Script Hansel and Gretel-Editable Part

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Father (Hans)
Stepmother (Elsa) Normalawati Mat Rahim
Old Woman (Witch)
Narrator : Hansel and Gretel lived in a small house near a orest hi!h up on a mountain" #he$ lived
with their poor ather who was a woodcutter to!ether with their evil stepmother"
( In the Cottage )
Stepmother : Now that the children are sleeping, I have to talk to yo!There is not enogh "ood
in the hose "or s all. We don%t have enou!h ood &ecause $our children eat too much"
Father : So what shall we do'
Stepmother : ( have an idea" #a)e the children into the orest and leave them there" #omorrow* we
must ta)e them ar into the orest and lose them" (%m sure the$ won%t &e a&le to ind their wa$ &ac)"
#hen we won%t have to eed them and we will have enou!h ood+
Father : ( will not do that to m$ own children+ ,o $ou thin) that ( will leave them there where the$
can &e in dan!er+
Stepmother : We won%t have enou!h ood to eed them"( $ou won%t !et rid o the children* we%ll all
starve" #hen our o us will die+
Narrator : -ut Hensel and Gretel were not sleepin!" #he$ heard these terri&le words o Elsa%s"
Hansel : ,on%t worr$* m$ little sister" ( have an idea to ind our wa$ &ac) home"
Narrator : .ater that ni!ht* he /uietl$ went out and pic)ed up some white stones" #he stones shone
&ri!htl$ in the moonli!ht"
( In the Deep Forest )
Gretel : Father* (%m scared" 0ome with us and hold m$ hand"
Father : ( will m$ dear dau!hter" .et me hold $our hand"
Narrator : While the$ were wal)in!* Hansel dropped the white stones on the path into the orest
&ecause he )new that he and Gretel would ind them shinin! &ri!htl$ in the moonli!ht" When the$
reached the deep orest Elsa said:
Stepmother : We need more wood to made a ire" Wait here children" 1our ather and ( will !o and
!et some" When we%re done* we%ll come &ac) and ta)e $ou home"
Narrator : Elsa and Hans never came &ac)" 2er$ /uic)l$*evenin! turned to ni!ht and the moon
came out"
Hansel : .oo) Gretel* the moon is shinin! on m$ white stones" We can ollow them all the wa$
Narrator : #he children ollowed the stones until the$ could see their home" #he$ ran to their ather
and hu!!ed him" Elsa was an!r$"
Stepmother : ( hate those children" ( must tr$ a!ain tomorrow"
Narrator : #he ne3t da$ Elsa !ave each o them some hard &read or their lunch"
Stepmother: Get up* $ou slu!!ards" We are !oin! into the orest to etch wood
Stepmother : ,on%t eat this &read &eore lunch &ecause this is all $ou are !oin! to eat toda$"
Hansel 4 Gretel : We won%t" !o and help $our ather !et some more wood"
Narrator : While the$ were wal)in!* Hansel dropped pieces o the hard &read onto the path in
order to ind their wa$ &ac) home"
Stepmother : Now* children* la$ $ourselves down and rest* we will !o into the orest and cut some
wood" When we have done* we will come &ac) and etch $ou awa$" Sta$ here until we come to pic)
$ou up"
Narrator : When the moon came up"""
Hansel : 0ome on Gretel" (ts time to ind our wa$ home"
Gretel : (%ll help $ou ind the &read"
Hansel : ( can%t ind an$+
Gretel : ( )new it" #he &irds ate them" Now what are we !oin! to do'
Narrator : #he children wal)ed and wal)ed &ut could not ind their wa$ home" #he$ were tired and
hun!r$" When the mornin! came""""
Gretel : 5uic)l$+ .et%s ollow the &ird" (t mi!ht lead us to the ri!ht path"
Narrator : #he$ ran as ast as the$ could until the$ could not see the &ird an$more and the$
stopped" Suddenl$* the$ saw a little house" (t was made o coo)ies and ca)es* chocolate* coconut*
ice cream* su!ar* ruit and lots o other sweet thin!s"
(At the witch house )
Hansel : #his house is weird" .oo) Gretel* it%s all made up o chocolate* coo)ies and &reads"
Gretel : (t%s delicious" (%ve never tasted an$thin! li)e this in m$ whole lie"
Narrator : Suddenl$* an u!l$ old woman opened the door"
Witch : Oh* poor o $ou+ 6lease come inside" #here%s more here"
Narrator : #he children went inside"
Witch : Sleep here toni!ht"(%ll ta)e $ou home tomorrow"
Hansel : #han) $ou" 1ou%re ver$ )ind"
Narrator : #he children went to sleep" #hen suddenl$ at midni!ht* the witch pulled Hansel out o
Witch : Ha+ Now (%ve !ot $ou" ( want to eat $ou"
Narrator : #he witch put Hansel in a ca!e" She !ave Hansel so much ood to !et him ad and &e
!ood to eat"
Witch : Soon (%ll eat the &o$" 0lean m$ loor*little one+
Narrator : #he witch could not see ver$ well" Ever$da$ she as)ed Hansel""""
Witch : 7re $ou at*$et '
Narrator : 0lever Hansel alwa$s put a chic)en &one throu!h the ca!e or the witch to eel"
Witch : Not $et+ 1our in!er%s too thin
Narrator : One da$ the witch shouted"
Witch : ( can%t wait" (%ll coo) the &o$ toda$+ .ittle one* ( want m$ oven hot"
Narrator : Gretel was so scared" She put wood on the ire as she was told* while she thou!ht a&out
what to do"
Wich : (s the ire read$'
Narrator : #he witch could not see ver$ well* she &ent down to loo)"
Witch : Get out o m$ wa$* !irl+ ( want to see &$ m$sel"
Narrator : Suddenl$* Gretel ran &ehind the witch and pushed her as hard as she could" #hen she
/uic)l$ shut the door* leavin! the &ad witch inside"
Gretel : 0ome on Hansel*run+
Hansel : Hurr$+ ( )now there is treasure inside" .et%s ind it and !o /uic)l$"
Narrator : #he children ound the treasure and put it in their poc)ets" #he$ ran outside the house as
ast as the$ could" #he$ too) a lon! time to ind the wa$"
(In the cottage)
Hansel : We are inall$ home+
Narrator : #he$ were e3cited to see their ather wor)in! in the !arden"
Father : M$ dear children+
Hansel 4 Gretel : Father + Where is our stepmother'
Father : Elsa was a &ad woman &ut she%s !one and won%t comin! &ac)"
Hansel : We missed $ou"
Father : (%m sorr$ ( let $ou in the orest"
Narrator: #he$ showed him the treasure the$ had &rou!ht &ac)"
Hansel : .oo) ather+ Now we%re not poor+ We%ll have enou!h to eat now"
Father : 6lease or!ive me+
Hansel 4 Gretel : We love $ou* there%s nothin! to or!ive"
#he end"""""""
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