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March 2012
Version 1.0. 2


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012: Employee Procurement AX2012-DS007


Employee Self Service Procurement demonstration ................... 3
Introduction ................................................................................................. 3
Audience ....................................................................................................... 3
Scenario ........................................................................................................ 3
Key pains this demonstration addresses ......................................... 4
Demo preset configuration ................................................................... 4
Demo 1: Employee self service purchasing .................................... 5
Demo 2: Manager approval of purchase requisition ............... 10
Demo 3: Purchasing agent completing purchase request .... 11
Conclusion ................................................................................................ 13
Disclaimer .................................................................................................. 14


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012: Employee Procurement AX2012-DS007
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 helps organizations to effectively manage employee procurement
spending. Customers have the following requirements in todays business:
Need to control purchase costs.
Processing needs to be efficient and quick.
Employees need to be able to easily find products and services.
The demonstrations in this document should be used to present the value of employee
procurement to business decision makers (BDMs), employees, managers, and purchasing
The following capabilities are highlighted in this demonstration:
Employee orders different items via the Employee Self Service portal in Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2012. This scenario highlights the ability to:
o Order inventory items, non-inventory items, and category-based items.
o Order from a suppliers catalog.
o Order on behalf.
o Enter sub-ledger distribution.
Workflow to manage approval levels of purchase requisitions.
Work item queues to manage workloads in the team.
Ability to consolidate purchase requisitions.


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012: Employee Procurement AX2012-DS007
This demonstration shows how Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 can help address pain points that
business users might experience.
Business User Key Pains Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 helps to address
I am busy; I dont have time to do administrative tasks.
It takes too much time to get a purchase requisition approved.
What I need is never set up in the system.
Employee training is time consuming.
The purchase requisition is incomplete, and I have to send it back to the
employee. This is very time consuming.
Because products and prices constantly change, I dont have time to keep
items up to date in the inventory system.
Purchase requisitions are incomplete or employees order the wrong items.
Need better tools to be able to negotiate the best prices with the vendors.
This script was written to support the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 RTM virtual machine image (VM),
released in August 2011. To run this demonstration, ensure that the VM is up and running and that you
have logged on as the system administrator.
Log-on information:
o Domain: CONTOSO
o User: Adminstrator
o Password: pass@word1

Demo Pre-Setup
To show the demo, you need to perform the following steps:
1. Start
Open the development environment of Microsoft Dynamics AX (Icon on the
In the AOT open Forms, and select Tutorial_WorkflowProcessor
Right-click and select Open
Click Start


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012: Employee Procurement AX2012-DS007

In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, additional capabilities to support employee self-services scenarios in
human resources, expense management, procurement, and project have been added. In this scenario
the procurement capabilities are highlighted.
This scenario is based on a typical employee named Michael. He is always busy and he likes to get
things done. He likes his job but there are a few tasks that he needs to perform frequently that should
be simple and intuitive, yet are not. Disparate systems, manual processes, and company approval
policies make these simple tasks often time consuming and painful.
Lets take a look how Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 can help him manage these tasks.
The day started quite well. Michael managed to get into the office early to get things done. He has to
prepare for a review meeting that is scheduled for Friday. He quickly walks over to the cafeteria to get
a cup of coffee and rushes back into his office. And then it happens. He stumbles over the laptop bag
that he dropped on the floor and pours the coffee over his second monitor. The coffee drips onto his
desk and down to the floor, leaving a huge, ugly stain on the carpet. The monitor goes dark.
So what now?
He is already super busy and now he has to find out how to order a new monitor and contact
workplace services to get the carpet cleaned. His company just implemented Microsoft Dynamics AX
2012. So lets see how the Employee Self Services capabilities help Michael complete the above
mentioned tasks.
1. Click the Employee Self Service icon
on the desktop to open the
Employee Self Service Portal.
2. Make sure that Michael is signed in.
If he is not, click System Account
and select Sign in as Different User.
Sign in as Michael.

On the portal, he can create expense reports, order products, view the organization, review approvals,
register his time, update personal information, and respond to questionnaires. Michael likes the fact
that he can access all tasks in the same place. This looks simple.
3. Click Order Products.


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012: Employee Procurement AX2012-DS007
Michael can filter on categories, search
for items or access common tasks (for
example, ordering products, viewing
the shopping cart, and accessing

Michael explores the Products and
services section.
4. Expand the Computers section, and
then click Components.

The product catalog is displayed.
Michael decides to add the Microsoft
Arc Keyboard to his order.
5. Click on the item description
Microsoft Arc Keyboard to get
more information

6. Click Add to cart

The keyboard is added to his shopping

For a moment he considers ordering the same keyboard for his coworker Alicia. He could quickly send
a message to Alicia using Microsoft Lync but she is usually not in the office that early so he decides to
focus on ordering the monitor and carpet cleaning.
7. Click Order for Michael Redmond
to show that Michael has the option
to create purchase requisitions for
other coworkers like Alicia.

Michael was surprised that the keyboard is available in Contosos inventory list. It must be the
standard keyboard that most employees use. But usually, especially with electronics, inventory
information isnt updated often and gets outdated quickly. Prices for monitors seem to be dropping
regularly so it just makes sense to directly browse a suppliers catalog. Accessing the suppliers
catelog via the employee self service portal also ensures that prefered vendors are used when


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012: Employee Procurement AX2012-DS007
ordering office supplies.
8. Click External websites to access a
suppliers catalog
9. Zones Catalog is listed here, and he clicks
the link to access the catalog

10. Click OK

11. On Zones website, click Hardware and
then Monitor & Accessories

12. Select a monitor and click Add to Cart
13. Then open the Shopping Cart
Michael reviews the the shopping cart items
and checks out.

14. Click Checkout

The monitor is added to his existing shopping
cart in the Employee self service portal in
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

That was simple. Now the only step left is to add the service for the carpet cleaning.


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012: Employee Procurement AX2012-DS007
15. Click Workplace services and then
selects Facilities

16. Click the Vendors tab to get a list of
preferred vendors. Two vendors are listed
and both have received good ratings.
17. Select Esteemed Dragon Services and
click Shopping cart

18. Enter the cleaning request:
Product name: Carpet Cleaning
Description: Remove coffee stain
Price: 100
Unit symbol: ea
Quantity: 1
19. Click Add to cart

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 allows users to buy items based on categories and does not necessarily
require an inventory item. This allows Michael to easily enter his request without having to request a
service item to be created first.
Michael opens the shopping cart, reviews the
items and checks out.
20. Click the Shopping Cart icon to check out

21. In the Checkout form, enter a reason for
the request. Select Specific request and
enter some additional details. Accept the
requested date and then click Next

Michael reviews the order one more time before he submits it. He might want to distribute the
amounts to different financial dimensions.


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012: Employee Procurement AX2012-DS007

22. Select Carpet Cleaning and then Details

23. Then click Financials
24. On the Action pane, show the Distribute
amounts option
25. Click Close
26. Back on the Checkout form click Submit

The request has been submitted and Michael is really pleased how easy it was to enter the purchase
requisition. He hopes that his manager Claire can approve the request as easily so Inga can get the
items and services ordered.
27. Click Close


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012: Employee Procurement AX2012-DS007

Now lets switch roles and pretend to be Claire, Michaels manager. Claire really appreciates Michael
as a valued employee and wants to make sure that he is as productive as possible.
1. Open the Employee Self Service Portal

When Claire arrives in the morning, she receives an approval notification and opens the Employee Self
Service Portal.
2. Log on as Julia
3. Click Approvals
4. Select Michaels purchase requisition

5. Click Actions to review the options that
Claire has. She can preview the request or
open the purchase requisition
6. After reviewing the requisition she
approves the request
Claire has the option to enter a comment
7. Click Approve to approve the request

Claire has approved the requisition and can now focus on her daily activities.


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012: Employee Procurement AX2012-DS007
Inga uses the purchase requisition queue to handle the workload for her team. Her team consists of
many purchasing agents, and they get their assignments from the purchasing queue. The purchase
order approval workflow requires approval not only from the employees manager but also from a
purchasing agent. This means that Michaels purchase requisition is still in review.
1. Log on to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 as
April(shift + right click on the Microsoft
Dynamics AX icon on the desktop and
select Run as different user, then log on
as Inga).
2. Go to Procurement and Sourcing >
Common > Purchase requisitions >
Purchase requisitions assigned to my
Inga reviews the purchase requisition queue and accepts ownership of Michaels purchase requisition.
3. Select Michaels purchase requisition to
assign ownership
4. Click Action and select Accept

5. Go to Procurement and Sourcing >
Common > Purchase requisitions >
Purchase requisitions assigned to me
6. Select Michaels request
Inga reviews the purchase requisition.
Everything looks fine. She has no further
7. Click Actions and select Complete

Note: Mention that Microsoft Dynamics AX
2012 supports the option to consolidate
purchase requisition requests to get better
pricing or to save on shipping.


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012: Employee Procurement AX2012-DS007

8. The last step is to create the purchase
9. Open the release approved purchase
requisitions form (Procurement and
Sourcing > Common > Purchase
requisitions > Release approved
purchase requisitions)

10. Select approved purchase requisitions
and click the new purchase order icon on
the Action pane
The purchase order creation infolog
message confirms the creation of the
purchase orders.

In this particular example, the Procurement and Sourcing Workflow requires additional approval of
the purchase requisition; an organization can decide to automatically approve the purchase
requisitions once approved by the manager.
11. Go to Procurement and Sourcing >
Setup > Procurement and sourcing
workflow and show the 2 different
workflow options

12. Select Purchase requisition review and
edit the workflow

The workflow requires approval of the purchase requisiton from the manager as well as from a
purchasing agent.


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012: Employee Procurement AX2012-DS007

These demonstrations have guided you through major capability improvements in
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 that help organizations to streamline their employee
procurement processes.


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012: Employee Procurement AX2012-DS007

2011 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista, Microsoft Dynamics and other
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The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of
the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted
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after the date of this presentation. Microsoft may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time,
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This content is provided as-is. Information and views expressed in this content, including URL and other Internet Web site
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Microsoft Dynamics is a line of integrated, adaptable business management solutions that enables you and your people to
make business decisions with greater confidence. Microsoft Dynamics works like and with familiar Microsoft software,
automating and streamlining financial, customer relationship and supply chain processes in a way that helps you drive
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