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Syllabus for Algebra 1 with

Mrs. Conte
Dear Parent or Guardian,
I am very e!ited to start o" a new s!hool year at #eed Custer $igh S!hool.
I ho%e that your student will e%erien!e great learning and su!!ess throughout
the year, both inside and outside of !lass. As your student&s Algebra 1 or #'I
Algebra tea!her this year, I would (ust li)e to introdu!e myself to you and
en!ourage you to !onta!t me throughout the year.
*e are transitioning this year to the Common Core !urri!ulum for
mathemati!s. Sin!e this is a transition year, your student will not have a
tetboo). *e are still sear!hing for a tet that is aligned and has resour!es for
students to use at home. *e are as)ing that ea!h student has a + ring binder to
)ee% their handouts, notes, !lass wor), and homewor) in. I will have them
available for students for ,-, if needed throughout the year. I will %ost the daily
homewor) on my website. www.youro!)atmath.weebly.!om. I will also send out
emails from Powers!hool reminding you of u%!oming tests, /ui00es, et!.
If your student needs hel% at home with an assignment, there are many
resour!es available. I am available before and after s!hool every day. I !an also
be rea!hed by email with /uestions. 'he following websites might be hel%ful if a
student is stu!) on a !on!e%t or lesson.
1hanA! has hel% videos2 students !an ty%e in the to%i! or
learning target that we are wor)ing on to get hel%. Also,
htt%.33mathbitsnoteboo).!om3Algebra13Algebra1.html, has hel%ful
www.!oolmath.!om, !li!) on Algebra
In order for your student to su!!eed in Algebra 1, he3she will need a
s!ienti5! !al!ulator. 6our student will be e%e!ted to bring a !al!ulator to !lass
every day. Cell%hones will not be a substitute for !al!ulators be!ause they don&t
have all the ne!essary math fun!tions needed for this !ourse. 'he %referred
!al!ulator is a 'eas Instruments 'I4+7 ii. 'his !al!ulator is available at *almart,
'arget, et!. and !osts between ,17 and ,18. *e strongly en!ourage you to
%ur!hase a !al!ulator as your student will need it in Geometry also. If you are
unable to %ur!hase a !al!ulator at this time, a limited number are available to be
!he!)ed out from the Mathemati!s De%artment for the entire year. If you !hoose
to do this, you agree to ta)e full res%onsibility for the !ondition of the !al!ulator
when it is returned. It is e%e!ted to be in virtually the same !ondition at the end
of the year as it is when you re!eive it. If the !al!ulator, for any reason, gets
lost, bro)en, or is otherwise damaged or not returned 9regardless of whose fault it
is:, the student who !he!)ed it out is liable for the full re%la!ement !ost. ;ailure
to reimburse the s!hool for this !ost will result in an in!om%lete grade on your
re%ort !ard. If you do not agree to these terms, then do not !he!) out a
*e will also be using gra%hing !al!ulators in the !lassroom this year< 6our
student will be assigned a gra%hing !al!ulator that will stay in the !lassroom. 'he
students will be e%e!ted to return their !al!ulator to the !addy before leaving
!lass and will be held a!!ountable if it is missing. If your student removes or
damages a gra%hing !al!ulator 9in!luding by writing on it:, the student is liable for
the !ost 9,1-7:. 'he !al!ulators are an in!redible learning tool and must be
treated with !are.
I would li)e to en!ourage you to !onta!t me with any /uestions or !on!erns
now and throughout the year. I am available before and after s!hool for student
/uestions and hel%. ;eel wel!ome to email me at heather.!onte=r! or !all
me at >18.?8>.-1@@. I loo) forward to wor)ing with your student and ho%efully
meeting you in %erson this year at A%en $ouse or Parent 'ea!her Conferen!es<
Please sign and return the last %age of this %a!)et.
Mrs. $eather Conte
Important Information:
Ba!h wee) we will 5ll out the wee)&s homewor), /ui0 and3or test s!hedule on our
assignment sheet. 6ou are e%e!ted to bring this assignment sheet to ea!h !lass.
If you miss a day of !lass, it is your res%onsibility to ma)e u% the wor) for that
day and you !an refer to your sheet to see what you missed.
$omewor) will be assigned almost every day and it will either be graded in !lass
or !olle!ted by me. Ba!h assignment will be worth ten %oints and will be graded
based on e"ort and !om%letion. Cate homewor) may be turned in u% to the last
day of the !ha%ter test for half !redit.
Quizzes and Tests
*e will have one or two /ui00es and a test ea!h !ha%ter. If you miss a test or
/ui0, you will be re/uired s!hedule a ma)eu% time. If you are une!used for the
day of a test or /ui0, you will re!eive a 0ero 9%er the handboo):.
Being Prepared
In addition to your assignment sheet, I as) that you bring a %en!il, %en,
!al!ulator, %a%er, binder, smile, and a %ositive attitude to !lass every day.
Grade Breakdown
$omewor) 18D
Eui00es -7D
'ests ?8D
;inal Bam -7D
Units for the Year
Fnit 1 Ane Gariable B/uations H Ine/ualities
Fnit - Fnderstanding ;un!tions
Fnit + Cinear ;un!tions
Fnit ? Data, Correlation, H Causation
Fnit 8 Cinear B/uations H Ine/ualities
Fnit @ Systems of Cinear B/uations H Ine/ualities
Fnit I Jon Cinear ;un!tions H Gra%hs
Fnit > B%onential ;un!tions H B/uations
Fnit K Polynomial ;un!tions H B%ressions
Fnit 17 Euadrati! ;un!tions
Fnit 11 Euadrati! B/uations
Rewards ask me about them right now!
6ou #o!) Days
6ou are e%e!ted to be in your seat and /uiet by the time the bell rings. If you
are not, you will be tardy.
e!! Phones" #P$ P!ayers%Ipods" Ipads" Ta&!ets" et'(
'he moment the bell rings all ele!troni! devi!es must be %ut away 9as in
somewhere I !annot see them: and silen!ed. If any ele!troni! e/ui%ment
be!omes a distra!tion in any way, it will be !on5s!ated. Consider this your 5nal
BY)T Po!i'y
'here will be some !lass days where you will be allowed to use your own
te!hnology for !lassroom %ur%oses. If the !lass %eriod is a te!hnology use %eriod,
it will be !learly indi!ated on the front board. In the event we are wor)ing on an
assignment and you would li)e to use your own te!hnology 9su!h as to loo) u% a
word de5nition: you MFS' AS1 ;A# PB#MISSIAJ. If %ermission has not been given
for te!hnology use, ele!troni! devi!es will be !on5s!ated.
If you !hoose to use the !harging station, your devi!e must be A;;. If you !he!)
it, tou!h it, or it ma)es noise, the devi!e will be !on5s!ated.
All of the te!hnology guidelines are set in %la!e to minimi0e distra!tions during
our learning time in the !lassroom when we are not using te!hnology for the day.
*ur+i+a! Guide,
1. Do your homewor).
-. Stay on tas) in !lass.
?. Lring your su%%lies H binder everyday.
8. Le #BSPBC';FC of %eo%le and things.
@. After an absen!e, ma)e u% the wor) right away. Ma)e u% tests and
/ui00es before you forget all you&ve learned.
I. Fse a%%ro%riate and uno"ensive language.
>. 'a)e bathroom brea)s at a%%ro%riate times.

K. 'a)e res%onsibility for your own wor), a!tions, and behavior.
17. $ave a good attitude<
11. 'a)e warnings seriously.
1-. Cisten %olitely when others are tal)ing.
1+. Clean u% your des)3mess before you leave.
1?. Coo%erate with your %artner and !lassmates.
Additionally, all rules and behavioral e%e!tations
des!ribed in the student handboo) will be adhered
P!ease deta'h this sheet and return &y -riday" .ugust /0th(
Please ta)e a moment to /ui!)ly read through the syllabus for your
son&s3daughter&s u%!oming year in Algebra 1 or #'I Algebra. Ly signing below,
you are a!)nowledging that you are aware of the !lassroom e%e!tations and all
ways to !onta!t me in regards to your son3daughter 9in!luding email, %hone, or
via the !lass website:. If you have any further /uestions or !on!erns, %lease do
not hesitate to get in tou!h with me as soon as %ossible. I )now we are going to
have an e!ellent year<
MMMMM My student will have his3her own s!ienti5! !al!ulator by Monday, August
MMMMMMMy student needs to !he!) out a !al!ulator. I understand the !onse/uen!es
if the s!ienti5! !al!ulator is lost or damaged, and agree to ta)e full res%onsibility
for its !are throughout the -71?4-718 s!hool year and %ay for its re%la!ement if it
is lost or damaged.
Student&s Printed Jame Student&s Signature
Parent&s Printed Jame Parent&s Signature
Do you have internet a!!ess at home for your student to use. 6es Jo
Lest way3ways to !onta!t home 9%lease !he!) one or both:.
S!ienti5! Cal!ulator N 9to be 5lled out by tea!her if one is assigned:.

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