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RPCUS Library

Project for
Charles Parry
At the 2007 RPCUS Bluefield Family Conference
when we introduced you to our "library program"
for the RPCUS seminary in Ecuador, we had no
idea ""hat wonderful and immediate response
we would receive. As a result of the outpouring
of your generosity we were able to provide 600
Reformed hooks, through the Banner of Truth
publishing company, for the students at our
seminary in Quevedo, Ecuador, under the ministry
of \Villiam Farr. Through your desire to spread
the Gospel of Christ Jesus, we have overcome a
major hurdle in winning the country of Ecuador to
the purest expression of the truth, the Reformed
faith. The following is a list of the books that
were sent as a result of your abundant gifts:
1. An Ideal 1Vlinistr.v Vall & 2, G.H. Spurgeon
2. By This Standard, Greg Bahnsen
3. Mathews Henry's Commentaries on the
4. Si.,gns o/the Apostles, lValt Chantry,
5. II Corinthians, Charles Hodge
6. Jvlore than Conquerors, William
7. Today's Gospel-Authentic or Synthetic,
'Valt Chantry
8. Right with God, John Blanchard
9. lVestlltinstcr Confession 0/ Faith, G.1.
10. lvlan's Christian Vision, J.G. J.Wachen
11. Biblical lvlessuges, KJv. A1'Gheyne
12. John Bunyan
13. Holiness, Joel Becke
The Counsel qr Chalcedol1
14. Liberation, Jim Adams
15. History oj Protestantism.,
R. Cerni
16. The Secret oithe Christian
Life, J. C.lij,le
17. IIow to Read the Bible,
Geolfre:y Thomas
18. From Stone to Stone, Peter
1 g. True Christianity, Juan
20. The Gospel qfOurWorld,
.Juan Roonstnt
21. The Fmniiy in Our lForld,
.Juan Boonstra
For those of you who may not be
familiar with the "library project"
for our students in Ecuador, allow
me to briefly review this program.
The Reformed faith is hardly
known in Ecuador and the
students attending ouf seminary
over the past few years have had
to study from materials that did
not entirely embody the Reformed
faith. Periodically, a few Reformed
books might become available
through local booh: stores but
they are generally unaffordable
and difficult to obtain.
'Ve soon realized that, if we are
to win people to the Reformcd
faith through the efforts of our
seminary, it would be necessary
for us to provide the texts for
the students' courses as well as
the reference material for their
ministries upon graduation. It was
determined that we could present
to each student a set of Reformed
books as a "starter library" at
a cost of $150.00 US dollars
plus the shipping, which, as we
were to discover, proved to be
extremely expensive. Any student
fully enrolled in the seminary
program would have access
to these books and materials
l\1aking the Nations Christ's Disciples
throughout their enrollment.
Upon the successful completion
of their studies they would be
able to keep the starter library
provided by you. Our missionary
and teacher in Ecuador, 'Villiam
Fan, has expressed to me the
joy and amazement of many
of the students when they
are exposed to the doctrines
of the Reformed faith.
'Ve have recently completed the
writing of a four year program of
study in the Reformed faith that
will, upon graduation, provide
om' seminary students with a
Bachelor of Theology degree.
Should these graduates desire to
continue their education, we hope
to soon provide the necessary
study program for a Master of
Theology degree as well. It has
become increasingly apparent
that T.E. FaIT cannot undertake
the demands of such teaching
requirements alone. We therefore
request prayer that our most
gracious God would provide
teachers fluent in Spanish or
those who are willing to learn
Spanish in order to serve Him
in Ecuador. If you have ever
considered serving in the building
of Christ's Kingdom as a teacher/
missionary, this may be a clarion
call to you. If so, plcase contact
your or Session to discuss
it further and have thcm contact
Chalcedon Presbyterian Church.
This caB for assistance is of great
urgency as the groundwork should
be laid now for the needs that lie
ahead in the very near future.
In light of your overwhelming
response to this project, we would
like to thank everyone who has
given so generously but must also
add that the need is ongoing. As
students graduate and take with
them the starter libraries that
you have made possible, the need
will arise for replacement sets.
So, as God may prOVide, please
continue to furnish your support
to the Ecuador Starter Library
project by sending a check in the
name of Chalcedon Presbyterian
Church with the notation "for the
starter library fund" which can be
mailed to Chalcedon Presbyterian
Church, 302 Pilgrim Mill Road,
Cumming, Georgia 30040.
Remember that the cost for one
starter library set is approximately
$150.00 although a donation at
any level is greatly appreciated.
May His Word be a lamp
unto your ieet, ancl:light
unto your path.
Charles Parry
EcuaduTian Missions
Chalcedon Presbyterian Church
Wanted in Ecuador
Teachers who speak Spanish
and are willing to join the staff
of our seminary in Quevedo,
Ecuador. There is no pay, no
retirement package, no health
insurance, and no The
climate is hot and humid, the
cultm'e vastly different from
our own. So why would anyone
want to go there? Maybe because
it would please God for you to
do so in your obedience to the
building of His Kingdom on
earth and on the appOinted day
lIe may say to you "'Ven done,
my good and faithful servant."

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