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18 April 2012


Public Employment Service Ofce
Municipal Hall, Gen A !una St
"aguig #ity
$ear Mr %ranco&
%ollo'ing t(e recommen)ation o* t(e $O!E+,ational #apital -egion, 'e
'rite to invite you a. one our co+partner. an) .pon.or. *or t(e $O!E 2012
!abor $ay celebration on 01 May 2012, one o* t(e centerpiece event. o*
'(ic( i. t(e /ob an) !iveli(oo) %air to be (el) at t(e 0orl) "ra)e #enter in
Pa.ay #ity
"(e 2012 !abor $ay /ob an) !iveli(oo) %air i. t(e bigge.t o* t(e 11 2ob
an) liveli(oo) *air. to be con)ucte) by t(e $O!E aroun)
t(e country on t(i. important )ay, 'it( over 100 employer., bot( local
an) over.ea., o3ering more t(an 100,000 2ob opportunitie. to 2ob
.ee4er., ne' gra)uate., returning O%0., an) t(e public in general A.
.uc(, t(e potential *or your company to generate goo)'ill *rom t(e event
i. immen.e
0e o3er to you t(e *ollo'ing me)ia value. a. co+partner5.pon.or o* t(e
2012 !abor $ay /ob an) !iveli(oo) %air&
1 Mention in $O!E pre.. relea.e. a. one o* our event co+
2 7ploa)5) o* corporate bran)5logo to t(e $O!E 'eb.ite until 08
May6 *or t(e region., t(e $O!E, t(roug( t(e !#O, 'ill
en2oin5encourage t(e uploa)5) in regional 'eb.ite.6
Public Employment Service Ofce
Municipal Hall, Gen A !una St
"aguig #ity
-epublic o* t(e P(ilippine.
Labor Communications Ofce
9ntramuro., Manila
1 7ploa)5) o* corporate bran)5logo to t(e !abor $ay 2012
%aceboo4 account6
: $ o* tarp., banner., or bunting. ;balloon.< in par4ing area
;vicinity o* t(e venue<6
8 !ive ac4no'le)gment )uring event an) intermi..ion program.
"(e above me)ia value. .(all be in con.i)eration o* your invaluable
.upport to t(e 2012 !abor $ay event t(roug(&
1 Spon.or.(ip o* a (al*+page a)vertorial .upplement o* t(e $O!E on
01 May in t(e P(ilippine Star6
2 Plug o* t(e /ob an) !iveli(oo) %air in ra)io or "= program in '(ic(
PESO "aguig (a. a current a) .pon.or.(ip6 an)
1 Spon.or.(ip o* *reebie. o* t(e co+partner>.5.pon.or>. c(oice *or 2ob
9* PESO "aguig, a. co+partner5.pon.or, on it. o'n, i. to place a .eparate
ra)io, "=, or print a)verti.ement about it. being a $O!E co+
partner5.pon.or, .uc( a)verti.ement .(all inclu)e t(e 2012 !abor $ay
logo t(eme an) )e.ign
0e .(all be gla) to (ear *rom you relate) to t(i. %or your
?uerie., you may get in touc( 'it( u. t(roug( telep(one number. 82@+
1000 local. A28, A22, or A21
"(an4 you very muc( an) be.t regar).
Sincerely your.,
Nicon F. Fameronag
$irector, !abor #ommunication. Ofce
an) #(airman
Subcommittee on Publicity, Me)ia -elation.,
an) Spon.or.(ip.
c.c.: Atty. Allan Macaraya
Regional Director, DOLE-NCR

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