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May 6

. Practice Test____________Page 2 of 4
(1) 15624 (2) 16384 (3) 6144 (4) 240
12 In ho !any ays can the "etters of the or# M$%$&'M'%T (e rearrange# so that the to $s #o not
a))ear together* (1) 10+,2+ ,(2) -+,2+ (3. 101,-+ (4) %one of these
13 /o !any a")ha(ets nee# to (e there in a "ang0age if one ere to !a1e 1 !i""ion #istinct 3 #igit initia"s
0sing the a")ha(ets of the "ang0age* (1) 26 (2) 50 (3) 100 (4) 1000
14 2o0r #ice are ro""e# si!0"taneo0s"y. 3hat is the n0!(er of )ossi("e o0tco!es in hich at "east one of
the #ie shos 6* (1) 6+44+ (2) 625 (3) 651 . (4) 12-6
15 There are 2 (rothers a!ong a gro0) of 20 )ersons. In ho !any ays can the gro0) (e arrange# aro0n#
a circ"e so that there6is e7act"y one )erson (eteen the to (rothers* (1) 281-+ (2) 181M8
(3) 1-+ 8 18 ,(4) 2 6 18+
16 There are 12 yes or no 90estions. /o !any ays can these (e ansere#*
(1) 1024 (2) 2048 (3) 40-6 (4) 144
15 $ tea! of 8 st0#ents goes on an e7c0rsion: in to cars: of hich one can seat 5 an# the other
on"y 4. In ho !any ays can they tra;e"*
(1) - (2) 26 (3) 126 (4) 3-20
<18 The 90estion for the #ay is fro! the to)ic of Per!0tation = >o!(ination.
/o !any ays can 10 "etters (e )oste# in 5 )ost (o7es: if each of the )ost (o7es can ta1e
!ore than 10 "etters*
(1) 5810 , (2) 1085 (3) 10P5 (4) 10>5
.1- In ho !any ays can the "etters of the or# '?@>$TIA% (e rearrange# so that the re"ati;e
)osition of the ;oe"s an# consonants re!ain the sa!e as in the or# '?@>$TIA%*
(1) -+44 ,(2) -+4(4+65+) (3) 4+65+ (4) %one of these
20 /o !any fo0r "etter #istinct initia"s can (e for!e# 0sing the a")ha(ets of 'ng"ish "ang0age s0ch
that the "ast of the fo0r or#s is a"ays a consonant*
(1) (26
3)8(21) (2) 26825824,21 6(3) 25824823621 (4. %one of these.
21 /o !any or#s of 4 consonants an# 3 ;oe"s can (e !a#e fro! 12 consonants an# 4 ;oe"s:
if a"i the "etters are #ifferent*
>56 5+ , ( 2)
>36 5+ (3)
>4 (4)
>: 8
' 22 Ba#ri has - )airs of #ar1 B"0e soc1s an# - )airs of B"ac1 soc1s. /e 1ee)s the! a"" in a sa!e (ag. If he
)ic1s o0t three soc1s at ran#o! hat is the )ro(a(i"ity he i"" get a !atching )air* (1) (28
6(2) (
>3 (3) 1 (4) %one of these
, 23 There are 6 (o7es n0!(ere# 1: 2:...6. 'ach (o7 is to (e fi""e# 0) either ith a re# or a green (a""
in s0ch a ay that at "east 1 (o7 contains a green (a"" an# the (o7es containing green (a""s are
consec0ti;e"y n0!(ere#. The tota" n0!(er of ays in hich this can (e #one is
(1) 5 (2) 21 (3) 33 (4) 60
The )ro("e!s fro! the to)ic Pi)es an# >isterns an# 3or1 an# Ti!e are ;ery si!i"ar in nat0re. Co: if yo0
0n#erstan# the nat0re of one of these ty)es: yo0 i"" (e a("e to atte!)t the other 90ite co!forta("y.

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