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1- Whose car is it?
juuz kar izit
2- Whose house is it?
juuz jauz izit
3- Whose motorcycle is it?
juuz mororsaikl izit
4- Whose truck is it?
juuz trk izit
5- Whose money is this?
juuz manii iz dthis
6- Whose skateboard is that?
juuz skeitboard is dtht
7- Whose stereo is that?
juuz stereo iz dtht
8- Whose piano is this?
juuz pianou iz dthis
9 Whose airplane is it?
juuz eerplein izit
10- Whose guitar is that?
juuz guitr iz dtht
11- Whose apartments are these?
juuz partments r dthiis
12- Whose books are those?
juuz buuks r dthouz
13- Whose chairs are they?
juuz chears r dthei
14- Whose toys are these?
juuz toiz r dthiis
15- Whose computers are those?
juuz kampiurrz r dthouz
16- Whose skates are they?
juuz skeits r dthei
17- Whose papers are they?
juuz peiprz r dthei
18- Whose tables are these?
juuz teibolz r dthiiz
19- Whose telephones are they?
juuz tlefounz r dthei
20- Whose bicycles are those?
juuz baisikolz r dthouz


Its my car.
its mai kar
Its your house.
its iur jauz
Its her motorcycle.
its jer mororsaikl
Its his truck.
its jiz trk
This is our money
dthis iz aur manii
Thats their skateboard.
dthts dtheir skeitboard
Thats my stereo.
dthts mai stereo
This is your piano
dthis is iur pianou
Its her airplane.
its jer eerplein
Thats his guitar.
dthts jis guitr
These are my apartments.
dthiiz r mai partments
Those are your books.
dhouz r iur buuks
Theyre her chairs.
dheir jer chears
These are his toys.
dhiiz r jiz toiz
Those are our computers.
dhouz r aur kampiurrz
Theyre their skates.
dheir dtheir skeits
Theyre my papers.
dheir mai peiprz
These are your tables.
dhiiz r iur teibolz
Theyre her telephones.
dheir jer tlefounz
Those are his bicycles.
dhouz r jiz baisikolz


The car is mine.
dth kar iz main
The house is yours.
dth jauz iz iurz
The motorcycle is hers.
dth mororsaikl iz jerz
The truck is his.
dth trk iz jiz
This money is ours.
dthis manii iz aurz
That skateboard is theirs.
dtht skeitboard iz dtheirz
That stereo is mine.
dtht stereo iz main
This piano is yours.
dthis pianou iz iurz
The airplane is hers.
dth erplein iz jerz
That guitar is his.
dtht guitr iz jiz
These apartments are mine.
dthiiz partments r main
Those books are yours.
dthouz buuks r iurz
The chairs are hers.
dth chears r jerz
These toys are his.
dthiiz toiz r jiz
Those computers are ours.
dthouz kampiurrz r aurz
The skates are theirs.
dth skeits r dtheirz
The papers are mine.
dth peiprz r main
These tables are yours.
dthiiz teibolz r iurz
The telephones are hers.
dth tlefounz r jerz
Those bicycles are his.
dthouz baisikolz r jiz



1- De quien es el carro?

2- De quien es la casa?

3- De quien es esta moto?

4- De quien es este camin?

5- De quien es este dinero?

6- De quien es este monopatn?

7- De quien es ese estreo?

8- De quien es este piano?

9 De quien es el avin?

10- De quien es esa guitarra?

11- De quien son estos apartamentos?

12- De quien son esos libros?

13- De quien son las sillas?

14- De quien son estos juguetes

15- De quien son esas

16- De quien son los patines?

17- De quien son los papeles?

18- De quien son estas mesas?

19- De quien son los telfonos?

20- De quien son esas bicicletas?

Es mi carro.

Es tu casa

Es su moto. (de ella)

Es su camin.(de l)

Este es nuestro dinero

Ese es su monopatn.(de
Ese es mi estreo.

Este es tu piano

Es su avin. (de ella)

Esa es su guitarra.(de l)

Estos son mis apartamentos.

Esos son tus libros.

Son sus sillas. (de ella)

Estos son sus juguetes.(de
Esas son nuestras

Son sus patines.(de ellos)

son mis papeles.

Estas son tus mesas.

Son sus telfonos.(de ella)

Esas son sus bicicletas.(de


El carro es mo.

La casa es tuya

La moto es de ella.

El camin es de l.

Este dinero es nuestro.

Ese monopatn es de ellos.

Ese estreo es mo.

Este piano es tuyo.

El avin es de ella.

Esa guitarra es de l.

Estos apartamentos son mos.

Esos libros son tuyos.

Las sillas son de ella.

Estos juguetes son de l.

Esas computadoras son nuestras.

Los patines son de ellos.

Los papeles son mos.

Estas mesas son tuyas.

Los telfonos son de ella.

Esas bicicletas son de el.


HOMEWORK / TAREA rite down the question / Escriba las preguntas

1-Whose books re these? / Whose are these books?
These are your books.
Those are his bicycles
Its his truck.
Theyre her chairs.
Its your house.
Theyre my papers.
Theyre their skates.
Its her motorcycle.
Thats his guitar.
10-Whose books are those? / Whose are those books?
Those books are yours.
The skates are theirs.
The house is yours.
Those bicycles are his.
The papers are mine.
This piano is yours.
Those computers are ours.
The airplane is hers.
The telephones are hers.
This money is ours.
That guitar is his.

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