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QYResearch Report

2014 Deep Research Report on Global and China Carburetor Industry

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Published Date: *ul 2014
Publisher: +,Research Carburetor Research Center
Contact: -r. /han" Don" )%0100)2&41(1(2 )%013)11(&%&014 sales56yresearch.co7
82014 Deep Research Report on Global and China Carburetor Industry9 :as pro;essional and
depth research report on Global and China Carburetor industry. 'he report ;irstly introduced
Carburetor basic in;or7ation included Carburetor de;inition classi;ication application industry
chain structure industry o<er<ie:2 international 7ar=et analysis4 China do7estic 7ar=et analysis4
-acroecono7ic en<iron7ent and econo7ic situation analysis and in;luence4 Carburetor industry
policy and plan4 Carburetor product speci;ication4 7anu;acturin" process4 product cost structure
etc. then statistics Global and China =ey 7anu;acturers Carburetor capacity production cost price
pro;it production <alue "ross 7ar"in etc details in;or7ation4 at the sa7e ti7e4 statistics these
7anu;acturers Carburetor products custo7ers application capacity 7ar=et position co7pany
contact in;or7ation etc co7pany related in;or7ation4 then collect all these 7anu;acturers data and
listed Global and China Carburetor capacity production capacity 7ar=et share production 7ar=et
share supply de7and shorta"e i7port e>port consu7ption etc data statistics4 and then introduced
Global and China Carburetor 200&0201& capacity production price cost pro;it production <alue
"ross 7ar"in etc in;or7ation. ?nd also listed Carburetor upstrea7 ra: 7aterials e6uip7ents and
do:n strea7 client sur<ey analysis and Carburetor 7ar=etin" channels industry de<elop7ent
trend and proposals. In the end4 'he report introduced Carburetor ne: pro@ect SAB' analysis
In<est7ent ;easibility analysis in<est7ent return analysis and also "i<e related research
conclusions and de<elop7ent trend analysis on Global and China Carburetor industry. In a :ord4
it :as a depth research report on Global and China Carburetor industry. ?nd than=s to the support
and assistance ;ro7 Carburetor industry chain related technical e>perts and 7ar=etin" en"ineers
durin" Research 'ea7 sur<ey and inter<ie:s.

'able o; Contents
Chapter Bne Carburetor Industry B<er<ie: 1
1.1 Carburetor De;inition 1
1.2 Carburetor Classi;ication and ?pplication 4
1.3 Carburetor Industry Chain Structure1
1.4 Carburetor Industry B<er<ie: %
Chapter ':o Carburetor International and China -ar=et ?nalysis (
+,Research -r. /han"don" sales56yresearch.co7 13)11(&%&01 0100)2&41(1( Pa"e 1
QYResearch Report
2.1 Carburetor Industry International -ar=et ?nalysis (
2.1.1 Carburetor International -ar=et De<elop7ent History(
2.1.2 Carburetor Product and 'echnolo"y De<elop7ents )
2.1.3 Carburetor Co7petiti<e $andscape ?nalysis10
2.1.4 Carburetor International Cey Countries De<elop7ent Status 11
2.1.1 Carburetor International -ar=et De<elop7ent 'rend 11
2.2 Carburetor Industry China -ar=et ?nalysis 12
2.2.1 Carburetor China -ar=et De<elop7ent History 12
2.2.2 Carburetor Product and 'echnolo"y De<elop7ents 12
2.2.3 Carburetor Co7petiti<e $andscape ?nalysis11
2.2.4 Carburetor China Cey Re"ions De<elop7ent Status 1%
2.2.1 Carburetor China -ar=et De<elop7ent 'rend 1%
2.3 Carburetor International and China -ar=et Co7parison ?nalysis 1(
Chapter 'hree Carburetor De<elop7ent Dn<iron7ental ?nalysis 1)
3.1 China Dcono7ic Dn<iron7ent ?nalysis 1)
3.1.1 China GDP ?nalysis 1)
3.1.2 China CPI ?nalysis 1&
3.1.3 China Urban and Rural Inco7es ?nalysis 20
3.1.4 China 'otal Retail Sales o; Consu7er Goods ?nalysis 21
3.1.1 China In<est7ent in i>ed ?ssets ?nalysis 22
3.1.% China the 'otal Ealue o; I7ports and D>ports o; Goods ?nalysis 23
3.1.( 2014 China -acroecono7ic orecast 23
3.2 Duropean Dcono7ic Dn<iron7ental ?nalysis 24
3.3 United States Dcono7ic Dn<iron7ental ?nalysis 21
3.4 *apan Dcono7ic Dn<iron7ental ?nalysis2%
3.1 Global Dcono7ic Dn<iron7ental ?nalysis 2(
Chapter our Carburetor De<elop7ent Policy and Plan 2&
4.1 Carburetor Industry Policy ?nalysis2&
4.2 Carburetor Industry Fe:s ?nalysis 32
4.2.1 'he countryGs ;irst Hcity in China carburetorH Ahisperin" udin" 32
4.3 Carburetor Industry De<elop7ent 'rend 33
Chapter i<e Carburetor -anu;acturin" Process and Cost Structure 34
1.1 Carburetor Product Speci;ications 34
1.2 Carburetor -anu;acturin" Process ?nalysis 31
1.3 Carburetor Cost Structure ?nalysis 3%
1.4 Carburetor Price Cost Gross ?nalysis 3(
Chapter Si> 200&02014 Carburetor Productions Supply Sales De7and -ar=et Status and orecast
%.1 200&02014 Carburetor Capacity Production B<er<ie: 3&
%.2 200&02014 Carburetor Production -ar=et Share ?nalysis 4%
+,Research -r. /han"don" sales56yresearch.co7 13)11(&%&01 0100)2&41(1( Pa"e 2
QYResearch Report
%.3 200&02014 Carburetor De7and B<er<ie: 12
%.4 200&02014 Carburetor Supply De7and and Shorta"e 12
%.1 200&02014 Carburetor I7port D>port Consu7ption13
%.% 200&02014 Carburetor Cost Price Production Ealue Gross -ar"in 13
Chapter Se<en Carburetor Cey -anu;acturers ?nalysis 1)
(.1 -i=uni 1)
(.1.1 Co7pany Pro;ile 1)
(.1.2 Product Picture and Speci;ication %1
(.1.3 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Ealue%2
(.1.4 Contact In;or7ation %3
(.2 Ceihin Group %4
(.2.1 Co7pany Pro;ile %4
(.2.2 Product Picture and Speci;ication %1
(.2.3 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Ealue%1
(.2.4 Contact In;or7ation %%
(.3 'C %(
(.3.1 Co7pany Pro;ile %(
(.3.2 Product Picture and Speci;ication %&
(.3.3 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Ealue(0
(.3.4 Contact In;or7ation (1
(.4.1 Co7pany Pro;ile (2
(.4.2 Product Picture and Speci;ication (%
(.4.3 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Ealue(%
(.4.4 Contact In;or7ation ((
(.1 Aalbro ()
(.1.1 Co7pany Pro;ile ()
(.1.2 Product Picture and Speci;ication (&
(.1.3 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Ealue(&
(.1.4 Contact In;or7ation )0
(.% Holley )1
(.%.1 Co7pany Pro;ile )1
(.%.2 Product Picture and Speci;ication )3
(.%.3 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Ealue)4
(.%.4 Contact In;or7ation )1
(.( IIFG)1
(.(.1 Co7pany Pro;ile )%
(.(.2 Product Picture and Speci;ication )(
(.(.3 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Ealue)(
(.(.4 Contact In;or7ation ))
(.) Rui>in" )&
(.).1 Co7pany Pro;ile )&
(.).2 Product Picture and Speci;ication &0
+,Research -r. /han"don" sales56yresearch.co7 13)11(&%&01 0100)2&41(1( Pa"e 3
QYResearch Report
(.).3 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Ealue&1
(.).4 Contact In;or7ation &2
(.& Huayi&2
(.&.1 Co7pany Pro;ile &3
(.&.2 Product Picture and Speci;ication &4
(.&.3 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Ealue&4
(.&.4 Contact In;or7ation &1
(.10 Huayan" Industrial &%
(.10.1 Co7pany Pro;ile &%
(.10.2 Product Picture and Speci;ication &(
(.10.3 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Ealue &(
(.10.4 Contact In;or7ation &)
(.11 /han@ian" Deni &&
(.11.1 Co7pany Pro;ile &&
(.11.2 Product Picture and Speci;ication 100
(.11.3 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Ealue 101
(.11.4 Contact In;or7ation 102
(.12 Cun;u Group 103
(.12.1 Co7pany Pro;ile 103
(.12.2 Product Picture and Speci;ication 104
(.12.3 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Ealue 104
(.12.4 Contact In;or7ation 101
(.13 /he@ian" Ruili 10%
(.13.1 Co7pany Pro;ile 10%
(.13.2 Product Picture and Speci;ication 10(
(.13.3 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Ealue 10)
(.13.4 Contact In;or7ation 10&
(.14 u@ian uDin" *in"Ce 110
(.14.1 Co7pany Pro;ile 110
(.14.2 Product Picture and Speci;ication 111
(.14.3 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Ealue 111
(.14.4 Contact In;or7ation 112
(.11 Ruian Sunshine 113
(.11.1 Co7pany Pro;ile 113
(.11.2 Product Picture and Speci;ication 114
(.11.3 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Ealue 111
(.11.4 Contact In;or7ation 11%
(.1% Ceruidi 11%
(.1%.1 Co7pany Pro;ile 11(
(.1%.2 Product Picture and Speci;ication 11)
(.1%.3 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Ealue 11)
(.1%.4 Contact In;or7ation 11&
(.1( CinJo 120
(.1(.1 Co7pany Pro;ile 120
+,Research -r. /han"don" sales56yresearch.co7 13)11(&%&01 0100)2&41(1( Pa"e 4
QYResearch Report
(.1(.2 Product Picture and Speci;ication 121
(.1(.3 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Ealue 122
(.1(.4 Contact In;or7ation 123
(.1) AenJhou /hon"chen" 123
(.1).1 Co7pany Pro;ile 123
(.1).2 Product Picture and Speci;ication 121
(.1).3 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Ealue 12%
(.1).4 Contact In;or7ation 12(
Chapter Di"ht Up and Do:n Strea7 Industry ?nalysis 12)
).1 Upstrea7 Ra: -aterials Price ?nalysis 12)
).1.1 /inc alloy 12)
).1.2 ?lu7inu7 alloy 12&
).2 Upstrea7 D6uip7ents -ar=et ?nalysis 130
).3 Do:n Strea7 De7and ?nalysis 133
).4 Industry Chain ?nalysis 134
Chapter Fine Carburetor -ar=etin" Channels ?nalysis 131
&.1 Carburetor -ar=etin" Channels Status 131
&.2 Carburetor -ar=etin" Channels Characteristic 13%
&.3 Carburetor -ar=etin" Channels De<elop7ent 'rend 13%
Chapter 'en Carburetor Industry De<elop7ent 'rend 13&
10.1 20140201& Carburetor Capacity Production B<er<ie: 13&
10.2 20140201&Carburetor Production -ar=et Share ?nalysis 141
10.3 20140201& Carburetor De7and B<er<ie: 141
10.4 20140201& Carburetor Supply De7and and Shorta"e 14%
10.1 20140201& Carburetor I7port D>port Consu7ption 14%
10.% 20140201& Carburetor Cost Price Production Ealue Gross -ar"in 14(
Chapter Dle<en Carburetor Industry De<elop7ent Proposals 14)
11.1 -acroecono7ic De<elop7ent Counter7easures 14)
11.1.1 -acroecono7ic policy14&
11.1.2 Speci;ic control 7easures 110
11.2 Fe: ir7s Dnter -ar=et Strate"y 111
11.3 Fe: Pro@ect In<est7ent Proposals 113
11.4 -ar=etin" Channel Strate"y Proposals 114
11.1 Co7petiti<e Dn<iron7ent Strate"y Proposals 111
Chapter ':el<e Carburetor Fe: Pro@ect In<est7ent easibility ?nalysis 11%
12.1 Carburetor Pro@ect SAB' ?nalysis 11%
12.2 Carburetor Fe: Pro@ect In<est7ent easibility ?nalysis 11%
12.2.1 Pro@ect Fa7e 11%
12.2.2 In<est7ent Iud"et 11%
+,Research -r. /han"don" sales56yresearch.co7 13)11(&%&01 0100)2&41(1( Pa"e 1
QYResearch Report
Chapter 'hirteen Global and China Carburetor Industry Research Conclusions 11)
'ables and i"ures
i"ure Carburetor Product 1
i"ure Carburetor and uel Syste7 3
i"ure Cross0sectional sche7atic o; a do:ndra;t carburetor 4
'able Carburetors 'ype $ist 4
i"ure Carburetor Industry Chain Structure 1
i"ure 200&02014 Global Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# and Gro:th Rate %
i"ure 200&02014 Global Carburetor Capacity and Capacity UtiliJation %
'able Carburetor Product Patent )
i"ure 2013 Global -a@or -anu;actures Carburetor Production -ar=et Share 10
i"ure 2013 Global -a@or Countries Carburetor Production -ar=et Share 11
i"ure 20140201& Global Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# and Gro:th Rate 11
i"ure 200&02014 China Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# and Gro:th Rate 12
'able Carburetor Product Patent 12
i"ure 2013 China -a@or -anu;actures Carburetor Production -ar=et Share 11
i"ure 2013 China Cey Re"ions Carburetor Production -ar=et Share 1%
i"ure 20140201& China Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# and Gro:th Rate 1%
i"ure 200&02014 Global Carburetor Capacity and Capacity UtiliJation 1(
i"ure 200&02014 China Carburetor Capacity and Capacity UtiliJation 1(
i"ure 200(02013 China GDP !100 7illion R-I# and Gro:th Rate 1)
i"ure 200(02013 China CPI Chan"e 'rend 1&
i"ure 200(02013 China Urban and Rural Inco7es !R-I# 20
i"ure 200(02013 China 'otal Retail Sales o; Consu7er Goods !100 7illion R-I# and Gro:th
Rate 21
i"ure 200(02013 China In<est7ent in i>ed ?ssets !100 7illion R-I# and Gro:th Rate22
i"ure 200(02013 China the 'otal Ealue o; I7ports and D>ports o; Goods !100 7illion USD# and
Gro:th Rate 23
'able 2014 China -acroecono7ic orecast Cey Indicators !K# 24
i"ure 200(02013 DU2( GDP Gro:th Rate 24
i"ure 200(02013 DU2( HICP Inde> !'he 7onth o; year0on0year# 21
i"ure 200(02013 United States GDP !100 7illion USD# 21
i"ure 200(02013 United States CPI 2%
i"ure 200(02013 *apan GDP !Iillion ,en# 2%
i"ure 200(02013 *apan CPI !'he 7onth o; year0on0year# 2(
'able Carburetor Industry Policy ?nalysis 2&
i"ure 20140201& Global Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# and Gro:th Rate 33
'able Carburetor Product Details 34
'able Carburetor production process sche7atic sheet 31
'able 2014 China Carburetor Cost Structure $ist 3(
'able 200&02014 Global Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# Price Cost Gross !USDLSet#
+,Research -r. /han"don" sales56yresearch.co7 13)11(&%&01 0100)2&41(1( Pa"e %
QYResearch Report
Production Ealue !-illion USD# Gross -ar"in $ist 3(
'able 200&02014 China Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# Price Cost Gross !USDLSet#
Production Ealue !-illion USD# Gross -ar"in $ist 3(
'able 200&02014 Global -a@or -anu;actures Carburetor Capacity !10C set# $ist 3&
'able 200&02014 Global -a@or -anu;actures Carburetor Capacity Share $ist 40
'able 200&02014 Global -a@or -anu;actures Carburetor Production !10C set# $ist 40
'able 200&02014 Global -a@or -anu;actures Carburetor Production Share $ist 41
i"ure 200&02014 Global Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# and Gro:th Rate 42
i"ure 200&02014 Global Carburetor Capacity and Capacity UtiliJation 42
'able 200&02014 China -a@or -anu;actures Carburetor Capacity !10C set# $ist 42
'able 200&02014 China -a@or -anu;actures Carburetor Capacity Share $ist 43
'able 200&02014 China -a@or -anu;actures Carburetor Production !10C set# $ist 43
'able 200&02014 China -a@or -anu;actures Carburetor Production Share $ist 44
i"ure 200&02014 China Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# and Gro:th Rate 41
i"ure 200&02014 China Carburetor Capacity and Capacity UtiliJation 41
i"ure 2011 Global -a@or -anu;actures Carburetor Production -ar=et Share 4%
i"ure 2012 Global -a@or -anu;actures Carburetor Production -ar=et Share 4(
i"ure 2013 Global -a@or -anu;actures Carburetor Production -ar=et Share 4)
i"ure 2011 China -a@or -anu;actures Carburetor Production -ar=et Share 4&
i"ure 2012 China -a@or -anu;actures Carburetor Production -ar=et Share 10
i"ure 2013 China -a@or -anu;actures Carburetor Production -ar=et Share 11
'able 200&02014 Global Carburetor De7and !10C set# and Gro:th Rate 12
'able 200&02014 China Carburetor De7and !10C set# and Gro:th Rate 12
'able 200&02014 Global Carburetor Production De7and Shorta"e !10C set# $ist 12
'able 200&02014 China Carburetor Production De7and Shorta"e !10C set# $ist 13
'able 200&02014 China Carburetor I7port D>port Consu7ption !10C set# $ist 13
'able 200&02014 Global -a@or -anu;actures Carburetor Production Ealue !-illion USD# $ist 13
'able 200&02014 Global -a@or -anu;actures Carburetor Production Ealue Share $ist 14
'able 200&02014 China -a@or -anu;actures Carburetor Production Ealue !-illion USD# $ist 11
'able 200&02014 China -a@or -anu;actures Carburetor Production Ealue Share $ist 11
'able 200&02014 Global -a@or -anu;actures Carburetor Price !USDLset# $ist 1%
'able 200&02014 Global Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# Price Cost Gross !USDLSet#
Production Ealue !-illion USD# Gross -ar"in $ist 1%
'able 200&02014 China Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# Price Cost Gross !USDLSet#
Production Ealue !-illion USD# Gross -ar"in $ist 1(
'able -i=uni Co7pany Pro;ile 1)
i"ure -i=uni ?nnual turno<er "raph %1
i"ure -i=uni Carburetor Product %1
'able 200&02014 -i=uni Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# Price Cost Gross !USDLSet#
Production Ealue !-illion USD# Gross -ar"in $ist %2
i"ure 200&02014 -i=uni Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# and Gro:th Rate %3
i"ure 200&02014 -i=uni Carburetor Production Global -ar=et Share %3
'able Ceihin Group Co7pany Pro;ile %4
i"ure Ceihin Group Carburetor Product %1
+,Research -r. /han"don" sales56yresearch.co7 13)11(&%&01 0100)2&41(1( Pa"e (
QYResearch Report
'able 200&02014 Ceihin Group Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# Price Cost Gross
!USDLSet# Production Ealue !-illion USD# Gross -ar"in $ist %1
i"ure 200&02014 Ceihin Group Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# and Gro:th Rate %%
i"ure 200&02014 Ceihin Group Carburetor Production Global -ar=et Share %%
i"ure 'C Carburetor Product %&
'able 200&02014 'C Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# Price Cost Gross !USDLSet#
Production Ealue !-illion USD# Gross -ar"in $ist (0
i"ure 200&02014 'C Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# and Gro:th Rate (1
i"ure 200&02014 'C Carburetor Production Global -ar=et Share (1
i"ure FIPPBF SDICI Carburetor Product (%
'able 200&02014 FIPPBF SDICI Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# Price Cost Gross
!USDLSet# Production Ealue !-illion USD# Gross -ar"in $ist (%
i"ure 200&02014 FIPPBF SDICI Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# and Gro:th Rate
i"ure 200&02014 FIPPBF SDICI Carburetor Production Global -ar=et Share ((
i"ure Aalbro Carburetor Product (&
'able 200&02014 Aalbro Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# Price Cost Gross !USDLSet#
Production Ealue !-illion USD# Gross -ar"in $ist (&
i"ure 200&02014 Aalbro Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# and Gro:th Rate )0
i"ure 200&02014 Aalbro Carburetor Production Global -ar=et Share )0
i"ure Holley Carburetor Product )3
'able 200&02014 Holley Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# Price Cost Gross !USDLSet#
Production Ealue !-illion USD# Gross -ar"in $ist )4
i"ure 200&02014 Holley Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# and Gro:th Rate )4
i"ure 200&02014 Holley Carburetor Production Global -ar=et Share )1
i"ure IIFG Carburetor Product )(
'able 200&02014 IIFG Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# Price Cost Gross !USDLSet#
Production Ealue !-illion USD# Gross -ar"in $ist )(
i"ure 200&02014 IIFG Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# and Gro:th Rate ))
i"ure 200&02014 IIFG Carburetor Production Global -ar=et Share ))
i"ure Rui>in" Carburetor Product &0
'able 200&02014 Rui>in" Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# Price Cost Gross !USDLSet#
Production Ealue !-illion USD# Gross -ar"in $ist &1
i"ure 200&02014 Rui>in" Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# and Gro:th Rate &1
i"ure 200&02014 Rui>in" Carburetor Production Global -ar=et Share &2
i"ure Huayi Co7pany Pro;ile &3
i"ure Huayi Carburetor Product &4
'able 200&02014 Huayi Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# Price Cost Gross !USDLSet#
Production Ealue !-illion USD# Gross -ar"in $ist &4
i"ure 200&02014 Huayi Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# and Gro:th Rate &1
i"ure 200&02014 Huayi Carburetor Production Global -ar=et Share &1
i"ure Huayan" Industrial Carburetor Product &(
'able 200&02014 Huayan" Industrial Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# Price Cost Gross
!USDLSet# Production Ealue !-illion USD# Gross -ar"in $ist &(
+,Research -r. /han"don" sales56yresearch.co7 13)11(&%&01 0100)2&41(1( Pa"e )
QYResearch Report
i"ure 200&02014 Huayan" Industrial Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# and Gro:th Rate
i"ure 200&02014 Huayan" Industrial Carburetor Production Global -ar=et Share &)
'able /han@ian" Deni Co7pany Pro;ile &&
i"ure /han@ian" Deni Carburetor Product 100
'able 200&02014 /han@ian" Deni Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# Price Cost Gross
!USDLSet# Production Ealue !-illion USD# Gross -ar"in $ist 101
i"ure 200&02014 /han@ian" Deni Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# and Gro:th Rate101
i"ure 200&02014 /han@ian" Deni Carburetor Production Global -ar=et Share 102
i"ure Cun;u Group Carburetor Product 104
'able 200&02014 Cun;u Group Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# Price Cost Gross
!USDLSet# Production Ealue !-illion USD# Gross -ar"in $ist 104
i"ure 200&02014 Cun;u Group Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# and Gro:th Rate 101
i"ure 200&02014 Cun;u Group Carburetor Production Global -ar=et Share 101
i"ure /he@ian" Ruili Carburetor Product 10(
'able 200&02014 /he@ian" Ruili Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# Price Cost Gross
!USDLSet# Production Ealue !-illion USD# Gross -ar"in $ist 10)
i"ure 200&02014 /he@ian" Ruili Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# and Gro:th Rate 10&
i"ure 200&02014 /he@ian" Ruili Carburetor Production Global -ar=et Share 10&
i"ure u@ian uDin" *in"Ce Carburetor Product 111
'able 200&02014 u@ian uDin" *in"Ce Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# Price Cost
Gross !USDLSet# Production Ealue !-illion USD# Gross -ar"in $ist 111
i"ure 200&02014 u@ian uDin" *in"Ce Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# and Gro:th
Rate 112
i"ure 200&02014 u@ian uDin" *in"Ce Carburetor Production Global -ar=et Share 112
i"ure Ruian Sunshine Carburetor Product 114
'able 200&02014 Ruian Sunshine Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# Price Cost Gross
!USDLSet# Production Ealue !-illion USD# Gross -ar"in $ist 111
i"ure 200&02014 Ruian Sunshine Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# and Gro:th Rate
i"ure 200&02014 Ruian Sunshine Carburetor Production Global -ar=et Share 11%
'able Ceruidi Co7pany Pro;ile 11(
i"ure Ceruidi Carburetor Product 11)
'able 200&02014 Ceruidi Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# Price Cost Gross !USDLSet#
Production Ealue !-illion USD# Gross -ar"in $ist 11)
i"ure 200&02014 Ceruidi Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# and Gro:th Rate 11&
i"ure 200&02014 Ceruidi Carburetor Production Global -ar=et Share 11&
i"ure CinJo Carburetor Product 121
'able 200&02014 CinJo Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# Price Cost Gross !USDLSet#
Production Ealue !-illion USD# Gross -ar"in $ist 122
i"ure 200&02014 CinJo Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# and Gro:th Rate 122
i"ure 200&02014 CinJo Carburetor Production Global -ar=et Share 123
i"ure AenJhou /hon"chen" Carburetor Product 121
'able 200&02014 AenJhou /hon"chen" Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# Price Cost
+,Research -r. /han"don" sales56yresearch.co7 13)11(&%&01 0100)2&41(1( Pa"e &
QYResearch Report
Gross !USDLSet# Production Ealue !-illion USD# Gross -ar"in $ist 12%
i"ure 200&02014 AenJhou /hon"chen" Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# and Gro:th
Rate 12(
i"ure 200&02014 AenJhou /hon"chen" Carburetor Production Global -ar=et Share 12(
i"ure /inc alloy Product 12)
i"ure 2014M201% -etal Price D>pectations ;or /inc and Pb 12&
i"ure So7e 7a@or Jinc 7ines are set to close 12&
'able Upstrea7 D6uip7ents 130
'able Rui>in" Cey -anu;acturin" and Inspectin" D6uip7ents ?nalysis 132
'able 200&02014 Global Carburetor De7and !10C set# and Gro:th Rate 133
'able 200&02014 China Carburetor De7and !10C set# and Gro:th Rate 134
i"ure Carburetor Industry Chain Structure 134
i"ure Carburetor -ar=etin" Channels Status 131
i"ure 20140201& Global Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# and Gro:th Rate 13&
i"ure 20140201& Global Carburetor Capacity and Capacity UtiliJation 13&
i"ure 20140201& China Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# and Gro:th Rate 140
i"ure 20140201& China Carburetor Capacity and Capacity UtiliJation 140
i"ure 2014 Global -a@or -anu;actures Carburetor Production -ar=et Share 141
i"ure 201& Global -a@or -anu;actures Carburetor Production -ar=et Share 142
i"ure 2014 China -a@or -anu;actures Carburetor Production -ar=et Share 143
i"ure 201& China -a@or -anu;actures Carburetor Production -ar=et Share 144
'able 20140201& Global Carburetor De7and !10C set# and Gro:th Rate 141
'able 20140201& China Carburetor De7and !10C set# and Gro:th Rate 141
'able 20140201& Global Carburetor Production De7and Shorta"e !10C set# $ist 14%
'able 20140201& China Carburetor Production De7and Shorta"e !10C set# $ist 14%
'able 20140201& China Carburetor I7port D>port Consu7ption !10C set# $ist 14%
'able 20140201& Global Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# Price Cost Gross !USDLSet#
Production Ealue !-illion USD# Gross -ar"in $ist 14(
'able 20140201& China Carburetor Capacity Production !10C Set# Price Cost Gross !USDLSet#
Production Ealue !-illion USD# Gross -ar"in $ist 14(
'able -acroecono7ic De<elop7ent Counter7easures ?nalysis 14&
'able Fe: ir7s Dnter -ar=et Strate"y 111
'able Fe: Pro@ect In<est7ent Proposals 113
i"ure Carburetor -ar=etin" Channel Strate"y Proposals 114
'able Carburetor -ar=etin" Channel Strate"y Proposals 114
'able Co7petiti<e Dn<iron7ent Strate"y Proposals 111
'able Carburetor Pro@ect SAB' ?nalysis 11%
'able ?nnual output o; 3000 C Set Carburetor Pro@ect In<est7ent easibility ?nalysis 11%
+,Research -r. /han"don" sales56yresearch.co7 13)11(&%&01 0100)2&41(1( Pa"e 10

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