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ENGG1000: Engineering Design and Innovation

Final Report
Documentation in the form of report writing is a crucial part of the engineering process. The
purpose of a technical report is to record relevant information gathered during the research, design,
construction and testing of an engineering project, so that others may share this information and
learn from it. It should be clear and concise. Imagine that you are writing the report for students in
next years class, so that they can learn from your mistakes and build on your work to create a better
space elevator. These students have the design brief but they have no way to see your elevator.
The overall aim of this activity is to consider and prepare a technical report on the design and
construction of a space elevator that constituted the major project of the course. In the report, you
should make the rationale behind your final design clear, and you shall reflect upon the design
process as a whole. In essence, this is the final Learning Portfolio activity for the course.
Important notes
This assignment is in part a group assignment and in part an individual assignment. You are
encouraged to discuss and plan the activity with team members and other students, and to share
information with your team members, however, each team member is expected to (1) contribute to
the preparation of the final report and (2) clearly identify their contributions to the report. You will
obtain part of your marks from the group sections, and part from your individual section. What
others do in their individual section does not influence the marks you get in your individual section;
however your mark is influenced by what others do in the group section.
Hints: Do not make statements without justification. Do not make up fictitious estimates. You
must reference all sources. Number, caption and introduce all figures, diagrams, tables. Number
and introduce each section and equation. Be honest about the usefulness of formal methods.
Always tie things down to specifics. Generalising is OK, but must be backed up by at least one
example. Your previous work may be useful, but be sure to revise it knowing what you know now.
Address the marking criteria systematically and point by point. This is not an essay-style
assignment the reports are marked by checking off your responses in the appropriate sections
against the marking criteria.
Due date
This activity is due by 11:55 pm, Friday Week 13 (J une 6) and is to be submitted via the Moodle
site. The late-work policy outlined in the course syllabus applies to this activity and will be
vigorously enforced. You should receive acknowledgement that the submission was successful, if
you do not, try again, if you are still not successful, email, with your
submission attached, immediately (dont wait two days and then tell me that you couldnt upload it).
Do not leave it to the last moment!

Structure and Content
The submission should include the following:
(Hint address all the criteria clearly in headings so that marking is easy.)
Front Content Group Contribution (23 marks total)
General (2 marks is the front content well written and easy to understand? 1 marks is the
document laid out in a reasonable format that presents well enough?
(1) a nice cover page with team/car name, date, team members and student ID and a picture of
your car (1 page);
(2 marks 1 if all names and student numbers included , 1 mark for having everything else)
(2) an abstract that summarises the whole report in 100 words or less (half page, and note that
the purpose of the abstract is not to described the structure of the report but to report the
main findings);
(6 marks does the abstract summarise the project reasonably well? 5 marks for remarkable
submission, 3 for average submission)
(3) a table of contents that lists the major sections of the report (half page)
(1 marks does the TOC list all of the sections of the report?)
(4) an introduction that explains the background, scope and objectives of the project so that
readers can understand the relevance of the report it should also describe the structure
of the report (not more than 1 page)
(12 marks 5 marks for some background; 5 marks for some scope/objectives; 2 marks for
structure of the report)

Report Body Content Individual Contribution (65 marks total)
(5) the body, composed of several individual subsections, each addressing the criteria listed in
the section Individual Contribution Criteria in this document.
(see below)

Back Content Group Contribution (12 marks total)
(7) a conclusion that summarises the main findings, and recommends further work (half page)
(up to 12 marks 2 marks for each insightful comment related to a technical issue or learning
process (or other insightful comment)

Teams must decide how to divide up the work for the Front and Back Content. See the sample
Table of Contents at the end of this specification. Note that the group marks are subject to
adjustment by iPeer at the end of the course, as outline in the course outline.

Individual Contribution Criteria
The body of the report will be composed of several subsections. Each section describes the
design/construction/testing/performance of one technical aspect of the car. Each team member
must choose a different aspect or subsystem to report on, and teams must coordinate their
submissions to avoid lost marks.
At least three subsystems must be discussed. You may choose to double-up on some subsystems if
you cannot think of enough subsystems for the whole group (i.e. two people do the same system).
This does not mean you share the work each person still needs to do their own, independent
Each team member shall prepare one subsection. Prepare as an individual. Put your name and
student number at the top of each subsection.
Please note that copying anothers work is considered plagiarism and a breach of UNSWs policy on
academic misconduct. Please refer to the course and school outlines for more information.

A. Individual Subsystem Reports (45 marks total)
Choose a subsystem to consider, discuss the following on up to three pages only.
A.1 Title
Write a title that describes the subsystem.
A.2 Rationale (20 marks total)
Present the rationale for the design of the subsystem. Refer to the final implementation. Dont
hypothesise about fictitious implementations.
(4 marks each point)
(1) Problem statement
Do not repeat the overall problem statement formulate one specific to this subsystem
remember to emphasize FUNCTION.
(2) Design goals
Do not use overall design goals use ones specific to this subsystem. Do not rely on your
previous work formulate the best ones knowing what you know now. Describing what the
goals actually mean may be required.
(3) Creative development
How did you generate alternatives and what were they? Be sure to list more than one
alternative. Describe alternatives in enough detail so that the reader can understand why
they were chosen or not drawings are good.
(4) Decision process
Why did you decide this design relative to other possibilities, referencing your design goals
for example although not necessarily a decision matrix. This is the section to discuss
failed prototypes. Prototyping is a valid part of the decision process.
(5) Estimation
Estimate quantities or report test data that is relevant to your design goals and chosen
subsystem. For example if you are doing the chassis, and you have a design goal of
lightweight you should report the weight of the chassis. Do NOT make up numbers out of
thin air you will attract NEGATIVE marks for doing this if necessary, relegate
calculations to an appendix.

A.3 Implementation (20 marks total)
In this section you describe the implementation of your actual final design. Do not discuss
fictitious or failed prototypes refer to the final implementation.
(4 marks each point)
(1) Basics: how does it work and how does it meet the problem statement? Includes a neat
(2) Materials: discussion of materials (what were they and why were they selected?),
(3) Techniques: construction techniques (i.e. the sequence of steps involved in the construction
mentioning tools and techniques that were used and why),
(4) Estimates or measurements: such as the dimensions (perhaps include a technical drawing
including dimensions no estimates or measurements no marks),
(5) Methods: refer to lecture on implementation in week 6 how did your design promote or
hinder your implementation, refer to concurrent engineering or DFX, etc.,

In the above you can put things that are not central to your point but nice to know such as large
decision matrices, photographs, long derivations and calculations, in an appendix attached to
your section.

A.4 Testing (5 marks)
Describe the result of the Scrutineering and the time trials referring both to the performance of
the device as a whole and to the performance of this subsystem.
(5 marks: full marks for insightful comments, few marks for superficial ie. it worked.)

B. Reflection (18 marks total)
Discuss all of the following points on one page only.
B.1 If I Knew Then What I Know Now
In terms of how you went in this course, reflect on one thing you learned and wished you knew
already when you started this course. What 10 words of advice you would give to next years
class to help them improve how they go. Hint: Dont do the course. or Dont do the space
elevator. or other non insightful answers will not earn any marks.
(3 marks full marks for insightful answer, less marks for superficial answers)
B.2 Plan for Procrastination
Some teams were on top of their projects all session, while others read comic books until the
last minute before starting. Reflect on the pace of your efforts and how that influenced the
outcome of your design, testing and your satisfaction with how you went in the course.
(3 marks full marks for insightful answer, less marks for superficial answers)
B.3 Design for Success
There are many approaches to design and we only used one of them. Reflect on how you might
approach your next, big, team engineering project. What did your team do well this time? What
did they do poorly? What did you do well or poorly? Dont just give the same response as in
(3 marks full marks for insightful answer, less marks for superficial answers)

B.4 Your Expectations
Welcome to Engineering! Reflect on how this course met your expectations and how you met
the expectations of the course.
(3 marks full marks for insightful answer, less marks for superficial answers)
B.5 Your Feedback
Heres your chance to provide some feedback. Bonus marks for helpful suggestions. Looking
back on your learning and enjoyment in this course (pick one or two you feel most strongly
about). Both positive and negative feedback are appreciated. Either way, marks are awarded
for well thought out and well justified responses.
Space elevator cool or cruel?
Group design workshops helpful or hindrance?
Learning Portfolio beneficial or boring?
Calibrated Peer Review great or groan-worthy?
Team-based Projects fun or frustrating?
Design Presentation Critique terrific or terrifying?
Scrutineering and Testing worthwhile or waste of time?
Formal Design Process elucidating or excruciating?
Lectures laughable or laudable?
Other elaborate on any other
(3 marks full marks for insightful answer, less marks for superficial answers)
B.6 Contributions
Identify your key contributions to your teams effort on the space elevator project. Be precise
and concise. I designed and built the chassis. or I did all the time wasting.
Identify one key contribution of one of your team mates.
Identify one team member who did, or did not, pull his or her weight on the project. Explain
briefly, suggesting why they may or may not of contributed, and if they did not, what you think
you might have done differently to encourage a contribution.
(3 marks full marks for insightful answer, less marks for superficial answers)

General presentation, etc (2 marks)
(2 marks the overall individual report well written and easy to understand, laid out in a reasonable
format that presents well enough, is it properly referenced, hangs together well?)

Presentation format
Use the headings as per this document. Please use Microsoft Word (you are encouraged to generate
a pdf file from the Word file).

Submission is via the Moodle website. Each team member will submit their subsections
INDIVIDUALLY. One member of each team will submit the front matter and one member will
submit the back matter (preferably the same person).
There is a file size limit of 2MB. I strongly advise that you generate pdf files from your final MS
Word files and submit those.
For individual submissions:
TeamNumber_TeamName_zStudentNumber.ext, e.g. Team13_Dinoshark_z6666666.pdf
For the front and back matter:
TeamNumber_TeamName_Front.ext, e.g. Team 13_Dinoshark_Front.pdf
TeamNumber_TeamName_Back.ext, e.g. Team13_Dinoshark_Back.pdf
Please, only one team member submit these!
Students who do not use this format will be penalised.
(-5 marks for incorrect naming convention)

Sample Table of Contents
Abstract 2
Introduction 3
Chassis (Al Catraz) 4
Drive Mechanism (Mike Schumacher) 7
Solar Panel Alignment (Stimpy) 10
Switch Mechanism (Ren) 13
Conclusion 15

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