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This simple task will help you to analyse each part of the question in turn, therefore

avoiding common mistakes made by students when answering questions of this type,
which are:
discussing the domestic policies separately, but not actually comparing or
contrasting them i.e. not pointing out their similarities and differences
discussing for example, foreign policies not just domestic policies
discussing rulers which are not from single part states
discussing more than two rulers
discussing ruling parties from the same continent.
riting the separate sections of the questions out in bullets points will help you to
ensure that you have considered each part of the question. !ou can then use these
bullet points as a check"list whilst writing your answer, to ensure that you have fully
answered the question. !ou can practice this in the activity below.
Activity: deconstructing and answering the question - 1 hour
#. $btain some past paper questions of your upcoming exams. These may be freely
available from your course leader or you may have to ask other students who have
taken the course previously.
%. &ractice deconstructing these questions by writing out the components of the
question as bullet points, then put together brief notes or a plan of your answer.
'. rite out your answer under exam conditions, that is, time yourself, no interruptions,
no notes(
). *f you can mark the test yourself, great go ahead. +ake sure you correctly
answered all the parts of the question you deconstructed.
,. *f you can-t mark the exam yourself, ask a lecturer, teacher or coursemate to mark it
for you. .sk for specific feedback on how well you answered the question and any
hints or tips for the future.
/. 0emember to revisit any knowledge gaps(
This simple task will help you to analyse each part of the question in turn, therefore
avoiding common mistakes made by students when answering questions of this type,
which are:
discussing the domestic policies separately, but not actually comparing or
contrasting them i.e. not pointing out their similarities and differences
discussing for example, foreign policies not just domestic policies
discussing rulers which are not from single part states
discussing more than two rulers
discussing ruling parties from the same continent.
riting the separate sections of the questions out in bullets points will help you to
ensure that you have considered each part of the question. !ou can then use these
bullet points as a check"list whilst writing your answer, to ensure that you have fully
answered the question. !ou can practice this in the activity below.
Activity: deconstructing and answering the question - 1 hour
#. $btain some past paper questions of your upcoming exams. These may be freely
available from your course leader or you may have to ask other students who have
taken the course previously.
%. &ractice deconstructing these questions by writing out the components of the
question as bullet points, then put together brief notes or a plan of your answer.
'. rite out your answer under exam conditions, that is, time yourself, no interruptions,
no notes(
). *f you can mark the test yourself, great go ahead. +ake sure you correctly
answered all the parts of the question you deconstructed.
,. *f you can-t mark the exam yourself, ask a lecturer, teacher or coursemate to mark it
for you. .sk for specific feedback on how well you answered the question and any
hints or tips for the future.
/. 0emember to revisit any knowledge gaps(

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