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Boxed Comments

offer facts and

perspective on the
Israeli statement.
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Indeed, there has been
a lack of foresight by the
international community:
the repeated failure to
apply the law to Israel,
allowing it to obstruct
the peace process and
enabling its perpetration
of injustice has added
fuel to extremist
ideology in the region
and fostered insecurity.
These examples refer to
acts of militia, terrorists
and non-state actors.
Israel claims to be an
enlightened, modern
democratic state, yet
fnds it unreasonable
to be held to higher
standards than militia
and terrorists.
For at least 2 decades
the Assembly has
addressed the matter
with a standing agenda
item, debates and
numerous resolutions
on measures to
eliminate international
terrorism. UN Security
Council took action on
terror organizations,
but it has failed to
uphold international law
regarding Israel due to
use of veto.
Israel is a democracy
if you are Israeli. If you
are Palestinian living
under illegal occupation,
Israel is a totalitarian
oppressor that denies
the freedoms and rights
it enjoys and claims to
defend. For example,
Israel engages in illegal
detention including of
children; colonization
and apartheid with
its illegal settlements
and wall; demolition
of homes; and mass
punishment of the
civilian population in
Gaza with a blockade.
Israel maintains a
chokehold over Gaza,
controlling it by air, land
and sea. It even controls
the amount of food
allowed into Gaza by
calorie. The blockade,
now in its 8th year, has
driven unemployment to
43%, food insecurity to
57% of the population
and left 80% of people
dependent on aid. How
can Gaza become an
amazing place under
circumstances where it
can barely survive?
Mr. President,
Winston Churchill, one of the great architects of this institution, is
remembered for his remarkable ability to perceive danger long before
the rest of the world had woken up to the threat.
In 1935, four years before World War II, Churchill criticized the
international community for standing by as Germany rapidly rearmed
itself. In his words, the family of nations suffered from a want of
foresight, [an] unwillingness to act when action would be simple and
effective, [a] lack of clear thinking, and confusion of counsel until
the emergency comes, until self-preservation strikes its jarring gong.
The international community is once again experiencing a severe
lack of foresight. Every day, we are confronted by stories of radical
Islamic terrorism. ISIS is purging Iraq of Christians. Boko Haram
has kidnapped schoolgirls in Nigeria. Al-Shabaab gunmen are raiding
fshing villages on the Somali coast.
And yet this Assembly doesnt utter a word. It can only muster its
outrage when Israel acts to defend its citizens. The double standard is
In Iraq, over 1,600 people were killed in July. In Libya, clashes
between rival militias killed 200 people last month. And in Nigeria,
Boko Haram has slaughtered nearly 3,000 people this year.
It may just be me but I didnt hear the Arab Group rally to condemn
these atrocities.
Instead, this group gangs up against the only democratic nation in the
Middle East that is defending its citizens from the totalitarian forces
threatening every enlightened country in this Assembly.
I heard the head of UNRWA, the special envoy, and other high UN
offcials they talked about the causes and of this confict.
Let me remind this Assembly of something. When I headed Israels
Foreign Service in 2005, Israel turned every inch of Gaza over to
the Palestinians. We hoped that this would serve as a model for two
societies to live side by side in peace. But it didnt. Instead, Hamas
built a terror stronghold.
We went completely out of Gaza. We left them greenhouses. Gaza
could have turned into an amazing place. We left never to turn back.
We went out to be a model for the next stage.
DEBUNKED: Statement by Israeli Ambassador to UN delivered
to UN General Assembly on 6 August 2014
Israel isnt a big place
either. Its the 153
largest country by size,
yet has an enormous
arsenal of sophisticated
weaponry, including
nuclear weapons,
F16s and weaponized
Israel is obligated under
international law to
protect the Palestinian
people, who have
lived under its illegal
occupation since 1967.
Instead, it wages war on
the people, terrorizing,
traumatizing and
colonizing them. It is
Israel that has lost its
way a nation born of
horrifc injustice and
persecution is now
inficting daily suffering,
injustice and humiliation
on the Palestinian
Israel has isolated
itself by its continual
disregard for
international law: the
illegal occupation; the
siege of Gaza; illegal
settlement expansion;
and disproportionate
and indiscriminate use
of force.
Israels policies have
been a catalyst for
extremism. Through its
relentless oppression,
it has undermined
moderate voices and
emboldened those
that claim that Israel
will never be a partner
for peace, as it proves
over and over with its
destructive policies.
Alleged abuses of
others does not absolve
Israel of its obligations
under international
law as Under-
for Humanitarian
Affairs Valerie Amos
stated on 31 July,
these obligations are
absolute not relative.
Israel uses a minority of
one repeatedly to block
attempts by the Security
Council to uphold
international law.
Not true. Israel rejected
a US-brokered ceasefre
while it continued killing.
Look at what happened. Hamas has turned schools and hospitals into
a launching pad for 10,000 rockets. My god, in that small place, how
do you ft so many rockets?
It is clear that some in the international community have lost their
way. This institution was founded to stand for truth, for justice and
for moral clarity. This is no longer the case. Instead of moral clarity,
we see moral ambiguity. Instead of justice, we see travesties of justice.
And instead of truth, we see falsehoods and fabrications.
It may be too much to ask that you stand on our side in this battle
between civilization and barbarism but at least have the decency
to swallow your selective outrage as Israel wages war against the
extremist groups seeking to eradicate the values we all hold dear.
Mr. President,
Israel is on the frontline of the war against radical extremism. The
battle we fght today is the same battle that all of you will fght
tomorrow. Hamas like ISIS and Al-Qaeda - shares a disdain for
democracies, a contempt for modernity, and a willingness to target
innocent civilians
And yet some of you have abandoned the only democracy in the
Middle East standing against this tide of terrorism. What does this say
about your values? What will it mean for the next generation?
This institution is being held hostage by some of the worlds worst
human rights abusers.
The Arab nations, backed by some members of the Non-Aligned
Movement, may have the numbers, but they dont have the morals.
They use their majority to convene special sessions, issue
condemnations, and push through resolutions demonizing Israel. In
fact, I wouldnt be surprised if Arab states passed a resolution saying
that the terror tunnels were simply an irrigation system and the rockets
were nothing more than shooting stars.
Mr. President,
Israel did everything in its power to avoid this confict. We accepted
every cease-fre - even as the people of Israel came under attack. The
world witnessed Hamass understanding of cease-fres - Israel ceases
and Hamas fres.
There have been almost
2,000 Palestinian
deaths; over 1,400 were
civilian including more
than 445 children and
more than 220 women.
At least 122 Palestinian
families had three or
more family members
But there is a clear
choice. Negotiate in
good faith to reach
the goal of two States
living side-by-side in
peace and security. End
the occupation. Stop
building settlements
on Palestinian land. A
negotiated solution is
the only real guarantee
of long-term peace and
security. There is no
military solution.
The blockade of Gaza
is in its 8th year. For
many years, tunnels
were used to bring
food, medicine and
other civilian supplies
into Gaza. Israel has
obligations for the
welfare of Palestinians.
Obligations it ignores.
Lifting the siege is the
only way to ensure
tunnels are not needed
and not misused.
No evidence that
Hamas systematically
uses Palestinians as
human shields. But
Israel has repeatedly
been criticized for
its systematic use of
human shields.
Obligations are
absolute, not relative.
Storage of weapons in
UN facilities which
was exposed and
dealt with by the UN
immediately does not
make them a legitimate
military target. Yet 6 UN
schools where civilians
were sheltering suffered
direct hits, leading Ban
Ki-moon to call the
attack a moral outrage
and criminal act.
Not absurd. Israel said
Abbas is not a partner
for peace because
(they claimed) he
didnt represent all
Palestinian people.
The international
community called
for intra-Palestinian
reconciliation including
explicitly in Security
Council resolution 1860
(2009). When Palestine
achieved unity, Israel
refused to negotiate and
suspended peace talks.
The only conclusion is
that Israel is not serious
about peace.
We were left with no choice. We sent our sons and daughters into
Gaza for one reason and one reason only to restore sustained quiet
in Israel and disrupt the Hamas infrastructure that has produced terror
and violence for well over a decade.
Israel deeply regrets the loss of innocent lives. We are heartbroken by
the stories and images of loss and grief that have emerged from Gaza.
To us, the death of any civilian - Israeli or Palestinian - is a tragedy.
But Israel faces an enemy that does not abide by any rules or morals.
Hamas sees no problem with abusing international humanitarian
centers and religious institutions for terrorist purposes. It stores
weapons in UN facilities, transports terrorists in ambulances and fres
rockets indiscriminately from mosques, schools and hospitals deep
into the heart of civilian centers.
Six stories below Gaza are miles of dense terror tunnels crisscrossing
like a giant web. Reinforced with thousands of tons of concrete and
supported by massive beams, these terror tunnels extend like tentacles
into Israel, ending on the doorsteps of our communities.
For years, the international community criticized Israel for restricting
the entry of construction materials into Gaza. And for years, the
international community believed it was sending money to develop
In truth, the construction materials and aid dollars were only aiding
Hamas to build its terror stronghold. The fact that Hamas directs its
budget underground rather than above ground proves once again that
it has no concern for the welfare of the Palestinian people.
Let me remind you that Hamas has a seat in the Palestinian unity
government. The idea is absurd. Its like inviting ISIS to participate
in the Iraqi government - and yet when it comes to Israel, the absurd is
somehow acceptable.
Few nations have the courage to admit that Hamas is committing a
double war crime targeting Israeli civilians while hiding behind
Palestinian civilians. Fewer still have the courage to admit that
Hamas is willing to see its own children killed so it can build
sympathy for its cause.
Israel said no to US
brokered ceasefre.
Israels security would
be best served by a
genuine effort at peace,
the best guarantee for
security and stability.
Members of
Netanyahus Cabinet
are clearly opposed to
a Palestinian state and
they deny Palestines
right to exist. Netanyahu
said that Israel will
never pull its security
forces out of Palestinian
land undermining
the basic principles of
a two-state solution.
And yet, the Palestinian
leadership has
remained committed to
the two-state solution,
and Hamass Meshaal
said he would sit in
a government that
recognized Israel.
Real compromise and a
genuine solution require
talking and negotiating
but Israel suspended
the process.
Israels lack of
commitment to
peace, the continued
illegal expansion
of settlements, the
illegal occupation and
associated practices
have already led
to generations of
suffering. Members
of Netanyahus
Government outright
reject the right of
Palestine to exist.
There is only one way to
achieve sustained quiet
and build a peaceful,
prosperous Gaza: lift
the siege and work for a
comprehensive solution
that results in two states
living side-by-side in
peace and security.
Deprivation, destruction
and oppression will
never achieve quiet and
Language that incites
hate and violence is
unhelpful, irrespective
of who uses it. Its
unfortunate that some,
including Members of
the Knesset, use such
If Israel continues
to illegally settle on
Palestinian land, soon
there will be no land
left for the two-state
solution endorsed
by the international
By not vocally condemning Hamas you are condemning another
generation of Israelis and Palestinians to further suffering.
I havent heard a clear and unequivocal statement by the UN that all
attempts to reach a cease-fre were broken by Hamas.
Israel said yes, Hamas said no. You know its possible to utter that
You say, Israel has legitimate security needs. Those are very nice
words. How do you defend your citizens when Hamas uses money to
build terror tunnels and launch missiles?
Mr. President,
There is only one way to achieve sustained quiet in Israel and build a
peaceful and prosperous Gaza. Hamas must be disarmed. Gaza must
be demilitarized. And the international community must divorce itself
from the romantic notion of Hamas as freedom fghters.
Hamas has been clear about its intentions. It is a genocidal
organization committed to the destruction of Israel and the murder of
the Jewish people.
A few days ago, Hamas Spokesman, Fawzi Barhoum, called on
Palestinians to murder Israelis by any means saying, Anyone with a
knife, club, weapon or a car, and who does not run down a Jew or who
does not kill dozens of Zionists with these means - he does not belong
to Palestine.
And yet many in the international community are still not convinced
of Hamass murderous intentions. This is a dangerous delusion.
Amos Oz, a renowned Israeli novelist and peace activist expressed it
best when he said, I have been a man of compromise all my life. But
even a man of compromise cannot approach Hamas and say: Maybe
we meet halfway and Israel only exists on Mondays, Wednesdays and
Mr. President,
Yesterday, the Jewish people marked Tisha BAv a national day of
mourning commemorating a chain of Jewish tragedies to occur on this
day and stretching back thousands of years.
Israels abuse of
Palestinian human
rights is appalling. Its
not a binary choice.
You can support Israels
legitimate right to live
in security, while also
holding it accountable
when it acts illegally
and supporting the
rights of Palestinians to
justice, freedom, peace,
Nor should any nation
expect to get away with
illegal occupation, daily
humiliation, oppression,
abuse, illegal siege of
another population.
Loss of innocent life
must be condemned on
both sides. In the case
of the Israeli teenagers,
must all Palestinians
suffer blame for
their death? Should
Palestinians stand by
when their sons and
daughters are detained
and killed?
Standing with Israel
while it behaves like
this will only make the
region and the world
less secure. Standing
against terror means
standing against
terror in all its forms
including terror inficted
by the state of Israel on
the people of occupied
Standing up for freedom
means standing up for
Palestinians legitimate
right to statehood.
No peoples should
stand alone when they
are denied the most
basic freedoms that
are the right of every
human being when
its citizens are not
allowed to come or go
without permission of an
occupying power, when
their right to food and
water is restricted by
that power, when they
are arbitrarily detained
and imprisoned, when
their women and
children are killed by the
occupying power that
is obligated to protect
them, yet denies them
all rights.
I look around the world and I see no end to the grief. From the
Persian Gulf to the Gulf of Guinea, tyranny and terrorism reign.
Countless innocent men, women and children are being oppressed and
murdered by extremist groups. No nation and no people are immune
to this threat.
The Jewish people know the dangers of intolerance and indifference
all too well. In every generation, our enemies have risen up against us
and this generation is no different. For thousands of years, we faced
this threat alone - but it does not have to be this way.

No nation should stand alone while its sons are kidnapped and brutally
murdered by terrorists.
No nation should stand alone when thousands of rockets rain down
upon its cities and towns.
And no nation should stand alone as its enemy builds a vast network
of terror tunnels to ambush and kill its citizens.
Every member of this Assembly has a choice.

You can take a frm stand against terrorism, or stand on the sidelines
as the threat grows stronger throughout the world.
You can support Israels right to defend its citizens, or support some of
the worlds worst human rights abusers.
You can stand up for peace and freedom, or sacrifce the ideals of this
institution on the altar of petty politics and personal agendas.
Seventy years ago, Winston Churchill bemoaned what he saw as the
inability of mankind to act until the emergency comes.
Today I am here to issue a warning - stand with Israel and stand
against terror before it is too late - before the danger lands on your
doorstep, and self-preservation strikes its jarring gong.
Thank you, Mr. President.

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