirmation of the completion of the handover- the M"1 indicates to the G.'1 to release
any resources allocated to the M"- via the Iu Release Command.
49. &f the G.'1 has not already received the G.;/1 52/2G&"T2/ messae from the M"- the G.'1
commands the M" to release resources- usin the G.;//1 /2>2."2 messae.
4<. G.'1 confirms resource release to M"1 usin the Iu Release Complete messae.
4,. The M" confirms resource release to the G.'1 usin the G.;//1 /2>2."2 1OMP>2T2 messae.
4@. The M" may finally dereister from the G.'1- usin G.;/1 52/2G&"T2/ messae. 'ote that the M" may
send the G.;/1 52/2G&"T2/ messae at any time after transitionin from G.' &u mode to G2/.' mode
(i.e.- after step 4*).
..14.4 *S ;a&!7er 3r6 G%) 8u 6!e t :TR%)
The procedure description in this sub;clause assumes the followinA
the M" is on an active call in G.' &u modeE and
the M" is capable of operatin in all of the G.'- G2/.' and :T/.' modesE and
the :T/.' becomes availableE and
the M" is in G2/.'7:T/.';preferred modeE or
the M" mode selection is G.' preferred and beins to leave G.' coverae- based on its local
measurements- received /T1P reports- as well as any uplin# ?uality indications received from the G.'1.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" /3 Release %
0i#ure ,%1 6S <ando8er fro3 GAN 4u 3ode to 5TRAN
4. The G.'1 may send a G.;//1 :P>&'% B:.>&TN &'5&1.T&O' if there is a problem with the uplin#
?uality for the onoin call. :plin# Buality &ndication is information sent by the G.'1 to the M" indicatin
the crossin of a uplin# ?uality threshold in the uplin# direction. Ihenever the M" receives an indication of
bad ?uality- it should start the handover procedure- as described in the ne(t step. .lternatively- M" can use its
local measurements or received /T1P reports- to decide to initiate the handover procedure.
*. The M" sends the G.;//1 /2>O1.T&O' &'3O/M.T&O' messae to the "ervin G.'1 includin a list
of candidate taret :T/.' and G2/.' cells- in order of preference for handover- and the received sinal
strenth for each identified cell. The :T/.' cells are identified by the P>M' &5- the >.1 and the 3G 1ell
identity (defined in 3GPP T" *8.334 F*3G).
'OT2A The choice of the candidate taret :T/.' cells is out of the scope of this technical specification.
3. &f the "ervin G.'1 selects :T/.' as the taret /.T- the 1" handover to :T/.' procedure is performed.
The "ervin G.'1 starts the handover preparation by sinallin to the M"1 the need for handover- usin
Relocation Required and includin the taret /'1;&5 that the G.'1 derives from the taret :T/.' cell it
selects from the list of taret :T/.' cells provided by the M". The G.'1 may include only a sinle taret
/'1;&5 in the Relocation Required messae. The G.'1 also includes the "ource /'1 to Taret /'1
Transparent 1ontainer that contains the selected taret :T/.' cell &5.
6. The M"1 starts the relocation procedure towards the taret /'1 identified by the "ervin G.'1. The M"1
re?uests from the taret /'1 to allocate the necessary resources usin Relocation Request.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" /& Release %
8. The taret /'1 builds a Physical Channel Reconfiguration messae providin information on the allocated
:T/.' resources and sends it to the M"1 throuh the Relocation Request Ackno#ledge messae.
9. The M"1 sinals the "ervin G.'1 to handover the M" to the :T/.'- usin the Relocation Command
messae (which includes the Physical Channel Reconfiguration messae)- endin the handover preparation
<. The "ervin G.'1 transmits the G.;//1 /2>O1.T&O' 1OMM.'5 to the M" includin the Physical
Channel Reconfiguration messae.
,. Taret /'" achieves uplin# synchroni!ation on the :u interface.
@. The taret /'1 confirms the detection of the handover to the M"1- usin the Relocation !etect messae.
4+. The M"1 may at this point switch the user plane to the taret /'".
44. The M" sinals to the :T/.' that the handover is completed- usin Physical Channel Reconfig Complete.
4*. The :T/.' confirms to the M"1 the completion of the handover- via Relocation Complete messae. &f the
user plane has not been switched in step 4+- the M"1 switches the user plane to the taret /'".
43. 0i;directional voice traffic is now flowin between the M" and M"1- via the :T/.'.
46. On receivin the confirmation of the completion of the handover- the M"1 indicates to the "ervin G.'1 to
release any resources allocated to the M"- via the Iu Release Command.
48. &f the "ervin G.'1 has not already received the G.;/1 52/2G&"T2/ messae from the M"- the "ervin
G.'1 commands the M" to release resources- usin the G.;//1 /2>2."2 messae.
49. The "ervin G.'1 confirms resource release to M"1 usin the Iu Release Complete messae.
4<. The M" confirms resource release to the "ervin G.'1 usin the G.;//1 /2>2."2 1OMP>2T2 messae.
4,. The M" may finally dereister from the "ervin G.'1- usin G.;/1 52/2G&"T2/ messae. 'ote that the
M" may send the G.;/1 52/2G&"T2/ messae at any time after transitionin from G.' &u mode to
:T/.' mode (i.e.- after step 44).
..15 *e## *ha&ge =r!er 'et2ee& G%) 8u 6!e a&! G+R%) 6!e
Ihile in G2/.'- a mobile station may be ordered to perform a cell reselection to G.' &u mode- by usin the 1ell
1hane Order procedures used in G2/.'- with no modifications. The mobile station reards the procedure as
completed when it has successfully performed /ove &n to G.'.
Ihile the mobile station is involved in a P" session in the G.' &u mode- there is no identified need for a 1ell 1hane
Order procedure.
..16 G%-RR* Pac9et Tra&s$rt *ha&&e# Ma&age6e&t Prce!ures
The G.;//1 Pac#et Transport 1hannel (G.;//1 PT1) provides the association between the M" and the networ# for
the transport of P" domain user data over the :p interface in G.' &u mode.
The endpoint addresses of the PT1 are identified by the &P addresses and :5P ports assined to the PT1 in the M" and
G.'1 durin the PT1 activation procedure. The G.;//1 PT1 is strictly limited to operatin over the :p interface
and as such all downlin# G.;//1 messaes sent by the G.'1 shall terminate at the M" and all uplin# G.;//1
messaes sent by the M" shall terminate at the G.'1.
Multiple PT1 instances between a M" and the G.'1 may be activated at the same time- usin the same endpoint
addresses. 2ach PT1 instance is assined uni?ue G.;//1 Tunnel 2ndpoint &5s (one on the M" and one on the G.'1)
durin the activation procedure.
The M" and G.'1 manae the activation and deactivation of the PT1 instances based on the re?uests for /.0
assinment from the "G"' and the confiurable PT1 Timer.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" /, Release %
..16.1 States 3 the G%-RR* Pac9et Tra&s$rt *ha&&e#
The P" domain G.;//1 sublayer entity in the M" when in the G.;//1;1O''21T25 state can be in one of two
PT1 substates for each PT1A PT1;&'.1T&C2 or PT1;.1T&C2.
)TC*INACTI2E: This is the initial7default PT1 substate of the P" domain G.;//1 sublayer entity in the M"
when in the G.;//1;1O''21T25 state in G.' &u mode. The M" is not able to send or receive P" domain
user data to or from the networ# usin the PT1. The PT1 must be activated before domain user data can be
transferred via the PT1. Ihen the PT1 has been successfully activated between the M" and the G.'1- the P"
domain G.;//1 sublayer entity in the M" transitions to the PT1;.1T&C2 substate for this PT1.
)TC*ACTI2E: The P" domain G.;//1 sublayer entity in the M" is in the G.;//1;1O''21T25 state for
this PT1 and the PT1 is active between the M" and the G.'1 and the M" is able to send and receive P"
domain user data to and from the G.'1.
The followin are the possible triers for G.;//1 PT1 activationA
The G.'1 initiates PT1 activation when the G.'1 receives the /.0 .ssinment messae from the "G"'E
i.e.- the M" receives a G.;//1 .1T&C.T2 1=.''2> messae from the G.'1E
The G.'1 initiates PT1 activation when the G.'1 receives the /elocation /e?uest messae from the "G"'E
i.e.- the M" receives a G.;//1 /2>O1.T&O' /2B:2"T messae from the G.'1 includin PT1
On successful PT1 activation and in parallel with transition to the PT1;.1T&C2 substate- the M" starts the PT1 Timer
for this PT1. Ihen the PT1 Timer e(pires- the M" sends a messae to the G.'1 to initiate PT1 deactivation- as
defined in clause @.49.6. On successful PT1 deactivation- the M" transitions to the PT1;&'.1T&C2 substate for this
.t any time while the P" domain G.;//1 sublayer entity in the M" is in the G.;//1;1O''21T25 state and the
PT1;.1T&C2 substate- the M" may receive the G.;//1 52.1T&C.T2 1=.''2> messae for this PT1. The M"
de;activates the PT1 and transitions to the PT1;&'.1T&C2 substate.
.t any time while the P" domain G.;//1 sublayer entity in the M" is in the G.;//1;1O''21T25 state and the
PT1;.1T&C2 substate- the M" may receive the G.;//1 /2>2."2 messae indicatin the P" domain. &n addition to
re?uestin release of the P" G.;//1 connection- this is interpreted by the M" as an implicit PT1 de;activation
commandE i.e. all active PT1s are deactivated.
.t any time while in G.' &u mode- if the servin // entity is switched to G"M;//7:T/.';//1- the P" domain
G.;//1 sublayer entity in the M" is disconnected from the GP/" ".Ps and the M" enters G2/.'7:T/.' mode.
"imultaneously- the M" shall de;activate the associated PT1(s) reardless of the PT1 Timer status for these PT1(s).
The P" domain G.;//1 sublayer entity in the M" maintains one PT1 for each active P5P conte(t. The PT1 Timer is
restarted whenever any uplin# user data pac#et is sent or downlin# user data pac#et is received related to the P5P
The PT1 Timer value is provided to the M" as part of the G.' /eistration procedure (i.e.- in the G.;/1 /2G&"T2/
.112PT messae).
..16.2 PT* %cti7ati&
..16.2.1 PT* %cti7ati& 2he& G%)* recei7es R%A %ssig&6e&t Re<uest
The followin fiure depicts the Pac#et Transport 1hannel activation procedure when the G.'1 receives the /.0
.ssinment /e?uest messae from the "G"'- assumin the P" domain G.;//1 sublayer entity in M" is in the G.;
//1;&5>2 state. &f the P" domain G.;//1 sublayer entity in M" is already in the G.;//1;1O''21T25 state- step
4 is s#ipped.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" /- Release %
0i#ure ,/1 PT6 acti8ation 2ased on RA: Assi#n3ent Re=uest
4. The G.;//1 1onnection 2stablishment procedure is performed as described in clause @.<. The P" domain
G.;//1 sublayer entity in the M" transitions to the G.;//1;1O''21T25 state and the PT1;&'.1T&C2
*. .dditional P" sinallin procedures are performedE e..- to initiate P5P conte(t activation.
3. The "G"' initiates the /.0 .ssinment procedure and includes the /.0 &5- the 1' Transport >ayer .ddress
(&P address) and the 1' &u Transport .ssociation (GTP;: Tunnel 2ndpoint &dentifier- T2&5) for user data.
'ote that the "G"' may initiate the activation of multiple /.0s via a sinle RA. Assignment Request
messaeE in this case- the "G"' sends the above parameters for each /.0 to the G.'1.
6. The G.'1 sends the G.;//1 .1T&C.T2 1=.''2> messae to the M" to re?uest activation of the Pac#et
Transport 1hannel(s). The messae includes the 1' 5omain &5- /.0 &5- a T2&5 that the G.'1 assins to
the M" for downlin# data transfer- the G.'1 PT1 &P .ddress (i.e.- the destination address for PT1 G.;//1
P5: messaes from the M") and the G.'1 T2&5 assined by the G.'1 for uplin# data transfer- for each of
the /.0s.
8. The M" ac#nowledes the activation of the PT1(s).
9. The G.'1 sinals the completion of the /.0 establishment to the M" with the G.;//1 .1T&C.T2
1=.''2> 1OMP>2T2 messae. On receipt of the messae- the P" domain G.;//1 sublayer entity in the
M" transitions to the PT1;.1T&C2 substate for each PT1 and starts the PT1 Timer for each PT1.
<. The G.'1 sends the /.0 .ssinment /esponse messae to the "G"' to complete the /.0 .ssinment
procedure. The G.'1 includes the /.0 &5- the /.' Transport >ayer .ddress (i.e.- the G.'1Ps &u;P" &P
address) and the /.' &u Transport .ssociation (i.e.- the T2&5 that the G.'1 assined to the M").
,. .dditional P" sinallin procedures are performedE e..- to complete the P5P conte(t activation.
@. The M" transfers uplin# user data by sendin a G.;//1 P5: messae to the G.'1 PT1 &P address received
in step 6. The messae includes the G.'1 T2&5 received in step 6- which allows the G.'1 to relay the G.;
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" /. Release %
//1 P5: messae payload usin the correct GTP;: tunnel on the &u;P" interface. The G.'1 relays the
messae payload to the "G"' in the &u;P" G;P5: messae.
4+. The "G"' transfers downlin# user data by sendin a &u;P" G;P5: messae to the G.'1 &u;P" &P address
received in step <. The messae includes the M" T2&5 received in step <- which allows the G.'1 to relay the
&u;P" G;P5: messae payload usin the correct PT1 on the :p interface. The G.'1 relays the messae
payload to the M" in the G.;//1 P5: messae.
..16.2.2 PT* %cti7ati& 2he& G%)* recei7es Re#cati& Re<uest
The followin fiure depicts the Pac#et Transport 1hannel activation procedure when the G.'1 receives the
/elocation /e?uest messae from the "G"'.
0i#ure ,/a1 PT6 acti8ation 2ased on Relocation Re=uest
4. The M" has successfully reistered with the G.'1. The M"- G.'1 and "G"' perform sinallin procedures
related to P" handover- as described in sub;clause @.*3.
*. The "G"' sends the Relocation Request messae to the G.'1 and includes the /.0 &5- the 1' Transport
>ayer .ddress (&P address) and the 1' &u Transport .ssociation (GTP;: Tunnel 2ndpoint &dentifier- T2&5) for
user data. 'ote that the "G"' may re?uest the relocation of multiple /.0s via a sinle Relocation Request
messaeE in this case- the "G"' sends the above parameters for each /.0 to the G.'1.
3. The G.'1 sends the G.;//1 /2>O1.T&O' /2B:2"T messae to the M" to re?uest activation of the
Pac#et Transport 1hannel(s) for P" handover purposes. The messae includes the /.0 &5- a T2&5 that the
G.'1 assins to the M" for downlin# data transfer- the G.'1 PT1 &P .ddress (i.e.- the destination address
for PT1 G.;//1 P5: messaes from the M") and the G.'1 T2&5 assined by the G.'1 for uplin# data
transfer- for each of the /.0s.
6. The M" ac#nowledes the activation of the PT1(s) in the G.;//1 /2>O1.T&O' /2B:2"T .1% messae.
The P" domain G.;//1 sublayer entity in the M" transitions to the G.;//1;1O''21T25 state and the
PT1;.1T&C2 substate for each PT1 and starts the PT1 Timer for each PT1.
8. The G.'1 sends the Relocation Request Ack messae to the "G"' to complete the handover preparation
procedure. The G.'1 includes the /.0 &5- the /.' Transport >ayer .ddress (i.e.- the G.'1Ps &u;P" &P
address) and the /.' &u Transport .ssociation (i.e.- the T2&5 that the G.'1 assined to the M") for each
9. P" handover is performed- as described in sub;clause @.*3.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" /% Release %
<. The M" transfers uplin# user data by sendin a G.;//1 P5: messae to the G.'1 PT1 &P address received
in step 3. The messae includes the G.'1 T2&5 received in step 3- which allows the G.'1 to relay the G.;
//1 P5: messae payload usin the correct GTP;: tunnel on the &u;P" interface. The G.'1 relays the
messae payload to the "G"' in the &u;P" G;P5: messae.
,. The "G"' transfers downlin# user data by sendin a &u;P" G;P5: messae to the G.'1 &u;P" &P address
received in step 8. The messae includes the M" T2&5 received in step 8- which allows the G.'1 to relay the
&u;P" G;P5: messae payload usin the correct PT1 on the :p interface. The G.'1 relays the messae
payload to the M" in the G.;//1 P5: messae.
..16.3 PT* 4ata tra&s3er
The followin fiure illustrates the transfer of GP/" user data pac#ets via the G.' Pac#et Transport 1hannel.
0i#ure -*1 PT6 Data Transfer
4. &f re?uired- the G.;//1 PT1 is activated as specified in clause @.49.*. :pon the G.;//1 PT1 activation- the
P" domain G.;//1 sublayer entity in the M" enters the PT1;.1T&C2 substate and starts the PT1 Timer.
*. The M" transfers uplin# user data by sendin a G.;//1 P5: messae to the G.'1 and restarts the PT1
Timer. The G.'1 relays the messae payload to the "G"' in the &u;P" G;P5: messae.
3. The "G"' transfers downlin# user data by sendin a &u;P" G;P5: messae to the G.'1. The G.'1 relays
the messae payload to the M" in the G.;//1 P5: messae. On receipt of the messae- the P" domain G.;
//1 sublayer entity in the M" restarts the PT1 Timer.
..16.4 MS i&itiate! PT* 4e-acti7ati&
The followin fiure depicts the scenario when the M" initiates the de;activation of a Pac#et Transport 1hannel after
the PT1 Timer for that PT1 e(pires.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" // Release %
0i#ure -(1 MS initiated PT6 de+acti8ation
The P" domain G.;//1 sublayer entity in the M" is in the G.;//1;1O''21T25 state and the PT1;.1T&C2
4. The PT1 Timer associated with one of the active PT1s e(pires.
*. The M" sends the G.;//1 52.1T&C.T2 1=.''2> /2B:2"T messae to the G.'1- includin the 1'
5omain &5- the /.0 &5 to identify the PT1 and indicatin the normal release as a cause for deactivation.
3. The G.'1 sends a /.0 /elease /e?uest messae to the "G"' to re?uest the release of the associated /.0.
'ote that the G.'1 may also initiate &u /elease in this case- based on local policy settins.
6. The "G"' responds with the /.0 .ssinment /e?uest indicatin release.
8. The G.'1 sends the G.;//1 52.1T&C.T2 1=.''2> messae to the M"- includin the 1' 5omain &5
and the /.0 &5.
9. The M" de;activates the PT1- sends the G.;//1 52.1T&C.T2 1=.''2> 1OMP>2T2 messae to the
G.'1 and the P" domain G.;//1 sublayer entity in the M" transitions to the PT1;&'.1T&C2 substate for
this PT1.
<. The G.'1 sends the /.0 .ssinment /esponse messae to notify the "G"' that the /.0 /elease
procedure is complete.
..16.5 MS i&itiate! PT* Re-acti7ati&
The followin fiure depicts the scenario when the M" initiates re;activation of the Pac#et Transport 1hannel while the
P" domain G.;//1 sublayer entity in the M" is in the G.;//1;1O''21T25 and the M" is in the PMM;
1O''21T25 stateE e..- a P" sinallin connection and active P5P conte(t e(ists between the M" and 1' but the
PT1 was previously de;activated by the M" due to PT1 Timer e(piry.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" (** Release %
0i#ure -$1 MS initiated PT6 re+acti8ation
The P" domain G.;//1 sublayer entity in the M" is in the G.;//1;1O''21T25 state and the PT1;&'.1T&C2
substate. The M" is in the PMM;1O''21T25 state (i.e.- a P" sinallin connection and an active P5P conte(t
4. The M" has a P5: to send. The M" sends the Service Request messae (with "ervice type value M5ataL) to
the G.'1 in the G.;//1 :> 5&/21T T/.'"32/ messae.
*. The G.'1 forwards the "ervice /e?uest over the e(istin sinallin connection to the "G"' usin the
/.'.P !irect *ransfer messae.
3. The "G"' normally initiates the "ecurity Mode 1ontrol procedure described in clause @.,.
6. The "G"' responds with a "ervice .ccept messae.
8. The G.'1 forwards the messae to the M".
9. The M"- G.'1 and "G"' perform the /.0 assinment and the PT1 activation as described in steps 3;< in
clause @.49.*.4.
<. The M" transfers the uplin# user data by sendin a G.;//1 P5: messae to the G.'1 and starts the PT1
Timer. The G.'1 relays the messae to the "G"' in the &u;P" G;P5: messae. .dditional data transfer may
ta#e place.
..16.6 )et2r9 i&itiate! PT* 4e-acti7ati&
The followin fiure depicts the scenario when the networ# initiates de;activation of one or more Pac#et Transport
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" (*( Release %
0i#ure -31 Networ initiated PT6 de+acti8ation
The P" domain G.;//1 sublayer entity in the M" is in the G.;//1;1O''21T25 state and the PT1;.1T&C2
substate for one or more PT1s.
4. Optionally- the G.'1 may initiate the PT1 de;activation procedureE e..- as a result of an error handlin
procedure. &f so- the G.'1 sends the /.0 /elease /e?uest messae to the "G"'.
*. The "G"' sends a /.0 .ssinment /e?uest to re?uest the release of the associated /.0(s). The release
re?uest may include one or more /.0s.
3. The G.'1 re?uests deactivation of the associated G.;//1 PT1(s) by sendin the G.;//1 52.1T&C.T2
1=.''2> messae to the M"- includin the 1' 5omain &5 and /.0 &5(s).
6. The M" de;activates the PT1(s)- sends the G.;//1 52.1T&C.T2 1=.''2> 1OMP>2T2 messae to the
G.'1 and transitions to the PT1;&'.1T&C2 substate for the PT1(s).
8. The G.'1 sends the /.0 .ssinment /esponse messae to notify the "G"' that the /.0 /elease
procedure is complete.
..16.0 )et2r9 i&itiate! PT* Re-acti7ati&
..16.0.1 %cti7e P4P *&te/t, PS Sig&a##i&g *&&ecti& +/ists
The followin fiure depicts the scenario when the networ# initiates re;activation of the G.;//1 PT1 while the P"
domain G.;//1 sublayer entity in the M" is in the G.;//1;1O''21T25 and the M" is in the PMM;
1O''21T25 stateE e..- a P" sinallin connection and active P5P conte(t e(ists between the M" and 1' but the
associated PT1 was previously de;activated.
0i#ure -&1 Networ initiated PT6 re+acti8ation> scenario (
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" (*$ Release %
The P" domain G.;//1 sublayer entity in the M" is in the G.;//1;1O''21T25 state and the PT1;&'.1T&C2
substate. The M" is in the PMM;1O''21T25 state (i.e.- a P" sinallin connection and an active P5P conte(t
4. The "G"' has a P5: to send to the M". The "G"' may optionally initiate the "ecurity Mode 1ontrol
procedure described in clause @.,.
*. The M"- G.'1 and "G"' perform the /.0 assinment and PT1 activation as described in steps 3;< in
clause @.49.*.4.
3. The "G"' sends the downlin# P5:. .dditional data transfer may ta#e place.
..16.0.2 %cti7e P4P *&te/t, ) PS Sig&a##i&g *&&ecti&
The followin fiure depicts the scenario when the networ# initiates re;activation of the Pac#et Transport 1hannel
while the M" is in the PMM;1O''21T25 stateE e..- no P" sinallin connection e(ists but an active P5P conte(t
e(ists between the M" and 1'.
0i#ure -,1 Networ initiated PT6 re+acti8ation> scenario $
&nitially- the "G"' receives downlin# user data to transfer to the M" and the &u connection is not established. The M"
is in the PMM;1O''21T25 state.
4. The "G"' sends the /.'.P Paging messae to the M" via the G.'1 to locate the user. The pain re?uest
indicates pain for P" 5omain sinallin.
*. The G.'1 forwards the pain information to the M" in the G.;//1 P.G&'G /2B:2"T messae.
3. The M" responds with a G.;//1 &'&T&.> 5&/21T T/.'"32/ messae. The P" domain G.;//1
sublayer entity in the M" transitions to the G.;//1;1O''21T25 state.
6. The G.'1 establishes an "11P connection to the "G"' and forwards the Service Request messae (with
"ervice type value MPain responseL) to the "G"' usin the /.'.P Initial ( Message. "ubse?uent '."
messaes between the M" and core networ# will be sent between G.'1 and "G"' usin the /.'.P !irect
*ransfer messae.
8. The "G"' may optionally authenticate the M" usin standard :T/.' authentication procedures.
9. The "G"' normally initiates the "ecurity Mode 1ontrol procedure described in clause @.,.
<. The M"- G.'1 and "G"' perform the /.0 assinment and the G.;//1 PT1 activation as described in
steps 3;< in clause @.49.*.4.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" (*3 Release %
,. The M" and "G"' e(chane user data transfer via the established PT1 as defined in clause @.49.3.
..16.8 86$#icit PT* 4e-acti7ati& !ue t MS 4e-registrati&
.s part of the G.' de;reistration procedure- the G.'1 needs to release all resources allocated to the M". G.' de;
reistration may be initiated either e(plicitly by the M" or implicitly by the G.'1 if the loss of the sinallin
connection is detected (as described in clause @.6.*).
0i#ure --1 43plicit PT6 deacti8ation
&nitially- the P" domain G.;//1 sublayer entity in the M" is in the PT1;.1T&C2 substate for one or more G.;
//1 PT1s associated with the M".
4. The G.' de;reistration procedure is initiated for the M" either by the M" or G.'1.
*. Optionally- any outstandin resources associated with the 1" 5omain are released.
3. Optionally- if there are any outstandin resources associated with the P" 5omain- the G.'1 initiates the &u
release procedure to the "G"' to release the correspondin /.0s.
6. The "G"' reponds with &u /elease 1ommand.
8. :pon receivin the &u /elease 1ommand- the G.'1 implicitly de;activates (i.e.- locally) all associated PT1s
9. Xresponds to the "G"' with an &u /elease 1omplete messae.
..16.. PT* M!i3icati&
The G.'1 may initiate the pac#et transport channel (PT1) modification procedure when it determines that one or more
active PT1s re?uire modificationE e..- based on information received from the "G"' in the /.0 .ssinment /e?uest
messae or based on local G.'1 loic. 3or e(ample- the G.'1 may initiate this procedure if it detects Hpac#et lossH
and handover to G2/.'7:T/.' is not possible or desired. 1" channel modification and PT1 modification use the
same messaes and the same basic messae flows- but differ in the content of the messaes.
The G.'1 may modify the followin PT1 parametersA
; /.0 1onfiuration
; G.'1 T2&5
; M" T2&5
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" (*& Release %
; G.'1 :5P Port
; G.'1 &P .ddress
0i#ure --a1 PT6 Modification
4. One or more PT1(s) are activated as described in sub;clause @.49.*.
*. The G.'1 sends the G.;//1 MO5&3N 1=.''2> messae to the M" to modify parameters for one or more
of the activated PT1s.
3. The M" responds with the G.;//1 MO5&3N 1=.''2> .1%'OI>25G2 messae to the G.'1.
..10 (7i!)
..18 (7i!)
..1. Shrt Message Ser7ice
G.' provides support for "M" via the 1" domain and the P" domain. G.';attached and GP/" enabled mobile
stations will be able to send and receive "M" messaes via the 1" domain or the P" domain- reardless of the GP/"
class (0 or 1) with the restriction that the class 1 mobiles can support only "M" via the P" domain.
..1..1 SMS 7ia the *S !6ai&
"upport for "M" via the 1" domain in G.' is based on the same mechanism that is utili!ed for G"M mobility
manaement and call control. On the M" side- the "M" layers (includin the supportin 1M sub layer functions) utili!e
the services of the MM layer to transfer "M" messaes per standard circuit switched G"M implementation. The "M;1P
protocol is effectively tunnelled between the M" and the 1'- usin G.;//1 messaes from the M" to the G.'1-
where the G.'1 relays the "M;1P to /.'.P messaes for transport over the &u;cs interface.
.s with G"M mobility manaement and call control procedures- the secure &Psec tunnel and T1P session are used to
provide secure and reliable "M" delivery over the &P networ#.
..1..2 SMS 7ia the PS !6ai&
"upport for "M" via the P" domain is based on the same mechanism as the transfer of the GP/" MM7"M sinallin
messaes. The "M;1P protocol is effectively tunnelled between the M" and the 1'- usin G.;//1 messaes from the
M" to the G.'1- where the G.'1 relays the "M;1P to /.'.P messaes for transport over the &u;ps interface.
.s with GP/" sinallin- the secure &Psec tunnel and T1P session is used to provide secure and reliable GP/" "M"
delivery over the &P networ#.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" (*, Release %
..20 Su$$#e6e&tar5 Ser7ices
:MT" has a lare number of standardi!ed supplementary services. These supplementary services involve procedures
that operate end;to;end between the M" and the M"1. The 1M messaes used for the supplementary service are
relayed between the M" and M"1 in the same manner as in the other call control and mobility manaement scenarios
described in this document.
..21 +6erge&c5 Ser7ices
"ee clause ,.*4.
..22 "cati& Ser7ices
"ee clause ,.**.
..23 PS ;a&!7er 'et2ee& G%) 8u 6!e a&! G+R%)1:TR%)
..23.1 PS ;a&!7er 3r6 G+R%) t G%)
..23.1.1 Pre$arati& Phase
The description of the G2/.' to G.' P" handover procedure assumes the followinA
the M" has one or more active pac#et flow conte(ts in the G2/.'E
the M" has successfully reistered with a G.'1- allowin the M" to obtain G.' system informationE
the G.'1 has directed the M" to operate in G.' &u modeE
the P" handover is intra;"G"' (i.e.- assumes that the "G"' is capable of both *G and 3G operation and
interwor#in)E and
the G2/.' provides information on neihbourin cells such that one of the cells in the neihbour list matches
the cell associated with the G.'1- as provided in the .";related component of the system information obtained
from the G.'1.
0i#ure -.1 GERAN to GAN PS <ando8er Preparation Phase
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" (*- Release %
4. The source 0"" decides to initiate a P" handover. .t this point both uplin# and downlin# user data is
transmitted via the followinA T03s between M" and source 0""- 0""GP P31s tunnel(s) between the source
0"" and 3G7*G "G"'- GTP tunnel(s) between the 3G7*G "G"' and GG"'.
*. The source 0"" sends a PS "andover Required messae (T>>&- 1ause- "ource 1ell &dentifier- Taret /'1
&dentifier- "ource /'1 to Taret /'1 Transparent 1ontainer- .ctive P31s >ist) to the "G"'.
3. The "G"' determines from the Taret /'1 &dentifier that this is a G2/.' to :T/.' handover. The "G"'
constructs a Relocation Request messae as described in 3GPP T" 63.4*@ F66G and sends the messae to the
taret G.'1.
6. One or more G.' PT1s are activated between the M" and the G.'1 as specified in steps 3;6 in sub;clause
@.49.*.*. :pon each G.;//1 PT1 activation- the P" domain G.;//1 sublayer entity in the M" enters the
PT1;.1T&C2 substate and starts the PT1 Timer for the PT1.
8. The G.'1 sends the Relocation Request Ackno#ledge messae (Taret /'1 to "ource /'1 Transparent
1ontainer- /.0s setup list- /.0s failed to setup list) to the "G"'. :pon sendin the Relocation Request
Ackno#ledge messae the taret G.'1 shall be prepared to receive downlin# GTP P5:s from the "G"' for
the accepted /.0s.
Ihen the "G"' receives the Relocation Request Ackno#ledge messae and it decides to proceed with the
handover- the preparation phase is finished and the e(ecution phase will follow.
..23.1.2 +/ecuti& Phase
0i#ure -%1 GERAN to GAN PS <ando8er E?ecution Phase
4. The "G"' continues to receive &P pac#ets from the GG"' (via GTP) and forwards the associated P5:
payload to the M" via the source 0"".
*. Ihen receivin the Relocation Request Ackno#ledge messae the "G"' may- based on Bo"- start downlin#
';P5: relay and duplication to the taret G.'1 if a Tunnel 2ndpoint is available as followsA
3or P5P conte(t- which uses >>1 .5M- all new downlin# ';P5:s received after completion of the P"
handover preparation phase are relayed to the taret G.'1. .ll such ';P5:s are encapsulated in a GTP;
P5: when transmitted to the taret G.'1.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" (*. Release %
&f the 3G7*G "G"' forwards downlin# pac#ets to the taret G.'1- the taret G.'1 may start blind
transmission of downlin# user data towards the M" over the allocated PT1(s).
3. The "G"' continues the P" =andover by sendin a PS "andover Required Ackno#ledge messae (T>>&- >ist
of "et :p P31s- Taret /'1 to "ource /'1 Transparent 1ontainer) to the source 0""- as described in 3GPP
T" 63.4*@ F66G.
6. The "G"' shall send the )or#ard SR%S Conte0t messae ('".P&- 5> GTP;: number- :> GTP;: number)
to the taret G.'1 if there is at least one P5P conte(t which re?uires Hdelivery orderH to be preserved- as
described in 3GPP T" 63.4*@ F66G.
The taret G.'1 proceed as followsA
3or /.0s not re?uirin lossless P51P the taret G.'1 may- accordin the Bo" profile of the P5P
conte(t- store the received data until it receives confirmation of M" presence in the taret cell.
The taret G.'1 disreards P51P se?uence numbers- since lossless relocation is not supported.
8. The source 0"" sends the PS "andover Command messae containin the =andover to :T/.' 1ommand
messae (as it is specified in 3GPP T" *8.334 F6+G) to the M"- as described in 3GPP T" 63.4*@ F66G.
9. &mmediately after receivin the PS "andover Command messae- the M" sends G.;//1 /2>O1.T&O'
1OMP>2T2 messae to the G.'1.
<. &mmediately upon receivin the G.;//1 /2>O1.T&O' 1OMP>2T2 messae from the M"- the G.'1
sends the Relocation !etect messae to the "G"'.
,. The G.'1 sends the Relocation Complete messae to the "G"'- indicatin the completion of the P"
handover. .fter the reception of the Relocation Complete messae the "G"' shall be prepared to receive data
from the taret G.'1.
@. &f the "G"' has established 5irect Tunnel- the "G"' sends an pdate P!P Conte0t Request messae (/'1
.ddress- T2&5- Bo" 'eotiated- 5T&) to the GG"' concerned. The "G"' provides to the GG"' the G.'1
address for the :ser Plane and T2&5 for downlin# data and shall include the 5T& to instruct the GG"' to
apply 5irect Tunnel specific error handlin procedure as defined in 3GPP T" *3.+9+ F4@G. The GG"' updates
the P5P conte(t fields and returns an pdate P!P Conte0t Response messae (T2&5). 3rom now on the
GG"' sends new incomin downlin# &P pac#ets to the taret G.'1 instead of the "G"'.
4+. The "G"' shall initiate P31 Manaement procedures towards the source G2/.' cell in order to trier the
release of resources in the source cell.
44. The M" and "G"' perform the /outin .rea :pdate procedure as described in 3GPP T" 63.4*@ F66G.
..23.2 PS ;a&!7er 3r6 :TR%) t G%)
..23.2.1 Pre$arati& Phase
The description of the :T/.' to G.' P" handover procedure assumes the followinA
the &ur interface between the :T/.' /'1 and G.'1 is not supported. Therefore- only the 1ombined =ard
=andover and "/'" /elocation is applicable for G.' Y :T/.' P" handover. 1onse?uently- only the MM"
&nvolvedL /elocation Type is supportedE
the M" has one or more active P5P 1onte(ts with active /.0s in the :T/.'E
the M" has successfully reistered with a G.'1- allowin the M" to obtain G.' system informationE
the G.'1 has directed the M" to operate in G.' &u modeE and
the :T/.' provides information on neihbourin cells such that one of the cells in the neihbour list matches
the cell associated with the G.'1- as provided in the .";related component of the system information obtained
from the G.'1. "ee .nne( 0.*.4 for more information.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" (*% Release %
0i#ure -/1 5TRAN to GAN PS <ando8er Preparation Phase
4. 0ased on measurement results and #nowlede of the /.' topoloy- the source "/'1 decides to initiate a
combined hard handover and "/'" relocation.
*. The source "/'1 sends a Relocation Required messae (/elocation Type- 1ause- "ource &5- Taret &5-
"ource /'1 To Taret /'1 Transparent 1ontainer) to the "G"'.
3. The "G"' determines the taret cell is the G.'1- based on the contents of /elocation /e?uired. &t then sends
the Relocation Request messae (Permanent '." :2 &dentity- 1ause- 1' 5omain &ndicator- "ource /'1 To
Taret /'1 Transparent 1ontainer- /.0 To 0e "etup) to the G.'1.
&f the &M"& is not present in the Permanent '." :2 &dentity &2 in the Relocation Request messae- the G.'1
shall send the Relocation )ailure messae to the "G"' includin 1ause value M/elocation 3ailure &n Taret
1'7/'1 Or Taret "ystemL and abort the relocation procedure.
6. One or more G.' PT1s are established between the G.'1 and M" as specified in steps 3;6 in sub;clause
@.49.*.*. :pon the G.;//1 PT1 establishment- the P" domain G.;//1 sublayer entity in the M" enters the
PT1;.1T&C2 substate and starts the PT1 Timer for the PT1.
8. The G.'1 sends the Relocation Request Ackno#ledge messae (Taret /'1 To "ource /'1 Transparent
1ontainer- /.0s "etup- /.0s 3ailed To "etup) to the "G"'.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" (*/ Release %
..23.2.2 +/ecuti& Phase
0i#ure .*1 5TRAN to GAN PS <ando8er E?ecution Phase
4. :pon receivin the positive ac#nowledement from the G.'1 to serve the M"- the "G"' initiates the
2(ecution Phase by sendin the Relocation Command to the source "/'1.
*. a) The /'1 may start forwardin GTP P5:s to the G.'1 while still transmittin them in the downlin# to the
M". This forwardin is routed via the &u;P" interface. The G.'1 may buffer- start a blind transmission of
downlin# user data towards the M" over the allocated PT1(s)- or discard these forwarded GTP P5:s-
dependin on the Bo" profile- networ# conditions- and whether it supports data forwardin.
b) The /'1 instructs the M" to initiate the switch to G.' via the Physical Channel Reconfiguration messae.
c) The /'1 sends the )or#ard SR%S Conte0t messae to the G.'1 via the "G"'. &n this messae- the ne(t;
e(pected se?uence number of uplin# and downlin# GTP;: pac#ets are indicated to the G.'1 by the /'1.
3. &mmediately after receivin the Physical Channel Reconfiguration messae- the M" sends G.;//1
/2>O1.T&O' 1OMP>2T2 messae to the G.'1. :pon receivin this messae and the )or#ard SR%S
Conte0t messae- the G.'1 becomes the "ervin /'1.
6. &mmediately upon receivin the G.;//1 =.'5OC2/ 1OMP>2T2 messae from the M"- the G.'1 sends
the Relocation !etect messae to the "G"'.
8. The G.'1 sends the /elocation 1omplete messae to the "G"'.
9. The M"- G.'1 and 1' e(chane user data via the established PT1.
<. The "G"' releases the &u;P" connection with the old /'1.
,. &f the /outin .rea of the G.'1 cell (as indicated by the G.'1 to the M" in G.' reistration) is different
from that under the old /'1- then the M" performs the /outin .rea :pdate procedure.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" ((* Release %
..23.3 PS ;a&!7er 3r6 G%) t G+R%)
The description of the G.' to G2/.' P" handover procedure assumes the followinA
the P" handover is intra;"G"' (i.e.- assumes that the "G"' is capable of both *G and 3G operation and
..23.3.1 Pre$arati& Phase
0i#ure .(1 GAN to GERAN PS <ando8er Preparation Phase
4. The M" is in active pac#et flow e(chane with active P5P 1onte(t(s) and PT1(s) in the G.'.
*. The G.'1 may send a G.;//1 :P>&'% B:.>&TN &'5&1.T&O' if there is a problem with the uplin#
?uality for the onoin session. :plin# Buality &ndication is information sent by the G.'1 to the M"
indicatin the crossin of a uplin# ?uality threshold in the uplin# direction. Ihenever the M" receives an
indication of bad ?uality- it should start the P" handover procedure- as described in the ne(t step. .lternatively-
M" can use its local measurements to decide to initiate the P" handover procedure.
3. The M" decides to initiate a P" handover from G.' to G2/.' by sendin G.;//1 /2>O1.T&O'
&'3O/M.T&O' messae to the G.'1. The G.;//1 /2>O1.T&O' &'3O/M.T&O' messae indicates a
list of taret G2/.' .7Gb mode cells- identified by 1G&- in order of preference for P" handover- and includes
the received sinal strenth for each identified G2/.' .7Gb mode cell.
6. The G.'1 selects a taret G2/.' cell based on the contents of the G.;//1 /2>O1.T&O'
&'3O/M.T&O' messae. &t sends the Relocation Required messae (/elocation Type- 1ause- "ource &5-
Taret &5- "ource 0"" To Taret 0"" Transparent 1ontainer) to the "G"'. The G.'1 sets /elocation Type
to H:2 &nvolved in relocation of "/'"H. Taret &5 contains the identity of the taret G2/.' cell.
8;<. The "G"' and Taret 0"" complete the :T/.' to G2/.' P" handover preparation as described in 3GPP
T" 63.4*@ F66G.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" ((( Release %
..23.3.2 +/ecuti& Phase
0i#ure .$1 GAN to GERAN PS <ando8er E?ecution Phase
4. The "G"' beins the 2(ecution Phase by issuin a Relocation Command messae (Taret 0"" to "ource 0""
Transparent 1ontainer (P" =andover 1ommand with /' part and 1' part)- /.0s to be /eleased >ist- /.0s
"ubject to 5ata 3orwardin >ist) to the G.'1.
*. a) The G.'1 may bein data forwardin for the /.0s subject to data forwardin accordin to the procedure
defined in 3GPP T" 63.4*@ F66G.
b) The G.'1 sends G.;//1 /2>O1.T&O' 1OMM.'5 to the M". This messae contains the
information from the /elocation 1ommand received in step 4.
c) The G.'1 sends the )or#ard SR%S Conte0t messae to the "G"'.
3. The M" e(ecutes the G2/.' .7Gb P" handover access procedures as described in 3GPP T" 63.4*@ F66G.
6. .fter successfully accessin the G2/.' cell- the M"- taret 0""- "G"' and GG"' complete the G2/.' P"
handover procedures as described in 3GPP T" 63.4*@ F66G.
8. The "G"' releases the &u;P" connection by sendin the Iu Release Command messae to the G.'1- to which
G.'1 responds with the Iu Release Complete messae.
9. &f the /outin .rea of the :T/.' cell is different from that of the G.' cell- then the M" performs the
/outin .rea :pdate procedure.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" (($ Release %
..23.4 PS ha&!7er 3r6 G%) t :TR%)
..23.4.1 Pre$arati& Phase
0i#ure .31 GAN to 5TRAN PS <ando8er Preparation Phase
4. The M" is in active pac#et flow e(chane with active P5P 1onte(t(s) and PT1(s) in the G.'.
*. The G.'1 may send a G.;//1 :P>&'% B:.>&TN &'5&1.T&O' if there is a problem with the uplin#
?uality for the onoin session. :plin# Buality &ndication is information sent by the G.'1 to the M"
indicatin the crossin of a uplin# ?uality threshold in the uplin# direction. Ihenever the M" receives an
indication of bad ?uality- it should start the relocation procedure- as described in the ne(t step. .lternatively-
M" can use its local measurements to decide to initiate the handover procedure.
3. The M" decides to initiate a P" handover from G.' to :T/.' by sendin G.;//1 /2>O1.T&O'
&'3O/M.T&O' messae to the G.'1.
6. The G.'1 selects a taret /'1 based on the contents of the G.;//1 /2>O1.T&O' &'3O/M.T&O'
messae. &t sends Relocation Required messae to the "G"' containin the selected /'1 information.
8. The "G"' sends a Relocation Request messae to the taret /'1.
9. The /'1 performs the necessary allocation of radio and &u transport resources.
<. The /'1 returns Relocation Request Ackno#ledge messae to the "G"'. This messae contains a transparent
container that contains channeli!ation information needed by M" to access :T/.'.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" ((3 Release %
..23.4.2 +/ecuti& Phase
0i#ure .&1 GAN to 5TRAN PS <ando8er E?ecution Phase
4. The "G"' beins the 2(ecution Phase by issuin the Relocation Command messae to the G.'1. The
messae contains the channel access information in the taret :T/.' cell.
*. a) The G.'1 sends G.;//1 /2>O1.T&O' 1OMM.'5 to the M". This messae contains the information
from the /elocation 1ommand received in "tep 4 earlier.
b) The G.'1 also sends )or#ard SR%S Conte0t messae to the taret /'1 via the "G"'.
3. The "G"' relays the )or#ard SR%S Conte0t messae to the taret /'1.
6. :pon receivin the G.;//1 /2>O1.T&O' 1OMM.'5- the M" immediately suspends uplin# GTP P5:
transfer. &t immediately beins accessin the :T/.' usin the indicated channeli!ation parameters in the
messae. The M"Ps access attempt is detected by the 'ode 0 and /'1- and is reported to the "G"' via the
Relocation !etect messae.
8. The M" completes the lower layer setup and confiuration- and sends the //1 Physical Channel
Reconfiguration Complete to the taret /'1. This triers the taret /'1 to send the Relocation Complete
messae to "G"'. .t this stae- the taret /'1 assumes the role of "/'1 for the M".
9. The pac#et data flow is now active via the :T/.'.
<. The "G"' releases the &u;P" connection by sendin the Iu Release Command messae to the G.'1- to which
G.'1 responds with Iu Release Complete messae.
,. &f the /outin .rea of the :T/.' cell is different from that of the G.' cell- then the M" performs the
/outin .rea :pdate procedure.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" ((& Release %
%&&e/ % (&r6ati7e),
Securit5 6echa&is6s
%.1 +%P 'ase! %uthe&ticati&
%.1.1 +%P-S8M Prce!ure 3r authe&ticati&
0i#ure A'(1 EAP+S4M authentication procedure
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" ((, Release %
The 2.P;"&M authentication mechanism is specified in F3+G. This clause describes how this mechanism is used in
4. The M" connects to the eneric &P access networ#.
*. The M" obtains the &P address of the G.'1;"2GI- and initiali!es the &%2v* authentication procedure by
startin the &%2T".T&'&T e(chane. &t indicates the desire to use 2.P by leavin out the .:T= payload from
messae 3 of the &%2T.:T= e(chane- and the initiator identity is composed compliant with the 'etwor#
.ccess &dentifier ('.&) format specified in /31 *6,9 F39G- which contains the &M"&.
3. The G.'1;"2GI communicates with the local ... server throuh the Im interface- which in turn
determines the proper ... "erver based on the realm part of the '.&. The routin path may include one or
several ... pro(ies (not shown in fiure ..4).
6. The G.'1;"2GI sends an 2.P /esponse7&dentity messae to the ... server- containin the identity
included in the third &%2 messae. This triers the start of 2.P;"&M.
8. The ... "erver identifies the subscriber as a candidate for authentication with 2.P;"&M- based on the
received identity- and sends the 2.P /e?uest7"&M;"tart pac#et to G.'1;"2GI.
9. The G.'1;"2GI forwards the 2.P /e?uest7"&M;"tart pac#et to M".
<. The M" chooses a fresh random number 'O'12TMT. The random number is used in networ# authentication.
The M" sends the 2.P /esponse7"&M;"tart pac#et- containin 'O'12TMT- to the G.'1;"2GI.
,. The G.'1;"2GI forwards the 2.P /esponse7"&M;"tart pac#et to the ... "erver.
@. The ... server re?uests authentication data from the =>/- based on the &M"&. 'ote that the ... server
could instead use cached triplets previously retrieved from the =>/ to continue the authentication process.
4+. The ... server receives multiple triplets from the =>/.
44. The ... server formulates an 2.P;"&M71hallene with multiple /.'5 challenes- and includes a messae
authentication code (M.1) whose master #ey is computed based on the associated %c #eys- as well as the
'O'12TMT. . new re;authentication identity may be chosen and protected (i.e. encrypted and interity
protected) usin 2.P;"&M enerated #eyin material. The ... "erver sends this /.'5- M.1 and re;
authentication identity to the G.'1;"2GI in the 2.P /e?uest7"&M;1hallene messae.
4*. The G.'1;"2GI forwards the 2.P /e?uest7"&M;1hallene messae to the M".
43. The M" runs ' times the G"M .37., alorithm in the "&M- once for each received /.'5. This computin
ives ' "/2" and %c values. The M" calculates its copy of the networ# authentication M.1 with the newly
derived #eyin material and chec#s that it is e?ual with the received M.1. &f the M.1 is incorrect- the
networ# authentication has failed and the M" cancels the authentication. The M" continues the authentication
e(chane only if the M.1 is correct. The M" calculates a new M.1 with the new #eyin material coverin
the 2.P messae concatenated to the ' "/2" responses. &f a re;authentication &5 was received- then the M"
stores this &5 for future authentications.
46. The M" sends 2.P /esponse7"&M;1hallene containin calculated M.1 to the G.'1;"2GI.
48. The G.'1;"2GI forwards the 2.P /esponse7"&M;1hallene pac#et to the ... "erver.
49. The ... "erver verifies that its copy of the response M.1 is e?ual to the received M.1.
4<. &f the comparison in step 49 is successful- then the ... "erver sends the 2.P "uccess messae to the
G.'1;"2GI. The ... "erver includes derived #eyin material for confidentiality and7or interity
protection between M" and G.'1;"2GI- in the underlyin ... protocol messae (i.e. not at 2.P level).
4,. The G.'1;"2GI informs the M" about the successful authentication with the 2.P "uccess messae.
4@. 'ow the 2.P;"&M e(chane has been successfully completed- the &%2 sinallin can be completed
*+. The "ecure .ssociation between M" and G.'1;"2GI has been completed and the M" can continue with the
discovery or reistration procedure.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" ((- Release %
%.1.2 +%P-%@% Prce!ure 3r authe&ticati&
The 2.P;.%. authentication mechanism is specified in F2.P .%.G. This section describes how this mechanism is
used in G.'.
0i#ure A'$1 EAP+A9A authentication procedure
4. The M" connects to the eneric &P access networ#.
*. The M" obtains the &P address of the G.'1;"2GI- and initiali!es the &%2v* authentication procedure by
startin the &%2T".T&'&T e(chane. &t indicates the desire to use 2.P by leavin out the .:T= payload from
messae 3- the first messae of the &%2T.:T= e(chane- and the initiator identity is composed compliant
with the 'etwor# .ccess &dentifier ('.&) format specified in /31 *6,9- which contains the &M"& and an
indication that 2.P;.%. should be used.
3. The G.'1;"2GI communicates with the local ... server throuh the Im interface- which in turn
determines the proper ... "erver based on the realm part of the '.&. The routin path may include one or
several ... pro(ies (not shown in fiure ..*).
6. The G.'1;"2GI sends an 2.P /esponse7&dentity messae to the ... server- containin the initiator
identity included in the third &%2 messae. The leadin diit of the '.& indicates that the M" wishes to use
8. The ... server identifies the subscriber as a candidate for authentication with 2.P;.%.- based on the
received identity- and verifies that 2.P;.%. shall be used based on subscription information- The ... server
re?uests the user profile and :MT" authentication vector(s) from the =""7=>/- if these are not available in
the ... server.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" ((. Release %
9. Optionally- the ... receives user subscription and :MT" authentication vector(s) from the =""7=>/. The
:MT" authentication vector consists of random part (/.'5)- an authentication part (.:T=)- an e(pected
result part (K/2") and sessions #eys for interity chec# (&%) and encryption (1%).
... server determines the 2.P method ("&M or .%.) to be used- accordin to the user subscription and7or
the indication received from the M".
&n this se?uence diaram- it is assumed that the M" holds a :"&M and 2.P;.%. will be used.
<. The ... server formulates an 2.P;/e?uest7.%. 1hallene with /.'5- .:T' and includes a messae
authentication code (M.1) whose master #ey is computed based on the associated &% and 1%. . new
re;authentication identity may be chosen and protected (i.e. encrypted and interity protected) usin 2.P;.%.
enerated #eyin material. The ... "erver sends the /.'5- .:T'- M.1 and re;authentication identity to
the G.'1;"2GI in the 2.P /e?uest7.%.;1hallene messae.
,. The G.'1;"2GI forwards the 2.P /e?uest7.%.;1hallene messae to the M".
@. The M" runs :MT" alorithm on the :"&M. The :"&M verifies that the .:T' is correct and hereby
authenticates the networ#. &f .:T' is incorrect- the M" rejects the authentication (not shown in fiure ..3). &f
.:T' is correct- the :"&M computes /2"- &% and 1%. The M" calculates a new M.1 with the new #eyin
material (&% and 1%) coverin the 2.P messae.
&f a re;authentication &5 was received- then the M" stores this &5 for future authentications.
4+. The M" sends 2.P /esponse7.%.;1hallene containin calculated /2" and M.1 to the G.'1;"2GI.
44. The G.'1;"2GI forwards the 2.P /esponse7.%.;1hallene messae to the ... "erver.
4*. The ... "erver verifies the received M.1 and compares K/2" to the received /2".
43. &f the chec#s in step 4* are successful- then the ... "erver sends the 2.P "uccess messae to the
G.'1;"2GI. The ... "erver includes derived #eyin material for confidentiality and7or interity
protection between M" and G.'1;"2GI- in the underlyin ... protocol messae (i.e. not at 2.P level).
46. The G.'1;"2GI informs the M" about the successful authentication with the 2.P "uccess messae.
48. 'ow the 2.P;"&M e(chane has been successfully completed- the &%2 sinalin can be completed.
49. The "ecure .ssociation between M" and G.'1;"2GI has been completed and the M" can continue with the
G.' discovery or reistration procedure.
%.1.3 (ast Re-authe&ticati&
Ihen the authentication process is performed fre?uently- especially with a lare number of connected Mobile "tations-
performin fast re;authentication can reduce the networ# load resultin from this authentication. The fast re;
authentication process allows the ... server to authenticate a user based on #eys derived from the last full
authentication process.
The M" and G.'1;"2GI can use a procedure for fast re;authentication in order to re;authenticate an M" e.. when
settin up a new ". because the &P address of the M" has chaned as a result of a handover between eneric &P access
networ# attachment points connected to different &P subnets. 3ast re;authentication is provided by 2.P;"&M and
2.P;.%.- and does not ma#e use of the G"M .37., or :MT" alorithms. The M" may use the re;authentication &5
in the &%2T".T&'&T. The decision to ma#e use of the fast re;authentication procedure is ta#en by the ... server.
The basic elements of these procedures are the followinA
The M" initiates a new ". with a G.'1;"2GI that it was previously connected to and uses the re;
authentication &5 (re;authentication &5 received durin the previous full authentication procedure) in the
&%2T".T&'&T e(chane. The 2.P;"&M or 2.P;.%. procedure is started as a result of these e(chanes.
The ... server and M" re;authenticate each other based on the #eys derived on the precedin full
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" ((% Release %
%.1.3.1 +%P-S8M (ast Re-authe&ticati&
The 2.P;"&M specification F3+G includes support for fast re;authentication. The use of this mechanism may be subject
to operator policy.
0i#ure A'31 EAP+S4M fast re+authentication procedure
4. The M" initiali!es the &%2v* authentication procedure by startin the &%2T".T&'&T e(chane. &t indicates the
desire to use 2.P by leavin out the .:T= payload from messae 3 of the &%2T.:T= e(chane- and the
initiator identity contains the re;authentication identity (this identity was previously delivered by ... server
in a full authentication procedure).
*. The G.'1;"2GI sends an 2.P /esponse7&dentity messae to the ... server- containin the
re;authentication &5 as was included in the third &%2 messae. This triers the start of 2.P;"&M.
3. The ... server initiates the 1ounter (which was initiali!ed to one in the full authentication process) and sends
it in the 2.P /e?uest messae- toether with the 'O'12- the M.1 (calculated over the 'O'12) and a
re;authentication id for a ne(t fast re;authentication. &f the ... server is not able to deliver a re;authentication
identity- then the M" shall force a full;authentication ne(t time (to avoid the use of the re;authentication
identity more than once).
6. The G.'1;"2GI forwards the 2.P /e?uest messae to the M".
8. The M" verifies that the 1ounter value is fresh and the M.1 is correct.
9. The M" sends the 2.P /esponse messae with the same 1ounter value and a calculated M.1 to the
<. The G.'1;"2GI forwards the response to the ... server.
,. The ... server verifies that the 1ounter value is the same as it sent- and that the M.1 is correct.
@. The ... server sends an 2.P "uccess messae to the G.'1;"2GI.
4+. The G.'1;"2GI forwards the 2.P "uccess messae to the M".
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" ((/ Release %
%.1.3.2 +%P-%@% (ast Re-authe&ticati&
The 2.P;.%. specification F3,G includes support for fast re;authentication. The use of this mechanism may be subject
to operator policy.
0i#ure A'&1 EAP+A9A fast re+authentication procedure
4. The M" initiali!es the &%2v* authentication procedure by startin the &%2T".T&'&T e(chane. &t indicates the
desire to use 2.P by leavin out the .:T= payload from messae 3- the first messae of the &%2T.:T=
e(chane- and the initiator identity contains the re;authentication identity (this identity was previously
delivered by ... server in a 2.P;.%. full authentication procedure).
*. The G.'1;"2GI sends an 2.P /esponse7&dentity messae to the ... server- containin the
re;authentication &5 as was included in the third &%2 messae. This triers the start of 2.P;.%..
3. The ... server initiates the 1ounter (which was initiali!ed to one in the full authentication process) and sends
it in the 2.P /e?uest7.%.;/eauthentication messae- toether with the 'O'12- the M.1 (calculated over
the 'O'12) and a re;authentication id for a ne(t fast re;authentication. &f the ... server is not able to deliver
a re;authentication identity- then the M" shall force a full;authentication ne(t time (to avoid the use of the
re;authentication identity more than once).
6. The G.'1;"2GI forwards the 2.P /e?uest7.%.;/eauthentication messae to the M".
8. The M" verifies that the 1ounter value is fresh and the M.1 is correct.
9. The M" sends the 2.P /esponse7.%.;/eauthentication messae with the same 1ounter value and a
calculated M.1 to the G.'1;"2GI.
<. The G.'1;"2GI forwards the response to the ... server.
,. The ... server verifies that the 1ounter value is the same as it sent- and that the M.1 is correct.
@. The ... server sends an 2.P "uccess messae to the G.'1;"2GI.
4+. The G.'1;"2GI forwards the 2.P "uccess messae to the M".
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" ($* Release %
%.2 Pr3i#e 3 8@+72
&%2v*- as specified in F3*G- contains a number of options- where some are not needed for the purposes of this
specification and others are re?uired. &%2v* is therefore profiled in this section. Ihen &%2v* is used in the conte(t of
this specification the profile specified in this section shall be supported. The profile is alined with 3GPP I>.'
&nterwor#in- "cenario 3 as defined in 3GPP T" 33.*36 F@G.
.ccess to G.' services follows a CP';li#e approach. &n F36G can be found a set of recommendations of &%2v*
profiles- suitable for CP';li#e solutions. On the other hand- F33G sets rules and recommendations for individual
alorithms support. 3ollowin recommendation from both papers- the below three profiles shall be supported by the M"
and G.'1;"2GI ; G.'1;"GI shall support all three profiles- while the M" shall support at least one of the three
profiles in order of preference stated belowA
3irst cryptoraphic suiteA
; 1onfidentialityA .2" with fi(ed #ey lenth in 101 mode. The #ey lenth is set to 4*, bits (also #nown as
2'1/T.2"T101) per /31 39+* F**G.
; Pseudo;random functionA =M.1;"=.4 (also #nown as P/3T=M.1T"=.4) per /31 *4+6 F*3G.
; &nterityA =M.1;"=.4;@9 (also #nown as .:T=T=M.1T"=.4T@9) per /31 *6+6 F*8G.
; 5iffie;=ellman roup * (4+*6;bit MO5P) per /31 *6+@ F6*G.
"econd cryptoraphic suiteA
; 1onfidentialityA 352" in 101 mode (also #nown as 2'1/T352") per /31 *684 F*4G.
; Pseudo;random functionA =M.1;"=.4 (also #nown as P/3T=M.1T"=.4) per /31 *4+6 F*3G.
; &nterityA =M.1;"=.4;@9 (also #nown as .:T=T=M.1T"=.4T@9) per /31 *6+6 F*8G.
; 5iffie;=ellman roup * (4+*6;bit MO5P) per /31 *6+@ F6*G.
Third cryptoraphic suiteA
; 1onfidentialityA .2" with fi(ed #ey lenth in 101 mode. The #ey lenth is set to 4*, bits (also #nown as
2'1/T.2"T101) per /31 39+* F**G.
; Pseudo;random functionA .2";K101;P/3;4*, (also #nown as P/3T.2"4*,TK101) per /31 6636 F*,G.
; &nterityA .2";K101;M.1;@9 (also #nown as .:T=T.2"TP/3T4*,) per /31 3899 F*<G.
; 5iffie;=ellman roup * (4+*6;bit MO5P) per /31 *6+@ F6*G.
%.3 Pr3i#e 3 8Psec +SP
The &Psec specification contains a number of options for the cryptoraphic alorithms for &Psec 2"P. &n order to limit
the implementation re?uirements- a specified profile of &Psec 2"P is applied. The profile is alined with 3GPP I>.'
&nterwor#in- "cenario 3 as defined in 3GPP T" 33.*36 F@G.
/ules and recommendations in F33G and F36G have been followed- as in case of &%2v*. The below three profiles shall be
supported by the M" and G.'1;"2GI ; G.'1;"2GI shall support all three profiles- while the M" shall support at
least one of the three profiles in order of preference stated belowA
3irst cryptoraphic suiteA
; 1onfidentialityA .2" with fi(ed #ey lenth in 101 mode. The #ey lenth is set to 4*, bits (also #nown as
2'1/T.2"T101) per /31 39+* F**G.
; &nterityA =M.1;"=.4;@9 (also #nown as .:T=T=M.1T"=.4T@9) per /31 *6+6 F*8G.
; Tunnel mode must be used.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" ($( Release %
"econd cryptoraphic suiteA
; 1onfidentialityA 352" in 101 mode (also #nown as 2'1/T352") per /31 *684 F*4G.
; &nterityA =M.1;"=.4;@9 (also #nown as P/3T=M.1T"=.4). The #ey lenth is 49+ bits- accordin to
/31 *4+6 and /31 *6+6 F*8G.
; Tunnel mode must be used.
Third cryptoraphic suiteA
; 1onfidentialityA .2" with 4*,;bit #eys in 101 mode. The #ey lenth is set to 4*, bits (also #nown as
2'1/T.2"T101) per /31 39+* F**G.
; &nterityA .2";K101;M.1;@9 (also #nown as .:T=T.2"TP/3T4*,) per /31 3899 F*<G.
; Tunnel mode must be used.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" ($$ Release %
%&&e/ A (i&3r6ati7e),
*&3igurati& 8&3r6ati&
A.1 G%) %1G' 6!e %R(*)1AS8* 3r ha&!7er-t-G%)
"election of ./31' may use the followin uidelinesA
4. The ./31' should not be allocated from the operator$s e(istin 011= pool so that a scarce 011= is not used.
*. The ./31' maybe desired to be the same uni?ue number across the whole operator networ# to minimi!e the
0"" confiuration effort.
The followin are available options for the selection of the ./31'A
4. &deally- the G.' is assined an ./31' value- which is not in the fre?uency bands currently used by the
*. Typically- different P>M's in the same country have disjoint fre?uency allocations. 3or each P>M'- some of
the fre?uencies are reserved for 011= beaconE 011= will be transmitted with constant ma( power on time slot
+. Other fre?uencies are dedicated as traffic channels. The G.' ./31' could use any non;011= fre?uency
from the carrier$s e(istin fre?uency pool. "tandard G"M M"s will be able to tune onto this channel but will not
be able to find the 311= burst.
3. .lternatively- in a P1";only (4 @++ M=!) networ#- ./31' can be any value fallin within the G"M (@++ M=!)
or 51" (4 ,++ M=!) band. "tandard G"M handsets operatin in P1";only mode will inore this ./31'. Tri;
band handsets supportin automatic band chane will not be able to find a 011= on the associated fre?uency.
A.2 G%) 8u 6!e :%R(*)1PS* 3r ha&!7er-t-G%)
"election of the :T/. .bsolute /3 1hannel 'umber (:./31') and Primary "cramblin 1ode (P"1) may use the
followin uidelinesA
4. The G.' :./31' may be allocated from the operator$s e(istin :./31' pool.
*. The G.' :./31' should be the same as the macro networ# :./31' value of the current servin :T/.'
cell for the M"- to avoid the need to re?uire the M" to do inter;fre?uency measurements for :T/.';to;G.'
handover purposes (e..- re?uirin that the M" operate in compressed mode). The G.'1 may use the downlin#
:./31' of the :T/.' cells in the current active set- received from the M" in the G.;/1 /2G&"T2/
/2B:2"T messae- when decidin which :./31' to return to the M" in the G.;/1 /2G&"T2/ .112PT
messae. 'ote that all :T/.' cells in the current active set use the same downlin# :./31'.
3. The G.' P"1 may be desired to be the same uni?ue number across the whole operator networ# to minimi!e the
/'" confiuration effort.
A.2.1 *e## Measure6e&t Bua&tities a&! Va#ues
.s described in clause @.46.* (1" case) and clause @.*3.* (P" case)- handover from :T/.' to G.' &u mode re?uires
that the M" include information correspondin to the reistered G.' &u mode cell in the Measurement Report messae
sent to the /'1. The M" reports the Mhihest sinal ?ualityL for the G.' &u mode cell. This is not the actual measured
sinal level on the G.'- rather an artificial value allowin the M" to indicate preference for the G.'.
The /'1 may re?uest that the M" report either the downlin# 2c7'o (received enery per chip divided by the noise
power spectral density in the band) or downlin# /"1P (/eceived "inal 1ode Power) ?uantities. The M" shall report
ma(imum values for the 2c7'o or /"1P ?uantities. The ma(imum value of 2c7'o is 93. The ma(imum value of /"1P
is @4.
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" ($3 Release %
%&&e/ * (i&3r6ati7e),
8!e&ti3iers i& G%)
*.1 8!e&ti3iers 3r MSs a&! ge&eric 8P access &et2r9
The followin are the #ey M" and eneric &P access networ# addressin parameters.
4. The &M"& associated with the (:)"&M in the terminal.
; The M" provide the &M"& to the G.'1 durin the /eistration procedure. The G.'1 maintains a record for
each reistered M". 3or e(ample- &M"& is used by the G.'1 to inde( the appropriate M" record when the
G.'1 receives a 0""M.P P.G&'G messae.
*. Public &P .ddress of the M".
; The Public &P address of M" is the source &P present in the outermost &P header of pac#ets received from the
M" by the G.'1;"2GI. &f available- this identifier may be used by the G.'1 to support location services
and fraud detection or by service providers to sinal Manaed &P networ#s &P flows that re?uire special Bo"
3. The eneric &P access networ# point of attachment address (.P;&5).
; The M" provides the .P;&5 to the G.'1 at /eistration. The .P;&5 may be used by the G.'1 to support
location services or by the service provider to restrict G.' access to authori!ed .Ps.
*.2 *e## i!e&ti3iers 3r G%) %1G' 6!e
*.2.1 G%) *e## 8! 3r "cati& Ser7ices C Ai##i&g
1ell Global &dentities (1G&) may be used to perform location;basin routein of a call for services such asA emerency
servicesE operatorsE announcements and freephone numbers. 1ell identities can be also used by the core networ# to
identify the location of where a call was oriinated7terminated for charin purposes. The G.'1 provides a 1G& to the
core networ# indicatin the G.' cell.
*.2.1.1 %ssig&i&g G%) *e## 8! 'ase! & GSM #cati&
&n the G.' architecture- the M" has a direct &P;based connection to the G.'1. The G.' coverae area may overlay
the G2/.' coverae area. >oical mappin of G.' 1ells to a 1G& can be completed at various resolutions- for
e(ample (but not limited to)A
a G.' cell for each G"M cellE
a G.' cell for each G"M routein areaE or
a G.' cell for each G"M location area.
. sinle G.'1 could represent one or more cells (1G&) in one or more location areas (>.&).
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" ($& Release %
*.2.2 G%) *e## 8! 3r ha&!7er-t-G%)
The G.' cell id used for location and charin can be independent from the G.' cell id used for handover.
. sinle G.'1 represents a sinle cell- and referred to as G.' cell- for the purpose of handover from G2/.' to
G.'. This Hhandover;G.'1;1G&H is not visible to the M". &t is only used in the G2/.' and 1' for identifyin a
taret cell (i.e. taret G.'1) for handover from G2/.' to G.'- and inored by the G.'1- when received durin the
handover via the .;interface.
The Hhandover;G.'1;1G&H assined to the G.'1 is confiured as the taret handover cell in all neihbourin
G2/.' cells (in the ./31'70"&1;to;1G& mappin table). 'eihbourin G2/.' cells are those whose service area
HoverlapsH the G.'1 service area- for the purpose of handover.
3or e(ample- neihbour cells areA
.ll G2/.' cells attached to the same M"1 as the G.'1.
.ll G2/.' cells attached to a different M"1 but that can handover to the M"1 to which the G.'1 is attached.
Ihen the M" reports measurements to the G2/.' 0"" on the G.' cell identified by its ./31'70"&1- then the
G2/.' 0"" maps the ./31'70"&1 to the Hhandover;G.'1;1G&H throuh its mappin table- and is thus able to
identify the taret cell (G.'1) for handover;to;G.'.
*.2.3 G%) %R(*)1AS8* 3r ha&!7er-t-G%)
The G2/.';to;G.' handover method ma#es use of an /3 channel number (./31') and base station identity code
(0"&1) parameters to identify the G.' taret cell. .ll G.'1s in a iven operator domain can share the same
./31'70"&1 values- if there is a sinle G.'1 neihbour per G"M cell. This ./31'70"&1 is indicated to the M" by
the G.'1 durin G.' reistration.
The selection of the /3 channel number (./31') used for the :T/.' to G.' handover procedure should not
correspond to a channel from any fre?uency band defined in 3GPP T" 68.++8- to avoid :2s not re?uirin compressed
mode for G"M measurements from unnecessarily powerin up their G"M receivers.
*.3 (7i!)
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" ($, Release %
%&&e/ 4 (i&3r6ati7e),
*ha&ge histr5
6han#e histor7
Date TSG GERAN@ TSG Doc' 6R Re8 Su2ject/6o33ent ;ld New
2005-01 23 GP-050544 - - Versi& 3r Re#ease 6 a$$r7e! at TSG
2.0.0 6.0.0
2005-04 24 GP-050.34 001 8&tr!ucti& 3 the su$$rt 3r *e## Ara!cast i&
6.0.0 6.1.0
2005-06 25 GP-0515.4 003 +!itria# crrecti& P**= t G%) 6.1.0 6.2.0
2005-06 25 GP-0515.5 004 G+R%) $re3erre! 6!e MS 'eha7iur 6.1.0 6.2.0
2005-06 25 GP-051063 005 1 G%) &#5 6!e MS 'eha7iur 6.1.0 6.2.0
2005-06 25 GP-051004 000 *#ari3icati& t the *S chargi&g !escri$ti& 3r
6.1.0 6.2.0
2005-0. 26 GP-052142 000. Re67a# 3 a!!ressi&g 3r the Ge&eric %ccess
6.2.0 6.3.0
2005-11 20 GP-0520.6 0010 1 *#ari3icati&s t G%) Stage 2 6.3.0 6.4.0
2006-01 28 GP-060460 0008 6 8&tr!ucti& 3 the 8&ter R%T ;a&!7er t G%)
6.4.0 6.5.0
2006-01 28 GP-0603.1 0012 1 *#ari3icati&s t G%) Stage 2 6.4.0 6.5.0
2006-04 2. GP-060.2. 0013 1 *#ari3icati& & G%)* Se#ecti& 6.5.0 6.6.0
2006-04 2. GP-060.24 0014 1 R7e-i& !escri$ti& a#ig&6e&t 2ith E*a## re-
6.5.0 6.6.0
2006-05 30 GP-061188 0016 *#ari3icati& 3 G%) se#ecti& 2he& MS i&
G+R%)1:TR%) $re3erre! 6!e
6.6.0 6.0.0
2006-11 32 GP-062350 0018 1 G%) ce## se#ecti& , %#ig&6e&t 2ith stage 3 6.0.0 6.8.0
2006-11 32 GP-062202 001. *r5$tgra$hic a#grith6 u$!ate 6.0.0 6.8.0
2006-11 32 GP-06211. 0010 2 PS ;a&!7er Su$$rt 3r G%) 6.8.0 0.0.0
2000-02 33 GP-0004.. 0021 3 *rrecti& 3 ASSM%P 6essages i& the M'i#e
Ter6i&ate! *a## (#2
0.0.0 0.1.0
2000-05 34 GP-001010 0022 1 G+R%)1:TR%) ce##s sca& 3r r7e-ut i& G%)
0.1.0 0.2.0
2000-08 35 GP-001522 0024 3 +!itria# crrecti&s t G+R%) a&! GSM
re3ere&ces 3r G%) e6erge&c5 $rce!ures
0.2.0 0.3.0
2000-11 36 GP-001.45 0028 1 *ha&ge 3 s$eci3icati& tit#e 0.3.0 0.4.0
2000-11 36 GP-001.00 0025 3 %!!iti& 3 G%) 8u M!e 3u&cti&a#it5 t G%)
Stage 2
0.4.0 8.0.0
2000-11 36 GP-002013 0026 2 Mai&tai&i&g P"M) *&ti&uit5 i& G%) M!e 0.4.0 8.0.0
2008-02 30 GP-0803.0 002. 2 Su$$#e6e&ti&g G%) Registrati& :$!ate 2ith
8.0.0 8.1.0
2008-05 38 GP-080844 0030 1 Stage 2 cha&ges t a#ig& 2ith G%) Stage 3 8.1.0 8.2.0
2008-05 38 GP-080845 0033 1 Stage 2 c#ari3icati& 3 MS !eregistrati& a3ter
ha&!7er 3r6 G%) t G+R%)1:TR%)
8.1.0 8.2.0
2008-08 3. GP-0813.0 0034 2 Su$$rti&g Mu#ti$#e G%) M!es $er P"M) 8.2.0 8.3.0
3GPP TS &3'3(% )%'3'* !$**%+*%" ($- Release %

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