The Dream Stela of Thutmosis IV

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- The Dream Stela of Thutmosis IV -

1. The offering scenes
2. Introduction
3. The story
The offering scenes

The scene on the lefthandside:
Identification of the king: The King of Upper and Lower Egypt, the Lord of
the Two Lands, Menkheperure Thutmosis, the appearance of appearances,
bestowed with life.
The king's action: Greeting the god! with a "emset #ase
The Sphinx: $armakhis. %ords spoken& '( gi#e strength to the Lord of the
Two Lands,Thutmosis, the appearance of appearances".

The scene on the righthand side:
Identification of the king: The King of Upper and Lower Egypt, the lord of the
Two Lands, Menkheperure Thutmosis, the appearance of appearances,
bestowed with life.
The king's action: Making an offering of incense and a libation
The Sphinx: $armakhis. %ords spoken& '( gi#e strength to the Lord of the
Two Lands,Thutmosis, the appearance of appearances".

Beteen the to scenes:
%ords spoken& '( make that Menkheperure appears on the throne of Geb, and
Thutmosis, the appearance of appearances, in the offi)e of *tum".
!ear 1" the 3rd #onth of *khet" on the 1$th day of the %a&esty of 'orus" the
(ictorious )ull" perfect of appearances* the To +adies" sta)le of kingship like ,tu#*
the -olden 'orus" strong of sord" ho su)dues the $ Bos* the .ing of /pper and
+oer 0gypt" %enkheperure" the son of 1e" Thut#osis" the appearance of
appearances" )elo(ed of 'ar#akhis" )estoed ith life" sta)ility and authority like
1e" eternally.
%ay the good god li(e" the son of ,tu#" ho protects 'arachti" the li(ing statue of
the +ord2of2,ll" the so(ereign" created )y 1e" the excellent heir of .hepri" ith the
face as )eautiful as 3that of4 his father" ho ca#e forth co#plete" e5uiped ith his
shape of 'orus upon hi#" the .ing of /pper and +oer 0gypt" )elo(ed of the gods"
the possessor of char# ith the 0nnead" ho has purified 'eliopolis" ho appeases
1e" ho has e#)ellished the Te#ple of 6tah" ho presents %aat to ,tu# and ho
rises her )efore the 7ne28ho2Is2South27f2'is28all" ho #akes #onu#ents as a
daily offering to 'orus" ho does all things" ho seeks hat is )eneficial for the gods
of the South and the 9orth" ho )uilds their te#ples in hite stone" ho e#)ellishes
all their offerings" the )odily son of ,tu#" Thut#osos" appearance of appearances"
like 1e" the heir of 'orus upon his throne" %enkheperure" )estoed ith life.
The Story
Behold" hen 'is %a&esty as a youngster" like 'orus in .he#nis" his )eauty like
3that of4 the one ho protects his father and ho is seen like the god hi#self" the
ar#y re&oiced in his lo(e" the royal children and all the chieftains ere in his poer"
#aking hi# flourish" and he repeated the circuit" his strenght like 3that of4 the son of
Behold" he engaged in a passti#e" a#using hi#self in the desert of Ine)2'ed&" upon
its northern and southern road" shooting at a )ron:e target" hunting lions and flocks
and riding in his charriot" his horses faster than the ind" along ith only to of his
folloers hile no)ody 3else4 kne a)out it.
Then the hour ca#e to gi(e rest to his folloers" at the li#)s of 'ar#akhis" )eside
Sokar in 1a2Set&a" 1enutet in 9orthern ;&e#e" %ut the #istress of the 9orthern
8all and the #istress of the Southern 8all" Sekh#et ho presides o(er her Kha" Seth"
the son of 'eka" the 'oly 6lace of the <irst 7ccasion 3of creation4" near the +ords or
.heraha" the di(ine road of the gods toards the 8est of 'eliopolis.
9o then" the great statue of .hepri as lying in this place" great of poer and
poerfull of #a&esty" the shado of 1e resting upon it. The estates of 'ut2.a26tah
and all the neigh)ouring cities co#e to it" their ar#s raised in adoration )efore hi#"
carrying #any offerings for his .a.
7ne of those days" it so happened that prince Thut#osis ca#e" passing )y at the ti#e
of #iday and he sat don in the shado of this great god. Sleep sei:ed hi#" a sleep at
the ti#e hen the sun as at the :enith" and he found the %a&esty of this no)le god
speaking ith his on #outh" like the ords of a father for his son" saying: "+ook at
#e" see #e" #y son Thut#osis. I a# your father" 'ar#akhis2.hepri2,tu#" and I shall
gi(e you the kingship on earth" in front of all the li(ing ones. !ou shall ear the
8hite and the 1ed =rons upon the throne of -e)" the heriditary prince. The earth
shall )e yours in its length and idth" 3e(erything4 that the 0ye of the +ord2of2,ll
illu#inates. The food of the To +ands shall )e yours" 3as ell as4 the great tri)utes
of e(ery foreign land" 3your4 lifeti#e ill )e a ti#e" great in years. %y face is yours"
#y heart is yours as you are a protector to #e" for #y 3current4 condition is like one
that is in need" all #y li#)s 3as if they ere4 dis#e#)ered as the sands of the desert
upon hich I lie ha(e reached #e. So run to #e" to ha(e that done hich I desire"
knoing that you are #y son and #y protector. =o#e forth" and I shall )e ith you" I
shall )e your leader".
8hen he finished these ords" this prince stared oke up at hat he had heard >>>...>>>
he understood the ords of this god and he put a silence in his heart. Then he said: ">>>
+et us hasten )ack to our ho#e in the city? 8e shall set aside an offering for this god
and e shall )ring hi# oxen" all the (egeta)les and our ar#s shall )e raised in
adoration to those ho ere 3there4 )efore 3us4 >>>...>>> no)le >>>...>>> .hefren" the statue
#ade for ,tu#21e2'ar#akhis >>>...>>> days of festi(ities >>>...>>> #any >>>...>>> of %y
%a&esty for her" li(ing >>>...>>> for .hepri in the 'ori:on of the 8est of 'eliopolis
in >>>...>>>
At this point the story breaks off.

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