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Chelsea Newman Jacksonville, Fla

University of North Florida Jacksonville, Fla
Bachelor of Science in Communication Public Relations raduated !"#$%&
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Burdette *etchum Public Relations and )ccount Services +ntern
,rote and researched social media -osts for clients Jacksonville, Fla
,rote -ress releases for clients ."#$%&/!"#$%&
0rafted blo1 -osts and summaries for clients
Conducted social media research and S23 re-orts
Su--orted B* )ccount 24ecutives daily
Cam-ai1n 0irector 5PR Cam-ai1ns Class6 Jacksonville, Fla
)ssi1ned students daily tasks %"#$%&/&"#$%&
7aintained client relationshi- by 8eekly emails and -hone calls
,orked 8ith a strict bud1et and timeline
7ana1ed other classmates and their 8ork
Chair-erson9 Relay for :ife of Bald8in Bald8in, Fla
3versa8 entire event and each sub/committee 52ntertainment, PR, etc(6 &"#$%$/&"#$%%
0esi1ned -romotional flyers
Built community a8areness and relationshi-s
!elated Coursework
)dvertisin1 Creative Strate1y Public Relations Cam-ai1ns
)dvanced ,ritin1 for the 7edia S-eech Communication for Business

Public Relations ,ritin1 Crisis Communication
oo1le )nalytics +n0esi1n Photosho- CS;
Cision <8itter :inked+n
,i4 Facebook Search 2n1ine 3-timi=ation
,ordPress >ootsuite )--le Products
#onors and $wards%&olunteer
National Society of :eadershi-
)merican Red Cross ?olunteer N)S >os-ital
'ther Eperience
7ana1er of Perard@s Pi==a Jacksonville, Fla
3versa8 daily functions of the Restaurant %$"#$%#/%"#$%'
2stablished an effective communication strate1y bet8een em-loyees
Chelsea Newman Jacksonville, Fla

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