Moving Straight Ahead UNIT Test

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Name: ________________________________________ Date: ________________________

Moving Straight Ahead

Unit Test

Directions: Remember to show ALL work and clearly circle your final answer.

1. [8 points] Ben walks 10 meters in 5 seconds.

(a.) What is Bens walking rate?

(b.) At this rate, how long does it take Ben to walk 100 meters?

(c.) Suppose Ben walks this same rate for 50 seconds. How far
does he walk?

(d.) Write an equation that represents the distance d that Ben
walk in t seconds.

2. [2 points] Mark walks 40 meters in 15 seconds and Matthew walks 30
meters in 10 seconds. Whose walking rate is faster?

3. [2 points] True/False?

A linear relationship is a relationship in which there is a constant rate of
change between two variables.

4. [2 points] The distance Amy travels in t hours is represented by the
equation d = 7.5t. At what rate does Amy travel? (*Note: use m/s as
your unit of measure)

5. [4 points] Jacob is in a walking race at his school. In the first 20
seconds, he walks 60 meters. In the next 30 seconds, he walks 60
meters. In the next 10 seconds, he walks 35 meters. In the last 40
seconds, he walks 80 meters.

(a.) Describe how Jacobs walking rate changes during the
race. Is his walking rate constant throughout the entire race?

(b.) What would a graph of Jacobs walking race look like?

6. [5 points] In his schools walkathon, Keith decides to charge his
patrons $10 for the first 5 kilometers he walks and $1 per kilometer after
5 kilometers. Sketch a graph that represents the relationship between
money collected and kilometers walked.

7. [2 points] True/False

The independent variable is represented on the y-axis and the
dependent variable is represented on the x-axis.

8. [2 points] On the graph below, circle the location of the y-intercept.

9. [4 points] Isaac and Dominique counted the number of students
who passed through the cafeteria line. They recorded a new total
each minute for 8 minutes. They organized the data in this table.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Number of
9 21 30 39 48 59 70 81

Make a graph of the data with time on the x-axis and the number of
students on the y-axis.

10. [2 points] The ______________________________________ is the number
that multiplies a variable in an equation.

11. [3 points] Identify the coefficient in each of the following

(a.) y = 15 3x

(b.) 12p + 6 = 24

(c.) 9 4z = 3

12. [2 points] Mrs. Peterson bought some bagels for her friends. She
paid $15 for 20 bagels. How much did Mrs. Peterson pay per bagel?

13. [10 points] Solve the following equations for x. Show ALL work.

(a.) 12 5x = 7x

(b.) -3 = 3x + 12

(c.) 2x + 25 = 7x

(d.) 3x + 3 = 12

(e.) 2x + 5 = 19
14. [4 points] A hardware store sells batteries individually. Five batteries
cost $4.50, and seven batteries cost $6.30.

(a.) Write an equation for the relationship between the cost
and the number of batteries.

(b.) How much do eight batteries cost?

15. [2 points] The solution to an equation is the value of a variable that

makes the equation ____________________.

16. [2 points] The maximum weight allowed in an elevator is 1,500
pounds. The average weight per adult is 150 pounds, and the
average weight per child is 40 pounds. Write an equation for the
number of adults A and the number of children C the elevator can

17. [4 points] We learned that the standard form equation of a line is:
y = mx + b. Explain and/or show what is represented by each variable.

18. [3 points] What is meant by the term slope? Use a picture to
support your explanation.

19. [2 points] True/False

All lines have the same slope.

20. [3 points] What is the formula used to find the slope of a line, using
two points?

21. [10 points] Find slope. Show ALL work.

(a.) (-1, 1) and (3, 9)

(b.) (2, 2) and (3, 1)

(c.) (2, 6) and (3, 6)

(d.) (1, 5) and (4, 6)

(e.) (0, 5) and (4, -3)

22. [10 points] Find the slope and the y-intercept of the line associated
with the equation.

(a.) y = 10 + 3x (b.) y = 0.25x

slope: ____________ slope: ____________

y-intercept: ____________ y-intercept: ____________

(c.) y = -3x + 9 (d.) y = -5x + 2

slope: ____________ slope: ____________

y-intercept: ____________ y-intercept: ____________

(e.) y = 8 0.5x

slope: ____________

y-intercept: ___________

23. [2 points] The y-intercept is the point where the line crosses the


24. [5 points] Write an equation for the line that passes through (0, 1.5)
and (1, 2.5). Then graph.

25. [5 points] Write an equation for the line with slope 3/2 that passes
through (0, 2).

BONUS: (2 points each)

1. Yoshi bought two pairs of shoes. The regular price of each pair was
$108. With the purchase of one pair of shoes at regular price, the
second pair was half price. How much did Yoshi pay altogether for the
two pairs of shoes?

2. At an office supply store, pens are $1.69 per dozen and note pads
are $4.59 per dozen. Can Shirley buy 108 pens and 108 note pads for
$50? Explain your reasoning.

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