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Arnold L.

The Fear of God
a Review by Donald d. Crowe
Dr. Joseph A. Pipa, Jr. has written the Fore-
word giving an overview of the book and
commending it to readers
Te theme of the fear of God is much
more prominent in the Scripture than
it is in modern preaching. Few have dis-
tinguished the various types of fear or
set forth true godly fear as thoroughly
biblically as the Puritans, from whom
Dr. Frank has drawn. A quick search of
a concordance would show how many
times the Fear of God is mentioned and
is of central importance. As a result,
1. Te Title Page also includes the words Learn-
ing from Puritan Preaching A sermon series
by Albert Martin on the fear of God, moved
Dr. Frank to make a further study of this ne-
glected doctrine. Te Endorsement section
includes recommendations from Joel Beeke
(Puritan Reformed Teological Seminary)
and Joseph Pipa, Jr. (Greenville Presbyterian
Teological Seminary).
there are many citations of scripture to
reinforce the biblical emphasis on the
fear of God.
Te book is well seasoned with
quotes from several Puritan pastor-
theologians. Te Puritans spoke of two
basic kinds of fear of God, a godly lial
fear and an ungodly slavish fear, like the
fear of man. In good Puritan fashion,
six chapters deal with six kinds of fear
of God.
As William Gouge said the right
kind of fear of God produces a careful
endeavor to please God. And a careful
avoidance of such things as oend the
majesty of God and grieve his spirit.
Reviewers Musings
What would modern conservative schol-
arship and seminaries be like if they were
Appendix One: a sermon by
John Flavel
Appendix 2: Hymns from
William Gadsby
Study Questions, Endnotes,
Scripture, Index, and
Expanded Second Edition
Nordskog Publishing 2008
Paperback 210 pages
Issue 4_1_2009.indd 41 9/22/09 11:56 AM
Councel of Chalcedon Issue 4 2009
Te Fear of God Review
far less concerned to demonstrate their
knowledge of every German skeptic from
1860-2009, and far more concerned to
teach the godly wisdom of the Reforma-
tion and the Puritans? What if students
could see that the professors modern
insights (like bizarre interpretations of
Genesis) were long ago refuted and dis-
missed by Calvins actual exegesis? But
we must now return you to the real world.
Te positive eects of godly fear
is illustrated by Hebrews 11:7 By faith
Noah, being divinely warned of things
not yet seen, moved with godly fear,
prepared an ark for the saving of his
household, by which he condemned the
world and became heir of the righteous-
ness which is according to faith.
Te benecial inuence of a fear
that confronts the sinner and calls to
repentance. We see this in NKJ

3:10 So he said, I heard Your voice in
the garden, and I was afraid because I
was naked; and I hid myself.
Te book of Proverbs tells us that
the fear of the Lord is the beginning of
wisdom. On the other hand when the
Scripture speaks of those having no
fear of God before their eyes it speaks
clearly of the unconverted.
William Perkins said; Te prop-
erty of true fear is, to make us in
our hearts to stand in awe of God,
and to fear, hate and eschew the
oence of God.
Pastor Frank makes a strong nish in
his nal chapter on preaching the fear
of God. Tis involves preaching the Law
of God. Reformed theology has seen
three basic uses of the Law:
1. Restraining sin and promot-
ing righteousness.
2. Bringing men under the con-
viction of sin and inability to
meet the Laws demands. Tis
leaves no other way, but to
come to Christ.
3. A rule of life for the believer.
Te second use of the L:aw preaches
the fear of God that leads to repentance.
Te third use leads to a godly fear
owing out of faith. Te godly desire to
please our God.
How many of those hearing only
modern preaching would ever guess
that the Bible also says, God is angry
with the wicked every day. {Ps. 7.11) or
the numerous calls to repentance?
Te book ttingly concludes with
a sample sermon from John Flavel. Te
study questions are intended for per-
sonal use or study groups.
I can join Drs. Pipa and Beeke in
recommending this book.
Arnold Frank graduated from Gordon Col-
lege, Gordon-Conwell Teological Seminary
(M.Div.) and Westminster Seminary, CA (D.
Min.) He is a retired pastor in the PCA.
Arnold L. Frank
Issue 4_1_2009.indd 42 9/22/09 11:56 AM

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