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Deploying Oracle Database 11g R2

on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6

Best Practices
Roger Lopez, Principal o!t"are Engineer
$ersion 1%&
Dece'ber 2(1)
1801 Varsity Drive
Raleigh NC 27606-2072 USA
Phone !1 "1" 7#$ %700
Phone 888 7%% $281
&a' !1 "1" 7#$ %701
P( )o' 1%#88
Resear*h +riangle Par, NC 2770" USA
-in.' is a registere/ tra/e0ar, o1 -in.s +orval/s2 Re/ 3at4 Re/ 3at 5nter6rise -in.' an/ the Re/ 3at
7Sha/o80an7 logo are registere/ tra/e0ar,s o1 Re/ 3at4 9n*2 in the Unite/ States an/ other
(ra*le an/ :ava are registere/ tra/e0ar,s o1 (ra*le2
9ntel4 the 9ntel logo an/ ;eon are registere/ tra/e0ar,s o1 9ntel Cor6oration or its s.<si/iaries in the
Unite/ States an/ other *o.ntries2
All other tra/e0ar,s re1eren*e/ herein are the 6ro6erty o1 their res6e*tive o8ners2
= 201% <y Re/ 3at4 9n*2 +his 0aterial 0ay <e /istri<.te/ only s.<>e*t to the ter0s an/ *on/itions set
1orth in the (6en P.<li*ation -i*ense4 V120 or later ?the latest version is 6resently availa<le at
+he in1or0ation *ontaine/ herein is s.<>e*t to *hange 8itho.t noti*e2 Re/ 3at4 9n*2 shall not <e lia<le
1or te*hni*al or e/itorial errors or o0issions *ontaine/ herein2
Distri<.tion o1 0o/i1ie/ versions o1 this /o*.0ent is 6rohi<ite/ 8itho.t the e'6li*it 6er0ission o1 Re/
3at 9n*2
Distri<.tion o1 this 8or, or /erivative o1 this 8or, in any stan/ar/ ?6a6erA <oo, 1or0 1or *o00er*ial
6.r6oses is 6rohi<ite/ .nless 6rior 6er0ission is o<taine/ 1ro0 Re/ 3at 9n*2
+he BPB 1inger6rint o1 the se*.rityCre/hat2*o0 ,ey is
CA 20 86 86 2) D6 "D &C 6# &6 5C C$ 21 "1 80 CD D) $2 A6 05
"""%red*at%co' ii re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
#o''ents and .eedbac,
9n the s6irit o1 o6en so.r*e4 8e invite anyone to 6rovi/e 1ee/<a*, an/ *o00ents on any re1eren*e
ar*hite*t.res2 Altho.gh 8e revie8 o.r 6a6ers internally4 so0eti0es iss.es or ty6ogra6hi*al errors are
en*o.ntere/2 &ee/<a*, allo8s .s to not only i06rove the D.ality o1 the 6a6ers 8e 6ro/.*e4 <.t allo8s
the rea/er to 6rovi/e their tho.ghts on 6otential i06rove0ents an/ to6i* e'6ansion to the 6a6ers2
&ee/<a*, on the 6a6ers *an <e 6rovi/e/ <y e0ailing re1ar*h-1ee/<a*,Cre/hat2*o02 Please re1er to
the title 8ithin the e0ail2
taying /n 0ouc*
:oin .s on so0e o1 the 6o6.lar so*ial 0e/ia sites 8here 8e ,ee6 o.r a./ien*e in1or0e/ on ne8
re1eren*e ar*hite*t.res as 8ell as o11er relate/ in1or0ation on things 8e 1in/ interesting2
Li,e us on .aceboo,1
.ollo" us on 0"itter1
Plus us on 2oogle31
4ccessing Re!erence 4rc*itectures
+here are t8o 8ays to a**ess Re/ 3at re1eren*e ar*hite*t.res
+he Re/ 3at *.sto0er 6ortal at htt6@@a**ess2re/hat2*o0 .sing a *.sto0er login
+he Re/ 3at reso.r*e li<rary at htt6@@8882re/hat2*o0@reso.r*eli<rary@re1eren*e-ar*hite*t.res@
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' iii """%red*at%co'
Table of Contents
1 5'e*.tive S.00ary22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1
2 Re1eren*e Ar*hite*t.re 5nviron0ent2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 2
221 Re1eren*e Ar*hite*t.re (vervie822222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 2
222 Net8or, +o6ology22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 %
22% 3ar/8are Details222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 $
22$ &ile Syste0 -ayo.t E Dis, S6a*e Details222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 #
22# Storage -ayo.t222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 6
226 S8a6 S6a*e222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 6
227 Se*.rity &ire8all Settings222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 7
228 Se*.rity S5-in.'22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 7
% Re1eren*e Ar*hite*t.re Con1ig.ration Details222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 8
%21 Setting (S 3ostna0e22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 8
%22 Net8or, Con1ig.ration2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 8
%2221 Con1ig.ring @et*@resolv2*on1 1ile222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 "
%2222 P.<li* Net8or, Con1ig.ration22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 "
%222% N+P Con1ig.ration22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 11
%2% (S Con1ig.ration2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 12
%2%21 A**essing the R3N Re6ository222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 12
%2%22 (ra*le Data<ase 11g Release 2 ?1122202%A Pa*,age ReD.ire0ents222222222222222222222222 12
%2%2% Con1ig.ring Se*.rity-5nhan*e/ -in.' ?S5-in.'A222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1$
%2%2$ Con1ig.ring &ire8all Settings2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1$
%2%2# Setting Virt.al Fe0ory2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1#
%2%26 Setting Share/ Fe0ory222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 16
%2%27 Setting Se0a6hores22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 17
%2%28 56he0eral Net8or, Ports222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 18
%2%2" (6ti0iGing Net8or, Settings22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 18
%2%210 9n*reasing syn*hrono.s 9@( ReD.ests222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1"
%2%211 9n*reasing &ile 3an/les2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1"
%2%212 User A**o.nts E Bro.6s22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 20
%2%21% Setting Shell -i0its 1or the Bri/ an/ (ra*le User2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 21
%2$ Storage Con1ig.ration22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 2%
%2$21 Setting .6 DF-F.lti6ath22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 2%
%2$22 Partitioning Devi*e Fa66er Share/ Dis,s22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 26
"""%red*at%co' i5 re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
%2$2% Con1ig.ring (ra*le ASF Dis,s2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 27
%2$2%21 (ra*le ASF-i< Alternative Con1ig.ring U/ev R.les2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 27
%2$2%22 Con1ig.ring (ra*le ASF-i<2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 28
%2$2$ (6ti0iGing Data<ase Storage .sing A.to0ati* Syste0 +.ning22222222222222222222222222222222 %2
$ (ra*le 11gR2 Con1ig.ration222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 %$
$2121 9nstalling (ra*le Bri/ 9n1rastr.*t.re ?ReD.ire/ 1or ASFA2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 %$
$2122 9nstalling (ra*le 11g R2 Data<ase So1t8are222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 %8
$212% Creating ASF Dis,gro.6s via the ASF Con1ig.ration Assistant ?ASFCAA222222222222222 $%
$212$ Creating a Data<ase .sing Data<ase Con1ig.ration Assistant ?D)CAA22222222222222222222 $#
$212# 5na<ling 3.gePages2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 #0
# -ogging into the (ra*le Data<ase 11g Release 2 ?1122202%A2222222222222222222222222 #2
6 Con*l.sion222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 #%
A66en/i' A Revision 3istory222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 #$
A66en/i' ) Contri<.tors 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 ##
A66en/i' C DF F.lti6ath Con1ig.ration &ile222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 #6
A66en/i' D 96ta<les Con1ig.ration &ile22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 #8
A66en/i' 5 3.ge Pages S*ri6t22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 #"
A66en/i' & (ra*le Data<ase Pa*,age ReD.ire0ents +e't &ile2222222222222222222222 60
A66en/i' B Hernel Para0eters22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 61
A66en/i' 3 -i0its Con1ig.ration &ile ?""-gri/-ora*le-li0its2*on1A22222222222222222222 62
A66en/i' 9 ""-ora*le-as0/evi*es2r.les22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 6%
A66en/i' : Sa06le Hi*,start &ile22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 6$
A66en/i' H Con1ig.ration &iles22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 6#
A66en/i' - +ro.<leshooting (RA-I 5rrors222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 66
A66en/i' F Re1eren*es2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 70
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' 5 """%red*at%co'
1 Executive Summary
9+ organiGations 1a*e *hallenges o1 o6ti0iGing (ra*le /ata<ase environ0ents to ,ee6 .6 8ith
the ever in*reasing 8or,loa/ /e0an/s an/ evolving se*.rity ris,s2 +his re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re
6rovi/es a ste6-<y-ste6 /e6loy0ent 6ro*e/.re 8ith the latest <est 6ra*ti*es to install an/
*on1ig.re an (ra*le Data<ase 11g Release ?1122202%A 8ith (ra*le A.to0ati* Storage
Fanage0ent ?ASFA2 9t is s.ite/ 1or syste04 storage4 an/ /ata<ase a/0inistrators /e6loying
(ra*le Data<ase 11g Release 2 ?1122202%A on Re/ 3at 5nter6rise -in.' 62 9t is inten/e/ to
6rovi/e a Re/ 3at J (ra*le re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re that 1o*.ses on the 1ollo8ing tas,s
De6loying (ra*le Bri/ 9n1rastr.*t.re 11g R2 ?1122202%A
De6loying (ra*le Data<ase 11g R2 ?1122202%A 8ith share/ SAN /is,s
Using (ra*le ASF /is,s 8ith udev r.les or 8ith (ra*le ASF-i<
Se*.ring the (ra*le Data<ase 11gR2 environ0ent 8ith SELinux
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' 1 """%red*at%co'
2 Reference Architecture Environment
+his se*tion 1o*.ses on the *o06onents .se/ /.ring the /e6loy0ent o1 (ra*le Data<ase 11g
Release 2 ?1122202%A 8ith (ra*le A.to0ati* Storage Fanage0ent ?ASFA on Re/ 3at
5nter6rise -in.' 6 '86K6$ in this re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re2
2.1 Reference Architecture Overview
A 6i*torial re6resentation o1 the environ0ent .se/ in this re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re is sho8n in
.igure 11 Re!erence 4rc*itecture O5er5ie"2
"""%red*at%co' 2 re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
Figure 1: Reference Architecture
2.2 Network Topology
+he net8or, to6ology .se/ in this re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re *onsists o1 t8o 6.<li* s8it*hes 8ith
a lin, aggregation that *onne*t the t8o s8it*hes together ?Public Switch A an/ Public Switch
BA4 *reating a single logi*al s8it*h2 5thernet /evi*e em1 on the server *onne*ts to Public
Switch A4 8hile 5thernet /evi*e em2 on the server *onne*ts to Public Switch B2 5thernet
/evi*es em1 an/ em2 are <on/e/ together as a <on/ /evi*e4 bond04 6rovi/ing high
availa<ility 1or the net8or, tra11i*2 .igure 2%2%11 6et"or, 0opology sho8s the 6i*torial
re6resentation o1 the t8o 6.<li* s8it*hes *onne*ting to the server4 8hile .igure 2%2%21
Et*ernet Bonding sho8s the <on/ing o1 5thernet /evi*e em1 an/ em2 as 6art o1 the bond0
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' ) """%red*at%co'
Figure 2.2.1: Network Topology
Figure 2.2.2: Ethernet Bonding
2.3 Hardware Detail
+he 1ollo8ing are the 0ini0.0 har/8are reD.ire0ents to 6ro6erly install (ra*le Data<ase
11g Release 2 ?1122202%A on a '86K6$ syste0
Fini0.0 o1 1 B) o1 RAF 1or the installation o1 <oth (ra*le Bri/ 9n1rastr.*t.re an/
(ra*le Data<ase4 ho8ever 2 B) o1 0e0ory or 0ore is re*o00en/e/
Fini0.0 o1 1 Net8or, 9nter1a*e Car/ ?N9CA4 ho8ever 2 N9Cs are re*o00en/e/ 1or
high availa<ility ?3AA as .se/ in the re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re
Re/ 3at 5nter6rise -in.' 62' Server '86K6$ 8ith ,ernel 2262%2-71 or higher
Console a**ess that s.66orts 102$ ' 768 resol.tion to ens.re *orre*t /is6lay o1
(ra*leLs Universal 9nstaller ?(U9A2
0able 2%)%11 er5er Details s6e*i1ies the har/8are 1or the server .se/ 8ithin this re1eren*e
ar*hite*t.re2 +his har/8are 0eets the 0ini0.0 reD.ire0ents 1or 6ro6erly installing (ra*le
Data<ase 11g Release 2 ?1122202%A on a '86K6$ syste02
er5er Hard"are peci!ications
Oracle 11g R2 tandalone er5er
M1 ' 3P Pro-iant D-%70 B6 ServerN
Re/ 3at 5nter6rise -in.' 62$
,ernel 2262%2-%#82el62'86K6$
2 So*,et4 8 Core ?16 *oresA
9ntel?RA ;eon?RA CPU O##80 C %220 B3G
$8 B) o1 0e0ory4 DDR% $0"6 F) C 1%%%
2 ' Net;en N;%0%1 1@10-Biga<it Net8or,
9nter1a*e Car/s ?N9CsA 1or 6.<li* net8or,
1 ' Plogi* 9SP2#%2 8B) &i<re Channel D.al
Port 3)A
Table 2.3.1: Server Details
0able 2%)%21 "itc* Details s6e*i1ies the &i<re Channel an/ 5thernet s8it*hes .se/ 8ithin
this re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re2
"itc* Hard"are
2 ' )ro*a/e Sil,8or0 &i<re S8it*hes
2 ' 3P ProC.rve Biga<it S8it*hes
Table 2.3.2: Switch Details
"""%red*at%co' & re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
0able 2%)%)1 torage Details s6e*i1ies the storage .se/ 1or storing (ra*le /ata 1iles 8ithin
this re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re2
torage Hard"are peci!ications
3P StorageOor,s FSA2%2$1* D.al
Controller Array
2$ ' 1$6 B) 1#H SAS 3ar/ /is,s
Table 2.3.3: Storage Details
2.! "ile #yte$ %ayout & Dik #pace Detail
+he 1ollo8ing are the 0ini0.0 /is, s6a*e reD.ire0ents 1or 6ro6erly installing (ra*le
Data<ase 11g Release 2 ?1122202%A so1t8are <ase/ .6on this re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re2
o!t"are Dis, pace
(ra*le Bri/ 9n1rastr.*t.re 3o0e #2# B)
(ra*le Data<ase 3o0e 5nter6rise 5/ition
?in*l./es so1t8are 1iles an/ /ata 1ilesA
82" B)
@t06 1 B)
Table 2.4.1:Disk Space Requirements
6O0E1 +he a*t.al a0o.nt o1 /is, s6a*e *ons.0e/ 1or (ra*le Bri/ 9n1rastr.*t.re 3o0e an/
(ra*le Data<ase 3o0e 5nter6rise 5/ition 0ay vary2
0able 2%&%21 .ile yste' Layout s6e*i1ies the 1ile syste0 layo.t 1or the server .se/ 8ithin
this re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re2 +his layo.t ens.res the /is, s6a*e reD.ire0ents to 6ro6erly install
the (ra*le Bri/ 9n1rastr.*t.re an/ (ra*le Data<ase so1t8are 1or (ra*le Data<ase 11g
Release 2 ?1122202%A 8ithin the /u01 6artition2
.ile yste' Layout Dis, pace ize
@ 1# B)
@/ev@sh0 2$ B)
@<oot 2$8 F)
@ho0e 8 B)
@t06 $ B)
@.01 #0 B)
@.sr # B)
@var 8 B)
Table 2.4.2: ile S!stem "a!out

Ohile the siGe o1 the (ra*le /ata 1iles varies 1or ea*h sol.tion4 the 1ollo8ing are the (ra*le
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' 7 """%red*at%co'
/ata 1ile siGes .se/ 1or this re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re2
$olu'e $olu'e ize
(ra*le Data<ase Vol.0e 1 ?/<1A 100 GB
(ra*le Data<ase Vol.0e 2 ?/<2A 100 GB
&ast Re*overy Area ?1raA 200 GB
(ra*le Re/o -og Vol.0e ?re/oA 10 GB
Table 2.4.3: #racle Data ile Si$es %or Re%erence &rchitecture
2.' #torage %ayout
0able 2%7%11 torage Dis, Layout !or Re!erence 4rc*itecture sho8s the storage /is,
layo.t 1or ea*h vol.0e2
$olu'e ize R4/D 2roup
ize o!
v/01 /<1 100 B) Rai/ 1@0 8 1 #86 B)
v/02 /<2 100 B) Rai/ 1@0 8 1 #86 B)
v/0% 1ra 200 B) Rai/ # # 0 #86 B)
v/0$ re/o 10 B) Rai/ 1 2 0 1$6 B)
Table 2.'.1: Storage Disk "a!out %or Re%erence &rchitecture
2.( #wap #pace
S8a6 s6a*e is /eter0ine/ <y the a0o.nt o1 RAF 1o.n/ 8ithin the syste02 +he 1ollo8ing
ta<le /is6lays the s8a6 s6a*e re*o00en/ation2 +his re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re allo*ates 16 B)
o1 RAF 1or s8a6 s6a*e2

R48 "ap pace
22# B) .6 to 16 B) 5D.al to the siGe o1 RAF
Breater than 16 B) 16 B) o1 RAF
Table 2.(.1: Recommen)e) Swap Space
6O0E1 Ohen *al*.lating s8a6 s6a*e4 ens.re not to in*l./e RAF assigne/ 1or hugepages2
Fore in1or0ation on hugepages *an <e 1o.n/ in ection &%1%7 Enabling HugePages
"""%red*at%co' 6 re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
2.) #ecurity* "irewall #etting
0able 2%9%11 .ire"all ettings lists the ena<le/ 6orts 8ithin this re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re2
Port Protocol Description
22 +CP Se*.re Shell ?SS3A
80 +CP 3y6erte't +rans1er Proto*ol ?3++PA
$$% +CP 3y6erte't +rans1er Proto*ol over
SS-@+-S ?3++PSA
1#21 +CP (ra*le +rans6arent Net8or,
S.<strate ?+NSA -istener /e1a.lt
11#8 +CP (ra*le 5nter6rise Fanager 11g
/e1a.lt 6ort
Table 2.*.1: irewall Settings
2.+ #ecurity* #,%inu-
(ra*le 11g Release 2 version 1122202% an/ later s.66ort SELinux2 All syste0s in this
re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re r.n 8ith SELinux ena<le/ an/ set to en1or*ing 0o/e2 0able 2%:%11
ELinux Pac,ages lists the reD.ire/ SELinux 6a*,ages2 +he version %2721"-202 is availa<le
8ithin the /o8nloa/a<le tar 1ro0 4ppendix ; #on!iguration .iles
Pac,age $ersion
selin.'-6oli*y %2721"-211
selin.'-6oli*y-targete/ %2721"-211
Table 2.+.1: S,"inu- .ackages
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' 9 """%red*at%co'
3 Reference Architecture Configuration
+his re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re 1o*.ses on the /e6loy0ent o1 (ra*le Data<ase 11g Release 2
?1122202%A 8ith (ra*le A.to0ati* Storage Fanage0ent ?ASFA on Re/ 3at 5nter6rise -in.' 6
'86K6$2 +he *on1ig.ration is inten/e/ to 6rovi/e a *o06rehensive Re/ 3at J (ra*le sol.tion2
+he ,ey sol.tion *o06onents *overe/ 8ithin this re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re *onsists o1
Re/ 3at 5nter6rise -in.' 6 U6/ate $
(ra*le Bri/ 9n1rastr.*t.re 11g Release 2 ?1122202%A
(ra*le Data<ase 11g Release 2 ?1122202%A
Se*.rity-5nhan*e/ -in.' ?S5-in.'A
Devi*e Fa66er F.lti6athing
udev R.les
(ra*le ASF-i<
3.1 #etting O# Hotna$e
A .niD.e host na0e is reD.ire/ 1or the installation o1 (ra*le Data<ase 11g Release 2
?1122202%A +he host na0e 8ithin this re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re is db-oacle-node1! +o set the
host na0e4 6lease 1ollo8 the instr.*tions <elo82
Set the host na0e via the .se o1 the hostname *o00an/2 An e'a06le o1 setting db-oacle-
node1 host na0e is sho8n <elo82
# hostname db-oracle-node1.cloud.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com
5/it the /etc/s"scon#ig/netwo$ 1ileLs host na0e varia<le 8ith the host na0e 6rovi/e/ a<ove2
An e'a06le o1 the /etc/s"scon#ig/netwo$ 1ile on db-oacle-node1 *an <e seen <elo82
# cat /etc/sysconfig/network
3.2 Network .onfiguration
+he net8or, *on1ig.ration se*tion 1o*.ses on the 6ro6er *reation o1 a <on/e/ net8or,
inter1a*e4 ens.res the %etwo$&anage is /isa<le/4 an/ *on1ig.res the @et*@resolv2*on1 1ile2
+he <on/e/ net8or, inter1a*e 6rovi/es an (ra*le environ0ent 8ith high availa<ility in *ase o1
a net8or, inter1a*e 1ail.re2
"""%red*at%co' : re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
3.2.1 Configuring /etc/resolv.conf file
Via the 0an 6ages o1 resolv2*on14 Q+he resolver is a set o1 ro.tines in the C li<rary that
6rovi/e a**ess to the 9nternet Do0ain Na0e Syste0 ?DNSA2 +he resolver *on1ig.ration 1ile
*ontains in1or0ation that is rea/ <y the resolver ro.tines the 1irst ti0e they are invo,e/ <y a
6ro*ess2 +he 1ile is /esigne/ to <e h.0an rea/a<le an/ *ontains a list o1 ,ey8or/s 8ith
val.es that 6rovi/e vario.s ty6es o1 resolver in1or0ation2R +he /etc/esolv!con# 1ile 1or this
re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re *onsists o1 t8o *on1ig.ration o6tions nameseve an/ seach2 +he
sear*h o6tion is .se/ to sear*h 1or a host na0e 6art o1 a 6arti*.lar /o0ain2 +he na0eserver
o6tion is the 9P a//ress o1 the na0e server the syste0 ?db-oacle-node1A sho.l/ D.ery2 91
0ore than one na0eserver is liste/4 the resolver li<rary D.eries the0 in or/er2 An e'a06le o1
the /etc/esolv!con# 1ile .se/ on the re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re *an <e seen <elo82
cat /etc/resolv.conf
search cloud.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com
nameser'er 1(.1).1*+.,*-
nameser'er 1(.1).1*+.,*.
nameser'er 1(.1).,//.,
&or 0ore in1or0ation4 6lease visit the 0an 6ages o1 the esolv!con# 1ile via the *o00an/
# man resolv.conf
3.2.2 Public Network Configuration
+he 6.<li* net8or, *on1ig.ration *onsists o1 t8o net8or, inter1a*es <on/e/ together to
6rovi/e high availa<ility2 +he e'a06le <elo8 sho8s ho8 to <on/ 6hysi*al inter1a*es em1 an/
em2 8ith a <on/ /evi*e la<ele/ bond02 91 %etwo$&anage is installe/4 ens.re it is disabled2
Che*, the stat.s o1 %etwo$&anage
# chkconfig -list | grep NetworkManager
Net0or1#anager (2o33 12o33 ,2o33 +2o33 *2o33 /2o33 )2o33
Disa<le %etwo$&anage
# service NetworkManager stop
# chkconfig NetworkManager off
As the root .ser4 e'e*.te the 1ollo8ing *o00an/ 8hi*h *reates a 1ile na0e/ bonding!con#
8ithin the /etc/modpobe!d/ /ire*tory nee/e/ to *reate a <on/e/ /evi*e 1or 0.lti6le net8or,
inter1a*es2 +he bonding!con# 1ile is also 6art o1 4ppendix ; #on!iguration .iles
# echo "alias bond0 bonding" /etc/modprobe.d/bonding.conf
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' < """%red*at%co'
As the root .ser4 *reate a <a*,.6 o1 the i#c#g-em1 E i#c#g-em2 1iles4 *reate the i#c#g-bond0 1ile
an/ e/it the i#c#g-em1 E i#c#g-em2 *on1ig.ration 1iles 1o.n/ 8ithin /etc/s"scon#ig/netwo$-
scipts! An e'a06le *an <e seen <elo82
# cp /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-em! /etc/sysconfig/network-
# cp /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-em# /etc/sysconfig/network-
# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond0
7ON4ING8O9T!=6mode=1 m::mon=1(( ;r:mary=em16
# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-em!
# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-em#
A1ter all the net8or, s*ri6ts are *on1ig.re/4 restart the net8or, servi*e via the *o00an/
# service network restart
!hutt:ng do0n :nter3ace bond(2 A OK B
!hutt:ng do0n loo;bac1 :nter3ace2 A OK B
7r:ng:ng u; loo;bac1 :nter3ace2 A OK B
7r:ng:ng u; :nter3ace bond(2 A OK B
"""%red*at%co' 1( re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
3.2.3 NTP Configuration
+he ntpd 6rogra0 is an o6erating syste0 /ae0on 8hi*h sets an/ 0aintains the syste0 ti0e
o1 /ay in syn*hronis0 8ith 9nternet stan/ar/ ti0e servers
2 +he ntpd 6rogra0 o6erates <y
e'*hanging 0essages 8ith one or 0ore *on1ig.re/ servers at /esignate/ 6oll intervals
+o *on1ig.re the nt6/ /ae0on4 1ollo8 the instr.*tions <elo82
12 5/it the /etc/ntp!con# 1ile 8ith a te't e/itor s.*h as vi2
# vi /etc/ntp.conf
22 -o*ate the 1ollo8ing 6.<li* server 6ool se*tion4 an/ 0o/i1y to in*l./e the a66ro6riate
N+P servers2 &or the 6.r6oses o1 this re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re4 only one N+P server is
.se/4 <.t % is re*o00en/e/2 +he ib"rst o6tion 8as a//e/ to s6ee/ .6 the ti0e in
8hi*h it ta,es to 6ro6erly syn* 8ith the N+P servers2
# >se ;ubl:c ser'ers 3rom the ;ool.nt;.org ;roCect.
# 9lease cons:der Co:n:ng the ;ool Dhtt;2EE000.;ool.nt;.orgECo:n.htmlF.
ser'er 1(.1).,//., :burst
%2 Save all the *hanges 8ithin the /etc/ntp!con# 1ile
$2 Restart the nt6/ /ae0on via the *o00an/
# service ntpd restart
!hutt:ng do0n nt;d2 A&"I<E4B
!tart:ng nt;d2 A OK B
6O0E1 Sh.tting /o8n ntpd /ae0on 6rovi/es a stat.s o1 L&A9-5DL i1 the ntpd /ae0on
is *.rrently o112
#2 5ns.re that the nt6/ /ae0on is starte/ 8hen the syste0 is <oote/2
# chkconfig ntpd on
1 nt6/ S Net8or, +i0e Proto*ol ?N+PA /ae0on 0an 6age S 0an nt6/ ?8A
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' 11 """%red*at%co'
3.3 O# .onfiguration
3.3.1 Accessing the RHN Repository
9nstr.*tions on ho8 to register a syste0 an/ 0anage s.<s*ri6tions on Re/ 3at 5nter6rise
-in.' 6 *an <e 1o.n/ 8ithin the Re/ 3at -in.' 6 De6loy0ent B.i/e /o*.0entation
+he 1ollo8ing ta<le sho8s the reD.ire/ *hannels via the Re/ 3at Net8or, 1or the installation
o1 (ra*le2
#*annel ource
rhel-'86K6$-server-6 R3N Classi*
rhel-'86K6$-server-s.66le0entary-6 R3N Classi*
Table Require) /hannels
6O0E1 +he rhel-'86K6$-server-s.66le0entary-6 *hannel is a reD.ire0ent 1or the
i06le0entation o1 (ra*le AS&Lib 1o.n/ in ection )%&%)%2 #on!iguring Oracle 48Lib2
3o8ever4 (ra*le AS&Lib is not reD.ire/ 1or the .se o1 (ra*le ASF /is,s2 +his re1eren*e
ar*hite*t.re 1eat.res <oth 0etho/s o1 i06le0entation 8ithin ection )%&%)%1 Oracle 48Lib
4lternati5e1 #on!iguring =de5 Rules an/ ection )%&%)%2 #on!iguring Oracle 48Lib
3.3.2 Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( Package
A s6e*i1i* set o1 6a*,ages is reD.ire/ to 6ro6erly /e6loy (ra*le Data<ase 11g Release 2
?1122202%A on Re/ 3at 5nter6rise -in.' 6 ?'86K6$A2 +he n.0<er o1 installe/ 6a*,ages
reD.ire/ varies /e6en/ing on 8hether a /e1a.lt or 0ini0al installation o1 Re/ 3at 5nter6rise
-in.' 6 ?'86K6$A is 6er1or0e/2 &or the 6.r6oses o1 this re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re4 a 0ini0al Re/
3at 5nter6rise -in.' 6 installation is 6er1or0e/ to re/.*e the n.0<er o1 installe/ 6a*,ages2 A
sa06le ,i*,start 1ile as <een 6rovi/e/ 8ithin 4ppendix ; #on!iguration .iles2 Re/ 3at
5nter6rise -in.' 6 installation reD.ire/ gro.6 6a*,ages
Re>uired 2roup Pac,ages
Table 0roup .ackages
2 Re/ 3at 5nter6rise -in.' 6 De6loy0ent B.i/e4 htt6s@@a**ess2re/hat2*o0@site@/o*.0entation@en-
"""%red*at%co' 12 re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
(ra*le Bri/ 9n1rastr.*t.re 1122 an/ (ra*le Data<ase 1122 reD.ire/ '86K6$ RPF 6a*,ages

Re>uired Pac,ages
*loog-66l li<;'1860is*
*o06at-li<*a61 li<;'186v0
*o06at-li<st/*!!-%% li<aio-/evel
*66 li</0'
g** li<st/*!!-/evel
g**-*!! 061r
gli<*-/evel 0a,e
gli<*-hea/ers 66l
,ernel-hea/ers 'org-'11-.tils
li<;0. 'org-'11-'a.th
li<;t li<;v
,sh li<;'186/ga
Table Require) .ackages
A1ter the installation o1 Re/ 3at 5nter6rise -in.' 6 is *o06lete/4 *reate a 1ile4 e'-pm!txt4 that
*ontains the na0e o1 ea*h RPF 6a*,age liste/ a<ove on a se6arate line2 &or si06li*ity4 this
e'-pm!txt 1ile is in*l./e/ in 4ppendix . Oracle Database Pac,age Re>uire'ents 0ext
Use the y"m 6a*,age 0anager to install the 6a*,ages an/ any o1 their /e6en/en*ies 8ith the
1ollo8ing *o00an/
# y"m install $awk %&print '!(% ./re)-rpm.t*t$
A 0ini0.0 installation o1 Re/ 3at 5nter6rise -in.' 6 /oes not install the ( )indow S"stem
server 6a*,age4 <.t only the reD.ire/ (11 *lient li<raries2 9n or/er to r.n the (ra*le Universal
9nstaller ?(U9A4 a syste0 8ith the ( )indow S"stem server 6a*,age installe/ is reD.ire/2 Via
a syste0 8ith ( )indow S"stem installe/4 ++, into the (ra*le Data<ase server 8ith the *
o6tion to ens.re tr.ste/ (11 1or8ar/ing is set2 +he *o00an/ is as 1ollo8s
T ss* +? 1(%16%1&2%71
Alternatively4 i1 a syste0 8ith the ; Oin/o8 Syste0 server 6a*,age is .navaila<le4 install the
( )indow S"stem server 6a*,age /ire*tly on the (ra*le Data<ase Server2
T yu' groupinstall @A Bindo" yste'@
% -in.' (S 9nstallation 8ith Re/.*e/ Set o1 Pa*,ages 1or R.nning (ra*le Data<ase Server M9D 728%$621N
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' 1) """%red*at%co'
3.3.3 Configuring Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux)
SELinux is an i06le0entation o1 a 0an/atory a**ess *ontrol ?FACA 0e*hanis0 /evelo6e/
<y the National Se*.rity Agen*y ?NSAA2 +he 6.r6ose o1 SELinux is to a66ly r.les on 1iles an/
6ro*esses <ase/ on /e1ine/ 6oli*ies2 Ohen 6oli*ies are a66ro6riately /e1ine/4 a syste0
r.nning SELinux enhan*es a66li*ation se*.rity <y /eter0ining i1 an a*tion 1ro0 a 6arti*.lar
6ro*ess sho.l/ <e grante/ th.s 6rote*ting against v.lnera<ilities 8ithin a syste02 +he
i06le0entation o1 Re/ 3at 5nter6rise -in.' 6 ena<les SELinux <y /e1a.lt an/ a66ro6riately
sets it to the /e1a.lt setting o1 E%+,-./%02 9t is highly re*o00en/e/ that SELinux <e ,e6t in
E%+,-./%0 0o/e 8hen r.nning (ra*le Data<ase 11g Release 2 ?1122202%A2
Veri1y that SELinux is r.nning an/ set to E%+,-./%0
As the root .ser4
# getenforce
91 the syste0 is r.nning in PE-&/SS/1E or 2/SABLE2 0o/e4 0o/i1y the /etc/s"scon#ig/selinux 1ile
an/ set SELinux to en1or*ing as sho8n <elo82
+he 0o/i1i*ation o1 the /etc/s"scon#ig/selinux 1ile ta,es e11e*t a1ter a re<oot2 +o *hange the
setting o1 SELinux i00e/iately 8itho.t a re<oot4 r.n the 1ollo8ing *o00an/
# setenforce !
&or 0ore in1or0ation on Se*.rity-5nhan*e/ -in.'4 6lease visit the Re/ 3at 5nter6rise -in.' 6
Se*.rity-5nhan*e/ -in.' User B.i/e
3.3.4 Configuring Firewall Settings
&ire8all a**ess an/ restri*tions 6lay a *riti*al role in se*.ring yo.r (ra*le Data<ase 11g
Release 2 ?1122202%A environ0ent2 9t is re*o00en/e/ that the 1ire8all settings <e *on1ig.re/
to 6er0it a**ess to the (ra*le Data<ase net8or, 6orts only 1ro0 a.thoriGe/ /ata<ase or
/ata<ase-0anage0ent *lients2 &or e'a06le4 in or/er to allo8 a**ess to a s6e*i1i* /ata<ase
*lient 8ith an 9P a//ress o1 1021621$22#$ to 0a,e reD.ests to the /ata<ase server via
SP-INet .sing (ra*leLs +NS ?+rans6arent Net8or, S.<strateA -istener ?/e1a.lt 6ort o1 1#21A4
the 1ollo8ing 1ire8all r.le 0.st <e a//e/ to the iptables *on1ig.ration 1ile 1o.n/ at
-" IN9>T -m state --state NEW -m tc; -; tc; -s 1(.1).1*,./* --d;ort 1/,1 -C
-i,e8ise4 i1 this 6arti*.lar /ata<ase *lient 8ith an 9P a//ress o1 1021621$22#$ reD.ire/ a**ess
to the 8e<-<ase/ (ra*le 5nter6rise Fanager 11g that .ses the /e1a.lt 6ort o1 11#84 the
1ollo8ing 1ire8all r.le 0.st <e a//e/ to the iptables *on1ig.ration 1ile 1o.n/ at
"""%red*at%co' 1& re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
-" IN9>T -m state --state NEW -m tc; -; tc; -s 1(.1).1*,./* --d;ort 11/. -C
(n*e the r.les have <een 0o/i1ie/ 8ithin the /etc/s"scon#ig/iptables4 r.n the 1ollo8ing
*o00an/ to a*tivate
# service iptables restart
:;tables2 &lush:ng 3:re0all rules2 A OK B
:;tables2 !ett:ng cha:ns to ;ol:cy "%%E9T2 nat mangle 3:lteA OK B
:;tables2 >nload:ng modules2 A OK B
:;tables2 ";;ly:ng 3:re0all rules2 A OK B
6O0E1 A 1.ll listing o1 all the 1ire8all settings 8ithin the /etc/s"scon#ig/iptables 1ile 1or this
re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re *an <e 1o.n/ at 4ppendix D /ptables #on!iguration .ile%
3.3.5 Setting Virtual Memory
+.ning virt.al 0e0ory reD.ires the 0o/i1i*ation o1 1ive ,ernel 6ara0eters that a11e*t the rate
at 8hi*h virt.al 0e0ory is .se/ 8ithin (ra*le /ata<ases2 9t is i06ortant to note the
re*o00en/e/ val.es are to <e .se/ as a starting 6oint 8hen setting virt.al 0e0ory2 A <rie1
an/ re*o00en/e/ settings 1or the virt.al 0e0ory 6ara0eters4 as 8ell as4 the
/e1inition o1 /irty /ata are /es*ri<e/ <elo82
- A val.e 1ro0 0 to 100 8hi*h *ontrols the /egree to 8hi*h the syste0 s8a6s2 A
high val.e 6rioritiGes syste0 6er1or0an*e4 aggressively s8a66ing 6ro*esses o.t o1 6hysi*al
0e0ory 8hen they are not a*tive2 A lo8 val.e 6rioritiGes intera*tivity an/ avoi/s s8a66ing
6ro*esses o.t o1 6hysi*al 0e0ory 1or as long as 6ossi<le4 8hi*h /e*reases res6onse laten*y2
+he /e1a.lt val.e is 602 +he (ra*le re*o00en/e/ val.e is 02
2/-4* 2A4A 5 Dirty /ata is /ata that has <een 0o/i1ie/ an/ hel/ in the 6age *a*he 1or
6er1or0an*e <ene1its2 (n*e the /ata is 1l.she/ to /is,4 the /ata is *lean2
5 Contains4 as a 6er*entage o1 total syste0 0e0ory4 the n.0<er o1 6ages at
8hi*h a 6ro*ess 8hi*h is generating /is, 8rites 8ill itsel1 start 8riting o.t /irty /ata2 +he
/e1a.lt val.e is 202 +he re*o00en/e/ val.e is 802
5 Contains4 as a 6er*entage o1 total syste0 0e0ory4 the n.0<er o1
6ages at 8hi*h the <a*,gro.n/ 8rite <a*, /ae0on 8ill start 8riting o.t /irty /ata2 +he (ra*le
re*o00en/e/ val.e is %2
- De1ines 8hen /irty in-0e0ory /ata is ol/ eno.gh to <e eligi<le 1or
8riteo.t2 +he /e1a.lt val.e is 30004 e'6resse/ in h.n/re/ths o1 a se*on/2 +he (ra*le
re*o00en/e/ val.e is #002
- De1ines the interval o1 8hen 8rites o1 /irty in-0e0ory /ata are
8ritten o.t to /is,2 +he /e1a.lt val.e is 5004 e'6resse/ in h.n/re/ths o1 a se*on/2 +he (ra*le
re*o00en/e/ val.e is 1002
$ R35-6 Hernel Do*.0entation - @.sr@share@/o*@,ernel-/o*-2262%2@Do*.0entation@sys*tl@v02t't
# R35-6 Hernel Do*.0entation - @.sr@share@/o*@,ernel-/o*-2262%2@Do*.0entation@sys*tl@v02t't
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' 17 """%red*at%co'
Prior to 0a,ing any *hanges to the /etc/s"sctl!con# ens.re to *reate a <a*,.6 as 1ollo8s
# cp /etc/sysctl.conf /etc/sysctl.conf.bk"p
+he 1ollo8ing is a sni66et 1ro0 the /etc/s"sctl!con# 1ile 8ith the 1ive virt.al 0e0ory 6ara0eters
set 8ith the re*o00en/e/ settings
'm.s0a;;:ness = (
'm.d:rty8bac1ground8rat:o = +
'm.d:rty8rat:o = .(
'm.d:rty8eH;:re8cent:secs = /((
'm.d:rty80r:tebac18cent:secs = 1((
&or the *hanges ta,e e11e*t i00e/iately4 r.n the 1ollo8ing *o00an/
# sysctl -p
6O0E1 A 1.ll listing o1 all the ,ernel 6ara0eters 0o/i1ie/ 8ithin the /etc/s"sctl!con# 1ile *an <e
1o.n/ at 4ppendix 2 ;ernel Para'eters%
3.3.6 Setting Shared Memory
Share/ 0e0ory allo8s 6ro*esses to *o00.ni*ate 8ith ea*h other <y 6la*ing regions o1
0e0ory into 0e0ory seg0ents2 9n the *ase o1 (ra*le4 share/ 0e0ory seg0ents are .se/
<y the Syste0 Blo<al Area ?SBAA to store in*o0ing /ata an/ *ontrol in1or0ation2 +he siGe o1
(ra*leLs SBA i06a*ts the a0o.nt o1 share/ 0e0ory 6ages an/ share/ 0e0ory seg0ents to
<e set 8ithin a syste02 )y /e1a.lt4 Re/ 3at 5nter6rise -in.' 6 6rovi/es a large a0o.nt o1
share/ 0e0ory 6ages an/ seg0ents4 ho8ever4 the a66ro6riate allo*ation 1or a syste0
/e6en/s on the a0o.nt o1 RAF 8ithin the syste02
9n or/er to allo*ate the a66ro6riate a0o.nt o1 share/ 0e0ory 6ages an/ share/ 0e0ory
seg0ents 1or a syste0 r.nning an (ra*le /ata<ase4 the ,ernel 6ara0eters S:&ALL; S:&&A(4 an/
S:&&%/ 0.st <e set2
S:&ALL 5 is the 0a'i0.0 total a0o.nt o1 share/ 0e0ory 6ages
S:&&A( S is the 0a'i0.0 siGe in <ytes o1 a single share/ 0e0ory seg0ent
S:&&%/ S is the 0a'i0.0 total a0o.nt o1 share/ 0e0ory seg0ents
+he 1irst ste6 in /eter0ining the 0a'i0.0 a0o.nt o1 share/ 0e0ory 6ages ?S:&ALLA in a
syste0 is to /eter0ine the syste0Ls 6age siGe in <ytes2 +he 1ollo8ing *o00an/ *an <e .se/
to o<tain the syste0 6age siGe2
# getconf -./01+230
(n*e the 6age siGe is *a6t.re/4 *al*.late S:&ALL as 1ollo8s
4,4AL -A& /% B*4ES / PA0E6S/<E
&or e'a06le4 on a syste0 8ith $8 B) o1 0e0ory the S:&ALL *al*.lation 8o.l/ loo, as 1ollo8s
"""%red*at%co' 16 re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
# echo 456 7 !0#589 / 50:;< | bc
+he *al*.lation o1 S:&&A(4 is as 1ollo8s
:AL+ ,+ 4,4AL -A& /% B*4ES
&or e'a06le4 on a syste0 8ith $8 B) o1 0e0ory the S:&&A( *al*.lation 8o.l/ loo, as 1ollo8s
# echo 456 7 !0#589 / #< | bc
As 1or S:&&%/4 (ra*le re*o00en/s the val.e o1 S:&&%/ to <e set to $0"62
NOT,* 91 the *.rrent val.e 1o.n/ 8ithin /etc/s"sctl!con# 1or any 6ara0eter is higher than the
val.e *al*.late/ 1or S:&&A( an/ S:&ALL4 /o not *hange the val.e 1o.n/ 8ithin the
/etc/s"sctl!con# 1ile!
Sin*e the val.es o1 S:&&A( an/ S:&ALL *al*.late/ are s0aller then the val.es alrea/y set4 no
*hanges are 0a/e 8ithin /etc/s"sctl!con#2 Sni66et o1 the /etc/s"sctl!con# 1ile
1ernel.shmmaH = ).-1?*-)-+)
1ernel.shmall = *,?*?)-,?)
1ernel.shmmn: = *(?)
9n or/er 1or the *hanges ta,e e11e*t i00e/iately4 r.n the 1ollo8ing *o00an/
# sysctl -p
6O0E1 A 1.ll listing o1 all the ,ernel 6ara0eters 0o/i1ie/ 8ithin the /etc/s"sctl!con# 1ile *an <e
1o.n/ at 4ppendix 2 ;ernel Para'eters%
3.3.7 Setting Semaphores
Re/ 3at 5nter6rise -in.' 6 6rovi/es se0a6hores 1or syn*hroniGation o1 in1or0ation <et8een
6ro*esses2 +he ,ernel 6ara0eter sem is *o06ose/ o1 1o.r 6ara0eters
SE&&SL S is /e1ine/ as the 0a'i0.0 n.0<er o1 se0a6hores 6er se0a6hore set
SE&&%/ S is /e1ine/ as the 0a'i0.0 n.0<er o1 se0a6hore sets 1or the entire syste0
SE&&%S S is /e1ine/ as the total n.0<er o1 se0a6hores 1or the entire syste0
6O0E1 SE&&%S is *al*.late/ <y SE&&SL I SE&&%/
SE&,P& S is /e1ine/ as the total n.0<er o1 se0a6hore o6erations 6er1or0e/ 6er se0o6
syste0 *all2
+he 1ollo8ing line is reD.ire/ 8ithin the /etc/s"sctl!con# 1ile to 6rovi/e s.11i*ient se0a6hores
1or (ra*le
1ernel.sem = ,/( +,((( 1(( 1,.
9n or/er 1or the *hanges ta,e e11e*t i00e/iately4 r.n the 1ollo8ing *o00an/
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' 19 """%red*at%co'
# sysctl -p
6O0E1 A 1.ll listing o1 all the ,ernel 6ara0eters 0o/i1ie/ 8ithin the /etc/s"sctl!con# 1ile *an <e
1o.n/ at 4ppendix 2 ;ernel Para'eters%
3.3.8 Ephemeral Network Ports
(ra*le re*o00en/s that the e6he0eral /e1a.lt 6ort range <e set starting at "000 to 6##002
+his ens.res that all 8ell ,no8n 6orts4 6orts .se/ <y (ra*le an/ other a66li*ations are
avoi/e/2 +o set the e6he0eral 6ort range4 0o/i1y the /etc/s"sctl!con# 1ile an/ a// the 1ollo8ing
net.:;'*.:;8local8;ort8range = ?((( )//((
9n or/er 1or the *hanges ta,e e11e*t i00e/iately4 r.n the 1ollo8ing *o00an/
# sysctl -p
6O0E1 A 1.ll listing o1 all the ,ernel 6ara0eters 0o/i1ie/ 8ithin the /etc/s"sctl!con# 1ile *an <e
1o.n/ at 4ppendix 2 ;ernel Para'eters%
3.3.9 Optimizing Network Settings
(6ti0iGing the net8or, settings 1or the /e1a.lt an/ 0a'i0.0 <.11ers 1or the a66li*ation
so*,ets in (ra*le Data<ase 11g Release 2 ?1122202%A is /one <y setting stati* siGes to -&E&
an/ )&E&2 +he -&E& 6ara0eter re6resents the re*eive <.11er siGe4 8hile the )&E& re6resents
the sen/ <.11er siGe2 +he re*o00en/e/ val.es <y (ra*le are 0o/i1ie/ 8ithin the
/etc/s"sct!con# 1ile2
net.core.rmem8de3ault = ,),1**
net.core.rmem8maH = *1?*+(*
net.core.0mem8de3ault = ,),1**
net.core.0mem8maH = 1(*./-)
9n or/er to 0a,e the *hanges ta,e e11e*t i00e/iately4 r.n the 1ollo8ing *o00an/
# sysctl -p
6O0E1 A 1.ll listing o1 all the ,ernel 6ara0eters 0o/i1ie/ 8ithin the /etc/s"sctl!con# 1ile *an <e
1o.n/ at 4ppendix 2 ;ernel Para'eters%
"""%red*at%co' 1: re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
3.3.10 Increasing synchronous I/O Requests
+he ,ernel 6ara0eter +S!A/,-&A(-%- sets the 0a'i0.0 n.0<er o1 on *.rrent asyn*hrono.s 9@(
reD.ests2 (ra*le re*o00en/s setting the val.e to 10$8#762 9n or/er to a// +S-A/,-&A(-%- to
10$8#764 0o/i1y the /etc/s"sctl!con# 1ile as 1ollo8s
3s.a:o-maH-nr = 1(*./-)
9n or/er 1or the *hanges ta,e e11e*t i00e/iately4 r.n the 1ollo8ing *o00an/
# sysctl -p
6O0E1 A 1.ll listing o1 all the ,ernel 6ara0eters 0o/i1ie/ 8ithin the /etc/s"sctl!con# 1ile *an <e
1o.n/ at 4ppendix 2 ;ernel Para'eters%
3.3.11 Increasing File Handles
6O0E1 (ra*le AS&Lib /oes not o6en 1ile /es*ri6tors 1or ea*h /evi*e4 <.t instea/ o6ens one
1ile /es*ri6tor 6er (ra*le 6ro*ess! +his re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re 1eat.res <oth 0etho/s o1
i06le0entation 8ithin ection )%&%)%1 Oracle 48Lib 4lternati5e1 #on!iguring =de5
Rules an/ ection )%&%)%2 #on!iguring Oracle 48Lib% 3o8ever4 /.ring the installation o1
(ra*le Data<ase 11g Release 2 ?1122202%A the +S!+/LE-&A( ,ernel 6ara0eter 0.st <e set to at
least 681#7$$2
+he ,ernel 6ara0eter +S!+/LE-&A( sets the 0a'i0.0 n.0<er o1 o6en 1ile han/les assigne/ to
the Re/ 3at 5nter6rise -in.' 6 o6erating syste02 (ra*le re*o00en/s that 1or ea*h (ra*le
/ata<ase instan*e 1o.n/ 8ithin a syste04 allo*ate #12IP-,.ESSSES in a//ition to the o6en
1ile han/les alrea/y assigne/ to the Re/ 3at 5nter6rise -in.' 6 o6erating syste02
P-,.ESSES 8ithin a /ata<ase instan*e re1ers to the 0a'i0.0 n.0<er o1 6ro*esses that
*an <e *on*.rrently *onne*te/ to the (ra*le /ata<ase <y the oacle .ser2 +he /e1a.lt val.e
1or P-,.ESSES is 1#0 1or (ra*le Data<ase 11g Release 2 ?1122202%A! +o 6ro6erly *al*.late
the +S!+/LE-&A( 1or a syste04 1irst i/enti1y the *.rrent +S!+/LE-&A( allo*ate/ to the syste0 via the
1ollo8ing *o00an/
# cat /proc/sys/fs/file-ma*
Ne't4 a// all the P-,.ESSES together 1ro0 ea*h (ra*le /ata<ase instan*e 1o.n/ 8ithin the
syste0 an/ 0.lti6le <y #12 as seen in the 1ollo8ing *o00an/2
# echo 4=!# 7 !=0< | bc
6O0E1 +o /eter0ine the *.rrent P-,.ESSES val.e4 log into the (ra*le /ata<ase instan*e
an/ r.n the 1ollo8ing *o00an/ <elo82 Sin*e no (ra*le /ata<ase has yet <een *reate/ 8ithin
this re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re4 the /e1a.lt val.e o1 1#0 P-,.ESSES is .se/2
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' 1< """%red*at%co'
&inally4 a// the *.rrent +S!+/LE-&A( val.e 8ith the ne8 val.e 1o.n/ 1ro0 0.lti6lying
#12IPR(C5SS5S to attain the ne8 +S!+/LE-&A( val.e2
# echo 49#>;6 ? >;600< | bc
Ohile the val.e o1 the +S!+/LE-&A( 6ara0eter varies .6on yo.r environ0ent4 this re1eren*e
ar*hite*t.re sets the val.e at 681#7$$2 (ra*le re*o00en/s a val.e no s0aller than
681#7$$2 D.e to the *al*.lation in the a<ove e'a06le eD.ating to 10"#684 the 0ini0.0
(ra*le re*o00en/e/ val.e 8as .se/2 9n or/er to a// +S!+/LE-&A( to 681#7$$4 0o/i1y the
@et*@sys*tl2*on1 1ile as 1ollo8s
3s.3:le-maH = ).1/-**
9n or/er 1or the *hanges ta,e e11e*t i00e/iately4 r.n the 1ollo8ing *o00an/
# sysctl -p
6O0E1 9t is re*o00en/e/ to revisit the +S!+/LE-&A( val.e i1 the P-,.ESSES val.e is
in*rease/ 1or the (ra*le /ata<ase instan*e2
6O0E1 A 1.ll listing o1 all the ,ernel 6ara0eters 0o/i1ie/ 8ithin the /etc/s"sctl!con# 1ile *an <e
1o.n/ at 4ppendix 2 ;ernel Para'eters%
3.3.12 User Accounts & Groups
Prior to the installation o1 (ra*le Data<ase 11g Release 2 ?1122202%A4 (ra*le re*o00en/s the
*reation o1 a 0-/2 .ser 1or the (ra*le Bri/ 9n1rastr.*t.re an/ an ,-A.LE .ser 1or the (ra*le
Data<ase so1t8are installe/ on the syste02 &or the 6.r6oses o1 this re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re4
the (ra*le Data<ase so1t8are o8ner is the .ser ,-A.LE an/ the (ra*le Bri/ 9n1rastr.*t.re 1or
a stan/alone server so1t8are o8ner is the .ser 0-/22 5a*h .ser is /esignate/ /i11erent gro.6s
to han/le s6e*i1i* roles <ase/ on the so1t8are installe/2 3o8ever4 the *reation o1 se6arate
.sers reD.ires that <oth the ,-A.LE .ser an/ the 0-/2 .ser have a *o00on 6ri0ary gro.64 the
(ra*le *entral inventory gro.6 ?,/%S4ALLA2
+he 1ollo8ing are the re*o00en/e/ syste0 gro.6s *reate/ 1or the installation o1 the (ra*le
Data<ase an/ 6art o1 the ora*le .ser2
(SD)A gro.6 ?2BAA S /eter0ines (S .ser a**o.nts 8ith D)A 6rivileges
(S(P5R gro.6 ?,PE-A S an o6tional gro.6 *reate/ to assign li0ite/ D)A 6rivileges ?S*S,PE-
6rivile/geA to 6arti*.lar (S .ser a**o.nts
+he 1ollo8ing are the re*o00en/e/ syste0 gro.6s *reate/ 1or the installation o1 the (ra*le
Bri/ 9n1rastr.*t.re an/ 6art o1 the 0-/2 .ser
(SD)A gro.6 ?AS&2BAA S 6rovi/es a/0inistrative a**ess to (ra*le ASF instan*es
(SASF gro.6 ?AS&A2&/%A S 6rovi/es a/0inistrative a**ess 1or storage 1iles via the S*SAS&
(S(P5R gro.6 ?AS&,PE-A S an o6tional gro.6 *reate/ to assign li0ite/ D)A 6rivileges 8ith
regar/s to ASF to 6arti*.lar (S .ser a**o.nts
"""%red*at%co' 2( re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
As the root .ser4 *reate the 1ollo8ing .ser a**o.nts4 gro.6s4 an/ gro.6 assign0ents .sing a
*onsistent U9D an/ B9D assign0ents a*ross yo.r organiGation
# gro"padd --gid =59#! oinstall
# gro"padd --gid =59## dba
# gro"padd --gid =59#9 asmdba
# gro"padd --gid =59#5 asmoper
# gro"padd --gid =59#= asmadmin
# gro"padd --gid =59#; oper
# "seradd --"id =59#! --gid oinstall --gro"ps dba@oper@asmdba@asmoper oracle
# passwd oracle
# "seradd --"id =59## --gid oinstall --gro"ps dba@asmadmin@asmdba@asmoper grid
# passwd grid
Veri1y the 0-/2 an/ ,-A.LE .ser *orre*tly /is6lay the a66ro6riate 6ri0ary an/ s.66le0entary
gro.6s via the *o00an/s
# id oracle
u:d=/*+,1DoracleF g:d=/*+,1Do:nstallF
# id grid
u:d=/*+,,Dgr:dF g:d=/*+,1Do:nstallF
3.3.13 Setting Shell Limits for the Grid and Oracle User
(ra*le re*o00en/s the 1ollo8ing settings 1or the so1t an/ har/ li0its 1or the n.0<er o1 o6en
1ile /es*ri6tors ?no1ileA4 n.0<er o1 6ro*esses ?n6ro*A4 an/ siGe o1 the sta*, seg0ent ?sta*,A
allo8e/ <y ea*h .ser res6e*tively2 +he 6.r6ose o1 setting these li0its is to 6revent a syste0
8i/e *rash that *o.l/ <e *a.se/ i1 an a66li*ation4 s.*h as (ra*le4 8ere allo8e/ to e'ha.st all
o1 the (S reso.r*es .n/er an e'tre0ely heavy 8or,loa/2
Create a 1ile la<ele/ ==-gid-oacle-limits!con# 8ithin /etc/secuit"/limits!d/ as 1ollo8s
# to"ch /etc/sec"rity/limits.d/::-grid-oracle-limits.conf
6O0E1 +he reason that the /etc/secuit"/limits!con# 1ile is not /ire*tly 0o/i1ie/ is /.e to the
or/er in 8hi*h li0it 1iles are rea/ in the syste02 A1ter rea/ing the /etc/secuit"/limits!con# 1ile4
1iles 8ithin the /etc/secuit"/limits!d/ /ire*tory are rea/2 91 t8o 1iles *ontain the sa0e entry4 the
entry rea/ last ta,es 6resi/en*e2 &or 0ore in1or0ation visit Re/ 3at Arti*le QOhat or/er are
the li0it 1iles in the li0its2/ /ire*tory rea/ inUR
6 Ohat or/er are the li0its 1iles in the li0its2/ /ire*tory rea/ inU -
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' 21 """%red*at%co'
Oithin the /etc/secuit"/limits!d/==-gid-oacle-limits!con# 1ile4 a// the 1ollo8ing so1t an/ har/
li0its 1or the oacle an/ gid .ser
oracle so3t n;roc ,(*-
oracle hard n;roc 1)+.*
oracle so3t no3:le 1(,*
oracle hard no3:le )//+)
oracle so3t stac1 1(,*(
oracle hard stac1 +,-).
gr:d so3t n;roc ,(*-
gr:d hard n;roc 1)+.*
gr:d so3t no3:le 1(,*
gr:d hard no3:le )//+)
gr:d so3t stac1 1(,*(
gr:d hard stac1 +,-).
6O0E1 Fo/i1i*ations 0a/e to the ==-gid-oacle-limits!con# 1ile ta,e e11e*t i00e/iately2
3o8ever4 6lease ens.re that any 6revio.sly logge/ in oacle or gid .ser sessions ?i1 anyA are
logge/ o.t an/ logge/ <a*, in 1or the *hanges to ta,e e11e*t%
As the root .ser4 *reate a shell s*ri6t la<ele/ oacle-gid!sh 8ithin /etc/po#ile!d/ to *reate the
a66ro6riate ulimits 1or the oacle an/ gid .ser! +he *ontents o1 the ora*le-gri/2sh s*ri6t *an
<e seen <elo82
#!ett:ng the a;;ro;r:ate ul:m:ts 3or oracle and gr:d user
:3 A J>!ER = 6oracle6 BK then
:3 A J!E<< = 6Eb:nE1sh6 BK then
ul:m:t -u 1)+.*
ul:m:t -n )//+)
ul:m:t -u 1)+.* -n )//+)
:3 A J>!ER = 6gr:d6 BK then
:3 A J!E<< = 6Eb:nE1sh6 BK then
ul:m:t -u 1)+.*
ul:m:t -n )//+)
ul:m:t -u 1)+.* -n )//+)
6O0E1 Ohile the ulimit val.es *an <e set /ire*tly 8ithin the /etc/po#ile 1ile4 it is re*o00en/e/
to *reate a *.sto0 shell s*ri6t 8ithin /etc/po#ile!d instea/2 +he oacle-gid!sh s*ri6t *an <e
/o8nloa/e/ 1ro0 the 4ppendix ; #on!iguration .iles
As oacle an/ gid .ser4 veri1y the 9L/&/4 val.es <y r.nning the 1ollo8ing *o00an/
# "limit -a
core 3:le s:Le Dbloc1sI -cF (
data seg s:Le D1bytesI -dF unl:m:ted
schedul:ng ;r:or:ty D-eF (
"""%red*at%co' 22 re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
3:le s:Le Dbloc1sI -3F unl:m:ted
;end:ng s:gnals D-:F +./.-.
maH loc1ed memory D1bytesI -lF 1*./*1**
maH memory s:Le D1bytesI -mF unl:m:ted
o;en 3:les D-nF )//+)
;:;e s:Le D/1, bytesI -;F .
9O!IG message Mueues DbytesI -MF .1?,((
real-t:me ;r:or:ty D-rF (
stac1 s:Le D1bytesI -sF 1(,*(
c;u t:me DsecondsI -tF unl:m:ted
maH user ;rocesses D-uF 1)+.*
':rtual memory D1bytesI -'F unl:m:ted
3:le loc1s D-HF unl:m:ted
3.! #torage .onfiguration
+he 1ollo8ing storage *on1ig.ration se*tion /es*ri<es the <est 6ra*ti*es 1or setting .6 /evi*e
0a66er 0.lti6ath4 the .se o1 udev r.les or (ra*le ASF-i< 1or ASF /is, 0anage0ent4 an/
the .se o1 the tuned 6a*,age 1or o6ti0al 6er1or0an*e2
3.4.1 Setting up DM-Multipath
2evice mappe multipath 6rovi/es the a<ility to aggregate 0.lti6le 9@( 6aths to a ne8ly
*reate/ /evi*e 0a66er 6ath to a*hieve high availa<ility4 9@( loa/ <alan*ing4 an/ 6ersistent
na0ing2 +he 1ollo8ing 6ro*e/.res 6rovi/e the <est 6ra*ti*es to installing an/ *on1ig.ring
device mappe multipath /evi*es2
6O0E1 5ns.re (ra*le /ata<ase vol.0es are a**essi<le via the o6erating syste0 6rior to
*ontin.ing 8ith the se*tion <elo82
12 As the root .ser4 install the device-mappe-multipath 6a*,age .sing the y"m 6a*,age
# y"m install device-mapper-m"ltipath
22 Co6y the multipath!con# 1ile 1o.n/ 8ithin /us/shae/doc/device-mappe-multipath-0!3!=/
to /etc/
# cp /"sr/share/doc/device-mapper-m"ltipath-0.5.:/m"ltipath.conf /etc/
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' 2) """%red*at%co'
%2 Ca6t.re the s*si i/ o1 the lo*al /is,?sA on the syste02
# scsi1id --whitelisted --replace-whitespace -deviceA/dev/sda
$2 Un*o00ent an/ 0o/i1y the <la*,list se*tion 8ithin the /etc/multipath!con# 1ile to in*l./e
the scsi id o1 the lo*al /is, on the syste02 (n*e *o06lete4 save the *hanges 0a/e to
the multipath!con# 1ile2
blac1l:st N
00:d +)((/(.b1((1(+(+/+*+*+)+)*)+(1,((
de'node 6ODramPra0Ploo;P3dPmdPdm-PsrPscdPstFA(-?BQ6
de'node 6OhdAa-LB6
#2 Start the multipath /ae0on2
# service m"ltipathd start
!tart:ng mult:;athd daemon2 A OK B
62 5na<le the multipath /ae0on to ens.re it is starte/ .6on <oot ti0e2
# chkconfig m"ltipathd on
72 9/enti1y the dm- device; si>e; and ))/2 o1 ea*h device mappe vol.0e 1or (ra*le
/ata /is,s an/ re*overy /is,s2 9n this e'a06le4 vol.0e mpathb is i/enti1ie/ via the
1ollo8ing *o00an/
# m"ltipath -ll
.igure )%&%1%11 8ultipat* De5ice C'pat*bD 6ro6erly i/enti1ies the *.rrent 0.lti6ath alias
na0e4 siGe4 ))/2; an/ dm /evi*e! +his in1or0ation is reD.ire/ 1or the a66li*ation o1 a
*.sto0 alias to ea*h vol.0e as sho8n in ste6 "!
"""%red*at%co' 2& re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
Figure .!.1.1: "ultip#th $evice %&p#th'(
82 Un*o00ent the /e1a.lts se*tion 1o.n/ 8ithin the /etc/multipath!con# 1ile2
de3aults N
ude'8d:r Ede'
;oll:ng8:nter'al 1(
;ath8selector 6round-rob:n (6
;ath8grou;:ng8;ol:cy mult:bus
getu:d8callout 6El:bEude'Escs:8:d --0h:tel:sted
;r:o alua
;ath8chec1er readsector(
rr8m:n8:o 1((
maH83ds .1?,
rr80e:ght ;r:or:t:es
3a:lbac1 :mmed:ate
no8;ath8retry 3a:l
user83r:endly8names yes
"2 Un*o00ent the 0.lti6ath se*tion 1o.n/ 8ithin the /etc/multipath!con# 1ile an/ *reate
an alias 1or ea*h device mappe vol.0e in or/er to ena<le 6ersistent na0ing o1 those
vol.0es2 (n*e *o06lete4 save the *hanges 0a/e to the multipath!con# 1ile2 +he o.t6.t
sho.l/ rese0<le the e'a06le <elo82 &or re1eren*e4 re1er the (ra*le /ata vol.0es
*reate/ 1or this re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re as seen on 0able 2%&%)1 Oracle Data .ile izes
!or Re!erence 4rc*itecture%
mult:;aths N
mult:;ath N
00:d +)((c(33(((d-e-a.??d./1/1(1((((((
al:as db1
mult:;ath N
00:d +)((c(33(((dab3e/a-d./1/1(1((((((
al:as db,
mult:;ath N
00:d +)((c(33(((d-e-a.dbd./1/1(1((((((
al:as 3ra
mult:;ath N
00:d +)((c(33(((dab3e/3*d./1/1(1((((((
al:as redo
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' 27 """%red*at%co'
102 Restart the device mappe multipath /ae0on2
# service m"ltipathd restart
+topping m"ltipathd daemonB C DE F
+tarting m"ltipathd daemonB C DE F
112 Veri1y the device mappe 6aths an/ aliases are /is6laye/ 6ro6erly2 )elo8 is an
e'a06le o1 one device mappe /evi*e la<ele/ #a2
# m"ltipath -ll
3ra D+)((c(33(((d-e-a.?e./ac/1(1((((((F dm-1( 9I#!",+,*3c
s:Le=1.)G 3eatures=T1 Mueue8:38no8;athT h0handler=T(T 0;=r0
P-U- ;ol:cy=Tround-rob:n (T ;r:o=1+( status=act:'e
P P- +2(2(2+ sdd .2*. act:'e ready runn:ng
P P- +2(212+ sdh .211, act:'e ready runn:ng
P P- *2(2(2+ sdt )/2*. act:'e ready runn:ng
P V- *2(212+ sdH )/211, act:'e ready runn:ng
V-U- ;ol:cy=Tround-rob:n (T ;r:o=1( status=enabled
P- +2(2,2+ sdl .21-) act:'e ready runn:ng
P- +2(2+2+ sd; .2,*( act:'e ready runn:ng
P- *2(2,2+ sdab )/21-) act:'e ready runn:ng
V- *2(2+2+ sda3 )/2,*( act:'e ready runn:ng
3.4.2 Partitioning Device Mapper Shared Disks
Partitioning o1 the device mappe share/ /is,s is only reD.ire/ 8hen .sing (ra*le AS&Lib2
&or the si06li1i*ation o1 ens.ring to 0eet all reD.ire0ents4 this re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re *reates
a 6artition 1or ea*h /evi*e 0a66er vol.0e2 &or ea*h /evi*e 0a66er vol.0e4 *reate a 6artition
.sing 6arte/2 An e'a06le is sho8n <elo82
# parted /dev/mapper/db! mklabel gpt mkpart primary "! -!"
In3ormat:on2 =ou may need to u;date EetcE3stab.
(n*e the 6artition is *reate/4 a ne8ly *reate/ /evi*e 0a66er /evi*e is *reate/ as db1p12
# ls -l /dev/mapper/db!p!
lr0Hr0Hr0H. 1 root root . ";r 1) 1/21/ Ede'Ema;;erEdb1;1 -W ..Edm-11
6O0E1 A ne8ly *reate/ 6artition reD.ires the alias na0e 1ollo8e/ <y p1 s.*h as /b1p1 seen
a<ove2 91 p1 is 0issing4 6lease r.n the 1ollo8ing *o00an/ to a// the 6artition 0a66ings to
the /evi*e 0a66er /is,s2
# kpart* -a /dev/mapper/db!
"""%red*at%co' 26 re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
3.4.3 Configuring Oracle ASM Disks
+he *on1ig.ration o1 (ra*le ASF reD.ires the .se o1 either udev r.les or (ra*leLs AS&Lib2 9t
is i06ortant to note that (ra*leLs AS&Lib is not a reD.ire0ent 1or the .se o1 (ra*le ASF
/is,s2 +he reasoning <ehin/ 6rovi/ing an (ra*le AS&Lib alternative is /.e to udev r.les not
reD.iring a//itional ,ernel 0o/.les4 .nli,e (ra*le ASF-i< that reD.ires a ,ernel 0o/.le
la<ele/ kmod-oracleasm an/ 6ro6rietary .ser s6a*e .tilities to 6ro6erly 1.n*tion2 +his
se*tion 1o*.ses on the i06le0entation <est 6ra*ti*es o1 .sing Re/ 3atLs native udev r.les to
set.6 the a66ro6riate 6er0issions 1or ea*h /evi*e 0a66er /is,4 as 8ell as4 the <est 6ra*ti*es
1or (ra*leLs AS&Lib2 +his re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re /o*.0ents <oth 0etho/s o1 i06le0entation4
ho8ever4 only one 0etho/ *an <e a66lie/ 1or a given sol.tion2
)%&%)%1 Oracle 48Lib 4lternati5e1 #on!iguring =de5 Rules
6O0E1 91 1ollo8ing the ste6s in this se*tion4 6lease ignore ection )%&%)%2 #on!iguring
Oracle 48Lib
+he *on1ig.ration o1 (ra*le ASF reD.ires the .se o1 either udev r.les or (ra*leLs ASF-i<2
+his se*tion4 1o*.ses on the <est 6ra*ti*es o1 .sing Re/ 3atLs native udev r.les to set.6 the
a66ro6riate 6er0issions 1or ea*h /evi*e 0a66er /is,2
12 As the root .ser4 i/enti1y the 2evice &appe 9nivesall" 9ni'ue /2enti#ie ?2&699/2A
1or ea*h device mappe vol.0e2 +he e'a06le <elo8 sho8s the 2&69/2 1or the
6artitions o1 the vol.0es la<ele/ /<14/<241ra4 an/ re/o2
# for i in db!p! db#p! frap! redop!G do printf "Hs HsIn" "'i" "'J"devadm
info --)"eryAall --nameA/dev/mapper/'i | grep -i dm1""idK"G done
db1;1 E2 4#8>>I4=;art1-m;ath-+)((c(33(((d-e-a.??d./1/1(1((((((
db,;1 E2 4#8>>I4=;art1-m;ath-+)((c(33(((dab3e/a-d./1/1(1((((((
3ra;1 E2 4#8>>I4=;art1-m;ath-+)((c(33(((d-e-a.dbd./1/1(1((((((
redo;1 E2 4#8>>I4=;art1-m;ath-+)((c(33(((dab3e/3*d./1/1(1((((((
22 Create a 1ile la<ele/ ==-oacle-asmdevices!ules 8ithin /etc/udev/ules!d/
%2 Oithin ==-oacle-asmdevices!ules 1ile4 *reate r.les 1or ea*h /evi*e si0ilar to the
e'a06le <elo8
+o .n/erstan/ the r.le a<ove4 it *an <e rea/ as 1ollo8s
91 any dm- device 0at*hes the 2&699/2 o1 pat1-mpath-
?@00c0##000dab#e7#3dA7171010000004 assign to that dm- device to <e o8ne/ <y the
gid .ser an/ 6art o1 the asmadmin gro.6 8ith the 6er0ission 0o/e set to 06602
$2 Save the 1ile la<ele/ ==-oacle-asmdevices!ules
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' 29 """%red*at%co'
#2 -o*ate the dm- /evi*e 1or ea*h (ra*le relate/ 6artition2 An e'a06le to 1in/ the dm-
/evi*e 1or ea*h 6artition is to r.n the 1ollo8ing *o00an/
# for i in db!p! db#p! frap! redop!G do printf 4Hs HsIn< 4'i< 4'Jls
-ll /dev/mapper/'iK<G done
db1;1 lr0Hr0Hr0H. 1 root root . #ay ,( ,(2+? Ede'Ema;;erEdb1;1 -W ..Edm-11
db,;1 lr0Hr0Hr0H. 1 root root . #ay ,( ,(2+? Ede'Ema;;erEdb1;1 -W ..Edm-1,
3ra;1 lr0Hr0Hr0H. 1 root root . #ay ,( ,(2+? Ede'Ema;;erEdb1;1 -W ..Edm-1+
redo;1 lr0Hr0Hr0H. 1 root root . #ay ,( ,(2+? Ede'Ema;;erEdb1;1 -W ..Edm-1*
62 A66ly an/ test the r.les *reate/ 8ithin the ==-oacle-asmdevices!ules <y r.nning a
udevadm test on ea*h /evi*e2
# "devadm test /sys/block/dm-!!
A ... Out;ut "bbre':ated ... B
ude'adm8test2 4#8N"#E=db1;1
ude'adm8test2 4#8>>I4=;art1-m;ath-+)((c(33(((d-e-a.)*./ac/1(1((((((
ude'adm8test2 4#8!>!9EN4E4=(
ude'adm8test2 4E5<INK!=Ede'Ema;;erEdb1;1 Ede'Ed:s1Eby-:dEdm-name-db1;1
ude'adm8test2 I48&!8T=9E=oracleasm
72 Con1ir0 the /evi*e has the /esire/ 6er0issions
# ls -lh /dev/dm-!!
br0-r0----. 1 gr:d asmadm:n ,/+I 11 Xun ) ,(2/? Ede'Edm-11
6O0E1 &or si06li*ity4 this ==-oacle-asmdevices!ules 1ile is in*l./e/ in 4ppendix /
)%&%)%2 #on!iguring Oracle 48Lib
6O0E1 91 ection )%&%)%1 Oracle 48Lib 4lternati5e1 #on!iguring =de5 Rules has <een
*on1ig.re/4 ignore this se*tion an/ *ontin.e to ection )%&%& Opti'izing Database torage
using 4uto'atic yste' 0uning
9n or/er to *on1ig.re (ra*le ASF-i< the 1ollo8ing *o06onents are reD.ire/ kmod-
oracleasm@ oracleasm-s"pport@ and oracleasmlib
+he AS&Lib ,ernel 0o/.le 6a*,age ?kmod-oracleasmA is 6rovi/e/ 1or Re/ 3at *.sto0ers
via the S.66le0entary Channel on Re/ 3at Net8or, ?R3NA2 9n or/er to 6ro6erly install an/
*on1ig.re ASF-i< the 1ollo8ing 6ro*e/.res 0.st <e 1ollo8e/2
As the root .ser4
12 5na<le the Re/ 3at 5nter6rise -in.' 6 S.66le0entary re6ository on R3N
22 Do8nloa/ the ASF-i< li<rary 6a*,age ?oracleasmlibA
# wget httpB//download.oracle.com/otn1software/asmlib/oracleasmlib-#.0.5-
7 5na<ling the S.66le0entary Re6ository Hno8le/ge )ase Arti*le4
"""%red*at%co' 2: re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
%2 Do8nloa/ the ASF-i< .tilites 6a*,age ?oracleasm-s"pportK
# wget httpB//p"blic-
$2 9nstall the ASF-i< ,ernel 0o/.le 6a*,age ?kmod-oracleasmA .sing the 1ollo8ing
# y"m install kmod-oracleasm
#2 9nstall the ASF-i< li<rary 6a*,age ?oracleasmlibA .sing the 1ollo8ing *o00an/
# y"m install oracleasmlib-#.0.5-!.el;.*6;1;5.rpm
62 9nstall the ASF-i< .tilities 6a*,age ?oracleasm-s"pportA .sing the 1ollo8ing
# y"m install oracleasm-s"pport-#.!.6-!.el;.*6;1;5.rpm
72 Con1ig.re ASF-i< .sing the 1ollo8ing *o00an/
# /"sr/sbin/oracleasm config"re -i
%on3:gur:ng the Oracle "!# l:brary dr:'er.
Th:s 0:ll con3:gure the on-boot ;ro;ert:es o3 the Oracle "!# l:brary
dr:'er. The 3ollo0:ng Muest:ons 0:ll determ:ne 0hether the dr:'er :s
loaded on boot and 0hat ;erm:ss:ons :t 0:ll ha'e. The current 'alues
0:ll be sho0n :n brac1ets DTABTF. :tt:ng YENTERW 0:thout ty;:ng an
ans0er 0:ll 1ee; that current 'alue. %trl-% 0:ll abort.
4e3ault user to o0n the dr:'er :nter3ace AB2 grid
4e3ault grou; to o0n the dr:'er :nter3ace AB2 asmadmin
!tart Oracle "!# l:brary dr:'er on boot DyEnF A n B2 y
!can 3or Oracle "!# d:s1s on boot DyEnF AyB2 y
Wr:t:ng Oracle "!# l:brary dr:'er con3:gurat:on2 done
82 Oithin /etc/s"scon#ig/oacleasm4 set the DM.NL0.+M1+N.NDMO0M an/
DM.NL0.+M1+N.N0PNLQO0 6ara0eters as 1ollo8s
# OR"%<E"!#8!%"NOR4ER2 #atch:ng ;atterns to order d:s1 scann:ng
# OR"%<E"!#8!%"NEG%<>4E2 #atch:ng ;atterns to eHclude d:s1s 3rom scan
6O0E1 +he DM.NL0.+M1+N.NDMO0M set to dm ens.res that 8hen ora*leas0 s*ans
/is,s4 it is a66ro6riately s*anning /evi*es ,no8n <y the ,ernel2 +he
DM.NL0.+M1+N.N0PNLQO0 set to sda is ens.ring that lo*al /is, s/a is to <e ignore/
<y ASF-i<2
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' 2< """%red*at%co'
"2 Prior to *reating /is,s 8ith ora*leas04 ens.re the SELinux 6oli*y 1iles version
9.>.!:-#!! is /o8nloa/e/ 1ro0 4ppendix ; #on!iguration .iles 2 +his ens.re that
ora*leas0 6ro6erly r.ns 8ith SELinux ena<le/ an/ avoi/s any SELinux errors
2 5na<le
the SELinux 6oli*y an/ 0o/.les as 1ollo8s
Do8nloa/ a *o6y o1 the selin"*-policy-9.>.!:-#!!.el;.noarch.rpm
an/ selin"*-policy-targeted-9.>.!:-#!!.el;.noarch.rpm 1ro0
4ppendix ;
U6/ate the selin.'-6oli*y via the 1ollo8ing *o00an/s
# rpm -Qvh selin"*-policy-9.>.!:-#!!.el;.noarch.rpm selin"*-policy-
9re;ar:ng... #####################################A1((SB
12sel:nuH-;ol:cy #####################################A /(SB
8 ora*leas0 *reate/is, 1ails 8ith Selinux ena<le/ M9D 1$%0"$721N
"""%red*at%co' )( re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
102 R.n the 1ollo8ing ora*leas0 *o00an/ to ens.re that ora*leas0 is ena<le/2
# /etc/init.d/oracleasm enable
Wr:t:ng Oracle "!# l:brary dr:'er con3:gurat:on2 done
In:t:al:L:ng the Oracle "!#<:b dr:'er2 A OK B
!cann:ng the system 3or Oracle "!#<:b d:s1s2 A OK B
112 R.n the 1ollo8ing oacleasm *o00an/ to *reate an/ la<el all (ra*le relate/ vol.0es
as an ASF /is,2 +he e'a06le <elo8 *reates an ASF /is, la<ele/ 2A4A1 1or the
1ollo8ing /dev/mappe/db1p1 6artition2
# /"sr/sbin/oracleasm createdisk O.R.! /dev/mapper/db!p!
Wr:t:ng d:s1 header2 done
Instant:at:ng d:s12 done
6O0E1 9t is highly re*o00en/e/ to have all (ra*le relate/ /is,s to <e in*l./e/ 8ithin
(ra*le ASF2
122 Veri1y all the (ra*le ASF /is,s *reate/ are liste/2
# /"sr/sbin/oracleasm listdisks
1%2 91 no /is,s are liste/ or i1 any /is,s are 0issing4 r.n the 1ollo8ing *o00an/ to res*an
the ASF /is,s2
# /"sr/sbin/oracleasm scandisks
Reload:ng d:s1 ;art:t:ons2 done
%lean:ng any stale "!# d:s1s...
!cann:ng system 3or "!# d:s1s...
6O0E1 91 the iss.e 6ersists a1ter a res*an o1 the (ra*le ASF /is,s4 a re<oot o1 the
syste0 0ight <e reD.ire/ via the *o00an/
# sh"tdown -r now
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' )1 """%red*at%co'
3.4.4 Optimizing Database Storage using Automatic System
+he t.ne/ 6a*,age in Re/ 3at 5nter6rise -in.' 6 is re*o00en/e/ 1or a.to0ati*ally t.ning
the syste0 1or *o00on 8or,loa/s via the .se o1 6ro1iles2 5a*h 6ro1ile is tailore/ 1or /i11erent
8or,loa/ s*enarios s.*h as enter6rise storage4 6o8er savings4 an/ high net8or, thro.gh6.t2
9t is re*o00en/e/ to *reate a *.sto0 6ro1ile 8ith the sa0e settings as the /e1a.lt enter6rise
storage 6ro1ile <.t that /isa<les +rans6arent 3.gePages ?+3PA 1or (ra*le /ata<ases
8or,loa/ environ0ents2 &or 0ore in1or0ation on 8hy +3P is /isa<le/4 see ection &%1%7
Enabling HugePages2 0able )%&%&%11 Pro!ile #o'parison 6rovi/es /etails o1 the enter6rise-
storage 6ro1ile attri<.tes that are a/>.ste/ vers.s the /e1a.lts 1o.n/ 8ithin the Re/ 3at
5nter6rise -in.' 6 /istri<.tion2
0uned Para'eters de!ault enterprise+storage enterprise+storage+
9@( 5levator C&P /ea/line /ea/line
CPU governor (nDe0an/ 6er1or0an*e 6er1or0an*e
$0s 100s 100s
$0s 1#0s 1#0s
Dis, rea/-ahea/ 1' $' $'
v02/irtyKratio 20V $0V
&ile-syste0 <arrier on o11 o11
on on o11
Table .ro%ile /omparison
+he 1ollo8ing 6ro*e/.res 6rovi/e the ste6s that are reD.ire/ to *reate4 install4 ena<le4 an/
sele*t the enterprise+storage+no+t*p 6ro1ile2
12 9nstall the t.ne/ 6a*,age via the y.0 6a*,age 0anager2
# y"m install t"ned
22 5na<le t"ned to ens.re it is starte/ .6on <oot ti0e2
# chkconfig t"ned on
%2 Start the t"ned servi*e
# service t"ned start
" +he v02/irtyKratio val.e e'6li*itly set 8ithin the /etc/s"sctl!con# 1ile has 6resi/en*e over val.es set <y t.ne/2
"""%red*at%co' )2 re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
$2 Co6y the e'isting enter6rise-storage 6ro1ile into a ne8 /ire*tory *alle/ enter6rise-
storage-no-th6 via the 1ollo8ing *o00an/s
# cd /etc/t"ne-profiles/
# cp -r enterprise-storage enterprise-storage-no-thp
#2 Disa<le +rans6arent 3.gePages in the ne8 6ro1ile via the 1ollo8ing *o00an/
# sed -ie %s@set1transparent1h"gepages always@set1transparent1h"gepages
never%@ /etc/t"ne-profiles/enterprise-storage-no-thp/kt"ne.sh
62 Veri1y the *hange 8as 6ro6erly set via the 1ollo8ing *o00an/
# grep set1transparent1h"gepages /etc/t"ne-profiles/enterprise-storage-
set8trans;arent8huge;ages ne'er
72 A*tivate the ne8ly *reate/ enter6rise-storage-no-th6 6ro1ile
# t"ned-adm profile enterprise-storage-no-thp
82 Veri1y that +3P is no8 /isa<le/ via the 1ollo8ing *o00an/
# cat /sys/kernel/mm/redhat1transparent1h"gepage/enabled
al0ays Ane'erB
&or si06li*ity4 the enter6rise-storage-no-th6 6ro1ile is in*l./e/ in 4ppendix ; #on!iguration
6O0E1 91 at any 6oint in ti0e a revert to the original settings are reD.ire/4 the 1ollo8ing
*o00an/ *an <e r.n
# service t"ned stop
+o 0a,e the *hange to revert to the original settings 6er0anent a*ross re<oots4 r.n the
1ollo8ing *o00an/
# chkconfig t"ned off
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' )) """%red*at%co'
4 Oracle 11gR2 Configuration
4.1.1 Installing Oracle Grid Infrastructure (Required for ASM)
+he installation o1 the (ra*le Bri/ 9n1rastr.*t.re 1or (ra*le Data<ase 11g Release 2
?1122202%A is reD.ire/ 1or the .se o1 (ra*le ASF2 Prior to the installation o1 the (ra*le Bri/
9n1rastr.*t.re4 ens.re the 1ollo8ing 6rereD.isites 1ro0 the 1ollo8ing se*tions have <een 0et
Re!erence 4rc*itecture En5iron'ent
Re!erence 4rc*itecture #on!iguration Details
6O0E1 +he re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re .ses the /u01/app/gid as the gid <ase2 +he o8ner is set
to gid an/ the gro.6 is set to oinstall2 R.n the 1ollo8ing *o00an/s to *reate the gid <ase
/ire*tory an/ set the a66ro6riate 6er0issions
As the root .ser4
# mkdir --parents /"0!/app/grid
# chown --rec"rsive grid.oinstall /"0!/
12 Do8nloa/ the (ra*le Bri/ 9n1rastr.*t.re so1t8are
1ro0 the Fy (ra*le S.66ort site2
22 As the gid .ser4 *reate a te06orary /ire*tory 8ithin /u01/app/gid/gid-so#twae to
store the (ra*le Bri/ So1t8are g.nGi6 1ile4 0ove the (ra*le Bri/ So1t8are g.nGi6 1ile to
the /u01/app/gid/gid-so#twae lo*ation4 ens.re the (ra*le Bri/ So1t8are g.nGi6 has
the 6ro6er 6er0issions an/ .n6a*, its *ontents2
As the gid .ser4
# mkdir /"0!/app/grid/grid-software
# mv p!0505=901!!#0901Lin"*-*6;-;519of>.Sip /"0!/app/grid/grid-software
As the oot .ser4
# chown grid.oinstall p!0505=901!!#0901Lin"*-*6;-;519of>.Sip
As the gid .ser4
# cd /"0!/app/grid/grid-software
# "nSip p!0505=901!!#0901Lin"*-*6;-;519of>.Sip
%2 As the gid .ser4 lo*ate the (ra*le Bri/ 9n1rastr.*t.re so1t8are an/ 0o/i1y the 1ile
la<ele/ cvu6con#ig to ens.re the (ra*le Universal 9nstaller ?(U9A 6er1or0s the *orre*t
6rereD.isite *he*,s 1or Re/ 3at 5nter6rise -in.' 62
5/it the cvu6con#ig 1ile as 1ollo8s
# sed -i %s/NT1.++QM01O2+R2OAD0L5/NT1.++QM01O2+R2OAD0L;/%
10 Pat*h 10$0$#%0 1122202%20 PA+C3 S5+ &(R (RAC-5 DA+A)AS5 S5RV5R4 via htt6@@s.66ort2ora*le2*o0
"""%red*at%co' )& re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
$2 Veri1y the *hange 8ith the 1ollo8ing grep *o00an/
# grep NT1.++QM01O2+R2OAD0L; /"0!/app/grid/grid-
#2 As the gid .ser4 start the (U9 via the *o00an/
# /"0!/app/grid/grid-software/grid/r"n2nstaller
6O0E1 5ns.re to ++, 8ith the -* o6tion as the gid .ser 1ro0 the *lient server4 other8ise the
1ollo8ing error 8ill o**.r2
# /"0!/app/grid/grid-software/grid/r"n2nstaller
!tart:ng Oracle >n:'ersal Installer...
%hec1:ng Tem; s;ace2 must be greater than 1,( #7. "ctual +)?( #7
%hec1:ng s0a; s;ace2 must be greater than 1/( #7. "ctual ,(*-? #7
%hec1:ng mon:tor2 must be con3:gured to d:s;lay at least ,/) colors
WWW %ould not eHecute auto chec1 3or d:s;lay colors us:ng command
EusrEb:nEHd;y:n3o. %hec1 :3 the 4I!9<"= 'ar:able :s set. &a:led YYYY
!ome reMu:rement chec1s 3a:led. =ou must 3ul3:ll these reMu:rements
be3ore cont:nu:ng 0:th the :nstallat:onI
%ont:nueZ DyEnF AnB n
62 Oithin the Do8nloa/ So1t8are U6/ates 8in/o84 sele*t the o6tion to either enter the Fy
(ra*le S.66ort *re/entials to download latest software updates or sele*t Skip software
updates2 +his re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re sele*te/ Skip software updates an/ *li*, Next2
72 Oithin the 9nstallation (6tion 8in/o84 sele*t Configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a
Standalone Server an/ *li*, Next2
82 Oithin the Pro/.*t -ang.ages 8in/o84 sele*t the a66ro6riate lang.age4 an/ *li*, Next2
"2 Oithin the Create ASF Dis, Bro.6 8in/o84 6rovi/e the 1ollo8ing
a Dis, Bro.6 Na0e4 i2e2 2A4A
Re/.n/an*y -evel
E(4E-%AL S re/.n/an*y 6rovi/e/ <y the storage syste0 RA9D4 an/ not <y
(ra*le ASF2
%,-&AL S 6rovi/es t8o-8ay 0irroring <y (ra*le ASF4 th.s 6rovi/e/ t8o *o6ies
o1 every /ata e'tent2
:/0: S 6rovi/es three-8ay 0irroring <y (ra*le ASF th.s en/.ring the loss o1
t8o ASF /is,s 8ithin /i11erent 1ail.re gro.6s2
Dis,s to <e assigne/ to the Dis, Bro.64 i2e2 /dev/mappe/db1p1;
6O0E1 +his re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re .ses %,-&AL -E29%2A%.*2
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' )7 """%red*at%co'
+o /is6lay the a66ro6riate *an/i/ate /is,s4 *li*, on the Change Discovery Path <.tton an/
enter as the Disk Discovery Path one o1 the 1ollo8ing
&or Devi*e Fa66er /evi*es4 ty6e
&or (ra*le ASF-i< 0ar,e/ /is,s4 ty6e
"2 Cli*, Next on*e *o06lete 8ithin the Create ASF Dis, Bro.6 8in/o8
102 Oithin the ASF Pass8or/ 8in/o84 s6e*i1y the 6ass8or/ 1or the SWS an/ ASFSNFP
.ser a**o.nts2
"""%red*at%co' )6 re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
Figure !.1.1.1: A)" $i*k +roup ,indow
112 Oithin the (6erating Syste0 Bro.6s 8in/o84 sele*t the a66ro6riate (S gro.6s2 +he
val.es as *reate/ an/ assigne/ 8ithin this re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re are as 1ollo8s
(ra*le ASF D)A Bro.6 S AS&2BA
(ra*le ASF (6erator Bro.6 S AS&,PE-
(ra*le ASF A/0inistrator Bro.6 S AS&A2&/%
122 Oithin the 9nstallation -o*ation 8in/o84 s6e*i1y the a66ro6riate (ra*le <ase an/
so1t8are lo*ations2 +he val.es set <y this re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re are as 1ollo8s
,-A.LE BASE - /u01/app/gid
S,+4)A-E L,.A4/,% - /u01/app/gid/poduct/11!2!0/gid
1%2 Oithin the Create 9nventory 8in/o84 s6e*i1y the inventory /ire*tory2 +he val.es set <y
this re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re are as 1ollo8s
9nventory Dire*tory - /u01/app/oa/nvento"
1$2 Oithin the PrereD.isite Che*,s 8in/o84 revie8 the stat.s an/ ens.re there are no
errors 6rior to *ontin.ing the installation2 &or 1ail.res 8ith a stat.s set to &i'a<le4 sele*t
the "ix # Check $gain <.tton2 +he e'e*.tion o1 the "ix # Check $gain <.tton 6rovi/es
a un#ixup!sh s*ri6t 6rovi/e/ <y the (U92 As root4 r.n the un#ixup!sh an/ *li*, on the
Check $gain <.tton on*e the r.n1i'.62sh has 1inishe/2
1#2 Oithin the S.00ary 8in/o84 revie8 all the in1or0ation 6rovi/e/4 an/ sele*t Install to
start the installation2
162 (n*e the installation *o06letes4 e'e*.te the s*ri6ts 8ithin the L5'e*.te Con1ig.ration
s*ri6tsL 8in/o82 As the root .ser4 r.n the 1ollo8ing
# /"0!/app/ora2nventory/orainstMoot.sh
%hang:ng ;erm:ss:ons o3 Eu(1Ea;;EoraIn'entory.
"dd:ng readI0r:te ;erm:ss:ons 3or grou;.
Remo':ng readI0r:teIeHecute ;erm:ss:ons 3or 0orld.
%hang:ng grou;name o3 Eu(1Ea;;EoraIn'entory to o:nstall.
The eHecut:on o3 the scr:;t :s com;lete.
U /"0!/app/grid/prod"ct/!!.#.0/grid/root.sh
9er3orm:ng root user o;erat:on 3or Oracle 11g
The 3ollo0:ng en':ronment 'ar:ables are set as2
OR"%<E8OWNER= gr:d
OR"%<E8O#E= Eu(1Ea;;Egr:dE;roductE11.,.(Egr:d
Enter the 3ull ;athname o3 the local b:n d:rectory2 AEusrElocalEb:nB2
%o;y:ng dbhome to EusrElocalEb:n ...
%o;y:ng oraen' to EusrElocalEb:n ...
%o;y:ng coraen' to EusrElocalEb:n ...
A ... "bbre':ated Ou;ut;ut ... B
!uccess3ully con3:gured Oracle Gr:d In3rastructure 3or a !tandalone !er'er
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' )9 """%red*at%co'
172 Cli*, O% 8ithin the 5'e*.te Con1ig.ration s*ri6ts 8in/o82
182 Oithin the &inish 8in/o84 *li*, Close2
4.1.2 Installing Oracle 11g R2 Database Software
Prior to the installation o1 the (ra*le Data<ase 11g Release 2 ?1122202%A4 ens.re the 1ollo8ing
6rereD.isites 1ro0 the 1ollo8ing se*tions have <een 0et
Re!erence 4rc*itecture En5iron'ent
Re!erence 4rc*itecture #on!iguration Details
6O0E1 +he re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re .ses the /u01/app/oacle as the (ra*le <ase2 +he o8ner is
set to oacle an/ the gro.6 is set to oinstall2 R.n the 1ollo8ing *o00an/s to *reate the oacle
<ase /ire*tory set the a66ro6riate 6er0issions
As the root .ser4
# mkdir /"0!/app/oracle
# chown --rec"rsive oracle.oinstall /"0!/app/oracle
12 Do8nloa/ the (ra*le Data<ase so1t8are
1ro0 the Fy (ra*le S.66ort site2
22 As the oacle .ser4 *reate a te06orary /ire*tory 8ithin /u01/app/oacle/oacle-so#twae
to store the (ra*le Data<ase So1t8are g.nGi6 1iles4 0ove the (ra*le Data<ase
so1t8are g.nGi6 1iles to the /u01/app/oacle/oacle-so#twae lo*ation4 ens.re the (ra*le
Data<ase so1t8are g.nGi6 has the 6ro6er 6er0issions an/ .n6a*, its *ontents2
As the oacle .ser4
# mkdir /"0!/app/oracle/oracle-software
# mv p!0505=901!!#0901Lin"*-*6;-;51!of>.Sip p!0505=901!!#0901Lin"*-*6;-
;51#of>.Sip /"0!/app/oracle/oracle-software/
As the oot .ser4
# chown oracle.oinstall /path/to/p!0505=901!!#0901Lin"*-*6;-;51!of>.Sip
# chown oracle.oinstall /path/to/p!0505=901!!#0901Lin"*-*6;-;51#of>.Sip
As the oacle .ser4
# cd /"0!/app/oracle/oracle-software
# "nSip p!0505=901!!#0901Lin"*-*6;-;51!of>.Sip
# "nSip p!0505=901!!#0901Lin"*-*6;-;51#of>.Sip
%2 As the oacle .ser4 lo*ate the (ra*le Data<ase so1t8are an/ 0o/i1y the 1ile la<ele/
cvu6con#ig to ens.re the (ra*le Universal 9nstaller ?(U9A 6er1or0s the *orre*t
6rereD.isite *he*,s 1or Re/ 3at 5nter6rise -in.' 62
$2 5/it the cvu6con#ig 1ile as 1ollo8s
sed -i %s/NT1.++QM01O2+R2OAD0L5/NT1.++QM01O2+R2OAD0L;/%
11 Pat*h 10$0$#%0 1122202%20 PA+C3 S5+ &(R (RAC-5 DA+A)AS5 S5RV5R4 via htt6@@s.66ort2ora*le2*o0
"""%red*at%co' ): re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
#2 Veri1y the *hange 8ith the 1ollo8ing grep *o00an/
# grep NT1.++QM01O2+R2OAD0L; /"0!/app/oracle/oracle-
62 As the oacle .ser4 start the (U9 via the *o00an/
# /"0!/app/oracle/oracle-software/database/r"n2nstaller
6O0E1 5ns.re to ++, 8ith the -* o6tion as the oacle .ser 1ro0 the *lient server4 other8ise
the 1ollo8ing error 8ill o**.r2
# /"0!/app/oracle/oracle-software/database/r"n2nstaller
!tart:ng Oracle >n:'ersal Installer...
%hec1:ng Tem; s;ace2 must be greater than 1,( #7. "ctual +*)1 #7
%hec1:ng s0a; s;ace2 must be greater than 1/( #7. "ctual ,(*-? #7
G11 connect:on reCected because o3 0rong authent:cat:on.
G11 connect:on reCected because o3 0rong authent:cat:on.
%hec1:ng mon:tor2 must be con3:gured to d:s;lay at least ,/) colors
WWW %ould not eHecute auto chec1 3or d:s;lay colors us:ng command E
usrEb:nEHd;y:n3o. %hec1 :3 the 4I!9<"= 'ar:able :s set. &a:led YYYY
!ome reMu:rement chec1s 3a:led. =ou must 3ul3:ll these reMu:rements
be3ore cont:nu:ng 0:th the :nstallat:onI
%ont:nueZ DyEnF AnB n
72 Oithin the Con1ig.re Se*.rity U6/ates 8in/o84 6rovi/e the Fy (ra*le S.66ort e0ail
a//ress 1or the latest se*.rity iss.es in1or0ation4 other8ise .n*he*, the I wish to
receive security updates via &y Oracle Support an/ *li*, Next2
82 Oithin the Do8nloa/ So1t8are U6/ates 8in/o84 6rovi/e the Fy (ra*le S.66ort
*re/entials to /o8nloa/ the latest se*.rity .6/ates4 other8ise sele*t the Skip software
updates ra/io <.tton2 +his re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re sele*te/ Skip software updates2 Cli*,
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' )< """%red*at%co'
"2 Oithin the 9nstallation (6tion 8in/o84 sele*t Install data'ase software only an/ *li*,
"""%red*at%co' &( re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
Figure !.1.2.1: -n*t#ll#tion Option ,indow
102 Oithin the Bri/ 9nstallation (6tions4 sele*t Single Instance data'ase installation as the
ty6e o1 /ata<ase installation <eing 6er1or0e/2
112 Oithin the Pro/.*t -ang.ages 8in/o84 sele*t the a66ro6riate lang.age 1or the
122 Oithin the Data<ase 5/ition 8in/o84 sele*t the a66ro6riate /ata<ase e/ition an/ *li*,
Next2 &or the 6.r6oses o1 this re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re4 Entepise Edition is the e/ition o1
1%2 Oithin the 9nstallation -o*ation 8in/o84 sele*t the a66ro6riate (ra*le <ase an/
so1t8are lo*ation an/ *li*, Next2 &or the 6.r6oses o1 this re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re4 the
1ollo8ing are set as
,-A.LE BASE - /u01/app/oacle
S,+4)A-E L,.A4/,% - /u01/app/oacle/poduct/11!2!0/dbhome61
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' &1 """%red*at%co'
Figure !.1.2.2:+rid -n*t#ll#tion Option* ,indow
1%2 Oithin the (6erating Syste0 Bro.6s 8in/o84 sele*t the a66ro6riate (S gro.6s an/
*li*, Next2 &or the 6.r6oses o1 this re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re4 the 1ollo8ing are set as
Data<ase A/0inistrator Bro.6 S 2BA
Data<ase (6erator Bro.6 S ,PE-
1$2 Oithin the PrereD.isite Che*,s 8in/o84 revie8 the stat.s an/ ens.re there are no
errors 6rior to *ontin.ing the installation2 &or 1ail.res 8ith a stat.s set to &i'a<le4 sele*t
the "ix # Check $gain <.tton2 +he e'e*.tion o1 the "ix # Check $gain <.tton 6rovi/es
a un#ixup!sh s*ri6t 6rovi/e/ <y the (U92 As root4 r.n the un#ixup!sh an/ *li*, on the
Check $gain <.tton on*e the un#ixup!sh has 1inishe/2
1#2 Oithin the S.00ary 8in/o84 revie8 all the in1or0ation 6rovi/e/4 an/ sele*t Install to
start the installation2
162 (n*e the installation *o06letes4 e'e*.te the s*ri6ts 8ithin the 5'e*.te Con1ig.ration
s*ri6ts 8in/o82 As the root .ser4 r.n the 1ollo8ing
# /"0!/app/oracle/prod"ct/!!.#.0/dbhome1!/root.sh
9er3orm:ng root user o;erat:on 3or Oracle 11g
The 3ollo0:ng en':ronment 'ar:ables are set as2
OR"%<E8OWNER= oracle
OR"%<E8O#E= Eu(1Ea;;EoracleE;roductE11.,.(Edbhome81
Enter the 3ull ;athname o3 the local b:n d:rectory2 AEusrElocalEb:nB2
The contents o3 6dbhome6 ha'e not changed. No need to o'er0r:te.
The contents o3 6oraen'6 ha'e not changed. No need to o'er0r:te.
The contents o3 6coraen'6 ha'e not changed. No need to o'er0r:te.
Entr:es 0:ll be added to the EetcEoratab 3:le as needed by
4atabase %on3:gurat:on "ss:stant 0hen a database :s created
&:n:shed runn:ng gener:c ;art o3 root scr:;t.
No0 ;roduct-s;ec:3:c root act:ons 0:ll be ;er3ormed.
&:n:shed ;roduct-s;ec:3:c root act:ons.
172 Cli*, O% 8ithin the 5'e*.te Con1ig.ration s*ri6ts 8in/o82
182 Oithin the &inish 8in/o84 *li*, Close2
6O0E1 9n the e'a06le a<ove4 /u01/app/oacle/poduct/11!2!0/dbhome61 is the (ra*le ho0e
"""%red*at%co' &2 re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
4.1.3 Creating ASM Diskgroups via the ASM Configuration
Assistant (ASMCA)
Prior to the *reation o1 an (ra*le /ata<ase4 *reate the &ast Re*overy Area an/ Re/o -ogs
(ra*le ASF /is,gro.6s via (ra*leLs ASF Con1ig.ration Assistant ?ASFCAA2
12 As the gid .ser4 start asmca via the 1ollo8ing *o00an/
# /"0!/app/grid/prod"ct/!!.#.0/grid/bin/asmca
6O0E1 9n the e'a06le a<ove4 /u01/app/gid/poduct/11!2!0/gid is the gid ho0e /ire*tory2
22 Via the asmca a66li*ation4 sele*t the Disk Groups ta< an/ *li*, Create2
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' &) """%red*at%co'
Figure !.1..1: A)".A $i*k+roup T#'
%2 Oithin the Create Dis, Bro.6 8in/o84 6rovi/e the 1ollo8ing
A na0e 1or the /is, gro.64 i2e2 +-A20
Re/.n/an*y level 1or the /is, gro.64 i2e2 Extenal -edundanc"
Sele*tion o1 the /is,s to <e a//e/ to the /is, gro.64 i2e2 /dev/mappe/#ap1
6O0E1 +o /is6lay the a66ro6riate eligi<le /is,s4 *li*, on the Change Discovery Path <.tton
an/ enter as the LDis, Dis*overy PathL one o1 the 1ollo8ing
&or Devi*e Fa66er /evi*es4 ty6e
&or (ra*le ASF-i< 0ar,e/ /is,s4 ty6e
"""%red*at%co' && re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
Figure !.1..2: A)".A $i*k+roup .re#tion ,indow
Cli*, the O% <.tton on*e the ste6s a<ove are *o06lete2
$2 Re6eat ste6s 2 an/ % to *on1ig.re <oth a /is, gro.6 1or the &ast Re*overy Area ?&RAA
an/ the re/o logs2
6O0E1 Se6aration o1 re/o logs into a se6arate (ra*le ASF /is, gro.6 is o6tional4 <.t
#2 (n*e all /is, gro.6s are *reate/4 *li*, the (xit <.tton1ro0 the 0ain ASF Con1ig.ration
Assistant 8in/o82 Cli*, yes4 8hen as,e/ to *on1ir0 D.itting the a66li*ation2
4.1.4 Creating a Database using Database Configuration
Assistant (DBCA)
Ohen *reating an (ra*le /ata<ase4 the re*o00en/e/ 0etho/ is the .sage o1 the D)CA
.tility2 +he 1ollo8ing se*tion /es*ri<es the ste6-<y-ste6 to *reate a *.sto0 /ata<ase2
12 As the oacle .ser4 r.n the dbca .tility via the *o00an/
# /"0!/app/oracle/prod"ct/!!.#.0/dbhome1!/bin/dbca
6O0E1 9n the e'a06le a<ove4 /u01/app/oacle/poduct/11!2!0/dbhome61 is the (ra*le
ho0e /ire*tory2
22 Oithin the Oel*o0e 8in/o84 *li*, Next2
%2 Oithin the (6erations 8in/o84 sele*t Create a Data'ase ra/io <.tton an/ *li*, Next2
$2 Oithin the Data<ase +e06late 8in/o84 sele*t Custo Data'ase ra/io <.tton an/ *li*,
#2 Oithin the Data<ase 9/enti1i*ation 8in/o84 set a glo<al /ata<ase na0e an/ (ra*le
Syste0 9/enti1ier ?S9DA4 i2e2 oacledb an/ *li*, Next2
62 Oithin the Fanage0ent (6tions 8in/o84 *on1ig.re 5nter6rise Fanager an/ ena<le
/aily /is, <a*,.6 to re*overy area ?o6tionalA4 an/ *li*, Next2
72 Oithin the Data<ase Cre/entials 8in/o84 6rovi/e the a/0inistrative 6ass8or/s 1or
ea*h .serna0e an/ *li*, Next2
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' &7 """%red*at%co'
82 Oithin the Data<ase &ile -o*ations 8in/o84 sele*t the a66ro6riate storage ty6e an/
storage lo*ation2 &or the 6.r6oses o1 this re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re the 1ollo8ing
sele*tions 8ere 0a/e
Storage +y6e S A.to0ati* Storage Fanage0ent ?ASFA
Storage -o*ations S Use (ra*le-Fanage/ &iles
Data<ase Area B2A4A
"""%red*at%co' &6 re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
Figure !.1.!.1: $#t#'#*e File /oc#tion* ,indow
"2 Sele*t the &ultiplex )edo *ogs and Control "iles <.tton an/ 8ithin the F.lti6le' Re/o
-ogs an/ Control &iles 8in/o84 a// the Re/o -ogs /is,gro.64 i2e2 !-E2,20 an/ *li*,
O%4 then *li*, Next2
102 Oithin the ASF Cre/entials 8in/o84 s6e*i1y a AS&S%&P 6ass8or/ an/ *li*, O%2
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' &9 """%red*at%co'
Figure !.1.!.2: "ultiple0 Redo /og* #nd .ontrol File* ,indow
112 Oithin the Re*overy Con1ig.ration 8in/o84 sele*t the re*overy o6tions a66ro6riate 1or
the /ata<ase2 +he sele*tions 1or this re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re ena<le the &ast Re*overy
Area ?&RAA an/ Ar*hiving2 +he &RA lo*ation an/ siGe as seen <elo8 an/ *li*, Next2
&RA S B+-A20
&RA SiGe S 1"0680 Fega<ytes ?total siGe o1 +-AA
6O0E1 9t is re*o00en/e/4 to 0o/i1y the val.es a<ove <ase/ on the /ata<aseLs
re*overy reD.ire0ents2 &or 0ore in1or0ation4 visit Fy (ra*le S.66ort Do* 9D
M%0#6$821N S QOhat is &lash Re*overy Area an/ ho8 to *on1ig.re itUR2
122 Oithin the Data<ase Content 8in/o84 sele*t the *o06onents to <e *on1ig.re/ 1or the
/ata<ase an/ *li*, Next2 +he sele*tions 1or this re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re 8ere the /e1a.lt
"""%red*at%co' &: re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
Figure !.1.!.: Recovery .onfigur#tion ,indow
1%2 Oithin the 9nitialiGation Para0eters 8in/o84 sele*t Custo an/ enter the a66ro6riate
val.es 1or the S0A an/ P0A siGe an/ *li*, Next2 9t is re*o00en/e/ that the Fe0ory
Fanage0ent <e set as Automatic Shaed &emo" &anagement2 +he val.es set 1or
the re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re 8ith regar/s to S0A an/ P0A are the 1ollo8ing
SBA S 1$$7# Fega<ytes
PBA S $82# Fega<ytes
6O0E1 9t is re*o00en/e/ to 0o/i1y the val.es a<ove <ase/ on the /ata<aseLs SBA
an/ PBA reD.ire0ents2
1$2 Oithin the Data<ase Storage 8in/o84 *li*, Next2
1#2 Oithin the Creation (6tions 8in/o84 ens.re the Create Data'ase <o' is *he*,e/ an/
*li*, "inish2
162 Oithin the Con1ir0ation 8in/o84 revie8 the /ata<ase *on1ig.ration s.00ary4 an/ *li*,
O% to start the /ata<ase *reation2
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' &< """%red*at%co'
Figure !.1.!.!: -niti#li1#tion 2#r#&eter* ,indow
4.1.5 Enabling HugePages
Re/ 3at 5nter6rise -in.' 64 <y /e1a.lt4 .ses tanspaent huge pages also ,no8n as
anon"mous huge pages2 +rans6arent 3.ge Pages ?+3PA are i06le0ente/ 8ithin Re/ 3at
5nter6rise -in.' 6 to i06rove 0e0ory 0anage0ent <y re0oving 0any o1 the /i11i*.lties o1
0an.ally 0anaging h.ge 6ages <y /yna0i*ally allo*ating h.ge 6ages as nee/e/2 Unli,e
stati* h.ge 6ages4 no a//itional *on1ig.ration is nee/e/ to .se the02 3.ge 6ages *an <oost
a66li*ation 6er1or0an*e <y in*reasing the *han*e a 6rogra0 8ill have D.i*, a**ess to a
0e0ory 6age2 Unli,e tra/itional h.ge 6ages4 trans6arent h.ge 6ages *an <e s8a66e/ o.t
?as s0aller $,) 6agesA 8hen virt.al 0e0ory *lean .6 is reD.ire/2
Un1ort.nately4 (ra*le Data<ases /o not ta,e a/vantage o1 trans6arent h.ge 6ages 1or
inter6ro*ess *o00.ni*ation2 9n 1a*t4 Fy (ra*le S.66ort M9D 1##7$7821N
states to /isa<le
+3P /.e to .ne'6e*te/ 6er1or0an*e iss.es or /elays 8hen +3P is 1o.n/ to <e ena<le/2 +o
rea6 the <ene1it o1 h.ge 6ages 1or an (ra*le /ata<ase4 it is reD.ire/ to allo*ate stati* h.ge
6ages an/ /isa<le +3P2 D.e to the *o06le'ity o1 6ro6erly *on1ig.ring h.ge 6ages4 it is
re*o00en/e/ to *o6y the <ash shell s*ri6t 1o.n/ 8ithin 4ppendix E Huge Pages cript an/
r.n the s*ri6t on*e the /ata<ase is .6 an/ r.nning2 +he reasoning <ehin/ allo*ating h.ge
6ages on*e the /ata<ase is .6 an/ r.nning is to 6rovi/e a 6ro6er n.0<er o1 6ages to han/le
the r.nning share/ 0e0ory seg0ents2 +he ste6s are as 1ollo8s
12 Co6y the <ash s*ri6t 1o.n/ 8ithin 4ppendix E Huge Pages cript an/ save it as
22 As the root .ser4 ens.re the huge6pages6settings!sh is e'e*.ta<le <y r.nning the
1ollo8ing *o00an/
# chmod ?* h"ge1pages1settings.sh
%2 As the root .ser4 e'e*.te the huge6pages6settings!sh s*ri6t as 1ollo8s
# ./h"ge1pages1settings.sh
Recommended sett:ng 0:th:n the 1ernel boot command l:ne2 huge;ages = Y'alueW
Recommended sett:ng 0:th:n EetcEsecur:tyEl:m:ts.dE??-gr:d-oracle-l:m:ts.con32
oracle so3t memloc1 Y'alueW
Recommended sett:ng 0:th:n EetcEsecur:tyEl:m:ts.dE??-gr:d-oracle-l:m:ts.con32
oracle hard memloc1 Y'alueW
$2 A// the n.0<er o1 hugepages 6rovi/e/ <y the huge6pages6settings!sh s*ri6t to the
,ernel <oot *o00an/ line 8ithin the /etc/gub!con# an/ /isa<le tanspaent huge
pages 6ersistently a*ross re<oots as 1ollo8s
t:tle Red at Enter;r:se <:nuH D,.).+,-+/..el).H.)8)*F
root Dhd(I(F
1ernel E'ml:nuL-,.).+,-+/..el).H.)8)* ro root=Ede'Ema;;erEmy'g-root
rd8NO8<>K! <"NG=en8>!.>T&-. rd8NO8#4 !=!&ONT=latarcyrheb-sun1)
crash1ernel=auto rd8NO84# rd8<5#8<5=my'gEroot KE=7O"R4T=9E=;c
KE=T"7<E=us rd8<5#8<5=my'gEs0a; rhgb Mu:et h"gepagesAVval"e-provided-by-
script transparent1h"gepageAnever
:n:trd E:n:tram3s-,.).+,-+/..el).H.)8)*.:mg
12 A-5R+ Disa<le +rans6arent 3.gePages on S-5S114R35-64(5-6 an/ U5H2 Hernels ?D(C 9D 1##7$7821A
"""%red*at%co' 7( re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
6O0E1 Allo*ating the n.0<er o1 h.ge 6ages 8ithin the ,ernel <oot *o00an/ line is
the 0ost relia<le 0etho/ /.e to 0e0ory not yet <e*o0ing 1rag0ente/2
#2 A// the ora*le so1t an/ har/ li0its 8ith regar/s to memloc$ 8ithin
/etc/secuit"/limits!d/==-gid-oacle-limits!con# as 1ollo8s
oracle so3t memloc1 Y'alue-;ro':ded-by-scr:;tW
oracle hard memloc1 Y'alue-;ro':ded-by-scr:;tW
62 Re<oot the syste0 to ens.re the hugepages setting ta,es e11e*t 6ro6erly2
72 Veri1y the total n.0<er o1 h.ge 6ages on the syste0 8ith the 1ollo8ing *o00an/
# cat /proc/meminfo | grep -i h"gepages1total
uge9ages8Total2 Y'alue-;ro':ded-by-scr:;tW
82 Veri1y the *.rrent stat.s o1 the trans6arent h.ge 6ages is set to %E1E- via the 1ollo8ing
# cat /sys/kernel/mm/transparent1h"gepage/enabled
al0ays Ane'erB
6O0E1 Starting 8ith (ra*le Data<ase version 112220224 the initialiGation 6ara0eter
QUS5K-ARB5KPAB5SR 8as intro/.*e/ to allo*ate h.ge 6ages on a 6er /ata<ase .se *ase2
+he /e1a.lt val.e 1or (ra*le Data<ase 11222022 is tr.e4 8hile 1or (ra*le Data<ases r.nning
1122202% or higher it is set to a.to2 &or 0ore in1or0ation on the 6ara0eter an/ its val.e re1er
to Fy (ra*le S.66ort
6O0E1 3.ge 6ages is not *o06ati<le 8ith A.to0ati* Fe0ory Fanage0ent ?AFFA2
1% htt6s@@8882,ernel2org@/o*@Do*.0entation@v0@h.getl<6age2t't
1$ US5K-ARB5KPAB5S +o 5na<le 3.gePages 9n 1122 M9D 1%"2$"721N
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' 71 """%red*at%co'
5 Logging into the Oracle Database 11g
Release 2 (
+his se*tion 1o*.ses on ens.ring on*e the (ra*le Data<ase 11g Release 2 ?1122202%A
/e6loy0ent is *o06lete4 one *an s.**ess1.lly log into the (ra*le /ata<ase2 +he 1ollo8ing
ste6s 6rovi/e the /etails2
As the ora*le .ser4
12 Set the environ0ent varia<le 1or ,-A.LE6:,&E 8ith the lo*ation o1 yo.r (ra*le
Data<ase 11g Release 2 ?1122202%A ho0e2 +his re1eren*e ar*hite*t.re sets
(RAC-5K3(F5 to /u01/app/oacle/poduct/11!2!0/dbhome61
# e*port DM.NL01,DM0A/"0!/app/oracle/prod"ct/!!.#.0/dbhome1!
# echo 'DM.NL01,DM0
6O0E1 +here is a <.g 8ithin (ra*le Data<ase 11g Release 2 ?1122202%A that reD.ires
that the e'6ort o1 ,-A.LE6:,&E not in*l./e a trailing 1or8ar/ slash ?@A2
22 Set the (ra*le Syste0 9D ?,-A.LE6S/2A .se/ to i/enti1y the /ata<ase2
U e*port DM.NL01+2OAdb
U echo 'DM.NL01+2O
%2 9nvo,e the s)lpl"s <inary to log into the (ra*le instan*e as a s"sdba2
# 'DM.NL01,DM0/bin/s)lpl"s / as sysdbaG
![<Q9lus2 Release 11.,.(.+.( 9roduct:on on Wed Xun / 1+2//2(/ ,(1+
%o;yr:ght DcF 1?.,I ,(11I Oracle. "ll r:ghts reser'ed.
%onnected to2
Oracle 4atabase 11g Enter;r:se Ed:t:on Release 11.,.(.+.( - )*b:t 9roduct:on
W:th the 9art:t:on:ngI "utomat:c !torage #anagementI O<"9I 4ata #:n:ng
and Real ";;l:cat:on Test:ng o;t:ons
"""%red*at%co' 72 re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
6 Conclusion
Re/ 3at sol.tions 8ith (ra*le Data<ase 11g Release 2 ?1122202%A on Re/ 3at 5nter6rise
-in.' 6 are *reate/ to si06li1y an/ o6ti0iGe the /e6loy0ent 6ro*ess4 6rovi/e the latest <est
6ra*ti*es4 an/ 6rote*t (ra*le Data<ase environ0ents 8ith the .se o1 SELinux2 +he ste6s an/
6ro*e/.res 6rovi/e syste0 an/ storage a/0inistrators the <l.e6rint reD.ire/ to *reate a Re/
3at J (ra*le sol.tion2
&or any D.estions or *on*erns4 6lease e0ail re1ar*h-1ee/<a*,Cre/hat2*o0 an/ ens.re to
visit the Re/ 3at Re1eren*e Ar*hite*t.re 6age at
htt6@@8882re/hat2*o0@reso.r*eli<rary@re1eren*e-ar*hite*t.res@ to 1in/ o.t a<o.t all o1 o.r Re/
3at sol.tion o11erings2
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' 7) """%red*at%co'
4ppendix 41 Re5ision History
Revision 12$ +.es/ay4 De*e0<er 104 201% Roger -o6eG
Fo/i1ie/ the Se*tion %2$2$ (6ti0iGing Data<ase Storage .sing A.to0ati* Syste0
+.ning <y *reating a *.sto0 t.ne/ 6ro1ile that /isa<les +3P
Re0ove/ ste6 6 1ro0 Se*tion $212# 5na<ling 3.gePages relating to /isa<ling +3P as
it is no8 1i'e/ .sing the *.sto0 6ro1ile 1ro0 Se*tion %2$2$
Fo/i1ie/ any 0ention o1 the .se o1 limits!con# 1ro0 Se*tion %2%21% Setting Shell -i0its
1or the Bri/ an/ (ra*le User to the 0ore a66ro6riate ==-gid-oacle-limits!con#
Re0ove/ any 0ention o1 a//ing Qsession e'uied pam6limits!soR to the
/etc/pam!d/login 1ile as the 1ile /etc/pam!d/s"stem-auth alrea/y in*l./es it <y /e1a.lt
an/ is not ne*essary to a// it in the /etc/pam!d/login 1ile
A66en/i' H Con1ig.ration &iles *ontains the ne8 entepise-stoage-no-thp /ire*tory
1or ease o1 .se o1 t.ne/ 6ro1iles
Fis*ellaneo.s gra00ar *orre*tions 8ithin the /o*.0ent
Revision 12% &ri/ay4 A.g.st 164 201% Roger -o6eG
Create/ a ne8 (S 3ostna0e se*tion
Create/ a ne8 /etc/esolv!con# *on1ig se*tion
A//e/ a F(S arti*le note to D)CA se*tion 8ith regar/s to &lash Re*overy Area
Altere/ ho8 to /isa<le +3P /.e to t.ne/
1s21ile-0a' is reD.ire/ 1or <oth ./ev an/ (ra*le ASF-i< /.ring (ra*le 9nstallation2
Change/ instr.*tions 8ithin Se*tion %2$2%22 Con1ig.ring (ra*le ASF-i<4 no8 that
ora*leas0266 is no longer reD.ire/
&i'e/ ty6os
Revision 122 &ri/ay :.ly 264 201% Roger -o6eG
A//e/ styling to *ertain te't E 1i'e/ ty6os
A//e/ ste6s to Se*tion %2%2%21 (ra*le ASF-i< Alternative Con1ig.ring U/ev R.les
Fo/i1ie/ ste6s to Se*tion $212# 5na<ling 3.gePages that re1er to /isa<ling +3P E
setting the n.0<er o1 h.ge 6ages via the ,ernel <oot *o00an/ line2
Revision 121 Fon/ay :.ly 84 201% Roger -o6eG
&i'e/ n.0<ering E align0ent o1 +a<le o1 Contents
Se*tion 22#4 *hange/ la<el 1ro0 QS6are Co.ntR to Q3ot S6ares Availa<leR
Se*tion 2274 e'6an/e/ ea*h 6ort an/ 6rovi/e/ a <rie1 /es*ri6tion
Se*tion %214 A//e/ the bonding!con# 1ile 8ithin /etc/modpobe!d/
Se*tion %222#4 Provi/e/ the /e1inition o1 /irty /ata
Se*tion %2221%4 A//e/ @et*@6ro1ile2/@ora*le-gri/2sh shell s*ri6t 1or .ser ulimits
A//e/ A66en/i' : Sa06le Hi*,start &ile
A//e/ A66en/i' - +ro.<leshooting (RA-I 5rrors
"""%red*at%co' 7& re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
Revision 120 Fon/ay :.ne 2$4 201% Roger -o6eG
9nitial Release
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' 77 """%red*at%co'
4ppendix B1 #ontributors
12 Dan Oalsh4 te*hni*al revie8 o1 SELinux oacleasm!pp module
22 S*ott Collier4 *ontent revie8 an/ te*hni*al revie8 o1 (ra*le /e6loy0ent 6ro*e/.res
%2 :ohn 3err4 *ontent revie8
$2 Ale,san/r )reGhnev4 *ontent revie8 an/ te*hni*al revie8 o1 (ra*le /e6loy0ent
#2 Wan &isher4 *ontent revie8
62 :ohn )oero4 *ontent revie8
"""%red*at%co' 76 re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
4ppendix #1 D8 8ultipat* #on!iguration
# Th:s :s a bas:c con3:gurat:on 3:le 0:th some eHam;lesI 3or de':ce ma;;er
# mult:;ath.
# &or a com;lete l:st o3 the de3ault con3:gurat:on 'aluesI see
# EusrEshareEdocEde':ce-ma;;er-mult:;ath-(.*.?Emult:;ath.con3.de3aults
# &or a l:st o3 con3:gurat:on o;t:ons 0:th descr:;t:onsI see
# EusrEshareEdocEde':ce-ma;;er-mult:;ath-(.*.?Emult:;ath.con3.annotated
# RE#E#7ER2 "3ter u;dat:ng mult:;ath.con3I you must run
# ser':ce mult:;athd reload
# 3or the changes to ta1e e33ect :n mult:;athd
## 7y de3aultI de':ces 0:th 'endor = 6I7#6 and ;roduct = 6!E+?(.Q6 are
## blac1l:sted. To enable mul:t;ath:ng on these de':esI uncomment the
## 3ollo0:ng l:nes.
#blac1l:st8eHce;t:ons N
# de':ce N
# 'endor 6I7#6
# ;roduct 6!E+?(.Q6
# R
## >se user 3r:endly namesI :nstead o3 us:ng WWI4s as names.
de3aults N
user83r:endly8names yes
## ere :s an eHam;le o3 ho0 to con3:gure some standard o;t:ons.
de3aults N
ude'8d:r Ede'
;oll:ng8:nter'al 1(
;ath8selector 6round-rob:n (6
;ath8grou;:ng8;ol:cy mult:bus
getu:d8callout 6El:bEude'Escs:8:d --0h:tel:sted
;r:o alua
;ath8chec1er readsector(
rr8m:n8:o 1((
maH83ds .1?,
rr80e:ght ;r:or:t:es
3a:lbac1 :mmed:ate
no8;ath8retry 3a:l
user83r:endly8names yes
## The 00:d l:ne :n the 3ollo0:ng blac1l:st sect:on :s sho0n as an eHam;le
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' 79 """%red*at%co'
## o3 ho0 to blac1l:st de':ces by 00:d. The , de'node l:nes are the
## com;:led :n de3ault blac1l:st. I3 you 0ant to blac1l:st ent:re ty;es
## o3 de':cesI such as all scs: de':cesI you should use a de'node l:ne.
## o0e'erI :3 you 0ant to blac1l:st s;ec:3:c de':cesI you should use
## a 00:d l:ne. !:nce there :s no guarantee that a s;ec:3:c de':ce 0:ll
## not change names on reboot D3rom Ede'Esda to Ede'Esdb 3or eHam;leF
## de'node l:nes are not recommended 3or blac1l:st:ng s;ec:3:c de':ces.
blac1l:st N
00:d +)((/(.b1((1(+(+/+*+*+)+)*)+(1,((
de'node 6ODramPra0Ploo;P3dPmdPdm-PsrPscdPstFA(-?BQ6
de'node 6OhdAa-LB6
mult:;aths N
mult:;ath N
00:d +)((c(33(((d-e-a.??d./1/1(1((((((
al:as db1
mult:;ath N
00:d +)((c(33(((dab3e/a-d./1/1(1((((((
al:as db,
mult:;ath N
00:d +)((c(33(((d-e-a.dbd./1/1(1((((((
al:as 3ra
mult:;ath N
00:d +)((c(33(((dab3e/3*d./1/1(1((((((
al:as redo
#de':ces N
# de':ce N
# 'endor 6%O#9"[ 6
# ;roduct 6!511( D%F%O#9"[6
# ;ath8grou;:ng8;ol:cy mult:bus
# getu:d8callout 6El:bEude'Escs:8:d --0h:tel:sted
# ;ath8chec1er readsector(
# ;ath8selector 6round-rob:n (6
# hard0are8handler 6(6
# 3a:lbac1 1/
# rr80e:ght ;r:or:t:es
# no8;ath8retry Mueue
# R
# de':ce N
# 'endor 6%O#9"[ 6
# ;roduct 6#!"1((( 6
# ;ath8grou;:ng8;ol:cy mult:bus
# R
"""%red*at%co' 7: re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
4ppendix D1 /ptables #on!iguration .ile
# Generated by :;tables-sa'e '1.*.- on Thu #ay , 1-2,*2(( ,(1+
2IN9>T "%%E9T A(2(B
2&ORW"R4 "%%E9T A(2(B
2O>T9>T "%%E9T A)-*-1+-21--+/*/-?*B
-" IN9>T -m state --state RE<"TE4IE!T"7<I!E4 -C "%%E9T
-" IN9>T -; :cm; -C "%%E9T
-" IN9>T -: lo -C "%%E9T
-" IN9>T -; tc; -m state --state NEW -m tc; --d;ort ,, -C "%%E9T
-" IN9>T -; tc; -m state --state NEW -m tc; --d;ort .( -C "%%E9T
-" IN9>T -; tc; -m state --state NEW -m tc; --d;ort **+ -C "%%E9T
-" IN9>T -; tc; -m state --state NEW -m tc; --d;ort **+ -C "%%E9T
-" IN9>T -; tc; -m state --state NEW -m tc; -s 1(.1).1*,./* --d;ort 1/,1 -C
-" IN9>T -; tc; -m state --state NEW -m tc; -s 1(.1).1*,./* --d;ort 11/. -C
-" IN9>T -C REXE%T --reCect-0:th :cm;-host-;roh:b:ted
-" &ORW"R4 -C REXE%T --reCect-0:th :cm;-host-;roh:b:ted
# %om;leted on Thu #ay , 1-2,*2(( ,(1+
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' 7< """%red*at%co'
4ppendix E1 Huge Pages cript
+he 1ollo8ing h.ge 6ages s*ri6t is 1ro0 +.ning Re/ 3at 5nter6rise -in.' &or (ra*le E (ra*le
RAC <y S*ott Crot4 Sr2 Cons.ltant4 Re/ 3at
an/ 0o/i1ie/ to in*l./e the val.es (ra*leLs so1t
an/ har/ 0e0lo*,2
KERN=Vuname -r P a01 -&. TN ;r:nt3D6Sd.Sd]n6IJ1IJ,FK RTV
# &:nd out the uge9age s:Le
9G8!$=Vgre; uge;ages:Le E;rocEmem:n3o P a01 TN;r:nt J,RTV
# !tart 3rom 1 ;ages to be on the sa3e s:de and guarantee 1 3ree uge9age
# %umulat:'e number o3 ;ages reMu:red to handle the runn:ng shared memory
3or !EG87=TE! :n V:;cs -m P a01 TN;r:nt J/RT P gre; 6A(-?BA(-?BQ6V
#IN89G=Vecho 6J!EG87=TE!EDJ9G8!$Q1(,*F6 P bc -MV
:3 A J#IN89G -gt ( BK then
N>#89G=Vecho 6JN>#89GUJ#IN89GU16 P bc -MV
# &:n:sh 0:th results
case JKERN :n
T,.*TF >GET<789OO<=Vecho 6JN>#89GQJ9G8!$E1(,*6 P bc -MVK
echo 6Recommended sett:ng2 'm.hugetlb8;ool = J>GET<789OO<6 KK
T,.)TF #E#8<O%K=Vecho 6JN>#89GQJ9G8!$6 P bc -MVK
echo 6Recommended sett:ng 0:th:n the 1ernel boot command l:ne2 huge;ages =
echo 6Recommended sett:ng 0:th:n EetcEsecur:tyEl:m:ts.dE??-gr:d-oracle-
l:m:ts.con32 oracle so3t memloc1 J#E#8<O%K6
echo 6Recommended sett:ng 0:th:n EetcEsecur:tyEl:m:ts.dE??-gr:d-oracle-
l:m:ts.con32 oracle hard memloc1 J#E#8<O%K6 KK
QF echo 6>nrecogn:Led 1ernel 'ers:on JKERN. EH:t:ng.6 KK
1# +.ning Re/ 3at 5nter6rise -in.' &or (ra*le E (ra*le RAC <y S*ott Crot4 Sr2 Cons.ltant4 Re/ 3at4
"""%red*at%co' 6( re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
4ppendix .1 Oracle Database Pac,age
Re>uire'ents 0ext .ile
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' 61 """%red*at%co'
4ppendix 21 ;ernel Para'eters
'm.s0a;;:ness = (
'm.d:rty8bac1ground8rat:o = +
'm.d:rty8rat:o = .(
'm.d:rty8eH;:re8cent:secs = /((
'm.d:rty80r:tebac18cent:secs = 1((
1ernel.shmmaH = ).-1?*-)-+)
1ernel.shmall = *,?*?)-,?)
1ernel.shmmn: = *(?)
1ernel.sem = ,/( +,((( 1(( 1,.
# 3s.3:le-maH needs to be set to at least ).1/-** 3or Oracle Installat:on.
3s.3:le-maH = ).1/-**
3s.a:o-maH-nr = 1(*./-)
net.:;'*.:;8local8;ort8range = ?((( )//((
net.core.rmem8de3ault = ,),1**
net.core.rmem8maH = *1?*+(*
net.core.0mem8de3ault = ,),1**
net.core.0mem8maH = 1(*./-)
"""%red*at%co' 62 re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
4ppendix H1 Li'its #on!iguration .ile C<<+
oracle so3t n;roc ,(*-
oracle hard n;roc 1)+.*
oracle so3t no3:le 1(,*
oracle hard no3:le )//+)
oracle so3t stac1 1(,*(
oracle hard stac1 +,-).
oracle so3t memloc1 Y'alue-;ro':ded-by-scr:;tW
oracle hard memloc1 Y'alue-;ro':ded-by-scr:;tW
gr:d so3t n;roc ,(*-
gr:d hard n;roc 1)+.*
gr:d so3t no3:le 1(,*
gr:d hard no3:le )//+)
gr:d so3t stac1 1(,*(
gr:d hard stac1 +,-).
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' 6) """%red*at%co'
4ppendix /1 <<+oracle+as'de5ices%rules
"""%red*at%co' 6& re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
4ppendix E1 a'ple ;ic,start .ile
# Red at P Oracle !olut:ons K:c1start !cr:;t
url --url=Y;lace-d:stro-url-hereW
lang en8>!.>T&-.
1eyboard us
net0or1 --onboot yes --de':ce em1 --mtu=1/(( --boot;roto dhc;
root;0 redhat
# Reboot a3ter :nstallat:on
authcon3:g --enablemd/ --enableshado0
sel:nuH --en3orc:ng
t:meLone "mer:caENe08=or1
bootloader --locat:on=mbr --dr:'eorder=sda --a;;end=6crash1ernel=auto rhgb
# The 3ollo0:ng :s the ;art:t:on :n3ormat:on you reMuested
# Note that any ;art:t:ons you deleted are not eH;ressed
# here so unless you clear all ;art:t:ons 3:rstI th:s :s
# not guaranteed to 0or1
clear;art --all
'olgrou; my'g --;es:Le=+,-). ;'.((.((,
log'ol Ehome --3sty;e=eHt* --name=home --'gname=my'g --s:Le=.1?,
log'ol E --3sty;e=eHt* --name=root --'gname=my'g --s:Le=1/+)(
log'ol s0a; --name=s0a; --'gname=my'g --s:Le=1)*((
log'ol Etm; --3sty;e=eHt* --name=tm; --'gname=my'g --s:Le=*(?)
log'ol Eu(1 --3sty;e=eHt* --name=u(1 --'gname=my'g --s:Le=/1,((
log'ol Eusr --3sty;e=eHt* --name=usr --'gname=my'g --s:Le=/1,(
log'ol E'ar --3sty;e=eHt* --name='ar --'gname=my'g --s:Le=.1?,
;art Eboot --3sty;e=eHt* --s:Le=,/)
;art ;'.((.((, --gro0 ^s:Le=1(((
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' 67 """%red*at%co'
4ppendix ;1 #on!iguration .iles
All *on1ig.ration 1iles *an <e /o8nloa/e/ 1ro0 the Re/ 3at *.sto0er 6ortal
2 A listing o1 all
the 1iles an/ a <rie1 /es*ri6tion *an <e seen on the 0able 6%11 #on!iguration .iles% So0e o1
the *on1ig.ration 1iles reD.ire in6.t 8ith the 6ro6er in1or0ation 6ertaining to yo.r environ0ent2
.iles Description
reD-r602t't +he reD.ire/ RPFs to /e6loy (ra*le2
h.geK6ageKsettings2sh S*ri6t that 6rovi/es the 6ro6er h.ge6age
val.es to set2
0.lti6ath2*on1 Devi*e Fa66er F.lti6ath *on1ig.ration 1ile2
sys*tl2*on1 Con1ig.ration 1ile 1or the ,ernel 6ara0eters
""-gri/-ora*le-li0its2*on1 Con1ig.ration 1ile to set li0its 1or a .ser2
selin.'-6oli*y Version %2721"-2112 +his version ens.res
that ora*leas0 8or,s 6ro6erly 8ith SELinux
selin.'-6oli*y-targete/ Version %2721"-2112 +his version ens.res
that ora*leas0 8or,s 6ro6erly 8ith SELinux
""-ora*le-as0/evi*es2r.les udev *on1ig.ration 1ile 1or (ra*le ASF /is,s
i6ta<les i6ta<les *on1ig.ration
<on/ing2*on1 /etc/modpobe!d/ <on/ing *on1ig.ration 1ile
ora*le-gri/2sh Shell s*ri6t .se/ to set .ser li0its
sa06le-,s2*1g Sa06le Hi*,start &ile
enter6rise-storage-no-th6 Dire*tory o1 the *.sto0 t.ne/ 6ro1ile
C3ANB5-(B -isting o1 the latest *hanges 0a/e to the
2tar2gG 1ile
Table (.1: /on%iguration iles
16 htt6s@@a**ess2re/hat2*o0@site@no/e@%"#01%@$0@1
"""%red*at%co' 66 re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
4ppendix L1 0roubles*ooting OR4+F Errors
+his se*tion 1o*.ses on .sing the *o00an/ line tool4 A.to0ati* Diagnosti* Re6ository
Co00an/ 9nter6reter ?A2-./A4 to tro.<leshoot (ra*le /ata<ase relate/ errors2 A2-./ 8as
intro/.*e/ in (ra*le Data<ase 11g in or/er to hel6 .sers /iagnose errors 8ithin their (ra*le
/ata<ase environ0ents an/ 6rovi/e health re6orts i1 an iss.e sho.l/ arise2 +he 1ollo8ing
e'a06le sho8s ho8 one *o.l/ tro.<leshoot an (ra*le /ata<ase instan*e error .sing the
A2-./ tool2
6O0E1 +he 1ollo8ing ste6s are inten/e/ to 6ro/.*e an (RA-07$$# error that *an <e
tro.<leshoote/ .sing the A2-./ tool2 Do not atte06t on a (ra*le Data<ase Pro/.*tion
environ0ent2 +he 1ollo8ing is 1or /e0onstration 6.r6oses only an/ inten/e/ only to sho8 ho8
to tro.<leshoot (RA-I relate/ errors .sing the A2-./ tool2
12 9n or/er to *reate an (RA-07$$# error4 an essential (ra*le 6ro*ess 8ill <e ,ille/ via
the 1ollo8ing *o00an/s
# ps -. --format pid@args | grep ora1dbrm | grep -v grep
,-1,1 ora8dbrm8db
# kill -+0/T #>!#!
22 5'6ort the (RAC-5K3(F5 via the *o00an/
# e*port DM.NL01,DM0A/"0!/app/oracle/prod"ct/!!.#.0/dbhome1!
%2 Start the A2-./ *o00an/ tool via the *o00an/
# 'DM.NL01,DM0/bin/adrci
"4R%I2 Release 11.,.(.+.( - 9roduct:on on #on Xul 1 1?2*,2/. ,(1+
%o;yr:ght DcF 1?.,I ,(11I Oracle andEor :ts a33:l:ates. "ll r:ghts
"4R base = 6Eu(1Ea;;Eoracle6
$2 At the A2-./ 6ro06t4 sho8 (ra*le 3o0eLs availa<le via the *o00an/
adcr:W show home
"4R omes2
6O0E1 91 0ore than one (ra*le 3o0e is availa<le4 one 0.st s6e*i1y a 6arti*.lar
(ra*le Data<ase 3o0e2 An e'a06le on ho8 to set to a 6arti*.lar (ra*le Data<ase
3o0e is as 1ollo8s
adcr:W set home diag/rdbms/db/db
#2 At the A2-./ 6ro06t4 r.n the 1ollo8ing *o00an/ to see the last #0 entries in the alert
adrc:W show alert -tail -f
A ... Out;ut "bbre':ated ... B
EHce;t:on Aty;e2 !IG!EG5I un1no0n codeB A"44R2(H4*+1(((()7E(B
A9%2(H+4)%%E"&%"I semt:medo;DFU1(B AeHce;t:on :ssued by ;:d2 ,-)1)I u:d2
/*+,1B A3lags2 (H(I count2 1B
Errors :n 3:le Eu(1Ea;;EoracleEd:agErdbmsEdbEdbEtraceEdb8dbrm8,-1,1.trc
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' 69 """%red*at%co'
OR"-(-**/2 eHce;t:on encountered2 core dum; Asemt:medo;DFU1(B A!IG!EG5B
A"44R2(H4*+1(((()7E(B A9%2(H+4)%%E"&%"B Aun1no0n codeB AB
Inc:dent deta:ls :n2
>se "4R%I or !u;;ort Wor1bench to ;ac1age the :nc:dent.
!ee Note *11.1 at #y Oracle !u;;ort 3or error and ;ac1ag:ng deta:ls.
6O0E1 9n this 6arti*.lar *ase4 8e are loo,ing 1or an (RA-07$$# 8ithin the alert log as
seen a<ove2 3o8ever4 this ste6 is >.st to *on1ir0 8hat is seen in the 1.t.re A2-./
ste6s2 +o e'it the alert log4 C+R-!C2
62 Oithin the A2-./4 there are t8o ,ey ter0s to <e a8are o14 6ro<le0 an/ in*i/ent2 An
in*i/ent is a 6arti*.lar ti0e 8hen a 6ro<le0 o**.rre/2 &or e'a06le4 it is 6ossi<le 1or an
(ra*le 6ro*ess to *rash at /i11erent ti0es 8ith the sa0e (RA-07$$#2 +he 0.lti6le
o**.ren*es o1 the *rash are in*i/ents4 8hile the 6ro<le0 is still the (RA-07$$# error2
9n or/er to vie8 the 6ro<le04 the 1ollo8ing A2-./ *o00an/ nee/s to <e r.n2
adrc:W show problem
"4R ome = Eu(1Ea;;EoracleEd:agErdbmsEdbEdb2
9RO7<E#8I4 9RO7<E#8KE= <"!T8IN%I4ENT <"!TIN%8TI#E
1 OR" -**/ Asemt:medo;DFU1(B ,*(/- ,(1+-(--(1 1?2/12*,.*(.(((
72 9n or/er to vie8 ho8 0any in*i/ents4 the 1ollo8ing A2-./ *o00an/ nee/s to <e r.n2
9n this e'a06le4 9 only have one in*i/ent in 8hi*h the (RA-07$$# 6ro<le0 o**.rre/2
adrc:W show incident
"4R ome = Eu(1Ea;;EoracleEd:agErdbmsEdbEdb2
,*(/- OR" -**/ Asemt:medo;DFU1(B ,(1+-(--(1 1?2/12*,.*(.((( -(*2((
1 ro0s 3etched
82 9n or/er to vie8 the in*i/ent in 0ore /etail4 r.n the 1ollo8ing *o00an/
adrc:W show incident -mode detail -p 4incident1idA#50=><
"4R ome = Eu(1Ea;;EoracleEd:agErdbmsEdbEdb2
IN%I4ENT8I4 ,*(/-
!T"T>! ready
%RE"TE8TI#E ,(1+-(--(1 1?2/12*,.*(.((( -(*2((
9RO7<E#8I4 1
%<O!E8TI#E YN><<W
&<OO48%ONTRO<<E4 none
ERROR8N>#7ER -**/
"""%red*at%co' 6: re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
ERROR8"RG1 semt:medo;DFU1(
ERROR8"RG+ "44R2(H4*+1(((()7E(
A ... Out;ut "bbre':ated ... B
IN%I4ENT8&I<E Eu(1Ea;;EoracleEd:agErdbmsEdbEdbEtraceEdb8dbrm8,-1,1.trc
1 ro0s 3etched
6O0E1 +he t8o 6ara0eters o1 i06ortan*e here are the PR()-5FK9D an/
"2 Ohen loo,ing at the in*i/ent in 1.rther /etail4 the 1ollo8ing in*i/ent 1ile *an <e
e'a0ine/ 1.rther via the 1ollo8ing *o00an/
adrc:W show trace
<E5E< 9"=<O"4
4um; 3:le
Oracle 4atabase 11g Enter;r:se Ed:t:on Release 11.,.(.+.( ^ )*b:t
W:th the 9art:t:on:ngI "utomat:c !torage #anagementI O<"9I 4ata #:n:ng
and Real ";;l:cat:on Test:ng o;t:ons
OR"%<E8O#E = Eu(1Ea;;EoracleE;roductE11.,.(Edbhome81
!ystem name2 <:nuH
Node name2 db-oracle-node1.cloud.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com
Release2 ,.).+,-+/..el).H.)8)*
5ers:on2 #1 !#9 Tue Xan ,? 112*-2*1 E!T ,(1+
#ach:ne2 H.)8)*
Instance name2 db
Redo thread mounted by th:s :nstance2 1
Oracle ;rocess number2 -
>n:H ;rocess ;:d2 ,-1,1I :mage2 Z
QQQ ,(1+-(--(1 1?2/12*,.*11
QQQ !E!!ION I42D11+.1F ,(1+-(--(1 1?2/12*,.*11
QQQ %<IENT I42DF ,(1+-(--(1 1?2/12*,.*11
QQQ !ER5I%E N"#E2D!=!J7"%KGRO>N4F ,(1+-(--(1 1?2/12*,.*11
QQQ #O4><E N"#E2DF ,(1+-(--(1 1?2/12*,.*11
QQQ "%TION N"#E2DF ,(1+-(--(1 1?2/12*,.*11
4um; cont:nued 3rom 3:le2
1W QQQQQ Error !tac1 QQQQQ
OR"-(-**/2 eHce;t:on encountered2 core dum; Asemt:medo;DFU1(B A!IG!EG5B
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' 6< """%red*at%co'
A"44R2(H4*+1(((()7E(B A9%2(H+4)%%E"&%"B Aun1no0n codeB AB
1Y QQQQQ Error !tac1 QQQQQ
1W QQQQQ 4um; 3or :nc:dent ,*(/- DOR" -**/ Asemt:medo;DFU1(BF QQQQQ
,W QQQQQ 7eg:nn:ng o3 %ustom:Led Inc:dent 4um;DsF QQQQQ
EHce;t:on Aty;e2 !IG!EG5I un1no0n codeB A"44R2(H4*+1(((()7E(B
A9%2(H+4)%%E"&%"I semt:medo;DFU1(B AeHce;t:on :ssued by ;:d2 ,-)1)I u:d2
A ... Out;ut "bbre':ated ... B
102 Ohile this *on*l./es ho8 to e'a0ine tra*e 1iles that 6ertain to a 6arti*.lar (RA error
.sing A2-./X i1 the iss.e *annot <e solve/ <y the en/ .ser4 the A2-./ 6rovi/es the
/ncident Pac$aging Sevice ?9PSA tool to Y9P the ne*essary tra*e 1iles <ase/ on the
6ro<le02 9t *an then <e sent to s.66ort 1or 1.rther /e<.gging2 +o *reate the
a66ro6riate Y9P 1ile4 .se the 1ollo8ing *o00an/s
adrc:W ips create package problem ! correlate all
%reated ;ac1age 1 based on ;roblem :d 1I correlat:on le'el all
6O0E1 Pro<le0 1 is the Pro<le0K9D 1o.n/ ste6 62
adrc:W ips generate package ! in 4/home/oracle<
Generated ;ac1age 1 :n 3:le
EhomeEoracleEOR"-**/se8,(1+(-(1,1,.+,8%O#81.L:;I mode com;lete
6O0E1 Pa*,age 1 is the 6a*,age 9D *a6t.re/ 1ro0 the i6s *reate o.t6.t *o00an/2
&or 0ore in1or0ation a<o.t A2-./4 6lease visit the
"""%red*at%co' 9( re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co'
4ppendix 81 Re!erences
0E#H1 =nix e'ap*ores and *ared 8e'ory Explained G/D 17766%1H
Oracle 2rid /n!rastructure, Oracle Docu'entation
0uning Red Hat Enterprise Linux .or Oracle I Oracle R4# by cott #rot, r%
#onsultant, Red Hat
Linux O /nstallation "it* Reduced et o! Pac,ages !or Running Oracle Database
er5er G/D 92:)&6%1H
/nstalling 11%2%(%) )2+bit Cx:6D or 6&+bit Cx:6+6&D on RHEL6 Reports 0*at Pac,ages
@el!utils+libel!+de5el+(%<9@ and @pd,s*+7%2%1&@ are 'issing CPR$.+97)2D G/D 1&7&<:2%1H
=EJL4R2EJP42E 0o Enable HugePages /n 11%2 G/D 1)<2&<9%1H
Large Pages /n!or'ation in t*e 4lert Log G/D 1)<27&)%1H
0uning $irtual 8e'ory
8axi'u' H884A 5alues !or Linux x:6 and x:6+6& G/D 7697(6%1H
4bout t*e Oracle Database .ault Diagnosability /n!rastructure
re!arc*+!eedbac,-red*at%co' 91 """%red*at%co'

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