4-3 Poetry Final Test

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name: ____________________________

Class erlod: 2 3 4 3 7 8
art I: Match|ng [20 o|nts]
ldenLlfy Lhe llLerary devlce used ln each senLence below. Some devlces may be used more Lhan once. ay aLLenLlon Lo
Lhe words or leLLers ln bold Lo help you ouL.

1. _____ A palr of puffy poodles.
2. _____ She never, ever sLops Lalklng!
3. _____ Men sell weddlng bells.
4. _____ SweeL dreams ChrlsL|ne!
3. _____ 1he sunllghL gllsLened over Lhe beauLlful, blue pond.
6. _____ Per blonde halr ls as shlny as gold.
7. _____ ?ou knocked my socks off aL Lhe rock concerL.
8. _____ Per house ls a dump.
9. _____ 1he smell of onlons seLs my nose on flre!
10. ____ My dog's fur ls a dlrL magneL.
11. ____ 1he baskeLball sw|shed Lhrough Lhe neL.
12. ____ My parenLs make me do mllllons of chores every day!
13. ____ lred acLs llke such a komeo when he Lalks hls glrlfrlend.
14. ____ 1he sand on Lhe beach scraLched up my bare feeL.
13. ____ 1he dungeon room was dark, dlrLy, and covered wlLh cobwebs.
16. ____ 8ang! Clndy hlL Lhe LargeL sLralghL ln Lhe cenLer.
17. ____ 8erL drlves slowly, [usL ||ke an old man golng home from church!
18. ____ 1he s|lppery, sllmy snake slld lnLo Lhe sewer.
19. ____ Penry was a llon on Lhe baLLlefleld.
20. ____ uon'L be a Scrooge! uonaLe some money Lo charlLy!
art II: oetry Ana|ys|s - kead A|| the D|rect|ons!

Use the poem "Unt|t|ed" by C.S. Lew|s to answer quest|ons #21-23.

21. llnd an example of en[ambment ln Lhe poem.

22. llnd an example of a|||terat|on. Clrcle Lhe leLLers LhaL apply Lo alllLeraLlon.

23. WhaL ls Lhe theme of Lhe poem? (Aka: WhaL lesson or message ls Lewls Lrylng Lo Leach us?)

Use the poem "1he koad Not 1aken" by kobert Irost to answer quest|ons #24-26.

24. Lxplaln why Lhls poem ls an a||egory. Clve examples from Lhe poem Lo prove your answer.

A. Slmlle
8. MeLaphor
C. CnomaLopoela
u. ersonlflcaLlon
L. lmagery
l. Pyperbole
C. Alluslon
P. Assonance
l. Consonance
!. AlllLeraLlon

Poetry Test #1

23. llnd two examples of rhyme ln Lhe poem.

26. Lxplaln why lrosL repeaLs l" ln Lhe flnal sLanza of Lhe poem. (lrom Lhls llne: 1wo roads dlverged ln a wood, and l / l
Look Lhe one less Lraveled by, / And LhaL has made all Lhe dlfference.)

Use the poem "Landscape w|th the Ia|| of Icarus" by W||||am Car|os W||||ams to answer quest|ons #27-28.

27. llnd an example of |magery ln Lhe poem.

28. WhaL ls Lhe theme of Lhe poem? (WhaL does Wllllams Leach us abouL deaLh?)

Use the poem "Czymand|as" by ercy 8ysshe She||ey to answer quest|ons #29-32.

29. Summarlze Lhe poem brlefly.

30. Lxplaln how a||us|on ls used ln Lhe poem.

31. Lxplaln how |rony ls used ln Lhe poem.

32. WhaL ls Lhe theme of Lhe poem? (WhaL ls Shelley Lrylng Lo Leach us?)

art III: Ieedback [2 o|nts]
Clve an acLual answer for each quesLlon below. (noLhlng" and all of Lhem" are noL accepLable answers.)

33. Whlch poems or class acLlvlLles dld you llke Lhe mosL durlng Lhls unlL?

34. Whlch poems or class acLlvlLles dld you noL llke durlng Lhe unlL?

name: ____________________________
Class erlod: 2 3 4 3 7 8
art I: Match|ng [20 o|nts]
ldenLlfy Lhe llLerary devlce used ln each senLence below. Some devlces may be used more Lhan once. ay aLLenLlon Lo
Lhe words or leLLers ln bold Lo help you ouL.

1. _____ A palr of puffy poodles.
2. _____ She never, ever sLops Lalklng!
3. _____ Men sell weddlng bells.
4. _____ SweeL dreams ChrlsL|ne!
3. _____ 1he sunllghL gllsLened over Lhe beauLlful, blue pond.
6. _____ Per blonde halr ls as shlny as gold.
7. _____ ?ou knocked my socks off aL Lhe rock concerL.
8. _____ Per house ls a dump.
9. _____ 1he smell of onlons seLs my nose on flre!
10. ____ My dog's fur ls a dlrL magneL.
11. ____ 1he baskeLball sw|shed Lhrough Lhe neL.
12. ____ My parenLs make me do mllllons of chores every day!
13. ____ lred acLs llke such a komeo when he Lalks hls glrlfrlend.
14. ____ 1he sand on Lhe beach scraLched up my bare feeL.
13. ____ 1he dungeon room was dark, dlrLy, and covered wlLh cobwebs.
16. ____ 8ang! Clndy hlL Lhe LargeL sLralghL ln Lhe cenLer.
17. ____ 8erL drlves slowly, [usL ||ke an old man golng home from church!
18. ____ 1he s|lppery, sllmy snake slld lnLo Lhe sewer.
19. ____ Penry was a llon on Lhe baLLlefleld.
20. ____ uon'L be a Scrooge! uonaLe some money Lo charlLy!
art II: oetry Ana|ys|s - kead A|| the D|rect|ons! [12 o|nts]

Use the poem "1he Age of Anx|ety" by W.n. Auden to answer quest|ons #21-23.

21. llnd an example of en[ambment ln Lhe poem.

22. llnd an example of a|||terat|on. Clrcle Lhe leLLers LhaL apply Lo alllLeraLlon.

23. WhaL ls Lhe theme of Lhe poem? (Aka: WhaL lesson or message ls Auden Lrylng Lo Leach us?)

A. AlllLeraLlon
8. Consonance
C. Assonance
u. Alluslon
L. ersonlflcaLlon
l. lmagery
C. Pyperbole
P. CnomaLopoela
l. MeLaphor
!. Slmlle

Poetry Test #2
Use the poem "C Capta|n! My Capta|n!" by Wa|t Wh|tman to answer quest|ons #24-26.

24. Lxplaln why Lhls poem ls an a||egory. Clve examples from Lhe poem Lo prove your answer.

23. llnd two examples of rhyme ln Lhe poem.

26. WhaL phrase ls repeaLed flve Llmes ln Lhe second sLanza of Lhe poem? Why does WalL WhlLman do Lhls? (WhaL
effecL does lL creaLe?)

Use the poem "1he Sun Never Says" by naf|z to answer quest|ons #27-28.

27. llnd an example of person|f|cat|on ln Lhe poem.

28. WhaL ls Lhe theme of Lhe poem? (WhaL does Paflz Leach us abouL love?)

Use the poem "Czymand|as" by ercy 8ysshe She||ey to answer quest|ons #29-32.

29. Summarlze Lhe poem brlefly.

30. Lxplaln how a||us|on ls used ln Lhe poem.

31. Lxplaln how |rony ls used ln Lhe poem.

32. WhaL ls Lhe theme of Lhe poem? (WhaL ls Shelley Lrylng Lo Leach us?)

art III: Ieedback [2 o|nts]
Clve an acLual answer for each quesLlon below. (noLhlng" and all of Lhem" are noL accepLable answers.)

33. Whlch poems or class acLlvlLles dld you llke Lhe mosL durlng Lhls unlL?

34. Whlch poems or class acLlvlLles dld you noL llke durlng Lhe unlL?

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