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There is still time

By Andrew Gar Holmes

Chapter 1

What?! What do you mean the store was out of the perfume I wanted? Victoria
frowned. Though upset, she still couldnt pull her eyes away from the mirror in front of
her as she fixed her hair for the hundredth time.
Look Victoria, I asked them if they had any out the back, if they would get any soon, I
even checked a few other stores in the area. What else can I do? Charlie replied, putting
in as much effort to sound like it was a big deal for her as well.
Well, I guess I just have to hope this Brian Im meeting will like this perfume I already
have, thanks for nothing Charlie!
I doubt hes going to be able to smell any perfume over all that hair spray she thought
as she left the bathroom where her sister was getting ready three hours early. The things
Charlie had bought for herself were still in the bags she carried. Normally her sister
would be asking what she bought and to show her, but given the mood she was in Charlie
was glad she didnt. Now she just had to make sure she avoided her mother and her
curiosity of what was in the bags she carried. One of the main positives Charlie saw in
living in such a big house was that it was easy to avoid people by moving in and out of
various rooms.

When she finally made it to her room without being seen by her mother, she quickly shut
the door and let out a sigh of relief. She loved her mother dearly, but knew that despite
appearances she would not approve of the kind of clothes she had bought. Living in the
lap of luxury meant you had to wear what showed your daddy made more money than
others, something Victoria had grown to love and Charlie had not. They were sisters, but
as opposite as chalk and cheese on most things. Charlie had always seen her room as her
own private world, something most people feel about their own room, but for Charlie it
was different. For the love of her mother she would always do her best to keep the
desired rich girl appearance whenever she was in the company of others. As well as act
what was considered appropriate to also show money. But to Charlie her room showed
who she truly was. Immediately to the right of the door was her queen sized bed, which
she had put there when she first moved into the room. She had done this so that while she
was lying in bed she could look straight down to the other end of her room where a
massive one and a half meter world map was framed on the wall. On either side of the
map was a window that gave her a view that stretched out for miles. To the left of the
door was her six foot high book case filled with books on different languages, places and
travel tips and indeed everything to do with the wide world. Charlie must have looked at
the picture books for places like the Amazon rainforest and the Pyramids well over a
hundred times.
To the right of her room was her desk which had her brand new Apple Mac Book her
father had bought her to study with. Study she did from time to time, but in reality
Charlie spent most of her time reading the travel blogs people would post from all over
the world, just wishing she had the chance to create her own.

The only real resemblance of her mother in her room was in her biggest wardrobe. It was
filled with the clothes her mother had picked out for her and required her to wear when

she was in the company of others. Others meaning family members, her mothers
friends and business people from her fathers company. The bags Charlie was still holding
were not filled with these clothes however, for Charlie had another wardrobe, much
smaller and tucked away in the right corner of her room. This wardrobe was filled with
the clothes she had picked out for herself to wear. The clothes she liked to wear from day
to day. Unlike the ballroom gowns and the overpriced fashion that her mother would pick
out for her, the clothes in the smaller wardrobe was filled with sensible style fashion
that Charlie felt she could wear and be comfortable in. Her own style was in no way to
spite her mother or any of her family, but it was to simply have people not look at her
with the expression of she must be from a loaded family to afford those clothes. These
expressions from other people were either envy or lust, both of which Charlie hated. She
liked to be part of the crowd, not stand out from it. As Charlie was putting her new
clothes away there was a faint knock on her bedroom door. Charlie knew it was her
mother because Victoria never had the decency to knock. She quickly put the bags of
clothes in her smaller wardrobe and slid the door shut.
Charlie did her best to sound both kind and non-rushed. Her mother opened her bedroom
door and walked inside with what Charlie could tell was a forced smile on her face.
Charlie, your grandfather Harold will be turning 85 this weekend, will you be able to go
and see him and wish him a happy birthday?
Charlies initial reaction was one of happiness and questions.
You know Im more than happy to go see him, but why are asking me in this way?
This way? What do you mean dear?
Charlie gave her mother a half closed eye glance to show she knew her mother was acting
the fool.
Where will you be? Where will dad be and where will Victoria be?
Her mother didnt know wether to smile or act surprised.
Your father and I will be out of town, and Victoria, well, she doesnt much feel like
Doesnt feel like going? Shes your daughter, why dont you just make her go like she
should? Charlie knew there was no point saying these thoughts as they would fall on
deaf ears.
Ok mum, Ill go see him and wish him a happy birthday from everyone.
Thank you dear. Did you go shopping today?
Just to find something for Victoria.
Her mother smiled, knowing the truth but not to push anymore, still with the smile on her
face she turned and closed Charlies bedroom door.

Chapter 2

Charlie felt in an especially good mood today. Partly because her mother was out of town
which always made her feel a bit more free, and partly because she got to go see her
Grandpa Harold, which was always an interesting experience. While jumping on a bus to
go and see Harold, her mind was racing as to what to buy him for his birthday. Presents
like new pajamas were always going to be used, but they were too boring. Chocolates
were out of the question as there was no way to convince him they werent made in

Germany and things like movie tickets would never be used. Charlie let out a deep sigh
then figured the only thing she could get him was new pajamas, her seldom happiness
was that they would definitely be used.
When she got to her stop, Charlie cringed like she always did at the name of where her
granddad lived. Chestnut Mental Asylum seemed to scream a loony bin for those who
have lost their nuts! The lady who worked at the reception was named Esther, a middle
aged rather plump women, she was always very nice to Charlie, but Charlie could tell by
her attitude towards her staff that she would be very hard to work with. Charlie knew the
main reason she was so nice to her was because she was one of the seldom visitors.
Hello Charlie dear, I knew you would be here today.
Hi Esther, how have you been?
Same old dear, nothing much changes around here you know.
Charlie smiled not really knowing what to say in response. Esther picked up on this and
figured she should let it pass.
Your grandfather has been doing well, he is looking his age, but he can still take care of
Thats good Charlie replied as she finished signing in.
Is he still in the same room? Charlie figured it was polite to ask this, even though she
knew his room would not have been changed, it hadnt since the first day he was
Yes dear.
Charlie smiled at Esther as she headed to the elevator directly opposite the reception. Her
grandfathers room was at the end of the hallway on the highest floor. While waiting for
the elevator, one of the nurses appeared behind her, waiting for the elevator as well.
Charlie smiled but didnt see much need to create conversation, mostly because the
thought running through her head wasnt a good topic for someone she didnt know. She
looks so young, she must be in her mid-30s, far younger than anyone else working here
Charlie had been coming to see her grandfather at this asylum for over five years now,
but still knew hardly anyone that worked there. One thing she noticed almost instantly
was that everyone who worked at the asylum were all around or older than 40 years old,
which is why this particular lady shocker her.
Charlie was deep into this thought until she made it to her grandfather Harolds door.
Captain Harold! Private Charlie coming in, sir! As if on stage, she straightened her back
and held her head high.
A booming yet withered voice came through the door. Enter private.
Charlie opened the door slowly until it was opened all the way. Looking in, she saw the
room as it always was, immaculately tidy. Charlie couldnt help but think that everybody
does benefit from some army training. Her grandfather was sitting where he always was,
staring out the huge window that looked out onto part of the city. The entire reason the
asylum had given him this room was so that he could occupy himself by making sure the
Nazis werent invading.
What news private? Charlie couldnt help but notice how much older his voice sounded.
Sir, there has been no reports of Nazis entering the country, Charlie said in the best
army voice she could muster.
Her grandfather gave her a hard look.
That is not to say that they are planning some scheme to get in sir. She said quickly.

Exactly right private, exactly right. Those Nazi bastards will stop at nothing to make the
entire world their Furhers toy.
Charlie kept a stern face, though her mind was silently crying for her grandfather. She
had heard that he was never the same when he came back from the war, but didnt realize
that as he got older he would get worse and worse. Even though she had been through
this over a dozen times, it still made her sad.
Captain Harold, I have brought you some new attire. Charlie laid the pajamas down on
the bed. Harold eyed them off. Charlie knew to make them as plain as possible and to
find green pajamas to make them look like an army uniform. The pair she had brought
was an emerald green that she hoped would be dark enough to be convincing. As her
grandfather eyed them off her heart was still.
Thank you private, I have been stationed here so long that a new uniform will not go
Charlie was relieved to say the least. Your position at this post is greatly admired and
respected captain, we do what we can to aid you.
Yes, I have been very grateful that the army has sent private Marek to aide me as well.
Charlie didnt know what to think, she had no idea who this private Marek was, but knew
that her grandfathers illness never made him create fictional characters. She was about to
respond when she saw her grandfathers eyes look at the clock, up above the door.
Speaking of which, it is noon, Private Marek should be here to bring my provisions.
Private Charlie, see if private Marek is in any danger and if he requires help.
Before Charlie could answer, there was a loud knock on the door that startled her but not
her grandfather.
Captain Harold! the voice was loud and deep Private Marek here with your noon
Enter private!
Charlie watched as the door slowly opened. Standing at the door was a man with his back
straight and his shoulders level. Charlie could not believe what she saw. This man must
have been around her age, if only a few years older. He was tall and slim, with chestnut
hair and dark green eyes. Charlie was never one to think a guy was hot, but a similar
thought danced around in her mind as she looked at him.
The man at the door looked at Charlie with an incredibly puzzled look, then smiled and
reached around to rest his hand on his hip.
Captain, who is this stranger? Are you in any danger?! He screamed as he learned
forward towards Charlie. Harold raised one of his arms while Charlie still stood
completely dumb-founded.
No private Marek, this is Private Charlie who the army sends from time to time to see
how I am here at my post.
Upon hearing this, the man at the door took his hand away from his hip and stood straight
once again. In a single motion he raised his hand to his forehead, it took Charlie a bit to
realize he was saluting her. Still baffled, Charlie saluted in response.
Private Marek of the third division his voice still loud and booming.
Private Charlie of the Charlie didnt know what to say, but as she paused she saw
Mareks right hand hold two fingers on his forehead.
Second division.

Marek smiled and winked at Charlie, now she was finally realizing that all of this was an
act to keep her grandfather happy.
Private Marek, Private Charlie is here to tell me of the news from headquarters, would
you be so kind as to bring another plate of provisions?
Not at all Captain, I will be back momentarily with provisions for Private Charlie.
With that, Marek saluted Harold, who did so in turn, then closed the door and was gone.
Charlie had lots of questions she wanted to ask her grandfather about the man she had
just uniquely met, but knew she had to word these very carefully.
Captain, I have not seen this private Marek at all since you were first stationed here.
Yes, he has only been here for maybe eight or nine months, it seems his sole role is to
provide me with daily provisions so I do not starve to death here.
Charlie wanted to know more, but didnt know how to properly address the questions she
had. Just then, there was another loud knock at the door.
Private Marek returning sir!
The door to her grandfathers room opened and Charlie once again was shocked to see
the man standing on the other end of the door, so young and handsome, so out of place
working in the asylum.
Provisions for Private Charlie have been required sir.
Good, bring them in.
As Marek walked towards Charlie she was frozen still, not sure what to do. Marek
handed out the tray of food for her and as she took it, he leaned forward until his mouth
was inches away from her ear.
I have to give you a poorer looking meal then Harolds, as he is the captain. Marek
leaned back and Charlies face was turning red when she forced her head down to give an
awkward nod in understanding. Marek saluted once more to Harold, who responded in
kind, then turned and left. Still seemingly dumbfounded by the whole situation, Charlie
stood completely still.
At ease private, I need to hear news of what is happening back home.
Charlie felt relaxed now as this was a line she had heard every time since she had gone to
see her grandfather at the asylum. She knew exactly what to do and sat at the end of the
bed. Harold turned to face the window once again while he ate his lunch (his provisions).
What news from overseas private, are we winning the war against those Nazi bastards?
Sir, it seems that we are, the grip they have had around France has gotten weaker, but it
seems the Nazis are planning to invade Russia sometime soon.
Hmmm, Russia? Harold seemed to be lost in thought by this notion, something Charlie
had seen him do time and time again. Of all the history she had read about the Nazi
regime, it seemed that the idea of them invading Russia was something that made her
grandfather think long and hard about and also something he would believe. Ideas of the
Nazis losing the war and Germany becoming a once again peaceful country was
something her grandfather just could not believe would be happening. Charlie knew what
to say next.
Sir, I also have news from your family.
At first Harold seemed distant and lost, but then he slowly turned towards Charlie and
nodded for her to continue.

Your daughter is doing well sir, she has met a nice, wealthy man who seems to be
interested in marrying her.
Charlie knew what was coming next, which forced her to hold back her tears.
And my wife?
She is also doing well sir, just the same day to day labour that she was doing before you
left, she said that she hopes you are ok and will return home soon.
Charlies eyes were hot with tears as she spoke these last words. She had tried several
times to tell her grandfather that his wife had long since passed away, but by saying this
her grandfather would show no emotion until she was gone. Charlie would then sit at the
door listening as her grandfather broke down with tears. She came to the conclusion that
it was simply better to not tell him.
I hope to return to her soon private, but my mission is here, making sure the Nazis do not
invade. The last thing I want to happen is those Nazi bastards getting to my family.
We are grateful for your services sir. Charlie seemed to choke on her sandwich as she
said those words. After this the two of them seemed to eat in silence, Charlies mind
racing with things to say but simply didnt know how to say it. In reality she knew deep
down somewhere was the grandfather she knew as a child and that he was happy to see
her. Before she knew it, they had finished their lunches.
Well private, I best not keep you longer, please go back and tell the commanding
officers that I am well at my post.
Charlie wanted to hug her grandfather goodbye like she used to when she was a little girl,
but knew she couldnt. Instead, she stood straight and saluted. As she was walking out the
door her grandfather called out.
And please thank the commanding officers for sending me private Marek, he has been
most useful.
The memories that came back during lunch had almost made her completely forget who
Private Marek was.
Yes sir Charlie replied as she was closing the door to her beloved grandfathers room.

Chapter 3

Charlie walked slowly to the elevator. She was always happy to see her grandfather and
knew that she was the only one in her entire family that would visit him, but ever since
his illness struck, seeing him always made her sad. She longed to spend time with him
like she used to, listening to his stories, learning to play card games and doing puzzles
together. She kept her character up the entire time she was in her grandfathers room for
her grandfathers sake, but, alone in the elevator, she put her hands up to her face and
sobbed quietly.
When she heard the lift ding to indicate she was on the ground floor, Charlie did her
best to wipe the tears off her face and dry her eyes. As she was leaving the asylum, Esther
gave her a sympathetic smile, she had seen Charlie come back from seeing her
grandfather many times.
You ok, dear?
Yes Im fine thanks. My grandfather seems to be doing well. But youre right, he is
sure looking older

Yes he is, there has been no change in his condition in over a year now, which is good to
A thought struck Charlie like a smack across the face.
By the way, who is Private Marek?
Esther gave Charlie a puzzled look for a moment, then realized who she meant.
Oh Marek, he has been looking after your grandfather. Its kind of funny really, your
grandfather took an instant liking to him because he is Polish. Now he is the only one of
the nursing staff that looks after your grandfather. He has been working here for about
four years now.
But he is so young Charlie looked directly at Esther, as if trying to hint she was after
more information about him. She was so shocked when he opened the door of her
grandfathers room. Never did the thought of a young and handsome man working in a
place like this even cross her mind. She had not seen anyone like him here before.
Yes, well, he chose to work here. Anyway dear, before you run off, I would like to have
a word with you, do you have a moment?
Charlie stood still, stiff as a board, Esther had never asked her to stay and talk to her,
which made her first thought be that something was wrong with her grandfather.
As Esther turned to get someone to cover the front desk, Charlies head was spinning
with all the ideas of what the talk could be about. Grandpa looks older, but he seems
fine. Well, as fine as he can get. He didnt look sick at all. Esther came out through the
side door at the reception.
Theres a little coffee shop just up the road, Ill buy you a coffee.
Charlie wanted to refuse her offer and just find out what she was going to tell her, but the
look on Esthers face made her look like she wasnt just asking.

The coffee shop Esther took Charlie to was a quiet place that had a very calming feel
about it. The counter was at the end of the room and at best could sit maybe 20 people.
Esther headed towards the counter to order, to break the silence on the walk down she
had asked Charlie what she would like, considering that is was a rather warm day,
Charlie opted for an iced coffee. In reality her choice of beverage was the last thing on
her mind. After ordering Esther turned to face Charlie and nodded her head at a table.
Charlie felt her pulse race as she sat down opposite Esther, her eyes fixed on Esthers
face like they were screaming for her to start talking.
Every month all the patients we have receive a physical, to see how everyone is going.
Its not just for their head, their whole body gets examined.
Esther stopped here to see if Charlie wanted to say anything. When Charlie didnt even
blink, she continued.
Your grandfathers results they showed that he has cancer.
Charlie fought back tears as best she could.
How bad is it?
Esther gave a long sigh, just before she started talking their drinks came. Esther thanked
the girl who brought them over, but Charlie looked away, not wanting her to see the look
on her face.
Im afraid its pancreatic cancer dear, it cannot be taken out. They can give him
medication, but at best I would say he has about another two months to live.

Charlie looked down and stared at her iced coffee, her thoughts were mixed between not
wanting her grandfather to die, but realizing that he was 85 years old, so he had lived a
good long life and his mental condition was never going to go away. Slowly, the tears
welted up and she started sobbing, trying not to make any noise. Esther reached for a
Im so sorry dear, I know this must be hard. He is very lucky to have you for a grand
Charlie wanted to scream, her mind was running crazy with ideas on how to fix him.
Esther knew that she just had to let her cry for awhile, one of the ladies looked over at
their table and Esther gave her a look to imply that they were ok.
I know I should have waited to tell your mother as its her father, but she seldom comes
to see him.
Charlie knew what Esther was trying to say, forcing herself to calm down she looked up
at Esther.
Ill tell her, and the rest of my family. Ill tell them when I get home. Ill come see him
every weekend too, maybe twice a week.
Ok dear, youre a sweet girl, you know youre more than welcome to come and see him
Charlie wanted to run back to her grandfathers room and give him the hug of his life, as
if it would be what he needed to cure him. She wanted to tell him that she loved him, but
knew that he would not understand and possibly get angry at her, not knowing what was
happening. Slowly, the realization sank in that there was nothing she could do, her
grandfather would be dead in no longer than two months away from now. Charlie and
Esther drank their coffees in silence, trickles of tears running down Charlies face the
entire time. When she had finished, Charlie stood up, thanked Esther for buying her a
drink, then turned and left.

Chapter 4

It was well into the night when her mother and father returned from their trip away, they
had not gone away together, but her fathers flight landed half an hour before her
mothers, so he had waited for her at the airport. Victoria had been home, but was too
distracted with her own things to notice that something was wrong with Charlie. As her
mother entered the kitchen, it took her a second to decipher the look on Charlies face.
Whats wrong Charlie?
Charlie could feel her eyes getting hot. She had spent the afternoon thinking of how to
break the news to her mother, then concluded the best thing to do was simply just tell her.
Its grandpa, he has cancer. They say he will be dead in no more than two months.
Charlie could feel the tears running down her face again. Her mother dropped her bags on
the floor and put her hands to her face. At the same time Charlies father walked in.
Whats wrong?!
Charlie looked at her mum, not wanting to have to repeat herself.
Dads got cancer! Her mother said and started sobbing.
Well he is 85 years and lost his rocker! her father said without a hint of emotion.
Charlies mother gave him a cold look but said nothing.

Victoria came running into the kitchen, even though she was at home with her family, she
still looked like she was about to walk down a red carpet at a fashion show.
Whats wrong mum?! Victoria asked when she noticed her mother crying.
Your grandfather has cancer Victoria. Her father replied, still with no emotion.
Victoria immediately started crying as well, which Charlie couldnt help but sneer at.
You havent bothered to go see him for more than 3 years, as if you really care about
him! Charlie wanted to scream this at her sister, but there really wasnt much point.
After a few moments her mother calmed down, Charlie stood in the middle of the
kitchen, knowing there was more she needed to tell them.
What kind of cancer is it Charlie, did they tell you? Her mother asked.
Its pancreatic cancer, so there is no way they can stop it or take it out.
You dont know that! Victoria protested, more out of wanting to prove Charlie wrong
then hoping for a cure for her grandfather. Before Charlie could reply, her father spoke
Its pancreatic cancer Victoria, there is no cure. He is as good as dead.
This coming from her father meant to Victoria that it was a more reliable source, which
made her start sobbing again. Charlie had had enough of the situation.
Im going to see him next weekend on Saturday. She felt she didnt need to imply that
everyone come along, so she turned and left.
When she got into her room, she tried her best to calm herself down. Taking a deep
breath and exhaling slowly, she sat on her bed and looked over at her book case. On the
bottom shelf under all her travel books, there was a photo album her mum had made for
her when she turned 21. The album was a timeline of Charlies life, with photos taken
minutes after she was born, right up to when she had turned 21. About four pages in there
was a picture of her when she was a little girl sitting on her grandfathers lap. He was
holding out a newspaper and reading it to her. Charlie had always liked this picture, it
was taken about a year before her grandmother had died and her grandfather started to
lose his mind. Both of them hadnt noticed the camera, so Charlie was staring at the
newspaper with an interested look on her face and her grandfathers had his mouth half
open, part way through reading a sentence to her. Charlie stared at the photo for a long
moment, than closed the photo album. She brought it up to her chest and hugged it
tightly. Feeling more tears coming on, she closed her eyes and lay down on her bed. She
was still hugging the album when she drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 5

It was Saturday morning and Charlie was getting ready to go and see her grandfather. No
one in her family had mentioned whether or not they were going to see him with her, so
at this moment as far as she knew she was going alone. Just as she finished getting
dressed, in her own style of clothing, there was a faint knock at the door.
Charlies door opened slowly and her mother stepped into her room.
Ready to go dear?
Yeah but, I didnt think you were coming with me.
We are all going to see him today dear, we are leaving in about ten minutes.
Even Victoria?!

Charlies mum frowned.
Yes dear, even Victoria. We are going to see your grandfather so please behave. And
you should change your clothes too.
Charlie felt herself get angry at this.
I have gone and seen granddad ten times more than anyone in this family since he got
sick, I know how to behave around him. You should be mentioning that to Victoria, not
me mum. Charlie gave her mother a stern look to show that she was offended by what
her mother had said.
Just behave.
Charlies mum turned and walked out of her room. Charlie contemplated going alone and
taking a bus to her grandfathers, but figured it was more convenient and cheaper to go in
the car with her family. For some reason her mother was in a bad mood. Charlie thought
about it for a moment then realized that her mother is about to see her soon to be dead
father, which made her wish she hadnt snapped at her mother for telling her to behave.
Also, convincing her father to go would have been very hard work.

When everyone was getting into the car Charlie couldnt help but laugh to herself about
how her family was dressed. Her father was in a black suit with white pin-strips running
vertically up and down, he wore a suit everyday he had to work, but not normally during
family business, tending to dress in Ralph Lauren polo shirts with a jumper wrapped over
his shoulders. Her mother was in a tight, but not revealing black dress that made her look
like she was going to a funeral and Victoria was in a skin tight blue mini skirt with a
peach button down top and high heels that she was clearly having trouble walking in. All
of this made Charlie laugh, then she thought about what she was wearing. Because she
was spending the day with her mother, she had to wear her choice of clothes which
meant she was wearing a long white dress with blue flowers that fitted her loosely but
still made her look like she was going to a million dollar ball. She hated being in public
in this kind of clothing as the looks people gave her were either I want to tap that or
she is so in love with herself that its pathetic. Both those lines she had heard people say
in the past. Her grandfathers illness meant that he saw just about everybody in an army
uniform, but even so she felt embarrassed at the idea of him seeing her dressed like this.
The car ride in was a quite one, her father was intently listening to the news on the radio,
her mother was staring out the window and seemed to be in a trance, as if preparing
herself for what was about to happen and Victoria was busy texting a million people at a
million miles an hour on her phone, the constant tapping of her fake nails on her iPhone
was irritating to say the least. Once the news had finished on the radio her father spoke
I think we should go in one at a time to see him.
As if broken from her trance, her mother turned to look at him.
Yes dear, maybe thats a good idea she replied.
I dont want to go in alone! What if he goes crazy and tries to attack me or something?
Victoria seemed to know nothing of her grandfathers illness. Charlie stirred in her seat,
but kept her mouth closed as she knew her sister was too stubborn and/or too stupid to be
taught anything about her grandfathers illness. She remembered her mother telling her to
behave, Charlie could now see what her mother was referring to.

Dont be silly Victoria, he has never done anything like that to anyone, so hes not going
to do it to you, her mothers voice was stern and a little angry.
You dont know that, his condition could have gotten worse since I last saw him.
Charlie felt hot with anger, she was about to snap at her sister but her father beat her to it.
Victoria! He lost his marbles and is a weak old man. So shut up!
Victoria looked offended by her fathers words, but was too scared to reply to him.
Victoria looked down at her phone and started texting again at a million miles an hour,
her father shifted the rear view back and the rest of the car ride was in complete silence.

When they entered the asylum Charlie smiled at Esther, who had a bit of a shocked look
on her face. Charlie wasnt sure if this was because her family had bothered to come this
time or because of the clothes she was wearing. She hoped it was the first.
Hello everybody, you are all dressed so well! Victoria is that you? Its been so long I
almost didnt recognize you, but at least Im good with names or I would have forgotten
you entirely.
Charlie couldnt help but smirk at this which Esther noticed and loved. Luckily Charlie
was behind Victoria so she didnt notice.
Hello Esther, is my father still in the same room? Charlies mum asked in the posh
accent like she was talking to someone beneath her. Charlie hated how her mother did
this and while growing up she made sure she did not acquire this trait.
He certainly is. The last room on your right, up on the top floor.
Charlies father turned to look at Victoria, then turned back to Esther.
Has his condition gotten any worse? It seemed as though he was as worried as Victoria.
Um, do you mean his brain or his cancer?
His brain. Charlies father was taken aback by how forward Esther was being.
Then no, there has been no change mentally for about a year now.
Charlies father turned back to Victoria, but said nothing.
Victoria was about to say something when Esther spoke up, her voice bursting with
It is a good idea to go in one by one, I was about to suggest that. And you all remember
that you need to act as a private from the army and
Yes, yes we remember all of that Charlies mother rudely cut Esther off.
Ok excellent, well after youve all signed in youre welcome to go up. Esther didnt
seem angry at being rudely cut off, it seems that years working behind a reception at an
asylum had meant shed met all kinds of people and knew how to handle different
personalities. Charlie almost felt like she needed to apologize for her family and how
rude they can be, but didnt get the chance. Esther knew Charlie and never asked her to
sign in, so she thought it funny that she had asked her family due to how little they came
to the asylum.
I want to go first. Victoria seemed to feel she had the right to be the first to go and see
him. Charlie really saw no need to object, she would get her chance to see her
Ok dear, Charlie you go after, then you dear Charlies mum looked at her husband who
thought for a second, then nodded.
I want to go last because after I see him Ill want to go straight home. Her mother was
already wiping away tears from her eyes.

Charlie watched as Victoria walked towards the elevator. She hoped her sister would
manage to stay in the proper character in order to keep her grandfather from getting angry
from not knowing who she was and what was happening. After less then ten minutes
Victoria was back sobbing loudly. Charlie was a bit put off by how quickly her sister was
back from meeting with her grandfather, but when she thought about it she didnt seem
that surprised. Charlies mother helped Victoria into a seat facing the reception.
I didnt know what to say when he asked who I was, so I told him I was his sister. He
said that he didnt have a sister then thought I was a Nazi spy!
Charlie didnt know whether to laugh or feel sorry for her sisters stupidity. Victoria
should have remembered that grandpa didnt have any brothers or sisters.
Its ok dear, Charlies mother did her best to calm Victoria down, but Victoria kept
sobbing loudly into her hands. Charlie looked over at Esther who had the biggest smirk
on her face. Esther was holding down so much laughter that it looked as though her head
would burst.
Im going to head up now, Ill calm him down a bit Charlie kept her composure until
she was in the elevator, then she burst out laughing. She thought that maybe she could be
heard, but she really wasnt that worried.

When she got to her grandfathers door she knocked like she always did and called out
her name. There was a long pause until she heard her grandfather respond.
Enter! Charlie thought his voice sounded like it was on high alert, so she responded by
opening the door slower then she normally would. When the door was opened all the way
Charlie found her grandfather sitting facing the door instead of the window, something
she had never seen him do before. His eyes were fixed in a stern glare that pierced into
Charlies mind and he had his hand on his hip like Marek had done when Charlie met
A Nazi spy was here not moments ago private, claimed to be my sister.
I know captain, I was sent here to tell you this information, but somehow the spy beat
me here.
Charlies grandfather smiled a confident, cocky smile. Do not worry about me private, I
can spot a Nazi spy a country mile away. Not only was the spy dressed absurdly but she
said she was my sister, I dont even have a bloody sister! Those Nazis dont know their
arses from their elbows.
Charlie couldnt help herself and burst out laughing, loud enough that it was as if the
walls shook. She was about to stop, thinking that she might upset her grandfather, but
when she saw the grin on his face that seemed to stretch from ear to ear, she continued
for a little bit longer. Her thoughts wondering what Esthers reaction would have been if
she heard him say that.
Anyway private, what news from the commanding officers?
Charlie stopped laughing when she remembered the real reason why her and her family
was here. The entire week she had been thinking about her grandfathers cancer, but the
thought never crossed her mind as to whether or not she, or anyone for that matter, should
tell him. Realizing she had stayed quiet for too long, she quickly summed up how she
could ask him if he knew anything.
Sir, the commanding officers have sent me here today to ask you about your health sir.

My health? her grandfather sounded both amused and puzzled.
Yes sir, you have been stationed at your post for some time now, they are concerned that
maybe your health may be of some concern. Charlie kept a serious expression on her
face and kept her back straight, but her mind was smiling as she praised herself for
thinking this entire scenario up on the spot. Her grandfather turned to stare out the
window, which made Charlie feel at ease. It felt like a full minute went past before he
spoke again.
I appreciate the commanding officers concern for my health private, but please tell them
not to worry about me. I will not falter in my mission here, even if my health starts to
Charlie felt her eyes get hot, she did everything she could to keep her tears down. It looks
as though no one has told him about the cancer. Or if they have he has forgotten about it.
As these thoughts went through her mind, Charlies grandfather leaned back in his chair
and let out a long sigh.
Besides private, since the commanding officers have sent me Private Marek, if anything
my health has improved. He sends me the right provisions at precisely the same time
every day. I havent even thought about my health since he was sent here to aid me.
Charlie had wanted to find out more about the young man that was looking after her
grandfather, and even though she wanted to explain to him about his cancer, she figured
that changing the topic might be a good idea.
When did Private Marek first come to your aid sir?
Hmmm, must have been about six months ago. When they told me that I would be
tended to by a new private, I was reluctant to the idea at first. But, when I found out his
name was Marek, a proper Polish name, I knew I could trust him.
Charlie thought about the worker that helped her grandfather last year before Marek had,
she was an old jaded lady who never bothered to role play. When she barged in she
would simply throw his tray of food on his table. Her grandfather would ask who she was
and she would either ignore him or say something like Im a maid and youre in an
asylum Harold, stop with this nonsense!. Charlie did not like this lady at all, she had told
Esther once about the way her grandfather was being treated, but Esther said there was
not much she could do because this lady had been working at the asylum since it opened
and there was really no way she was going to get fired unless something serious
happened. Now that Charlie had thought about it, she hadnt seen that lady for a while,
meaning that she was hopefully gone.
Anyway private, please tell the commanding officers that I am in fine health.
Charlie looked down at her feet, how do you tell someone that they have less than two
months to live? Charlie knew that she wouldnt be able to hold back her tears for much
longer. She was about to say that she had to leave when her grandfather started talking
It would be nice if one of the commanding officers came to see me, it has been awhile
since I have had a visit from any of them. But, I guess they must be very busy, so I do not
fault them.
Charlie could feel that she was about to break down and came up with an idea to excuse
Actually sir, one of the commanding officers should be on his way sometime soon to see
you. I will go and see for you when he plans too see you sir.

Thank you private, that would be most appreciated.
Charlie saluted to her grandfather and was out the door as quick as a flash. She stood in
the hallway with her back on her grandfathers door and pulled out her mobile phone.

To: Mum

Tell dad Im done and he can start heading up. I told grandpa that a commanding officer
was coming to see him, so please let dad know to say that he is a commanding officer.
Im going to find my own way home so dont wait for me.

She kept her mobile phone in her hand as she walked to the fire exit. As she pushed the
fire exit door open her phone vibrated in her hand. She was worried at how her father
would treat her grandfather. But, if he had the higher position, maybe it would be better
for her grandfather to take her fathers ways.

From: Mum


Charlies mum was far from being phone savvy, so this message alone would have taken
some serious concentration. Charlie put her phone back in her pocket and walked up the
fire exit to the roof.

Chapter 6

When Charlie pushed the fire exit door open the sunshine came flooding in. She quickly
closed the door and ran to the other end of the roof, the room on the top floor next to the
elevator. When he was healthier, she would sometimes sit on the roof with her
grandfather. Even though he liked being there because it gave him more of a view for
sighting Nazis, Charlie liked it because it made her feel like she was on a picnic with
her grandfather as they would have lunch on the roof sometimes. When she made it to the
far corner of the roof, she fell to her knees and let out all the tears she was holding in
while in her grandfathers room. She cried with such force her chest ached and her head
spun. She continued crying like this for about a minute. She then sat up and hugged her
knees, facing out so she could see the view from the roof. She was still crying, though
now it was quieter sobs that she was attempting to control. Her thoughts were racing
with what she could do to help her father when she heard footsteps approaching behind
her. She turned to see a young man dressed in a plain light grey shirt and tight blue jeans.
It took her a minute to make out who it was.
Are you ok?! Marek asked when he was closer
Charlie didnt know what to say, she knew her face must have looked horrible with red
raw eyes and puffy cheeks. She stayed seated but turned her head to face the view once
How did you know I was up here?
I heard a noise, like someone screaming above me, so I ran out to check. Its Charlie

Charlies eyes widened and she nodded slightly. He remembers my name. Marek saw her
Your grandfather talks about you a lot, thats how I remember your name.
Upon hearing this, Charlie felt a rush of emotion hit her and she started crying loudly
again. Marek, not sure of what to do, moved closer to her and sat down, facing the view
as well.
Is everything ok?
Charlie did her best to calm herself down, after about half a minute she found her voice
Has Esther told you about my granddad?
Marek turned to look at her and Charlie did the same. Marek searched her face to make
sure she knew the same thing he did. Upon realizing that she did, he gave a slight nod.
Im sorry Marek didnt really know what to do or say. He was not usually around when
someone would pass away and the family would come to be informed, this was
something left to the head nurse as she was better with showing her sympathy. Charlie
turned her head to face the view again. There was a long pause until a thought struck her.
How come youre here anyway? I mean I didnt recognize you at first not in your work
clothes and all. Why are you here if its your day off?
Marek didnt turn to face her, in fact his expression didnt change at all.
I live here, in the room underneath us right now. Thats how I heard you.
Charlie gave him a puzzled look, but Marek didnt turn to face her so he did not see it,
though Marek could have guessed her reaction anyway.
Anyway, Im sorry that I ran up here, I thought maybe one of the patients had found
their way up here by mistake and then gotten scared when they didnt know where they
were. said Marek.
Thats ok, I cant exactly be mad at you. If I heard the sounds of someone screaming on
a roof I would wonder what the hell was going on as well.
Marek smiled at her, than got to his feet.
Well, I dont want to be a nuisance as long as youre ok?
Charlie paused for a second, then smiled and nodded to Marek. A part of her wanted him
to stay to have someone to talk to, but as these thoughts were going through her head
Marek was already halfway to the door. Charlie watched him walk all the way to the
door, then turned to face the view once again.

After about an hour Charlie was down from the roof and walking past the reception.
Esther gave her a smile and Charlie wanted to tell her what her grandfather had said
about Victoria, but decided that she liked the idea of it being something only she knew
that had happened.
Your family has been gone for a while dear, your mother was in hysterics.
Charlie pictured her mother being a wailing mess, possibly worse than she was, and was
glad she didnt drive home with her. Her father would have been telling her to stop
crying. Charlie smiled and turned to leave, then a thought hit her and she turned back to
Oh by the way, why does Marek live here?
Esthers eyes widened for a moment than half closed as if trying to find something out.
How do you know that?

I was cry I was on the roof when he came up. I asked him why he was here if he
wasnt working, he wasnt in his uniform. Then he said he lived in that room on the top
floor next to the elevator.
Esther listened intently to what Charlie was saying, then she paused for a moment once
Charlie had finished, as if summing up what was said.
His parents live in the country, so he is staying here. He works full time and couldnt
find anywhere to live so we told him he could live here.
Ah ok, that makes sense. Charlie replied with little thought. She smiled at Esther, who
smiled back, then turned and left.

When Charlie got home she found her mother in the lounge room with a box of tissues.
Her face looked long and her eyes were glazed over as if she was in a trance until she
noticed Charlie standing in the doorway.
Where have you been dear? I was a bit worried when you said that you didnt want to
come home with us.
I just needed some time to myself mum.
Her mother thought for a second then smiled as if to say that she knew what Charlie was
saying and Charlie didnt have to explain herself. Charlie had found she could talk to her
mother about almost anything, because even though she was always making sure to retain
her status, she was still her mother who would be there for her when she needed her.
Now, it seemed to Charlie, that she should be there for her mother. Moving to the couch
she sat next to her mum.
Wheres dad?
Was called and had to go out of town for some important business related issue. Her
mother did her best to hide her anger over this, but Charlie could sense it and could
hardly blame her for it.
He did well talking to dad, sorry, your grandpa. When I went in grandpa seemed very
happy that a commanding officer had come to see him at his post. Her mothers mood
seemed to lift a little as she spoke these words. Charlie thought about how her father
would have acted. The question she wanted to ask was a difficult one. She turned to her
mother and spoke slowly.
Did he recognize you at all?
Her mother didnt turn to face her, rather she began to stare off in the distance again.
Then, almost as if a light switch went of in her head, her mothers face screwed up and
she started crying loudly into the handful of tissues she was holding. Charlie, feeling both
sorry and stupid, put her arm around her mother. She turned and hugged Charlie tightly,
crying into her shoulder.

Chapter 7

Charlie woke up early on the Saturday, eager to go and see her grandfather again. She got
ready as quickly as she could, both her mother and father were away for the weekend so
she was able to wear the clothes she wanted.
Im going to buy him some rocky road chocolate bars today and surprise him! Charlie
seemed to sing this to herself as she fixed her hair in the mirror. Before he got sick
Charlie used to love sharing a rocky road chocolate bar with her grandfather. He would

get a knife and cut the bar in half for the two of them, sometimes in three if Victoria was
there, and always give Charlie the biggest piece. Victoria never seemed interested in
grandpas stories or listening to him read the newspaper so she never deserved the biggest
piece. When she was young, it would take Charlie a long time to chew the marshmallow
inside the chocolate bar, which she loved doing as the sweet flavor never seemed to
disappear, no matter how many times she chewed it.

When she got to the chocolate shop, Charlie took a long time looking at the different
rocky road chocolates. She wanted to make sure she got the best one for her grandfather.
There was a Swiss brand which had bars about 6 inches long and was a little more
expensive than the rest. She figured that because it was Swiss it must have been very
good quality.
Buying this for a special someone? The lady behind the counter seemed to be in a good
mood and one who loved small talk. Charlie thought for a second then gave her a big, full
toothed smile.
Yes I am, a very special someone.

When she got to the asylum Esther was at her usual post behind the reception counter. It
seemed that she never really had a day off. The look she gave Charlie when she walked in
made it look as though she had been waiting for her.
Morning Esther Charlie gave Esther a big smile. But, when Esther didnt smile back,
Charlies face changed so that she was very puzzled. Esther called for someone to take
over at the reception, then came out to stand in front of Charlie. Charlie searched her face
to try and figure out what was wrong, forcing herself to not think the worst.
Charlie, Im afraid your grandfather has gotten worse far quicker than the doctors first
thought he would. Esthers eyes were fixed on Charlie as she said this, but she could not
hide her sadness.
What do you mean?
We have had to hook him up to an oxygen tank, this week he has drifted in and out of
sleep virtually every hour. I dont want you to be alarmed dear, but he may not recognize
Charlie felt a lump in her throat and swallowed hard in an attempt to push it down.
You are still welcome to go up and see him, if he is asleep though we ask that you dont
wake him. Esther looked down at the bag Charlie was holding, it was a clear plastic bag
so Esther could see that it had chocolates in it. Esthers eyes showed both pity and
Im sorry Charlie, but he wont be able to have any of that chocolate either.
Charlie looked down at her bag, thinking for a moment. She looked back up at Esther,
nodded her head and walked towards the elevator.

While heading up the elevator Charlies mind was racing with what she was about to see.
She pictured her grandfather sitting in his chair, looking out the window with an oxygen
tank at his side. She then thought of him turning towards her and asking who she was.
Charlie could feel her eyes getting hot and shook her head violently in an attempt to force
these thoughts out of her head. The lift opened at her grandfathers floor and she walked

slowly towards his door. She paused for a moment, then put a serious expression on her
face and knocked loudly on his door.
Private Charlie reporting sir!
Charlie waited for awhile, then when there was no reaction from inside the room she
checked to see if the door was unlocked. It was, and Charlie slowly opened the door.
What she saw inside made her heart skip a beat and the lump in her throat felt like it had
doubled in size. Her grandfather was lying on his back in his bed, with his arms strapped
to his sides and his legs strapped down at either ends of the bed. There was an oxygen
mask standing upright next to his bed, which had a tube that ran out of it and into both
her grandfathers nostrils. His eyes were closed, Charlie could feel her heart pounding in
her chest. She crept over to the side of his bed until she was standing over him. She felt
some slight relief when she realized that he was still breathing. She was told by Esther
not to wake him if he was asleep, so Charlie just stood over him silently, looking at each
of the straps that were holding him down.
He was getting frightened about what was happening to him, so much so that he was
becoming unstable, so they had to strap him down. Charlie didnt turn around, she knew
the voice was Esthers. There was a long pause, Esther didnt move from the doorway
and Charlie didnt move at all, she just kept staring at her grandfather.
Do they know how much longer he has?
No, but the cancer has spread into his lungs, which is why he has the oxygen tank.
Charlie felt herself get hot. Why dont they still know! They keep saying how sick he is,
but they dont say a damn thing about what they are doing about it or anything! She
wanted to scream these thoughts at Esther, but knew that there was no point. There was
another long moment of silence, then Charlie turned to face Esther.
Ill be down in a bit.
Esther thought for a moment of what Charlie was trying to say, then nodded her head
slowly and closed the door. With that, Charlie started sobbing, hard sobs that she did her
best to keep quiet, though they still made a sharp, hard sound. She turned to look at her
grandfather for a long moment, then turned for the door and headed for the roof.

When Charlie got to the roof she ran as fast as she could to the far end of the roof and
dropped to her knees, letting her tears come as loud and hard as they wanted. This is it, I
wont see him again, this is it! These thoughts continued to run through her head. When
Charlie calmed down she turned to look at the view and noticed a piece of paper that was
weighed down by a stone. Puzzled, Charlie picked it up and opened it.

I know it wont be easy to see your grandpa today, but dont worry I wont come
running up again if I hear someone crying on the roof.
Im sorry if I embarrassed you last time, I just didnt know what was going on.
Ill be in my room if you want someone to talk to.



P.S. The view from that part of the roof is great isnt it? I sometimes come up at night
and look at the stars and all the lights below.

Charlie looked at the note and tried her best to smile. She thought about how much her
grandfather seemed to like Marek and realized that all this must be hard for him as well,
even if he wasnt a family member. She turned to look at the door, as if waiting for it to
open and Marek to come running out. After a long moment when the door didnt open,
Charlie figured he wasnt coming up. The thought crossed her mind about going down
and knocking on his door, but she couldnt bring herself to do it. Turning back to face the
view, she pulled one of the rocky road chocolates from the plastic bag, opened it and
began eating, all the while large tears continued to stream down her face.

Chapter 8

At 5:45pm on Wednesday the 18
of November, a phone call came to Charlies house
which made her mother fall to her knees. The call was from the asylum to inform the
family that Harold had passed away. Charlie didnt act shocked, unlike the rest of her
family, she had seen the condition her grandfather was in on the weekend. No one really
knew what to do, Victoria and Charlies mother sat on the couch in the living room
crying into each other and her father, the wealthy, busy connected man that he is, started
to make calls so the funeral would be on Saturday of this week. Charlie, the thought of
how her grandfather had looked strapped down to his bed, hooked up to an oxygen tank,
said nothing to no one and walked up to her room. She had pulled her favorite photo of
her and her grandfather out and had it on her bedside table. Each night before she went to
bed she would look at the photo and smile, the pleasant memories lulling her to sleep.
Tonight, however, she picked up the photo and lay down on her back. She stared at the
photo for a moment, than hugged it to her chest as tightly as she could. Eventually,
though it seemed a lifetime for her, Charlie cried herself to sleep.

* *

Charlie woke early on Saturday morning to the knocking at her door. She had not been
sleeping well since the news of her grandfather, so the knocking did not wake her up.
Hello? Charlie more or less whispered.
Her mother slowly opened Charlies bedroom door, she was already dressed in the same
black dress she had worn when she went to see her father.
Charlie, we are leaving in about an hour and a half. I wanted to give you as much notice
as possible as Victoria still has to get ready as well.
Charlie knew that her mother was politely saying if you dont get into the shower now
Victoria will be in in the bathroom until we leave. Charlie smiled at her mother, Ill get
up now then.
Ok dear, your dress is all ready to go, I put it in the bathroom for you.
Charlies mother had been pestering Charlie to go with her to get a new dress for the
funeral, it would seem a new dress for Charlie was more important to her mother than a
new dress for herself, but Charlie was in no mood to go clothes shopping with her
mother. Instead, Charlie gave her mother one of her dresses and said get a dress thats

this size and black and Ill wear it to the funeral. Her mother wasnt too happy with this,
but knew that once Charlie had her mind made up about this sort of thing, there was no
point arguing. Plus, her mother was allowed to choose the style.

When Charlie walked into the bathroom where the dress her mother had gotten her stood
out completely. This was mostly because the entire bathroom, floor to ceiling, was a
pearly white that was forever immaculately clean. With no job, Charlies mum was a
stay at home wife who would routinely clean each day.
The dress her mother had gotten her looked to be long enough to cover her knees and
would also cover her shoulders. Being entirely black as well, Charlie felt it was
appropriate for a funeral and was satisfied with her mothers shopping skill. Charlie took
an unusually long time for her to get ready, it was her grandfathers funeral after all and
she felt that she should look her best for him. Her mind had been racing through the night
with thoughts of how today would go. She had only been to one other funeral, her

When her family arrived at the funeral home reception they were the first there. Her
mother had been eager to get going and had been pestering Victoria (who was without a
doubt always the last to be ready) to hurry up so they could get going. Victoria looked
around and gave her mother a filthy look we are the first here mum, I would have had
way more time in order to get ready if you werent so pushy.
Shit it Victoria! Her fathers voice was low yet very stern.
Charlie couldnt believe that her sister was going to act this way while her mothers
father was being put to rest today. Its hard to even think we are from the same family
Charlie thought to herself. The young man working at the reception was clean cut with a
store bought haircut. He was short and even though he was well presented, it was clear
by his glassy eyes that he had a big night last night. Charlie hoped that she was the only
one to notice this. Once he had checked his paperwork, as he had put it, the young man
led them into where the funeral would take place.

Inside the room there were rows of chairs that Charlie estimated would seat about 100
people (they didnt know how many to expect, so her father had just booked for 100
seats). Each chair had a small memoir with a photo of her grandfather that was taken the
day he had left for the army. What a handsome man he was when he was younger. It had
been awhile since Charlie had seen a picture of her grandfather when he was younger, but
she always thought he was handsome. There was a rise about a half a foot high where the
stage started, her grandfathers casket was in the middle of the stage, set upon a table that
had a dark red cloth thrown over it. To the right of the casket was the same picture on the
memoir that had been blown up to A1 size. Underneath were the words in loving
memory of Harold Charles Westshire. As Charlie was reading this, a short round man
who looked to be around 55 walked into the room wearing a black suit that fitted him a
little too snuggly. His bald head was immaculately polished, Charlie noticed more than
anything how calm and honest his eyes looked. He stopped short of everyone and gave a
big sympathetic smile, looking lastly at Charlies mother.
My name is Douglass, I will be hosting this ceremony. I am sorry for your loss.

Charlies mother gave the best smile she could back at him and her father went over to
shake his hand. After he had introduced himself, he went straight into business.
I have gone over the procedures, but I would like to re-check them with you before we
Charlies mother nodded and she walked over to the left side of the stage where the
lectern was situated. Charlie went and sat in the front row of all the chairs, slightly to the
left of the stage. Victoria came and sat next to her. Neither of them spoke, Victoria
started quietly sobbing while reading the memoir and Charlie stared at the casket in the
middle of the stage, her thoughts entirely on the man inside the casket.

One by one people showed up, there were people from Charlies extended family who
she would never see unless something like this was happening, people who knew her
grandfather from the army who came in full uniform (though it seemed their old uniforms
had been altered to fit their current, more robust size) and others Charlie did not know.
All in all is looked as though about 80 people were here. Charlie could hear her father
complaining about how he had paid for 100.

The ceremony started and Charlie merely sat and listened. Her mother and Victoria were
doing enough crying, so Charlie made sure she held her tears back. During a song that
was one of her grandfathers favorites there was a slideshow of photos. Some of the
photos had Charlie in it which made her feel both incredibly proud, but also incredibly
sad. She had hoped and felt she was always an important part of her grandfathers life,
and as she looked at these photos, it was clear to her that she was. During the slide show
Charlie looked around to see if she recognized any of the late comers that had snuck in
once the ceremony had stared. A good portion of the chairs were full. Charlie had
counted that there were ten rows of chairs with five seats on either side. The first three
rows were completely full on either side, as Charlie turned her head more she noticed
someone was sitting in the last row on the right hand side. Marek, Charlie hadnt
recognized him at first as he was now in a suit. The suit he was wearing was black, he
had a dark blue shirt on that didnt really work with his suit and a black tie. He had had
his hair cut for the funeral, it was short and straight with no hair product in it. All in all,
Charlie thought he looked very handsome, even though she felt he could do with a
womens touch in regards to fashion tips. Although Charlie knew that term was
different for every women. Charlie was a bit surprised to see him sitting by himself as she
had hoped Esther would attend her grandfathers funeral as well. She wanted to go sit
with him, but didnt want to upset her mother or put a halt to the ceremony in anyway.
She figured the best thing to do was to talk to him after the ceremony as he wouldnt
know anyone.

After the ceremony there was an open casket for people to go and say goodbye to
Charlies grandfather one last time. Charlie gave a quick thought and simply couldnt
bring herself to view the open casket, the thought of how her grandfather had looked the
week before, strapped down and breathing through an oxygen tank, had poisoned her
mind all week, she did not want the view of his lifeless corpse poisoning her mind any
further, she wanted the happy memories to come back to her as quickly as possible.
When her family went to view the open casket she slipped away to find Marek, she had

figured because he didnt know anyone he would be either around the food or sitting
somewhere outside by himself. She searched the room that was filled with food, but
found only her extended relatives that never bothered to visit her grandfather once,
scoffing down as much free food as possible. She searched all outside and only found her
grandfathers friends from the army who were busy smoking the last years of their life
away. Maybe he had to work this afternoon and headed back to the asylum once the
ceremony was over. Once Charlie had come to this conclusion, she sat down by herself
and read over the memoir of her grandfather.

Chapter 9

A week had passed since her grandfathers funeral and for Charlie things were slowly
getting back to normal. Her father was out of town on business, her mother was spending
the day doing her cleaning and rich ladies luncheons and Victoria was somewhere.
Charlie had spent at least two Saturdays a month visiting her grandfather and felt a little
unsure of what to do now it was Saturday and he was gone. While preparing breakfast
Charlie noticed that there was a note for her on the fridge from her mum. She pulled it off
the fridge and began reading it.


Your grandfather left two suits to a Marek, do you know who that is? Is he a real
person? Or just part of his illness?

Charlie was not surprised that her mother didnt know Marek. But she was very happy
that her grandfather had left two suits for him. She was about to text her mum to find out
where the suits were when she found them in the living room thrown over the arm of a
sofa. Charlie picked them up and headed for the door, a huge smile beaming on her face.

When Charlie walked into the asylum she was happy to see Esther behind the reception
desk as it made things feel normal.
You werent at the funeral. Charlie made sure not to sound mad or disappointed when
asking this question, though she hadnt made up her mind yet on whether or not she
should be.
No dear, sorry but they couldnt find anyone else to work, the young girls always want
to make sure they have Saturday off. Marek went though, did you see him?
Yeah I saw him during the ceremony, but I didnt see him anywhere after, I wanted to
talk to him as he wouldnt have known anyone there.
Esther did not change the expression on her face, but her eyes danced as if making out
that she was forcing her expression to stay the same.
Yes well, we were short staffed that day, so I called him and asked him if he could come
in and work.
Charlie felt Esthers voice sounded different and that she was talking faster then normal,
before she could really distinguish anything, Esther spoke up again.
Whats in the bag dear? Esther nodded towards the bag Charlie was carrying. Charlie
looked down and remembered what she had come to the asylum for in the first place.

Oh, granddad left something for Marek in his will, its just some of granddads old suits
he used to wear. I dont even know if they will fit him. Charlie wanted to keep talking as
if it would push the thought that her granddad was no longer here out of her head. Esther
gave her a sympathetic smile.
Well, Im going to go and give these to Marek. Charlie turned and headed for the
elevator, the way Esther was acting made her think that she was going to try and stop her
if she hung around the reception.

When Charlie got to the top floor, she stepped out of the elevator and stared down the
hallway. That door at the end hes not there anymore hes not there. In order to
change her thoughts she quickly went to Mareks door and knocked harder then she had
intended to. Feeling slightly stupid and embarrassed by her loud knocking, Charlie took a
step back from Mareks door, not really knowing what difference this action would make,
if any at all. Come to think of it, I hardly know this guy. What exactly am I going to say or
talk to him about? As Charlie was thinking these thoughts, Mareks door slowly opened.
Hello? Mareks voice made him sound very puzzled, like it had been a long time since
someone has knocked on his door. When he noticed Charlie standing in the hallway, he
became even more puzzled.
Hi, remember me? said Charlie in an uncomfortable voice.
Ha ha, yes I remember you Charlie, whats up? Mareks smile was warm and his eyes
were welcoming, which made Charlie relax a little.
My granddad left something for you in his will. Charlie held out the bag with her
grandfathers old suits in them.
Really?! Thats so nice of him! Marek sounded shocked that there was something left
for him in Charlies grandfathers will. He took the bag from Charlie and peered into it,
his face filled with wonder. There was a slight pause, then Marek quickly looked back up
at Charlie. He turned to one side and gestured with one hand for Charlie to come inside.
Well, come on in. Ill make you some tea. Mareks voice was warm, but still Charlie
paused for a moment before entering. She had not even thought that she would go into his
room, the thought of just leaving the suits at reception with Esther only just entering her
head. Even so, Charlie came to the conclusion that her grandfather always said how good
a person Marek was (although he had said it in his own army way). Charlie smiled at
Marek and walked into his room.

Once Charlie was inside Mareks room she stood frozen still in the center, her eyes wide
and her mouth opened even wider. All over Mareks walls were posters of places in the
world. Places like the Eiffel Tower, the Coliseum and the Pyramids. There were various
other posters of places that Charlie had seen but at the moment could not name. Marek
closed the door to his room and stood watching Charlie as she slowly turned around his
Theres not much here, but make yourself at home. Marek walked over to the corner
where he had a kettle and a toaster, on his bedside table.
I only have green tea, is that ok? When there was no response, Marek turned to face
Charlie, who was still in awe at the posters on his wall.

Just then Charlie realized that shed been gawking around Mareks room and must have
looked like a fool.
Oh yes, thats fine thanks.
Marek smiled and turned back to his kettle, filling it up with a bottle of water he had
taken out of a cupboard.
Charlie looked around a little and saw a seat in the left corner of the room and decided
she would sit there. When she sat down she realized that the chair was on a swivel and
was able to turn a full 360 degrees. Upon realizing this, Charlie slowly turned from side
to side to have a look of Mareks room some more. His room was impressively clean,
aside from the bed being unmade, but there were no dirty clothes on the floor or anything
like that. Mareks computer was turned on with YouTube opened on a web browser,
Charlie assumed that Marek must have been on his computer before she had shown up.
She turn to face Marek, who had now set the kettle to boil and was sitting himself down
on his bed, facing Charlie. Mareks room was so small, so there was only about a meter
between them. As he sat down he picked up the bag with grandfathers old suits in them.
So, what exactly did your grandpa leave me anyway? Marek asked.
Some of his old suits, he had written in his will that they were for you.
Marek looked up at Charlie and gave a low, deep laugh. Charlie smiled back at him, not
sure what to make of his reaction.
That sure is kind of him, every now and then when I would bring him his provisions he
would ask me if I had someone special yet. Every time I would tell him no and he would
say that I should dress myself up and hit the town. I always told him that I would.
Marek pulled the suits out of the bag and held them up in front of him. He then brought
them closer and Charlie watched as he intently examined one of the suits.
These are really nice. Like they look as though they have been tailor made. I know your
grandpa left them for me, but did your parents mind me having them?
Charlie thought for a second, then smiled at Marek.
Yeah they dont mind, mum hadnt met you so she thought that maybe you were an
imaginary person my granddad had thought up. Even though there was no part of his
illness that would indicate he would do such a thing. Charlies eyes wandered and Marek
realized that he better change the subject, he had learnt already how useless he was
around a crying girl.
When you walked in you seemed surprised about the posters I have on my walls?
Marek said a little too quickly, which made him worry that Charlie would realize he was
purposely changing topic. She looked back at him, then started looking at the posters on
his wall again.
Yeah well, I have a lot of posters up in my room too of places Id like to visit. Charlie
looked around the room a little bit more, then turned her attention back to Marek.
Have you gone to any of these places?
Marek didnt move for a moment, then slowly looked around his room at his posters,
pausing at each one.
Nah, Ive never left this state. Maybe someday Ill go to one of these places, who
knows? Charlie watched Marek looking around at the posters and felt as if she had asked
something she shouldnt have, though she couldnt figure out why. She was about to say
something when the kettle clicked. Marek did a barrel roll to the other side of his bed and
set about making the tea.

How about yourself? Been overseas at all?
Charlies initial reaction was a short laugh, almost as if it was a rhetorical question.
My father, even though he is hardly ever home, forbids me to travel overseas. He says
its too dangerous for a young girl to travel. Charlie did her best to imitate the way her
father would always say this. Marek was focused on pouring the tea.
I mean Ive explained to him that there are travel groups I can go on, but hes totally
against it. Ive even said I would travel with him, but he is always too busy with his
bloody work! Charlie felt herself get hot and her voice rise slightly as she said the last
part. Marek didnt really know what to say back, so he smiled and handed Charlie her tea.
Sorry, it just gets me so mad. All I really want to do is travel and its something my
father will not, under any circumstances, let me do. Charlie felt she should apologize.
All good, I can imagine that would be pretty annoying, I mean sure the world can be a
bad place, but if you went on a tour youd be ok. said Marek.
Exactly, Ive tried to tell him that over a hundred times. Eventually he just gets mad.
Charlie began to feel she was trailing on, and thought she should ask Marek something.
How about you, are your parents against you travelling overseas?
Marek took a sip of his tea, than rested the tea cup on his right knee. There was nowhere
else to put it in Mareks tiny room.
Well, if they were against it, I wouldnt know. They have both passed away.
Charlies eyes went wide and she felt her heart skip a beat.
Oh, Im sor
Marek held up his hand which stopped Charlie mid-sentence.
Dont, it was years ago and its not like its a touchy subject. Youre sweet to worry, but
there is no need to apologize. Marek smiled as he lowered his hand. Charlie wasnt sure
on what to do, so she smiled back. As she was smiling, a thought crossed her mind.
Whats wrong? Marek could clearly see the confused look on her face.
Well, its just that, Esther told me your parents lived far away which is why you are
living here.
Yeah she does that, shes told everyone that I live far away and normally when people
ask I just roll with it. I dont know why I dont mind telling you, but I guess its because
you dont work here
Charlie was hardly listening as Marek was speaking, her mind was set on something he
had said earlier. He thinks Im sweet? The words made her feel both happy and slightly
puzzled (it had been a long time since someone had called her sweet). Now, as Marek
was talking, she was intently looking at him, remembering his attractiveness and his
seemingly natural warmth. Because he wasnt working today, he was dressed in a tight
V-neck shirt that made Charlie notice his arms (slim but toned) and the shorts he was
wearing also showed that he had slim but toned legs.
Charlie? The sound of her name made Charlie snap out of her deep staring. She replied
too quickly to be embarrassed.
Did you see me at your grandfathers funeral?
Y-yes I did, I was going to talk to you after the ceremony, but I couldnt find you.
Charlie felt her face going red. Did he notice me staring at him? She thought in a panic.
Yeah I had to come back to work, we were short staffed.
But I thought you didnt work on a Saturday.

Well, normally I dont, but we were short staffed that day, so I pitched in to help out.
Marek quickly got up and took his cup over to where his kettle was. He gestured to
Charlie to indicate if she would like a refill, but Charlie smiled and shook her head.
As Marek was re-filling his cup, Charlie took a moment to re-think the thoughts running
through her head. It had been a long time since she was this comfortable alone with a
guy, let alone in his room. To Charlie, Marek seemed like the kind of guy she would like
to get to know a bit better, a feeling that she had not had towards a guy for a long, long
Say Marek, I feel like I should thank you for being so nice to my grandfather for the
entire time you were looking after him. Would you let me take you out to dinner to say
thanks from me and my family? Charlie said this as plainly as she could. Her mother had
always told her that girls never have to ask a boy out, that is their job. As Charlie got
older she realized that her mother had grown up as posh as could be, so her thoughts on
certain things were not thoughts Charlie could agree with. Marek, sat down on the bed
where he was sitting previously and took a long sip of his tea.
Thats very sweet of you Charlie, but you really dont have to do that. Marek was
talking into his tea cup as he was saying this, but when he was finished talking he looked
up at Charlie and gave her a sympathetic smile. This was a first for Charlie, as almost no
guy ever refuses an invitation like this from a girl, as far as she knew. Maybe he has a
girlfriend, or maybe hes gay? Charlie was lost on what to do next, so she stood and
placed her tea cup on the chair she was sitting on (there really wasnt anywhere else to
put it).
Well, I should get going. Charlie said as she turned towards the door.
Wait Charlie Charlie paused and turned to face him.
Look, I would love to go somewhere for dinner with you, it would be great. But, is it ok
if its somewhere nearby to here, like walking distance?
Charlie took a moment to let what Marek had said to sink in, her mind was racing with
reasons why this could be, but she couldnt figure out why he would want to stay so close
to the asylum. Why would anyone want to stay around where they worked? Clueless, she
was still happy to hear that he would like to go to dinner with her. She smiled at him and
Yeah thats fine, Ill be back at seven tonight. Ill meet you at the reception, ok?
Marek smiled.
Yeah that sounds great, Ill see you then. Marek stood up and walked Charlie to his
bedroom door. Once his door was closed Charlie felt a smile stretch across her face. She
had never asked a guy out like this before and the thought that he wanted to have dinner
with her made her feel like she was on the moon. So this is how a guy feels when a girl
says yes to something like a date, no wonder they do it! When she walked past Esther she
simply smiled at her. Esther smiled back, but it was clear on her face that she intently
wanted to know how it all went. Charlie picked up on this but didnt see the need to let
her know, so she kept on walking.

Chapter 10

Charlie had spent all afternoon flicking through her wardrobe (not the one filled with
clothes chosen by her mother), it had been a long time since she had gone out on a date.

To Charlie it was a date, though she had no idea what Marek thought it was. She wanted
to look good, but didnt want to overdo it. She felt that Marek was very nice, but in
reality didnt know him too well. This (to Charlie) made the date all the more exciting as
she was meeting a new person she knew nothing about, something she loved to do and
half the reason she has such a strong desire to travel. As she was trying on her third
wardrobe attempt (skin tight mini skirt and a long brown sweater) her bedroom door flew
Hey can I borrow your body wash? Victorias sentence drifted as she saw all the
clothes thrown across Charlies bed.
What are you getting all dressed up for?
At first Charlie didnt think it was a good idea to tell her sister, but she was too excited
that she wanted to tell someone.
Well, I have a date, a very casual one, but a date all the same.
Victorias eyes grew wide and a huge smile spread across her face.
Ahhhhh!!! Yay finally! Its been so long since you have gone on a date!
Charlie felt a little insulted by Victorias words, but knew that she didnt mean it in the
way it sounded at first.
Its very, very casual though Victoria, so Im just looking to wear something really plain.
In reality Im not even sure if it is a date.
Well, are you going to dinner with a guy? And its just the two of you?
Well, yeah.
Then yes Charlie, its a date, and I would love to help you get ready.
Charlie looked at Victoria for a moment, she knew that Victoria , as good as she was for
things like this, would dress Charlie up to look like she was about to model on a catwalk
in France. Still, Charlie couldnt say no to the expression on Victorias face.
Ok Victoria, but please remember its casual.
Ill make you look as casual as possible while still looking good.

It had been three hours and fifteen minutes when Victoria was finally happy with what
Charlie was wearing. They had not fought at all, though this was mostly from Charlie
being as patient as she could be with her little sister. Now, Charlie was dressed in skin
tight black jeans that she thought made her arse look big (but Victoria assured her it
looked sexy), a tight white shirt that had a black frill V-neck that gave her a hint of
cleavage and flat black shoes (Charlie was never a fan of heels). Charlie felt that she
looked good, as good as she could be. She knew that she could have reached this outfit
without the three hours and fifteen minutes of help from Victoria, but was thankful for
the company all the same. She did love her little sister after all, she just had to guess her
mood every day.
I think this will work perfectly Charlie, you look so good and you dont look like you are
trying to overdo it at all. Victoria was pleased with the final result which, considering
how picky with clothes she is, meant that Charlie really looked good.
Thanks for all the help Victoria, I better get going though. Charlie gave her sister a hug.
Id wish you good luck, but I know youre going to be fine. said Victoria.
Charlie smiled at Victoria, sprayed on some perfume then was out the door.


When Charlie got to the Asylum she was a little early, so she thought that if Esther was
still working she could chat to her until Marek came down. When she walked into the
reception she did not know the girl behind the desk smiling at her. She was a young girl
with an Asian background and short black hair.
Can I help you at all? Her voice was high pitched like a mouse was squeaking.
Im just waiting for someone to come down. Charlie replied with a smile.
The girl behind the desk smiled back and focused her attention back on the computer
screen in front of her. After a moment the door that enters to the reception slowly started
to open.
Bye Vivien Esther called out as she was walking out the door. When she noticed
Charlie she stopped mid stride and her eyes grew wide.
Hi Charlie dear, what brings you here so late at night?
Im Im waiting for Marek, he was so nice to my grandpa that I wanted to thank him,
so Ive invited him out. Charlie did her best to not flush, but she could feel her face
going a little red. Esther stood and looked at Charlie for a moment, her expression
impossible for Charlie to decipher. When Esther finally started talking, she sounded like
a cop who had just pulled over a suspect.
Where are you going?
Just somewhere near by.
Just the two of you?
Well, yeah
What time do you think youll be back here?
Um, well, I dont know, its just dinner so I dont think that long.
Are you walking or taking the bus or taxi?
Where ever we go will be near by, so well walk.
Will you be drinking?
I dont really know. By now Charlie had had enough of Esthers demanding questions.
Is there something I should know Esther?
Esther didnt move or change her expression for a moment, then finally she seemed to go
back to her normal pleasant state.
No dear, I hope you have a wonderful time with Marek. Esther smiled as she said this,
then turned and walked out the door, leaving Charlie completely dumbfounded. She
turned to face Vivian who had a blank look on her, as if what just happened in front of
her was some sort of dream. Charlie slowly sat down on one of the chairs in the
reception, her eyes wide and her head spinning.

After about five minutes the elevator door opened and Marek came quickly out.
Sorry Im a little late I was watching a doco on the Amazon and completely lost track of
While Marek was busy apologizing, Charlie hardly picked up what he was saying, her
eyes were fixed on Marek. He was wearing a tight grey t-shirt with a green and blue
checked shirt over the t-shirt. He had rolled the checked shirt sleeves up to his elbow and
the jeans he was wearing were a tight dark blue that fitted him perfectly. I should have
dressed up more, he looks SO good! While Charlie was thinking this Marek picked up on
what she seemed to be lost in thought about.

Oh, I hope I dressed ok, I didnt want to overdress and look like a dick. Marek looked
down at what he was wearing.
Oh! No not at all, you look really good! I really like your shirt! Charlie blurted this out
too fast and too loud, which made her feel like she was the dick.
Thanks, well you good to go?
Charlie smiled and shifted her body, as if regaining her composure.
Yes I am. Is there anywhere nearby you know thats good?
Well, from my window I can see this restaurant that looks to be about two blocks away,
Im guessing its Italian from the colors on the front and its always open till really late,
which means it must be good cause there are always people there. Does that sound ok?
Yeah that sounds fine. Lead the way. Charlie felt far more relaxed now, mostly from
Mareks cool and calm nature. When they got outside to the street Marek moved in to
walk right next to Charlie.
You look really nice, I didnt want to embarrass you or anything in front of Vivian, but
you do look really, really nice. Marek seemed to say this with the utmost confidence, but
Charlie could sense he was worried about what her reaction would be.
Thanks Marek, thats very sweet. Charlie said with a smile.

When they got to the Restaurant, Tropicana, Charlie liked that inside there were huge
pictures and paintings of places in Italy. It was a good sized restaurant with around
twenty tables in all, big enough to create a good atmosphere, but not too big that the
chefs have no time to make their dishes right. Marek held up his hand to indicate there
were two of them and the waiter held out his hand towards the table he was standing next
This looks like a really good place. Charlie said as she sat down.
Yeah I really like all the pictures on the wall of different places in Italy. Marek replied.
They both looked around for a little while at each picture, than Marek must have felt he
was being too quiet.
So, I just realized I didnt even ask you if you liked Italian food!
Ha ha, dont worry I really like Italian food, its going to take me a while to choose even
if I want pasta or pizza. I was trying to decide the whole walk up here. Charlie replied,
she herself was surprised at how relaxed she could feel around Marek. The waiter who
had indicated for them to sit at their current table returned with a big, welcoming smile.
Can I get you anything to drink? His voice was deep and had a slight accent that Charlie
felt must have been Italian, though she wasnt sure. Charlie waited for Marek to order,
she had a quick look at the cocktails, but then remembered what Esther had said and
thought that she better not drink.
Um, I guess Ill get a beer, just anything on tap would be fine. Marek said.
Very good sir, for you madam?
Charlie didnt know what to make of Mareks order, so she replied as quickly as possible.
Ill have the house red wine please.
The waiter nodded and, once he had written down their drinks orders, disappeared. While
Marek was staring at the menu, completely lost in thought as to what to order, Charlie
took this chance to really look at his face. It seemed that Marek had shaved for tonight,
which Charlie felt was adorable, and his skin had a slight glow to it, most likely from
some aftershave. She looked down just in time for him not to notice her staring at him.

Man I am lost on what to order, how about you?
Charlie flicked through a few pages of the menu until she found the pasta section.
Well, I have never had a bad matriciana, its a pasta dish with bacon and a nice bit of
spice to it. Other than that the pollo e funghi is always nice as well, its chicken and
mushroom that is mixed with a nice cream sauce. Charlie looked up from her menu to
see Marek looking at her with an impressed expression.
Wow, you seem to know a few things about Italian food. Marek said with a smile.
Yeah well, its one of the places I would love to, love to go to. I think I would put on
about fifty kilos though, cause I would eat so much while I was there. They both laughed
at this and the waiter returned with their drinks.
Are you ready to order food?
Charlie looked at Marek who had a smile of his face.
Yeah I am, can I please have the pollo e funghi with ah, fettuccine pasta please. He
looked at Charlie with a big smile on his face.
Well then, I will have the alla matriciana with fettuccine too please. And as an entre
can we get some bruchetta please. Charlie looked at Marek and smiled, a bigger smile
than he had.
Excellent choices, it will be one moment. The waiter finished what he was writing and
hurried off again.

Chapter 11

The food had come and been happily consumed. Marek was very pleased with the pollo
e funghi and the bruchetta. Charlie had let him try some of her matriciana as well,
which he had also been very satisfied with. They had talked on small things over their
dinner, such as what its like working at an Asylum and how Charlies mother was
always trying to dress Charlie up to look like she was super posh. When they had finished
their dinners they decided to each order another drink and stay a little longer. This was
Mareks third beer and Charlies third wine. Out of the two Marek was defiantly holding
his liquor better.
So, what is Esther like to work with? Charlie asked as casually as possible.
Esther? Yeah she is good to work with, she can be stern sometimes, but Ive never seen
her go off the rails and really get angry. Some of the nurses think she can be a bitch, but
Ive never had any issues with her.
One of those nurses was probably the one she talked to because of how she treated
grandpa, Charlie thought to herself.
Why do you ask anyway? Marek seemed a little confused at Charlies question.
Well, when I was waiting for you earlier tonight, she gave me like a bunch of questions
about what we were doing tonight. Things like where are you going and what time will
you be back etcetera. Charlie did her best to imitate Esthers voice.
Oh, really? Marek stared at Charlie for a second, than looked down at his beer. Charlie
was oblivious to his reaction.
Yeah, it was crazy, does she think that you are like her son or something?
Ha ha maybe, I think its just cause Im living at the asylum, so it makes her think that
yeah, she is my mum. Marek was still talking into his beer.

Well anyway, I can tell her that we did drink, she asked whether or not we would and I
told her that I didnt know. Charlie laughed loudly after saying this, as if defying Esther
made her a millionaire.
At this, Marek threw down his beer and got to his feet.
Maybe I should get going. Marek held out his hand and signaled to the waiter for the
Oh, ok. Charlie took a big sip of her wine and got to her feet. She was puzzled but tipsy,
so she figured Marek was tired. The waiter came over and Marek took the bill, put money
in and handed it back to the waiter.
Keep the change. The waiter smiled broadly at Marek and did a half bow and hurried
Ready to go? Marek asked Charlie as he was already walking to the door. Charlie
grabbed her things and followed him.

On the way home Charlie could sense something was wrong, but Marek was busy talking
about all sorts of things. He was going on about the videos he had watched online about
certain places in the world, his job and how good the food at the restaurant was. He was
talking so much that Charlie never got a word in to ask if something was wrong. Before
she knew it, they were out the front of the asylum, Marek gestured to shake Charlies
Well, thanks for a good night, Ill see you round. He turned before Charlie got a chance
to say anything in reply. Charlie stood there speechless and a little offended. She was
sure something was wrong now. When Marek was at the door, he stopped suddenly and
then turned around, walked towards Charlie and gave her a hug. Charlie was so shocked
that her eyes were wide and she couldnt bring her hands up to hug him back.
Thanks for a good night out, its been so long since Ive had a night out. Im really
grateful that you did this for me. Please dont think you have done anything wrong, trust
me it is in no way your fault. Mareks voice was warm in Charlies ear. With that, Marek
turned and quickly walked into the front of the asylum and was soon out of Charlies
sight. Charlie stood completely still for a moment, trying to figure out what just
happened. I havent done anything wrong? If that was the case then why did he have to
tell me that? I should have hugged him back, I wasnt expecting that to happen though.
With her mind racing, Charlie headed for the bus stop and headed home.

When Charlie got home Victoria came running to the sound of the front door opening.
How did it go?! How did it go?! Her voice was shrill and excited, when she saw the
look on Charlies face she stopped and gave a worried look. Victoria would always
instantly think the worst.
All in all it went well, I think. Charlie was staring at the ceiling, lost in thought.
What do you mean? Victoria put her arm around Charlie and led her into the kitchen.
Once there, she sat Charlie down at the kitchen table and busily started making tea.
So what happened? Victoria asked again while getting out tea cups. She wanted to help
her sister, but she also wanted all the details.
We went to an Italian restaurant nearby to the asylu where grandpa was (she knew
Victoria wouldnt know what she meant when she said asylum). Things were going great,
we talked about all sorts of stuff and were really having a great time.

Well, that sounds good. Like you know, it doesnt sound like you were both just sitting
there and not talking to each other.
No we werent at all, we talked and talked. The food was great too and everything.
So. Victoria sat down and slid a cup of tea over to Charlie. Why do you look like
something bad happened?
On the walk back he kept talking and talking, but I could sense something was wrong.
When we got to the entrance to his place, at first he shook my hand goodbye and walked
off before I could say anything.
What?!? Thats rude! Victoria was shocked at this.
Yeah I know, but just as he was about to go inside, he turned around, came back to me
and gave me a huge hug.
What?!? Her tone was higher this time, but Victoria was still in shock.
He said that he was really grateful that we had gone out. That it had been ages since he
had gone out and he had a really good time. He also said that I didnt do anything wrong.
Which sucks cause that makes me feel like I did something wrong. Charlie took a sip of
her tea, when she looked up she realized that Victoria had her eyes wide and her mouth
completely open.
What? Charlie didnt know what to make of her expression.
That is the most random thing I think I have ever heard. Why would he just run up and
hug you like that? No offense, but he sounds like a bit of a freak.
Charlie gave Victoria a confused look, she couldnt agree with her about Marek, but at
the same time what he had done was really strange.
Did you ask him anything before he let go of you?
No I didnt get the chance, after he had hugged me he just went inside.
Victoria looked down at her tea, Charlie rarely saw her sister lost in deep thought, but at
the same time, boys was one of Vicrotias main points in life. The expression on
Victorias face was one she almost didnt know. There was a length of silence, then
Charlie remembered something else that had happened that she wanted to talk to
someone about. At times like this, her sister was the perfect person.
Another thing that happened that was weird was when I told Esther I was going to dinner
with Marek she became like a cop and asked me a bunch of questions. Charlies head
tilted and her eyes scanned around the room as she remembered this happening.
What why? What kind of questions was she asking? Asked Victoria
Well, she asked like where we were going and what time we would be back and if we
planned to drink. You know stuff like that.
Why is it any of her business?
Yeah I cant figure that bit out, its like she is Mareks mother, I know he doesnt have
any family, but still she was a little too over the top. Marek is a grown man.
Charlie noticed the expression on Victorias face.
Whats wrong Victoria?
He has no family? Like no mum or dad or anything?
Yeah, it just kind of slipped out when he told me, please dont say anything if you see
him, when he told me he said that he had only told Esther.
Well, that kind of makes sense as to why she was asking all those questions, maybe she
feels like she has to be his mother, even though she doesnt. After Victoria had said this
there was long moment of silence, occasionally broken by the sipping of tea but not from

any conversation. When Victoria had finished her tea she looked at her sister with a
serious face.
So, you think youre going to see him again?
Charlie took a moment to answer.
Yeah I want to, its hard to explain but before the whole hug thing I really had a great
time with him. We have quite a bit in common, particularly with how he wants to travel
and everything.
But, it sounds like he has some baggage. I dont want to be a bitch, but you know how
that can affect a relationship Charlie.
Charlie felt a slight rush of anger that she managed to dismiss almost as quickly as it had
arrived. She wasnt angry at Victoria but she did know firsthand what kind of baggage
can ruin a relationship.
I know Victoria, but this seems different. Like with how Esther is worried about him
and stuff, if he has baggage maybe its not that bad. All I know is I did have a good time
with him and I would like to see him again. Thanks for the tea Charlie smiled a big smile
at her sister to show that she was not mad. Victoria smiled back and with that, Charlie got
up and headed to her room for bed.

Chapter 12

It had been two weeks since Charlie had gone on a date with Marek. She had not heard
from him and she had not tried to contact him. Occasionally Charlie felt like going to the
asylum to see her grandfather, than a sad but quick reality struck her. Instead, she had
planned to go see his gravesite and let him know all that was going on with her (she knew
that she would go into private Charlie mode, the mere thought of her grandfather made
her feel like changing into this personality). She decided that she would go see her
grandfathers grave this Saturday and that she would not tell any of her family as she
wished to be alone, just like old times with her grandfather.

It was late on a Wednesday when Charlies father returned from a trip that saw him gone
for over two weeks. It was common for her father to be away, but not out of the country
and not for this long. Her mother had told Charlie that her father travelled to Thailand to
try and increase his companys buyers in a seemingly new country for the company.
Charlie knew what was coming when her father would get home, an argument that had
occurred so many times in the past. As such, when she heard a car door shut out the front
of her house she tried her best to dart from the kitchen to her room, not waiting for her
cup of tea to be ready. She was almost at the foot of the stairs when her mother called to
Charlie, your father is home! Her mother said with such excitement. Knowing that she
was trapped, Charlie saw no option but to greet her father and listen to his journey to
Hey dad, welcome back. Charlie smiled at her father and helped him with his bags.
Her father grunted in response. Charlie couldnt tell if he knew what was coming or not.
Charlies mother called out for Victoria to come and greet her father and to have a cup of
tea, something her mother made sure they all did as a family when someone was back

from a long trip (someone meaning her father or mother). Victoria came bolting into the
kitchen with wide eyes.
What did you bring back for me, dad?!
Well thats some bloody welcome! Charlies father grumbled.
Oh yes hi dad welcome back, glad to see youre ok. Now what did you bring?
Her father sighed and shook his head.
I was there one business, so I bought nothing for nobody.
So how was it dear? Were you able to succeed in expanding the company to Thailand?
Charlies mother asked quickly, trying to change the topic.
Business wise the trip went very well, the Thai people are all smiles and are always
looking at ways to improve the country. So a new suit company is what they are after.
Suits can be tailor made in Thailand for very cheap, I wonder if dads company really
impressed them at all. Charlie was thinking this as her father was talking, she knew that
the suits her fathers company made were high quality, but if she had the choice between
one of her fathers suits or a tailor made one, she would go for the tailor made one with
hardly even a second thought. Still, Thailand was a country that Charlie wanted to know
Where in Thailand were you? She asked
Did you try some of the food?
When we got there, I had a Thai dinner that was designed to welcome us to Thailand. It
was spicy and crap.
Did you go to the grand palace or any other attractions while you were there?
No, I was there for business so I didnt get much free time.
What was the weather like?
Very hot.
Did you go on a tuk-tuk?
A what?
Its a three wheeled taxi that is popular for tourists to take.
Did you try any of the local beers?
There was a slight pause as Charlie forced herself to ask her last question.
Can I go to Thailand?
Charlies father looked at Charlie with an annoyed expression.
You know the answer to that Charlie, why even ask?
Cause it sounds like you were fine the entire time you were there, doesnt sound like you
were in any danger at all and that Thailand is a safe place.
It was safe for me because I was with a group of people on business.
Well I could go with a group of people on a tour, we would have a local tour guide who
would know where was good to go.
Ive read online about those tour groups, people get drunk every night and end up in
places they dont know and god knows what happened to them the night before.
Not all the companies are like that, I could go with a company that has a good
Enough Charlie, my answer is no. Now stop asking questions!

Charlie felt her eyes get hot.
The world is a beautiful place that I desire to see more than anything else in the world.
One day I will be too old for you to tell me what to do and I will travel until the day I die
Well, so long as you are my daughter, you can kiss the desire goodbye! All the time
about women getting raped and beaten and sold into slavery all across the world. That
would be bad rep for my business! Her father turned and walked out of the room.
Charlies mother was about to say something to her, but Charlie didnt want to hear it,
she got up and went to her room.

Chapter 13

The bus to the graveyard took longer than expected, even though Charlie had gotten up
bright and early and managed to get the first bus of the day. Being a Saturday the bus
driver was probably hung over which is why he was driving slowly. There were a couple
of boys around Charlies age on the bus that looked her way from time to time. Charlie
felt that if they had the balls to go over and talk to her then she would have chatted to
them, but since they just glanced her way from time to time she paid them no mind. She
could hear them snickering about her and figured she was just some free entertainment
for them.

When Charlie got off the bus the graveyard was directly opposite the bus stop. Fond
memories graveyard was not a name that Charlie approved, but it was the nicest
graveyard in the city (Charlie couldnt figure out exactly what it was that made a
graveyard nice). Her grandpas grave was right at the back of the entire complex, but
Charlie could see it from the entrance. With her mothers ideals her grandpas tombstone
was one of the biggest, with an angel statue on the top with its wings spread out. The
entire tombstone must have been about 3 feet tall. Charlie hated the thought that her
mother had done this as a display of the familys wealth, but gave her the benefit of the

When she got to her grandpas tombstone she didnt even blink, her character changed
like it always had when she was around him, she stood tall and proud in front of his
Private Charlie reporting, sir. Charlie felt a little weird doing this to a tombstone, but in
a way it made her feel more comfortable. She would normally wait for her grandpa to
speak here, but soon realized this was pointless. Still, in her mind she could hear the
questions he would be asking.
Not much to report sir, the Nazis still have not invaded, but we are keeping an eye out.
Charlie wanted to speak on matters that were currently upsetting her.
My father still wont let me go overseas, he thinks that its too dangerous for a girl. I
have told him several times that I could go with some friends or even on a tour, but he
will have nothing of it. Charlies voice was stern, but she was doing her best to not get
too angry.
I know that when you travelled captain times were different. But the world is a big
beautiful place that I want to spend my life seeing, why cant he see that? Charlie could

now feel tears welting in her eyes, she lowered her head towards the ground where her
grandpa was, but her eyes stopped short. At the foot of the tombstone was a blue piece of
paper that was folded and wedged between the ground and the tombstone. Curious,
Charlie walked around to the side of the tombstone (she was careful not to step on her
grandpa) and picked up the piece of paper. When she unfolded it she found it was a letter.

To Captain Harold,

Thank you very much for the two suits. I shall wear one of them on the day I am to be
married and one when the war is finally over.

Missing your advice on life and all its mysteries, but know you are in a good place.

Private Marek

Charlie stood and stared blankly at Mareks name, it had been two weeks since their date
and Charlie felt as if he must think she had given up on him. With the realization as to
how much Marek must have cared for and liked her grandpa Charlie felt tears begin to
run down her face. She felt like she had been a horrible person by not even contacting
him over the past two weeks. She folded the letter and tucked it back into the spot it was
originally wedged into. She walked back and stood upright, facing her grandpas grave.
Captain, it seems that private Marek misses you a great deal, as much as even me. He
seems to be a very good person with some shall we say, demons. I will put it on myself
that I will aide private Marek in every way I can into figuring out ways to help him.
With that, Charlie saluted her grandpas grave and turned to leave. She checked her
watch and released that it was only 10:05, she had gotten to the graveyard so early that it
meant she had time up her sleeve. She sat down next to her grandpas grave and leaned
her head onto his tombstone, though she wanted to go see Marek and explain a great deal
(find out a great deal too, she hoped), she took this opportunity to sit with her grandpa
and reminisce on different times she had spent with him.

Chapter 14

It was about 11:30am when Charlie left the graveyard, other people had begun to turn up
and was either giving her a weird look or a terribly sad face, neither of which she liked.
She did not know if the bus she took to the graveyard would go anywhere near the
asylum, so she took the bus back towards her house, then got on the bus that takes her to
the asylum.

By the time she walked through the asylum doors it was a little after 12:30am. Esther was
in her usual spot and was both happy and un-surprised to see Charlie, two emotions
Charlie was not expecting from her.
Hello Charlie dear how are you? It was strange not seeing you last week. Esthers mood
seemed to be a little too happy.
Im good thanks Esther, yourself?

Fine dear, same old same old really. There was a slight pause after this, broken by
So I imagine youre here to see Marek then?
Charlie could not pick where Esther was coming from, had she heard about what
happened the other night? Surely Marek and her arent that close. Charlies head was
racing but she knew not to ask questions.
Yes I am indeed Charlie smiled and Esther nodded at her, then turned back to her
computer screen. In the elevator Charlie just could not guess what was up with Esther,
she had expected her to be defensive with another twenty questions to ask her, but she
seemed so happy, almost too happy.

When Charlie got to Mareks door she knocked with as much confidence as she could
muster. It had been two weeks since she had contacted him and she had no idea how he
would react to her sudden reappearance. She thought drastic things like Marek throwing
his arms around her to Marek slamming the door in her face. Her thoughts went almost
silent when she heard the door knob turn. Charlies last thought was to put a smile on her
face and when Marek opened the door, he looked shocked for a moment, then smiled
Hey Charlie, long time no see! Marek seemed happy and pleased to see her, which made
Charlie feel like an elephant was just lifted off her shoulders.
Hi Marek, sorry I havent contacted you, Ive just been super busy the past two weeks.
Charlie felt like punching herself in the face after she blurted this out, she knew it
sounded like the most obvious lie she could have thought up.
No thats all good. Anyway come in, I was just watching a doco on the Greek islands.
Marek turned and headed back to his laptop. Charlie paused for a second then let herself
inside, closing the door behind her.
The Greek islands? Wow I would love to go there someday. Charlie said as she sat
down in the corner, the same place she sat the last time she was in Mareks room.
Yeah me too, apparently there are over 2000 islands in all, would take a long time to see
them all I reckon.
Wow 2000, that is a lot As Charlie was saying this Marek sat down on his bed so he
was facing Charlie, the look on his face was not one that Charlie recognized. There was a
slight pause until Marek looked up at Charlie.
I I wanted to apologize for how I was last time, when we went to dinner. I really did
have a good time, if you thought I was upset or angry towards the end I kind of was, but
it wasnt at you.
Charlie stayed quiet, but looked away momentarily to make sure she wasnt staring, glad
to hear what he was saying.
I was upset with Esther giving you the twenty questions about where we were going and
all that. I know shes looking out for me and all, but that doesnt give her the right to just
need to know everything we are doing if I go out anywhere. I had a talk with her this
week and she has been a little odd ever since.
So thats why she was acting so weird when she saw me! Charlie felt more relief upon
hearing this. She quickly focused back onto Marek.
Also, that whole hug thing, Im sorry. It was probably a bit much. To be honest I dont
get out much and I havent had a great night like that in so, so long. I felt bad because I

could tell you knew I was upset about something, but I wanted you to know that it wasnt
your fault I was upset.
Charlie felt like this was a good time to cut in.
Marek, to be honest it was a bit surprising. You just hugged me out of nowhere and left.
Marek was about to talk, but Charlie held up her hand to signal that she had something
else to say.
Without sounding too weird, you can hug me anytime. Im not the kind of girl to think a
guy is in love with me just because he gives me a hug. I guess just next time dont do it in
such a rushed manner. Charlie laughed at the end of this and Marek had a smile on his
face that seemed to show relief and embarrassment. Charlie figured that he was probably
thinking all sorts of things the past two weeks since their date, and hearing this from her
was probably as much a relief as the things she had heard from him.
Well, awesome, Im glad to hear that from you Charlie. Now, I must say you are here at
a good time, I was just about to make myself some lunch, but since youre here did you
want to go somewhere for lunch?
Charlie was happy beyond belief at hearing this.
Sure Marek that sounds great! I know a really good place thats about a fifteen minute
bus ride away from here.
Mareks face changed and he shifted his body as if he was a bit uncomfortable.
Oh, um, I was hoping to just go somewhere nearby, like walking distance. Its just in
case something happens, like an emergency and Im needed back quickly, we are short
staffed and all.
Charlie didnt feel upset by this, Marek didnt seem to be turning down her suggestion
out of any reason other than the one she had said. In reality it didnt matter that much to
her where they went for lunch.
Yeah ok thats fine. Charlies mind was racing for a second, then she remembered the
place Esther took her.
There is a place just around the corner from here Ive been to once. I only had a hot
chocolate from there, but that was really nice, so Im sure the food is nice too.
Mareks face beamed.
Sounds great, itll be my treat too since you have come all this way to see me. Marek
got up and headed for the door. Charlie was going to protest about the payment, then
figured that she could do that after they had lunch.

When they both walked past reception together Esthers eyes went from shocked to
curiosity in a flash. She looked as if she wanted to ask them where they were going, but
since Marek had had a talk with her earlier in the week it seemed that she knew not to
ask. Marek held up his hand and gave her a wave as he walked by.
Just going round the corner for lunch Esther, call me if you need me. Marek smiled and
Esther seemed to force her head to nod in agreement. When they got to the caf and sat
down Charlie was happy to see that they were the only ones in there. She looked around
to see what selections they had for lunch, but being a caf it looked as though they would
only have a couple of sandwiches to choose from and some cakes for after.
Sorry Marek, it looks as though there isnt much on the menu here in regards to food.
Did you want to go somewhere else?

Marek shook his head without looking at Charlie, his eyes were fixed on the sandwiches
he could see behind the counter.
Those sandwiches look great, this place is fine. Marek turned to look at Charlie.
Oh, is it alright for you? Marek had a thought that Charlie was trying to say she didnt
like the place in a non-direct way.
No no its fine, those sandwiches do look good.

Marek took a mental note of what Charlie wanted and headed to the counter to order.
Charlie forgot that you pay when you order and tried her best to give Marek some money
when he sat back down, but he would have none of it.
So how did you find this place anyway? Marek asked Charlie, making small talk but
interested all the same.
Esther took me here once Charlie then remembered that this was where she learnt
about her grandpas cancer. She felt a rush of emotion surge up inside her, which she
forced back down. Marek picked up on her expression.
Everything ok, Charlie?
Yeah, sorry, its just that this is where Esther told me about grandpas cancer. Charlie
couldnt make eye contact with Marek until she had finished what she was saying.
Oh shit! Im sorry. If I had have known that, I wouldnt have said we should come here.
Marek seemed distressed by this news.
No its fine, seriously. I am sad that grandpas gone and all, but I have to remember that
he did live a good long life. Ill be very happy to live to his age. Charlie smiled at the
thought of how old her grandpa had lived to.
Yeah he is pretty lucky to live for as long as he did. Marek seemed to drift away at
the end of what he was saying. Charlie remembered about how she had seen the letter this
Oh yeah, I hope you dont mind, but I read the letter you left at my grandpas grave, that
was really sweet of you Marek.
You read it?! Ha-ha just joking thats fine. I went to see him earlier this week. Those
suits he left me were so nice, I felt I should say thanks. That and I do miss him. There are
lots of people at the asylum with all sorts of mental illnesses, but your grandpa was an
interesting guy who was always happy to have company. Marek looked over at Charlie
and noticed that she looked like she was about to cry.
Ah anyway, did you go see him this morning? Marek did his best to change the subject,
though it was hardly changing the subject at all.
Yeah I did, I got up nice and early because I didnt want any of my family coming along,
I used to go see him alone all the time, so I wanted to go see him alone this time as well.
That makes sense. Marek was nodding in agreement as Charlie was talking.
Anyway Marek, this caf isnt too far from where you live. Im surprised you havent
been here before. Charlie was curious as to how Marek couldnt have been to a place so
close to where he lived. Marek looked around the caf and took a moment to answer.
Yeah well, I dont really get out much. After work Im pretty tired and on the weekends
Im pretty happy to just kick back in my room. Marek didnt look at Charlie the entire
time he was talking, Charlie on the other hand was staring at him, trying to read him.
There was a moments silence until Charlie built up the courage to say what was on her

Listen Marek, I dont want to say something I shouldnt or anything, its just that, with
how Esther was acting before we went out last week and all. If if there is something
you want to talk to somebody about, just know Im a really good listener. I dont know if
I can help or anything, but maybe talking about it wont be a bad thing. Charlie stared at
Marek who turned to face her. He seemed to be thinking hard about what Charlie had just
said, just as he opened his mouth to talk the waitress came round with their orders. To
Charlie she could not have come at a worse time. The two of them talked for the rest of
their lunch, but neither Marek nor Charlie spoke about what Charlie had just said.

As they were walking back to the asylum Charlie stopped short of the entrance. She liked
the idea of heading up to Mareks room to watch docos with him, but didnt feel like she
was quite there yet. Marek stopped and turned to look at her.
Heading home? Marek asked with a voice that didnt seem offended or surprised.
Yeah I should, Ive got some stuff to do. Charlie lied.
Fair enough, thanks for lunch.
I should be thanking you, you paid.
Ha-ha its all good, but Ill take you up on what you said earlier as a way to say thanks
for the company.
Charlie couldnt figure out what he meant until he moved closer to her and stretched out
his arms. She smiled and opened her arms and once he was wrapped around her, she
hugged him tightly. Because she was more prepared for the hug, she let her senses take it
all in. To Charlie he smelt like a mix between the cleaner they use in each room of the
asylum and a nice smelling deodorant she didnt recognize. It was a nice smell that she
was going to do her best to remember. She could also feel the muscles on his back, it
seemed as though he must have exercised quite regularly as he had a rather athletic build.
Charlie wanted the hug to last longer, but Marek pulled away, and stood facing her. He
reached into his pocket and pulled out a torn bit of paper and a pen and started writing.
Here is my number if you want to contact me about catching up or anything. When
Marek was done writing he handed the bit of paper to Charlie, who smiled at him when
she took it.
Thanks for today Charlie, you are really fun to hang out with.
You too Marek, talk soon.
Marek smiled and waved goodbye to Charlie. Charlie walked towards the bus stop with a
huge grin on her face that she could not get rid of, it was as if she had conquered a
mountain. Its been a long time since a guy has given me his number, and what a guy too!
Her smile didnt disappear the whole way home.

Chapter 15

On the way home from seeing Marek Charlie sent him an SMS.

Hey Marek its Charlie, just sending you an SMS so you can save my number. Thanks
again for lunch, next time its my shout!
Charlie had her phone on vibrate in her pocket (she hated it when peoples phones went
off on the bus, it made them look like they are starved for attention) and was doing her
best to not check her phone every five seconds to see if he had replied. Just before her

stop near her house she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket, she pulled her phone out at
light speed.

No worries Charlie! Ha-ha you dont owe me anything, next time we go out well see who
gets the bill first! ;)

Mareks reply made Charlies face beam, she wanted to reply, but knew that if she started
texting him again and again so quickly he would think she was weird (Charlie would
think the same thing if he did it to her as well). Satisfied with the reply, Charlie put her
phone back in her pocket.

The remainder of Charlies weekend was spent doing Uni assignments, it was coming up
to her mid year break where she would get about five weeks off. Most people her age
jumped for joy with a break from their studies, but for Charlie there never seemed like
there was much to do. All she ever really wanted to do was go on a trip somewhere, but
her father would never allow it. Her seldom pleasant thought at this break was that she
could spend time with Marek doing things she liked but didnt have a guy to do them
with (such as the movies and trying restaurants).

It was a Thursday night and her mother called for her to come down for dinner. Charlie
had been living like a hermit the past few days getting all her assignments done. She
wasnt the type to leave them to the last minute, but she was the type to want to do really
well and get good marks which meant she spent a lot of time researching and re-reading
everything. When Charlie saw her father at the dinner table, she smiled at him. She was
still mad, but there was no point in showing it.
Assignments due soon Charlie? Her father asked.
Yeah they are all due before the end of next week. Ill get them all done, Im just re-
going over a few things.
Good, good grades are important. It makes the family and your future look better.
Any plans for your holidays? Her mother asked as she was setting dinner down in the
middle of the table.
Any plans? ANY PLANS?! I have a fucking plan to go overseas mum, but dad is never
going to let me go. Why would you ask if I have any fucking plans? Do you enjoy rubbing
salt into the wound or something?! Charlies mind was screaming these thoughts that if
close enough they could have been heard coming out her ears. After a long,
uncomfortable silence, Charlie had a thought, a thought that her father would hate, and
she would love.
I guess Ill just be spending time with Marek mostly. Charlie said with a bit of a smug
tone. Victoria, oblivious to the tension at the table, suddenly sprung to life.
Marek! Did you go see him again? You didnt tell me that! Was he all weird again?
Victoria blurted out the last part then bit her lip in a way to show Charlie she didnt mean
to say it. Charlie didnt really mind though.
Ha-ha, no not this time. Charlie was looking at Victoria when she said that, but at the
corner of her eye was trying to see her fathers face.
Who is Marek Charlie? Her father spoke his name as if it were a foreign word he was
trying to learn.

Just a guy I met dad, he works at grandpas asylum, well, his old asylum anyway. The
memory struck her a little, but she kept her composure.
I see. Her father went quiet for a reason Charlie couldnt decipher. Her mother was
quick to come in with the next question.
Well when do we get to meet him, Charlie?
Oh mum, Ive only gone out with him twice. I dont want to invite him around so soon.
Why not dear, are you ashamed of us? Her mother gave her a shocked and offended
No mum you know thats not it. Ill just go out with him a few more times before I
invite him around.
Charlies father gave her a stern stare.
What do you mean by go out? To Charlie this was a window to be a bit cheeky, if her
father was going to be so controlling as to not let her travel, he didnt have much power
about who she saw in her own time. At least she felt this way.
You know dad, dinner and movies and the back seat of his car Charlie watched her
fathers reaction and savored it for a moment.
Relax dad Im joking I dont even know if he has a car. We do have a bit in common
though. Charlie knew what to say next. He really wants to travel the world. Im thinking
Ill travel with him.
There was a slight moment of quiet before her father began to laugh, great bellow laughs
that sounded like they were coming up from the pit of his stomach.
Thats a good one Charlie, a good one indeed. Her father continued to laugh while he
was digging into his dinner. Charlie felt herself getting hot, too hot. She stood up from
the table.
Im not hungry and I have assignments to do. After saying this she quickly left the table
and headed for her room, she could still hear her father laughing as she ran up the stairs.
Once she closed her bedroom door she wanted to let out a huge scream, she knew that
there was no point though as her family would hear it. Instead, she tightened her fists and
started punching one of the pillows on her bed, letting out as much anger as she could
with each punch. Tears began to run down her face as she continued to punch her pillow
over and over. Why does he have to be such a prick about it?! The one thing I want to do,
the ONE thing! When Charlie was done with punching her pillow (she was at it for
several minutes) she fell onto it with a great thump to try and relax herself. Turning her
head to one side she noticed her phone sitting on her bedside table. A thought came to her
and she quickly grabbed her phone and started texting.

Hey Marek are you free now? I really, really need to get out of the house for a while.
Sorry this is so out of the blue, but are you free?

Charlie sent the SMS and stared at her phone, waiting for it to buzz with a message from
Marek. Five minutes passed and she was about to put down her phone and give up when
her phone vibrated in her hand. She unlocked it in a flash and opened the message.

Hey Charlie, no Im not busy. Im just hanging at home (as in the asylum, I call it home).
You can come and hang here if you want, we can watch a doco or something.


Charlie thought for a moment about the idea of watching TV with Marek in his room. He
seems like the kind of guy that wouldnt do anything too forward, Ill be fine. With that
conclusion she grabbed a few things and stuffed them into her handbag and started
heading down the stairs. She didnt stop moving but instead called out to her family.
Heading out, be back later. Charlie heard her mother yell something to her but she
couldnt make out what it was. When she got to the bus station she almost squealed with
excitement when she realized that the bus was two minutes away. It seemed to be the
longest two minutes of her life, but the bus finally came.

When she got to the asylum, Vivian was working at the reception. She gave Charlie the I
think I know you oh yes thats who you are expression and smiled at her.
Hi, Im just here to see Marek. Charlie did not stop walking as she was saying this.
No problem Vivian said behind a big grin that made it look as though she was thinking
way too much into things. Charlie didnt really care.

Charlie knocked on Mareks door with quick, soft taps that made her seem over-excited
or in a rush. Almost as soon as she had finished knocking, Mareks door swung open.
Bloody hell Charlie, how quick did you get here? Marek asked in a dumbfounded way.
I was lucky, the bus pulled up almost as soon as I got to the stop. Charlie said as she let
herself into Mareks room, almost bouncing as she walked. When she turned around to
look at Marek he was closing the door which gave her a split second to see what he was
wearing. Because it was late and he was home, Marek was in an old pair of grey trackies
that fitted him loosely and looked so comfy, and an old white shirt. She figured that for
him to not get changed when she was coming over meant he was comfortable around her
which made her feel even better.
So, whats up? Why did you want to leave your house all of a sudden? Everything ok?
As Marek was asking these questions, Charlie sat down in her usual spot and Marek went
over to make some tea.
Yeah Im ok thanks, my dads just being a prick. Charlie thought about what had
happened earlier that night and didnt want it to get her down, so she quickly changed the
Anyway, what doco did you want to watch?
Marek looked at Charlie for a moment, than seemed to sum up that it was better if he
didnt push her for information.
Well, I have a couple Im dying to watch. One is on how much the African wildlife
depends on the rain each year and the other is about big caves that can be found all over
the world. Which do you like the sound of?
Charlie thought for a moment about the choices, they both sounded very interesting to
her, certainly something she would watch herself. After a moment she looked back up at
Ill have to go with the African wildlife one. The cave one sounds very interesting, but
Ive always had a big fascination with the African wildlife.
Marek smiled at Charlie.
Awesome, I was kind of hoping youd say that one, I have wanted to watch it for some
time. I will warn you now though that from what Ive seen of these types of
documentaries, there is a big chance this will be very sad. Marek handed Charlie her tea

with a rather serious expression on his face to show that he wasnt joking around. Charlie
gave him a curious look, then gave a half smile.
Thats ok, if I start crying just leave me be, if its going to be that sad then odds are Ill
cry. Charlie took a sip of her tea and Marek went and sat on his bed.
Alright cool, Ill just set everything up. Marek put his tea down and started busily
moving things around his room. Charlie was going to offer to help him, but it looked as
though Marek had everything under control. When Marek was done he had moved his
computer screen over so it was in the middle of the room facing where Charlie was
sitting. The screen sat on top of a small table that had folded legs and looked as though it
wouldnt hold much more weight than the computer screen. Marek then went to the far
side of his bed and began pushing at the frame. Charlie had no idea what he was doing
until half his bed folded up to form an interesting looking couch, big enough for two.
I bought this bed because it can fold up to make a couch like this. To be honest Ive
never had a chance to use it like this. Once Marek had moved the table with the
computer screen on it he looked around, than gave Charlie a smile that showed a hint of
Sorry Charlie, this set up is kind of shit I know, but at least my computer screen it 24
inches, so its big enough. Mareks embarrassed smile returned.
Charlie looked at the way he had set up his room, the computer screen on a plastic
foldable table, his bed that was now a couch. Being a girl from such a rich family, she
had never seen a set up like this, one so cheap but practical. She could not hide her
emotions and the smile on her face was huge, Charlie loved it.
You dont have to apologize, this is awesome Marek Charlie noted as she moved over
to sit on the couch and face the screen. Marek smiled back and went over to his computer
to load up the doco. Charlie couldnt help but laugh as he tried to work the mouse for the
computer screen facing a different direction (it was like looking into a mirror for Marek).
When Marek had finally got it working and had the doco playing, he quickly remembered
that he hadnt moved some of his speakers over. Once they were in place Charlie loved
the set up even more, thick black cords running across the floor and the speakers just
fitting in from either side or in front of the computer screen. Marek got a couple of books
and put them under the computer screen so it was above the speakers.
Right! Marek clapped his hands I think we are good. Did you want the lights on or
Charlie thought for a second about what the lights off would mean, but then figured that
Marek didnt seem the type to try anything too extreme.
Off would be better I think. Itll make it seem more like we are at the movies.
Marek went and turned the light off, then sat down next to Charlie, the couch was big
enough that there was about a foot of space between them once he had sat down.
Ive got some peanuts, Ill bust them out later if you want? Marek said as he was getting
himself comfortable.
Sounds good Charlie said with a smile.
Cool, Ill shut up now Marek said with a laugh. Charlie smiled at him, she wanted to
tell him that it wasnt an issue, but at the same time the doco had just gotten through the
opening scene and was really beginning to start.


Charlie and Marek both sat in silence as they became awed by the documentary they
were watching. Mareks computer screen was the right size for how far away they were
sitting. At first Charlie was wondering if Marek would slowly try to ease himself closer
to her, but half an hour through the doco he had hardly moved. Charlie would have
welcomed him over, it had been a long time since she had a man to snuggle with
(something she loved to do) and Marek was the sweetest guy she had met in a long time,
but Charlie was never in a situation such as this. Part way through the doco however, a
baby elephant was separated from its mother during a sand storm, when the storm
cleared, the baby elephant had found its mothers tracks, but was going in the wrong
direction. Charlie watched as the little baby elephant carefully stepped in the same tracks
as its mother in the direction that would lead it to its death. Charlie felt her eyes getting
hot and his bottom lip trembling.
You ok? Charlie turned to see Marek facing her with a sympathetic smile. She tried to
move her mouth to speak, but couldnt get any words out. Without realizing what she was
doing, she threw herself onto him, hugging him tightly and sobbing into his chest. Marek,
a little shocked at first, was not one to know how to handle a situation like this. He slowly
put his arms around her and patted her on the back. After about thirty seconds Charlie
was still sobbing.
I can stop the doco if you want Charlie.
Charlie lifted her head out of his chest, but kept her arms around him.
No, no thats ok. Im sorry. Thats just so sad. Charlie said as she turned to face the
doco once again.
Yeah it is, nature can sure be cruel when it wants to be. Marek shifted his body so
Charlies head was resting on the side of his chest. Charlie realized what he was trying to
do and released her grip on him and eased into a comfortable position. Charlie had
wanted to snuggle up to Marek, but didnt want to do it in such a way. She felt
embarrassed, but Marek didnt seem to think any less of her because of her reaction to the
dying baby elephant. In fact he seemed to feel the same way as she did about the baby
elephant, he just kept his emotions inside like any man would try to do.

At the end of the doco Charlie sat up off Marek. She checked her phone (more out of
habit then anything else) and realized the time.
Shit, its almost midnight! I think there is only one bus after midnight that can take me
Marek turned around to face her with a worried look on his face.
Well you better get moving, Ill walk with you to the bus stop, its the one at the end of
this street yeah? Marek seemed to be making sure of the location of the bus stop more
then anything else.
Yeah it is, you dont have to walk me up though Ill be ok.
No no its late, Ill wait with you till the bus comes.

As they walked side by side to the bus stop, Charlies mind was racing with things to say.
She had enjoyed her time immensely with Marek, so much so that the idea of spending
the night at his place had crossed her mind, and would not have been rejected. But, with
her reaction to the time and the fact that there was only one bus left, she had made it seem
that staying at his place was not something she wanted. She turned her head to look at

Mareks face, her eyes widened then narrowed at the expression on his face. His eyes
were distant, showing that he was lost in a very deep thought, of what she could only
imagine. She was admiring the features of his face when he seemed to come back into the
now and turned to face her. At first she had nothing to say, so Charlie merely smiled at
I had a good time tonight, Ive never had someone come over and just spend some time
at my place. It was a lot of fun. Thanks Charlie Marek said with such a pure and honest
face that Charlie nearly cried. She quickly turned her head to face the way she was
I should be thanking you, Marek. I havent had such a good, relaxing night in a long,
long time. We should do it again soon. Charlie turned to face him and smiled, But next
time Ill give you a bit more of a heads up.
Charlie stopped directly under the bus stop. She quickly checked the small timetable,
then her watch and realized there was one last bus that would be roughly three minutes
Well, thanks again, there is one last bus thats going to come past this way and get me
home, judging by this timetable it should be here in about three minutes. So, Ill see you.
Charlie was hoping for a goodbye kiss or at least a hug, but Marek simply stood, looking
at her with a face that half said amusement and half said shock. Charlie was about to ask
if he was ok, when he smiled at her.
Charlie, Im not some heartless asshole, Im not going to just leave you to wait for a bus
by yourself so late at night. Mareks voice was slightly high pitched, Charlie couldnt
figure out if he was doing this to be cheeky or not. Charlie was at a loss of what to say,
her mind racing, she quickly started mumbling the words that were running around her
Oh no, I, Its just, you know, its late and its cold and
Marek smiled a huge smile and began to laugh, not a mocking laugh but the kind of light
hearted laugh that made Charlie relax a little and realize how silly she was being.
Youre sweet Charlie, very, very sweet. As Marek said these words he slowly walked
around her until he was standing behind her. Marek then proceeded to wrap his arms
around Charlie, pulling her close enough that she could feel the warmth of his body.
Charlies heart skipped a beat, more excited than anything else. It had been a long time
since she had been in a boys arms, it was one of those things she could never admit
herself to missing.
Your right about one thing, it sure is cold, lets try and keep each other warm. Mareks
voice was soft and soothing in her ear, she felt herself slowly relax her body more into

For a minute neither of them spoke. Charlie was too comfortable to want to ruin the
moment with words. Even though cars passed from time to, Charlie did not care if they
looked in any way a spectacle or a pathetic and lame couple, she was far too happy for
any of those thoughts to bother her. After a little while Marek took in a deep breath, one
that made it obvious he was about to say something.
There are so many other guys you could be seeing, I cant help but feel Im wasting your

Charlie stopped mid breathe, whatever blissful mood she was in, had completely
vanished due to Mareks words. She forced herself out of his arms so she could turn and
face him. Marek turned his head to look away from her, which did nothing but make
Charlies eyes narrow into an angry, confused stare.
What in the world do you mean by that? The words came out of her harder than she had
meant them to, but she didnt care much as she was in such a confused shock by what he
had said.
Charlie, Im not I cant be Look, I cant make you happy. There is something about
me that that I know you wouldnt like and would make you not want to see me. Marek
shook his head and look down at his feet. Charlie felt the shock fade, but it was replaced
by both wonder and anger.
Well, you better tell me what it is, this thing that will decide if I want to be friends with
you or not. Charlie stood dead still and stared at Marek, her face wearing the most
serious of expressions. Just as Marek met her eyes, the last bus running that could take
her home pulled up at the bus stop. Marek smiled a tip lipped smile and nodded at the
Well, heres your ride, take care Charlie. Marek turned to walk away, but Charlie
quickly grabbed the sleeve of his jumper.
Now just a bloody minute! Charlie couldnt help but start showing the anger that was
building up inside of her. She was about to continue when the bus driver tooted his horn.
Are one of you two getting on or what?!
Yes, she needs to get on to get home. Marek yelled back to him. Marek smiled as
Charlie pulled at his sleeve. Charlies mind forced her to realize that she needed to get on
this bus, so she released Marek. Marek nodded, turned and started walking back to the
asylum. Charlie stared at him for a moment, and then got on the bus.

Chapter 16.

When Charlie got home her mother came rushing down the stairs.
Charlie, where have you been? Ive been worried sick about you! Her mothers voice
was shrill and hysterical.
Relax mum, I just went to see a friend. Good night. Charlies mum was about to
continue when she noticed that Charlie seemed to be in a mood.
Is something wrong dear?
Charlie contemplated telling her mother what had happened, then realized it was fruitless.
Im just tired mum, really tired. Charlies voice indeed sounded as though she was
about to fall asleep standing, so her mother did not continue pestering her about where
she had been.

When Charlie got into her room she pulled out her phone to see if Marek had texted her.
She had been staring at her phone on the entire bus trip home, stuck between should I
text him? and will he text me?
There was no message on her phone. When she lay down in bed she indeed was
incredibly tired, but her mind could not stop replaying what Marek had said. Im wasting
your time theres something about me you wouldnt like What exactly could he mean
by that? Charlies mind danced from the extremes like pedophile to the simple like

gay. She eventually slipped into a deep sleep, her mind coming to the conclusion that
theres no point worrying about something she didnt know.

A few days passed and Charlie had not heard a thing from Marek. She did the best she
could to keep her mind on other things, spending a lot of time exercising and watching
different docos and finishing uni assignments. She also did her very, very best to not
contact him. She had figured that if he felt that he was wasting her time, he would miss
her and text her to apologize eventually. They had had such a great time together
watching that documentary at his place that surely he would miss her. Charlie did not
come to this conclusion on her own, she had spoken to Victoria about what had happened
at the bus stop.
Thats weird Charlie, like, weird. This isnt the first time he has acted like this. Victoria
may not have been the brightest person Charlie could have chosen to speak to, but she
was at least honest and very easy to understand.
I know Victoria, I have thought time and time again of what he could mean.
Well, what if its something totally wrong like he watches child porn or is attracted to
poo? Victoria said poo in such a flat bizarre way Charlie couldnt help but laugh her
head off.
Oh god Victoria, I can honestly say I didnt think of that one! She stopped laughing
when she focused on the other point Victoria had made.
If it was something like child porn though, he wouldnt simply point out something like
that to me. Her voice was cold and flat with this sickening thought.
I guess so, but you dont know. Victoria said in a matter of fact tone. Charlie frowned.
Thats the problem, I dont know. Maybe I should text him
No! No Charlie! Let him realize how much he misses you, you have had nothing but
good times with him and every time he has done something weird to ruin it. You are not
the one who should be the first to get into contact, he is! Victoria was shouting these
words at Charlie, but the anger in her tone was not pointed at Charlie in anyway, she was
simply trying to get her point across.
Ok Victoria, I just hope he texts me soon, not knowing is eating away at me.

It was a Saturday night and Charlie had no energy to go out and do anything, the exercise
she was putting herself through in order to make her think about other things made her
feel better, but it was certainly wearing her out. She had spent the night finding out about
the various theories on why the statues of big, bizarre looking heads were built on Easter
Island and had lost track of time. She was so interested with what she was reading that
when she checked the time and found out it was 10:30pm (she had begun her Easter
Island research at about 6:00pm) the realization of the time seeped into her body and she
suddenly felt the need for sleep. As she moved from her desk to her bed she heard her
phone vibrate, not long enough to be a phone call, meaning that it must be a message.
When she picked up the phone and read Marek, text message her eyes grew wide and her
stomach felt as if a thousand butterflies had taken flight. She quickly unlocked her phone.

Charlie, I hve been gong over and ovr in my hed abot how I can tell ya whts going on wth
me. I hve not tld anyne the reasn why I work at the mntal asylm or why I live ere, so in
ordr to get the corage to tel you I have finishd a whole bttle of whsky and had a cople of

bers. I hve a genetc disrder that means tht one day my brain wll stop wrking, Ill become
so dumb tht I wont evn be able to drss myself or go to the tolet. I live at the mentl asylum
becase this disrder can strke at anytme. Esthr knws about this and is redy to hlp me whn
it hppns. Anytme Charle, day or nght I coul jus become a vegtble who cant evn use a tilet.
This is why whn we wnt to dinnr I wntd to go somewre clos and why I said all tht othe
stuf, I hve not gone mre than thre bloks away from the sylum in abut five yers now. I enjy
spnding time wth you, I mised you ths wek, yure a lovly beatiful girl. But I cnt stay
frinds with yu, I mean, I cant go anywere. Imagne if we wer out nd I strted shiting my
pants and screming and runing arond! Well, now yu know, so I guss I wont se you agin.
Tak care Charlie, youre a swet grl, yull mak some guy vry happy.

It took Charlie a little while to read the message. She was used to getting drunk messages
from friends, so she could read most of the message on the first try. After she had read it
completely through twice she sat down on her bed and stared into her phone. As far as
what the reason could be for Mareks behavior, this kind of thing never occurred to her.
Her first thought was to go and show Victoria the message, but Victoria was out and
anyway Marek had said in the message that he had never told anyone (save Esther), it
would hardly be fair for her to go and tell Victoria. She thought a bit more, then a
shocking realization struck her and she was angry at herself that this wasnt her first
thought. She started tapping away at her phone.

Marek, where are you now?

She wanted to type more and say that she knew he didnt leave the asylum, but going by
his message and how much he had drunk could mean that, given the state he must be in,
he could be anyway. She waited for a long, long minute and was about to call him when
her phone vibrated to alert her of a message.

Whre else? Te asylm! Im up on th rof, I com up here al the tme, but I gess you knw tht.
On nghts like ths I cant hlp but lok down at the stret belw and wnder if Im high enugh

That was enough for Charlie, she grabbed her bag and her coat and was out her front door
in a flash.

Chapter 17.

Charlie sprinted as fast as she could to the bus stop. Everyone at home was in bed, so in
her mind there was no one to know that she had gone. This was far from being a concern
for her at the moment anyway.

When she got to the bus stop she found that the next bus was a good 25 minutes away.
She cursed under her breath, her mind quickly dismissing trying to run the whole way. As
she turned around to face the direction the traffic was heading, she saw a car with a
yellow light on the top.

Taxi! Taxi! She almost ran out into the middle of the street in order to get the drivers
attention. When he pulled up Charlie hopped into the back seat as quickly as she could.
The Taxi driver was a very, very overweight man with a turban on his head and a long
beard. In a different situation Charlie would have spent the entire taxi ride asking him
about where he was from, what his country was like etc, but she was in too much of a
rush to get to Marek.
Chestnut mental asylum please! When the driver didnt seem to respond she thought
maybe she spoke too fast for him, but he turned around (as best he could, being as big as
he was) and had a rather puzzled expression on his face.
Where? His voice was low and deep.
I can direct you, keep going straight.

When the taxi pulled up out the front of the asylum Charlie handed the driver the fare and
got out of the taxi without waiting for change. Once she was out of the taxi the driver
yelled a loud thank you, he was most likely bursting at the tip she had given him.
Charlie ran through the front door and found a girl she did not know working at the
reception. Charlie thought it strange that she had never seen this girl before, and then
remembered that she had never been to the asylum at around 11:00pm at night.
Sorry Im about to close up soon, and all of the residents are most likely asleep. Do you
know someone staying here? The girl behind the reception had a voice like a mouse,
high pitched squeaky. Charlies head was racing with lies she could tell her, then she
figured the honest truth will work.
Im a friend of Mareks, he messaged me to come round, he has a key himself so he can
let me in and out, he has done it before. Charlie was about to add in a lie that Esther has
let her stay multiply times, but the girl behind the reception began to nod her head.
Oh ok, no problem, I thought it was weird that someone would come to see a patient at
this hour, but if you are seeing Marek then thats fine. She smiled at Charlie and Charlie
returned her smile.
Thanks, Im running late so thats why I look like Im in such a rush. Charlie added as
she headed for the lift.

When she got to the roof the wind hit her and chilled her to her bones. She looked around
as best she could in the dark for Marek, but the other side of the roof was too far away to
be able to focus. As the wind died down she could hear the faint sound of someone
singing. She darted across the roof to the corner that the singing was coming from. The
singing (or rather the mumbling of a drunk) got louder and Charlie realized the song was
Blowin in the wind and figured he had chosen that song due to the strength of the wind.
Marek was sitting with his legs hanging over the edge, he was so drunk that his body was
swaying as he sang. Before he had the chance to notice Charlie behind him, she grabbed
him by his shoulders and pulled him back, she did not let go of him until he was a good 2
feet from the edge of the roof.
What the bloody hell are you doing?! You could have fallen off! Charlies voice was
filled with anger as she was so worried about him. Marek was looking up at Charlie, he
had stopped singing and even though he was looking up at her face, it took a moment for
him to focus his eyes and realize it was her.

Charlie!? What are you doing here? I was gonna text you about oh wait, did I text you
Charlie could tell now just how drunk he was. She looked him over, he was in his comfy
looking grey trackies and a hooded jumper that looked very warm. She was happy to see
this as it was so cold on the roof if he had been wearing shorts and a t-shirt he may have
gotten sick or worse. She had been around enough of her drunken friends to know how to
help him out.
Yes you did text me and thats why Im here now. Come on lets go to your room, its
freezing up here. She knelt down to help Marek to his feet. The closer she got down to
his face the stronger there was the smell of whisky, beer and (what she guessed) Doritos
corn chips. Marek sat up and was swaying a little bit, Charlie squatted down and put his
right arm over her shoulders to give him support for walking. Charlie was surprised that
Marek had gone completely silent, she was used to her friends talking her ear off once
they had had too much to drink. Marek stumbled to get to his feet but eventually the two
were walking, albeit slowly and wobbly. The stairs were as much of an obstacle course as
they could be, it took a few minutes for them to get down and about another five minutes
to get to his room.
When they got there Charlie had no choice but to give Marek a push so that he could flop
into his bed, she would have wanted to ease him into it, but in the state he was in it was
really the only way to get him to lie down. Marek rolled over so he was lying on his back
and let out a long groan, Charlie worried he would be sick and put his bin next to his bed.
Here, if you need to throw up your bin is on your left.
Charlie went and sat in her usual spot, she knew that the rest of the night will be spent
taking care of Marek, it had been a while since she had had to do this for someone. Some
memories were coming back to her, but she pushed them from her mind.

There was a prolonged silence, so long that Charlie figured Marek had passed out. But, if
he has passed out he would be snoring, everyone who has had too much to drink always
snores. She was about to get up and see if he was ok when he began talking.
Why did you come here, Charlie? Mareks voice was low and husky, most likely from
singing (if you could call it singing) on the roof.
You messaged me and said that you were on the roof of the asylum and thinking about
jumping off. I came over as fast as I could. Charlie did her best to speak calmly as she
did not know what Mareks mood would be like when he is drunk. Marek smiled a big
smile and began laughing, low, deep laughs that made Charlie a bit uncomfortable.
Oh how I wish I had the balls to jump off this roof. The trouble is, I dont know if its
high enough for me to die. I was thinking that maybe if I landed head first I would die for
sure. I realized this about the same time you showed up. At least, I think I did. Marek did
not turn his head to face Charlie when he talked, he simply stared at his ceiling. Charlie,
who had not contemplated suicide as an option for a long time, she felt she was not strong
on the subject. Various thoughts raced around her mind, she took her time to choose her
words carefully.
Why are being you so stupid, what the hell do you want to commit suicide for?
Marek closed his eyes and seemed to breathe deeper, then open them again, but still did
not look at Charlie, his eyes fixed on the ceiling.

Oh come on Charlie, I told you didnt I? What good is living if one day out of the blue
Im going to become retarded? Mareks tone was low but he was speaking louder.
Charlie had never liked the word retarded and scolded Victoria when she once called
their grandfather that.
Dont say retarded, I hate that word. Her voice was calm and stern at the same time.
So do I, I never use it to describe anyone in here and I never would. But I have to face
facts, its what Im going to become Mareks voiced trailed off at the end. Charlie had
a heap of questions to ask, but figured that if she asked them now she would feel like she
was taking advantage of Mareks current intoxicated state.
I want to talk to you about that, but Ill wait till tomorrow, Ill most likely not remember
any of this.
Marek laughed at this. Not a mocking laugh, but a truly happy laugh.
Youre sweet Charlie, but I wont talk about it tomorrow, I never talk about it. The
whole reason I made myself drink so much was that I could tell you and then not
remember it tomorrow. He at last turned his head so that he was looking directly at
If you want to ask me something, ask it now, I wont be talking about anything
tomorrow. Marek stared into Charlies eyes to show that he was serious. Charlie stared
back, then stood up and walked over to him. She was about to lay on the bed then
realized that if she lay on this side she would be in the way of the bucket and the
direction to the bathroom. So she walked around to the other side of the bed, Marek
watching her all the while. Marek was currently situated in the middle of the bed, and
because Charlie was so small she was able to slide onto the bed comfortably without
Marek having to move. She lay down on her back and stared at the ceiling, mimicking
Mareks position.
I learnt a long time ago that when you need to talk about something important with
someone, its good to be close to that person, but its bad to be facing them. Her eyes
seemed to glaze over a bit as she said this, her mind thinking back to previous things.
After a few moments Marek realized what she meant and turned his head away from her
and once again stared at the ceiling. Charlie continued.
I dont know anything about this illness you have, but if you have never talked to
anyone about it that isnt healthy. So I will ask you a few questions and I want you to
answer them. Remember that like you said you wont remember this tomorrow and know
that I am in no way a judgmental person, so its not like Im going to look down on you
for anything you tell me about this, topic.
Marek was silent for a moment, seeming to sum up what she had said, he finally muttered
an OK and nodded his head at the same time. Charlie spoke quickly after Mareks nod,
not wanting to create any awkward silences.
So tell me all about this illness you say you have. Ive never heard about it before, so
youll have to break it down as best you can. Charlie did not want her tone to be stern or
rude, but at the same time she knew being too sweet would lessen the chance of Marek
talking. Marek, eyes open but glazed over began to talk.
Its a hereditary disease. My father had it, it hit him when he was 38. He was working
his job as a delivery man at the time. Charlies mind raced, she was glad that they
werent facing each other or Marek would most likely not like the look on her face. She

was thinking of things to say when Marek let out a short sigh like he was laughing about
This is so weird, Ive never spoken about this to anyone, I must be as drunk as a poet on
payday. Marek laughed as he said this.
Charlie found words eventually.
Marek, are you sure you have it? Like, I know its hereditary and all, but maybe it skips
a generation or something? Charlie felt an urge to turn her head so she could see his
face, but thought better against it. After all, it had been her that instigated the whole not
looking at each other concept in the first place. She did not want to seem a hypocrite.
I thought the same thing until mum died. She was diagnosed with the same illness,
and died a few years after it struck her. She spent those years in this asylum.
Charlie felt her heart skip a beat and her eyes grow wide, still she refused to turn her
Thats why Esther gave me the job in the first place, she knew I had nowhere else to go.
Charlie thought about this, it made sense now why Esther was always asking so many
questions when she was going to see Marek. She was worried about him in her own way.
Charlie thought about the whole story a few times, then realized something.
What a minute, it hit your dad when he was 38. You have like 15 years until then!
When Marek didnt reply Charlie turned her head for the first time since she laid down on
the bed. Mareks eyes were closed and at first she thought he had fallen asleep.
Think about it Charlie, it can strike at any time, any time. Yes it did not hit my dad until
he was 38, but that makes no difference to me. It could hit me right now as Im saying
this sentence. Mareks tone went higher at the end of this as if it was something he had
said to himself many, many times before.
But still, I cant say that I agree with the idea that you are just going to work here your
whole life because of an illness that could strike at any time, if it ever strikes at all.
Theres so many other things you can be spending your time doing, like travelling! Look
at all those documentaries you love to watch! You can actually go to those places!
Charlie sat up as if this idea would single handedly change Mareks thought about his
illness. Before she turned to face him she heard what sounded like a bulldozer starting,
she realized Marek had fallen asleep. Her first thought was to wake him up and repeat
what she had said, and then she remembered just how much he had drunk and knew that
it was best to leave him. Even if he never talks about it again, what he has told me
explains practically everything, Charlie thought to herself. Her next thought was what she
should do now that he was asleep. If she left she would not sleep due to worrying about
him and then text him at some ridiculous hour in the morning to check on him. She got
up off the bed and looked down at Marek. She noticed at first that his shoes were still on,
this would make for an uncomfortable sleep. She walked round to the foot of the bed and
began to untie his shoelaces. She knew that he was out cold, so there was no point in
being quiet or delicate with his body. Once both shoes were off she contemplated taking
more of his clothes off, but realized that it would be far too hard to do. She already knew
that trying to take the clothes off someone who had passed out was as difficult a task as
rolling a 50kg bolder up a hill. She did the best she could to fold the doona over him so
he would stay warm. Now it looked as though he was wrapped in a cocoon, Charlie
couldnt help but think about how cute he looked, all except for the incredibly loud
snoring. She opened up his closet and was happy to find an extra doona rolled up on the

top shelf. She unrolled it and wrapped it around her body like as if it were a huge towel.
She looked over at Marek and thought about lying down next to him again. In the state he
was in he was far too gone to try anything funny (not that Charlie would entirely object).
But at the same time he might roll over and simply grab at her in a sleeping state. She
looked around and came to the conclusion that the only other two options were the small
couch she always sat on when she was in his room, or the floor. She walked over to the
couch and slowly eased herself into it, holding the doona tight so it would stay on her.

She had no intention to sleep, she figured that Marek would need some help during the
night and she wanted to be there to help him. But, once she was comfy in the couch, her
tired mind and body steadily took control of her and sent Charlie off into a deep sleep.

Chapter 18.

When Charlie woke up from a surprisingly deep sleep, it took her a few moments to
figure out where she was. At first she thought she must have had an incredibly wild night
of drinking and dancing and ended up at somebodys place. After she had looked around
the room a little more the events of the previous night came flooding back to her. She
looked over at the bed to find it empty, no trace of Marek. She jumped out of the couch
and doona at the same time and took a quick look around the room (the bathroom door
was open, so he wasnt in there) and starting bolting towards the door. She had almost
reached it when the door flew open. Marek was standing in the doorway wearing the
exact same clothes he had passed out in the night before, in his right hand was a coffee
holder with two cups in it and in his left hand was a brown paper bag.
Good morning sunshine! Marek said with a huge beam of a smile on his face. He held
out his left hand so that the brown paper bag was at Charlies chest level.
I hope you like spinach and ricotta croissants!
Charlie stood completely still for a moment, amazed at Mareks current state, he was
virtually unable to walk on his own last night and had passed out during (in Charlies
mind anyway) a very important conversation. Now he looked as fresh faced and positive
as a child at Disneyland. Charlie reached out and took the bag, surprised by the weight
and the warmth of it.
You look amazingly good for someone who drank themself to sleep last night! Charlie
said in a somewhat shocked voice. Marek, still smiling, let out a very heart filled laugh.
Well thank you, for some reason the previous night wont kick in till about 3pm, then Ill
be like a grumpy zombie who needs to go to the bathroom every 20 minutes. Marek
walked into his room, set the coffee cups on the bedside table, quickly pulled the doona
off the bed and set his bed up to be a couch again.
Im not sure what you drink, so I got us both hot chocolates. Its not coffee I know, but
there isnt a person alive who doesnt like hot chocolate! Marek said as he handed
Charlie one of the cups and gestured for her to sit down. Once Charlie had sat down she
took a sip of the hot chocolate, her eyes went wide and her eyebrows shot straight up.
Marek noticed this reaction.
How good is it?! Its that place around the corner, you know the one you and me went
to. Though I really have no basis for comparison, Im pretty sure its the best hot
chocolate around here! Marek said as he sat down next to Charlie. He leaned over her

and took the brown paper bag out of her hand. There was a small space between them on
the sofa, so Marek set the bag down between them and opened it. Charlie immediately
picked up the smell coming from the bag and suddenly realized how hungry she was.
These croissants are great too. I bought enough so there are two each, I hope thatll do.
Marek said as he handed one to Charlie.
Two will be plenty thanks. I owe you for this, thats one thing for sure. Charlie replied.
She looked a little at the croissant in her hand, then took a medium sized bite.
Immediately that the taste hit her senses she felt relaxed and highly satisfied. She loved
croissants, but it had been a long time since she had had one that was spinach and ricotta
(ham and cheese were abundant at every bakery), she made a mental note that she would
remember that the bakery near the asylum had them, and that they were delicious too.
She was so lost in the moment that she didnt realize Marek had been quietly watching
her, his face looking somewhere between confused and worried. She was about to state
how fantastic the croissant was but he was the one to speak first.
Charlie, Im going to be dead honest here (Charlie froze mid chew). I have absolutely no
memory of last night. When I woke up this morning and saw you sleeping on the couch, I
tried to think long and hard about what exactly happened last night, but for the life of me
I simply cannot remember a thing. Marek took a second to build up the courage he felt
he needed.
What exactly happened last night?
Charlie felt a bit of relief, the serious look that was on Mareks face before he had spoken
worried Charlie a little. But his question was an easy one for her, due to having no
Marek you texted me at about 10pm last night saying some interesting things. You
then sent me a second text saying that you were thinking of jumping off the roof here.
Charlie shot him a look, not out of disgust or rage, but concern. Marek looked away from
her, looking somewhat embarrassed and foolish. Charlie figured it wasnt worth getting
too into (not at that point anyway), so she continued.
I raced over here as fast as I could, there were no buses so I had to get taxi. I found you
singing on the roof, sitting with your legs dangling over the edge and your drunken body
swinging back and forth. Marek looked away from Charlie and his eyes seemed to go
out of focus. He was trying to remember this happening.
I managed to get you down into your room and in bed. We talked for a while. Charlie
waited until he looked back at her before continuing.
You really dont remember anything Marek?
Marek froze in place, his eyes slowly growing wider and wider.
Did we um do it? Mareks face was slowly turning red, but he did his best to keep
a stern face. On seeing this, Charlies emotions built up inside her until she couldnt hold
them down any longer. She began to let out loud, hysterical laughs that shook her entire
Oh Marek! Im sorry to laugh so hard, you just looked so cute then. To think that was
the one thing on your mind that could have happened last night. Charlie continued
laughing, she felt her eyes beginning to get hot as she was laughing so hard. Mareks face
had gone completely red, he looked down at his croissant and started chewing it, looking
like he felt two feet tall. Charlie couldnt help but find him even cuter. She eventually
caught her breathe.

No Marek, we did not do it. Even in your incredibly intoxicated state, you were a
complete gentlemen. Something I have never seen before. Charlie thought about what
she had just said, about how true that statement was. Marek, who did not notice the look
in Charlies eyes, felt his embarrassing moment had past. He too was thinking about what
she had just said, though not in the same way as her.
Thanks Charlie. You know I think thats one of the nicest things a guy can hear coming
from a girl. Marek felt as though he was glowing, to be told you were a gentlemen even
when you are absolutely intoxicated must certainly be something not many men would
hear. This had left him completely lost. He looked over at Charlie, who was giggling now
while trying to take a sip of her hot chocolate.
Well, Charlie, if that didnt happen, what exactly did? Marek said with a confused face
that can only happen when someone has completely forgotten everything.
We talked Marek, we talked about some very important things, I would have liked to
have talked more, but you passed out on me.
Oh god! I passed out on you?! Shit Im so sorry, did I like fall into you or
something?! Mareks voice was slightly loud and shaky. It took Charlie a moment to
realize what he was getting at.
Oh no nothing like that Marek. I meant as in you past out when we were talking, not as
in you physically passed out onto me.
Ohhhhhhhhh right, thank god for that then! Marek seemed relieved about this, but it
still didnt answer his biggest question (biggest after he found out they hadnt had sex).
What were we talking about? Marek bore a confused look on his face again.
Charlie swallowed the mouthful of croissant she had been chewing and set the croissant
on her lap.
Marek, you were telling me about the illness you have, the one about how you will
lose a good part of your mind and how it can strike at any time. Charlie did not look at
Marek as she said this, but now she turned to face him. Mareks face was cold and
shocked, similar to the look of Forrest Gump when he finds out he is the father of little
Forest. His mind raced endlessly, but he was frozen still and unable to talk or even move.
It didnt take Charlie long to realize he had gone still, like a possum in fright.
Marek listen, I dont think any less of As Charlie was trying to explain herself,
Marek stood up mid way through her sentence. He was breathing heavily through his
nose, though the expression of shock on his face had not changed. Without warning, he
turned and ran into his bathroom and slammed the door closed. Charlie was at a bit of a
loss by this, though she had no idea how he would have reacted to this news, she sure
didnt expect this. She got up and went over to the bathroom door, she knew it would be
locked, but she tried the door handle anyway.
Marek, please listen to me, I have not changed my opinion of you, nor have I felt like I
cant be friends with you! She made sure she was brief and to the point.
Go home Charlie, please, just go home. His voice was soft and shaky, filled with
endless sorrow. Charlie raised her hand and pressed it against the door.
No Marek, Im not going anywhere, not until you come out and we can talk about this.
She did not want to be stern, but she knew she had to put some authority in her voice at
this point.
Now please open the door Mar...

loud Charlie felt the vibration on the other side of the bathroom door. His breathing had
now gotten louder, so loud that it sounded like painful screams, as if he was being
stabbed. Charlie was startled when he had shouted at her, but in no way was she
intimidated or scared, she stood her ground.
No Marek, Im not going anywhere, you can yell at me all you want, but Im staying
right here until you come out and we talk about this. At the very least you should hear me
out. Charlies voice was softer than it had been before, she felt her own eyes getting hot
at the sound of Mareks uncontrollable fit of tears.

Chapter 19

Fifteen minutes had passed. Charlie wasnt sure if he had simply fallen asleep or was lost
in deep thought. A sudden thought struck her brain like an ice pick through her skull.
Marek?! MAREK?! Charlie was banging on the bathroom door with quick, repetitive
Oh shit Marek, can you please make some response or some kind of noise! Please dont
kill yourself! Its not the answer! Charlie felt her heart pounding in her chest and her
eyes getting hot. She had stopped pounding on the door and was still as a deer in
headlights, waiting for some response from Marek.

It must have been only about 30 seconds, but for Charlie it felt like an hour had past.
Im still alive Charlie, though I dont know why. Mareks voice sounded tired and hurt.
Charlie felt tears rolling down her cheeks.
Marek, please open the door please Charlie was sniffling like a little child who had
hurt themself and was trying not to cry. She rubbed her eyes for a moment and the door
handle to the bathroom slowly started turning. Slowly, the door opened until she could
see Marek. Charlie was on her knees right in front of the door way. Marek squatted down
so that he was eye level with her. Mareks face was so close Charlie could feel the
warmth of his breath on her face. She felt her heart racing as she looked at his face, his
eyes were red raw, the only type of eyes you can get from crying, and down each side of
his face was the shallow imprint that can only be made from seemingly endless streams
of tears. Charlie suddenly became overwhelmed with emotions and threw herself on him,
hugging him so incredible tight that she could just breathe. She was still sobbing slightly
into his chest, after a moment she felt Mareks arms wrap around her body, and pull her

* * *

About an hour had passed, somehow they had both made it from the bathroom floor to
the sofa and had eaten their breakfast in silence. Charlie wanted to speak, wanted to talk
to Marek, it was clear he needed someone to talk to about this. Charlie looked over at him
to see if now would be a good time to start talking. Marek had his hands on the top of his
head and was as quiet as a mouse. Charlie was about to start talking when Marek stood
up as quickly as the wind.

I just remembered something, something you did last night! Marek turned and pulled
the side of the sofa down to turn it back into a bed. He then lied down and stared directly
at the ceiling.
You laid down next to me and said that the best way to talk about things you dont like
to talk about is by looking at the ceiling. Marek was still, his eyes focused on one spot of
the ceiling. Charlie had been watching Marek with curiosity, until he explained what he
was doing, she moved over and lay down next to him and looked at the ceiling as well.
Actually, what I said was if you stay close to someone but not face them, its easier. Im
surprised you remembered that. Charlie said as her eyes picked a spot on the ceiling to
stare at.
It just came to me now Charlie could sense Marek had more to say.
I cant believe I just cried like a little baby, I havent cried like that since my mum died.
I feel so damn pathetic. Mareks tone had a hint of anger, Charlie knew that it was not
directed at her.
You know, I never understand why guys are so worried about crying in front of
someone. I mean, its a normal reaction, if something makes you sad you cry. Charlie
pointed out. There was another long pause, Charlie felt that Marek was talking now, so if
she waited long enough he would continue.
I cant believe I told you that stuff. I havent told anyone that, only Esther and that was
because she more or less knew already Marek paused again, Charlie waited patiently.
I really dont know what to say Charlie, I was thinking in the bathroom about how even
though you knew this stuff about me, you were still here when I woke up. Like, most
people would have just up and left you know. There was no sarcasm in his tone, Charlie
realized that Marek really did think these things as if they were as true as the sky was
Marek, I dont know what to say about that. Anyone who just up and left you the
minute they found that out about you is just evil.
There was another pause, Charlie wanted to say more, but in her mind the more important
thing was to keep Marek talking like he was now.
I really want to believe that. Marek turned to face Charlie, Charlie wanted to turn to
face him, but wasnt sure if that would stop him talking.
Charlie, I just want you to know that I didnt react the way I did because of you. Like, I
know youre a good person, but because of the way I figured people would react, I was
worried that it would fuck up everything. Marek kept looking at her for a moment
longer, then turned to face the ceiling again.
You dont have to say youre sorry Marek, its not like youve done anything wrong. Im
trying to think about how I would feel if I had
You can call it an illness, its what I call it.
Ok, if I had this illness, I dont know how Id be. Like I guess I would be worried when I
was around other people. But Marek, you dont have to be worried. I mean, it didnt hit
your father until he was way older than you are now. I know its easy for me to say this,
but you shouldnt let it get to you as much as it has. Charlie paused to see if Marek had
anything to say, when he didnt speak, she continued.
Like you could go out and enjoy yourself, hell look at all the docos you watch. You
should be out exploring the world before your illness starts. This time Charlie turned
her head to look at Marek. Marek was staring intently at the ceiling, his eyes however

showed that he was miles away. Charlie turned back to face the ceiling, she was intent on
not speaking again until he did.
Ive thought about that, as in Ive thought about it virtually every second of everyday. I
want to go everywhere in the world, I want to see everything I can, but whats the point if
Im gonna lose my mind anyway?
Charlie frowned, a deep frown that seemed to screw up her entire face.
Marek, thats kind of dumb. I mean, we are all gonna die at some point, and when we
die everything we see and we know all disappears, as far as I know anyway. All I want to
do with my life is travel, Im not thinking about that its pointless after I die, by that logic
everything is pointless. She stopped to see if Marek had something to say. He didnt so
she continued.
I know Im still young, but Ive come to the conclusion that the only way for life to be
pointless is if you view it that way. I mean, there is no way to ever know how big an
impact we make on this world, but the one thing thats true is that we make an impact.
Even a still born baby makes an impact on the mother and those around her.
Charlie turned to look at Marek and found him staring at her, a look of wonder spread
across his face. At first Charlie felt like she had said something wrong.
Sorry if that was too deep and sounded silly. Charlie felt her face getting a little hot.
No, Charlie that didnt sound silly at all. Ill admit it was deep, but it was a very good
point. Ive never even thought about it that way. Marek was no longer staring at Charlie,
though he was looking at her, his eyes showed how lost in thought he was. He rolled
over, completely over so that Charlie was looking at his back.
Now I feel like an absolute asshole. Ive been wasting my life here because I so worried
about something thats gonna turn me into a vegetable. But, Im living in a good country
and have a roof over my head, there must be so many people in this world who would
gladly have this illness if it meant they got to live in this country, like away from poverty
and starvation. Ive been doing nothing but wasting my time feeling sorry for myself.
Man I am such an idiot! Mareks whole body tensed as he said the word idiot. Charlie
rested her hand on his back and subconsciously moved herself closer to him.
Marek, please dont think you have wasted your time. I honestly cannot thank you
enough for everything you did for my grandpa. He spoke so highly of you, it made me
realize that even though grandpa thought you were a soldier, he could still see the real
you. Please, please dont say youve wasted your time. You helped my grandpa so much,
Im sure you helped others out here too in ways that they cannot thank you enough for.
Charlie could feel her eyes getting hot as the memories of her grandpa came flooding
back. She missed him, like most things, she did not realize how much she would actually
miss him until he was gone. Marek slowly rolled over, instead of rolling to stare at the
ceiling, he rolled completely over so that now his whole body was now facing Charlie.
They were even closer than when he had opened the bathroom door. Charlie could see
one tear welt up and run down the side of his face.
You are so nice Charlie, so very, very nice. He looked directly into her eyes as he said
this, no hint of his thoughts being miles away, he was in the moment. Charlie must have
blinked, for she did not see Mareks face move any closer, however she felt his lips on
hers before she opened her eyes. His lips were soft and warm, Charlie had that feeling of
sudden shock, overwhelmed quickly by both calm and ecstasy. When he pulled away (too
early for Charlies liking) he sat straight up and looked down at Charlie.

Mareks smile was so huge that it made Charlie blush. Marek looked down at his clothes.
I better take a shower, Ive been in these cloths for about a day and a half and even I can
smell that rancid hangover smell on me. Marek got to his feet and walked over to the
bathroom. After closing the door he called out to Charlie.
Ill be quick! Feel free to use my computer, the password is nirvana.
Once the bathroom door was shut, Charlie raised her hand to her lips. It had been a long
time since she had been kissed. It had been even longer since she had had a first kiss with
someone. She felt like a schoolgirl and her cheeks felt hot as lava. Through all that they
had been talking about, she was virtually unaware of how close they were lying to each
other. Charlie was happy, a kind of happy she had not felt in a long time. She lay back on
the bed for a moment, soaking herself in this seemingly perfect moment.

Chapter 20

Marek came out of the door with nothing but a towel on.
Sorry, Ive never had anyone in my room when Ive had a shower before, so I didnt
take any clothes in. Thank god I remembered you were here though, normally I come out
buck naked.
Charlie had taken Mareks proposal to use his computer and was currently typing a
facebook message to her sister to explain where she had been all night (she decided to lie
and say she was at one of her girlfriends house, she could trust Victoria, but wanted to
see her reaction in person when she told her the truth). It was the first time she had seen
Marek shirtless, she instinctively did the once over, and then turned away.
Oh, dont mind me. Youve got wedding tackle covered, so all is good. She said as she
was turning back to the computer. After Marek had found some clothes to wear, he
headed back for the bathroom. Just before he closed the door Charlie took a quick glance
at the back of him. He must work out Charlie was lost in the image she just saw, but
before she let her mind wonder too far, she focused back on the computer screen and
finished the message to Victoria.

This time when Marek came out of the bathroom he was fully dressed in a checked shirt
that fitted him perfectly and some snug fitting jeans. Charlie didnt focus long on the
clothes he was wearing, she was fascinated by the look in his eyes. He had changed, his
entire demeanor seemed to have changed, it was as if in the time of one shower he
became a person who found the answer to something that had been bugging them for a
very long time.
Charlie, you are like the smartest person I swear I have met in a long, long time. Today,
I want to do a load of things I have deprived myself of for more than four years! Marek
started dancing around in little steps, as if he was on top of the world and never coming
down. Charlie was shocked at how much he had changed. She thought for a moment,
then realized no one would have given him a different point of view like she just had.
Ok well, what do you feel like doing? Charlie tried to imagine the things that he would
have missed while he locked himself away in the asylum, but she really couldnt think of
things shed miss herself from the city.
The cinemas! Mareks faced beamed. I know it sounds dumb. But I havent gone to see
a movie at the cinemas for ages. I really dont care what we see either, I just miss the

whole experience of being in a cinema and enjoying a movie while eating enough
popcorn to feed a family of 12. Marek was still dancing around his room as he was
saying this. Charlie merely watched with a big smile on her face. She couldnt help but
think about how adorable his current mood was.
Sure! That sounds great, I have no idea what movies are on, but we can check it out.
Charlie thought for a moment.
But Marek, arent you really hung over? Do you feel up to going out to the cinemas and
Marek stopped dancing and turned to face Charlie, who was still sitting on the computer
chair. He quickly walked over to her, got down on his knees in front of her and took both
of her hands in his.
Charlie, for around four years I havent gone further than two blocks away from the
asylum, and for no longer than maybe two hours at most. You have like, opened my eyes.
Having someone elses point of view on the way things are for me is something that I
never considered, but I definitely needed. I feel like a new person thanks to you. I dont
care that Im hung over, shit I wouldnt care if had a broken leg or a fever! His smile
made Charlies heart feel like it was melting. He truly was happy, very, very happy,
similar to a kid on Christmas. Charlie couldnt help but return his smile with one of hers.
Mareks happiness was radiating off him that she could not help but be swallowed up by
it. A few seconds passed and Marek was still kneeling in front of her, holding her hands
and smiling.
I really want to kiss you again Marek said through his huge smile. Charlie felt like
she could be a bit of a tease here. She pulled her hands out of his.
No Charlie watched for Mareks reaction. He didnt lose his smile, but his eyes had
changed to show his disappointment. Before he could get up, Charlie put her hands
around his head.
This time, let me be the one who kisses you. Charlie said as she closed in on him.
Marek had not used his tongue on their previous kiss, possible out of shyness. Charlie felt
she had the upper hand here and slowly slid her tongue into Mareks mouth, she had not
kissed a guy for a long time and was worried she was out of practice. But she felt she
must be doing well with his response of sliding his tongue into her mouth. Her heart was
racing by the sheer ecstasy of a real, passionate kiss. When she pulled away from him
(after what felt like a fantastic full minute) Marek still wore the same huge smile.
Wow. That was good, youre a good kisser Charlie. Sorry if Im doing a shit job, Ive
never really kissed a girl. Marek got up and moved over to the sofa, his face a little red.
Oh Marek, you know sometimes you are so cute. Your kiss was fine, and if you feel out
of practice Im more than happy to help. Charlie let her face turn to (what she hoped)
a flirtatious expression. The kiss she had just experienced with Marek made her feel
good. At first Marek didnt react to what she had said, he seemed lost in thought for a
moment. Looking away from Charlie, he frowned, and then looked down at his feet.
Charlie, you really are being too good to me. The thing is, you know about my illness,
yet you still say those things. Dont get me wrong, hearing those things from you are like
some sort of wonderful dream. Ever since I first saw you in your grandpas room Ive
thought about how beautiful you are. Then, when I got to know you, I found out that you
werent just good looking, you are also incredibly sweet. Marek looked up to meet
Charlies eyes. Charlie didnt know what to make of what he was saying, she liked to

here it as anyone would, but (mostly due to past experiences) always found it hard to
believe things like that when someone said them. She turned away from Mareks gaze, a
little embarrassed and not sure what to say. Marek felt that maybe he had said something
he shouldnt and looked back down to his feet.
Its just that, look I dont know how to say this, so Im just gonna lay it all out on the
table. Charlie turned to look back at Marek, curiosity winning over embarrassment.
If my illness hits while we are hanging out, I want you to do whatever you can to get
yourself some help. Scream, shout, hell call the police if you need to. Just dont try to
think you can help me. Ill literally become like an overgrown two year old, I dont want
you to have to feel you need to deal with that on your own, ok? Marek looked back up at
Charlie, his expression a mixture of seriousness and concern. Charlie took in what he was
saying, she wanted to tell him that it wasnt a problem, but she knew that would be a lie.
Ok Marek, if thats what youd like me to do if that situation occurs, then thats what Ill
do. Charlie gave Marek a sympathetic smile, trying to make it obvious that this was
something she did not want to think about. Upon hearing her answer, Marek jumped up
off the sofa and clapped his hands.
Ok then, lets go! To the cinemas! Marek bent down towards Charlie and gestured that
he wanted her to link arms with him. Then his eyes grew wide and he stood back up
Oh shit! I just realized that you might want to take a shower! Shit sorry Charlie! I should
have offered already. Do you want to take a shower or something? Marek was talking
fast, he seemed to be trying to fix something he felt he had done wrong. Charlie had been
feeling the need for a shower, the last thing she wanted was to be stinking of BO in the
If its ok, I wouldnt mind one. I wont wash my hair so Ill be super quick. Literally Ill
be ready to go in like five minutes. Charlie stood up to show that she was going to be as
fast as possible. She was a little worried that Marek might change his mind about going
anywhere if she took too long.
Take your time Charlie, Ill check out the movies that are on and screening times online,
so please dont rush. Hang on one sec and Ill get you a towel. Marek opened his closet
and produced a clean white towel. Charlie took the towel from Marek and went into the

* * *

Marek was still dancing around in the elevator as they were heading out. Charlie could
not help but think that he really was just like a kid on Christmas. She worried for a
moment what his reaction might be if the day did not go well. She perished the thought
quickly, there was no need to think of potential bad things that may or may not happen.
Besides, given Mareks mood, something really bad would have to happen for his day to
be ruined.

When they got to the ground floor, they found Esther working behind the counter. Her
face wore a smile, but Charlie could see that she was wondering how Charlie got upstairs
without her noticing.
Morning Esther! Mareks voice was loud and proud.

Morning Esther said through her now fake smile.
And where are the two of you off to?
Blunt, classic Esther Charlie thought.
Charlie is taking me to the movies, Esther!
Esthers eyes narrowed and she turned her attention (or rather death stare) at Charlie.
Oh is she now? Well, you take good care of him Charlie, ok? She did not stop staring at
Charlie, nor did she even blink. Charlie did her best to return her fake smile.
Dont worry Esther I will! Charlie said with a high pitch tone. She took hold of Mareks
wrist and escorted him out the front entrance. Once they got onto the street Marek started
Did you see the look on her face?! That was priceless! While talking, Marek had shifted
Charlies hold on him so that they were now walking hand in hand. Charlie noticed the
warmth and firmness of Mareks hand.
Sorry if that was uncomfortable Charlie, I just couldnt resist! Marek squeezed
Charlies hand two times in what she figured was some way to physically show an

Chapter 21

Marek and Charlie got off the bus at the closest stop to the asylum. To Charlie that day
had gone very well. To Marek, the day went better then he could have hoped for. They
saw a romantic comedy that they both enjoyed for different reasons, which made for a
good topic while they ate at a Mexican restaurant. Then went bowling where they were
almost evenly matched, Charlie managed to just win. After bowling, they had walked
through the biggest park in the city, then turned around and walked through it again. The
weather was just the right temperature for walking. They went to an early dinner at a
fantastic Japanese restaurant that neither of them had been to but both thoroughly
enjoyed. Marek had not tried to kiss Charlie the entire day, but he had held her hand
through the entire movie and then during their walk.

Marek still wore a big smile on his face as they walked hand in hand back to the asylum.
It was about 7:30pm, but they had had such a long, fun day that it felt much later. Even
through Mareks smile, Charlie could see the drinking from the night before was starting
to creep up on him. Marek had said at different times during the day that he could feel the
hangover. But it left as soon as he began talking about a different topic. Charlie felt as if
Marek heading home now had definitely been the right choice. They were at the front
entrance of the asylum when Charlie stopped. Marek kept walking, but his hand got
pulled by Charlie stopping and he turned around to look at her, a slight look of confusion
on his face.
I think I should go home, you look pretty tired Marek. I think last night has caught up
with you. You should get some sleep. Charlie smiled as she spoke to ensure that there
was no hidden meaning to what she was saying, she simply felt that Marek needed rest.
Marek gave her a confused look.
No Charlie Im fine, if you feel like going home Im not going to stop you. But Im not
planning on falling asleep when I get up to my room, so youre more then welcome to
come up for awhile.

Charlie thought for a moment, she had been around Marek long enough to know that he
wasnt going to try anything she wouldnt want (just yet anyway) to happen. She herself
felt tired, but the thought of lying on his sofa watching a doco was a pleasing one.
Well, as long as you dont feel too tired. Maybe we could watch a doco together?
Marek smiled at her reply and gave her a slight tug to continue her walking next to him.
When they got into the reception Esther was still there, but her shift had ended. Vivian
was at the computer now. She looked up at both of them and gave one of her skeptical
Long day you two had! I hope it was fun. She said as they passed her. Neither of them
stopped walking towards the elevator. Once Marek had pushed to call the lift, he turned
to Esther not wanting to be rude.
We had an absolutely fantastic day Esther. Marek said without a hint of sarcasm in his
voice. At first it looked as though Esther was going to begin asking questions, but when
the lift came and they both walked in, she simply smiled back at them. Once the door was
closed and they began ascending to Mareks floor, Marek let out a long sigh.
Please dont let her get to you. Marek said once his long sigh had ended. Charlie looked
at Marek, a little confused.
Esther I mean. Ever since I told her about me shes kind of taken on the role as my
mother. To be honest it can get kind of annoying, but at the same time I know she is just
looking out for me, because I dont have any family or anything. Marek was looking
down as he was talking. Charlie thought about what he was saying, then smiled at him.
Dont worry. Ill admit that when I first started hanging out with you and she kept asking
a bunch of questions it was pretty weird. But, now that I know why she was asking those
questions, it makes more sense. Charlie thought for a moment.
Personally I think she is being a little over protective of you. Like, I know she is looking
out for you, but if she worried about you every time you step out of the asylum, it kind of
makes it hard for you to go anywhere. But, Im not mad at her or anything, because she is
doing what she thinks is best.
The lift opened at Mareks floor.

When they got into Mareks room Charlie immediately sat down on the edge of the sofa,
her body stiff and excited.
I love how you set up your room the last time we watched a doco. Are you going to set it
up the same way again?! Charlie asked in such an eager and excited way that Marek
couldnt help himself. He walked over to her and gave a long kiss on her cheek.
You have no idea how cute you can be Charlie. He said as he looked deeply into her
eyes. He stood back up and busily set about preparing the room for the doco, exactly like
it was the last time.
Ive managed to download a couple of new docos by the way. One is about the sexual
behavior of dolphins and the other is about animals with the worlds longest migrations.
Which one do you feel like watching?
Charlie thought for a moment, she doubted that watching the sex life of dolphins would
make the two of them uncomfortable or curious. At the same time, the worlds longest
migrations sounded far more interesting.
Ill have to go with the great migrations. The dolphin one sounds interesting, but it
doesnt sound like it would be as interesting and great migrations.

Marek smiled Sweet, I have wanted to watch this one for a while. It had been slowly
downloading for over a month and it just finished early yesterday. I think its gonna be
really interesting. Marek said as he closed the blinds and turned the lights off.
When everything was in place Marek sat down next to Charlie and put a pillow his lap.
Without a word he put his arm around her and gave the slightest nudge to show that he
would like her to lie with her head on his lap. Charlie didnt mind the idea at all and
slowly laid her head down on the pillow and curled the rest of her body into a ball. She
felt so comfortable, the only kind of comfort you can get from being close to someone
you have feelings for. Her mind spoke to her as if subconsciously. I feel so comfortable
here with him, I feel so relaxed and calm. I have not felt this way in such a long, long
time. Charlie felt her heart relax, she did not feel uncomfortable or the least bit worried,
she simply felt peaceful.
Are you cold at all? The doona is just here. Marek asked as the voice of the legendary
David Attenborough came out of the computer speakers.
That would be lovely, thanks. She seemed to have whispered. Marek reached out and
slowly pulled the doona up. After a little while he managed to set it over Charlie, she felt
even warmer and more comfortable than before, something which she did not think was
possible. Suddenly, she felt the doona go up slightly and Mareks hand worked its way
down her back, then turned upwards until it was settled between her ribs and hip. She felt
her heart skip a little at this action, Marek had done it smoothly and silently. At first she
thought his hand was going to venture north until it had a good hold of her right breast, or
south until he had a handful of her right butt-cheek in his hand. Charlie would have
simply let it happen.

After thirty minutes into the doco Mareks hand had not moved. Charlie had all but
forgotten that it was there, which she was happy about because it meant she could focus
on the doco. Her mind did slip into a thought about her current position and Mareks
current hand placement. Hes just as lonely as I am, he is a guy so he has a healthy sex
drive Im sure, but even guys would miss just having someone to be close to at times like
this. He has probably missed it as much as I have, possibly even more! This made Charlie
feel even more comfortable, knowing that he was appreciative simply of her company,
and did not seem to simply want some physical favors from her.

Once the doco was over Charlie sat up and Marek went and turned the lights on. Charlie
knew from previous experience that if a guy leaves the lights off after watching
something it indicates very strongly that he is eager for something sexual to start. So
Marek turning on the lights was a sign that he did not want that to happen, which made
Charlie feel that maybe he was trying to hint that she should go. Maybe he is super tired
and just wants to go to bed. Marek sat down next to her but did not make eye contact,
keeping his face towards the computer screen.
I have something to ask you. I am going to ask you straight out, and if you dont want to
answer you dont have to. His voice was stern and full of authority. Charlies mind raced
as to exactly what it could be that Marek had to say.
Ok, ask away. If I dont want to answer Ill simply say no. Charlie realized that he was
using her close body no eye contact method, so she also turned to face the computer

Well last night I told you something that I have not spoken about to anyone in years,
and something I never really talk about for that matter. But, it seems that talking about it
to you has made things better, better than I could have imagined. It makes me want to
repay you, and really the only way I can think of is asking you if there is something you
feel you can never talk to anyone about. If there is maybe you can talk about it with
me. Im not sure if Id be able to help you as much as you helped me, but maybe just
talking about it to someone might help. Marek kept looking forward. Charlies initial
reaction was the reaction no one wants but is bound to happen, she began thinking about
various things that she had forced herself to repress for the sole reason that they made her
unhappy. She could feel her head aching as these memories came flooding into her mind
with a force that she could not withhold. She began to cry, not loud heart wrenching tears
but the silent sobs of someone who is doing their best to not force out the feeling. Marek
was still looking at the computer screen and was unaware of the tears that had begun to
flow down Charlies face. He remained silent, almost unblinking while staring forward.
No no Marek. I cant talk about that stuff. I I just cant. Charlie let out the slightest
of whimpers, she was trying so hard to push her emotions down, but somehow that one
managed to escape. Marek turned to see Charlies teary face. His first reaction was to
apologize, but he knew that for anyone to talk about these kinds of things they needed to
be doing it through tears. Still, Marek did say that if she said no, he would not push her.
In reality there was no point pushing her into to talking, to some degree everyone talks
when they are ready to.
Ok Charlie, you dont have to talk about it. Just know that if you ever want to Im all
ears. Marek was looking directly at her face as he said this. Charlie had somewhat
calmed down, she remembered about the good day she had had and how happy it all
made her feel. Marek leaned over to her and put a hand on her shoulder.
Well, how about this, you have given me the happiest day of my life, I swear it. I would
love to be able to say that youre my girlfriend Charlies eyes grew wide but, with
my illness and all I feel I would be wasting your time. So, I just want you to know that if
you get a boyfriend or are interested in someone, I wont mind. I mean, we can still be
friends and all, I just wont kiss you and ask you to lie on my lap or do any of that stuff.
Charlie turned to face Marek, who had a look on his face that showed he felt he had said
the most wisdom-filled thing in the world. Charlie frowned.
What?! Just what is that supposed to mean? Are you saying that because of your illness
we simply can never be together?! Charlie had no intention of shouting, but her words
were coming out loudly. Marek looked dumbstruck.
Well, Im gonna turn into a giant 2 year old Charlie, and at anytime mind you. There is
no way I want you to stay with
Charlie felt the on setting of rage.
Marek!! Clearly today has taught you nothing, nor has me being present with you all last
night! There isnt any simpler way to say this I dont care about your illness! Even if it
hits you tomorrow, or the day after or thirty years from now, Im not just gonna up and
walk away from you because of it! Charlie stood up.
It makes me so mad that you would think so little of me.
Marek stood as well.
But Charlie, its not fair, you could meet a guy that you can stay with forever, who will
always be who he is every day. I cant help but feel that I would be wasting your time.

Charlie stared directly into Mareks eyes. She kept staring for she knew that if she looked
away first, Marek would feel that the point he had to make was more important than hers.
After what felt like a long minute, Marek took his eyes away from Charlie and looked
directly down at his feet.
Im sorry Charlie, I dont think little of you, I just dont want to waste your time. Marek
was talking to his shoes. Charlie felt she had done enough, there was no point being mad
at him, in a way he was trying to look out for her. She moved over and stood right in
front of him, waiting for him to look back up at her. Slowly, Marek raised his head and
met her eyes, his expression was a sad one.
Marek, the only way you could waste my time is if you didnt want to be with me, either
as partners or as friends. And the same goes my way too, the only way I could waste your
time is if you didnt want to be with me. Charlie gave him a small, sympathetic smile.
Marek couldnt seem to help himself and pulled her into him, hugging her tightly.
I know Ive said this already, but you really are too nice to me Marek whispered in her
ear. After a moment Charlie pulled back and met his eyes again.
Now, you need to redeem yourself with what you just said. Say exactly what you feel
Marek, Im all ears.
Marek stood for a moment, at first he didnt get what Charlie was trying to say. Then he
suddenly realized what she meant.
Are you sure Charlie?
Charlie frowned, she was about to talk when Marek interjected.
Ok ok sorry. Here it goes would you be interested in being my girlfriend?
Mareks voice was shaky, Charlie could feel his hands slightly shaking on her back.
Marek, Id love to be your girlfriend. She said with more confidence than she thought
she could muster up. Marek beamed a huge smile and gave her a long, passionate kiss.
When they pulled back, Charlie was the first to speak.
Well, I think I should be thanking you for such a good day. I dont want to be a party
pooper, but I better get going. Charlie was forcing herself to say these words, in reality
she wanted nothing more than to stay with Marek all through the night. But, despites
Mareks possible denial, he was starting to look like a hung over zombie, he needed a
good nights sleep and he would get it if she did not stay the night. Marek looked worried
at first like maybe she was regretting what had just happened. After he had studied the
look on her face, he realized there was no hidden meaning to what she had said.
Ok Charlie, truth be told I am starting to feel pretty tired. Let me walk you to the bus
Charlie held up her hands in front of Marek in a sort of defensive manner.
No no Marek, youre sweet, but its not that dark yet so Ill be fine getting to the bus
stop on my own.
Marek looked as though he was about to insist, but before he could talk he let out a
massive yawn that looked as though it had enough force to snap off his jaw. Charlie
couldnt help but laugh, he was in such a state of sleep deprivation.
Get some sleep Marek, Ill give you a buzz sometime this week ok? Charlie said as she
gathered her things to go. Before she left they exchanged another long embrace, Charlie
wondered if Marek would let his hands wander, but they stayed on her lower back.
Before letting go Marek gave Charlie one last strong hug.

Thank you so much Charlie, so very, very much. Marek whispered in her ear. Charlie
gave him a heartwarming smile, and left.

Chapter 22

It had been almost two weeks since Marek and Charlie had decided to officially became a
couple. Marek was busy with work and Charlie was busy with studies and homework, so
their contact was limited to the internet and mobile phones. Marek, ever the over-thinker,
sent Charlie a first message that read:

Hey Charlie, hows your day going?

P.S I dont want to be one of those boyfriends who sends too many messages and gets
super annoying. So feel free to not reply to any of my messages if they are starting to get
on your nerves.

Charlies expression after reading the message was a mixture of stupidity and cuteness.
She replied:

Oh Marek, you worry about the strangest things. I assure you that so long as you dont
send a message every 5 minutes or send ridiculously mushy messages you have nothing to
worry about.

To answer your question, my day is going well except for a 1500 word assignment I have
till the end of the week to finish. Hows your day travelling?

The messages they sent each other all were roughly based around the same as these ones.
Marek was happy to hear that Charlie didnt like mushy messages as he felt they were
impersonal and very childish. They would talk on the phone from time to time at night,
simply about how their days went and when they hoped to be able to see the other next.
Charlie did her best not to vent about all of her troubles, she never liked the thought of
being a girlfriend who dumps all of her problems on other people. From time to time she
would forget this though and start on a rant about the annoyance of some essay or her
family. Once she realized she was doing it she would always apologize to Marek. Marek
never seemed to mind much, he would always tell her that he was a very good listener,
but hopeless at giving good advice.

From time to time Charlie would simply like to listen to Mareks voice over the phone.
She liked how it sounded both in person and over the phone, deep and smooth, clear as
the water of a pond with no fish. She wanted to tell Marek that listening to his voice over
the phone made her feel happy, but wasnt sure what hes reaction to hearing this
would be (she was still working out just how shy he was about these things).

* * *
One night when Charlie was chatting away to Marek over the phone, her bedroom door
flew open without even the slightest hint of a knock.

Hey Charlie do you have any facial scru who are you talking to? Victoria stood in the
doorway wearing nothing more than a black silk nighty. Her face was smudged with
make up, Charlie summed up that she must have been part way through getting her make-
up off when she ran out of facial scrubs. Marek, oblivious to what was happening in
Charlies room, was still talking into Charlies ear while this was unfolding. Victoria
went quiet and still, doing her best to listen to the conversation. Though she could not
make out any words, she could tell by the tone that it was the voice of a man.
Is that Marek?!? Victorias eyes lit up and she started jumping up and down. Before
Charlie could say a word, Victoria swooped in as fast as an eagle and snatched the phone
out of Charlies hand.
Hello, Marek?! She began to run around Charlies room in a circle, jumping up on the
bed as well. Charlie was trying to catch her, but not out of anger or embarrassment, if
anything it was purely out of general annoyance.
Hello, yes this is Marek. Who is this?
Its Victoria, Charlies little sister, congratulations on becoming a couple! Victoria
teased. Charlie stood speechless at this perfect accusation.
Oh she told you about that? Well, thanks! Your sister is a very lovely girl! Im a very
happy and lucky guy!
Victoria stopped running and stood motionless, her face filled with a sort of happy-shock
expression. Because she had stopped, Charlie managed to get the phone back off her.
AHHHHHHHH!! You are actually dating?!? AHHHHHH thats so awesome Charlie!
Victoria was so happy that she ran out of Charlies room still screaming and carrying on.
Sorry about that, she just barged in and stole my phone. I hadnt actually told her about
you and me yet. Charlie quickly said.
Oh shit sorry! Did you not want your family to know? Oh god Charlie Im so sorry! Man
I just screwed up royal
No Marek its nothing to be sorry about, I dont care that she knows, I just knew shed
react this way so I was trying to figure out the best way to bring it up.
Victoria came screaming back into the room and gave Charlie a big hug.
Oh Charlie Im so happy for you! This is such great news! Victoria was hugging
Charlie so tight that Charlie could hardly breathe. She let go of her and smiled.
Well, I dont want to get in the way of your cute little phone conversation! Victoria said
as she went bouncing out the doorway. Marek, upon hearing all of that, spoke up before
Wow Charlie, she sure seems happy for you. Thats great! She is a good sister.
Yeah she is when she wants to be, sometimes though she can be the queen of all bitches.
But I love her all the same.

After about another twenty minutes on the phone to Marek, Charlie heard her mother call
out that it was time for dinner. She said goodbye and went downstairs. The brilliant smell
of her mothers lasagna came floating into her nostrils, her mother had not made lasagna
for some time, Charlie suddenly felt famished. When she got into the kitchen everyone
was already at the dinner table. Victoria had a big stupid smile on her face which made
Charlie roll her eyes, she knew what was coming and slowly eased herself in a chair. Her
mother was the first to speak.

So Charlie, we found out from Victorias excessive screaming that Marek is now your
Charlie gave her sister a glare, but Victoria did not lose her big stupid smile.
Yes mum thats correct. Charlie said as she began to cut into her lasagna.
Well, thats lovely, isnt it dear? Charlies mum turned to face her husband, who up
until being asked the current question was far too interested in his lasagna.
Whats he studying at university? Her father jumped right to what he thought was
He doesnt go to university dad, he works at the asylum grandpa was at.
Charlies dad stopped looking at his plate and set his eyes on Charlie.
Hes not studying anything? He just works full time as somecleaner? Charlies dad
acted as if someone had spat on his plate. There were a million things that were running
through Charlies head that she wanted to scream out, but she knew it was no use.
Thats correct dad.
Charlies father scoffed loudly, Charlie could feel her blood start to boil. Charlies
mother was picking up on the mood and intervened.
So when do we get to meet him dear? He could come around here for dinner maybe?
Charlie felt a little annoyed at this proposal, but at the same time her mother was at least
keeping her father quiet.
Um, well we have only been together for a short time, I dont want to freak him out or
anything. Charlie replied. Her mother looked shocked and offended.
Charlie! We would do nothing to freak him out as you put it. I would just like to meet
the man who my daughter is spending time with.
Charlie let out a long sigh, then figured there was really only one way out of this.
The next time I see him Ill ask him, OK? Charlie turned her attention back to her
lasagna, doing everything she could to show that she was done with this topic. To her
surprise, her father said nothing else. The rest of the dinner was eating in silence.

* * *

Marek surprised Charlie by meeting her at the bus station. He had originally said that
hed meet her at the reception of the asylum, so to Charlie the surprise was a good one.
Before Charlie could say anything, Marek stretched out his arms and looked as though he
had climbed a mountain.
Look at me Charlie! I came up here to wait for you, with no worries at all about being
Some of the other people getting off the bus looked at Marek as if he were a madman, but
Marek either ignored them or didnt even notice. He gave Charlie a firm hug and a kiss
on the cheek.
You look great! I love that shirt, blue is my favourite color.
Charlie looked down to re-cap on what she was wearing. Her mother wasnt at home
when she got dressed, so she was able to wear what she wanted. She had opted for a
button up sky blue shirt that fitted her snuggly and a pair of dark blue denim jeans.
Thanks Marek, you dont look too bad today yourself. Charlie replied as she gave him a
long once over. Marek was in a black and white stripped V-neck and a pair of grey denim
shorts that stopped just above his knee.

Thanks, I went out shopping for some new clothes the other day. I went all the way to
the shopping centre near the train station!
Charlie thought about this, for her that was where she would go herself to do some
shopping. It was generally about an hour on the bus to get there and back, meaning that
even if Marek spent only five minutes at the shopping centre, he had been away from the
asylum for over two hours at the very least.
Marek thats fantastic news, Im so happy to hear it! Charlie gave Marek a big heart
filled smile, she truly was happy to hear it. Marek smiled back. Charlie patted him on the
So, where too today then? Charlie asked. Marek took hold of her hand and started
walking towards the street lights.
I have been reviewing cafes and restaurants that we can get to by bus, theres one called
Kimberlys that had the top rating on three different sites. So I was thinking we could
have lunch there, does that sound ok? Marek asked as he pushed for the lights to change.
That sounds great, my sister has been there before and she loved it. Charlie did her best
to make sure no lie could be detected. She had been there about a year ago and had not
enjoyed the experience. The food came out cold and the waiter seemed like it was the last
place in the world he wanted to be. But, Marek was keen to try it out, so there was no
way that Charlie was going to ruin it for him. Besides, there was always the chance that
the place had changed and that horrible waiter had left.

The food had come and gone at Kimberlys. Charlie had chosen a pumpkin risotto that
turned out to be delicious, she could see no sign of the horrible waiter either. All in all
she was glad she didnt say anything to Marek, the experience this time around had been
great. Marek had ordered a BLT and a chocolate thick shake, as soon as he had ordered
Charlie picked up that he was silently anticipating what her reaction to his order would
be. Charlie figured he must have had a previous experience where someone grilled him
about every morsel of food and drink that he had wanted. In truth she didnt mind what
he had ordered, she was far from being the type of person who told others what to eat
(surprisingly, as her mother was exactly like this) or try to convince people that they need
to lose weight etc. Eventually Marek gave in.
I was thinking that youd give me all this information about what Id ordered, like about
how bad it is for me and stuff. Marek said while slurping loudly to get his entire thick
shake. Charlie was part way through having a sip of her tea, she put her cup down to talk.
Relax Marek, Ive never been the kind of person to tell someone what they should and
shouldnt eat, there is more than enough of those kinds of people in this world for me to
be one. Besides, youre far from being overweight.
Marek had finished (or felt he had struggled enough) with his thick shake. He looked
down at his stomach and gave it a slight tap.
Thanks, though if I keep eating like I just did Ill become overweight pretty quickly. Its
just so good to be at a new place and trying something different. I really like the way they
did that BLT.
Just enjoy your food. Thats what I tell myself. And if I start putting on weight then I
just have to eat less and exercise more for a while.

Marek gave Charlie an agreeing smile. She paused for a moment to see if he would do the
youre not fat at all thing, but he didnt, which Charlie liked. The moment of silence did
make a thought appear in her head however.
Oh, theres something I need to ask you. I promised my someone that I would at the
very least ask. Charlie said to Mareks face, and then looked down at her tea. Marek
gave a slight frown out of confusion.
Ok, ask away. He shrugged his shoulders to indicate he did not mind her asking him
Well, you remember when my sister stole my phone and found out we were dating?
Marek laughed when the thought of that incident passed through his head.
Yes I sure do, that was funny!
Charlie felt relieved that he was not upset about it, though she figured he wouldnt be.
Well, after I got the phone back off her she ran around the house screaming about it. My
mother heard the commotion and, long story short, wants to invite you over for dinner.
Charlie looked directly at Marek at the end of this. She gave him about a split second to
reply then began to say various things she thought she should say.
Theres no pressure Marek you can say no. I simply told my mother I would ask. Like I
know its real soon and all, I tried to tell Charlie stopped mid-sentence due to Marek
raising a hand to silence her.
Charlie, I would love to go to your place for dinner and to properly meet all your
family. Marek looked down at his empty glass.
But do you think its safe?
It took Charlie a moment to realize what he meant. Throughout the day she had only
thought of Mareks illness once, when he had pointed out how he was waiting at the bus
stop for her. She pondered all concepts of what he was implying, from hell be fine to
what if he loses it when we are eating dinner. After a little more thinking she had come to
Well, personally I think you will be fine. But if you are worried about that, than maybe
you can come just for dinner. Like, we can make an excuse that you have to leave early
due to work or something. How does that sound?
Charlie watched Marek think it over. Like she had done, he was probably imagining the
worst case scenario.
Well, we dont have to make an excuse, but if I feel like I have stayed too long and need
to go home, then I can use the Im working the graveyard shift tonight and leave
without being rude. Marek reached out and took Charlies hand.
Relax Charlie, I dont think this is too soon and therefore dont think its weird, its more
the fact that I have not been over to someone house for dinner in such a long time. If
anything Im just really worried my table manners have left me. Marek laughed at this
thought. Charlie thought about how her family was at the dinner table.
Dont worry too much, my dad never talks he just eats, Victoria has the table manners of
a chimpanzee and my mum will just be happy to have a new person to talk to. Charlie
took a sip of her tea.
So, what day do you think youll be free to come over?
Marek gave her a slightly confused look.
Oh! I thought you were implying that it was planned for tonight.
Charlie put both her hands up in a kind of apologetic defense.

Oh no sorry if it sounded that way, I meant whenever.
Marek smiled at her.
But, I am free tonight, I dont mean to push, it just seems like you want to get it out of
the way. So yeah, Im fine with tonight if you think your family will be.
Charlie thought for a moment. It was true that her mother had asked her about Marek
coming over for dinner at least once a day since the initial idea came to her, so the idea of
getting it over in a sense was a good one. She shoved her hand into her handbag and
pulled out her phone.
Ill call my mum and see what she says. Charlie said as she was fiddling with her
phone. Marek made no reply, seeing the look on her face showed that she was lost in
space and time staring at her phone, something almost every girl around her age has the
capability to do. Charlie held the phone up to her ear and gave Marek a look that was
supposed to imply I know Im being rude with my phone out, but Ill be quick.

Hello? Charlies mum said in a somewhat high pitched tone. Because of how hopeless
her mother was with her mobile, Charlie had chosen to call the house phone.
Hi mum its Charlie.
Oh hello Charlie! Is everything ok dear?
Yeah everything is fine mum. Im with Marek and I just asked him if he wanted to come
round for dinner. He is free tonight, so Im just checking that tonight is alright with you
as well. Charlie looked over at Marek, she knew what her mothers answer would be, in
reality she wondered why she had bothered to even call.
Oh yes dear that sounds great! Wonderful idea! Oh my, what shall I make? What kind of
food does he like? Is he a vegetarian?
Charlie interjected so that her mother would be quiet.
Mum he eats anything, but I was thinking that maybe you could make your lasagna? I
know we had it earlier in the week, but I think its your best dish by far and Im sure
Marek will love it. Charlie gave Marek a slight wink and a smirk.
Oh ok dear! If you think lasagna is the way to go then Ill get started on it right away.
Oh this is very exciting I cant wait to meet him! What time do you think youll be here?

* * *

Marek and Charlie got off at the bus stop closest to Charlies house. They had spent a
good deal of the day walking the area around Kimberlys, talking about everything that
seemed important to them. Marek was carrying a bottle of wine and a rather large box of
malteasers. Charlie had told him repeatedly that he didnt need to bring anything, but he
insisted, stating that it was the right thing to do. As they walked around the corner into
Charlies street, Charlie linked one of her arms with Mareks and pulled him closer.
Now, there is a million things I can say to prepare you for my family, but I guess the
best thing to say is I am nothing like any of them.
Marek turned to look at her, surprised to find a serious expression on her face.
Charlie, please relax, you make it sound like you are worried that Im going to embarrass
you! Marek teased.

Far from it Marek! Im serious though, itll make sense in about an hour or so I guess,
but Ive never felt like I have fitted in with my family. Im not trying to say that they are
horrible people or anything. I just dont think Im like them in anyway.
Marek was about to speak when Charlie turned him to face her house and escort him to
the front door. Mareks eyes bulged out of his head and he froze in place.
Good god Charlie, this is your house?! Marek said in awe. Charlie noticed Mareks
expression and turned to look over her house as well. Even though it was a two story,
Charlie never felt that her house was all that big. Most of her friends didnt have houses
with two stories or more than fifteen different rooms, but still Charlie never felt her house
was that impressive.
Its not that fancy Charlie said as she was trying to pull Marek towards the door.
The house I grew up in had a kitchen slash living room, two bedrooms and a bathroom
that was also a laundry room, so compared to that this place is a palace. I should have
dressed up in a bloody suit or something! Marek was still eyeing the house up and down
as he finally gave into Charlies pulling and headed towards the front door. When they
got inside Marek was just as impressed. With high walls and a chandelier over the
entrance, he really did feel as though he was in a palace.
Hello, is that you Charlie? A voice called out.
Yes its me mum, are we late?
There was no reply, instead the sound of rushing feet could be heard getting closer and
closer. Charlies mum stood in the doorway to the living room for a moment, then bore a
heartwarming smile.
Hello Marek! Welcome to our home! Charlies mother almost seemed to do a slight
courtesy at him. Marek did a sort of bow towards her, Charlie was surprised at how
confident he seemed, she was sure he would be as shy as a mouse.
Thank you very much, I hope my coming over with such short notice has not been
troublesome for you. Marek looked Charlies mother straight in the eyes as he spoke to
Not at all! Its great to have a guest coming around! It has been so long since we have
had someone over for dinner.
Charlie was about to start talking when her mother walked over to Marek and rested her
hand on his back.
Come into the living room dear and relax. Dinner is still about fifteen or so minutes
Charlie was surprised at how her mother was acting, when she had first brought her ex
home her mother had been nice to him, but certainly not with the politeness she was
showing Marek. She followed them into the living room, her mother gestured Marek into
the biggest couch in the room, Charlie would have sat next to him, but sitting on the
opposite couch would be easier to talk with him face to face. Charlies mother said that
she must finish preparing dinner and disappeared into the kitchen. Marek was sitting on
the edge of the couch, Charlie could now sense that he seemed a bit uncomfortable. She
wasnt sure, but she figured it was because it had been a long time since he was inside
someone elses place.
Well Charlie, so far I would say youre just like your mother, because you are just as
nice. Marek bore a completely honest smile as he said this, Charlie couldnt help but
blush. Charlie was about to reply when she could hear someone coming through the door

behind her. She turned to see Victoria, dressed in nothing but her short-short pajamas
and a tank top. She was about to jump up and tell her to go and put more clothes on, but it
was too late, she was already in the room and had noticed Marek.
Oh hello! You must be Marek! Victoria did not seem to have the slightest bit of
embarrassment from walking around in a see through nighty, with white underwear on.
Charlie watched as Mareks face began to turn red.
Yes! That would be me! Im guessing you are Victoria as well. Marek said so bluntly it
was obvious he was trying to hide his clear shock. Before Victoria could say anymore,
Charlie jumped up and started trying to shoo her out the door.
Victoria can you please go and put some more clothes on?! This is not how you dress
when someone comes over!
But Charlie its not like Im naked. Plus I want to talk to your new friend.
Charlie let out a sigh.
You can talk to him all you want if you go and get changed to something less revealing
first. Please Victoria!
Victoria gave in and disappeared up the stairs. Charlie turned around to find Marek
looking incredibly uncomfortable. Charlie felt both embarrassed and angry.
Im really sorry, she usually doesnt start walking the house like that till way later. I
should have told her that we were coming over. Charlie slumped into her chair and
Marek started laughing.
No need to apologize Charlie, she had the important parts covered up at least.

Victoria returned and all three of them talked for a while, mostly about how their day was
and about how Marek had looked after granddad at the asylum. Victoria was one to
always ask a lot of questions with little to no thought as to whether they were
inappropriate or not.
So why do you work at the asylum anyway? I mean, Im sure its a good enough job and
all, but dont you feel like studying or doing something else?
Charlie turned away from them, it was either that or she was going to give her sister an
uncontrollable death stare. She could feel her heart starting to race as her blood boiled.
Well they were hiring at the time I was looking for work, and I know it might sound
crazy, but I like the people there. Like the patients, to me they are really interesting.
Mareks reply was so calm that Charlie couldnt help but stare at him in a quiet awe. She
could feel her pulse slowing, it seemed to her that Marek must have been asked this
question before and had an almost robotic answer ready.
But, you live there too, thats kind of weird. Victoria was making Charlies pulse flair
up again with her sheer stupidity. Marek simply laughed.
Yeah I guess it is, but I sure do save a lot of money on rent and travel to and from work.
That and the food Im entitled to is great. So really living there has very few down sides.
At that moment Charlies mother appeared in the doorway. Charlie could not have been
happier with her timing.
Dinner is ready everybody.
They all filed into the kitchen, where Charlies mother had gone all out. In the middle of
the table was the lasagna, her mother had made more than usual. To the right of the
lasagna was a baguette of about six cuts of a French bread stick and to the left was a large
salad bowl that had a strong smell of balsamic vinegar wafting out of it. Again Charlie

felt a little embarrassed, but figured that her mother was simply being a good host. Plus,
with how she was acting, her mother really was happy to have a guest over for dinner.
Wow, this looks fantastic! I hope you didnt go to all this trouble because I was coming
over. Mareks face was beaming at the meal in front of him, like a person who has not
eaten for a week then given a whole roast. Her mother returned a similar beaming face,
but one smacked with compliments.
Oh dear youre too nice. Believe me this was no trouble at all, I just hope you enjoy it.
They all sat down and were about to start when they heard the front door slam shut. The
sound was loud, which indicated that whoever shut it was not in a good mood. Without a
word Charlies mother got up and headed for the front door. Victoria gave Charlie a
concerned look. Not trying to think the worst, Charlie looked away and took Mareks
plate. She began cutting off a piece of lasagna for him when the clear sounds from the
front room came flooding in.
Talk about a shit fucking day. All that effort we put through in Bangkok has gone to shit
because of some other fucking company. Those Thai bastards are simply looking for the
easiest fucking answer without even caring what their own people will be interested in.
Charlies mother was speaking so softly that no one could make sense of what she was
What?! His here now? Well fuck thanks for giving me a heads up! Am I even part of this
fucking family, let alone the sole bread-winner?! I dont need this shit tonight I just want
to fucking relax, now I have to put on a fucking show or something do I!?
Victoria looked at Marek and gave him a tight lipped smile. No one wanted to admit they
could hear what was going on, especially Marek, whose expression seemed unchanged.
First Charlies mother walked into the dining room with a clearly forced smile on her
face. Her expression said everything will be ok but her eyes said different. She
waited at the entrance of the dining room until Charlies father walked in.
Marek, this is my husband and Charlies father. Dear, this is Marek, Charlies new
Before Marek answered Charlie was doing her best to sum up her fathers mood. His tie
was crooked which almost never happened and his face looked as though he just went on
a killing spree. She did not anticipate this, but now she realized this is far worse of a
situation than Mareks illness starting in the middle of dinner. Marek stood up, walked
over to Charlies father and produced his right hand, initiating a hand shake.
Its nice to meet you sir. Marek had a warm smile on his face. To Charlie it looked as
though Marek was not nervous or worried in anyway. Charlie watched as her father
raised his hand and gave Marek an uninterested handshake. He did not bother to say
hello, or anything for that matter, he merely nodded his head once and turned to sit down
at the table. Marek sat back down as well, not seeming to be offended by Charlies
fathers actions. Once her mother had also sat back down, she started the pointless banter
that was clearly to distract away from the dark void radiating from one end of the table.
But before she could talk Charlies father had a question.
Lasagna?! Again!?! We had fucking lasagna earlier in the week! Have you forgotten
how to cook other meals or something? He sat down at his end of the table and
continued to grumble to himself.
So Marek, how long have you worked at the asylum? Charlies mother had ignored
the abuse coming her way.

A little over four years now, maam. Marek was sitting with his back straight and with
no elbows on the table. Even though he had not had a family dinner in years, Charlie
could see that he had been taught good table manners.
And what about study? You do have some sort of degree or something dont you? It
seemed as though Charlies father had the idea of venting all his anger onto the unwanted
house guest. Charlie felt her pulse quicken, she also felt slightly ill.
No degree as of yet sir, but I am studying an online oxford course based on cross-
cultural communications.
Charlies father snorted and raised his eyebrows.
Are you now? And what kind of future does a course like that give someone? Her father
was now speaking with a mouth full of lasagna, Charlie wished she was invisible.
Oh all kinds of things, for example if someone was going to do business with, say,
people from Thailand, Id be able to tell them the certain ways to communicate and
interact with the Thai businessmen in regards to their culture to ensure they would gain
their favor. Marek took a long drink from his glass. Charlie felt her heart in her mouth,
she was happy that Marek was showing he was not going to take her fathers rudeness
lying down, but at the same time she too had no idea how her father was about to react.
Apart from the clanging of cutlery the room was silent, uncomfortably silent. Even
Charlies mother was speechless. Marek knew he was now the centre of the awkwardness
that was floating around the dinner table, so he decided he should continue talking.
The course is a three year total for the bachelors, Im into the final year at the moment. If
all goes right, Ill be finished up by October this year.
Charlies mother perked up.
Oh well dear Im sure youll pass with flying colors. Her mother looked towards over to
her father and smiled.
Charlies father said nothing and looked down at his lasagna and continued eating.
Charlie was shocked beyond belief that her dad had been put in his place in such an
effortless way, she felt a new sort of admiration for Marek. Victoria, who had literally no
idea what had just unfolded in front of her, began talking about her day.

Chapter 23

Once dinner was over Charlie asked her mother if it was ok for her and Marek to go up to
her room. Charlie knew her parents were old fashioned and this request would be
fruitless, but as far as her house went the only room she really spent any of her time in
was her bedroom.
Fine dear, but keep the door open. Her mother was in her cleaning up mode and wasnt
up for talking or arguing at the moment. When they got into Charlies room she closed
the door to the point that there was about an inch of a view of the hallway. Marek gave
her a concerned look. Charlie shrugged.
She said to keep the door open, she didnt say by how much.
Charlie sat down on her bed, in her room there was her bed and her desk chair, the two
places available to sit, quite similar to Mareks room in that regard. She looked over at
Marek and found he had his back to her. Not out of rudeness, he was studying the various
books that filled her bookshelf.

Wow Charlie, you sure do love the world and what its got to offer. There are about ten
books on different languages and way more on places in the world. Marek was still
facing the bookshelf as he was talking. Charlie felt herself smile, none of her friends had
ever really complimented her on her book collection, so it was nice to hear someone
approving and admiring it.
Thanks. By the way, you never told me you were doing an online course. Thats
Marek turned to face her, his expression unreadable to Charlie.
Youre probably wondering why Im bothering if Im going to lose my mind anyway,
well, Im not doing it for a future, Im doing it out of interest. Marek walked over and
sat down on Charlies desk chair. He was slowly looking around her room as he spoke.
Its weird I know, like whats the point in doing the degree? But, whenever Im not
working I found myself researching about different places and different countries. So I
thought about actually learning something in regards to being taught the information,
rather than just reading blogs and such. He looked at Charlie.
Esther always told me that I should study about my illness, like to learn more about it
and see if there is a cure and what not. I thought about it, even read some things online,
but it simply didnt interest me in the least. He looked down at the floor, Charlie could
see a hint of embarrassment on his face. She couldnt figure out for what reason he would
be embarrassed for.
Marek, that makes total sense, why on earth would anybody study something they are
not interested in? Charlie couldnt help but be entirely blunt. Then she gave it a bit more
Although, I guess some of my friends from back at high school are now studying courses
they arent interested in, mostly because their parents have picked out a future for them.
Charlie looked down at her feet as well, the current thought not really a pleasing one.
My dad isnt happy about the course Im doing. He wanted me to be a doctor or a
lawyer, the only two things that got his approval. But, like you, they didnt interest me in
the least. So I decided to study tourism with the idea of one day being a tour guide or
even someone on one of those travel TV shows. He was furious when I first told him,
said that there was no future in that and I was simply an embarrassment to the family
Charlie felt her eyes getting hot. She had been staring at the floor as she was talking and
didnt notice Marek had moved until he was sitting on the bed right next to her. Without a
word he put his arms around her and gave her a soft kiss on the forehead.
Charlie, do what you want to do with your life and youll never be unhappy, even if
those around you think otherwise. Tourism is a great industry, a big one that will never
go away. Personally if I were you, then I would be the best I could be in the industry just
to show up your father. Marek felt he should change the topic.
By the way, I hope I didnt make dinner too uncomfortable. But working in the asylum
Ive seen people in every kind of foul mood you can think of, not the patients but the
families and friends of the patients. Your fathers mood was not intimidating in the
slightest, which is why I couldnt help but be a smart ass. Marek gave Charlie a cheeky
Good god! I was scared stiff after what you said about Thailand! But at the same time I
absolutely loved it, no one in this family ever puts him in his place, so it was great to see
it happen. Charlie smiled a huge smile as she remembered the expression of her fathers

face as he got beat down with words in such a classic way. Marek took his arm off
Charlie and laid back on her bed. Charlie snuggled her head into his chest, even with the
door open enough so anyone walking past could see, she felt so relaxed.
I feel like I should apologize for my fathers behavior though.
Marek let out a short, quick laugh.
Relax, you have nothing to apologize for. To be honest it was a good dinner, the first one
I have had like that in a long time. Your mother really is lovely and your sister is a lot of
fun in her own little way. I dont know how youll take this, but I would say that you are
a bit like her.
Charlie lifted her head to look Marek in the face, an expression of shock and annoyance
on her face. Marek laughed.
I mean as in she is sweet Charlie, she is still young and incredibly blunt, but shes not
blunt in the sense of trying to be rude. If anything she says whats on her mind, a very
good trait if you ask me.
Charlie laid her head on Mareks chest again. They both lay quiet there for a while.
Without meaning too, Charlie fell asleep. It wasnt by choice, she simply felt warm and
safe snuggling with Marek.

She awoke to the sound of someone saying her name. She rolled over to find Marek
standing near the doorway.
Sorry, I didnt mean to wake you, I just wanted to say goodbye. I better get going if Im
going to get the last bus.
Charlie grabbed her phone off her bedside table and checked the time. Her eyes grew
wide when she saw that it was almost 11:00pm.
Oh my god! Where did the time go?! Did I fall asleep?!
Marek laughed and gave her a sympathetic pat on her shoulder.
Yes you did, it was incredibly cute. Youve been out for about two hours now.
Charlie felt her face growing red.
Oh Marek Im so sorry! I didnt realize! You should have woken me up! She gave him
some playful little slaps on his arm that showed nothing but embarrassment. Marek gave
her a heartwarming smile, a kind of smile Charlie had not seen before, nor could she
decipher it.
Relax Charlie, I was just as comfy as you were. The only reason I didnt fall asleep was
the thought of one of your family members walking in to find us both asleep on your
Charlie thought about this, Victoria would have ran out in the hallway screaming god
knows what, her mother would have tut tutted and her father would she really didnt
want to think about that.
Still, Im sorry I fell asleep Charlie felt she could only apologize at this point. Marek
leaned down and kissed Charlie on her forehead.
Please stop apologizing Marek looked as though he was going to say more, but instead
he stood up.
Well, Ill contact you sometime tomorrow ok? Marek said as he headed for the door.
Wait! Charlie said it louder than she had meant to. She leaped from her bed and
grabbed hold of one of Mareks arms.
Ill walk you to the bus stop, just give me a second to

Marek put up a hand that instantly silenced Charlie.
No please dont, this is half the reason I didnt want to wake you. I knew youd want to
walk me to the bus stop, though you really dont need to. I would be really happy if you
went back to bed before I left.
Charlie wanted to protest, to say that there was no way he was walking there alone. But,
she couldnt. Marek stepped forward and drew her close, giving her a hug that made
Charlie wish he didnt have to go anywhere except back onto her bed with her. All too
soon though, he had released her from his hug and was gone.

Chapter 24

It had been six months since Charlie and Marek made their relationship with one another
official. Charlie couldnt be happier with how things were going and Mareks only
concern was that they had not had a fight yet. Something concerned him due to various
TV shows and novels.
Why does it bother you so much that we havent had a fight yet? Charlie was engrossed
on finding this out.
Well, from things Ive read, heard and seen, the first fight in a relationship is kind of a
make or break thing. On one hand itll bring us closer as a couple when we manage to get
through it, on the other hand itll be the end of us as a couple entirely. Marek seemed to
be lost in thought as if he were trying to remember where exactly he heard this. Charlie
thought about what he was saying.
But we had a fight last week didnt we? Charlie turned to face Marek.
Did we?
Yeah remember when we couldnt decide on popcorn or ice cream for the movie, so you
flipped a coin to decide.
Marek laughed.
Charlie that is not an argument! Nor is it even a fight! The flipping of the coin thing just
works wonders to come to certain decisions. That and rock paper scissors never fails!
Marek spread out his arms as if he had just said something life changing. Charlie felt a
little embarrassed, but happy that Marek did not see that incident as a fight in any way.
Marek put one arm around Charlie as he continued to walk.
Its weird, part of me wants it to happen so its done, another part is worried it will end
Charlie forced herself out of his arm and turned to face him. They both stopped walking
at the same time.
I would hope you knew me enough not to think Im that pathetic Marek!? Her voice
was stern, she did not want to upset him, but she felt she needed to show she was being
entirely serious.
What do you mean? Marek hadnt picked up on any of her meaning.
Well if you think Im going to break up with you just because we had a fight then it
shows me that you must think Im pathetic! Charlies face was still stern. Marek had
finally picked up on what she meant.
Oh no Charlie, I dont mean it like that. Its just that.

At a loss for words, Marek looked down at his feet and turned to continue walking.
Charlie grabbed hold of his arm to stop him. After looking at his feet for a moment,
Marek looked up at Charlie with an odd look on his face.
Wait a minute, are you trying to have a fight right now?
Charlie stepped towards him and poked him in the stomach a couple of times. She gave
him a cheeky smile and started to giggle.
I didnt think youd catch on.
Marek put his arm back around Charlie and they both started walking again.
I was worried there for a minute, you sounded pretty pissed off. Marek said as they
walked. Charlie looked up at the sky and began to say her thoughts out loud.
Well, honestly I dont think one fight will ruin us, but I guess I really dont know
Marek pulled her a little closer.
Well, I like your idea of not worrying about it. Its inevitable, but in reality there really is
no point in over thinking it.
They walked together in silence for a moment, simply enjoying each-others company.

When they got to the park near Mareks house, they sat down in a chair that was facing
the small lake. The lake had an old fashioned bridge right in the middle, though neither of
them could really figure out why such a small lake had a bridge in the middle of it. Still,
the weather was warm and the lake had a family of ducks wading about around the bridge
that made the entire scene picture perfect.
theres something Ive wanted to ask you. Its been bugging me for a while. Marek
was staring at the lake as he was talking. Charlie realized this and turned her face away
from his and faced the lake as well.
Go ahead Charlie was thinking hard of what it could be, but none of her thoughts were
really coming to a sensible reason.
Its not really anything major, I just didnt know how to ask you. That and I thought
maybe you would wonder why I seemed so interested in it. But, its kind of life changing
if you think about it.
Charlie had no idea what in the world he could be talking about. She continued to stare at
the lake and didnt say a word. Picking up on this, Marek continued.
I was just wondering what you were planning on doing with all that money your
grandfather left you.
Charlies eyes went wide, her mind completely blank. She turned to face Marek.
Marek turned to look at her. At first he was worried that he had asked too much, and then
he summed up the expression on her face. Charlie was completely dumbfounded.
From time to time, on his good days, your grandfather would talk about how he had two
granddaughters that he loved and how he had put down in his will that when he died he
would leave them both seventy five thousand dollars. I thought he was making it up at
first because of his belief of being in the war and all, but one day he showed me a copy of
his will, it was all signed off that his two granddaughters would inherit seventy five
thousand dollars from him.

Charlie face was blank. All of this information was slowly turning around in her head.
She drove her hand into her pocket and brought out her phone. Marek watched her in
silent awe, wondering if he had said something he shouldnt have.
Charlie found her mums contact and hit dial. After a few rings the call went to
Dammit mum! Pick up your phone! Charlie could feel her heart racing as her mothers
voicemail message ended and the tone sounded to indicate to start talking.
Mum, did granddad leave me money in his will? Ive been told he left me and Victoria
seventy five thousand dollars each! If this is true, why havent I heard about it?! Charlie
had begun to shout in her phone, the thoughts of why she was not told about this flying
through her mind.
Call me back as soon as you get this. She hung up the phone and placed it back in her
pocket. She looked up to find Marek looking at her with a worried expression on his face.
Thinking about how she just reacted, she concluded that he was worried hed done
something wrong.
Sorry Marek, Im not mad at you though. Its just, if what you said is true then mum and
dad have been keeping this a secret from me. Why the hell would they do that?
Marek gave her a small smile to indicate that he was happy he wasnt in trouble. He then
began to think of things that might cool Charlie down.
Maybe they have invested it in a house for you or something?
Marek thought some more.
Or maybe I have this all wrong, in which case Im really sorry.
No, relax. It kind of makes sense, me and Victoria both asked if granddad had a will.
Mum and dad both replied that they were sorting that out. I didnt really think much more
of it, so I didnt ask again. But, it was strange that we never heard anything.
Mareks mind pondered on Charlies little sister.
But, Victoria wouldnt just leave it at that would she? I mean, shes more pushy than you
about this stuff, surely she would have asked if there was anything left for her in your
grandfathers will Marek looked back towards the lake. Charlies mind raced. She
pulled out her phone and began looking through her contacts for her sisters number, then
gave it another thought.
I better not ask Victoria about it before talking to mum. Maybe there is some reason why
our parents have said nothing about it. Charlie put her phone in her pocket and slid her
body over so she could rest her head on Marek. Marek leaned his head and gave her a
kiss on her forehead.
Im sure there is a reason Charlie, wait to see what your mother says.

After about an hour of sitting at the park, Charlie and Marek had begun walking back to
the asylum. They had spent a lot of the time at the park just enjoying each-others
company. They were at the corner of the street to the asylum when Charlies phone
beeped, signaling a message. When Charlie pulled out her phone she saw it was from her
Charlie, we will talk about this when you get home.
Charlie stared blankly at the message, her mother could not have been less informative if
she tried. She thought about asking her mother to tell her through text, then figured that
would take about three hours due to how pathetically bad her mother was at typing a

message on her phone. She looked up to see Marek was facing her, she turned the phone
over and held it up so he could read the message. Once he had read it, he looked at
Charlie and smiled.
Well, thanks for a great day! He said as he moved in to hug Charlie. Charlie
subconsciously returned his hug, but pulled back so she could see his face. Marek noticed
the deep frown on her face.
I know you want to go home and sort this out, I would too if I were in your shoes. We
can skip dinner tonight, but you owe me. Marek gave her a cheeky, boyish smile.
Charlie thought about what he was saying, and then realized he was right, she wanted to
find out about this right away. She gave him a smile that said both sorry and thanks,
kissed him, then headed towards the bus stop.
Call me tonight if you want to! Marek shouted to her. She turned and waved at him, but
did not stop walking. She had no idea what time the next bus would come, but figured the
sooner she got to the bus stop the better.

All the way home her mind was racing with potential answers. Why would mum and dad
keep this a secret from me? Was it even true, or was Mareks story wrong? As well as
these questions, her mind danced on the ideas of what she could do with seventy five
thousand dollars. Or rather then what she could do, where she could go. Thailand, Brazil,
South Africa, Italy, Spain, Canada! About thirty different destinations sprung up as she
thought about it on the bus. Now, walking towards her front door, her mind was simply
preparing herself for what she was going to say to her mother. She burst through the front
door and after looking around the house for a moment, found her mother sitting at the
dining room table, her face with an expression of Ive been waiting for you. Charlies
heart skipped a beat. Marek wasnt wrong, mum doesnt sit at the dining table like this
unless there is something important to discuss. Her mother did not stand up from the
table, rather she stretched out an arm towards the opposite side of the table from where
she was sitting.
Hello Charlie, sit down dear. Her mothers voice was business like, with no hint of
emotion. Charlie walked over to the other end of the table and sat. She stared into her
mothers eyes, she never felt awkward around her mother, even at a time like this.
Now Charlie, my first question is how you found out this information. Im not angry,
just curious.
Not angry, youre a bad liar mum.
Marek told me. Granddad used to tell him that he was leaving money for his two
granddaughters, and one day showed him a copy of his will that proved it. Charlie kept
eye contact with her mother the entire time. In the past when she sat like this with her
mother it had been because she had done something bad like not doing homework or
fighting with Victoria. Now though, it seemed to Charlie that her mother was somehow in
the wrong. Her mother was the first to look away, not out of defeat though, Charlie could
see she was assessing the information she had just heard and coming to a conclusion as to
its validity. She seemed to have come to a conclusion and began to stare into Charlies
eyes again.
I see well, to be blunt, your grandfather did say in his will that he was going to leave
you and your sister the sum of seventy five thousand dollars each.

Charlie fought back her immediate reactions to smile and dance, though she was sure her
eyes grew a little wide. Before she could say anything her mother continued.
Because your grandfather was mentally unstable after the war, he was put on a certain
type of pension for injured war veterans, which is what paid for the asylum. Over the
years, the pension grew quite substantially, to the point that he could leave you and your
sister that amount in his will.
Charlie was on the edge of her seat. She simply had one question she wanted answered,
when her mother didnt continue, she pushed forward.
Why in the world have you not told me about this? Her voice was stern and cold, she
was doing her absolute best to repress her rage. Her mother looked down at the table and
seemed to shift her weight as she was sitting. She began talking to the table, the fact that
she was not looking at Charlie was worrying.
After what happened in Thailand, your father has been using that money to attempt to
bring his companys products to Malaysia. He has told me that once the product has been
released and starts doing well, he will pay back the money.
Charlie stared at her mother, in utter disbelief. For the moment she had passed all forms
of emotions. Slowly, the information rendered and the gears in her brain began to turn. A
rush of emotion came erupting up which forced her to her feet and she punched the
dining room table with all the power she could muster.
It had been a long time since Charlie had ever been even close to this kind of anger. Her
body began to shake violently and she felt as if she was going to be sick. She stared at her
mother with blood-red eyes. Her mother was still glued to the dining room table, but she
could not hide the look of shock and horror on her face.
Charlie calm down. Its only money.
Charlie felt like she would snap from rage.
Your father said that Malaysia is a more expensive place to do business and he needed a
little extra. Her mother was talking softly and quickly.
Charlies mother turned away. Charlie took a deep breath, she knew she had to calm
down for this bit of information. She breathed deeply through her nose, paused, then
exhaled out her mouth. She sat back down.
How much has he taken out?
$50,000 from your account and $50,000 from Victorias
Charlie stood completely still, the information being processed in her brain. She felt tears
starting to roll down her face. Her tears were boiling hot, they were tears of pure anger.
Here is what you are going to do mum. You are going to do this for me because I am
your daughter and deep down you love me. You are going to put the remaining twenty
five thousand into my bank account, you have right over it I know you do. He was your
father after all. If you do not do this for me, I will leave this house and only come to see
you for Christmas. Do not think Im joking mum, I cannot believe you let him do this.
Charlies mother found her voice, she was caught in between regret and remorse.

You have to understand, he lost a lot of money when he went to Thailand, Im sure
Malaysia will
Charlie raised a hand to silence her mother.
Mum, I dont care. If it were something like he needed the money because someone was
in hospital or something then I could completely understand. But this if it was so
important he could have sold things he owned instead of stealing from me and Victoria.
We have to keep up appearances Charlie
Charlie got up and left, she had told her mother over a thousand times that she never
understood why it was so important to her mother to show the world how much money
the family (supposedly) had. But Charlies thoughts were not on this as she went into her
room, she knew her father was a cold and angry man. But, she never thought he would
steal from her. She sat down at the end of her bed, her mind racing.

After two hours Charlie had not moved from the end of her bed. The realization of the
whole situation had sunk in. Her thoughts had jumped from I wish my dad was dead to
is it really that big a deal? Both were extremes she dismissed as soon as they came.
She was angry at her father, that was for sure, but she figured really the best thing to do
was avoid and ignore him. A knock came at her door, she knew right away it was her
mother, Victoria never knocked and her father was out of town. She did not answer or
reply. Light from the hallway filled her room as her mother opened the door.
Charlie, I just want you to know that I called the bank and they have transferred the rest
of the money from grandpa into yours and Victorias own bank accounts.
Charlie felt a brief wave of excitement fly over her at the thought of there being twenty
five thousand dollars in her bank account. But it disappeared just as fast as it came. Still
she did not turn to look at her mother.
Im sorry about all this Charlie
As her mother was closing the door Charlie got up from her bed, walked over and gave
her mother a big hug.
Im sorry for my reaction when you told me before. I know its not your fault mum, I
just cant believe he would do something like this.
Charlie knew how hard her mother had it for being married to her father. He had never hit
her, but slight things like an overcooked dinner could mean him flying off the handle and
calling her a useless cow. Charlie never could come to the conclusion of why her mother
had married him in the first place. Charlie could feel that her mother was trying to hold
back tears. It seemed as though her mother was just as shocked and angry about her
fathers actions. Through her tears her mother began to speak.
Charlie, use that money for whatever you want. I dont care what you use it for. Just
please dont only come and see me on Christmas when you move out. I would really miss
you! Her mother began crying loudly.
Ok mum. Sorry I said that. Charlie was beginning to cry again, but more due to the fact
that she had made her mother cry than for any other reason.

After a moment her mother stopped crying and left Charlie in her room. Charlie had liked
hearing what her mother had said, use that money for whatever you want.
Whatever I want well, there is only one thing I have ever wanted to do. The only
person who said I couldnt do it was my father, but my thoughts for him right now would

confer that I couldnt care less what he thinks. So, what am I waiting for? With this
thought, Charlie pulled the backpack her friends had brought her for a graduation present,
filled it with everything she thought was necessary and then ran out the door without her
mother seeing her.

Chapter 25

Charlie ran as fast as she could with the big backpack on her back. At times she had filled
it with clothes and walked around the house, imagining that she was a backpacker
treading through some far off exotic place. Now though, it felt as though the backpack
was far heavier, and things were far more realistic.

When Charlie got on the bus, many people on the bus looked at her backpack, seeming to
sum up that she must be a tourist. This was new to Charlie, and she liked it. She pulled
out her phone and started typing a message to Marek.
On my way to yours I hope you dont mind. There is a lot I need to tell you.
She put her phone back in her pocket when she noticed a young couple both looking at
her. Their expressions both showed a pleasant curiosity. Not sure on what to do, Charlie
simply smiled back.
Where are you from? The girl asked with a big smile.
Charlie thought this a strange question, then remembered what the backpack implied.
Oh, Im from around here... but Im meeting up with a friend then we are both going
to Thailand together. Charlie was making this up as she was going along, something
she had done a thousand times in her mind.
Oh nice! I havent been to Thailand, but my brother went last year and he said he its
fantastic. The man replied.
Im so jealous! The girl seemed to burst out. Charlie was about to say more when they
both got up.
This is our stop. Have fun in Thailand! The girl said as they began to walk towards the
front of the bus.
Thanks! replied Charlie. She was feeling like a different person. Though this was the
kind of thing she would dream about, it had never actually happened to her. She felt a
new kind of excitement growing inside of her.

When she got to Mareks place she was a little worried that he did not get her message,
he had not replied to it after all. After she knocked only once the door flew open. Marek
stood with a look of both horror and relief on his face.
Oh Charlie! Im so sorry I ran out of credit on my phone so I couldnt reply. I would
have met you at the bus stop too but I had a shower and didnt see the message until like
a minute ago.
Charlie knew he had just had a shower, for his hair was far from being dry. He was in
some comfy looking trackies and a plain white loose fitting shirt. Marek turned and
gestured Charlie into his room. As she sat down on his bed, Marek (as if as natural as
breathing) went around to his kettle and began getting tea ready. Once he was finished
with that he walked over to sit next to Charlie.

So what happened? If you dont mind me asking Marek was staring at Charlie at
first, but turned away when the thought occurred to him that maybe she didnt want to
talk about it right now.
Well, lets just say that you were right, and my dads an arse hole. Charlie felt a flash of
anger come up for a moment, she was so happy as being seen as a tourist on the bus that
any thoughts of her father were gone, thinking about her dad now just made her feel mad
all over again. Marek was searching for something to say when he noticed the backpack
near the door.
Holy shit! Charlie, youre not running away are you?
Charlie followed his gaze to her backpack, than began to chuckle.
No. Well not really.

Over a cup of tea Charlie told Marek everything that had happened when she went home
and what she was planning now. Marek sat quietly and listened the entire time. He had
questions, but figured it was best to wait till the end. Once Charlie had stopped talking
she turned to look at Marek, who was staring into his cup of tea. Once a moment had
passed he looked up to face her.
Wow Charlie, I dont really know what to say. He took a sip of his tea.
I cant say I agree with what your dad did. Even if he is planning to pay you back, its
still pretty low to take money from you and your sister like that. To be honest I feel really
sorry for your mum. I mean, it sounds like she knew this was going on but didnt really
know what to do about it. Marek looked down into his cup of tea again.
I hope she isnt mad at me for telling you. She was so nice to me when I came over to
your house and all.
Charlie couldnt help but roll her eyes a little, she knew what her mother thought of
Marek and knew this little incident wouldnt change her opinion of him.
Dont worry about that Marek, my mum still loves you. She couldnt help but giggle to
herself after she had said this. She was about to continue when she noticed Marek looked
very puzzled. He was looking at her backpack.
Well, if youre not running away from home, whats with the backpack?
Oh yeah! I almost forget! You know that $25,000 my mum has put into my bank
account? Im going to spend all of it on travelling around the world! Its going to be the
best! I can to stretch it out so we can see as many countries as possible.
Marek frowned and turned to face her.
Yeah! Marek all Ive ever wanted to do is travel. And now I have money to do that and
the only person who ever told me no was my father, whose opinion I couldnt give two
shits about at the moment.
Charlie ignored Mareks expression and continued.
Ill pay for everything Marek its all on me! All youve ever wanted to do is travel as
well! So now we both can travel, together! Charlie had a huge smile slapped across her
face, the look on Mareks face wasnt enough to discourage it. To Charlie this was the
best opportunity and idea she ever had.
Umwellno. Marek looked right at her as he said no. Charlies smile stayed on her
face, but she bore a deep frown.

Charlie, I know Ive changed a lot in the past few months that we have been together.
Ive gone further from the asylum I had gone in years. But, youre asking me to go to a
completely different country, away from everything. I I cant.
What do you mean you cant?! Charlie said this louder and with more force than she
meant, but she was lost, this thought hadnt entered her mind in the slightest.
Charlie, what the hell are you going to do if we are on a plane and my illness kicks in?
Or if we are in the middle of somewhere like I dont know, India and I start to lose my
shit? Would you just leave me there?
Of course I wouldnt!
Then what would you do?
When she didnt answer Marek pushed.
What would you do Charlie, if we were in the middle of some random place we knew
nothing about, I started acting like an uncontrollable five year old? What would you do?
Id Id ask where the nearest hospital was. Charlie replied.
Marek snorted.
What if where we are no one speaks a word of English? Besides, do you think anyone is
going to help if Im shitting my pants and moaning like some fucking cow? Marek could
feel himself growing hot, he was doing his best not to get angry, but to him Charlies idea
was utterly ludicrous. Charlie stared at him, her brow furrowed deep and her eyes
showing a fierce expression Marek had not seen before. When she didnt answer, Marek
Look Charlie, the bottom line is I cant go overseas, I mean I cant even go out of the
city with this bull shit illness.
This bull shit illness, as you call it, might not take effect on your for another thirty years,
if it even takes affect at all. Charlie was angry because Marek had so quickly dismissed
her idea and because of how he was talking about his illness. She had not been angry at
him like this before, it felt strange to her. Marek picked up on this, but stood his ground.
It will kick in someday Charlie, dont act as if it wont. It could-
Could, could Marek! There is no guarantee it will! Seriously if you stop being such a
sook about it and just get on with life youll realize how little an issue it is.
Mareks face flashed with anger.
A sook!? You think Im being a sook!? Fucking thanks Charlie! You dont know
anything about this, which means you clearly dont know anything about me.
Charlie was about to talk when Marek got up, grabbed his phone and left the room,
slamming the door. Once he was out of the room the realization of what just happened
started to sink in. Part of Charlie felt that maybe she had gone too far with what she had
said, another part was feeling that she had to be this forward, because no one else ever
had been to him. A few minutes passed and Charlie was thinking about what she should
do when her phone beeped a message.

Stay in my room tonight, Im going to sleep in one of the vacant rooms. We shall talk
more in the morning. Im sorry if I upset you.

Now Charlie felt bad, she began to think about what it was she was asking Marek to do.
He had barely left the asylum before she started taking him out, but to go from around
the neighborhood to overseas was a pretty big step. She started to type a reply.

Ok, for what its worth Im sorry. But, anyway we can talk about it more tomorrow. If
you want to come back to your room before then I wont bring up the topic unless you
will. Thanks for letting me stay, for the moment I really have nowhere to go.

Chapter 26

Charlie woke from the light coming in through the window. She had spent the night lying
on Mareks bed facing the door, hoping that he would suddenly walk through. Now, as
she was lying on her side facing the door. She realized she must have stared at the door to
the point that she simply fell asleep. She was about to get up when she heard the sound of
someone breathing deep behind her, she rolled over to see Marek sleeping on his back,
completely out of it. She was about to wake him and ask when he came back into the
room. She had not heard a thing. But as she looked at him sleeping peacefully, she
couldnt bring herself to wake him. She wanted to snuggle with him, but was worried that
would wake him up as well. Plus, for all she knew he was still mad at her. So she decided
to get up.

After having a shower Charlie went for a walk to the nearby bakery to get the croissants
Marek had bought before. She thought about leaving Marek a note, then realized that if
he did wake up, he would see her backpack was still there and not worry that shed
disappeared. Charlie gave Esther a warm smile when she went past the reception, she did
not stop to talk, she was not in the mood for Esthers judging at the moment. Esther
smiled back but (lucky for Charlie) she was on the phone and couldnt ask any questions.

When Charlie got back to Mareks room with the croissants (fortunately Esther was still
on the phone) Marek was awake and on his computer. As soon as Charlie had closed the
door, Marek got up, walked over to her and gave her a big hug.
Well, we had a first fight I guess. Marek said after a moment. Charlie kissed him on the
cheek. They stopped hugging and walked over to Mareks bed and both sat down.
I just boiled the kettle, so that tea is fresh and warm. Marek said as he pointed to the
cup of tea on the floor near Charlie.
Where did you go anyway? I thought maybe you went down to talk to Esther.
You didnt think Id run away? Charlie teased, aiming to ease the tense atmosphere.
I did when I woke for a second, then I saw your backpack. Marek replied with a smile.
Charlie held up the brown paper bags containing the croissants.
Got breakfast. She handed Marek one of the bags. When they both started eating in
silence, Charlie felt like she should be the one to start talking about what had happened
last night.
Well, let me start by saying Im sorry. I was, and I cant lie I still am, mad that you
dismissed my idea so quickly. But, I should not have said what I did say. So for that
Im sorry.
Marek swallowed the mouthful of croissant, then stared down at the floor. He was quiet
for a moment, Charlie knew she should wait.
You dont have to apologize. Before I started going places with you I used to think the
same thing, practically every night. Sometimes I would get so mad at myself, Id say

things like why they fuck am I wasting my time here, this bull shit illness might not
happen for more than twenty years, what the fuck am I so afraid of? and then Id start
punching my pillow. Marek turned to look at Charlie.
You dont have to apologize for that Charlie, I got angry when you said it because of
how many times Ive been angry at myself for the same reason.
Marek turned his attention back to his croissant and took a big bite. Charlie was at a loss
on what to say to him, if she said its not the way to think, she would seem a hypocrite for
saying it the night before. She turned her attention to another topic.
There was one more thing you said last night I didnt like. In fact you just said it then.
Marek stopped chewing and turned to look at Charlie, at a loss of what he could have
possibly said that she didnt like.
Marek, I dont like it when you talk about your illness as being a bullshit one, or saying
that youre going to become stupid and shit your pants and stuff.
Marek stared at her a little more and then started nodding.
Sorry he said through a mouthful of croissant. Though Charlie could see that he was
still coming to a decision as to why she didnt like it.
I think one of the main reasons you see it as such a big deal is because you talk about it
in that way. Like, I think mentally if youre going to think and say those things, than
youll start believing that as reality, when its not.
Now Marek stared at the floor. The concept was clearly nothing he had ever thought of,
but it was currently making a whole lot of sense to him. He took a sip of his tea and
turned to Charlie.
Charlie I love you
Charlie had just bit down into her croissant, upon hearing those words she paused, teeth
bared. Her heart seemed to have stopped, her eyes grew wide and she turned to look at
Marek, who was looking right at her.
Last night after we had the fight, I went into a vacant room, laid on the bed and stared at
the ceiling. I was thinking about what would happen to me if you left, like went overseas.
I wouldnt just miss you, I would feel like Ive lost the most important part of myself.
Before you came along Charlie I had pretty much given up on life, I mean the only reason
I didnt kill myself was because the asylum always said how grateful they were for me to
be working here. Marek turned to look down at the floor, his expression changing within
an instant.
But this is where the issue lies. I never wanted to fall in love with you, because I feel
sorry for you. I mean, if we end up staying together for a long time, then one day my
bull- I mean my illness kicks in, youre stuck with a partner who has to live in an asylum
just like this one. Now Marek turned back to face a still dumbfounded Charlie. Mareks
face was entirely serious.
So this is my proposal to you. I stared at the ceiling last night for hours until I got to this
decision. I will travel overseas with you, go anywhere you want to go. But, when my
illness kicks in, whether thats tomorrow or in twenty years, when it kicks in youll leave
me for someone else. There is no way Im making you stay with me if I dont even know
who you are anymore.
Charlie was lost, she was beyond happy and excited at Marek saying he wanted to travel
with her, but the price for him travelling with her seemed to come with a hard wager for
Charlie. She never saw herself as a person who would walk out on someone for

something like a medical reason. She didnt know what to say in a reply, but before she
could begin to talk Marek stood up.
I have to work today, I start in fifteen minutes and I finish at five. Take all day to think
about what I just said Charlie. And you should already know this, but feel free to hang
out here all day, everything that is mine is now yours. Marek smiled and spread out his
arms to indicate he was talking about everything in his room. He could see Charlie was
still in some kind of shock, so he leant down and kissed her on the cheek.
Ill speak to you later on. Marek turned and was out of the room.

Chapter 27

Charlie had spent about half an hour sitting on Mareks bed, thinking about what he had
said. Without coming to a conclusion, she decided to use his computer to search different
places to go. For now she confirmed in her head that Marek was going with her overseas.

It was almost noon and her stomach was telling her that she should go get lunch. So after
having a shower, she decided to go for a walk to ponder on things.
Morning Esther! Charlie said in a chirpy voice, all in all she was happy about
everything that had happened to her this morning. Not even Esthers nosey questions
would bring her down.
Oh, good morning Charlie dear. Marek is working today. Esther said in a matter of fact
way. Charlie simply continued to smile.
I know, I stayed with him last night.
Oh. Lovely. Esther eyebrows rose as she said this, Charlie loved this reaction.
Well, Im off to get some lunch, Ill be back later. Charlie said as she turned to walk out
the front entrance.

After walking for about twenty minutes Charlie found herself at a nice little caf to have
lunch at. Because the weather was nice, she decided to sit outside. After making her
order, she pulled her phone out of her pocket. There were three missed calls from her
mother and a message. Charlie had forgotten that she had set her phone on silent last
night. She opened the message.

Charlie, where are you?

Charlie felt that her mothers text was very short, but then remembered that it probably
took her mother twenty minutes to type.

Hi mum! Dont worry about me. You said I could do anything with the money remember?
So I know what Im going to do. Ill tell you where I am eventually.

After sending the message she expected her mother to call her instantly. After her order
came and she had finished eating it, her mother still hadnt called. She had just paid the
bill and was leaving when she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket.

Ok dear, just please be safe.

Charlie felt that her mother knew her well enough to know she wasnt going to do
anything ridiculous with the money her grandfather left her, which is why her mother
wasnt pestering her for more information. Not for the moment anyway.

After about half an hour of walking, Charlie found herself sitting on the same bench she
had sat with Marek at yesterday. Like yesterday, the weather was nice and the family of
ducks was swimming around in the lake. Charlie lifted her feet and hugged her legs,
letting her chin rest on her knees. She had a lot of thinking to do, and her eyes started to
glaze over as she stared out at the lake. Im going to tell him that Ill leave him when his
illness starts, if its the only way hell travel with me, then thats what Ill tell him. But,
would I leave him? He said he loved me, no one has said that to me since my ex, and I
doubt he ever actually meant it. I love him too. Why didnt I say it back to him? Shit!
Maybe he thinks I dont feel the same way! I better tell him I love him tonight then!
Maybe I should text him now. She put her hand into her pocket and grabbed her phone.
Once she had unlocked her phone, she paused again. Wait, thats a terrible idea! Texting
I love you to him before Ive said it to him would be stupid to do! As she was putting her
phone back into her pocket, it vibrated in her hand.

Hey Charlie! Ive got my lunch break now so I went to my room to see you. Im happy to
see youre not in there, cause it means youre out doing something. My room is pretty
boring. Hope youre having a good day.

At first Charlie felt a little bad for not being in Mareks room at that moment. But she felt
that he meant what he said in his message.

Sorry Im not there for your lunch break! But, its such a nice day Ive ended up back at
the park, sitting where we were yesterday. Can I get you anything before I head back?

She looked at her phone for a moment, then figured that Marek will reply eventually, so
there was no point in staring at her phone. As if a light switch went off in her head, a
thought struck her. Wait a minute! Theres twenty five thousand dollars in my bank
account! Why the hell am I not shopping?! She jumped to her feet and headed towards
the nearest shopping center.

* * *

As Charlie was walking back to the asylum, she couldnt help but wear a ridiculous grin
on her face. After spending about three hours shopping, she now walked back with two
bags in each hand. She had bought some new clothes for herself, two t-shirts for Marek
and her favorite smelling mens cologne called dj vu for him as well (she was worried
she could come off as the kind of girlfriend who was slowly trying to change him, but at
the same time didnt want to not buy him anything) and some chocolate they could both
have tonight. But one bag was filled with travel agent brochures, covering 5 continents
and more than thirty countries. This was the main bag that she had in her hand at the

moment, the young lady she had spoken to at the travel agency was full of helpful advice
and knowledge, so Charlie was beyond excited to show it all to Marek.

As she walked into the reception, she found Esther behind the counter with an almost
heartless glare on her face. Not sure how to react, Charlie continued to smile.
Hello Esther, youre working late.
Finish in about half an hour. Her tone was flat and cold. Charlie figured the best thing
to do was to keep walking. As she got into the lift and the door closed, she gave Esther a
kind of goodbye nod. Esther merely kept looking at her with cold eyes.

As Charlie opened the door to Mareks room, she found him in a towel with his back to
her, dripping wet from just getting out of the shower. At first he didnt hear her, which
gave Charlie a chance to give him a long once-over glance. They had not slept together
yet, Charlie couldnt decide if that was a good or a bad thing. She had gone on both sides
of the fence in her mind, from he is just being polite to does he think Im ugly. The
thought of her bringing up the issue never really crossed Charlies mind, but this sudden
image right in front of her for the taking would change that. As she pushed the door
behind her closed, she did not turn away from Marek. Hearing the sound of the door
closing, Marek shot around instantly and went slightly red faced.
Oh shit! Sorry Charlie! I didnt know when you were coming back! Hang on a sec.
Marek dashed towards the bathroom as fast as he could with his head down, too
embarrassed to notice Charlies current mood. Just before Marek made it to the
bathroom, Charlie positioned herself right in front of the bathroom door to cut him off.
Marek looked up with a look of bewilderment on his face, due to his illness he had never
given himself the chance to learn how to read women. Charlie put both hands on his hips,
holding them loose but firm enough to feel his muscles. She slowly worked her hands up
the sides of his torso, staring in admiration at his flat stomach. When she had gotten up to
his chest, she moved her hands around to his back to feel the muscles. She could not
control the sexual tension pouring out of her any longer, with a sexually frustrated sigh
she dug her hands into his back and jumped to hug him with her legs, kissing his mouth
with endless passion. Marek, who at this point was lost, finally clicked to read Charlies
advances. Still, she had thrown herself on him in such a way that he could not help but
stumble back and fall onto the bed. Marek thought he had done something wrong, Charlie
however got even more turned on as they had (seemingly) magically found their way
onto the bed. Charlie was passionately kissing Marek with a great deal of sexual force.
She began to move her hands down towards the towel around Mareks waste, she could
feel the pressure of his manhood pressed up against her, something she had not felt for a
long while. Her hands were just about to rip off the towel, when Marek reached down and
stopped them. Confused, Charlie pulled her lips away from his so that she could look at
his face. Marek was beat red and had a slightly worried look on his face. Charlie had a
deep frown on her face which made Marek realize he needed to explain himself.
IIve Ive never done this sort of thing before Marek looked away after saying
this, embarrassment filling his face. Charlies mood changed for a slight second when she
realized just how cute that was, but her current sexual tension quickly relinquished that
and put her right back into a passionate mood. She kissed Marek on the forehead.
Dont worry, Ill show you the ropes

* * *
Two hours had passed and both Marek and Charlie were still lying naked on the bed,
Marek hugging Charlie with one arm. He had now learnt that no amount of internet
videos can prepare you for how amazing the act of real sex was and Charlie couldnt
believe how well Marek had done his first time. For the moment neither of them could
see the need to talk about anything that had been happening. No need to bring up their
fight, Mareks confession of love, Charlie forgetting to reply to his confession, the
overseas trip idea. None of it mattered, for the moment they were experiencing a new
side of one another, to which they both had thoroughly approved. Marek let out a long
sigh and turned to look at Charlie, doing his best to focus on only her face.
That was fucking amazing. I I hope you werent thinking me not instigating this
meant I never wanted it to happen. Its just that, I had no idea how to tell you that I had
no experience with any of this. I mean, most guys around my age have years of
experience with this sort of thing I guess I just had no idea how to bring this up.
Before Charlie could reply, Marek turned his whole body to face her, the look in his eyes
full of admiration.
But, you just jumping me like that, that is seriously the hottest fucking thing ever. There
I was feeling embarrassed in just a towel, when you stopped me from getting into the
bathroom and just fucking jumped me! Seriously that was so very hot. I guess it goes
without saying that if you ever feel the urge to do that again, lord knows Im going to say
hell yes!
Charlie couldnt help but laugh at this final all clear from Marek. Sometimes sheer
honesty is great to hear. She laughed a little bit more as she watched Mareks eyes staring
in awe at certain parts of her body. She brought her hands up to cover her breasts,
keeping the grin on her face. Marek instantly went red and turned away.
Sorry! I Ive just never seen a naked girl before. Well I mean Ive seen little kids
running around naked, but not like you know As Marek sat facing the other way
with his head down, Charlie sat up and brought her hands around his torso to hug him,
making sure the hug was hard enough for her breasts to push up on his back.
Relax Marek I was just teasing, I dont care if you stare. Well, not when we are alone in
a situation like this anyway. And I would be lying if I said I didnt wonder at times why
this hadnt happened yet, but Marek honestly you should have told me you didnt have
any experience with this. I mean, I wouldnt have laughed at you.
Marek took hold of Charlies arms and held them closer to his body.
I know you wouldnt have Charlie, I guess I just didnt know how to bring it up. I mean,
its not like its something I can just bring up over dinner or anything.
With this, Charlie released Marek from her hug and made him turn around to face her.
Why couldnt you bring it up over dinner? Charlie said in a high pitched, confused tone.
Well, it would be weird wouldnt it? Like think about it, we are at dinner together and I
drop a line like so Ive never shagged a girl before or even been near a vagina. That
would be super weirdwouldnt it?
If you said it like that it would be! But, there is nothing wrong with talking about sex
and sexual things. There is nothing wrong with it at all. Ive never understood why its
such a taboo topic when its one of the most natural things on this planet. Charlie

paused here to let Marek take in what she was saying. After a moment Marek smiled at
I must say Charlie, you are definitely the right kind of person to be a traveler. You have
such an open mind. Its such a good trait to have, in my opinion anyway.
Upon hearing this, Charlie lunged at Marek and hugged him tight. It was by far one of the
biggest compliments she had ever received from anyone in her whole life.

After hugging for a while, Marek pulled back to look at Charlies face.
Well I have to ask, have you come to a decision about what I said earlier?
The events that had happened after seeing Marek in the towel made Charlie forget about
all the things she had been planning to talk to him about.
Oh! I almost forgot! Charlie released Marek from her arms and sat up straight,
preparing to say something she thought was very important. She was about to start
talking when she realized that only a certain part of her body had Mareks complete
attention. Though she didnt mind, she needed him to listen to what she had to say, so she
grabbed the bed sheet and wrapped it around herself. Marek quickly looked down,
blushing slightly.
As I was saying, the proposal you gave me this morning is in no way an easy one
Marek. But, Ive spent all day giving it as much thought as I could and, Ive decided to
accept the fact that the only way youre going to travel with me is if I promise that
when or if your illness starts, Ill not see you anymore. Charlie gave Marek a closed
mouth smile, she wasnt happy with what she was saying, and she was doing her best to
make sure Marek couldnt read her. Marek smiled a big smile and moved to hug her, but
Charlie put a hand to stop him.
But, I want you to know Marek. Im not doing this because I like the idea of leaving you
if your illness starts. Im doing this because I want you to see as much of this world as
possible. Your room if full of posters of the places in the world and you watch doco after
doco about this planet and everything in it. So, if this is the only way Im going to be able
to get you out of this asylum and seeing the world with your own eyes, then this is why I
make this promise with you, regardless of how much I dont want to. Charlie lowered
her hand, but she could not take the serious look off her face. She wanted to make sure
Marek knew entirely the reason why she had accepted his proposal. After listening
intently to what she had to say, Marek could see that there was no lie in Charlies eyes, at
least not about her reason to accept his proposal anyway.
Ok Charlie, I understand. Marek said with a smile, but he did not try to lean in and hug
Charlie again. Upon hearing Mareks reply, Charlie put both of Mareks hands in hers.
Now, there is one more important thing I want to say to you. Charlie raised Mareks
hands so that they were in the form of a pray, with her hands still around them. She leant
in about and looked Marek square in the eyes.
I love you Marek I love you so very much. I love you so much that I would tell you a
hundred million times that the thought of your illness affecting you does not make me
want to leave you in the slightest and if it were my decision, then Id be with you for as
long as I want to, illness or no. Charlie stayed staring into Mareks eyes to prove that she
meant what she was saying. Upon seeing tears welting up and running down Mareks
face did she only start to worry. She reached out and put a hand on his cheek, trying to
wipe away the tears. She was about to ask what was wrong when Marek smiled.

Oh Charlie After my mum died I never thought for a second that anyone would ever
say that to me again. I really dont deserve you, but Im so very happy that I am your
boyfriend. Marek brought his hands up to his face and started rubbing his eyes.
Sorry, I feel like such a wank. Theyre not sad tears though. Marek said as he was
rubbing his eyes as hard as he could. Charlie couldnt stop thinking about how cute
Marek looked at that moment. Though she wished she would never see him cry again,
she felt she would always remember how he looked now. She wanted to hug him, kiss
him and tell him a hundred times how much she loved him. But, for the moment she felt
the best thing she could do was simply be there next to him, while he let everything sink
in. After Marek had calmed down, Charlie had one more thing she wanted to ask Marek.
Marek listen.
Marek looked up and nodded to Charlie.
If I told you that I had a condition that meant there was no chance I would live near the
age of 35, what would you do?
Marek spoke his first and clearest thought.
I wouldnt leave you for a second, even if it was going to strike this yea- he paused
mid-sentence, realizing what he had just said.
Charlie smiled.
Well, you can see why making this proposal with you is so very hard for me to do.

Chapter 28

After having a shower together (it felt as if a wall between them had been totally crushed
now) then watching a movie with delivered pizza and also the chocolates Charlie had
brought, the two of them both felt it was time for bed. Before Marek moved over to one
side of the bed he gave Charlie both a puzzled and slightly embarrassed look.
Whats wrong? Charlie asked.
Well, I normally sleep naked when I sleep alone. I havent brought it up with you
because I didnt know if it would be an issue or not. After what happened before that
awesome, awesome time we had together Well, is it ok if I sleep naked now?
Charlie tried to stop herself from laughing, but she simply couldnt. She threw her hands
up to her face in order to try to stop herself laughing, but she couldnt.
Oh Marek you are so very, very cute sometimes. She gasped out between laughs. Marek
went as red as a tomato, than in a mixture of embarrassment and playfulness, ran over to
Charlie and began tickling her. Charlie began laughing uncontrollably.
Marek, you know Im super ticklish!
Yes I know! But this is what you get for being so cheeky! I can touch your boobs now,
so lets see if youre ticklish there!
This continued for a few minutes until finally both were out of breath. Still laughing, they
slowly made their way into bed. Charlie also decided to sleep naked, she had never done
it before, so figured tonight was a good idea to give it a go. Immediately once she had
gotten into bed, Charlie felt through the pitch black of the room until she found Marek
and rested her head on his torso. Every time she had stayed over at his place, this was her
favourite part by far. The feeling of simply lying close to him, feeling his body warmth
and listening to him breathing (aside from when he started snoring) was to Charlies one

of the best experiences she had ever had. Marek wrapped an arm around her, Charlie
could hear the sound of his heart beating faster and faster.
Charlie, there is something else Ive wanted to ask you for a long time now. But, like
with the thing I told you yesterday, I dont really know how to bring it up and Im also
not sure if its my business or not.
Charlie didnt see the need to move her head so she could look at him, the room was
pitch black so she wouldnt be able to see his face. Like yesterday, dozens of thoughts ran
through her head as to what he might mean.
Ok Marek, what is it?
After a long pause, Marek took a deep breath.
From time to time Ive thought about what could have happened with you and your ex
boyfriend. Im not asking because Im your boyfriend now and I should know. But one
thing you have taught me is that its good to talk about things with the right people and
this seems to be like a memory you dont like. I dont know if Im exactly the right
person, but Ill listen to everything you have to say with no judgment, I can promise you
that. Im going to stop talking now Charlie, if you start talking Ill listen to everything
you have to say. If you dont talk Ill fall asleep and not bring this up again in any way,
shape or form.
Charlie felt her body go stiff. Though the room was pitch black, her eyes were open and
glazed over. Various images ran through her head, images of memories she wished she
could simply get rid of and never have to revisit. At first Marek thought that she was
trying to choose the right words, but when he could feel water on his chest he knew that
she was crying. Marek felt the sudden pang of realizing that hed made her cry. He was
about to apologize when he remembered that he said he wouldnt talk again unless she
started talking. After thinking for a moment, he rolled Charlie over and spooned her,
hugging her as tightly as possible. This seemed to have had more of an effect than Marek
had hoped, apologizing through body language was speaking louder than any words he
could have used.

They had been spooning for over ten minutes in silence. Marek had felt his brain slowly
moving into the dream world from time to time, but he forced himself to stay awake for
longer to see if Charlie would begin talking. From what he could tell in the pitch black
room, it seemed that Charlie had stopped crying. So Marek was happy about that. He felt
both of Charlies hands move up to hold his right arm.
I was sixteen years old when I met my ex-boyfriend. Sixteen old enough to be
interested in boys, but young enough to make stupid mistakes. He told me that he loved
me the first time we met. Told me that I was the mot beautiful thing hed even seen in all
his twenty two years of being alive. I believed him when he said it, and loved hearing
him say it so much that I would do anything to keep him happy.
Marek could feel tears running onto his arm.
Things were great for a while. We would go to the movies together, out to dinner.
Sometimes hed tell me that he didnt have any money so Id have to pay. I didnt mind, I
didnt want to be the type of girlfriend that didnt pay for anything. But after a while I
was starting to pay for everything. Sometimes we would be out and hed see a shirt or
something he liked and hed ask me to buy it for him. It used to make me annoyed that

hed ask me for things like that, but then hed tell me he loved me, and like some idiot Id
just melt at hearing him say that and do what he asked me.
Charlie paused for a moment here, Marek didnt speak a word.
One thing I used to really like to do with him was just stay at his place and watch
movies. He came from a wealthy family, which as you can guess my mother was happy
about, so he had a great set-up to watch movies at his house. Again, being sixteen I was
stupidly taken in by his material stuff. After a while he would invite some of his friends
around to watch movies. I didnt mind it at first but after a while he would ask me to
sit with them while watching a movie in a dark room. His friends would start moving
their hands around during the movie, put them anywhere and everywhere over my body.
When I told my boyfriend what they were doing, he would just laugh and say something
like that sounds like something theyd do.
Charlie was silent for another moment, Marek didnt like the silence in the slightest,
mostly because he was beginning to see where this story was heading.
One day it was his friends birthday, so he invited all of his guy friends around for drinks
at his place. I was the only girl, I didnt really mind though at first it was pretty fun.
After about an hour almost every guy there had asked me to have a shot with them. I got
drunk, really drunk. It was at this point that my ex boyfriend stood me up in front of
everyone and declared that I would now be serving everyone drinks naked. I was
shocked, but with feeling so drunk and with the peer pressure from everyone, it wasnt
long before I was walking around in my underwear. But that wasnt enough, my
boyfriend told me that if I loved him I would do this for him and his friends. So
eventually I was serving drinks naked. On my third round of bringing drinks in, the guy
whose birthday it was grabbed me in front of everyone and started to feel me up.
Everyone was cheering and laughing, like it was some great show. When the guy whose
birthday it was started trying to take his pants off I started screaming and ran to my ex-
boyfriend. He slapped me across the face and and told me that if I truly loved him
Id Id
Charlie wasnt weeping anymore. She was grabbing hold of Mareks arm with all her
might while her body shook violently from her fit of crying. The scenes going through
her head now were the main parts she wished she could never remember. Marek, feeling
like a complete bastard for asking what he had asked he, simply did his best to try and
calm her down, though he knew that it was completely futile. Marek felt that his
complaining for so long about his own illness was pathetic and very selfish. His illness
was virtually nothing compared to these memories Charlie had. Charlie was crying so
hard Marek thought she was going to vomit, but without any idea on how to help, he
simply remained silent and hugged her as tightly as he could. He felt sad for Charlie and
at the same time he also felt murderous rage against her ex-boyfriend. Through her fit of
crying Charlie managed to splatter out some words.
Marek, Im so sorry. I should have told you this from the start. If youre disgusted by me
because this has happened to me and dont want to be with me anymore, Ill totally

Two hours later and it seemed that Charlie had literally cried herself to sleep. Marek on
the other hand was wide awake. Staring at the ceiling, he could not bring himself to
understand the last thing Charlie had said to him during her fit of crying. Marek couldnt

comprehend why in any way, shape or form Charlie saw the need to apologize to him. It
made him sad, as sad as when his mother died. All that had happened to her and now she
felt like she has done something wrong?
Having worked in the asylum for so long, Marek was no stranger to the damage
something like gang rape can do to a person. The asylum had an entire wing dedicated to
sexually traumatized patients. Being a man, Marek had hardly ever set foot in the wing at
all. At first he thought it was unfair for people to think that all men were the same in this
sort of thing. But, after he had heard some of the stories about what had happened to
some of the patients (both male and female) in that wing, he completely understood how
his presence there was not a good idea.
Marek turned to stare at his sleeping girlfriend. In no way did he feel that Charlie had
anything to apologize for, nor to Marek did it affect his feelings towards her in any way.
If anything, Marek was impressed that Charlie had seemed to simply put it behind her
and get on with life. Marek had a million questions, questions he wanted to ask because
he could see them as helping Charlie. But, he had no idea of how to ask them. Right now
he figured the best thing to do was let her sleep, and let his mind wander onto ways he
could help her

Chapter 29

Charlie woke the next morning to find Marek sleeping in an uncomfortable position on
the chair. It took a moment for the memory of the night before to re-enter her mind.
Charlies first thought was that Marek had not wanted to sleep next to her after the
information he had found out about her past. Mareks face slipped from his hand and he
awoke with a loud snort as he subconsciously stopped himself from falling. When he saw
Charlie was awake he walked over to her and kissed her on the forehead.
Morning! Marek said with a smile.
Charlie instantly realized that the idea of Marek wanting to leave her after what he had
found out was stupid. She felt she should have known him better than that. Still, seeing
first hand that his opinion of her hadnt changed made her very happy. She gave him a
spear-tackle hug and dragged him on the bed. Still trying to wake up, Marek flopped like
a dead fish to land on top of her. They hugged for a moment, then Marek leaned in to
whisper into Charlies ear.
What we spoke about last night I just want you to know my opinion of you hasnt
changed in the slightest. I still love you. Ill never bring it up again unless you do, and I
do want to say that Im sorry, because I pretty much pressured you into talking. Marek
squeezed Charlie a little bit tighter once he had stopped talking. Charlie smiled and
tightened her hug as well. She was thinking of a thousand things to say, but felt that right
now silence was best. Marek pulled out of their embrace and looked at Charlie with a
boyish smile.
Well I feel like having a shower. Care to join me? Marek was doing his best to keep
his expression, but Charlie could see a little bit of red flushing his cheeks. She forced
herself to not laugh and instead returned with a cheeky smile.
I would love to.


Marek had the day off. So once they were both showered (it was a long, passionate
shower) and dressed, they decided to head to the travel agent that Charlie went to
yesterday. While walking past the reception, Charlie was happy to see that Esther was not
there. After the mood she had portrayed to Charlie the night before, she didnt want to see
her right now. Once they were out into the street, Charlie wanted to know why Esther
was the way she was last night.
By the way Marek, when I got back to the asylum last night, Esther was really, really
cold to me. She looked as if she was trying to stab me to death with her eyes.
Marek thought for a moment, and then started laughing.
Charlie dont worry, shes not happy because we are planning to travel together. Its
nothing against you though, she just says that with the amount of work I do, they will
need to hire three people to replace me while Im away. Marek looked down at his feet.
Though I dont really know about that. He looked back up with an expression of slight
She doesnt like the idea of me travelling either. Ever since she found out about my
illness, shes kind of been trying to be my mother, which Im not really a fan of. Marek
Maybe she just feels like youre taking her position.
Charlie shot back an answer, louder and with more anger than she meant.
Im not trying to be your mother at all Marek! I want to be your girlfriend.
Marek stopped walking and looked at Charlie.
I know Charlie, to be honest that was one of the things I liked about you since I told you
about my illness. In virtually no way have you tried to mother me, and believe me when I
say that I am very grateful for that. Marek smiled and turned to continue walking.
Charlie was happy to hear this, because she had told herself time and again that there
were a few of her mothers traits that she hoped she hadnt inherited. From what Marek
was saying, it sounded like she hadnt.

When they got to the travel agent the lady working there recognized Charlie straight
away and gave her a big smile.
Charlie! So happy to see you back! She turned to Marek and stuck her right hand out.
My name is Jennifer, but you can call me Jenny. Her voice was high pitched, but very
welcoming. Marek returned her warm smile and shook her hand.
Marek, its nice to meet you.
Jenny gestured for the two of them to sit at one end of her desk, while she quickly ran
around to the other side. Once everyone was seated, Jenny spread out her hands on the
desk and gave Charlie an anticipated look.
So, have we decided on where we would like to go?
Charlie turned to Marek, whose face was as blank as hers. With all the events of the night
before, they hadnt even begun to talk about their trip.
Um we were thinking about South East Asia..? Charlies voice rose towards the
end of the sentence. Marek turned back to Jenny and started nodding.
Yes, South East Asia, in particular Thailand. Marek said. Jennys face beamed with a
Brilliant! Personally I would say thats a great idea. Not only because South East Asia
has so much to offer, but also because Thailand has some truly beautiful places.

Marek smiled, he liked Jennys enthusiasm. While she was busy looking through some
documents to find the information she wanted, Marek had the chance to look a bit closer
at her. Jenny had blonde hair that was in a ponytail, a small face with a little, slightly
upturned nose and a smile that would improve anyones mood, not Mareks type, but
certainly not an unattractive woman. Jenny pulled up a brochure with triumphant effort.
Ah! Heres the brochure I was looking for!

* * *

They had spoken with Jenny for a little over an hour and, to both their delight, had
booked a 30 day tour around Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos. Stopping at all the
tourist spots, then they would spend two weeks on the island of Koh Samui in Thailand, a
place they both knew to be one of the best islands in all of Asia to relax at. Both of them
walked hand in hand, chatting back and forth about what they had just planned and
booked. At the moment it felt surreal for both of them.

For the moment there seemed to be only one inconvenience, because neither of them had
ever travelled before, neither of them had a passport. Jenny gave them all the information
she could, but they would have to wait a minimum of 15 business days for their
passports, once they had filled out and sent off the forms. Because of this, they had
booked their holiday exactly one month from today (they had to wait until when the tour
started as well). To Charlie, this simply meant they had one month to do whatever the
hell they wanted.
Seriously Marek we have a month before we leave, lets go down to the beach for a
week or something! Charlies expression was so happy that Marek couldnt help but feel
the same way. Marek looked as though he was thinking about something that maybe
Charlie wouldnt want to hear. By now however, Charlie knew him well enough.
It would be a good way to see how you go away from home Marek. Charlie said in a
matter of fact way.
To be honest, I didnt say anything about this before we booked the trip because I know
in my heart youll be fine. But, at the same time I knew that it was something you would
be thinking about.
Marek looked at Charlie and smiled a big, heart filled smile and gave her hand a little
Wow Charlie, you really do know me well. I honestly didnt think that was something
you would have thought about. Not saying because you dont care or anything, but you
seem so sure that everything will be fine that I didnt think youd have thought about me
being worried still.
Charlie returned Mareks previous hand squeeze.
I am sure that everything will be fine Marek. But, since we had that talk about why
you couldnt travel, I have been doing my best to think of every situation that could
possible happen. I did think that maybe if we went somewhere that was only a few hours
drive away from the asylum, itll be kind of like a stepping stone for you. Charlie looked
down at her feet with the expression of a child who felt they had done something wrong.

I didnt bring it up though because Im so excited about going overseas, excited for
the both of us. Charlie turned to look at Marek, then looked back down at her feet, still
feeling guilty. Marek let go of her hand and threw his arm around her.
God your cute Charlie. So very, very cute! Marek kissed her on the forehead. Then,
before Charlie even had the chance to respond, Marek quickly took his arm from around
her and took a step back.
Whats wrong? Charlie asked. Mareks face was going red and his eyes were darting
from one person to the other around them.
Its its just that Ive never done this sort of thing. I have no idea if what I just did was
showing too much affection in public Mareks face grew even redder. Charlie couldnt
help but laugh hysterically.
Now whose being so very, very cute?! Charlie teased him.
She took hold of his arm and threw it back around herself. She reached up to place a kiss
on his cheek and kept walking.
This sort of thing is more than ok at a time like this Marek. Now, if you were to grab my
boobs or my arse
They both laughed as the entered the post office to find the forms to apply for a passport.

Chapter 30

Marek and Charlie headed back to the asylum, enjoying each others company without
the need to talk. They both felt very happy, their passport documents had been filled out
(photos and all) and sent off, now they simply had to wait 15 business days before they
could get them. Charlie had only mentioned once about a trip down to the beach for a
week or so, she felt that if she brought it up too often Marek might simply say no out of
her pestering him. Still, she wanted to know what he thought. She turned to face him as
they were walking.
So any thoughts on a trip down the beach?
Marek had a smirk on his face before he answered.
I was wondering how long youd last before you asked again!
Charlie felt her face turned a little red, but she could tell by Mareks smile that he wasnt
angry. She simply smiled at him and waited for him to continue.
Its a very good idea Charlie. Now that I think about it, its been a long time since Ive
seen the ocean.
Marek frowned and thought hard for a moment. Charlie was almost about to burst with
anticipation, but she remained quiet in order to give Marek time to think. After a while
Marek turned back to face her. He almost laughed upon seeing the expression on her
Oh Charlie! God your cute! Ive already decided to go, Im just thinking about which
beach I would like to see the most.
Charlie grinned from ear to ear and threw herself onto him. She was so very happy to
hear this from Marek. Not only would it be her first trip away in a long while, it would
also be a great opportunity for Marek to see how he feels about being away from the


As they were walking into the asylum, Charlies memory flashed and reminded her of
Esthers attitude towards her. Charlie was in too good a mood to see the need to do
anything other than be a smart ass. Her faced beamed when she saw that Esther was
working now.
Hello Esther! Guess what we did today! Charlie threw her arms out like she was
speaking to a crowd of people. Esther kept her face expressionless, but her eyes widened
What did you do todaydear? Her voice was flat and unemotional.
Marek and I booked a trip around South East Asia! We leave in one month to the day!
Charlie grabbed Mareks arm.
Up until this point Marek hadnt clicked to what was going on, he did not want to create
anymore tension, so he simply smiled at Esther and nodded to confirm it was true. Esther
didnt smile or even give any words of happiness or amazement. Her face went a bit
smug before she spoke again.
But what about passports dear? You cant leave the country without a passport.
Charlies smile grew wider.
Its all taken care of, our passports will be ready in 15 business days, at the most. And
Jenny, the nice lady at the travel agent, is sorting out all the visas we are going to need
for each country.
Though Charlie could see the defeat in Esthers eyes, she was not one to put a person
down once she had put them in their place. Though she did think of other things to say,
she did not say them. Esther finally smiled.
Well, that sounds lovely dear. We will miss Marek around here though, he is the best
worker we have by far.
While all this was going on Marek quietly but hastily went over to the lift and pushed the
button to call it down. He was used to families yelling at him about this and that for
someone in the asylum, but two women hiding fury behind every word they were saying
was not something he knew how to handle. Once the lift dinged Marek went over and
rested a hand on Charlies shoulder.
Come on, Esther has a lot of work to do Charlie.
Oh ok, good bye then Esther.
Without looking over at Esther, Marek managed to get Charlie into the lift, once the door
was closed he put his hands on her shoulders.
Good god Charlie! You sure let her have it!
Charlie laughed.
Have it? What on earth do you mean? I was simply telling her about the awesome plans
we have made.
Well, thank god you didnt tell her about this trip down to the beach. Marek looked
directly at Charlie.
Please let me tell her tomorrow ok? I think it would be best if she heard it from me,
though please dont take that personally.
Charlie thought for a moment and as the door dinged she smiled and nodded to Marek,
not sure of what to say but deciding that his idea was probably the best.

When they got into Mareks room, Charlie went straight to Mareks computer.

Im going to look up some of the places we will see on our tour of South East Asia. But
first, maybe I should Google some of the beaches near here.
Marek smiled and nodded but Charlie couldnt help but feel that he looked
uncomfortable. Charlie frowned with worry.
Whats wrong?
It took Marek a moment to answer, Charlie noticed that his face was going red.
Um, can you put some music on, I need to ah
Marek pointed to the bathroom and Charlie figured out what he meant. She burst out
laughing, a kind of awkward laughter. Marek seemed to get a bit defensive.
Well I know you dont have brothers, so I thought maybe the sound will make you really
grossed out or something!
Charlie replied through fits of laughter.
Ok, ok Marek I understand. Hang on while I get some music going.
Without saying a word Marek walked into the bathroom and closed the door. Charlie
wasnt sure if he was embarrassed or angry (or both) , but she couldnt stop herself from

After about ten minutes Marek emerged from the bathroom, his face now had a look of
pure relief on it. Charlie had the music turned up, now she turned it down.
Wow Marek, you were in there long enough to build an atom bomb!
You sure dont have brothers Charlie, that was a quick one. Anyway, what have you
managed to find out online?
Charlie sat up straight and made herself look professional, clearly she had found some
great information.
Well, there are about three beaches that are worth going to within less than half a days
drive from here. One is very touristy, but the beach is very nice for a swim. At another
beach, the beach isnt as nice as the first, but they have a lot of really nice restaurants on
the main strip that runs parallel with the beach and there arent as many people this time
of year. The last one is a back beach to go surfing and such, but its in the middle of
nowhere with only about three restaurants near it.
Marek nodded his head a couple of times.
Impressive Charlie, how did you find all of that out so quickly?
Charlie turned to face the computer.
Its this site Im on. Its all just a bunch of people writing reviews about each place. It
was the first website that came up on Google.
Charlie thought for a moment.
And anyway you were in the toilet for so long I had ample time really.
Ignoring that, Marek walked to where Charlie was and leaned over her to get a good look
at the website she was currently on. He had only looked for a moment before his eyes
slipped down to notice he was at the right angle to get a great eyeful of Charlies
cleavage. She didnt have the biggest chest, but she was wearing the right top and bra to
show off what she was working with. Marek looked a little too hard and when Charlie
turned to look at him she caught him red handed.
Marek! You are supposed to be looking at this website! Charlie shrieked. Marek was
lost on what to say.

I I was! I was just looking to see if if like you know, I could rest my arm
somewhe Mareks voice trailed off as he noticed the look on Charlies face.
You bloody smart ass Charlie! Marek yelled as he lunged himself onto her and began
tickling her all over. The two of them rolled around on the floor, both laughing and
carrying on. After a moment Marek had Charlie pinned down and was looking right into
her eyes. Charlie watched as Mareks expression shifted. Like a trance, her face shifted to
match his and now the two of them were passionately kissing each other. As these things
do, one thing lead to another and they found themselves on the bed.

After some love making, the two of them were still lying naked on the bed, holding each
other. Neither had spoken for a few minutes, Charlie was growing more and more fonder
of these moments. She felt drowsy and she began to fall asleep, until suddenly she was
startled by the ringtone of her mobile phone. At first she didnt move, but Marek let go of
his tight hug around her so that she could get up to answer her phone. She smiled at him,
got off the bed and fetched her phone from her bag. When she saw it was her mother she
paused for a moment, staring at the screen.
Who is it? Marek asked.
Its my mom.
She probably just wants to say hi and make sure youre ok.
Figuring Marek was right, Charlie answered the phone.
Hi mum! How are you?
There was a long pause while Charlie waited for her mother to reply.
come home NOW!
The voice was too deep, manly and demanding to be her mothers. Charlie felt her heart
skip and her stomach fill with butterflies when she realized who it was. She paused for a
long moment and all the memories of why she had left home in the first place came back
to her.
Oh hello father, how was Malaysia? Hope my money came in handy.
Marek had been lying peacefully on the bed, but now he sat bolt upright and stared at
Come home now Charlie! I am your father and you will listen to me. Come home
Youre my father are you? Well tell me than, what kind of father takes money from his
own daughter?
When there was no answer, Charlie continued.
Ill tell you, a heartless mean father who cares more about his bullshit company than his
own children. Dont think for a second that Im going to do anything you tell me.
How DARE you! I am your FATHER you bitch! You will do what I say!
You are my father, but that doesnt mean you have a right to tell me what to do. Or steal
from me for that matter.
You know what Charlie? I was going to pay you back the money I took, but I dont think
Im going to now. No, I think now I am going to spend the rest of it. What do you think
of my little cow of a daughter?
Charlie felt her teeth clench and her heart race. She was feeling incredibly angry about
what he had just said, but she knew her answer. Staying calm, she continued talking.

Well father Im afraid thats impossible. For you see the remainder of the money, MY
money, has been transferred into my account. And in fact Ive already spent quite a
chunk of it on a holiday to South East Asia.
Charlie turned to find Marek sitting at the end of the bed. His eyes were wide and he
looked like a possum caught in the headlights of an oncoming car. Charlie merely smiled
at him, a smile that showed she felt in complete control. She waited for a moment for her
fathers reply to what she had said. After a long pause, she heard a click sound, then the
dial tone. Confused, Charlie turned the phone to face her to double check. She looked up
at Marek.
He hung up on me.
Marek, who still look completely shocked, said nothing and didnt even move.
Meh, whats the worst he could do anyway? said Charlie as she threw her phone on the
bed and went to sit next to Marek. Marek followed her with unblinking eyes.
Fuck Charlie, that was intense, even for me. I only met your dad once but I could tell
what kind of person he was. He probably hung up on you because he is in such a rage.
Charlie shrugged.
Whatever, Im too angry at him to care how he feels anyway. And besides, didnt you
hear what he said?! He was planning to spend the rest of the money my grandpa left me!
What an asshole!
Marek looked away, beginning to think certain things over.
Hes probably screaming at your mom right now
Hes not so bad that he would hit your mother is he? Marek asked.
Charlies eyes grew wide at the thought. Her father had never hit her mother, as far as she
knew anyway. But, at the same time, as far as Charlie could remember, no one has ever
made him this angry before. While these thoughts were going through her head, her
phones message tone went off. She reached over and unlocked it to view the message.


Charlie? What the fuck is going on? When I asked mom where you were, she said that
something had happened and you needed time to think. She told me not to contact you
while you were away too. But now dad is going fucking insane, he has jumped in the car
and has headed for the asylum, he thinks youre there because of Marek. Is that where
you are?

While Charlie was reading the message, Marek watched her expression change. Now the
blood ran from her face and she looked as white as a ghost. Before he had a chance to say
anything, Charlie ran to the window and looked out.
Oh my god! My dad is here!!
Marek ran over to the window and they both watched as Charlies father got out of the
car and started storming towards the asylum entrance.
We have to get out of here NOW! Charlie screamed and ran for the door.
He doesnt know what room is mine Charlie! Marek said.
He will ask Esther, and hell be all calm and casual when he asks so she wont think
anything is wrong! I know how he gets his way like that.
Marek thought for a moment.

Well where can we go? We cant leave the asylum entirely, hes at the bloody entrance!
Are there any free rooms on this floor? Like one that doesnt have any patients in them?
Marek thought for a moment.
The one directly opposite us is free, it has been for months. Its where I went the other
Without saying a word Charlie grabbed Mareks keys off of his computer desk and ran
towards the door. She opened the door and looked out, relieved to see her father wasnt
on this floor yet. But, she could see that the lift was being called down to the ground
floor. She turned back to find Marek still standing by the window.
Hes called the fucking lift Marek! What the hell are you doing? Come on!
Marek stood for a moment to try and figure everything out. It seemed his hands were tied,
he couldnt get Charlie to see her father (which really wouldnt be a good idea anyway)
and he did not want to see her father in this state either. There was the chance that he
might get physically violent towards Marek as well. Without a word, Marek ran over to
Charlie, took the keys from her hand and started looking for the right key for the room
opposite his own.
Quick, quick! The lift is coming back up! Charlie screamed.
Marek found the right key, flew open the door, threw Charlie inside, went in after her and
locked the door. The room was dark, but with the curtains open, the buildings from
outside gave enough light so that they could see each other. Marek thought about turning
the lights on, then stopped himself short. Charlie looked like she was about to say
something, but she went completely still when they heard the ding of the elevator.

Chapter 31

The footsteps coming out from the elevator were loud and hard. Charlie knew right away
that it was her father. BANG! BANG! BANG! The knocks from Charlies father were
so loud that Charlie and Marek both felt it in their chests.
Charlie!!! This is your father! Open this door right fucking now! Charlie!
Marek looked over at Charlie. Tears were welting up in her eyes and her hands were
shaking. She was downright scared. Marek wondered what it would be like to have a
parent like that.
There were several more loud bangs as Charlies father belted on the door. At the rate
this was going, the door would simply get smashed off its hinges. Charlies father was at
it for several minutes.
The scream was so loud, high pitched and frightening that it scared Marek and Charlie to
their very core. They both knew straight away that it wasnt Charlies father, but then
who was it?
The devil!! The devil has come for Marek! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! the voice
Upon hearing this, it clicked to Marek who it was. The patient in room 308, Ms.
Paddington, must have heard the commotion and had come out of her room to see what
was going on. Marek knew her (like he did all of his patients) and knew that she was not
one to get violent. At the same time he was thinking this, his role at the asylum seemed to

kick in and he got up and put his hand on the doorknob. Before he had the chance to open
the door, Charlie grabbed his arm tight. He looked down at her, once their eyes had met,
Charlie stared at him and slowly turned her head from side to side. The most serious no
Marek had ever seen. He knelt down so that his mouth was centimeters from Charlie.
Thats Ms. Pennington. I have to try and calm her down. Marek whispered.
Dont worry, my dad may be an asshole, but hes not heartless enough to hurt an old
Charlie was about to continue when they both heard Charlies father.
Piss off you old, fucking retarded bitch!
Charlie was shocked, she never suspected her father being so rude to an elderly lady, not
to mention one that was in an asylum for mental reasons.
Marek stood straight up and went to open the door again. He had almost turned the
doorknob all the way when Charlie spear tackled him to the ground. The two of them
made a loud thud as they hit the ground, but it seemed as though Charlies father had not
heard them, he was still yelling at Ms. Paddington. Marek looked at Charlie with an
expression of anger and frustration. Marek was about to try to get her off him, but Charlie
ran a hand down the side of his face in a soothing motion. Marek looked at her and
Charlie simply shook her head, her eyes filling with tears.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! The devil the devil the devil! Ms. Paddington
screamed at the top of her lungs. Marek couldnt take it and began to sit up. Charlie
merely hugged him and kept shaking her head. He was about to get up when they heard
the elevator ding.
What in the world is going on up here?! I can hear all the commotion from downstairs!
They both knew the voice. Esther must have heard the first scream and came flying up to
see what was going on.
You work here! Open this fucking door right now! Charlies father demanded.
I beg your pardon? Esther had worked at the asylum far longer than Marek and had put
up with all kinds of people. Marek and Charlie could hear the voices of other people,
Esther must have come up with some other workers and now they were doing their best
to help Ms. Pennington.
My daughter is in this room! Either open it right now or Ill call the police and say that
you are keeping my daughter from me, bitch!
Esther snorted so loudly that Marek and Charlie could both hear it. Charlie had never
seen (or at least heard, considering they were behind a closed door) Esther in this kind of
mood before. Marek had stopped trying to get up now, he knew that with Esther there
things were going to be solved.
First of all, if your daughter was in there, they would have opened the bloody door by
now. Secondly, your daughter is over the age of 18 so you cant force her to do shit. And
finally calling the police would be a very bad idea, its very easy for me to tell them how
you were acting, especially with that security camera behind you watching all of this.
Esther tilted her head and Charlies father turned around to see the security camera at the
far corner of the hallway, silently watching. Charlies father turned back to face Esther,
his face filled with rage.
Ill ask you one more time, open this doorright now. His voice was cold, flat and

By law I cannot open that door without the owners consent. If you had a warrant from
the police or something of the sort, than I would be glad to open that door for you.
Charlies fathers face grew even redder. Esther gave him a cold smile.
Dont think that youre the first person weve had in this place thats acted this way.
Hell, there is a girl down on level two who is mentally disabled for life because of how
badly her boyfriend beat her. And yet, the bastard still came to try and see her from time
to time. We had to get a restraining order of five hundred yards to get rid of him. So stop
thinking Im going to do what you tell me because youre in such an angry state.
There was a long moment of silence, until finally Charlie heard her fathers footsteps
heading towards the elevator.
Ill be back. Im going to head to the cops and get that warrant. Then well see whether
or not youll open that door.
Esther smiled.
Well, well see you then. Good bye for now.
Charlie heard the ding of the elevator and everything went quiet. Her father had gone.
She and Marek could hear a door close and people talking to Esther.
Wow, Ms. Pennington was sure in a state! It took a lot of doing to get her to calm down.
One voice said.
We had to strap her down. I guess well have to leave her strapped for the night, but
well take them off first thing in the morning. Another voice said.
Thats fine, thanks for coming up here and helping me out. Esther said.
What was all that about anyway? Who was that guy? One voice said.
Yeah, Ive never even seen him before, does he have a family member here at the
asylum or something? The other voice said.
There was a pause for a moment, Charlie could feel Esther staring at Mareks bedroom
Dont worry about him. He might come back tomorrow, but I dont think he will after
Marek and Charlie heard the elevator ding, and everything was completely quiet again.

Chapter 32

Marek and Charlie opened the door of the room they were hiding in and walked out into
the hallway. After all the commotion, the quiet and empty hallway seemed eerie to both
of them. Without either of them talking, they got back into Mareks room, Charlie closing
the door as silently as possible, though she wasnt sure why. She turned and faced Marek.
Lets get packed and leave tonight, I dont care which beach we go to Marek, I just want
to go!
Wait, what? Marek turned to face her.
What we were talking about before all this happened, lets leave tonight. My dad will be
back tomorrow morning, I can guarantee that. The best thing to do is leave tonight!
Charlie was lost in her excitement about leaving for the beach and not being caught by
her father that she didnt notice the angry look on Mareks face.
What? You dont think its a good idea? You yourself said you wanted to go back to a
beach you used to go to when you were little.

At first Charlie thought Marek was going to protest, than he simply looked down, the
anger on his face gone, replaced with what Charlie felt was disappointment. Charlie felt
flustered, she could not help but feel angry that Marek was acting this way for no reason.
She thought about all the possible reasons he could be acting this way for. Then, like a
ton of bricks, the reason came to her.
Marek, Im sorry I stopped you from helping Ms Pennington, I just knew that if our dad
found us we would be in all sorts of trouble.
Charlie looked at Marek for a moment longer, and then her eyes fell to the floor. She
realized now that the best thing would have been to apologize about that first, before
bringing up anything about going to the beach. The room was silent for a moment,
Charlie thought that maybe she should say more. Then, without warning, Marek suddenly
got up, went over to Charlie and gave her a hug.
Thank you Charlie, thats all I wanted to hear.
After a moment, Marek pulled away from Charlie and gave her a big smile.
Alright! Lets go to the beach!

Chapter 33

Lets grab everything we can and get out of here now! Charlie was shrieking with
excitement as she ran to her backpack to check what she had. She pulled everything out
one by one, pulling each thing out with such force that they flew all around Mareks
room. Marek stood silently watching her, humor in his eyes.
Wait I just realized something! Charlie squealed. I dont really need anything, we have
enough money that I can just buy new clothes and stuff when we get there!
She turned to Marek with a huge beaming smile.
Um I havent been on a trip since I was a little kid. Marek Said
What exactly do I need?
Charlie thought for a moment, then ran to Mareks wardrobe. Once she had flung the
door open, she began to grab a variety of different clothes and tossed them all onto the
bed. Without a second thought, she went through Mareks underwear draw and started
throwing all of his jocks and socks on the bed too.
Ok, put all this in a bag, grab your wallet and mobile phone and you are good to go!
Marek thought for a moment, trying to sum up everything that was on the bed.
Thats it? Thats all I need? He said.
Yep, for a trip like this thats all youll need. And remember, if you need anything else,
we can buy it.
Marek shook his head.
I cant do that Charlie.
Do what?
I cant spend your grandfathers money. He left it for you, its not right if I spend some
on myself. I wouldnt feel comfortable doing it at all. I wanted to bring this up earlier, but
felt I couldnt because of how set you were on the trip overseas. I didnt say anything too
because that is something we are doing together. But buying clothes or something that are
solely for me just doesnt feel right at all.

Charlie couldnt speak, she felt so happy. All she could think about was how different
Marek was to her father and ex-boyfriend, and how happy that made her. She walked
over and gave him a hug.
Marek, you looked after my grandfather almost every day for I dont know how long.
Im sure he would be happy to know I spent some of the money on you, if anything he
would feel that you deserve it more than I do, considering how much more time you
spent with him than I did.
I was just doing my job Charlie
No, no Marek you were doing so much more than that. So much more, and you know
Marek didnt know what to say to that. He had enjoyed the times when he pretended to be
a solider against the Nazis, but he knew he didnt have to do that. Most of the other
people who worked here would have simply given Charlies grandfather his meds and
left. He never felt like he was doing more than he should, but to others he was. He looked
at Charlie and gave her a smile that seemed to be mixed with excitement and worry.
OK Charlie, lets go!

* *

Charlie woke up after a sound like a bump shook her in her seat. They had taken a taxi
from the asylum to the bus terminal, and had managed to get on the final bus for the
night. Once they had sat down, the events of the day made Charlie feel exhausted beyond
belief. On waking up she had noticed that she fell asleep with her head resting on
Mareks arm, and as she pulled her head away she could see a trail of drool running down
Mareks arm.
Oh shit! She said it under her breath, but louder than she wanted. Before even looking
up at Marek, she pulled the sleeve of her jumper over her hand and frantically tried to get
it off.
Marek hadnt slept a wink on the bus, he had barely even shut his eyes. This was the first
time in many years he had ventured this far away from the asylum, and a seemingly
endless amount of thoughts were running through his head, sparking even more emotions.
He could feel the rubbing sensation on his arm and turned to see what Charlie was up to.
When he saw the drool mark on his arm and started laughing. He wasnt disgusted, rather
he thought it very cute.
Ha ha ha Charlie you big baby! At least youve finally woken up. Youve been out for
about six hours!.
Six hours?! Weve been going for that long? Charlie asked. She began to look around
the window and around the bus to get a grip of their location.
Yeah, its been roughly six hours now. Judging by the signs we keep passing, we must
be about twenty minutes away from Marek thought for a moment.
Which beach did we decide to go to again?
Sherlock beach! Charlie beamed. Marek gave her a confused look.
Its an odd name I know, it was named after Sherlock Holmes. Well kinda, the person
who founded the beach had a surname a mile long, so he figured hed name it after
Sherlock Holmes so that it was easy for everyone to pronounce and remember.

That seems fair enough I guess. Marek said.
Im not sure if it was a beach I used to go to with my parents. But, that doesnt really
bother me. If anything its just going to be great to see the ocean.
Charlies face was still beaming at Marek, but on closer inspection she saw the tiredness
and worry in his eyes.
How are you feeling Marek?
At first Marek wanted to give the just fine answer to make Charlie feel better, then he
knew Charlie wouldnt believe that answer.
Im ok Charlie. Im not going to freak out or anything if thats what you think. If I look
tired its because I didnt sleep at all last night. This is the first time in years that Ive
been away from my bed at the asylum. So trying to sleep on the bus simply didnt
Marek smiled at Charlie.
Dont worry, when we get to the beach we can find a hotel and Ill sleep for a couple of
hours, if thats ok with you?
Of course its ok with me Marek. You can sleep for the rest of the day if you wanted to.
No no, Ill just need a couple of hours. Judging by how far away we are now, I should be
up and ready to go around noon sometime.
After hearing this Charlie felt more relaxed. She slid down on her seat so that she was
resting her head on Mareks arm again.
By the way, I could hear your phone vibrating in your pocket a few times over the
course of the night. I didnt want to wake you so I just ignored it. I was worried too that it
might be your father Marek said.
Upon hearing this, Charlie dove her hand into her pocket and pulled out her phone. Her
eyes widened as she saw the phone displaying 18 missed calls and two messages. She
flicked through the missed calls to find that aside from her father calling her repeatedly,
there were also missed calls from her mother and Victoria. Before she called anyone
back, she decided to read the messages. The first one was from Victoria:

Charlie?!? What happened? Its like midnight and dad hasnt come back yet. Mum called
him, but he just went psycho at her and hung up. Ive tried to call you, please call me
when you can mum is like literally shaking with fear!

The next message was from her mother and it read:

Charlie, please call me as soon as you can. I cant sleep dear, Im so worried about you!

Charlie checked the time of the message her mother had sent, 03:27am. Feeling terrible
now, Charlie quickly found her mothers number and dialed it. After less than five
seconds of the dial tone, her mother picked up.
Charlie! Oh thank god you are ok! I have been so worried about you! Ive barely had
any sleep dear!
Hi mum, sorry I didnt call sooner I was fast asleep and my phone was on silent. Sorry to
make you worry.
Thats fine dear. Well, I can talk to you now. Where are you? Are you safe?
Yes mum Im fine. I didnt want to see dad, so Marek and I are taking a trip down to

To where dear?
Sorry mum, I dont want to tell you exactly where we are going, because then maybe
dad might come looking for me.
Oh well, I understand that dear. Just as long as you are safe, and its good to hear
that you are with Marek.
Yeah, we have been planning a trip for a while, to see how Marek (Charlie thought about
everything she had told her mother about him) and me would go travelling together.
Well, Im just happy to hear that youre safe dear. Thats all that matters to me.
Charlie thought for a moment.
Im sorry if Ive sent dad into one of his rages. He is just the last person on this entire
planet I want to have to deal with.
There was a slight pause before her mother answered.
Its ok dear. Im sure hell get over it in time. You just take care of yourself.
I will mum, thanks.
And call once in a while please! Id like to know how you are from time to time!
Charlie laughed a little at this.
Ok mum no problem. Bye.
Good bye dear. Please be safe.
Charlie hung up the phone, but stared at the screen for a while. She was lost in thought
until she suddenly got that feeling of being watched. She looked around the bus to see
several people staring directly at her. As she faced them, each one turned their gaze and
pretended that they werent listening to the conversation she just had on the phone to her
mother. Feeling both embarrassed and slightly cross at everyone being nosey, she turned
to Marek.
Well, sounds like your mum has had a difficult night. He said
Charlie couldnt look at his face, but for what reason she wasnt sure. She was at a loss
for words on what to say as well, feeling that anything she said would have half the bus
listening in.
Relax Charlie, your mum just wanted to know you were ok. And now that she does, Im
sure she is feeling much better.
Charlie was about to reply to what Marek said when her phone, still in her hand, vibrated.
She unlocked it and saw that Victoria had sent her a message. The message read:

Mum just told me everything. I wont ask where you are going, but I hope you have a
good time. Buy me something! :P

Charlie laughed, through everything that had been happening, she felt that her little sister
would never change. She smiled at Marek, but didnt feel much like talking about
anything. So, she turned her body so that once again she could rest her head on Marek.
She felt Marek kiss her on the top of her head, than she drifted off to sleep again.

Chapter 34

Charlie woke to the sounds of Mareks voice.
Charlie, were here. Wake up.

She raised her head to see that other people on the bus were already starting to get up and
walk towards the exit. She quickly did a double check of her bag to make sure she still
had everything, she knew this was not really necessary due to the fact that she had slept
the entire way and hardly went into her bag at all. Still, her love and desire of wanting to
travel meant that she had read all sorts of horrible travel stories of people forgetting
things at a time like this.
Got everything? Marek said.
Yes I do, lets go!

Once they got off the bus Charlie took a quick glance around. It seemed that the bus stop
was right in front of the main supermarket in the town. The town appeared to be this
supermarket, a few shops around it and some houses that disappeared down streets and
out of view.
Wow Marek said in awe.
When Charlie turned to face Marek she noticed he wasnt looking at the supermarket or
any part of the town, rather in the exact opposite direction. When Charlie turned around
to see what it was he was awe-struck by, she lost her breath for a moment. The beach was
right there, on the other side of the road and in all its beauty. It must have been about 8 in
morning, so the sun was still quite low to the East. Still, there was enough light to see the
beautiful blue water with its slow and soft waves. There were a few people already in the
water and some were just sitting on the beach. To the far right there was a cliff that had
the curve of being batted by the wind for countless years and to the far left there was a
high rise that cut the beach of on that side, but it was all grass and more like a meadow
than a beach front. Still, all in all the beach stretch looked about four kilometers long.

Neither Charlie nor Marek spoke for a moment, they were both simply taken aback at
what they could see. For Marek, he had not seen the ocean since he was a little boy and
even then he could hardly remember how beautiful it was. For Charlie, it had been at
least three years for herself since she had gone to the beach. Without a word, Marek put
his arm round Charlie and rested his head on hers. In reality they would have looked like
two stupid tourists, but they could not have been happier.

* *

It hadnt taken them long to find a place to stay. Being the middle of the week and the
fact that they were planning on staying for at least one week meant prices were very
reasonable. Charlie didnt think much about the money, she felt she had plenty. The
South-East Asia tour, including flights and passports, were already paid for. Marek was
thinking differently and as such managed to get 15% off the total for the week. He had
never really bartered before, but the old man running the hotel was as jolly as Santa Claus
himself and gladly obliged. Once they got up to their room Charlie went to take a shower
and Marek had said he was going to take a lie down. After her shower, Charlie found
Marek fast asleep on the bed. Beyond excited to start exploring, Charlie forced herself to
calm down so that Marek could get some sleep and (using a piece of paper from the
hotel) began to jot down things she would like to do.


After only about three hours of sleep Marek had gotten up, showered and was ready to
go. Now, they had found a nice little bakery/caf to sit down and have lunch.
So! Were here! Now what? Marek said once they had both sat down.
Charlie pulled out the piece of paper with her list of what to do on it.
Well while you were sleeping, I wrote down a list of things we should do. Some of the
things I just thought up, others I found in the little pamphlet we got when we checked in.
Ok, cool. What did you write down?
Marek made a motion that he wanted to read it, but Charlie pulled the paper back with a
No no, let me read it to you! She proclaimed.
Marek gave her a you cute little smart ass and gestured to her that he was all ears.
Well, the most obvious and easiest to do ones that I wrote down are shopping,
swimming, sunbathing and trying out all the different places to eat.
Right, that all sounds good, but I agree they are all things we are going to end up doing.
Yes, so after reading the pamphlet I also wrote down snorkeling, scuba diving, whale
watching, bar hopping and doing the ice cream tour!
When Charlie looked up at Marek she could see written all over his face that something
wasnt right.
Whats wrong?
Marek took a deep breath before starting to talk.
Shit Charlie, I didnt even think about this until just now. I totally forgot about it.
Forgot what?
My mother always told me that because I am an asthmatic there is one thing I will never
be able to do.
Still lost, Charlie simply gave Marek a deeper frown and waited for him to continue.
I cant go scuba diving Charlie. Something about using the air in the tank, like being an
asthmatic I cant actually use it
Charlies frown was gone from her face, she was at a loss for words, even though she
knew her answer. Marek did his best to hold her gaze, but looked back down again.
Marek! Thats not an issue at all! If you cant do it you cant do it! Geez I thought you
were going to tell me like some serious problem! Charlie said.
Marek looked at her with quiet amazement.
youre not mad?
Charlie opened her eyes wide and had a shocked expression on her face, almost an
offended one.
Mad?! Of course Im not mad! Not in the slightest.
Charlie couldnt help feel offended now.
Geez Marek, I thought youd know me better than that. If I seem mad now its because
you think that youre not being able to scuba-dive is an issue.
No I you know, its just I thought that maybe you really wanted to do it and I was
going to be a huge buzz kill for you. Sorry.
Its ok Marek, but please in the future just tell me stuff like this, Im not going to get
mad if you just tell me. In no way is something you cant actually change going to be a
problem with me, ok?

Marek looked as though he was about to say more, but a waiter came with their lunches.
They sat for a moment in silence, not through anger but through the slight awkwardness
of what just happened. Marek was suddenly stuck with a thought.
Wait, did you say ice-cream tour?
Charlies face beamed. It was one of the tours she hoped he would ask about.
Yeah! Its this tour you can do where you can go around and try all the different ice
cream places in the area. Being near the beach means theres like fifteen to try, all in one
day! Judging by the ad in the pamphlet, someone must have just thought it was a good
idea to take tourists around and let them try all the ice cream parlors!
That sounds awesome! We must do this tour.
I know right! Like with most of these tours you have to book in advance. There is a
number here, but judging by the map on the ad, it looks as though its only a couple of
minutes walk from the hotel.
Well, maybe we can spend a good part of today just getting a feel of where we are. Like
you know before we go and start doing all the awesome stuff this place has to offer.
Good idea! We can book in to do some tours too.
They both smiled and continued eating their lunches, in a way it felt as if some sort of
meeting was adjourned. As far as Charlie could see, they were travelling very well
together. But she knew that time would tell as to how well they could travel together.
From all the blogs Charlie had read online, picking the right people to travel with was
very important.
Marek swallowed his mouthful of food and paused for a moment.
Charlie Im only going to bring this up once Dont skip out on scuba diving just
because I cant do it. If you want to go than just do it, ok? Theres no way Im going to
tell you that you cant do it just because I cant.
Charlie took a long drink before answering. Marek was worried he had upset her again.
Youre sweet Marek. Deep down I knew that already, but its still nice to hear you say
She looked at him and gave a comforting smile.
Ill see what happens.
Marek gave a slight nod with a smile.

Once lunch was finished they both decided that for now the best thing to do was to take a
nice walk around the town. Not surprisingly, the town was far bigger than what Charlie
first thought, behind the big supermarket was a long road of shops. Half of them seemed
to be solely for tourists, with expensive beach towels, bathers and sunscreen. The other
half was various restaurants, pubs, clothing shops and ice cream stores. Charlie also made
a mental note of where the pharmacy and the doctors were, another thing she had learnt
from listening to and reading about various travelling horror stories.
One place that seemed to be screaming at tourists was what from a far looked to be a
local travel agent. Written on signs in huge letters was whale watching!, snorkeling!,
cheap accommodation!. With neither Marek nor Charlie saying a word, they were
pulled by some mysterious force into this shop. Inside the shop there were pictures of
whales and people snorkeling that had been blown up. The people in the pictures were all

Welcome! Welcome! The voice came from a woman that was five feet tall at most. She
was wearing a tight tank top and short denim shorts, her smile was mind-blowingly
perfected. Her voice was booming, Marek was amazed that such a small person could
have such a commanding and powerful voice.
My name is Maria, Im the go-to person for travellers here looking to have some fun.
Please come in and enjoy our air-con, its quite hot today!
Maria motioned both Marek and Charlie to sit down on the two chairs facing her desk.
Once they had sat down, Maria went around and sat on her side of the desk and spread
out a bunch of pamphlets on the desk between them.
So, Im guessing this is your first day? Maria asked.
Yes it is. How could you tell? Charlie replied. Marias over-practiced smile returned on
her face.
Oh, Ive just been doing this job for a while and have created a sixth sense about this
sort of thing.
Charlie and Marek glanced briefly at each, both having a I think she is a little crazy
expression on their faces. Maria turned to face Marek for the first time since they had sat
Well youre a handsome boy! Im guessing from your facial features that your
background is from somewhere in Europe. I am going to say Poland?
Mareks eyes grew wide.
Wow! You are good! I was born here, but both my parents did have Polish backgrounds.
What gave it away?
Oh, nothing in particular, like I said I have been doing this job for a while, so I have met
many, many different nationalities.
Neither Charlie nor Marek knew what to say about that. In a way they were both jealous.
Meeting people from different parts of the world is something they were both greatly
interested in. Maria clapped her hands.
Right, anyway, down to business. What would you like to do while staying here in
Sherlock Bay.
Marek looked at Charlie and gave her a nod, which was his way of prompting her to be
the one to do all the talking and deciding.

Chapter 35

Charlie and Marek were both glowing as they walked away from Marias shop. After
about an hour of talking with Maria, they had booked to go whale watching, snorkeling,
take surfing lessons and Charlie had booked to do a half day session where she would
learn how to scuba-dive. Being the low season and because they had booked it all at once,
Maria had given them 20% off the total, which made Marek feel even better. The only
tour they couldnt book with Maria that they really wanted to do was the ice-cream tour.
So now, they both walked in the direction to where that tour office was located.

Well, looks like we got the next few days sorted out. Marek said.
Yeah, that Maria is lovely! And she sure did know what she was doing.
Marek smiled and reached down to put Charlies hand in his.

I hope you dont mind that I booked to do the scuba diving. Charlie said.
Marek squeezed her hand a little tighter.
Oh Charlie! Id thought youd know me better than that!
It took Charlie a moment to realize that he was quoting her from earlier in the day. She
couldnt help but feel foolish and looked sheepishly away. Marek pulled her close to him
and kissed her on the forehead.
Geez youre cute Charlie. To be honest, I kind of like the idea of just exploring on my
own while youre learning about scuba-diving.
Charlie thought about this for a moment, she realized that spending a little bit of time
apart might be really good for Marek. This was the first time he had gone away from the
asylum, but if he got the chance to be alone in a different place, maybe it would be good
for him. Charlie squeezed his hand.
How are you feeling anyway? She asked.
Marek looked up at the sky but didnt stop walking. He took in a deep breath through his
nostrils and exhaled out his mouth.
Good, to be honest Im feeling good. The sea air sure is nicer than the pollution of the
city back home. I could do with a little more sleep or some coffee, but all in all Im
feeling very good.
Charlie was happy to hear this, very happy.
So far so good, she thought to herself.
There is something I want to ask you Charlie.
Ok, what is it this time?
Marek laughed at the this time comment Charlie made. He had been saying there is
something I want to ask you so often that she was probably tired of hearing it. He didnt
speak for a few moments, he seemed to be gathering the right words.
If you ever want to like, you know, go off on your own for a while I wont mind. Im not
going to get upset or anything.
Charlie couldnt help but smile.
Youre very sweet Marek. And thank you, if I do want to do my own thing Ill let you
know. That goes for you as well.
Yeah, I know. Ill let you know as well.
Charlie didnt say anything else, but deep down she felt very happy to hear Marek say
this. Her ex-boyfriend was either attached to her or wanting her to be nowhere in sight,
the idea that she had a say in this matter with Marek made her feel very happy.

After walking for a little longer they were both standing underneath a sign that said Ice
cream tours here with each letter written in a different color. Charlie began to jump
around like a little kid in a candy store and rushed into the store. Inside there were posters
of ice cream, people eating ice cream and cartoon pictures of cows with speech bubbles
saying things like 100% dairy goodness!. The room was quite small and Marek noticed
before Charlie that they were the only ones there.
Maybe theyre closed for the day?
After saying this, a door behind the counter flew open with such force that it grabbed the
attention of both Charlie and Marek instantly.

The man who said this had his hands waving in the air and a big smile on his face. He
wore a loud Hawaiian shirt that had the top two buttons undone and lime green skin tight
jeans. He must have been somewhere in his forties, but his bleached blonde wavy hair
and botox looking face made him look much younger. He looked to be in fairly good
shape everywhere except for his stomach, which made him look as though he was eight
months pregnant.
Gay the thought hit Marek and Charlie at the same time. Before they had a chance to
say hello back, the man was already around the counter and giving Marek a once-over.
He turned to Charlie and gave her a look of both jealousy and admiration.
Oh my, he is absolutely stunning. You lucky little thing!
Charlie looked at Marek, who had a big, awkward kind of smile on his face. As far as
Charlie could tell, Marek simply liked hearing the compliment, regardless of the gender
of the person saying it.
Oh where are my manners! My name is Jimmy and, in case you cant already tell from
the size of my stomach, I LOVE ice cream!
Jimmy started tapping his belly to prove his point more.
Nice to meet you, my name is Charlie. And this is Marek.
Marek? What an interesting name! Jimmy said.
Thank you.
What a shame you dont have the accent, it would make you far more handsome!
Marek continued the awkward smile, at a loss of how to react. Jimmy continued.
Well, Im guessing you are here because you are interested in the ice cream tour?
Yes we are, very interested! Charlie said.
Excellent, let me get my diary before I accidentally allocate a spot that Im already busy
Jimmy turned and went behind the counter. While he was looking for his diary he
continued to make small talk.
You know, youve come here at a great time. The weather is great for the beach now and
its still quiet. In about three weeks Sherlock Bay will be flooded with hundreds and
thousands of tourists. Its good for business of course, but if you are here now you get to
relax a bit more you know?
Well we just sort of came down here spontaneously. Marek said.
Spontaneous! The best way to be!
Jimmy came back around the counter with his diary open in one hand and a pen in the
Well, how long are you here for? Jimmy asked.
Marek looked at Charlie.
At the moment we are staying for one week, but we might stay for two weeks.
Stay for two its so fabulous down here. And youll still miss the peak season which is
Jimmy turned his attention to his diary.
Ok lets see. Today is Friday, Im full up on the weekend Which works better for you,
Monday or Tuesday?
Charlie thought for a moment about what days they were both doing the activities they
had booked with Maria.
Well take Tuesday please. Monday we are busy with a whale watching tour.

Charlie knew she didnt have to explain this, but finally feeling like a tourist was
something she wanted to milk. Upon hearing this, Jimmys face lit up.
Oh! My god the whale watching is fantastic here. Im so happy to hear youve booked in
to do that. Who did you book it with?
Maria, her shop is about a five minute walk from here? Marek said.
Maria! She is a very good friend of mine! Shell look after you and make sure you have
a great time.
A very good friend of mine, Charlie was trying to imagine both Maria and Jimmy
together. They were both such over the top people that it would probably be a riot to just
be sitting near them at a restaurant.
Right! Its all booked in for you! Please be here on Tuesday at eleven in the morning and
please be as hungry as possible!
Charlie sorted out the payment and they both said goodbye to Jimmy. With him as their
tour guide, they were sure that it was going to be a lot of fun.

Chapter 36

Marek and Charlie felt relieved as they walked into their hotel room. They had booked
and settled enough activities for the next few days, but on the walk back they both felt
exhausted. Charlie was exhausted because of sleeping uncomfortably on a bus, Marek
was exhausted from virtually not sleeping at all.
Im going to have a shower, want one? Charlie asked.
Marek thought for a moment, he was too tired to want to have sex, but he knew that
having a shower with Charlie would lead to just that.
I would love to Charlie, but I am simply too tired.
Charlie smiled and disappeared into the bathroom.

When Charlie got out of the bathroom, she found Marek sprawled out on the bed,
completely dead to the world. She wanted to spoon with him, but the position he was
lying in made it impossible, as such, she simply grabbed a book she had brought with her
and lay down next to Marek to read. After reading only about ten pages, Charlie too had
drifted off into sleep.

* * *

Charlie woke up to the sound of the shower going on in the bathroom, as she sat up, she
looked out the window to notice that the sun was going down. Confused, she checked the
time on her phone, to her surprise it was almost six oclock, meaning that she had been
sleeping for about three hours. She listened as the shower stopped running and the
bathroom door began to open with the quietness of a mouse moving over a carpet. Once
it was open half way, she could see Marek looking intently in her direction.
Oh shit! I was trying my hardest not to wake you, sorry! Marek said as he was stepping
out of the bathroom, wearing nothing but the towel that was wrapped around his waist.
I was awake already.
Charlie looked back at the time on her phone again.
I cant believe I slept for so long.

Marek turned to face the other way and started drying himself. In Mareks mind having
Charlie only see the back of him naked was somehow more polite.
Anyway, are you hungry? When I woke up about fifteen minutes ago I think I woke up
solely because of how hungry I was. Marek said.
Charlie didnt feel it at first, but once Marek had mentioned food it was as if there was a
whole in her stomach.
Yeah, I am pretty hungry.
Charlie got up and walked towards Marek.
I want to take a shower though, do you mind waiting for me? She said as she slapped
Marek on his bum. Marek smiled but kept on drying himself, still making sure he wasnt
facing her while he was naked. Charlie couldnt help but find this funny.
Of course Charlie. Marek said.
Marek returned Charlies slap on the bum as she walked past him.

* * *

Charlie and Marek only had to walk for about two minutes before they found a pub on
the corner of the street that their hotel was on. Out the front of the pub there was a huge
blackboard with the words Best place for a pot n parma in all Sherlock!. Marek smiled
at this, eager to put the blackboards boasting comment to the test. He didnt have to
convince Charlie to go here, they literally just walked in through the front door together
and sat down at a free table for two.

While sitting down, Charlie took in the sights and smells of the pub. She had been to
quite a few in her life, but each pub somehow always seemed different. This one had a
faint smell that seemed to be mixed between beer and some sort of lavender carpet spray
(Charlie was just happy it didnt smell like vomit), and there were paintings of various
beaches and coastlines on the walls as well as pictures of (what Charlie guessed) famous
surfers. Charlie turned around in her chair to see what was behind her and found the main
bar. Although it was early, several men were already sitting shoulder to shoulder either
talking or watching the football match on the screen behind the bar. Charlie couldnt help
but laugh at all the mens bums sticking out, as if the bar stool was far too small to fit it
all on. This was something she had found at every pub she had ever been to, small stools
and big butts hanging off them. She turned back around to find that Marek already had
the menu open and was intently reading the type of food on offer. Charlie found another
menu and starting looking as well, after a minute Marek looked up at Charlie from his
Do you know what you want? asked Marek.
Yeah, Ill get the T-bone steak and mash potato, you?
I have to get the parma, the sign outside said it was the best around. I need to see if thats
true or not.
Charlie smiled at him and began to stand up.
Where are you going? Asked Marek
Charlie gave him a puzzled look, as if what she was doing was obvious.
Im going to put our orders in.
Why? One of the waiters will come around and get it.

Charlie sat back down, a look mixed with both shock and adoring across her face.
Marek, when was the last time you went to a pub?
Marek looked at her strangely, then looked away with a flush of embarrassment on his
I guess never Charlie. Marek said with a shrug of his shoulders.
Charlie gave him a sort of sympathetic smile.
In a pub like this, you go up and place your order and pay first at the counter.
Ok, cool. Well let me go put the order in then.
No no its fine Marek, Ill be back in a moment.
Charlie thought Marek was going to protest, but instead he just smiled. Half way to the
counter she realized that he was probably worried he wouldnt know how to order once
he got to the counter.

After placing their order Charlie sat back down. Being a pub, there were complimentary
bread rolls, so she had brought back some back with her.
Um, do we have to like, go and get the food from the counter? Marek asked.
No Marek theyll bring the food to us.
Charlie wanted to burst out laughing, but thought that maybe Marek would get offended
by this. She looked up to find Marek staring at her with a look of you smart ass on his
face. Charlie immediately couldnt hold it in anymore and burst into a loud fit of
laughter. While she was laughing, Marek put his head down on the table, his face a beet
Im sorry Marek. Its just so damn cute! Charlie said through fits of laughter. Once
Charlie had finally managed to stop laughing, Marek brought his head up off the table,
his face still had a flash of red on it.
Seriously Im sorry, its just so cute. You dont understand. Charlie said.
Its fine Charlie, I just feel like a dick for not knowing this stuff. I mean seriously, I
should know all this pub stuff already.
Charlie could see on Mareks face that he was angry at himself. She leant over the table
and put her hand on top of his.
Marek, dont beat yourself up about it, its not like its a bad thing in anyway at all. You
just need to get more experience with this sort of thing. And hey, isnt that the whole
reason we came here in the first place?
There was a slight pause from Marek, Charlie watched as his expression changed.
Yeah, I guess you are right about that! He said.

Their food came and went, Marek was impressed by the quality of the parma, he had
never had one from an actual pub before, only ever getting them from fast food places.
Whether or not it was the best he had ever had was hard to say, but he greatly enjoyed it
all the same. Charlies steak was far bigger then she expected. She ate as much as she
could, but in the end she gave about half of it to Marek, who gladly accepted it. After
they had eaten and their plates had been taken away, Marek went and got them both
another drink, feeling it was time to learn his way around a pub. Over dinner they had
simply been talking about the days events and what they expected the next few ones to
be like. When Marek came and sat back down, he looked at Charlie with a sort of
confused expression on his face. Charlie said nothing and waited for him to talk.

Well Charlie, if movies have taught me anything, its that this is the time in a date or
even with friends when people start talking about deep, emotional type of things. Well,
that or stuff like politics or religion, but those topics always end up in fights.
Charlie didnt say anything, she simply nodded her head in agreement.
Well, it has been a long, long time since I have talked about some things, but you are my
girlfriend. And thanks to you, I have been doing more with my life in the past six months
or so then I have in years.
Marek put his elbows on the table and leaned forward, sitting as if he was a news
So, I know you would have some questions that you would like to ask me, but I know
you are too sweet to just bring them up out of nowhere. As such, Im giving you the
chance now to ask me anything you like, and I will answer them for you the best that I
Charlie was dumb-struck. Indeed she had multiple questions she wished to ask Marek,
but she figured that she shouldnt ask him out of both respect and the idea that he would
talk about them when he was ready. Charlie realized that he was ready right now. It took
her a moment to find her voice, Marek sat patiently on the other side of the table, still
sitting like a news reporter.
Ok. Wow Marek, you are going to have to give me a minute here.
Take your time.
Charlie thought about it for a moment, then figured she should ask the hardest question
right from the start.
Im going to start with the hardest question first. That is, I think it might be the hardest
for you.
You always talk about your illness what exactly is the illness that you say you have.
Huntingtons disease. Marek answered without even a pause.
Um, what disease is that? Charlie asked a little embarrassed.
Still sitting like a news reporter, Marek started talking like a professor giving a lecture.
In short, it is a mental disease that is part of a faulty gene. People who have it eventually
will start losing their memory, then their mind, until eventually it kills them.
Charlie sat quiet, with no idea what to say. She was determined to Google Huntingtons
as soon as she got back to the hotel. Marek continued.
For most people, it comes on when they get older, like in their seventies. But, for my
mother, it started when she was 38 years old. The weird thing too was that normally it is
pretty slow, like when it starts it takes up to and over a month for it to really take effect.
My mother on the other hand, it hit her hard, and within a week she was put into a bed
and had to be strapped down, for her safety. She was there for two years, and the doctors
had no idea how the disease hadnt killed her yet.
Marek sat back in his chair and turned his head away from Charlie, his reporter/professor
persona gone due to the memories he was recalling. Charlie felt she couldnt breathe.
Then one day, the nurses didnt strap her down tight enough and she managed to get
loose. She was on the fourth floor, it was summer so the window was wide open.
Charlie felt her heart stop. Marek was silent for a long moment.

The nurses said that she might have lived through the fall if she didnt land head first.
Maybe that was their way of shifting the blame off themselves. Either way, she died
falling out of that window.
There was another long pause, Marek still didnt turn to look at Charlie, he was staring at
a painting of a coast line on the wall next to him, lost in memory.
The thing is, because she died that way, they have no idea how long she may have kept
living before the Huntingtons disease would have killed her. Might have been the next
day, might have been five years. But, I guess well never know.
Marek paused again, still staring at the painting..
Anyway thats my mother, which means I have a fifty-fifty percent chance that I will
have it too. That is, if my father didnt have it also.
Marek still didnt turn to look at Charlie.
I was still just a baby when my father died. When I got older, my mother told me that he
was driving to work like he would every day. Then out of nowhere he went head on with
a brick wall going at about eighty kilometers an hour. My mother told me that, when they
did the autopsy in the hospital, he had had some kind of mental seizure while driving.
My mother, knowing that Huntingtons disease was in her family asked if it could have
been that. The doctor said that it was definitely a possibility.
After a moment of silence, Marek broke out of his trance to find everyone in the pub was
turned facing their table, even the four fat men at the bar had swiveled around and were
staring in silence. At first Marek thought that maybe they had heard what he was talking
about, then realized that was impossible because they were too far away and he had not
been talking all that loudly. Finally he turned to Charlie, and found her face streaked with
tears, her eyes beat red, her lips moist and her noise running. He was so lost in his
remembering that he didnt realize his story had turned her into a bubbling, crying mess.
The part of the table underneath her chin was covered in a pool of her tears.
Oh shit Charlie! Im so sorry. I didnt realize what I was talking about had made you so
upset. Marek, embarrassed beyond belief at the whole pub watching, got up and ran to
the nearby table to grab the napkin box, they had used what was left of the one at their
table during dinner. Charlie took the napkins and started balling into them, loud enough
for the whole pub to hear. The oldest and fattest of the four men at the bar got up off his
stool and headed towards their table. When he got there he gave Marek a cold look and
turned to Charlie.
You alright love? He asked.
Charlie nodded and smiled, and between sobs managed to give a reply.
Yes Im ok he just told me about how his mother and father died.
The fat man turned to Marek.
Now why would you tell her something like that? Thats a bit morbid for the dinner table
aint it?
Marek was about to answer when Charlie spoke first.
No I asked him about it its my fault.
The fat man looked at Charlie for a moment, and then turned to Marek. He gave Marek a
stern nod, as if to say alright then, I wont hurt you then walked back to the bar. Once
he sat down on the stool, the other three men turned back towards the bar, and slowly
everyone else began talking to each other again.


It was a good five minutes before Charlie calmed herself back down, there was really
nothing Marek could do except wait for her. He had tried to take one of her hands to
comfort her, but after a moment she needed it to help her other hand hold the napkins up
to her eyes. Eventually she put all the napkins down and let out a deep breath.
Im so sorry Marek. I should have expected your story to be a sad one, I should have
been ready for it.
No, no Charlie. I was the one who brought up this whole lets get emotional thing, I
should have figured that my story would have upset you.
Charlie shook her head.
Its been so long since Ive told anyone about it that I forgot it is actually pretty sad.
Its bloody sad! Charlie wailed.
Marek smiled a little at how Charlie said this, then a very sad look came onto his face. He
looked up and met Charlies eyes.
Im sorry if Ive ruined your day. Everything up until now was so good today.
Charlie shook her head again.
No Marek, you didnt ruin today at all. This might sound weird, and maybe hard to
understand now, but I feel closer to you now that I know this.
Marek thought about this for a moment. The only other person he had told this story too
was Esther, who didnt cry at all, but maybe that was because she was a nurse at a mental
hospital, so in reality she had heard a lot of sad stories already. Still, after he told Esther
he had felt a little closer to her.
No Charlie, I understand what you mean entirely.
Charlie smiled for the first time since Marek had begun his story. They sat there for a
moment in silence.
There are still some things I would like to know and to ask you about. But, after this,
maybe we should go back to our room and I can ask you there. Charlie said.
Marek smiled.
Yeah, thats a very good idea.

Chapter 37

Marek walked over to the fridge in their hotel room and put five of the six beers that he
had brought on the way back to the hotel inside.
Why do you want to drink in the room? I dont mind, just wondering. Asked Charlie
You want to ask me more questions, I know Ill be more honest if Ive had a bit to drink.
You know what they say it makes your tongue looser. Dont worry though, Im not
planning to get completely wasted, just tipsy.
Charlie seemed to relax a bit at this, she knew Marek wasnt a real hard drinker. But with
how her father and ex-boyfriend became when they had had too much to drink, Charlie
wasnt very fond of people getting wasted. Marek pulled the chair from the desk over and
turned it to face the bed. He then sat down and gestured for Charlie to sit on the bed. She
sat down, facing directly towards him, they were so close to each other that their knees
where only about an inch apart.

Oh shit! I forgot to ask if you wanted a beer as well. I know you said you didnt want
any drinks when I bought them, but that doesnt mean you dont want one of mine, which
of course you are more than welcome to have. Said Marek
No Im fine thanks, I might get one later, but for now Im ok.
Oh shit! I forgot one more thing! Marek said and quickly leapt up from the chair. He
disappeared into the bathroom, then quickly came out holding a tissue box.
This is just in case I make you cry again. I dont want you to of course, but just in case.
Youre very sweet.
There was a brief pause of silence. Marek had a smile on his face and was looking at
Charlie, as if eagerly awaiting her first question. Charlie picked up on this and had a
question she wanted to ask.
Well, I guess I have to ask this one first, just out of curiosity, but why are you so
interested in me asking you personal questions?
Marek smiled.
Well, that is easy to answer, you are the first person in years who has been interested in
me Charlie.
Charlie was taken a little back by this, then she thought about what he was saying. Marek
had been living in the asylum for so long. Working with other people, but a lot of those
people couldnt really hold a conversation. When Charlie had things she wanted to talk
about, she had her mother and sister. Marek, on the other hand, really did have no one.
No one ever asked you anything? asked Charlie.
Well, Esther asked some times, but never about personal things. I dont think its really
her style. After that, there was Mr. Peters, but he had a severe case of Alzheimers
disease. So every day he forgot who I was. Some days I would tell him I was an ex-
astronaut, some days Id tell him I was from the future!
Charlie laughed hard at this. It seemed mean, but in reality it probably gave Mr. Peters
something to think about every day and something fun for Marek to look forward to.
Ok, well I guess I understand now why you want me to ask you questions so bad.
Is it weird?
No not at all! Its good, I like it. It shows me that you are comfortable around me.
Charlie smiled.
Right, well, next questions then! Marek clapped his hands as if trying to start anew.
Marek took a sip of his beer while Charlie thought for a moment. Her mind seemed blank
from what she wanted to ask him, mostly due to the intense answer she had received from
the first questions she asked while at the pub. She immediately spoke the question that
seemed to jump first into her mind.
Do you think youll want to have kids in the future?
Marek stopped mid-way from bringing his beer away from his face and his eyes went
wide for a moment.
Sorry! It was just the first question that jumped into my head! exclaimed Charlie.
Marek put a hand up as if to say that she did not have to apologize. He then looked
Charlie straight in the eyes.
No. No Charlie, in no way do I want my own kids.
Marek paused for a moment, Charlie waited, she knew he had more to say.
Dont worry, you didnt surprise me in the sense of you thinking of us having kids
together. It shocked me a bit because once I knew that I had this illness, the thought came

once into my head about having kids, then it was gone when I realized that I most likely
wouldnt be mentally fit to be a father long enough for a child. I would probably be
dead before any of my kids would be teenagers, so I decided that under no circumstances
was I ever going to have my own kids, and that has stayed that way since really the
first week that I found out about this illness.
Charlie stayed quiet while Marek was talking, one thing she had learnt while growing up
was that when people were talking about things important and close to them, no matter
what you do never interrupt them. Marek now looked at Charlie with a sympathetic smile
on his face.
Sorry. I mean, I have no idea if you have even fathomed the idea of having a kid with
me, but I guess you know the answer now even if you did.
Charlie smiled.
Yes Marek. I do want babies someday, so of course I have thought about having kids
with you. But, I guess in reality I always knew that we were a long way off from anything
like that happening between us, so I never really brought it up. You just said to ask you
anything, and that is something that deep down I guess I always wanted to ask.
Marek gave a smile and a nod to Charlie, then he grabbed his beer and took a long drink.
Charlie laughed.
Looks like you are trying to get drunk! Have my first questions shaken you up that
Well, a little I guess, yeah. But I like it, so keep going. Marek replied
Ok Charlie pulled out her phone and began tapping away. Marek was going to ask what
she was doing, but she beat him to it.
Im going on to Google to find out more about Huntingtons disease. I know nothing
about it, so I need to find out as much information as I can.
She looked up at Marek.
And dont take this the wrong way Marek, but I need to find out just how much you
know about the disease as well.

Chapter 38

Charlie had gone quite for the moment as she thumbed through her phone to find out
information about Huntingtons disease. Luckily this hotel has free wi-fi, she thought to
herself. After she typed the name into Google, the first result that came up was for
Wikipedia. Charlie had been told before not to trust the information on Wikipedia, but
she knew that the first few paragraphs will sum up the disease better than any other site
she was going to find. She began to read the following out loud to Marek.

Huntington's disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative genetic disorder that affects muscle
coordination and leads to cognitive decline and psychiatric problems. It typically
becomes noticeable in mid-adult life. HD is the most common genetic cause of abnormal
involuntary writhing movements called chorea, which is why the disease used to be called
Huntington's chorea.

It is much more common in people of Western European descent than in those of Asian or
African ancestry. The disease is caused by an autosomal dominant mutation in either of
an individual's two copies of a gene called Huntingtin, which means any child of an
affected person typically has a 50% chance of inheriting the disease. Physical symptoms
of Huntington's disease can begin at any age from infancy to old age, but usually begin
between 35 and 44 years of age. Through genetic anticipation, the disease may develop
earlier in life in each successive generation. About 6% of cases start before the age of 21
years with an akinetic-rigid syndrome; they progress faster and vary slightly. The variant
is classified as juvenile, akinetic-rigid or Westphal variant HD.
Genetic testing can be performed at any stage of development, even before the onset of
symptoms. This fact raises several ethical debates: the age at which an individual is
considered mature enough to choose testing; whether parents have the right to have their
children tested; and managing confidentiality and disclosure of test results. Genetic
counseling has developed to inform and aid individuals considering genetic testing and
has become a model for other genetically dominant diseases.
Symptoms of the disease can vary between individuals and even among affected members
of the same family, but usually progress predictably. The earliest symptoms are often
subtle problems with mood or cognition. A general lack of coordination and an unsteady
gait often follows. As the disease advances, uncoordinated, jerky body movements
become more apparent, along with a decline in mental abilities and behavioral and
psychiatric problems. Physical abilities are gradually impeded until coordinated
movement becomes very difficult. Mental abilities generally decline into dementia. There
is no cure for HD, and full-time care is required in the later stages of the disease.
Existing pharmaceutical and non-drug treatments can relieve many of its symptoms.
By the end of this Charlie could feel herself tearing up. The idea that non-drug
treatments can relieve many of its symptoms cheered her up for a moment at the end, but
the reality of the disease made her heart sink. She had not looked up at Marek the whole
time she was reading, and he had been silent the entire time. She looked up to find him
staring down into the bottle in his hands. Marek let out a long sigh, Charlie had no idea
what to say.
Well, I guess now you know about it. He said
Charlie was silent for a moment, then she knew what she wanted to say.
So, when did you get tested?
Marek made a smirk of a smile, then shook his beer bottle to find it empty. Without a
word, he got up and went to the fridge, pulled out another bottle, opened it and took a
long drink. Once he had pulled the beer away from his face, he turned to Charlie, the look
on his face was one she had not seen.
I never got the test Charlie, I dont need to get the test, both my parents had it, so of
course I will.
Charlie stared at Marek with dumb-founded amazement, her chest and throat felt like
they were about to burst, but her mind was telling her that she must be calm right now,
she pushed all her emotions into her left fist, clenching it with al her strength.
Marek, why have you not got the test? Wikipedia said there is a fifty per cent chance that

you would have it. She spoke slow and clear, remaining as calm as she possible could.
It is a fifty per cent chance if only one parent has it, both of mine had it, so you add fifty
with fifty and you get one hundred per cent.
But Marek Charlie felt livid, still she kept calm, the knuckles on her left hand were now
Your father died of a car accident, that doesnt-
Yes! A car accident that was brought on by a seizure! You read from Wikipedia that the
most common age of Huntingtons starting is around 35, well my father was 37 when he
died. So safe to say that it was Huntingtons that caused his crash.
Charlie couldnt breathe, she was experiencing a new type of feeling she could not
understand. Her mind was rushing with things like stupid and clueless, to other things
like scared. Still, her basic human instinct of raising her voice to get her point across won
over. She stood up and let her pent-up emotions out.
Marek, are you insane!? Why the fuck havent you been tested!? There is always the
chance that you wont have it! Why have you just given up?!
Marek had been drinking down his second beer fast while this was happening, he had just
pulled out the third bottle when Charlie had said this.
Giving up? Giving up?! Doing the bloody test would be giving up. If I do the test and
find out I do have it, then Ill let it control me. Sometimes its better not to-
It does control you!! You have lived like a hermit in a mental asylum for the past how
bloody long! Because you are afraid of it!
There was an uncomfortable silence after Charlie had spoken. Marek at first had a look of
shock on his face at how angry Charlie had become, but her words had made him look
down to stare at the chair that was between them. Charlie let out a long sigh, doing her
best to calm herself.
Because you are afraid Marek. She said softly but sternly, doing her best to get her
point across. Now she looked at Marek intently, though he was still staring at floor, still
as a stone, she could see his face and watched his expression.
At first Mareks face screwed up as if he was about to cry, then his eyebrows folded
inward and a hot flash of anger was on his face.
Yeah Charlie! Thats right! Im scared! Im just a pathetic, scared piece of shit.
He took a drink of his beer. Charlie was about to start talking, but he cut her off, speaking
louder and with more rage.
Im scared!! Im a fucking man whose scared like a piss-ant little five year old over a
disease, arent I just the most pathetic thing youve ever fucking seen!
Suddenly Marek walked over to stand face to face with Charlie. At first Charlie recoiled,
the memory of how her ex-boyfriend would approach her with a beer bottle in his hand
made her stomach twist. But Marek merely stood face to face, staring her right in the eye.
I am a scared piece of horse shit Charlie. And you are a damn fool for wasting your time
with me. Marek quickly turned, went out the door and was gone. Charlie (still shaken
with the memory of her ex-boyfriend) stood still as a stone, her head spinning with what
just happened.

Chapter 39
Five minutes had passed, and Charlie was sitting on the edge of the bed. She knew in her
heart that Marek had in no way meant to scare her, but scare her he had all the same.
Charlies thoughts of what Marek was saying about himself came running in and out of
her head. Being alone now, Charlie began to say her thoughts out loud.
Why does he think he is pathetic if he is scared? Anyone would be scared if they had
Huntingtons. But, maybe he doesnt have it, I mean he has never bothered to even get
tested. Why in the world would he not want to get tested? Maybe there is a reason
Charlie picked her phone up off the bed, the Wikipedia page about Huntingtons disease
was still open. She closed it and tried to call Marek. There was no answer. She tried two
more times, but there was still now answer. She knew now that she had no choice, she
was going to have to go out and find him.
She grabbed her handbag, got the hotel key out of its electrical slot and went out the door.
Down at reception there was no one at the front desk, she had hoped Mr Santa Claus
would have been there so she could ask if he saw Marek. When she got out of the hotel
and into the street, she looked left and right. To the left were all the restaurants and
touristy areas, and to the right was nothing but residential homes for as far as she could
see. She looked across the road to the beach, where she could she some sort of fire
twirling show going on. She figured that Marek may like the fire twirling, so she decided
to head there first.

* *

Once Charlie was about ten meters away from the fire twirler she could feel the heat of
the fire. The twirler had some crazy euro-pop style music going. Standing in a wide
circle around him was about thirty people. She searched around and looked at all the
faces of people there, most were couples cuddling together while watching the fire show,
or parents holding their children back so they wouldnt enthusiastically run into the path
of the fire twirler. There was no sign of Marek. Part of Charlie wanted to stay and watch
the rest of the show, but her main focus was on finding Marek, she turned away from the
beach and headed towards the pub where they had had dinner. Charlies thought was that
maybe Marek would want nothing right now than to be one of the guys sitting at the bar,
drinking away all troubles. While heading towards the pub she pulled out her phone and
tried calling Marek again. The phone rang out, there was no answer from him. Charlie
thought about the state he was in, Marek had had a few beers, he was upset and faced
with a harsh but truthful reality from the only person he had ever opened up to.
Oh shit! He is going to kill himself! Thought Charlie and her heart felt as if it stopped
beating for a second. She stopped dead in her tracks, only one idea came to her. She
began to type a text message.
Please Marek, Im going mad trying to find you. You dont have to tell me where you are
at the moment. And we dont have to talk about any of this stuff again if that is what you
want. Please, just send back a message so I know you are ok.

She sent the text and kept the phone in her hand as she headed towards the pub. If the
phone went off, she would feel the vibration better in her hand than on her waist. Once
she had gotten to the pub she walked in and out of every room and checked every single
face that was there. The fat man that had come over to their table when she was crying
was still at the bar with his three friends, Charlie thought about going over there and
asking him if he had seen Marek, but realised that it would sound terrible for her to ask if
they had seen her boyfriend, the boyfriend that made her cry at dinner. The thought itself
sounded as if Marek had disappeared with another girl or something, which in turn would
most likely send the four men into some sort of raging army to find and punish him. She
turned around and headed out the door, her mind racing on where he would have gone to.
Just as she was leaving she felt her phone vibrate in her hand. On the front screen it
confirmed that the text was from Marek, like lighting she unlocked her phone and opened
the text.

Charlie was mixed with emotions. She was happy to see that he was at least alive, but
Mareks reply could not have been less informative. She stood in front of the pub for a
Think Charlie think! Where in the world would he have gone to? The only other time he
had texted you when he was drunk and upset was at the asylum, and you found him sitting
on the-
The roof! Charlie said it so loud that people passing by turned to look at her. It didnt
bother her at the moment, she knew now where to find him.

Chapter 40

When Charlie had made it back to the hotel she headed straight for the elevator, the hotel
was only five stories high, and in no time she was on the fifth floor. Outside the elevator,
just to the right was the service door that would lead her up to the roof. As soon she saw
the door was open just slightly, she knew she had found Marek. The flight of stairs that
went up the roof stuck out to one side of the hotel, the wind was colder and stronger than
on the ground level (though Charlie did not take much notice of this). The first thing
Charlie noticed when she got to the top of the roof was the view, though it was night
time, she could still see far out into the ocean due to the light from the moon. The number
of stars that twinkled above her made for an absolutely picture perfect spot. She paced
around on the roof top, once she got to the other side, she looked to her right and found
two feet sticking out from behind on the hotels air-ducts.

When she walked over she found Marek sitting there with an almost empty bottle of Jack
Daniels in his right hand. Charlie sighed and knelt down and stared at Mareks face. His
eyes were closed and his face was pale white, at first Charlie thought his face was white
because he was cold, so she put a hand on his forehead and found that he was actually
very warm, meaning that his face was pale most likely because he was about to be sick
from all the beer and whisky. Charlie thought for a second, then remembered that she saw
at the service door to the roof was a mop and bucket. She ran back down, grabbed the

bucket (which had a putrid smell even though it was empty), got back up and sat it next
to Marek.
Marek, wake up! Here is a bucket. You have drunk too much, you need to throw it up.
Marek! Charlie shook him a few times while speaking to him. At first there was no reply
and Charlie was worried that he needed to go to the hospital. She was just about to give
up and get help when Marek started groaning and his eyes started slowly flickering.
Marek! Marek its Charlie, I need to you to throw up in this bucket. You have drunk too
much, you need to throw it up.
What? Where am I?
Marek! Marek listen to me, you have had too much to drink. You need to throw it up,
here is a bucket. With a fair bit of effort, Charlie managed to turn Mareks body so that
he was facing the bucket, and tilted his head over the bucket. Nothing happened for a
moment, and Marek simply let Charlie hold his head over the bucket. Suddenly, Marek
started trying to get out of Charlies hold. Being as drunk as he was, he didnt realise he
was using too much of his strength against her.
Let me go! Im fine! Marek shouted as he began trying to get up.
Charlie simply wasnt going to stand for it, she forced his head back down over the
bucket, pulled his hair back so his mouth would open, and jammed her finger down his
throat. As soon as her finger went too far down, Mareks body reacted instantly and up
came what seemed to be a litre of alcoholic fluid. After the first stream Marek was
breathing heavy and his eyes were watering, Charlie held him firm, knowing there was
more to come.

Marek had his head over the bucket for about ten minutes, and Charlie held his head the
entire time. They didnt speak to each other at all, Marek was coming back to his senses
and most likely was getting embarrassed about the whole situation, and Charlie merely
kept his head as still as possible, while turning her face towards the sky to look at the
stars. Like most people, she did not like watching someone being sick. Finally Marek
pulled his head away from the bucket, and sat up against the air-intake. Charlie was
pleased to find Marek had managed to not miss the bucket and also that there seemed to
be nothing on his clothes or face. She picked up the bucket and quickly moved it a few
feet away, she wanted to get rid of it entirely, but there was always the chance Marek
would need it again. When she sat back down, facing Marek, she did her best to hide her
emotions. Marek, looked up at her for a moment, his face was streaked with tears, though
Charlie knew it wasnt because he was sad, rather because of the bodys reaction when
you are sick. Marek held her gaze for a moment, and then looked away.
Sorry said Marek.
Charlie was quiet for a moment, she was angry that he had drunk so much, but once she
remembered everything that lead up to this, her anger faded.
Yeah me too Marek.
They were both quiet for a while, neither of them moved. Charlies mind was racing with
questions and things she desperately wanted to say, but she couldnt bring herself to say
them right now.
Its really beautiful up here. Way better than the view from the asylum Marek said

Charlie turned to look at the stars and out over the ocean. There were tiny lights far out in
the sea, which she figured were boats and cruise ships passing by, though she wasnt
sure. She took a long look up at the full moon.
Yeah, it really is beautiful out her she looked back down at Marek to find him staring at
I love you so much Charlie, but I really wish I didnt.
Charlie felt a heat rise up from her stomach as her anger grew. She was about to begin
talking when Marek continued.
Charlie, Im a fucking train wreck, why in gods name are you wasting your time with
me? I mean seriously, you are beautiful, and so very sweet. You could have any guy on
this planet, I honestly just feel like Im wasting your time
Charlie moved over until she was face to face with Marek. Her initial reaction was that
she wanted to smack him across the face and tell him how much of an idiot he sounded
right now. But, as she looked into his eyes, she could see that he wasnt just talking to
receive sympathy or pity, he actually meant what he said. Her desire to smack him
passed, and she lay down to rest her head on his chest. He stank of whisky, but she didnt
A train wreck thats the same words I used to describe myself, when I first went to see
my therapist. Charlie spoke into Mareks chest, she wanted to feel as if she was talking
to no one.
After what happened with my ex-boyfriend, I tried to kill myself a few times.
Charlie felt Mareks chest and stomach grow tight.
I was never successful as you can guess, but I got pretty close one time, I probably
would have died if Victoria hadnt found me. After that, I was forced to stay in hospital
under constant supervision for about four months. I also had to see the hospitals therapist
every day.
Charlie went silent for a while, remembering the events that led to her going to hospital
and the different times she saw the therapist. Marek was silent too.
Her name was Nancy, my therapist at the hospital. It took her a long time, but she finally
managed to convince me that I wasnt trash. I wasnt a train wreck, regardless of the
things that have happened to me in my past. And Im not a train wreck, and neither are
you Marek. Things have happened in your life that have made you who you are, these
things have given you your personality and have changed your outlook on life. And, for
whatever reason, you feel that these things have turned you into a train wreck.
Charlie turned her head to look Marek straight in the eyes.
But they havent Marek, they havent made you a train wreck. They have made you who
you are. And that is the person that I have fallen in love with, and in no way do I think
that you are bad, or weird, or a freak or anything like that. I think you are undoubtedly
one of the most caring and considerate people I know. And I dont see the need to change
anything about you, or your past. Even this Huntingtons disease, not for a second after
you told me all about it did I think less of you, I merely took it as another way of helping
me further understand who you are as a person.

Marek stared at Charlie, unable to bring himself to look away from her. Never in his life
had someone said words so sweet to him. He could not nor did he want to try and stop
himself from crying. For it seemed that this person in front of him, for whatever reason,

truly did want to be close to him, regardless of any part of himself or his past. He was at a
complete loss for words. At a loss of anything else to do, he reached out with both arms,
hugged Charlie tight and burst into tears.

Chapter 41

The two of them had laid there for a while, staring at the stars and not saying anything to
each other. After about twenty minutes, Marek could feel Charlie shivering in his arms.
Its getting freezing up here, lets go back to the room. Marek said.
I was hoping youd say that.
The two got back to their room, neither of them was talking, but it was a comfortable
silence. Once they had gotten into the room, Marek went into the bathroom to see his
Oh god! I look like a bloody zombie! he began taking his clothes off, then paused.
Did you want a shower first Charlie?
Charlie walked into the bathroom, kissed Marek on the cheek and started taking her
clothes off as well.
Oh yeah right, we can just have one together. Marek finally realised. He was still a bit
tipsy from all the alcohol, and was unknowingly watching Charlie undress with great
intensity. Charlie was down to her underwear when she caught sight of Marek. At first
Marek didnt notice her, but when he looked up to find her facing him with a huge smile
on her face, he quickly looked away and felt his face going red. Charlie started laughing.
Oh Marek, you know I dont mind you watching while we are alone! You were
watching quite intently there I must say.
Charlie then looked down to see exactly what was on Mareks mind. She stripped off her
underwear, walked over to him and pressed herself against his body. Marek let out a
frustrated sigh. Charlie turned his face to hers.
Looks like the alcohol has affected both your heads! Come into the shower, Ill help you
out. Charlie walked past Marek and started the shower. Once the water was warm, she
stepped in and began lathering up her body with soap. Marek had only managed to take
his shirt off, he was still intently watching Charlie, his desire to join her was still out won
by his current desire to merely watch her first. Charlie had lathered up her entire body
with soap when she looked over to him, winked and bit her bottom lip. The desire to join
her had now eviscerated the desire to watch her, and he was naked and in the shower in a
blink of an eye.

After a long and amazingly satisfying shower, they both crawled into bed together. Once
their heads hit the pillows, the length of the day and the events of the night caught up
with both of them. Marek rolled Charlie over so he could spoon her.
Good night Charlie. We can talk more in the morning if you like, Im too buggered now
Ok Marek, good night.

Chapter 42


The next morning Charlie woke up to find that she was alone in the room. She checked
her phone and found it was almost nine and that there was also a message from Marek.

Gone to get something for breakfast, will be back soon.

The time of the message was 8:46, meaning that he had left about ten minutes ago.
Charlie thought about what she would like to do while waiting for him, then rolled over
and tried to go back to sleep.

Charlie was in and out of dreams when she heard the door open. Marek walked in with
two big bags. As soon as she sat up she could smell what was inside as least one of the
bags, the beautiful smell of freshly baked bread.
Morning! There is a local bakery about a five minute walk from here, just near that pub
we went to last night. Ive bought a whole bunch of bread because I feel quite hung over.
And whenever I get hung over I feel eating heaps of bread seems to make me feel better.
Marek moved over to Charlie and knelt down to kiss her on the forehead.
How are you feeling? he asked.
Fine. To be honest I feel totally fine. I slept like a log, this bed is really comfy.
Well, we have a little over an hour before we have to be at Maries for the snorkelling
Charlie sat bolt upright.
Oh yeah! She leapt out of bed and began packing things into her bag. Marek stood still
and watched her.
What are you doing? asked Marek
Packing! We are going snorkelling! So well need some sun-screen, my camera, maybe
some insect repellent, my sunglasses, your sunglasses. My Charlie trailed off and
began talking to herself. She was intent on making sure they had everything they needed
for the tour. Marek laughed.
I think theyll have everything we need on the boat, like we found out yesterday, Marie
has experience, so she will have it all under control.
You can never be too sure, what if they dont have sunscreen? Or more likely, they have
it on the boat, but its ridiculously expensive.
Marek sat down on the bed and began pilfering through the bags of food he had brought.
Once he had found a long loaf of sweet chilli twist bread he ripped a chunk off and
began eating it.
But, we paid her yesterday for that, didnt we? Like, I know what we paid for was the
actual tour an all.
Marek thought to himself for moment.
I guess we should have asked exactly what the price of the tour included. In reality
though as long as we go snorkelling Ill be happy.
Charlie turned around as soon as she could hear Marek was talking with his mouth full.
At first she wanted to point out he was being rude by doing that, but then she figured that
they were alone and not out in public, so it didnt really matter. What she noticed more
was the smell and look of the bread that Marek was eating, she walked over and ripped a
chunk off. She thought about sitting down next to him to eat it, then turned back to

continue packing for the tour. She was about to take a step towards her bag when Marek
grabbed her by the waist. He held her firmly, but not harshly.
Sit down Charlie, relax. We have some time before we have to go. said Marek.
Charlie turned and sat down next to Marek on the bed. She took a bite of the bread and
was amazed at just how nice it tasted.
Marek lent down and picked up the two bags.
Ive bought a whole bunch of stuff. And I wasnt sure which you would like more, so I
bought an ice coffee and a chocolate milk. Im fine with either, so take your pick.
Marek held one in each hand and turned to face Charlie. Charlie looked down at both of
I want the chocolate milk, and the ice coffee will be good for Mareks hangover. But,
what if deep down he wants the chocolate milk? Charlie thought to herself.
Im fine with either Marek. Which one do you want?
Marek smiled.
No no, I asked you first. And I like both of these flavours, so I really dont mind.
Charlie looked at Marek and put a pouting expression on her face.
Thats not fair Marek! Why do I have to choose?
Marek laughed and put the two drinks on the bed between them.
Ok Charlie, I know how to settle this, Ive seen it done in a lot of Japanese shows.
Marek clenched his right hand into a fist and for a brief moment Charlie thought his way
would be to have some kind of brawl. Then, he turned the palm of his left upwards and
held it out flat. The clenched right fist then was put to sit in the middle of his left palm.
Rock, paper scissors. If I win, I choose which one I want, if you win, you can choose.
How does that sound Charlie?
Charlie felt her face going red.
I have seen this game played, but I dont know the rules. Like which beats which?
Mareks jaw dropped.
Are you serious? This is like the best deciding game ever. Almost every single Japanese
cartoon I have ever watched has this in it at some point, because two people need to
decide on who should do something.
Marek laughed and Charlie looked down at her crossed legs with a smile on her face that
showed just how embarrassed she was.
Im sorry to laugh Charlie, its just very cute. Here are the rules. Paper beats rock, rock
beats scissors and scissors beats paper. Ok?
Charlie thought for a moment and made the three actions with her right hand.
Ok, yeah I guess that makes sense. Charlie said after a moment.
Awesome, lets go on three. One! Two! Three!
Marek kept his right hand clenched, he had chosen rock. Charlie pointed two of her
fingers outward, she had chosen scissors.
Ha ha I win! exclaimed Marek.
And as the winner, I choose the ice coffee, Im hoping it will help me with my
Marek picked up the chocolate milk and handed it to Charlie.
I hope you are happy with the chocolate milk. Marek said with a smile.
Yes I am, I originally thought that the ice coffee would be good for your hang over, plus
I wanted the chocolate milk from the start originally anyway.

Then why didnt you just tell me?!
Marek laughed and put all the bread he had brought in between him and Charlie on the
bed. The bread was still in their individual bags, and so Charlie could see what each was
he pulled them out and laid them on top of the individual bags they came in. Charlie
looked down to find Marek had brought some croissants, herb focaccias, a cheese twist
and two chocolate muffins.
Geez Marek, you really did buy a lot! You have great taste though, I like all of this
Really? Awesome, I knew you would like the croissants, but I took a gamble with the
other stuff. Well, except for the muffins, who in world would say no to a chocolate

Chapter 43

They sat and ate with each other on the bed, talking mostly about what they expected
today to be like. Then, Charlies phone began to ring. She picked it up to see who was
Its Victoria. She said.
Do you want me to go wait outside or something?
No of course not, she probably just wants to know what we are up to.
But, what if its your dad using your sisters phone?
If it is then Ill just hang up, dont worry.
Charlie gave Marek a smile and then answered the call.
Hello Victoria, how are you?
Hi Charlie Im good thanks. How are you?
Charlie noticed right away that her sister didnt seem to have the relentlessly bubbly
personality that she always had, even while talking on the phone.
Are you ok? Where are you? asked Charlie.
Yeah Im fine, Im just at home in my room. I hadnt heard from you for a while so
I just wanted to see how you are. Where are you anyway?
Marek and I have headed to Sherlock beach
Charlie tried to stop herself, she didnt want anyone to know where they were. But her
little sister was not one that would cause any trouble. She glanced over at Marek to find
he had turned away from her, as if to give her space. But she could see from the side of
his face that he was listening. Charlie was about to ask another question, when she could
hear Victoria was crying.
Victoria? Are you ok?
Charlie! Im sorry! Dad is here and you are on loud speaker! He told me that if I didnt
help him find you he would throw me out of the house. Mum has already gone to live
with Auntie Jane! Charlie could hear Victoria bursting with tears and loud sobs. Charlie
felt her heart skip a beat, she watched Marek turn to face her with the same shock and
worry she must have had on her face. Suddenly, Charlie remembered everything that had
happened to bring her from running away with Marek, and a cool sense of disgusted
confidence came over her.
Hello father! What a pig you are to exploit your daughter the way you have. Look at
how much she is crying right in front of your eyes.

Charlie watched Mareks mouth drop open and his eyes go wide.
And I doubt you even care. But listen to me father, feel free to come and find me here,
Im not going to do what you tell me. Im not young anymore, and with the money
grandpa left for me, Ill be alright on my own for a while. To be honest Im planning on
hiring a lawyer and suing you for much more than just the money you took from me. I
was over eighteen, so you most likely needed my consent. Anyway, I guess the next time
I speak to you will be with a lawyer present. And Victoria, Im not angry at you for this,
so please calm down.
Charlie could hear her father start to laugh. It was a loud mocking laugh that rang in her
ears. She knew he most likely had a lot to say, but she hung up the phone and threw it on
the bed in front of her. Marek was still staring at her in an amazed aw.
Holy mother of god Charlie! That was all fucked up!
I dont care, he has been nothing but an arsehole to me the entire time I have been his
daughter. I really dont give a shit anymore. If anything I should have had an attitude like
this towards him since the day I was born.
Marek got up off the bed and started pacing the room.
But he is coming here! Fuck!
What does it matter, Im well over eighteen, its not like he can force me to do anything
Yeah but, remember how psycho he went at the asylum?! What if he finds us and reacts
the same way?!
He is not going to find us! All he knows is that we are at Sherlock beach. And besides if
he does find us, whats the worst that could happen?
Ah I dont know, lets say he beats the shit out of me and forces you into his car!
Charlie got up and stood directly in front of Marek, her eyes stern but not angry.
Marek, if my father starts getting physically violent with you, you have my permission
to beat the living shit out of him. Dont think for a second that Im going to tell you not to
hit him because he is my father. If anything he needs a good punch in the head to bring
him back to reality and stop him from being such an asshole all the time.
Marek didnt know what to say to this, he merely shook his head and went to sit down on
the end of the bed. Charlie felt that there was no more to say, and the best thing to do was
to just forget this happened. She clapped her hands together and put a smile on her face.
Right, we should head off to Maries soon, lets have a shower.
Marek sat on the end of the bed for a long moment with a rather angry expression on his
face. He got up and walked over to Charlie and gave her a kiss.
Im not mad at you Charlie, please dont think I am. Its just such a messed up situation.
Charlie grabbed hold of Marek and gave him a tight hug.
I know. Im sorry to bring you into it the way I have.
No, dont apologise. Lets just have fun today and forget this happened. I know thats
what you were trying to do by clapping your hands and taking a shower, shame on you
for using your sex appeal to try and make me forget something!
They both laughed, then went into the bathroom together.

Chapter 44


The two of them arrived at Maries with about ten minutes to spare. When they went
inside they found (to their surprise) only Marie inside.
Good morning! Marie was up and shaking their hands as soon as they entered.
Good morning Marie! said Charlie.
Marek look around at the empty room, and then turned to Marie.
Are we the only ones going on this tour today?
No no! There is a Polish couple coming too, you are just the first ones here. It is a very
small group though, you are in luck really. In about two weeks or so my boat will be full
every day, so its not as enjoyable as going in a small group. At least thats what I
personally think.
Marie guided them to the sofa that was to the left of the room and they both sat down.
Please relax while you wait, would you like any coffee or tea?
No thanks, we just had breakfast not too long ago. Said Charlie
No problem, well there is a bunch of good reading material if you are into travelling and
such on the coffee table there.
Marie pointed to the small table that was to the left of the sofa, closest to Marek. He
picked up about four of the magazines that were there and placed them between himself
and Charlie.
Yes, we are very interested in that! said Charlie.
Lovely! Well I have to finish packing the things we need for today, so if you need
anything just call out and Ill come back.
Marie smiled and disappeared into the room behind her desk.

Charlie and Marek had been quietly flipping through the magazines and reading about
some of the places that they were dying to go see, when the front door of Maries swung
open. First through the door came a skinny little girl that looked about fifteen. Her hair
was long and blonde. She was wearing the shortest of shorts and a tight white tank top,
which made her pink bikini very visible. After her entered a tall man who was built like a
professional athlete, not over muscly, but well-toned.
Hello. Said Marek.
Hello. Both of them said back at the same time.
Are you here for the scuba diving tour as well? Charlie asked with a smile.
Yes, we are. said the little girl, smiling back.
Charlie got up and headed over to her and stuck her hand out.
Nice to meet you! My name is Charlie, and this is Marek. Charlie turned and gestured at
Marek, who had gotten up and was now standing next to her. Marek smiled and shook
both their hands.
My name is Eva, and this is Tomas.
You can call me Tom.
Charlie wanted to compliment them on their accents, but wondered how they would feel
about her pointing it out. Tom was looking at Marek curiously.
Marek? That is a Polish name.
Yes, both my father and mother were Polish, though I cant speak any of the language
They all laughed and sat down.


They had been waiting for Marie for about ten minutes now and the time was flying.
Charlie and Marek were both fascinated with Poland, and Eva and Tom were just home-
sick enough to happily talk about everything they could about their homeland. Suddenly,
the door behind Maries desk flew open and Marie came flying out.
Sorry! I had to make a few calls. But, you are in for a treat today! she clapped her hands
in excitement.
Because there is only four of you today, I have been able to arrange it so Doug, the man
who drives the boat, youll meet him soon, is able to take us way further out than normal,
so well be able to see more of the marine life!
Everyone had huge smiles on their faces from this news.
Normally with a big group, it takes a long time to get everyone geared for snorkelling
and prepped for getting on the boat and all that, but with only four people, four young in
shape people might I add, we will be able to do everything in a fraction of the time,
meaning that we will have more time to look around. Arent you all just so lucky!
Marek and Tom both got up at the same time and went over to Marie.
Here, we can help you with that. Said Marek
Marie smiled and handed each of them one of the bags she was carrying.
Well, arent you two just lovely! She glanced over at Eva and Charlie.
You lucky little things! Make sure you hold on to these two!

After about a five minute walk everyone was standing at the pier in front of a boat. The
boat was medium sized (Charlie guessed it could hold about ten to fifteen people) and
was painted blue and white. Painted in red on the front side of the boat was the misses.
Doug! Were here! Marie shouted. Out of the boats cabin came a bald man who looked
around the age of forty. He was rather tall, and had a belly that stuck straight out through
his open button shirt. Charlie couldnt help but laugh at his blue short shorts that
everyone that lived near the beach in Australia seemed to own. He stepped off the boat,
looked at everyones faces and smiled.
Welcome everybody! My name is Doug and Ill be your captain today.
He walked up and shook everybodys hand. Then went to the front of his boat and started
patting it.
And this is the misses. She has been my misses for twenty four years now. And like all
middle aged women, she can get very temperamental if I dont treat her right. But dont
worry! I washed her this morning and checked all her parts. So I think well be right
Everyone laughed at this, and Marie shook her head and gave the two girls a look as if to
say the loneliness of men.
Well! Lets get going! Doug clapped his hands and one by one everyone got on the

Chapter 45

The misses had been going smoothly for about twenty minutes, at an impressive speed for
such an old boat. Charlie was happy that the weather seemed perfect to be outside and
loved the feeling of the wind flying through her hair. The sound of the wind and the boat
was quite loud, so everyone sat in silence for the moment, simply enjoying the

surroundings and the feeling of the wind. Doug began to slow the misses down, until they
eventually came to a complete stop. Marie picked up the two bags that Marek and Tom
had helped her with. She opened them and began pulling out snorkelling gear. Charlie
could feel her heart racing, she had wanted to go snorkelling ever since she was little,
now she was finally getting the chance.
Ok guys! This is our first stop! Stand up and look out of the left side of the boat!
Left side? Left side?! How many times do I have to tell you Marie, while we are nautical
its port! Doug said loudly but with a smile on his face.
Yes yes Doug! Everyone please look port. Marie gave Doug a cheesy smile, then rolled
her eyes at everyone else. Charlie got up and walked over to the edge of the boat. At first
when she looked down, she couldnt see anything due to the brightness of the sun
reflecting on the water. She put her hands up to shield her eyes, and felt her heart skip a
beat at what she could see.

Charlie still couldnt see a great deal due to the sun, but she could make out some rocks
and sea weed.
Sweet! We are going to go snorkelling! Marek exclaimed.
Yes, this is part of a reef that travels for a long way. This is one of the best parts to go
snorkelling because there is a lot of marine life here and the water is so clear. Explained

Charlie turned to find that everyone had stripped off down to their swim wear, even Doug
had taken his open button shirt off and was only in his little blue shorts. Charlie and
Marek had been so amazed at what they saw, they didnt realise everyone else was
getting ready. Marek took his shirt off, he was already in swimming trunks, so with his
shirt off he was good to go. Charlie could feel herself growing red in the face. Everyone
seemed to notice her awkward expression, but Marie was the first to speak.
Oh dear, Charlie did not bring anything to swim in?
No I did! Its in my bag, I havent gotten changed yet sorry!
Marie and Doug looked at each other and both laughed.
If I had a dollar for every time this happened, Id be able to retire in a mansion by now!
Doug slapped his knee and laughed hard. Charlie felt a little relaxed upon hearing this.
Marek gave her a sympathetic (and slightly condescending) pat on the back.
Here love, you can get changed inside the cabin. Doug walked over and opened the
cabin door and gestured to Charlie with a smile to enter.
And dont worry love, Ill make sure no one peeks!
Everyone laughed at this. While all this was going on Tom and Eva had already equipped
the snorkelling gear.
Well, we will meet you in the water! Eva said with a smile, then headed over to the
ladder on the side of the boat.
We would wait for you but Tom looked at Marek, then gave a wink to Charlie.
Its fine, it wouldnt feel right making you wait. said Marek.
You go in too, you dont have to wait for me.
Marek smiled.
Of course Im going to wait for you Charlie. So hurry up and get changed!

Charlie knew it was pointless to try and change his mind, so she gave Marek a slight nod
then headed into the cabin to get changed.

Marek stood up as Charlie came out of the cabin in her bathing suit, he was already
wearing flippers, the snorkelling mask and breathing through the mouth piece. Because
he wasnt in the water he looked very silly and Charlie couldnt help but laugh to herself.
Ok, here is your snorkelling gear. said Marie.
As Charlie was putting the gear on Marie stood tall and proud in front of her and Marek,
her face seemed to take on an expression of authority.
The rules for snorkelling, aside from the usual dont pollute that is, but Im sure you
know that already. The main rule here is please do not touch anything while in the water.
Though it looks strong and sturdy, in truth this reef, like any other, is very fragile, and the
slightest change can have a catastrophic result. So, while in the water, please do not touch
Marek and Charlie both nodded simultaneously at Marie.
Excellent, I really should have said this earlier, but those two hopped in the water so fast
I didnt get the chance! she pointed out over the boat to Eva and Tom, who were close to
each other at the moment, but swimming in different directions.
Charlie turned around to find Doug sitting in a banana lounge looking out over where
Eva and Tom were. In one hand was a thermos bottle and in the other was todays
Youre not coming in? asked Charlie
No love, my job is to watch you lot to make sure nothing goes wrong. Not that anything
ever really does, which is good. Doug nodded towards the first aid kit under the drivers
Marie clapped her hands.
Ok, lets go!

Chapter 46

Marek let Charlie get off the boat first. Charlie has never used flippers before, and it took
her a moment to get used to it. She glanced over at Marek to find he was having the same
Ok, well once you get a feel of the flippers its very easy, follow my lead. said Marie.
She began to swim out towards where Tom and Eva were and Marek and Charlie began
to follow her. Once Charlie was leaning forward as if she was properly swimming, she
found that the flippers were very easy to use and made swimming very easy. Marek must
have found out the same thing, as he went past Charlie at a very fast pace. Charlie
watched him stream forward, then when Marek put his head under the water and came to
complete stop. Wondering what he was doing, Charlie also put her head underwater.

Charlie lay motionless for the moment, her eyes bulging out of her head at what she
could see. Directly underneath her was an entire new world. Fish of different colours and
sizes were swimming around, some were so close that Charlie felt as if she could reach
out and grab them. Sponges (Charlie knew the name from all the nature documentaries
she had watched) were spread out over countless rocks of different sizes for as far as she

could see, all of it was a pinkish red colour, which Charlie knew to be algae. Charlie
could see some tiny crabs walking around on the sea floor, and out from under a rock
came one that was much bigger, Charlie guessed it must have been the mother crab.
Swimming forward, she found more fish, crustaceans and various plants that were of
beautiful colours.
While swimming around in awe, Charlie felt something tap her on her shoulder. She
turned around fast, not sure of what it could possibly be. She found Marek looking at her
and pointed frantically in the opposite direction she was facing. She turned around to face
the same way as Marek and felt her chest grow tight. Swimming slowly in their direction
was a turtle that looked to be about a metre long. Charlie lay motionless, not wanting to
scare the turtle away, she had learnt that turtles were never aggressive, so she was not
afraid. The turtle swam directly beneath her, so close that Charlie could have reached out
her hand and touched it, but she remembered the rule that Marie said and thought it was
better not to. She turned herself around to watch the turtle swim away, feeling completely
surreal. This is by far one of the most amazing things that has ever happened to me.
Charlie thought to herself as the turtle swam out of sight.

Charlie had been too mesmerized by the turtle that she forgot Marek was right next to
her. She looked over to find that he had the same feeling of this event being completely
surreal. Marek was still looking at where the turtle had disappeared from their sight.
Now, he turned to Charlie and even through the snorkelling gear, she could see his
expression. The look in his eyes was one that she had not seen before, shocked but so
very, very happy. She thought then about how he had been living alone for so many
years, never adventuring too far from the asylum where he lived. No matter how exciting
and amazing this was for Charlie, it must have been triple for Marek. Charlie felt her eyes
watering up and her chest growing tight, she wanted to reach out and give him the biggest
hug she could, but it seemed impossible and silly considering where they were. Marek
reached out his arm and put Charlies hand in his. His grip was tight, and when Charlie
looked at Mareks face, she could see in his expression just how grateful he was to her.
Grateful for everything that had happened ever since she walked into his life. There was
no need for words at that moment, Charlie could read it all in his eyes. She smiled back
and gripped his hand tight, then let go and they swam off in different directions, wanting
to see as much of the reef as possible in the timeframe they had.

* *

It was late in the afternoon, the sun low enough that the entire ocean had turned into a
beautiful orange colour. The tour group had stopped at four different spots to go
snorkelling. Charlie and Marek had enjoyed every stop, but they both felt that their first
stop with the giant turtle was the best by far. Now, they were both chatting away to Tom
and Eva about the whole day in general. Eva leant forward and dropped her voice to a
low whisper, glancing over at Marie and Doug.
I was kind of hoping that we would see some whales today. I mean, I have had a really
good day and all, I just would have liked to have seen them.

Yeah me too, I have never seen any whales before. And, there really arent many places
where you have the chance to see them, unless you go way out into the ocean, or on a
cruise ship or something like that. said Tom
Marek and Charlie said nothing, but gave an agreeing nod. They too would have loved to
have seen whales, it would have been amazing. But, in truth they had had such an
amazing day, they werent unhappy in the slightest.
After about another ten minutes, the boat slowed right down until it was at a complete
stop. There was nothing to be seen, aside from the shore line of Sherlock beach ahead of
them, where Doug was taking them. The shoreline was still about four kilometres away
from where they had suddenly stopped. Everyone turned to look at Doug, even Marie had
no idea what he was doing.
Well, arent you all just the luckiest buggers we have had in a while! Doug said. He had
a huge smile on his face and pointed out the back of the point.
Turn around! Look!
They all turned around, and at first they could see nothing.
Just wait for it said Doug, still with a big smile.
After about a minute of nothing happening, suddenly a huge blue lump seemed to come
slowly out of the ocean, and a hug spurt of water shot right up into the air.
Oh my god!! Whales!! cried Marie and she did a little dance and pulled out her camera.
We havent seen whales here for months! This is incredible!!!
Charlie got up and ran to the end of the boat, Marek came up right behind her.
Quick Eva, get the camera! cried Tom as he too rushed to the end of the boat.
They are humpback whales, looks to be about four of them. Doug said in a matter of
fact way. Charlie got out her camera and took as many pictures as she could. She found it
hard to get a good picture of any of them at first. Then suddenly, one of the whales shot
up and about half its body came out of the water. Eva, Tom and Marie all let out an
amazed cry, but Charlie and Marek merely stood frozen still, absorbed by what they were
witnessing in front of them.
Anyone know what thats called? When a whale jumps up like that? asked Doug
Breaching. Said Marek
Correct! Good work lad! Said Doug and he patted Marek on the shoulder.
Now lets hope you can see one spy-hopping. Said Marie
What is spy-hopping? asked Eva.
Marie was about to speak, when Doug cut her off. He had his hands on his hips and
looked in his element.
Well, spy-hopping is when a humpback whale sticks its head out of the water for about
half a minute or so. It does this so it can get a good look at what is going on around
Marek seemed to be nodding in agreement, one of the many documentaries he had
watched had talked about this in detail.

About five minutes had passed and Charlie and Marek were the only ones to still be
standing at the end of the boat, intently watching the whales. Marie felt she had got
enough pictures by now, and Eva and Tom had sat back down and were talking to each
other. Doug came out of the cabin.
Righto, we better head back now.

Wait! One of the whales seems to be coming closer to the boat! said Charlie with an
exciting squeak in her voice.
Marie and Doug both came over.
Dont worry love, they are not dangerous. Well, sometimes they forget their size and
strength, but they wont intentionally attack us or anything. said Doug.
Charlie and Marek watched as the whale went right under the boat, then turned around
and stopped. The sun had sunk a bit lower, but the ocean was still an orangey colour, so
they had to squint hard in order to see anything. Suddenly, about fifteen meters from the
boat, the water started to lift up. Then, to everyones shock, the whale that had gone
under the boat stuck its head right out of the water.
Bloody hell! Its spy-hopping this close to the boat! Doug shouted
Oh my god! This has never happened before! Said Marie
Charlie stood there in awe, as the giant creature in front of them simply stood frozen right
in front of her. The whale had come out of the water so its left eye was facing the boat,
and Charlie could see its huge eye was looking intently at her and seemed to be filled
with a kind of curiosity. Charlie could feel her eyes growing hot and her heart racing.
Seeing the turtle earlier in the day had been amazing, and she felt it would be a while
until anything happened in her life that would be just as surreal and amazing as that. And
yet, in the same day, right in front of her now, was one of the biggest creatures in the
world, staring at her with just as much wonder as she had for it. Charlie quickly grabbed
her camera and took some photos. She turned to Marek, and found that he had a look of
utter disbelief on his face. Without a word, she leaned over and hugged him around his
torso. Marek didnt look away from the whale, but lifted his left arm so that Charlie could
give him a tight and comfortable hug.
This has been the best day of my life Charlie. And I honestly mean that. There is
absolutely no way I can ever repay you for this. Or for everything else you have done for
me. You are the nicest person I have ever known, I swear.
Charlie felt a tear run down her cheek. Never had anyone said anything so nice to her,
and Charlie knew just how much Marek had meant it. Her head was running with a
thousand right things to say back to him, but in the end she felt the simplest answer
would be the best.
Youre welcome Marek, and right back at you too.

It had felt like a lifetime, but just as quickly as it had come, the whale let out a long,
sweet cry and disappeared back into the ocean and was out of view. Charlie let go of
Marek and they both turned around to find everyone else on the boat staring at them.
Suddenly Charlie realized just how over-the-top silly romantics they must have looked
like. She had a sudden urge to tell everyone about how Marek had locked himself up in
an asylum and had not travelled anywhere for years, then realized Marek probably
wouldnt like that. Without knowing what to say, she merely looked down at her feet and
felt her face go red. Marek did exactly the same thing at almost the exact same time.
That was absolutely adorable! cried Marie
Tom and Eva merely kept smiling at them, both with an amused look on their faces.
Doug clapped his hands and cleared his throat.

Righto! Looks like I better take you back now. You two are getting too lovey-dovey for
my taste. The misses is going to get jealous and break down on me! Then well all be up
the creek!
Everyone laughed. Charlie and Marek, still red faced, went and sat back down.

Chapter 47

Marie walked over and sat next to Charlie. She leant over with her camera in her hands so
that Marek could also see it. The picture on her camera was of the two of them hugging
while watching the whale spy-hopping. They both had their backs to the camera, but
Marie had managed to take the photo with the whale completely in the picture as well, as
well as both of them. It was a magnificent photo.
Wow I would really like a copy of that. Said Marek
No problem! Come and see me tomorrow, Ill print it out tonight. Marie said with a
smile, then she got up and headed back to talk to Doug.

By the time the boat got back to the pier the sun was almost out of sight for the day.
Marek and Charlie were both happy to find that at the beginning of the pier there was a
carnival going, from the boat they could see a big Ferris-wheel, and various other rides.
Music was pumping loudly, as if drawing their attention and calling them both in.

Marek and Charlie both thanked Marie and Doug a thousand times for such a great day.
Charlie had the thought to invite everyone to dinner, but everyone looked as if they were
ready to go their own way. Eva and Tom had said goodbye and were walking hand in
hand down the pier by the time that Marek and Charlie got off the boat.
Well, what do feel like doing now? Marek asked.
Lets go over and check out the carnival. We are here already, so we might as well. Plus,
if its no good we can always leave.
Ok, sounds good.
Marek took Charlie by the hand and started walking down the pier. They walked in
silence together, passing different stalls and shops, until they got to the entrance of the
carnival. There was a long line, and Charlie could see that it would be $15 each just to get
into the carnival. She was about to suggest to do something else when she felt someone
grab her left arm hard and jerk her around. When Charlie turned her face went white and
her stomach twisted.
Ive been waiting for you to finish your little tour. It wasnt hard to find you, remember
that I am your father you little bitch.
Charlie could feel her eyes getting hot and her heart felt as though it would fly out of her
mouth. She did the best she could to stay calm.
Go away. Im not going to do what you tell me. Go away!
She did her best to pull herself out of his grip, but her father held her arm too tightly. She
felt a hand rest on her shoulder and turned to find Marek standing next to her.
You heard her, she told you to go away. Now let go of her. Marek said, his voice cold
and demanding.
Charlies father began laughing.
Piss off you little shit. She is my fucking daughter, and I can do what I want with her.

Marek took a step forward and was now face to face with her father. Charlie was still
trying to squeeze out of his grip.
Yes, she is your daughter, but that doesnt mean you own her. You cant treat her
however you like, and spend her money when it pleases you. She is past eighteen as well,
so she is old enough to do as she likes.
There was a crowd of people starting to circle around them now, Charlies father had
been yelling loudly, so everyone around had come to see what was happening. Like all
onlookers in a situation like this, everyone was happy to watch what was happening, but
no one looked as though they were going to help. Marek grabbed Charlies fathers arm.
Let her go, now!
Charlies father laughed and looked around at all the people watching. It seemed as
though in some way he was enjoying what was going on. Suddenly Marek pushed him
hard. He stumbled, and at the same time Charlie pulled her arm back and broke free from
his hold. Marek turned to face Charlie.
Go Charlie! Run! Ill hold him back. Go wherever! Leave Sherlock beach if you have to,
just go now! Marek yelled.
Charlie stood for a moment, her mind racing of all the things she should do. She looked
at her father and saw the rage in his eyes, rage unlike she had ever seen her father have.
She was scared, more scared of her father than she could recall. With no other choice, she
turned and started running in the direction behind her. She pushed through the crowd of
onlookers. When she finally got through everyone she heard a loud painful cry. Still
running, she turned her head back to see if she could see anything. There were too many
people in the way, so she could see nothing. Charlie had not stopped running as she
turned back to look. She jumped from shock when she heard a loud horn. She turned to
her right and saw a bus coming directly at her. The horn was blaring and the tires were
screeching, Charlie stood like a rabbit in headlights, seeing her life flash before her eyes.
Charlies last thought was of seeing the whale with Marek earlier that day, she felt the
bus connect hard with her body, only for a split second, then nothing.

6 Months Later

Chapter 48

Marek walked into the asylum slowly, he had had a long bus ride back from the airport
and his backpack felt as though it was full rocks.
Marek! Welcome back dear! Said Esther from her usual place behind the reception
Thanks Esther, how have things been here?
Oh, nothing really much to tell honestly.
Any incidents with him?
Esther shook her head and smiled.
No, not a single one the whole time you were gone. Anyway, Im more interested to
know how your trip was!
Canada is a beautiful place! Cold as ice, but I still really liked it a lot. Ill show you
some photos later if you like?
Oh yes dear that would be lovely!
Marek smiled as the elevator dinged. With the size of his bag it was lucky he was the
only one that needed to use the elevator. As he stepped out onto his floor and walked to
his room door, he could feel his heart racing and his eyes watering. Though a small part
was always going to be sad, he was mostly happy beyond belief as he opened his
apartment door. Once the door was open all the way, the person in the bed sat bolt
upright with a big smile on her face.
Hello! Im Charlie, who are you?
Im Marek, its nice to meet you Charlie!
Its nice to meet you Marek! What is with the big bag on your back?
Well you see Charlie, I just came back from Canada!
Charlies eyes lit up.
Canada! Wow! I want to go to Canada one day!
Marek felt as if someone stabbed him in the heart. No matter how many times he had
heard her say something like this, it never got easier to hear it. He put on his best smile
and shoved his emotions down into his stomach.
Yes! Im sure one day you will be able to go to Canada Charlie.
Marek walked over to the chair next to Charlies bed and sat down with his bag in front
of him.
I have bought some things for you from Canada Charlie.
Wow! That is so nice of you! And I dont even know you!
Marek felt his eyes growing hot, though he forced his tears down as best he could.
Actually Charlie, you and I know each other quite well. You see, its because of you and
everything you did to help me that gave me enough confidence to travel overseas and see
the world.
Charlie gave him a confused look.
Are you sure? Im sure Ive never met you before.
Marek breathed deep.
Yes, you see I lived in this very room all by myself for a number of years due to a
disease I have from my family. I never left this place for very long because I was so
scared of my disease starting when I was in public. But then, one day, you came along,

and you helped me see that there is still time for me. I still had enough time to do the
things I wanted with my life before the disease I have would start.
Marek watched Charlie nod with what he was saying, and although he wanted even the
slightest bit of her face to show that she remembered all of this, he knew it wasnt going
to happen.
And you know whats funny? I told you once that I never got tested to see if I ever
actually had the disease I was sure I would have. The hardest thing of all is that I got very
angry at you for telling me to get tested, and because of what happened we never got the
chance to properly talk about it.
What happened? asked Charlie
Marek took a deep breath in order to (once again) take control of his emotions before
Well Charlie, you and I were down at a beach together, and something bad happened.
Something bad?
Yes, a a bad man tried to take you away. So I stopped him so you could run away
from him. But, as you were running away you got hit by a bus.
What?! I got hit by a bus?! Charlies eyes went wide as she shrieked this.
Yes, that is why when you want to leave this bed you have to use the wheelchair over
there, because your legs were damaged badly.
Charlie looked over at the wheelchair, then down at her legs.
The nice nurse lady told me that if I needed to go anywhere to call her so she can put me
in the wheelchair.
When did she tell you that? asked Marek
Charlie looked up at the clock on the right side of her room.
Um, about two hours ago, when she brought me my lunch.
That means Ive got about two hours. Marek thought to himself.
The two of them were silent for a moment. Marek felt that this never got any easier, but
Esther and other family members of other patients at the asylum said that it would. His
only hope was that it would be easier soon. Marek knew that if he kept silent it was
always harder for Charlie to come to terms with everything, especially when she was in
this personality.
Anyway Charlie, thanks to you and everything you helped me with, Im now able to
travel and see the world. So far I have been to four countries, and I am planning to book a
big, three month tour to travel all of South America.
That sounds like its going to be a lot of fun! But Im still not sure if it was me that
helped you sorry. Charlie said while shaking her head.
It was you! And it still is you! Marek screamed in his mind.
He smiled at Charlie.
Im pretty sure it was you Charlie.
There was a knock at the door.
Oh Marek! Welcome back! How are you dear?
Im fine Rita, yourself?
Very well thank you.
Rita was the nurse that had been hired to look after Charlie while Marek was away. She
had other patients to attend to, but on her waist was a little blue beeper that would go off
every four hours.

Just came to grab the lunch tray. Rita said while walking into the room.
Here it is. That was some very nice food, thank you very much! said Charlie.
You dont have to thank me dear, but you are most welcome.
Rita, what does the time on your beeper say? asked Marek.
Rita pulled the beeper from her waist and looked at it closely.
Two hours, thirteen minutes and thirty four seconds.
Marek nodded, pulled out his phone and put three hours and twelve minutes into his
phones timer app.
Rita smiled and quietly left the room.

Marek had been speaking to Charlie about what his trip was like in Canada. One by one
he gave her all the gifts he had brought her, showed her every photo he had taken and
gave long descriptions about each one. Marek looked up at the clock that was in Charlies
room, then checked the time on his phone.
Twenty minutes Marek said to himself. He looked over to Charlie.
Well Charlie, I must be off, I hoped you liked listening about my trip to Canada and all
the things I brought you.
Charlie smiled, a huge and happy smile that Marek loved to see.
Yes very much! Thank you for spending so much time with me!
Marek couldnt breathe, he knew he wasnt supposed to do this, but his emotions were
impossible to ignore.
Before I go Charlie, could I possible give you a hug?
Charlie looked at him in a confused way, not sure what to make of this request. Her face
went red and she smiled sheepishly.
Ok, if it is just a hug then thats fine. Youll have to come over here though, because of
my legs.
Marek didnt think twice, he got up and threw his arms around her. By now he had not
shed a tear, but hugging Charlie so tightly and with every ounce of love he had ever felt
for another person. He hugged her as tightly as he could, letting a couple of tears flow. At
first Charlie didnt return his hug, she was shocked at how intense his was. But after a
moment, she brought her arms up and hugged him back.
You smell very nice. Charlie said
Thanks, its a special type of cologne called dj vu.
It felt like a life time, and yet after a moment Marek knew he had to let go, if he hugged
Charlie for too long it would be awkward and possibly even scary for her. He pulled
away from her and turned his head so she couldnt see his tears. He walked over to the
door and was about to leave when he stopped.
Good bye Charlie, thank you for everything.
Good bye Marek, it was lovely to meet you.

Chapter 49

Marek walked out into the corridor, and went into the room opposite Charlies, the same
room where the two of them had hidden from her father. Once the door was closed Marek
threw his backpack on the floor, went over and sat on his bed. He sat there for a moment
in silence, merely trying to recover himself. After a moment he looked over to his

bedside table. On the bedside table sat a portrait shot of Charlie. It was one of the photos
that had been taken for her passport. Marek had gotten it blown up to be A5 size. It was a
simple photo of Charlie smiling, she had to take another photo as on passport photos it is
recommended not to smile. But because it turned out to be a nice photo (and because
Marek had no photos of Charlie), Marek had paid for the copies of the first photo.
He was told by a therapist that if he spoke to something that reminded him of Charlie and
said all the things he wanted to say to her, it would help him relax when he was actually
around her. He was also told it was the key time to let all his emotions out. He picked up
the portrait photo, looked at it for a long moment, and then hugged it tight.
I love you Charlie. Everything that you have done for me ever since I first met you. I
love you so much for it. No one has ever shown me such kindness. No one has ever
simply enjoyed being around me
Marek felt his tears grow hot and his temper rise. He stood up and (still hugging the
photo) started pacing around the room.
Its not fair! Its not fucking fair! Why did you have to get into an accident?! Why did
your father have to treat you in such a bad way?!
Marek fell to the floor, and lay on his side, still clutching the photo. He lay there and let
out all of his tears, tears mixed with sadness, anger and love.

After he had been lying on floor for a while, Marek checked the timer app on his phone.
Shit! Five minutes, I better have a quick shower and get changed.
He put the photo of Charlie back on the bedside table, got up and went to have a shower.

Chapter 50

Marek stood out in the hallway with his back to his bedroom door. He had calmed
himself down immensely, for he knew what was about to happen and had to be ready for
it. The lift dinged and out came Rita, she was in a hurry, but stopped dead in her tracks
when she saw Marek.
Marek, are you sure? You dont want to wait till tomorrow, get a good sleep and all
before you start again?
Marek smiled.
Your very sweet Rita, but Im ready. I feel I am and I know I am. Ill be fine.
Rita nodded, unclipped the blue beeper from her waist and handed it to Marek. Without a
word, Marek checked to find it had sixty seconds left. He then clipped the blue beeper
onto his waist. Rita cleared her throat.
You know I dont have a busy day today. If you want I-
Marek held up his hand to stop her.
Ill be fine. Marek spoke softly but sternly. He knew that Rita was only trying to help
him out, but as always, he wanted to do this alone.
Right, well, page me if you need me. Rita said as she turned to the lift, it had not been
called down, so Rita was gone as quickly as she came.

Marek had been standing there, in front of his room door, merely waiting.
Beep beep beep!

The blue beeper on Mareks waist began to go off, Marek pushed the stop button to
silence it.
The scream had come from Charlies room. Marek flung open the door.
Charlie! Charlie its ok!
Where am I?!? What is this place?!?
Charlie, you were in an accident. Ok? You had a bad accident about six months ago.
You dont remember because you hit your head very hard and have suffered amnesia
because of it. Please try to calm down.
Why cant I walk, whats wrong with my legs?! Charlie was rubbing her legs and trying
to move them.
When the bus hit you Charlie, you received some severe spinal damage. As a result, you
can no longer use your legs. Please try to relax.
Charlie began to hyperventilate, Marek grabbed the mask that was beside her bed. When
he went to put it on her, Charlie began to push him away and was screaming. Marek tried
a few times, but she smacked him away each time. With no other choice, Marek
overpowered her and tied her arms down to the bed. With her arms secure, he was able to
put the oxygen mask on her.
Of course she has the worst relapse personality when I just got back from overseas!
Marek thought to himself.
Still, shes not speaking some language no one knows like she sometimes does. It was an
attempt to laugh through the situation and to cheer himself up, about the only Marek
could do to keep going. He looked down at Charlie, her arms tied and with an oxygen
mask on her face. She was beside herself in tears. Now and again she would let out a loud
Charlie, listen to me. Im sorry I had to tie your arms down, and I know it is very hard
for you to understand right now. But please try to calm down, and I can tell you
everything about why you are here.
Charlie shot Marek an evil look, filled with hate and rage.
Who are you!? she asked
Marek felt his heart jump and his chest tighten. Of everything that happens when Charlie
relapsed, this was always hard for him to hear.
Im your carer Charlie, my name is Marek.
You?! Youre a man! I dont want you to care for me! I want a woman! GO AWAY!
This was only the fourth time since the accident Charlie had said this to Marek, he felt
tears coming into his eyes. He knew already that while she was acting like this, nothing
he could do or say would get her to change her mind. He nodded, walked over to the
phone and called Esther.
Ill send Rita up right away.
Marek hung up the phone and looked over at Charlie. In every single way he wanted to
help her, but it was just something that he couldnt do right now. In less than a minute,
Rita was in the room and over talking to Charlie. Marek stood for a brief moment
watching, then went up to sit on the roof.

Chapter 51


Marek had been sitting in the same spot on the roof of the asylum where Charlie found
him drunk and singing for a little over an hour. His mood had ranged from being angry at
Charlies father and wanting to kill him, to blaming himself and wanting to jump off the
asylum. His main thought was the morbid comfort that in about four hours Charlie will
have a different relapse personality, and maybe then he could help her. He began to think
of all the different personalities she could be after the next relapse, in total Marek had
counted ten different personalities. The funniest in his opinion was when she woke up
and acted as if she was some kind of bar girl. Marek knew that this was because of how
her ex-boyfriend had treated her, but he still couldnt help but laugh at how she would
say things like I want to make you feel good by using my body like only a women can.
In Mareks opinion, the saddest (even sadder than when he got kicked out of the room)
was when she went back to being around the age of five. Marek would cringe each time
she would ask for her daddy.

Marek began to think of what Charlie would want him to do in this sort of situation.
Come on Marek! She wouldnt want you sitting up here being a sook for four hours. She
would want you to go and do something fun or constructive with your time. You know
that! He got up and headed for the door. After walking down into his room he realised
just how hungry he was. Coming out of his room after getting changed he found Rita
waiting at the lift. Marek walked up to stand next to her, and could see the grief in her
I had to sedate her, this is her worst relapse personality by a landslide, so I didnt have a
Marek said nothing, but nodded his head. He had full trust in Rita, and knew that she
would not simply sedate her to get out of the room.
What a shame, you come back from a trip away and her first personality after a relapse is
this one! said Rita
Its ok. I got to talk to her a lot before this relapse, the personality she had before this
one was the bubbly one. So it was great to talk to her.
Rita nodded and gave Marek a smile. As they got into the lift together Rita felt she should
change the subject.
Heading out? she asked
Yeah, Im starving, I just realised that I havent eaten anything all day, so Im going to
head to a restaurant somewhere.
Well, while youve been away a new restaurant opened up. Its a Thai restaurant called
Siam smiles and its absolutely lovely!
Marek smiled, he was very happy to hear this.
Sounds good! Where is it?
Just take the 419 bus and get off at the fourth stop, you can see it on the opposite side of
the road on your way up.
Awesome! Thanks very much Rita.
Youre welcome dear.
The lift opened on the ground floor and Esther looked at Marek. She looked as though
she was about to say something to Marek, when she noticed Ritas eyes widen and her
head quickly shake from side to side. Marek pretended not to see this, gave Rita the blue
beeper he had in his hand, smiled at Esther, and left.

Chapter 52

When Marek entered the restaurant he was greeted by one of the waitresses with a wai.
Marek did his best to hold his hands right and bow correctly, but he knew he probably
looked like a fool.
How many people? The waitress asked
Just one.
Marek was shown over to a booth that could seat four. There were only three tables with
people on them, mostly due to it being that wonderful time of day when it is too late for
lunch, but too early for dinner. Marek however hadnt eaten anything all day, so the time
factor was not an issue for him.

After placing his order, Marek did what he would always do when he went to a restaurant
by himself. He began to imagine Charlie sitting on the opposite side of the table. He had
spoken to his therapist about this, worried that it meant he was slowly going crazy. But
his therapist had told him it was perfectly normal for him to imagine her there or
anywhere else, he just had to remember that it was merely imagination.
She would love this place. The different food and the welcoming Thai greeting, the wai
when you enter. She would love this place
Marek thought about the times he had taken Charlie to places within walking distance of
the asylum. If she was in the right personality, it was not an issue to take her outside in
her wheel chair, Marek just had to make sure she was back in her room before she would
have a relapse.
We have literally had our lives reversed. I used to be the one that couldnt go far away
from the asylum, now its her that cant go anywhere far away.
Marek could feel tears coming up and shook his head in frustration.
Stop it! Dont think about it now!
Lucky for Marek, at this same moment his food came to the table. The waitress saw the
expression on his face as she was approaching the table.
Are you ok? she asked him
Yeah Im fine. Marek replied with a smile.
She smiled back and left. Marek turned all his attention to the food. Another thing he had
learnt from his therapist was to diagnose everything around him in order to think about
something else when he was feeling sad. Marek felt he knew a few things about Thai
cuisine after spending a week in Thailand and taking a Thai cooking class. So he spent
the remainder of his time at the restaurant deciphering everything about the food he was
eating and the pictures around the restaurant of different places of Thailand, making
himself feel better.

Chapter 53

Walking into the reception of the asylum Marek found Rita changed back into her casual
clothes, talking to Esther.
Oh! Great timing! I was just telling Esther to let you know that Charlie is now in her
silent relapse personality. What did you think of the restaurant?

It was great! Thanks for the info, Im sure Ill head back there again.
You were gone for quite a while. Said Esther, trying not to sound concerned.
Yeah, I walked back.
Both Esther and Rita gave him a shocked look.
You walked back! That would have taken at least an hour! said Rita
Yeah, a little over an hour, but it was a good walk, the weather isnt too bad and all.
Rita and Esther gave each other a look.
Well, anyway Im off. Ill see you both tomorrow. Rita said as she handed Marek the
blue beeper and left.
Marek checked the beeper to find it had two hours, forty eight minutes and twenty four
seconds on it. He smiled.
Well, good night Esther, you must be finishing up soon?
Yes dear, in about an hour.
Marek smiled and went to the lift.

When Marek entered Charlies room, he looked over and found her as he expected her in
this relapse personality. Lying perfectly still, staring at the ceiling. This personality
always made him sad, but deep down he secretly liked it, because he could talk to her
about anything. He walked over to her bed, Charlies eyes shifted to look at his face, then
went back to staring at the ceiling again.
Hello Charlie, my name is Marek and I am your carer.
Marek pulled the chair over and sat facing her.
I also am your boyfriend, who loves you very much. You dont remember this though,
because you had a terrible accident that has left you with amnesia and not being able to
Marek watched intently for some reaction from Charlie, but like every personality, there
was no memory of anything he spoke about.
I have been looking after you, ever since your accident happened. I have also been
travelling the world, because we had a plan to travel together and see the world together.
And, even though you cannot come with me, you are always there with me, every second
of my trips overseas. I go to places, take photos and buy things all so you can see where I
have been, because I want you to know you are there with me.
Marek could feel the tears running down his cheek, though in this personality, Marek
could be naked and dancing and there would still be no reaction from Charlie.
I have some other good news that I can only tell you when you are in this personality.
Before you were my girlfriend, you were the girlfriend of another guy. But, he was very
mean to you and treated you very badly. When you told me this before your accident I
made a promise to myself that I would find him and make him pay. When I checked it
out with the local police, your ex-boyfriend was already doing fifteen years in jail for
gang rape and filming what he was doing. So, I can only hope he is getting what he
deserves while he is in jail. One of the girls was under the age of eighteen, and Ive heard
stories about what happens to paedophiles in prison, I can only hope now that its true.
Marek picked up Charlies hand and placed it in his. There was no reaction of any sort
from Charlie. She still lay there staring at the ceiling.

Also, after what happened with your father, I got a lawyer and went to court. Your father
tried to get the right to see you with some high-priced fancy lawyer, but he lost at the
trial. And now has to stay at least fifty feet away from the asylum at all times. Sometimes
he tries to sneak in, but Esther and the police have always managed to stop him. When
your mother found out about how you got into the accident, she filed for a divorce right
away and I am very happy to tell you that your mother and sister Victoria are much
happier for it. They both come and see you every Sunday, regardless of what personality
you are in. Aside from the one you are in now, you always remember them and are
always happy to see them. I cant lie, Im very jealous of the two of them. But, I still get
to see you each and every day. And I get to see every side of you, all your different
personalities. Some I like more than others, but Im never angry at you because of the
personality your in.
Marek got up now and kissed Charlie on the forehead. He looked deep into her eyes, but
still she stared straight up, not saying a word. Marek did his best to stop crying.
Charlie, I love you so much. Every time I told you that when my illness takes effect, I
wanted you to promise me that you would leave me and find someone else. But, you
made me realise that what I was asking you to do simply wasnt fair. Well, it seems for
the time being, our roles have reversed in this regard. So I can say with all my heart that I
am not going to leave your side. I will look after you every day I am at the asylum, and I
will still travel the world and see all the sights we wanted to see together. And take
photos to show you and bring you back all kinds of souvenirs. And one day if my
illness does kick in, Ill be right across the hall in the other room. And you and I can be
patients in this asylum together.
Marek smiled and laughed a soft laugh. He kissed Charlie on the forehead one more time,
sat back down with her hand still in his, laid his head on the side of her bed, and drifted to

The end

Hey thanks for reading this story. I hope you enjoyed it!

If you have the time, please e-mail me at:

To let me know what you think. This is the first story I have written in its entirety, so any
feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again!

Andrew Gar Holmes

Cover image thanks to

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