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T Te ec ch hn no o C Co om mm me er rc ci ia al l P Pr ro op po os sa al l

F Fo or r

I Im mp pl le em me en nt ta at ti io on n o of f

A At t


Ref: MUM/FS/05/08/14 05
Aug 2014


Kind Attn.:Mr.Jiten

Sub: Techno Commercial Proposal for Focus6 sql[Offline]

Dear Sir,
We thank you for your expression of interest in knowing more about Focus ERP Solutions. It gives
us great pleasure in addressing your queries with this brief but information packed dossier and we
hope it covers all within the realm of what you desired to know. Should there be anything that
warrants more clarity or something that would need further explanation; we would be delighted to
furnish the same.

Our company acknowledges the importance of delivering high quality solutions and services to a
mission-critical organization and it is our belief that our company has the right experience,
technical skills and the expertise to provide the required level of computer services as would be
demanded. Therefore we assure you the maximum level of support at all times.

Focus Softnet Pvt Ltd has invested heavily in human resources development to the level of
winning the confidence of some of the worlds leading IT corporations and today we can proudly
claim that our technical expertise is intrinsic with one of the best service support team.

With gratitude for your interest and time, we look forward to taking our acquaintance from here into
a long-standing relationship.
Thank you,
Yours faithfully,

Faiz Sathi
(Software Consultant)
Cell: +91-7738376716


1. Introduction

1.1. About Focus Softnet Pvt Ltd.

In 1992, when we did set out to build Focus Softnet Pvt Ltd, we had one simple, yet elegant plan.
To develop the best accounting software product at the best value, in order to help businesses to
be more successful. Our product is developed and designed by business owners for business

One of the flagship products is Focus Indias Best Selling Accounting Solution. Focus is a
complete solution for all kinds of businesses. Unlike other accounting software, Focus comes
along with inbuilt tools of customizing the screen as per user requirements. Focus has the
following integrate modules i.e. Accounting, Inventory, Production and Payroll.

Over the past 19 years Focus has 30000 + successful stories behind it across the globe, across all
segments of the market.

With more feature Focus Softnet Pvt Ltd product is the only way you can future proof your
business. Focus works as a digital nervous system to your business. Focus integrates all your
departments, Location, Warehouses and Cost centres.

This award winning software has been developed for Small and Medium sized Industries in mind
engineered for every type of industry and operation i.e. retails, wholesale, distribution,
manufacturing, services etc...

1.2. Development Strategy

Focus specializes in varied Customised Business Applications (BA), Specialized Applications and
Customised Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). It has matured from providing typical business
modules to implementing web based and e-commerce based solutions. The essence of this group
is adaptability to newer technologies, providing the best solutions and thereby achieving total
customer satisfaction.

The objective of development strategy is to provide a valued software solution with technology,
functionality, ease of implementation, and effective cost. This valued solution is designed (refer to
the figure for basic architecture) to deliver at all management levels:
Strategic level for top management for long term planning
Tactical level for middle management for implementation
Operational level for day-to-day business processes

Based on the core business process knowledge, Focus:

Maps customer business processes with a base level of Business Process Reengineering
(BPR) through a detailed System Requirement Study (SRS)
Provide software to ensure that the final solution matches the business processes
Makes the solution adaptable to future business change

1.3. Focuss Core Competence

Experience in Two-Tier, Three-Tier and Multi-Tier Client-Server Architecture
Expertise in e-Commerce applications
System Integration with machines / equipments for bi-directional data transfer
Expertise of multi-location connectivity
Capabilities in handling large and complex projects in varied industry segments including
Engineering and Manufacturing
State-of-the-art RDBMS backend and GUI front-end
Quality Management through use of standard Project Management and software
Development methodologies
Shorter development cycle resulting in faster Return on Investment

2. Benefits

2.1. To the Management

Following are the benefits identified for the Organization
Better management of financial data,
Elimination of redundancy within multi-location organization like.
Timely availability of information would facilitate better strategic decision.
Effective deployment of Resources amongst various locations.

2.2. To the end User

Following are the benefits identified for user
Increases efficiency & productivity.
Less dependency on the information of other Department.
Improve access to information,
Improves workflow and efficiency,

Operating System - Windows 2000 & above
Front End Visual C++
Back End ODBC (MS-SQL)**

** MS-SQL License has to be procured by Customer
4. Multi Location Connectivity

The diagram below shows the typical setup of Focus for multi location environment. The
system will first be implemented at the HO. In subsequent phases the system will be
implemented at the other locations/Branches. The data will be transferred from any location to
the HO through means of WAN or Internet as decided and based on the actual system


5. Hardware Configuration

5.1. Server Requirements:
Hardware: Intel Xeon Processor 3.0 GHz, DDRSD 4 GB RAM, 320 GB HDD, 1000 Mbps
Ethernet Card.

Internet: 1mbps Dedicated Internet connection with static IP address, connection should be
directly connected to Focus Server.
Preloaded Software:
Windows 2000 Server or higher
Office 2000 or Higher
MS-SQL-2008 R2
MSDE 2.8
Latest Service Pack

5.2. Nodes Requirements:
Hardware: Intel Pentium IV Processor, 1 GB RAM, 320 GB HDD, 100 Mbps Ethernet Card.
Cable Connection with Dynamic or static IP address, connection should be direct where Focus
is installed (small server at Branch)
Preloaded Software:
Windows 2000 professional or higher
Office 2000 or higher
MSDE 2.8
Latest service pack

Note: The hardware configuration has been suggested based on FSPL experience in the
application development area and the current trends in the hardware sector.

6. Implementation Approach

System Requirement Study
Approval of
Structure Design & Raw
Gap Analysis
Requisite Development for
identified Gap points
Final Implementation
followed with End user
training and Deployment
7. Project Execution Plan
Focus proposes to implement application software development in phases. The Project
development plan for application development is broadly divided into phases.

7.1. Development Time
The development time for this solution is given in the table below:

Phase Duration
Requirement Study
System Requirement Study (SRS)
Department wise requirement study
Documents & Report Requirement
Work flow definition
Review of SRS & Approval by SC
Freezing of requirement & solution discussed
GAP Analysis
GAP Analysis Study & Documentation of GAP Analysis
Approval by SC
5 Man Days

PHASE II (Part I):-
Installation of Software.
Structure Designing & Raw implementation of following Modules:
Inventory Control
Sales & Procurement

15 Man Days

PHASE III (Part I):-
Training & Deployment:
Training to End user (Department Wise)
Test Data entry by the end user
Output Checking by users (Documents / Reports)
5 Man Days
PHASE IV :- Final Implementation
Correction of errors noted by users
Handover to user & Project Sign Off
5 Man Days
Total 30 Man Days

The above estimate are in working days and do not include Time delays for either
scheduling of appointment, approvals, site preparation like hardware system software
networking etc.

Time frame for external development may vary depending on the scope of work.
The above days for Phase II & III is rough estimation; the actual time frame may vary,
the same would be revised & will be submitted upon the SRS sign off.

7.2. Roles and Responsibilities

Once the Purchase Order is raised, Focus will take the overall responsibility of the Project
Execution and Project management. However for the successful implementation, quality time and
timely approvals of various documents at different stages by SARVODAYA COMPANY will be

Sr. No. Activity


Hardware sizing & configuration, Networking, connectivity
requirement, System software recommendation
2. Installation of Hardware (Clients and Servers)
3. System Requirement Study FOCUS
4. Approval of the System Requirement Study Document
5. Preparation of System Design document and Screen prototypes FOCUS
Timely approval of System Design Document and Screen
7. Coding, Testing and Documentation FOCUS
8. Preparation of test data
9. User Acceptance Testing and documentation
10. Implementation FOCUS
11. Training FOCUS
12. Sign off


1.Commercial Offer -:Focus6 SQL(Offline)
Description Amount in Rupees
Focus-6 [SQL Database] [Offline]
Server Licence with 5 Concurrent(LAN) Users License

Modules Included:.

a) Procurement Module:
Purchase Requisition
Purchase Quotations
Purchase Order
Purchase Invoice

b) Inventory Control:
Opening Stock & Stock Transfer
Excess in Stock & Shortage in Stock
Stock Ledgers
Multiple Stock Movements
Virtual Stock Analysis & Rejection/Cancellation
Stock Transfer & Stock Valuation

c)Sales Module:
Sales Enquiry
Sales Quotation
Sales Order
Delivery Challan
Sales Invoicing

d) Production Module (Mfg)
Creation of Bill of Materials.
Batch Creation.
Issue to Production & Receipts from Production.
Job Work Issue & Job Work Receipts.
Consumption Summary.
Production Summary


e) Utilities & Tools:
Voucher Wizards
Report Designer
Print Layout Designer
Work Flow Designer

Cost Inclusive
Implementation & Training Cost Inclusive
Total Amount In Words- Two Lakh & Twenty Five Thousand
Only(Exclude Taxes)

1. GAP Development charges @ INR 5000 per Man-day if applicable.
2. Additional per WAN user license will be Rs. 8000/- and can be purchased in pack of
5 users


9. Terms and Conditions

9.1. Commencement of Project

The effective start date of the project would be on completion of all the following stated
Placement of a firm purchase order,
Release of advance,
Handing over of relevant documents.
The development time mentioned earlier will be counted from the effective start
date of the project.

9.2. Extension in Time

SARVODAYA COMPANY would agree to extend the time frame for execution of the project
if any of the following occurs:
Force Majeure
Due to delay in SARVODAYA COMPANY. giving approvals at various stages or
Due to any other reason attributable to SARVODAYA COMPANY
Due to delay in completion of the work because of engagement of third parties.

10. Prices

10.1. Price Terms

The prices quoted include the supply of run-time version of the software, a license
All other Govt. levies including SABCL tax, Octroi etc., if applicable are extra.
Master data creation, site preparation, cabling and power conditioning is not included.

10.2. Price Escalation

Prices above will be subject to escalation if any of the following occurs:
Changes or modifications requested which are beyond the scope of work,
Changes or modifications requested after the freezing of SRS / SSAD,
Force Majeure,
Project delayed beyond the committed time frame for no fault of Focus,
Taxes or duties levied on such services with retrospective or prospective effect.

11. Acceptance of Application System:

The demonstration of the functionalities of the Application System with test data as per the agreed
SRS would be deemed as the acceptance of the software. The test data will be supplied by
SARVODAYA COMPANY to Focus in specified formats within a timeframe as decided after SRS
submission but not exceeding 30 days.

SARVODAYA COMPANY. will give the written acceptance to the Application software within 07
days of the above activity taking place. In case certain deviations (not incorporated by Focus but
which have been agreed in SRS document) are seen in the software, Focus will modify them at no
extra charge.

In case the Hardware, software and the networking are not in place as per the agreed time frame,
Focus would still go ahead with the software schedule, and in such a case the acceptance of the
software will take place on bare minimum working configuration as decided and agreed upon
between the parties during the SRS stage, at Focus.

12. Warranty Maintenance

Focus will provide warranty maintenance for the software for a period of 6 months from the date
of Project Sign Off to SARVODAYA COMPANY

After the warranty maintenance period, Focus can provide software maintenance services under
an annual maintenance contract as mentioned in clause below.

13. Annual Maintenance Contract

SARVODAYA COMPANY can choose to undertake an Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) with
Focus for the individual sites @ 15%. Of deal value.

14. Travel and Stay

Till the sign off of the project and there after any representatives visiting client from other locations
apart from Mumbai, the expenses at actual (Travel Air Fare / 2nd class AC Fare, local
conveyance, boarding & lodging) for all locations will be borne by SARVODAYA COMPANY.
ESSPL will raise a debit note on for the expense incurred during the visit & the same has to be
reimbursed on immediate basis

During different phases of the Application Software development, presence of FSPL employees
may be needed. During any such occasion all the public Holidays at SARVODAYA COMPANY
would be applicable to the employees of FSPL.

Note: Wherever we have our Branches, there would not be any Travel, Lodging and
Boarding charges extra.

15. Infrastructure Support

During the different phases of the Application Development, SARVODAYA COMPANY will ensure
that employees of Focus residing at the campus get all the facilities required, viz, Computers and
other miscellaneous requirements STD phone calls to Mumbai or Hyderabad, floppy, CD and
papers, free of cost.

16. Non-applicable Costs

Electrical work, UPS, Air conditioning, furniture, cables, line drivers, master data creation, Internet
Connectivity between Branches, Static IP & any other Connectivity component etc. are not
included in the cost and would be provided by SARVODAYA COMPANY. if applicable & would be
sourced by them only..

17. Development Work

All the development work will be carried out at M/s. Focus Softnet Pvt Ltd.

18. Payment Terms

75% Along with Purchase Order
25% After Project Sign Off

19. Validity of offer

The above proposal is extended only to SARVODAYA COMPANY & is valid only till 31st August
2014. These prices may be revised thereafter.

20. Force Majeure

"Neither Client nor Focus shall be liable to the other for any delay in or failure of their respective
obligations under this proposal caused by occurrences beyond the control of the Client or Focus
(as the case may be) because of breakdown in power supply, building collapse, fire, floods, acts of
God, acts of public enemy, wars, insurrections, riots, strikes, lockouts, sabotage, any law, statute
or ordinance order; action or regulations of the Government or any compliance therewith similar to
the above and any other. Either party shall promptly but not later than 30 days thereafter notify the
other of the commencement and cessation of such contingency and prove that such is beyond the
control and affects the implementation of the proposed solution adversely and if such contingency
continues beyond 06 months; both parties agree to discuss and agree upon an equitable solution
or otherwise decide the course of action to be adopted.

The respective obligations of the parties shall be extended for the period of Force Majeure
provided notices as required above are given in time and the contingency established if so
required by the party."

All Disputes are subject to Hyderabad jurisdiction

21. Limitation of Liability

In no event will Focus be liable for any damages, including loss of data, loss of profits, cost of
cover and other incidental, consequential or indirect damages, arising out of the use or inability to
use this software. This limitation will apply even if Focus has been advised of the possibility of
such damage.

22. License Clause:

In the event that the Licensee (Purchasing Party) fails to pay the agreed value as per this
agreement for using the license of Focus Solutions, the Licensor; Focus Softnet shall have the
right to revoke the Licensees licensee with immediate effect and/or, at its sole option, give the
Licensee the opportunity to pay the balance amount of the agreed value as per this agreement or
at its sole option terminate this Agreement with immediate effect.

23. Indemnity Clause:

FOCUS shall ensure application is implemented thereupon and within the available scope of the
software license only or as specifically implied in this contract. Apart from this, FOCUS shall not
be held responsible under any circumstances or liable for any damages or losses due to any
delay, theft, mishandling, virus attack, sabotage, system crash, natural calamities or any other
such natural or supernatural occurrences.

24. Employee Non-Solicitation Clause:

Both parties agree not to offer employment to employees of the other party for a period of 12-
months from the date of resignation of the employee from respective organizations

For any further query please feel free to call me on +91-7738376716
Looking forward for an opportunity to work with your organization & long term relationship

Faiz Sathi
(Software Consultant)

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