Educational Background: IE5208 (2014) Student - Info

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IE5208 [2014]


This is my [1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th / 6th / ______ semester in this course
Educational Background
Undergrad major: _________________________________ Year graduated: ___________
University/Institute: _____________________________________________________
Have you taken a class in:
Systems Analysis
[Yes / No] (If yes, where?____________________________)
Systems Engineering [Yes / No] (If yes, where?____________________________)
[Yes / No] (If yes, where?____________________________)
Professional Background
Job designation (for part-time student): _____ my [1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th / 6th / ______
semester in this course
Educational Background
Undergrad major: ___ my [1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th / 6th / ______ semester in this course
Educational Background
Undergrad major: _________________________________ Year graduated: ___________
University/Institute: _________ designation (for part-time student): _____ my [1st / 2nd / 3rd /
4th / 5th / 6th / ______ semester in this course
Educational Background
Undergrad major: ___ my [1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th / 6th / ______ semester in this course
Educational Background
Undergrad major: _________________________________ Year graduated: ___________
University/Institute: _____________________________________________________
Have you taken a class in:
Systems Analysis
[Yes / No] (If yes, where?____________________________)
Systems Engineering [Yes / No] (If yes, where?____________________________)
my [1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th / 6th / ______ semester in this course
Educational Background

IE5208 [2014]


Undergrad major: __________________ designation (for part-time student): _____ my [1st /

2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th / 6th / ______ semester in this course
Educational Background
Undergrad major: ___ my [1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th / 6th / ______ semester in this course
Educational Background
Undergrad major: _________________________________ Year graduated: ___________
University/Institute: _____________________________________________________
Have you taken a class in:
Systems Analysis
[Yes / No] (If yes, where?____________________________)
Systems Engineering [Yes / No] (If yes, where?____________________________)
my [1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th / 6th / ______ semester in this course
Educational Background
Undergrad major: _________________________________ Year graduated: ___________
University/Institute: _____________________________________________________
Have you taken a class in:
Systems Analysis
[Yes / No] (If yes, where?____________________________)
Systems Engineering [Yes / No] (If yes, where?____________________________)
[Yes / No] (If yes, where?____________________________)
Professional Background
Job designation (for part-time student): ________________________________________
Organisation/Company: ____________________________________________________
_______________ Year graduated: ___________
University/Institute: _____________________________________________________
Have you taken a class in:
Systems Analysis
[Yes / No] (If yes, where?____________________________)
Systems Engineering [Yes / No] (If yes, where?____________________________)
[Yes / No] (If yes, where?____________________________)
Professional Background
Job designation (for part-time student): ________________________________________
Organisation/Company: ____________________________________________________

IE5208 [2014]


Have you taken a class in:

Systems Analysis
[Yes / No] (If yes, where?____________________________)
Systems Engineering [Yes / No] (If yes, where?____________________________)
my [1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th / 6th / ______ semester in this course
Educational Background
Undergrad major: _________________________________ Year graduated: ___________
University/Institute: _____________________________________________________
Have you taken a class in:
Systems Analysis
[Yes / No] (If yes, where?____________________________)
Systems Engineering [Yes / No] (If yes, where?____________________________)
[Yes / No] (If yes, where?____________________________)
Professional Background
Job designation (for part-time student): ________________________________________
Organisation/Company: ____________________________________________________
[Yes / No] (If yes, where?____________________________)
Professional Background
Job designation (for part-time student): ________________________________________
Organisation/Company: ____________________________________________________
______________________________ Year graduated: ___________
University/Institute: _____________________________________________________
Have you taken a class in:
Systems Analysis
[Yes / No] (If yes, where?____________________________)
Systems Engineering [Yes / No] (If yes, where?____________________________)
[Yes / No] (If yes, where?____________________________)
Professional Background
Job designation (for part-time student): ________________________________________
Organisation/Company: ____________________________________________________
Organisation/Company: ____________________________________________________
Why/how this module will/may be helpful in your work:

IE5208 [2014]


Any other suggestions or comments to share?
Please return this completed form at the end of the first class, or email the above information
to the lecturer.

Thank you!

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