Education Third Topic Christine

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Christine 1

Cai Yujun
Pro. Hoffmaam

Three Strategies in My Future Classroom
During this summer, we learned a lot of strategies in class and practiced a mini
class. Before I have the Education class, I think education is just the teacher talking in
the front of classroom, the only different between is the way they talking to students,
although the content are same. In fact, it is some part of education, and education has
a wide range. I want to use three strategies in my future classroom: using multiple
intelligences to make students find the easiest way they can learn knowledge, using
interdisciplinary teaching, and using the framework.
I can use Multiple Intelligences in my future class. Multiple Intelligences tells
people that, a person learn things can divide into eight different ways:
verbal/linguistic, logical/mathematical, visual, bodily/kinesthetic, musical/rhythmic,
interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalist (Lazear, 2003). Using the metaphor
of Compass Points routes that educators using the theory have taken and which appear
to benefit students Project SUMIT (2000). Because of different people have different
reflection to these eight learning way. So, maybe some students like to learning things
by bodily/ kinesthetic, but according to the traditional way, we always think study is
seating in the classroom and listening to the teacher carefully. Thus, we think these
students are bad students. It is really unfair to them. Therefore, I think we should
Christine 2
make students choose the way they learned. In my class, I will try my best to use all
these eight kinds of way to express the same thing I want them to learn. But time is
limited, so after each way, I can have a link to make those students who want to learn
more or who still have confused to learn in their free time. Several classes latter, each
student would know the way they usually learning better, and then, I can do a research
about the best way they learned. In the class, I can put the most main point to the way,
which most students suitable, in a brief way to the other ways and have the link after
them. When the class over, I will talking with some students and know how they
learned. And according to students responds, I can know whether I should change the
way I teaching or not. Each student has their suitable way to learn, as a teacher we
should help students to find their way, instead of make all student study in the same
I will use interdisciplinary teaching in class. When I was in high school, when a
event happened, almost every subject will connect with the event. In their view,
real-world problems are complex, so no single discipline can adequately describe and
resolve these issues. (Edwards, 1996, Gaff & Ratclif, 1997, and Liein, 1996). So, if
teachers use interdisciplinary teaching, it can reduce students homework and help
students learn the different subjects and connects between subjects in the same time. I
my future class, I will use interdisciplinary teaching. Students prefer program than
seating in the classroom and learning different subject talking the same example,
although the things they need to learn is different. Also, if students find something is
different and if it prevents them to complete the program, they would learn it
Christine 3
consciously and energetically. So, teaching interdisciplinary can make students have
less homework, learn many different subjects, and have fun in it
I also will use the framework in my future class. The Framework may be used
as the foundation of a school or districts mentoring, coaching, professional
development, and teacher evaluation processes, thus linking all those activities
together and helping teachers become more thoughtful practitioners(Danielson).
Framework can use to prepare class, during the class, and after class. It is really
suitable for me. When Im talking, I always dont have a clearly framework. So when
Im talking, thinking always jumps to what I thought now, it doesnt have a great
organize. It can happen in daily life, but it is really bad to happen in teaching. Thus, in
my future class, I would prepare my class and make it organized and funny, it can
attract students attention and help them learn more. During the class, I would accord
what my prepared, and make a study environment, which is respect and rapport,
students also can learning happy. After class, I would communicate with students,
maybe just play a game which can show how much they learned, it can help me
arrange the future class.
I would use multiple intelligences, interdisciplinary teaching, and using the
framework in my future classes; I hope students would like my class and learn more

Christine 4
Works Cited
Project SUMIT (2000) SUMIT Compass Points
Practices.[ Accessed June
15, 2008]
Lazear, David D, II. The Intelligence-Focused Lesson Planning Strategy. Eight
Ways of Teaching: The Artistry of Teaching with Multiple Intelligences.
Fourth Edition. Ed. David G. Lazear. Corwin; 4th edition, June 1, 2003.
155 Print
Edwards, A, Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Programs: A Directory (2
ed.). Acton,
1996, MA: Copley.
Field, M., Lee, R., and M.L. Field, 1994. "Assessing Interdisciplinary Learning." New
Directions in Teaching and Learning, 58, pp. 69-84. Print
Danielson, Charlotte, Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teaching:
Edition. Association for supervision & Curriculum Development,
March 28, 2007 Print

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