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QYResearch Report

2014 Deep Research Report on Global and China Coffee Roasters Industry
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ublished Date :*uly 2014
ublisher: +,Research Coffee Roasters Research Center
Contact: -r. /han# Don# 0&11010224)3134 0&11'01132&2015 sales67yresearch.co8
92014 Deep Research Report on Global and China Coffee Roasters Industry: ;as professional
and depth research report on Global and China Coffee Roasters industry. (he report firstly
introduced Coffee Roasters basic infor8ation included Coffee Roasters definition classification
application industry chain structure industry o<er<ie;4 international 8ar=et analysis5 China
do8estic 8ar=et analysis5 -acroecono8ic en<iron8ent and econo8ic situation analysis and
influence5 Coffee Roasters industry policy and plan5 Coffee Roasters product specification5
8anufacturin# process5 product cost structure etc. then statistics Global and China =ey
8anufacturers Coffee Roasters capacity production cost price profit production <alue #ross 8ar#in
etc details infor8ation5 at the sa8e ti8e5 statistics these 8anufacturers Coffee Roasters products
custo8ers application capacity 8ar=et position co8pany contact infor8ation etc co8pany related
infor8ation5 then collect all these 8anufacturers data and listed Global and China Coffee Roasters
capacity production capacity 8ar=et share production 8ar=et share supply de8and shorta#e
i8port e>port consu8ption etc data statistics5 and then introduced Global and China Coffee
Roasters 200212012 capacity production price cost profit production <alue #ross 8ar#in etc
infor8ation. ?nd also listed Coffee Roasters upstrea8 ra; 8aterials e7uip8ents and do;n strea8
clients sur<ey analysis and Coffee Roasters 8ar=etin# channels industry de<elop8ent trend and
proposals. In the end5 (he report introduced Coffee Roasters ne; pro@ect SAB( analysis
In<est8ent feasibility analysis in<est8ent return analysis and also #i<e related research
conclusions and de<elop8ent trend analysis on Global and China Coffee Roasters industry. In a
;ord5 it ;as a depth research report on Global and China Coffee Roasters industry. ?nd than=s to
the support and assistance fro8 Coffee Roasters industry chain related technical e>perts and
8ar=etin# en#ineers durin# Research (ea8 sur<ey and inter<ie;s.
(able of Contents
Chapter Bne Coffee Roasters Industry B<er<ie; 1
1.1 Coffee Roasters Definition 1
1.2 Coffee Roasters Classification and ?pplication '
1.' Coffee Roasters Industry Chain Structure 4
1.4 Coffee Roasters Industry B<er<ie; 4
+,Research -r. /han#don# sales67yresearch.co8 1'01132&201 01010224)313 a#e 1
QYResearch Report
Chapter (;o Coffee Roasters International and China -ar=et ?nalysis &
2.1 Coffee Roasters Industry International -ar=et ?nalysis &
2.1.1 Coffee Roasters International -ar=et De<elop8ent History &
2.1.2 Coffee Roasters roduct and (echnolo#y De<elop8ents &
2.1.' Coffee Roasters Co8petiti<e %andscape ?nalysis 3
2.1.4 Coffee Roasters International Cey Countries De<elop8ent Status 0
2.1.) Coffee Roasters International -ar=et De<elop8ent (rend 2
2.2 Coffee Roasters Industry China -ar=et ?nalysis 10
2.2.1 Coffee Roasters China -ar=et De<elop8ent History 10
2.2.2 Coffee Roasters roduct and (echnolo#y De<elop8ents 10
2.2.' Coffee Roasters Co8petiti<e %andscape ?nalysis 12
2.2.4 Coffee Roasters China Cey Re#ions De<elop8ent Status 1'
2.2.) Coffee Roasters China -ar=et De<elop8ent (rend 1'
2.' Coffee Roasters International and China -ar=et Co8parison ?nalysis 14
Chapter (hree Coffee Roasters De<elop8ent Dn<iron8ental ?nalysis 1
'.1 China Dcono8ic Dn<iron8ent ?nalysis 1
'.1.1 China GD ?nalysis 1
'.1.2 China CI ?nalysis 2
'.1.' China Urban and Rural Inco8es ?nalysis '
'.1.4 China (otal Retail Sales of Consu8er Goods ?nalysis 4
'.1.) China In<est8ent in !i>ed ?ssets ?nalysis )
'.1.& China the (otal Ealue of I8ports and D>ports of Goods ?nalysis &
'.1.3 2014 China -acroecono8ic !orecast &
'.2 Duropean Dcono8ic Dn<iron8ental ?nalysis 3
'.' United States Dcono8ic Dn<iron8ental ?nalysis 0
'.4 *apan Dcono8ic Dn<iron8ental ?nalysis2
'.) Global Dcono8ic Dn<iron8ental ?nalysis 10
Chapter !our Coffee Roasters De<elop8ent olicy and lan 11
4.1 Coffee Roasters Industry olicy ?nalysis11
4.2 Coffee Roasters Industry Fe;s ?nalysis 12
4.2.1 robat to supply ne; roastin# and #rindin# solutions to %a<aGGa12
4.2.2 I=a;a coffee roastin# 8achines are set to create a stir 12
4.' Coffee Roasters Industry De<elop8ent (rend 14
Chapter !i<e Coffee Roasters -anufacturin# rocess and Cost Structure 1&
).1 Coffee Roasters roduct Specifications 1&
).2 Coffee Roasters -anufacturin# rocess ?nalysis 21
).' Coffee Roasters Cost Structure ?nalysis 22
).4 Coffee Roasters rice Cost Gross ?nalysis 2'
Chapter Si> 200212014 Coffee Roasters roductions Supply Sales De8and -ar=et Status and
!orecast 24
+,Research -r. /han#don# sales67yresearch.co8 1'01132&201 01010224)313 a#e 2
QYResearch Report
&.1 200212014 Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ B<er<ie; 24
&.2 200212014 Coffee Roasters roduction -ar=et Share ?nalysis '0
&.' 200212014 Coffee Roasters De8and B<er<ie; '2
&.4 200212014 Coffee Roasters Supply De8and and Shorta#e ''
&.) 200212014 Coffee Roasters I8port D>port Consu8ption '4
&.& 200212014 Coffee Roasters Cost rice roduction Ealue Gross -ar#in '4
Chapter Se<en Coffee Roasters Cey -anufacturers ?nalysis ')
3.1 RBH?( ')
3.1.1 Co8pany rofile ')
3.1.2 roduct Specification '&
3.1.' Capacity roduction rice Cost roduction Ealue'2
3.1.4 Contact Infor8ation 40
3.2 Diedrich 41
3.2.1 Co8pany rofile 41
3.2.2 roduct Specification 42
3.2.' Capacity roduction rice Cost roduction Ealue44
3.2.4 Contact Infor8ation 4)
3.' %illa 4&
3.'.1 Co8pany rofile 4&
3.'.2 roduct Specification 43
3.'.' Capacity roduction rice Cost roduction Ealue)0
3.'.4 Contact Infor8ation )2
3.4 etroncini )2
3.4.1 Co8pany rofile )2
3.4.2 roduct Specification )4
3.4.' Capacity roduction rice Cost roduction Ealue)&
3.4.4 Contact Infor8ation )0
3.) (oper )0
3.).1 Co8pany rofile )2
3.).2 roduct Specification &1
3.).' Capacity roduction rice Cost roduction Ealue&'
3.).4 Contact Infor8ation &4
3.& ?8be> &)
3.&.1 Co8pany rofile &)
3.&.2 roduct Specification &&
3.&.' Capacity roduction rice Cost roduction Ealue&2
3.&.4 Contact Infor8ation 30
3.3 *oper 31
3.3.1 Co8pany rofile 31
3.3.2 roduct Specification 32
3.3.' Capacity roduction rice Cost roduction Ealue3&
3.3.4 Contact Infor8ation 33
3.0 US Roaster 30
+,Research -r. /han#don# sales67yresearch.co8 1'01132&201 01010224)313 a#e '
QYResearch Report
3.0.1 Co8pany rofile 30
3.0.2 roduct Specification 00
3.0.' Capacity roduction rice Cost roduction Ealue02
3.0.4 Contact Infor8ation 0'
3.2 Giesen 0'
3.2.1 Co8pany rofile 0'
3.2.2 roduct Specification 0)
3.2.' Capacity roduction rice Cost roduction Ealue03
3.2.4 Contact Infor8ation 02
3.10 %BRIFG 02
3.10.1 Co8pany rofile 02
3.10.2 roduct Specification 21
3.10.' Capacity roduction rice Cost roduction Ealue 22
3.10.4 Contact Infor8ation 2'
3.11 (/U1%IF -?CHIFDR, 2'
3.11.1 Co8pany rofile 2'
3.11.2 roduct Specification 2)
3.11.' Capacity roduction rice Cost roduction Ealue 20
3.11.4 Contact Infor8ation 22
3.12 ,?FG1CHI? 22
3.12.1 Co8pany rofile 22
3.12.2 roduct Specification 100
3.12.' Capacity roduction rice Cost roduction Ealue 101
3.12.4 Contact Infor8ation 102
3.1' ,BU1ADI 10'
3.1'.1 Co8pany rofile 10'
3.1'.2 roduct Specification 104
3.1'.' Capacity roduction rice Cost roduction Ealue 10)
3.1'.4 Contact Infor8ation 10&
3.14 DBFG,I103
3.14.1 Co8pany rofile 103
3.14.2 roduct Specification 100
3.14.' Capacity roduction rice Cost roduction Ealue 110
3.14.4 Contact Infor8ation 112
Chapter Di#ht Up and Do;n Strea8 Industry ?nalysis 112
0.1 Upstrea8 Ra; -aterials rice ?nalysis 112
0.1.1 Steel 112
0.2 Upstrea8 D7uip8ents -ar=et ?nalysis 113
0.' Do;n Strea8 De8and ?nalysis 110
0.4 Industry Chain ?nalysis 112
Chapter Fine Coffee Roasters -ar=etin# Channels ?nalysis 120
2.1 Coffee Roasters -ar=etin# Channels Status 120
+,Research -r. /han#don# sales67yresearch.co8 1'01132&201 01010224)313 a#e 4
QYResearch Report
2.2 Coffee Roasters -ar=etin# Channels Characteristic 121
2.' Coffee Roasters -ar=etin# Channels De<elop8ent (rend 121
Chapter (en Coffee Roasters Industry De<elop8ent (rend 12'
10.1 201412012 Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction B<er<ie; 12'
10.2 201412012 Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction -ar=et Share ?nalysis 124
10.' 201412012 Coffee Roasters De8and B<er<ie; 12)
10.4 201412012 Coffee Roasters Supply De8and and Shorta#e 12&
10.) 201412012 Coffee Roasters I8port D>port Consu8ption 12&
10.& 201412012 Coffee Roasters Cost rice roduction Ealue Gross -ar#in 123
Chapter Dle<en Coffee Roasters Industry De<elop8ent roposals 120
11.1 -acroecono8ic De<elop8ent Counter8easures 120
11.1.1 -acroecono8ic policy122
11.1.2 Specific control 8easures 1'0
11.2 Fe; !ir8s Dnter -ar=et Strate#y 1'1
11.' Fe; ro@ect In<est8ent roposals 1''
11.4 -ar=etin# Channel Strate#y roposals 1'4
11.) Co8petiti<e Dn<iron8ent Strate#y roposals 1')
Chapter (;el<e Coffee Roasters Fe; ro@ect In<est8ent !easibility ?nalysis 1'&
12.1 Coffee Roasters ro@ect SAB( ?nalysis 1'&
12.2 Coffee Roasters Fe; ro@ect In<est8ent !easibility ?nalysis 1'&
12.2.1 ro@ect Fa8e 1'&
12.2.2 In<est8ent Hud#et 1'&
Chapter (hirteen Global and China Coffee Roasters Industry Research Conclusions 1'0
(ables and !i#ures
!i#ure Coffee Roasters icture 1
!i#ure Coffee Roasters arts Dia#ra8 2
!i#ure Ahole lant D7uip8ent for Canned Coffee roduction 2
!i#ure Coffee Roasters Classification '
!i#ure Coffee Roasters Classification and ?pplication '
!i#ure Coffee Roasters Industry Chain Structure 4
(able Coffee Roasters atent &
!i#ure 201' Global -a@or -anufacturers Coffee Roasters roduction -ar=et Share 3
!i#ure 201' Global -a@or Countries Coffee Roasters roduction -ar=et Share 0
!i#ure 201412012 Global Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ and Gro;th Rate 2
!i#ure 200212014 China Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ and Gro;th Rate 10
(able Coffee Roasters patent 10
!i#ure 201' China -a@or -anufacturers Coffee Roasters roduction -ar=et Share 12
!i#ure 201' China Cey Re#ions Coffee Roasters roduction -ar=et Share 1'
+,Research -r. /han#don# sales67yresearch.co8 1'01132&201 01010224)313 a#e )
QYResearch Report
!i#ure 201412012 China Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ and Gro;th Rate 1'
!i#ure 200212014 Coffee Roasters International and China -ar=et Co8parison 14
!i#ure 20031201' China GD "100 8illion R-H$ and Gro;th Rate 1
!i#ure 20031201' China CI Chan#e (rend 2
!i#ure 20031201' China Urban and Rural Inco8es "R-H$ '
!i#ure 20031201' China (otal Retail Sales of Consu8er Goods "100 8illion R-H$ and Gro;th
Rate 4
!i#ure 20031201' China In<est8ent in !i>ed ?ssets "100 8illion R-H$ and Gro;th Rate)
!i#ure 20031201' China the (otal Ealue of I8ports and D>ports of Goods "100 8illion USD$ and
Gro;th Rate &
(able 2014 China -acroecono8ic !orecast Cey Indicators "I$ 3
!i#ure 20031201' DU23 GD Gro;th Rate 3
!i#ure 20031201' DU23 HIC Inde> "(he 8onth of year1on1year$ 0
!i#ure 20031201' United States GD "100 8illion USD$ 0
!i#ure 20031201' United States CI 2
!i#ure 20031201' *apan GD "Hillion ,en$ 2
!i#ure 20031201' *apan CI "(he 8onth of year1on1year$ 10
!i#ure 201412012 Global Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ and Gro;th Rate 14
!i#ure 201412012 China Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ and Gro;th Rate 1)
!i#ure Coffee Roasters roduct Specifications 1&
!i#ure Coffee Roasters roduct Specifications 13
!i#ure Coffee Roasters roduct Specifications 10
!i#ure Coffee Roasters roduct Specifications 12
!i#ure Coffee Roasters arts Dia#ra8 21
!i#ure coffee roastin# syste822
(able 2014 China Coffee Roasters Cost Structure %ist 2'
(able 200212014 Global Coffee Roasters rice Cost Gross "USDJSet$ roduction Ealue "-illion
USD$ Gross -ar#in %ist 2'
(able 200212014 China Coffee Roasters rice Cost Gross "USDJSet$ roduction Ealue "-illion
USD$ Gross -ar#in %ist 2'
(able 200212014 Global -a@or -anufacturers Coffee Roasters Capacity and total Capacity "Set$
%ist 24
(able 200212014 Global -a@or -anufacturers Coffee Roasters Capacity -ar=et Share %ist 24
(able 200212014 Global -a@or -anufacturers Coffee Roasters roduction and (otal roduction
"Set$ %ist 2)
(able 200212014 Global -a@or -anufacturers Coffee Roasters roduction -ar=et Share %ist 2)
!i#ure 200212014 Global Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ and Gro;th Rate 2&
(able 200212014 Global Coffee Roasters Capacity UtiliGation Rate %ist 2&
(able 200212014 China -a@or -anufacturers Coffee Roasters Capacity and (otal Capacity "Set$
%ist 23
(able 200212014 China -a@or -anufacturers Coffee Roasters Capacity -ar=et Share %ist 23
(able 200212014 China -a@or -anufacturers Coffee Roasters roduction and (otal roduction
"Set$ %ist 23
(able 200212014 China -a@or -anufacturers Coffee Roasters roduction -ar=et Share %ist 20
+,Research -r. /han#don# sales67yresearch.co8 1'01132&201 01010224)313 a#e &
QYResearch Report
!i#ure 200212014 China Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ and Gro;th Rate 20
(able 200212014 Global -a@or -anufacturers Coffee Roasters roduction Ealue"-illion USD$
and (otal roduction Ealue %ist 20
(able 200212014 Global -a@or -anufacturers Coffee Roasters roduction Ealue -ar=et Share
%ist 22
(able 200212014 China -a@or -anufacturers Coffee Roasters roduction Ealue"-illion USD$
and (otal roduction Ealue %ist 22
(able 200212014 China -a@or -anufacturers Coffee Roasters roduction Ealue -ar=et Share %ist
!i#ure 2011 Global -a@or -anufacturers Coffee Roasters roduction -ar=et Share '0
!i#ure 2011 China -a@or -anufacturers Coffee Roasters roduction -ar=et Share '1
!i#ure 201' Global -a@or -anufacturers Coffee Roasters roduction -ar=et Share '1
!i#ure 201' China -a@or -anufacturers Coffee Roasters roduction -ar=et Share '2
(able 200212014 Global Coffee Roasters De8and "Set$ %ist '2
!i#ure 200212014 Global Coffee Roasters De8and "Set$ and Gro;th Rate '2
(able 200212014 China Coffee Roasters De8and "Set$ %ist '2
!i#ure 200212014 China Coffee Roasters De8and "Set$ and Gro;th Rate ''
(able 200212014 Global Coffee Roasters De8and Supply Shorta#e "Set$ %ist ''
(able 200212014 China Coffee Roasters De8and Supply Shorta#e "Set$ %ist ''
(able 200212014 China Coffee Roasters I8port D>port Consu8ption "Set$ '4
(able 200212014 Global Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ rice Cost Gross "USDJSet$
roduction Ealue "-illion USD$ Gross -ar#in %ist '4
(able 200212014 China Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ rice Cost Gross "USDJSet$
roduction Ealue "-illion USD$ Gross -ar#in %ist '4
!i#ure RBH?( Coffee Roasters icture and Specifications '&
(able 200212014 RBH?( Co8pany Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ rice Cost Gross
"USDJSet$ roduction Ealue "-illion USD$ Gross -ar#in %ist '2
!i#ure 200212014 RBH?( Co8pany Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ and Gro;th
Rate 40
!i#ure 200212014 RBH?( Co8pany Coffee Roasters roduction Global -ar=et Share 40
!i#ure Diedrich Coffee Roasters icture and Specifications 42
(able 200212014 Diedrich Co8pany Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ rice Cost Gross
"USDJSet$ roduction Ealue "-illion USD$ Gross -ar#in %ist 44
!i#ure 200212014 Diedrich Co8pany Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ and Gro;th Rate
!i#ure 200212014 Diedrich Co8pany Coffee Roasters roduction Global -ar=et Share 4)
!i#ure %illa Coffee Roasters icture and Specifications 43
(able 200212014 %illa Co8pany Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ rice Cost Gross
"USDJSet$ roduction Ealue "-illion USD$ Gross -ar#in %ist )0
!i#ure 200212014 %illa Co8pany Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ and Gro;th Rate )1
!i#ure 200212014 %illa Co8pany Coffee Roasters roduction Global -ar=et Share )2
!i#ure etroncini Coffee Roasters icture and Specifications )4
(able 200212014 etroncini Co8pany Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ rice Cost Gross
"USDJSet$ roduction Ealue "-illion USD$ Gross -ar#in %ist )&
+,Research -r. /han#don# sales67yresearch.co8 1'01132&201 01010224)313 a#e 3
QYResearch Report
!i#ure 200212014 etroncini Co8pany Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ and Gro;th
Rate )3
!i#ure 200212014 etroncini Co8pany Coffee Roasters roduction Global -ar=et Share )0
!i#ure (oper Coffee Roasters icture and Specifications &1
(able 200212014 (oper Co8pany Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ rice Cost Gross
"USDJSet$ roduction Ealue "-illion USD$ Gross -ar#in %ist &'
!i#ure 200212014 (oper Co8pany Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ and Gro;th Rate
!i#ure 200212014 (oper Co8pany Coffee Roasters roduction Global -ar=et Share &4
!i#ure ?8be> Coffee Roasters icture and Specifications &&
(able 200212014 ?8be> Co8pany Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ rice Cost Gross
"USDJSet$ roduction Ealue "-illion USD$ Gross -ar#in %ist &2
!i#ure 200212014 ?8be> Co8pany Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ and Gro;th Rate
!i#ure 200212014 ?8be> Co8pany Coffee Roasters roduction Global -ar=et Share 30
!i#ure *oper Coffee Roasters icture and Specifications 32
(able 200212014 *oper Co8pany Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ rice Cost Gross
"USDJSet$ roduction Ealue "-illion USD$ Gross -ar#in %ist 3&
!i#ure 200212014 *oper Co8pany Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ and Gro;th Rate
!i#ure 200212014 *oper Co8pany Coffee Roasters roduction Global -ar=et Share 33
!i#ure US Roaster Coffee Roasters icture and Specifications 00
(able 200212014 US Roaster Co8pany Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ rice Cost
Gross "USDJSet$ roduction Ealue "-illion USD$ Gross -ar#in %ist 02
!i#ure 200212014 US Roaster Co8pany Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ and Gro;th
Rate 02
!i#ure 200212014 US Roaster Co8pany Coffee Roasters roduction Global -ar=et Share 0'
!i#ure Giesen Coffee Roasters icture and Specifications 0)
(able 200212014 Giesen Co8pany Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ rice Cost Gross
"USDJSet$ roduction Ealue "-illion USD$ Gross -ar#in %ist 03
!i#ure 200212014 Giesen Co8pany Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ and Gro;th Rate
!i#ure 200212014 Giesen Co8pany Coffee Roasters roduction Global -ar=et Share 00
!i#ure %BRIFG Coffee Roasters icture and Specifications21
(able 200212014 %BRIFG Co8pany Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ rice Cost Gross
"USDJSet$ roduction Ealue "-illion USD$ Gross -ar#in %ist 22
!i#ure 200212014 %BRIFG Co8pany Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ and Gro;th
Rate 22
!i#ure 200212014 %BRIFG Co8pany Coffee Roasters roduction Global -ar=et Share 2'
!i#ure (/U1%IF -?CHIFDR, Coffee Roasters icture and Specifications 2)
(able 200212014 (/U1%IF -?CHIFDR, Co8pany Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$
rice Cost Gross "USDJSet$ roduction Ealue "-illion USD$ Gross -ar#in %ist 20
!i#ure 200212014 (/U1%IF -?CHIFDR, Co8pany Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$
and Gro;th Rate 20
+,Research -r. /han#don# sales67yresearch.co8 1'01132&201 01010224)313 a#e 0
QYResearch Report
!i#ure 200212014 (/U1%IF -?CHIFDR, Co8pany Coffee Roasters roduction Global -ar=et
Share 22
!i#ure ,?FG1CHI? Coffee Roasters icture and Specifications 100
(able 200212014 ,?FG1CHI? Co8pany Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ rice Cost
Gross "USDJSet$ roduction Ealue "-illion USD$ Gross -ar#in %ist 101
!i#ure 200212014 ,?FG1CHI? Co8pany Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ and Gro;th
Rate 102
!i#ure 200212014 ,?FG1CHI? Co8pany Coffee Roasters roduction Global -ar=et Share 102
!i#ure ,BU1ADI Coffee Roasters icture and Specifications 104
(able 200212014 ,BU1ADI Co8pany Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ rice Cost
Gross "USDJSet$ roduction Ealue "-illion USD$ Gross -ar#in %ist 10)
!i#ure 200212014 ,BU1ADI Co8pany Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ and Gro;th
Rate 10&
!i#ure 200212014 ,BU1ADI Co8pany Coffee Roasters roduction Global -ar=et Share 10&
!i#ure DBFG,I Coffee Roasters icture and Specifications 100
(able 200212014 DBFG,I Co8pany Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ rice Cost Gross
"USDJSet$ roduction Ealue "-illion USD$ Gross -ar#in %ist 110
!i#ure 200212014 DBFG,I Co8pany Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ and Gro;th
Rate 111
!i#ure 200212014 DBFG,I Co8pany Coffee Roasters roduction Global -ar=et Share 111
!i#ure Steel rice Inde>: lon# steel 112
!i#ure 201012014 China Stainless steel rice "R-HJ(on$ 11'
!i#ure 200212014 (an#shan Steel billets rice trend 11'
!i#ure Steel rice Inde>: late 114
!i#ure Steel price fluctuations 114
(able (op steel1producin# co8panies 201' 114
!i#ure Upstrea8 D7uip8ents 113
!i#ure Upstrea8 D7uip8ents 113
!i#ure Upstrea8 D7uip8ents 113
!i#ure Upstrea8 D7uip8ents 113
!i#ure Drin= Coffee er erson er ,ear the Fu8ber of Ran=in#s 110
!i#ure Coffee Roasters Industry Chain Structure 112
!i#ure Coffee Roasters -ar=etin# Channels Status 120
!i#ure 201412012 Global Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ and Gro;th Rate 12'
!i#ure 201412012 China Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ and Gro;th Rate 124
!i#ure 201412012 Coffee Roasters Capacity -ar=et Share 124
!i#ure 201412012 Coffee Roasters roduction -ar=et Share 12)
!i#ure 201412012 Global and China Coffee Roasters De8and "Set$ and Gro;th Rate 12)
(able 201412012 Global Coffee Roasters De8and Supply Shorta#e "Set$ %ist 12&
(able 201412012 China Coffee Roasters De8and Supply Shorta#e "Set$ %ist 12&
(able 201412012 China Coffee Roasters I8port D>port Consu8ption "Set$ 12&
(able 201412012 Global Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ rice Cost Gross "USDJSet$
roduction Ealue "-illion USD$ Gross -ar#in %ist 123
(able 201412012 China Coffee Roasters Capacity roduction "Set$ rice Cost Gross "USDJSet$
+,Research -r. /han#don# sales67yresearch.co8 1'01132&201 01010224)313 a#e 2
QYResearch Report
roduction Ealue "-illion USD$ Gross -ar#in %ist 123
(able -acroecono8ic De<elop8ent Counter8easures ?nalysis 122
(able Fe; !ir8s Dnter -ar=et Strate#y 1'1
(able Fe; ro@ect In<est8ent roposals 1''
!i#ure Coffee Roasters -ar=etin# Channel Strate#y roposals 1'4
(able Coffee Roasters -ar=etin# Channel Strate#y roposals 1'4
(able Co8petiti<e Dn<iron8ent Strate#y roposals 1')
(able Coffee Roasters ro@ect SAB( ?nalysis 1'&
(able ?nnual output of )00 Set Coffee Roasters ro@ect In<est8ent !easibility ?nalysis 1'&
+,Research -r. /han#don# sales67yresearch.co8 1'01132&201 01010224)313 a#e 10

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