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Avail Services of Best Prepaid Card Provider to

Meet Your Organization Requirements

Prepaid Visa Card

If you are a company it! glo"al interests t!en you can actually c!ec#out for t!e prepaid card
solution t!at allos great cost reduction for your company it! your employees using t!ese cards
for t!eir "usiness travel or procurement of goods across t!e orld$ As a company "y introducing
t!ese prepaid cards you can also avoid !uge transaction costs on your t!ousands of ire transfers to
different locations on t!e glo"e !et!er t!e payees are your affiliates% employees% mem"ers or
customers entitled to receive t!eir commissions or re"ates every time from your company$ So
instead of relying on t!e traditional met!ods of dis"ursing funds you can no loo# out for t!e
prepaid card provider or prepaid card issuer !o designs a cost effective met!od to streamline all
your international dis"ursements in a !assle free manner it! savings on t!e percentage "ased fees
paid to t!ird parties for transferring your funds$
Prepaid Card Solution
By using t!e prepaid card solution you can &ust set up
a trust account it! t!e prepaid card issuer mem"er "an#s and ma#e payments to all t!e prepaid
cards issued to your customers or mem"ers it! very lo payout costs or even no fee "ased on !o
your Prepaid Card Program is designed "y t!e prepaid card issuer$ '!is allos you to save
significant revenues on t!e reduced transaction costs and also en!ancing value to t!e card !olders$
'!e prepaid card solution can "e customized as per t!e requirements of different organizations and
can "e used for various purposes li#e affiliate payout% fore( payout% insurance payout% payroll
payout% incentive sc!emes etc it! t!e prepaid card issuer !aving contractual relations!ips it!
multiple "an#s and card processors across t!e glo"e$
Moreover% t!e Prepaid visa card or t!e prepaid master card
can also "e used for !ite la"eling adding your company logo on t!e cards t!at surely increases
your "rand aareness in t!e mar#et$ It is also possi"le to trac# t!e "uying "e!avior of your
mem"ers or customers using t!ese Prepaid Cards and also restrict using t!ese cards in certain
outlets$ '!ese card !olders also don)t require !aving "an# accounts and can simply carry on all
transactions using t!ese prepaid cards$ By issuing t!ese prepaid card solution designed to meet your
specific needs you can surely decrease costs in dis"ursing funds and also easily implement and
monitor loyalty and reard programs t!roug! trac#ing t!ese cards "eing used across t!e glo"e$

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