College Student Internet Usage

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IPGKRMs Student Use Of Internet


This is a confidential questionnaire.Information will not be used for any other purpose. The
questionnaire asks you about your use of the Internet.

The internet can be defined in many ways but for the purposes of this questionnaire,
please take the internet to mean, world wide web, e-mail and communication
between computers. This is not a test and there are no right or wrong answers. Please
dont leave any blanks.

Thank you for your cooperation and participation.

IPGKRM Student Use Of Internet



19 - 22 22 - 25 25 - 28

28 - 31 31 - 34


Male Female

What is your race?
Malay Chinese Indian Others

What is your religion?
Islam Buddha Hindu Christian Others

This questionnaire is part of a study of computer and Internet use. Your
participation in this study is voluntary, and your answers will form part of a
statistical study and will not identify you as an individual.

1.Do you have a computer or laptop?

Yes No

2.Do you have your own personal e-mail account?

Yes No

3.In which of the following places do you access the Internet? (Tick all that apply)

cybercafe or other setting open to the public
at home
at hostel
at school

4.How often do you access the Internet?

Once a month or less
Once a week
Several times a week
Every day
Several times a day

5.How many hours per week do you spend online?

6.When you access the Internet, which of the following do you usually do?
(tick all that apply)

use the World Wide Web for your own entertainment
use the World Wide Web for your study purposes
send or receive email
use AOL/Instant Messenger, Microsoft NetMeeting, or other one to one
play computer games
write on a word processor
download music or video

If you have used the World Wide Web or e-mail for college work please could you
answer the following questions? If not just put NA in the strongly disagree box.
Please tick one box after each of the statements below to indicate how much you
agree or disagree with each statement. Please do not leave any blank.

Disagree Neither
agree nor
Agree Strongly
7 I found the World Wide
Web useful in my
school/institution work

8 I found the World Wide
Web difficult to use in my
school/institution work

9 I found e-mail useful in my
school/institution work

10 I found e-mail difficult to
use in my
school/institution work

Please answer the following questions, for an average week at IPGKRM. Please
estimate the number of times you used the following. (If these applications were not
available at IPGKRM please enter NA in the NEVER box).
Never Once a
times a
a day
times a
11 Searching the library web site
for references

12 Contacting staff via e-mail for

13 Contacting external experts via
e-mail for information

14 Contacting other students via
e-mail concerning institution

15 Using the IPGKRM web pages

16 Using the Web, excluding
IPGKRM web pages, for
searching for relevant material

17 Online assignments

18 Downloading IPGKRM material
from IPGKRM web pages

Thank you for completing this questionnaire about your attitudes and uses of the
Internet. We appreciate your views.

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