CIS 510 Week 2 Assignment 1

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Reliable Pharmaceutical Service (RPS) Application and Technology Architectures

Advance System Analysis & Design (CIS 510)

Strayer University

April 2, 2013

RPS business functions and information system Current State
The Reliable Pharmaceutical Service is a privately held company incorporated in 1975 in
Albuquerque, New Mexico. It provides pharmacy services to health-care delivery organizations
that are too small to have their own in-house pharmacy. The Reliable pharmaceutical industry
(RPS) has been doing well, but with the coming of new technology and software implementation
RPS has lost its effective business. Currently RPS pharmacy assistants take order by phone and
the computer generates case manifest for each file. The supervisor assigns the case manifest to
the pharmacist and they assign it back to the pharmacist assistant after confirming the order.
Order-entry, billing, and inventory-management procedures are a hodgepodge of manual and
computer-assisted method.
Customer information are stored in Microsoft Access and Excel spreadsheet. RPS has to
give away its old way of operations and build a new beginning with technology and application
plans. Several studies and much anecdotal evidence point to "software aging" as a common
phenomenon, in which the state of a software system degrades with time. Exhaustion of system
resources, data corruption, and numerical error accumulation are the primary symptoms of this
degradation, which may eventually lead to performance degradation of the software, crash/hang
failure, or other undesirable effects. "Software rejuvenation" is a proactive technique intended to
reduce the probability of future unplanned outages due to aging (Castelli, 2001) with the
implementation plan for RPS for next five years it can reach new heights in business and survive
the pharmaceutical industry.

RPS business functions and Information System Future State
After understanding the challenges of Reliable Pharmaceutical Service chains, the
company must be able to provide multi ways of delivering products and services, which will
allow them to stand out from the rest of the competition. A necessary feature of application
architecture is its flexibility to adapt itself to constantly and rapidly changing environmental
conditions such as changes in processes and changes in Information System and Information
Technology. With challenges RPS is facing, they will need to re-evaluate their software and
database system. Switching to a system that will service all areas such as patient insurance
information, HIPPA guidelines, payment method, delivery choice and other areas depending on
The new proposed application and technology architecture five year plan will include a
robust centralized relational database management system, a web technology system, a new
order system, new billing system, new inventory system, a mobile system and a security system
to secure the data. The introduction of web and mobile technology will enable RPS to take order
online and mobile application. Application architecture plan describe the integrate information
systems that the organization needs to carry out its business function. Technology architecture
plan is a description of the hardware, software, and communications network required to
implement planned information system the With the new proposed plan RPS will be able to
meet customer expectations, reduce cost, increase agility, better manage security, provide system
reliable availability, integrate systems together, increase access to the reliable information and
introduce more innovative technologies.
Reliable pharmaceuticals will need to hire a minimum of six informational specialists.
The company is in the need for Business Analyst, SAN engineer, Network Manager,
Telecommunications, Database Administrator, and systems engineer. For Reliable
Pharmaceuticals to progress over the next five years with revenues and profits desired, the
company will need to discuss future areas. There are several areas included in the following
application architecture starting with development, production, planning, distribution, and human
resource. The first phase of the plan will include designing and developing a robust database and
security. In the second phase of the plan, the replacement of the business function applications:
new order, billing and inventory systems with the ability to integrate together, Also, a new
process workflow will be designed to comprehend current business processes. The designing and
implementation of web technology and mobile application will be the last phase of the plan. In
general, to be HIPAA-compliant, a web site must at a minimum ensure that all protected health
information is secure, backed up, and only accessible by authorized personnel.
Application Server
Database Server
Business Logic
Order System
Billing System
Inventory System

RPS Technology architecture plan

RPS application architecture plan

Satzinger, J., Jackson, R., & Burd, S. (2011). Systems Analysis & Design in a
Changing World. Macon, Ohio: Cengage Learning
IBM. (2012).Proactive management of software aging Retrieved on April 21, 2013, From

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