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Question 1 (10 marks)

Assessment Objectives
This part assesses students ability to:
show understanding of the use of correct grammar in context.
identify and correct grammatical errors in the text

Section A
10 marks
Time suggested 15 minutes

The text below is about a students first day in a secondary school.

Question 1

Read the text below. The first and last lines are correct. For the remaining lines, there is one
grammatical error in each line.

Underline the error. Then, write one word to correct the error in the space provided. An
example has been given. The correct word must not change the meaning of the sentence.

There are no spelling and punctuation errors in this text.

When I sit back and recall my first-day experience in a secondary school, I often
laugh at myself. I reached school early that day but was excited to see
new faces. Many parents accompanied their children whom looked smart in
their new uniforms. I was looked forward to seeing my former classmates but I
did not see any of them. All Form One students was told to go to the hall right
away. Later, all the form teachers took the students to his respective
classrooms. The teachers started to call out our name. When I did not hear my
name, I quick approached her. She went over the list again and informed me
that my name was not above it. That puzzled me since I was sure I had
registered my name. I was then told to checked with the office. I finally located
the office and meet the school clerk. I was told that I was not registered there.
Only then did I realise that in my excitement, I had went to the wrong school. On
arriving at the correct school, I told my friends what had happened and they had a
good laugh.

e.g and
a) _______
b) _______
c) _______
d) ______
f) _______
g) _______
h) ______
i) _______
j) _______

[10 marks]

Marks are awarded as follows:

Error Identification Error Corrected Marks
/ / 2
/ 1
/ 0

Note: If the candidate identifies two or more errors in a line, no marks will be awarded.
Note that marks are only awarded for the error corrected if the candidate was able to
identify the correct error.

Identification of errors Correction of errors Total

10 marks

10 marks
20 2 = 10 marks
Example 1 : 14 2 = 7 marks
Example 2 : 7 2 = 3.5 = 4 marks

Answer for Question 1

Error correction
Question Answer Marks Question Answer Marks
a whom 1 mark a who 1 mark
b looked 1 mark b looking 1 mark
c was 1 mark c were 1 mark
d his 1 mark d their 1 mark
e name 1 mark e names 1 mark
f quick 1 mark f quickly 1 mark
g above 1 mark g on/in 1 mark
h checked 1 mark h check 1 mark
i meet 1 mark i met 1 mark
J went 1 mark J gone 1 mark


1. A correct answer is accepted if candidate writes in UPPER FORM.
2. The candidate must follow instruction. The error must be UNDERLINED.
Otherwise, the answer(s) will not be accepted.

Section A
10 marks
Time suggested 15 minutes

The text below is about a student first day in a secondary school.

Question 1

Read the text below. The first and last lines are correct. For the remaining lines, there is one
grammatical error in each line.

Underline the error. Then, write one word to correct the error in the space provided. An
example has been given. The correct word must not change the meaning of sentence.

There are no spelling and punctuation errors in this text.

When I sit back and recall my first-day experience in a secondary school, I often
laugh at myself. I reached school early that day but was excited to see
new faces. Many parents accompanied their children whom looked smart in
their new uniforms. I was looked forward to seeing my former classmates but I
did not see any of them. All Form One students was told to go to the hall right
away. Later, all the form teachers took the students to his respective
classrooms. The teachers started to call out our name. When I did not hear my
name, I quick approached her. She went over the list again and informed me
that my name was not above it. That puzzled me since I was sure I had
registered my name. I was then told to checked with the office. I finally located
the office and meet the school clerk. I was told that I was not registered there.
Only then did I realise that in my excitement, I had went to the wrong school. On
arriving at the correct school, I told my friends what had happened and they had a
good laugh.

e.g and
a) __who___
b) _looking_
c) __were___
d) __their___
f) _quickly__
g) _in/ on___
h) _check__
i) ___met___
j) ___gone__

[10 marks]



Section A
10 marks
Time suggested 15 minutes

The text below is about a student first day in a secondary school.

Question 1

Read the text below. The first and last lines are correct. For the remaining lines, there is one
grammatical error in each line.

Underline the error. Then, write one word to correct the error in the space provided. An
example has been given. The correct word must not change the meaning of sentence.

There are no spelling and punctuation errors in this text.

When I sit back and recall my first-day experience in a secondary school, I
often laugh at myself. I reached school early that day but was excited to see
new faces. Many parents accompanied their children whom looked smart in
their new uniforms. I was looked forward to seeing my former classmates but I
did not see any of them. All Form One students was told to go to the hall right
away. Later, all the form teachers took the students to his respective
classrooms. The teachers started to call out our name. When I did not hear my
name, I quick approached her. She went over the list again and informed me
that my name was not above it. That puzzled me since I was sure I had
registered my name. I was then told to checked with the office. I finally located
the office and meet the school clerk. I was told that I as not registered there.
Only then did I realise that in my excitement, I had went to the wrong school.
On arriving at the correct school, I told my friends what had happened and they
had a good laugh.

e.g and
a) who 1,1
b) looking 1,1
c) were 11
d) their 11
e) names 11
f) quickly 0 0
g) in 1 1
h) here 1 0
i) upon 1 0
j) met 1 0

15 /2 = 7.5=

[10 marks
SAMPLE 1 (Ref. Book 3 p.3)

Section A
10 marks
Time suggested 15 minutes

The text below is about a student first day in a secondary school.

Question 1

Read the text below. The first and last lines are correct. For the remaining lines, there is one
grammatical error in each line.

Underline the error. Then, write one word to correct the error in the space provided. An
example has been given. The correct word must not change the meaning of sentence.

There are no spelling and punctuation errors in this text

When I sit back and recall my first-day experience in a secondary school, I
often laugh at myself. I reached school early that day but was excited to see
new faces. Many parents accompanied their children whom looked smart in
their new uniforms. I was looked forward to seeing my former classmates but I
did not see any of them. All Form One students was told to go to the hall right
away. Later, all the form teachers took the students to his respective
classrooms. The teachers started to call out our name. When I did not hear my
name, I quick approached her. She went over the list again and informed me
that my name was not above it. That puzzled me since I was sure I had
registered my name. I was then told to checked with the office. I finally located
the office and meet the school clerk. I was told that I as not registered there.
Only then did I realise that in my excitement, I had went to the wrong school. On
arriving at the correct school, I told mu friends what had happened and they had
a good laugh.

e.g and
a) looking 0, 0
b)were 1,0
c) class 1,0
d) their 0, 0
e) teacher 1,0
f) names 1,0
g)quickly 1,0
h) on 1, 0
i) check1, 0
j) met 0, 0

7 /2 = 3.5=

[10 marks]
SAMPLE 2 (Ref. Book 3 p.4)



Marking procedures for Paper 1 (Written Test)

1. Print the marking scheme.

2. The English Language panel should have a moderation marking session before the
actual scripts are marked.

How to conduct a moderation session:

i) The English Language panel should read and understand the question paper and
the mark scheme

ii) Choose 10 scripts (approximately a variety of 10 scripts) and make copies of them
for the moderation exercise

iii) Read and explain the mark scheme to the examiners

iv) Mark a script and award marks according to the mark scheme provided by the
examination syndicate (LPM)

v) Discuss the marks given for the scripts that has been marked

vi) Come to a consensus and make the necessary amendments

vii) Award the final mark

viii) Repeat step 1 viii for the remaining scripts

At the end of this session, there should be marked scripts of various bands (A-E) for
writing tasks.


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