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Human resource development in the organization context is a process by which the

employees of an organization are helped, in a continuous and planned way, to:

1. Acquire or sharpen capabilities required to perform various functions associated with
their present or expected future roles.
2. Develop their general capabilities as individuals and discover and exploit their own
inner potentials for their own and/or organizational development purpose.
3. Develop an organizational culture in which supervisor-subordinate relationships,
teamwork, and collaborations among sub-units are strong and contribute to the
professional well being, motivation, and pride of employees.
This definition of HRD is limited to the organizational context. In the context of a state or
nation it would differ.
HRD is a process, not merely a set of mechanisms and techniques. The mechanisms and
techniques such as performance appraisal, counseling, training, and organization
development interventions are used initiate, facilitate, and promote this process in a
continues way. Because the process has no limit, the mechanisms may need to be
examined periodically to see whether they are promoting or hindering the process.
Organizations can facilitate this process of development by planning for it, by allocating
organizational resources for the purpose, and by exemplifying an HRD philosophy that
values human beings and promotes their development.
Concept And Meaning Of HRD
The active resource of an organization is human resource. Other resources remain inactive unless
there are competent people to utilize the available resources for the production of goods and
services. Human brain has a limitless energy to think and act in a productive way. Hence,
competent and qualified human resource is a key factor of organizational success. In this regard,
the emergence of human resource development (HRD) plays a vital role in enhancing the
entrepreneurial skill of people.
Human Resource Development (HRD) is a process of developing skills, competencies,
knowledge and attitudes of people in an organization. The people become human resource only
when they are competent to perform organizational activities. Therefore, HRD ensures that the
organization has such competent human resource to achieve its desired goals and objectives.
HRD imparts the required knowledge and skill in them through effective arrangement of training
and development programs. HRD is an integral part of Human Resource Management (HRM)
which is more concerned with training and development, career planning and development and
the organization development. The organization has to understand the dynamics of HR and
attempt to cope with changing situation in order to deploy its HR effectively and efficiently. And
HRD helps to reach this target.
Hence, HRD is a conscious and proactive approach applied by employers which seeks to
capacitate employees through training and development to give their maximum to the
organization and to fully use their potential to develop themselves.

Nature Of HRD

1. HRD is a continuous process
2. HRD concerned with behavioral knowledge.
3. HRD is a well integrated system
4. HRD provides better quality of life.
5. HRD focuses on all round development of human resources.

Purpose, Benefits and Importance of
nature of HRD,
there is a set argument pertaining to purpose of HRD. The purposes of
HRD are said to influence the nature and extent of HRD activities being
implemented. The purposes of HRD are centered
on learning and performance perspectives, both benefiting the individual
and the interests of shareholders. In a wider perspective, the purposes
center on economic benefits, social benefits and the ethics of HRD.
These points indirectly suggest that a reconciliation of the purposes of
HRD centrally focus on training, development and learning within
organizations for individual development to achieve business strategies
and for the development of organizational competence.
Yussof and Kasim (2003) revealed that the role of HRD is crucial, in
promoting and sustaining growth and, HRD, in particular education and
training, contributes significantly to economic development in terms of
increased worker productivity and income. The economy becomes
more productive, innovative and competitive through the existence of
more skilled human capability.Swanson and Holton (n.d) asserted that
organizations have been created by humankind and can soar or
crumble, and HRD is intricately connected to the fate of any
organization. Human expertise is developed and maximized through
HRD processes and should be applied for the mutual long
-term and/or short-term benefits of the sponsoring organization and the
individuals involved According to Rao, (1995) human resource
development holds the key for economic development by enabling
people to become more productive, because economic development
depends upon level of industrial activity of production, which onward
depends upon the productivity of human resource. And Yussof and
Kasim (2003) asserted that the quality of human resources will
determine the success or failure of any development effort, especially
concerning industrialization, adopting technical change and global
market response. Viewed from this perspective, HRD therefore requires
special attention to complement changes in the economic profile of the
proposed growth regions.
As per Indian concept (expressed in The National Concept of HRD) of
development, it is not just about factories dams and roads, development
is basically about people, the goal is the people's material, cultural and
spiritual fulfillment. So Jaishi (n.d) opined that the emerging concept of
HRD puts people at the center of development, because development is
not only by people, it is also for people. Thus human development,
instead of stressing on the formation of human capital for
development,emphasizes on enlarging peoples choices in order to
improve their quality of life.

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