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Beginning always comes with new rays of hope and happiness

Networking of the Institutes affiliated with GTU
August 2014
Vol. I Issue I
Ph : 079-23267549
-Parul Institute of Engineering

Message From Vice - Chancellor

If you study hard now then whole life will be enjoyable
- D. A. D. Engineering & Technology

Fun , frolic and some punishments in Campus
-C.K.Pithawala College Of Engineering & Technology

Once determined from heart about task you need to finish
Create and maintain tempo in the class
Encompassed with curiosity to be in the class
- S. P. B. Patel Engineering College

Education is ability to listen anything without losing Your temper or your
- Gandhinagar Institute of Technology

Counsellors are allocated to students
- Anand Pharmacy College

Knowledge is not power until we act upon it
- C. K. Pithawalla Institute of Management

Back to classes with zeal for starting project work
- C. K. Pithawala College of Engg & Tech

A teacher should be a good actor
Daily reading and hard work is required for scoring
- Jashodaba Polytechnic Institute

Concept of activity based learning
- Government Engineering College

Yes, I would do better
- B.H Gardi College of Engineering & Technology

Teaching is the noblest of all professions in the world
-Vadodara Institute of Engineering

Share as much knowledge as possible during study
- G.H.Patel College of Engineering & Technology

Wish to raise the image of our institute, faculty and our parents
- Smt. R.S. Patel Institute of Diploma Engineering

Education is the eradication of ignorance
- Marwadi Education Foundation Group of Institution

Searching classes like a fresher and taking a look at college building which
not changed since last 4 years
- Narayan Shastri Institute of Technology

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2 3
Big new beginning
- Narmada College of Computer Application

Comfort atmosphere built up
- RMS Polytechnic

Excellent understanding of fundamentals & creating interest in the subject
- Gujarat Power Engineering & Research Institute

To fulfill the mission and vision of the institute
- VJKM Institute of Management and Computer Studies

Strength and knowledge to serve the society
- Indukaka Ipcowala College of Pharmacy

To deliver high quality education and opportunity
- Grow More Faculty of Engineering

Cardinal lessons in the life
-Dr. S. & S.S. Gandhy Government College of Engineering

Confidence of being successful

Choose one specialization depending on the interest area and capability
- K. K. Parekh Institute of Management Studies

Eagerness to know about culture, system & faculty
-Government Polytechnic, Gandhinagar

Enthusiasm in the air at Valia Institute of Technology
- Valia institute of technology

Inspiring students to participate in ISTE Convention
-V.V.P. Engineering College

Conducting more practicals in the lab individually, helps to get a better
interpretation and understanding of the subject
- Alpha College of Engineering & Technology

This is the Premises where we are taught Revise and revise revision makes a
man perfect
Students can gain a lot of knowledge from the well equipped laboratories
Half done is well begun
Meeting old friends back after the summer break and share the latest gossip
and developments
Beginning with prayer at Gandhinagar Institute of Technology
- Gandhinagar Institute of Technology

Enthusiasm at Sarvajanik College of Engineering & Technology
- Sarvajanik College of Engineering & Technology

Principal Sir gave motivational speech to students of first day of semester
- V.V.P. Engineering College

Students were so excited and happy to know that they will go to an
industrial visit in this semester
- Asiatic Institute Of Science & Technology

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Vadodra : It is really a great and energetc beginning of the new session
giving a lot of motvaton to our students.

I like to begin my session with famous motvatng story and by giving brief
introducton of my subject.

A small motvatng story--"ENJOY THE COFFEE" on the frst day of session

Once a group of highly educated students visited their university
professor. Conversatons soon turned into complaints in connecton with
stress in work and life.

The professor went into the kitchen to make some cofee for his students. He
poured the cofee into a pot and kept many diferent cups made up of
porcelain, glass, crystal, some plain looking and some expensive, some
exquisite ones.

He asked the students to help themselves with the cofee.

When the students had taken the cofee in their hands, the professor said,
If you all notced, all the nice expensive cups are taken up, leaving behind the
plain ones. While it is normal for you to want the best, that is also the source
of your stress. What you really want is cofee, not the cup, but you all stll went for the best looking cups and you
all were also eyeing each others cups!

Dont let your cups drive your life. Enjoy the cofee!

MESSAGE of the story : If life is the cofee, then jobs, money, status in the society are the cups. They are just the
tools that are used to hold the life in it. While we all are busy in trying to choose the best of the tools, we totally
miss out on why we want these tools in the frst place. We get stressed out when we focus so much on choosing
the cups rather than enjoying the cofee in it.

The cups will keep changing with tme. Dont miss the cofee in it.

I guide my students to maintain discipline and cleanliness at campus. Also, I always teach them energy
conservaton in classroom by saying to them that whenever you leave the classroom you should switch of the fans
& lights without waitng for the peon to come.

Also I teach them to form habits to throw waste of papers and food packets in the dustbin. These are the small
habits which will help them to become good citzens of india.

Just becoming a topper in the class is not enough you have to practce discipline in speech and behavior also. This
is how the session begins friends !!

Ediors Pck
Chemical Engineering
Prof. Rutu D. Patel,
Page 4

Message from the Vice Chancellor


I am pleased to write the message for the frst issue
of the e-Newsleter of the Colleges/ Insttutes/
Polytechnics, afliated with GTU. It has been, very
appropriately named as GTU Plexus.

On 6
December 2012, GTU
had set up a College Development
Council (CDC) for helping develop
an environment of actve
learning at the Colleges/
Insttutes/ Polytechnics, afliated
with GTU

The world expects its
Universites to serve the world
through studies and research of
their faculty members and
research students. Our learning
environment is not excitng
because our research and studies
are not relevant to the needs of our society
. GTU has
not yet been able to construct Research Centers,
Schools of Learning, laboratories and libraries in its own
campus. However to help researchers in Colleges
, the
University invites experts and regularly conducts
seminars and conferences, which provide a platorm for
researchers in Colleges to inter-act with top-most
professionals in their feld of interest. Leadership in
research is being provided to its Management insttutes
by the University through Joint Research projects by its
Post-graduate Research Centers. We all, including the
GTUs Colleges have to develop through bootstrapping
and through networking & coordinaton by CDC.

I have found small universites in North America
assuming responsibilites for cleaner water and rivers
and other public services. They help determine
technology policies not only for their own country but
also for African and South American countries and
sometmes for India.

A CALL: Let each one of our Departments in every
College take up an area of study (jointly with other
departments) for an intensive investgaton. Within a
couple of years, the department (and the College) can
establish itself as the resource centre in the area of

Thus a mechanical engineering department may take
up the study of bullet trains. Every faculty member may
take up a diferent aspect of the study and guide
student projects in that area. The department can
organize a monthly seminar on new developments in
technologies used in railways. It can work jointly with
electrical and electronic engineering departments. An
adjoining management college can study the fnancial
viability issues and the ways of fnancing such a project.
Or a management college may study the issue of
diferent aspects of public-private partnerships for
modernizaton of the railway staton near the College.

A Pharmacy College may
study common diseases in its
area and the medicaton in
allopathic and ayurvedic systems
in all their multple aspects by
diferent researchers in a

The idea is to take up an issue
of public interest and to study it
in all its aspects through faculty
members and students. Issues
like clean water for all, afordable
housing, transport systems,
efectve and cheaper medicatons
for some common diseases, smart cites, cleaning of
rivers, development of efcient ports, complete
eliminaton of over-crowding in trains, clean railway
and bus statons, efcient solid waste management
systems for our cites and towns can be examples of the
areas to be studied by technologists.

Let each one of our College begin studying and
conductng research in at least one area of public
interest and let us remember that, as citzens, we
should get the best of service that citzens of any
country are able to get from their public services. Soon
the College will fnd that the environment in the
departments of the College will become more
purposeful and that it would be moving along a path
towards excellence.

- Dr. Akshai Aggarwal

Please see the report of the speech of Mr. N.R. Narayan Murthy, the
co-founder of Infosys, at IIT Gandhinagar on 19
July 2011 at htp://
nglish-skin-custom .
In the rest of this message, the word ollegeis used to represent
Colleges/ Insttutes/ Polytechnics

Page 4
A CALL: Let each one of our
Departments in every College
take up an area of study (jointly
with other departments) for
an intensive investigation.
Within a couple of years, the
department (and the College)
can establish itself as the
resource centre in the area of
Mahemdabad: Afer completon of the exams we had a break of couple of days. As we know the frst and last day
of school or college is not so good. But our frst day was unique then others. It was diferent.

As afer the chilling of a couple of days the students were not much interested to study on the frst day. So to
collect their mind from varied path and to make them walk the study path our principal Dr. D. S. Toliwal had some
idea in his creatve mind, so he called all the students in the seminar room. The facultes were also present in that
room .

Our principal had made a very impressive ppt to inspire and encourage us. To make us aware of the new
semester patern and new rules. The following points were included in the ppt:
planning of studies( to make a suitable tmetable )
planning of midsem and fnal exams
planning of submissions
planning of extra curricular actvites

Afer giving the informaton about all these, he gave an incredible and an inspiring speech, by listening to which all
students were ready to give their 100% in studies.

Making the students mind focused and making them realize, he said that these were their last three year and if
they would fail in these years then they will sufer for the whole life..Ya I know that enjoyment should be there in
college but if you study hard now then back to our whole life is enjoyment only. These golden words by principal
realized that what exactly they were doing in the college, their goal was now clear and they were ready for the new
semester. And all the students were impressed with the speech of the principal.

Now came the tme of our facultes to speak. The respected faculty members talked about their respectve
subjects and made us knowledgeable about what will be taught in the new semester. Then afer we were given
leave. We meet our old friends and make some new also.

So the frst day of the college was more then our expectatons. It was a wonderful experience. It was just
amazing, inspiring and encouraging.


If you study hard now then your whole life will be enjoyable

Mechanical Engineering
Hiren Rathod, ,
Fun , frolic and some punishments in Campus
Somil Shah ,
Surat - This morning was a bit diferent from usual mornings, as I have to start my 3
year of engineering. I woke
up early, which was quite unusual especially afer the long vacatons and full of enjoyment that had just got over.

Obviously everyone would try to look handsome on this day but this doesnt mater for mechanical guys as no
one is going to look at us within the class, bit funny but this is the reality that I have experienced since my last 2

As soon as we reach college we all would like to check the new tmetable, alloted class and eagerly waitng to
check out the subjects and respected facultes. Students rushing to take snapshot of the tme table afer that
deciding that which faculty is beter and which faculty is boring were the frst task of students.

Entering the class and fnding the suitable bench was the frst task, it is fun to see that last benches fll faster
than the frst benches. Chitchatng with friends about their recent updates in life and commentng on the exams of

Now comes the hardest moments frst lecturer enters the class gives his introducton and the students pass on
usual comments on their experience with respected faculty. Here the frst chapter begins that is for sure
Introducton (by default chapter). With a heavy load on our mind we opened our books and started writng the frst
leter which is the hardest moment but indeed we started fnally.

Being a student of mechanical it really feels proud because we dont have fear of our losing our self-respect as
we dont have any girls in our class so any one can answer the queston in his own way. Indeed I dont fnd any
hesitaton in making fun of myself as there is an atmosphere of freedom and unity between guys (advantage of
having all 70 students as boys in class).

, 2
, 3
lectures pass on with fun frolic and some punishments but now its tme for recess which students
love the most. 80% of the students of mechanical branch would setle themselves in canteen, enjoying themselves.
Canteen is meant for pulling legs of each other and making new friends.

Finally its tme to get back to home afer a tedious discussion on whether to bunk the remaining lectures, what
would happen if we would bunk and blah blah blah. Although the frst day is meant to be something special, there
was nothing so special about my frst day but these small things make me happy and makes me feel proud to be a
Once determined from heart about the task you need to finish
Mechanical Engineering
Prof. Sandip J. Chaudhary,
It was the frst day in the class for the 7
Semester Mechanical Engineering students, afer the GTU exam and
Industrial Training they had taken as suggested by the department. Students came in the classroom afer a vacaton
period they had enjoyed with their family and friends and that is why it was very difcult for them to concentrate
on study and partcular subject that I was about to take lecture for. For this partcular reason, I thought of some
innovatve idea to take their confdence to the highest level and increase their moral as well. It was very important
for them to do so as they are going to select their project topics within few days and fnish it.

The actvity included the task in which, I asked them to break the pencil with a single fnger. For that any of the
student had to show confdence and come forward saying that 'yes, I can do this task'. For the frst tme everyone
disagreed that we cannot do this task but afer some tme three students came forward saying that we can do the
task which included a girl too and rest of the students accepted that the task is too tough to be completed with a
single fnger.
Afer that I called a girl student upon the stage and made sure that she can do this task in frst atempt only.
Another student volunteered to hold the pencil and hold it tght. Rest of the students were not confdent that she
will be able to do it but, everyone in the class got surprised when she broke the pencil with a single fnger and that
too in the frst atempt. That gave confdence to another student and he also followed the girl and did complete
that task perfectly.
6 7
Moral is once you are determined from your heart about the task you need to fnish, then defnitely you can do
it doesn't mater how tough it is. Afer the completon of the task, I asked other students whether they can do the
task and they accepted that yes sir, we do have confdence now to fnish the task. So, there always is a fear of do-
ing the thing for the frst tme in students, which got removed and they were self-confdent. They had very positve
vibes inside them and promised me that, they will look each difculty as a pencil in their life and can overcome it
easily with confdence. Finally lecture ended with all the students saying '' Yes we can, Sir".

I stll remember the morning of 15
july-2014, when I took the frst class of the current academic year. I was very
excited to teach the computer engineering students for the frst tme.

I too could see the enthusiasm among the students to be back in the class afer a long summer break. Students
usually fnd mathematcs to be difcult, so it is always challenging for the teacher of mathematcs to create and
maintain tempo in the class. I started the class with a mathematcal puzzle, to evoke curiosity and capture their
atenton. It resulted into lot of brainstorming, guess work and some out of the box answers

I and the students thoroughly enjoyed the class.

H & Sc. Department
Prof. Rasik M. Patel,
Create and maintain tempo in the class
I stll remember the frst day of the new semester afer the long summer vacaton. Since morning I was determined
of the belief that a good beginning would lead to a smooth sailing through the semester. The memories of that day
bring me immense joy tll today.

Talking of that day, it was amazing to realize that all of us were encompassed with curiosity to be in the class. I
begin the class with an overview of the subject. I involved them in a small actvity wherein they could learn through
fun. I introduced the subject by taking them back to its history and highlightng its scope in future, through a video
lecture. I put forward questons that would provoke their curiosity and ignite their fre of learning and provided
them with practcal solutons.
Thus went my frst day . . .
- S. P. B. Patel Engineering College
Computer Engineering
Prof. Viren G. Patel,
Encompassed with curiosity to be in the class
Gandhinagar : First day of the semester came with all preparaton and arrangement for the beterment of the stu-
dents and they had a great joy of meetng each other. The day started with the Prayer to make this semester more
joyous. The Time-table commitee distributed the tme table to all the concern faculty members and explained it in
detail to students. They briefy explained about the Laboratory facilites and usage of the same in various subjects.

The Course coordinators provided an in-depth introducton of their course and also the various applicaton
areas and its signifcance which ignited the curiosity of the course in the students mind. Later, all the scheduled
lectures and labs were conducted as per tme-table and altogether the whole day was full of excitement as they
met each other afer a vacaton, passing the informaton and explaining the roadmap of the semester.

It was a great feeling that we got new class rooms and met juniors in the college and of course we are now
most senior. So back to the topic as we stated that our semester commenced on 2
July, 2014 and we have to
study all new subjects. According to the schedule given to us, lab and lectures were started as per the tming. On
the very frst day we got basic knowledge about the subjects by our facultes. All last year students have very
sensitve gap between their student life which is going to end and professional life is going to start. So every
moment of a frst day are always inspiring, loving, living and learning. --- 7
Semester Students

First day of our college started with a greater excitement and delightul thinking towards learning in the
minds. We had almost 20 days reading vacaton afer completon of previous semester. Afer the long going sub-
missions and exam sessions of previous semester, we all wanted a big vacaton but afer a week or two we really
missed our college and friends. And at that tme we eagerly waited for the college to be started as soon as possible.
On the day 2
July, 2014 we were very excited to meet our friends. Now we are in the third year of B.E, towards
the completon of college journey. --- 5
Semester Students.

Afer the completon of 1
year, it was a great feeling that we had new classrooms and new subjects.
Above all, we were getng a new start of our career. We were having great feeling that from now on we are
seniors for upcoming students. We were happier about our subjects which related to our own feld. We enjoyed
almost 20 days vacaton afer 1
year and ready to get new start in our feld. --- 3
Semester Student.

You can pay for school but...You cant pay for class!
School for 12 years, College for 4 years then you work untl you die.

Education is the ability to listen to anything without
losing the temper or the self-confidence
Informaton Technology Department
Prof. Anirudhdha M. Nayak,
8 9
Anand : Afer summer vacaton, starts new semester for students, and a new academic year for faculty members.
First day is veritably and important day of any semester; students meet their classmates again afer long summer
break and journey commences towards higher educatonal stage.

At Anand Pharmacy College on the very frst day, 2 July 2014, Academic calendar was given to students. Aca-
demic calendar lucidly encompasses all the events and actvites to be held in that year including theory and pract-
cal exam dates. This makes it easy for students to plan out their studies balanced with fun and enjoyment.

Routne lectures and practcal for all the semesters were started according to tmely prepared and given tme-
table. Suitable practcal batches were created and displayed on the notce board. Course planner - subject-wise -
which lists out all the syllabus topics with the mentoned date on which that lecture will be conducted was also put
on respectve department notce boards, for the display.

As new semester can bring apprehension along with it much awaited excitement and enthralment, students
need to be properly guided regarding their new semester. In the Orientaton program that precedes the other
actvites, students are introduced to various subjects of their respectve new semesters. This helps in developing
acquaintance and familiarity with the new subjects and it also highlights the importance behind learning that sub-

Besides these conventonal teaching learning procedures, Counsellors are allocated to students as well. So from
the frst day itself students know whom to meet if they have any grievances or to seek motvatonal counselling.
Overall, frst day at Anand Pharmacy College on 2 July, 2014 was packed with informaton loaded with motvatonal
orientaton. This served as a driving force guiding the students on the right track for the rest of the semester days
to follow


Counsellors are allocated to students
Mr. Mihir Parikh and Dr. Tejal R Gandhi
Surat : Beginning always comes with new rays of hope and happiness. On the 1
day when students got to enter
into the campus premises of CKPIM, they were been greeted with amazing natural environment with cool breezy
winds and the melody of river Tapi welcoming them to the CKPIM campus. Entry at CKPIM was glory of great histo-
ry of success for the students.

The day of the academic career of students started with warm greetngs of Dr. Snehal Kumar H. Mistry (I/C Direc-
tor) of the college along with the motvatonal speech for the students to inspire and encourage them for the start
up of their bright and beautful career. It was followed by briefng about the curriculum and future plans of college
actvites and events.

Knowledge is not power untl we act upon it. Similarly, from the very frst day in CKPIM we have started putng
more emphasis on practcal aspects by explaining them implementaton and executon of theoretcal concepts in
real world.

Nowadays Knowledge, Skill and Attude (KSA) will not work untl it is accompanied with Values, Ethics and Moral
(VEM). So from the very frst day facultes have started to inculcate KSA and VEM among students and they are
assured that they will be able to culminate tll end of the course.

Knowledge is not power until we act upon it
Mr. Vikas Pandya
Mr. Kunal Pandya-
Assistant Professor, CKPIM, Surat
Surat : Afer a short break of GTU End semester examinaton, all classes have
started in July 2014 at Mechanical Engineering Department of C K Pithawala
College of Engineering and Technology (009), Surat.

Students are very enthusiastc and energetc to start this new term and so
are the facultes. Fourth year students afer completng their Sodhyatra for IDP
project defniton are back to the classes with zeal for startng their project
work. Third year students felt that they could not enjoy a break due to short
duraton between exam end date and term start date but feeling motvated to enter in their pre-fnal year.

We, at CKPCET have a traditon to start the term with mentor (faculty co-ordinator) allocaton, subject co-
ordinator allocaton and year co-ordinator allocaton at all levels. So this procedure was completed in the frst week
of startng of the term. Final year students are been called for project discussion and Project review meetng in frst
and second year so that their line of acton will be defned well.

Students normally enjoy odd semester as the weather is also in its full swing with rain and blossom everywhere.
Few glimpses of classes conducted during the frst week are included herewith.

Back to classes with zeal for starting project work
Mechanical Engineering
Submitted by: Prof. (Dr.) Sonal Desai
10 11
On the frst day of college we will use the tag line of Cadbury, Kuchh achha kaam karne se pahle mitha ho jaye
by blessing every student with sweets and giving them happiness. The students would be looking fresh afer
summer vacaton so we started with a queston, how they use this vacaton? Some students will share their tour
experience and some will share their knowledge about sites. This actvity will give them braveness for presentng
such things.

The students will be new for the 1
semester , so we will be start with the introducton of the subjects and give
them informaton for how to prepare for this new war of exam.

Our teaching scheme depends on our tme table and syllabus. We will distribute the topics to each teacher to

We also give them a brief detail of syllabus and point wise details of every chapter they have to study so
students can understand about how to prepare for the subjects in Mid and external examinaton.

Also we will be showing them our laboratories and model rooms for a beter understanding.

Students will also respond to our faculty because the style of teaching will be so good from our side that they
will give the feedback of our teaching. One said that A teacher should be a good actor while teaching so the
student can remember topics for a longer period of tme.

We will also use our best technique to get beter response from students side and we will prove that. We will
also use our school teachers technique Gammat sathe gyan to release the stress of students.

We came in this college not to make the students only listeners, but we want them to be good explainer and
adviser. We also make them free from stage fear by introducing themselves in English language in front of the

Afer 15 days of study we will use one experiment of feedback from students of our teaching and behaviour.

List of Our Civil Engineering faculty as below:

H.O.D. Civil Engg. Dept.
Senior Lect. P.V.Patel

Lect. Patel Rahul B.
Lect. Sharda Kamini H.
Lect. Suthar Sukrut H.
Lect. Patel Arat R.
Lect. Sharda Ayush R.
Lect. Chaudhary Falgun L.

A teacher should be a good actor
Prof. Chaudhary Falgun L.,
Sidhpur: 2-JULY -2014 Is the frst day of semester 3
and 5
.As a teacher we are very excited to teach and meet
our student afer some tme duraton. Now let me give the reacton of the student of their frst day of semester

In my class there is 70% student were present in class. When I entered in the class they wished me good
morning and I also repled them. they are very excited to know about their new subject and new mentors .I gave
them some informaton regarding the subject syllabus, teaching -scheme, their class tme table, new laboratories
etc. also, I give informaton like term duraton and about mid and fnal exam. Also I discussed about the practcal
examinaton at the end of the semester.

Then I gave introductons about new sofware which is use in practcal work which is provided in GTU syllabus.
And overview of the sofware. Afer that I give some instructon like daily reading and hard work is required for
scoring in the subject and how the result of each semester is important for fnal result of diploma engineering.

The 1
day of new semester is really memorable for students as well as for me.

Daily reading and hard work is required for scoring
Computer Engineer
Urvashi Rajput
2-JULY -2014 is the frst day of semester 3
and 5
. On the 1
day of new 3
& 5
semester, all students were
very excited and in energetc mood. They came in college with their big groups. In my department there is around
65% atendance. When I enter in class they wish me politely Good morning and I also reply them. It shows the
students atracton with their respectve insttute. They are very excited to know about their new syllabus,
subjects, topics, new mentors for new subjects etc. I gave such informaton regarding to subject syllabus,
teaching -scheme, their class tme table, new laboratories, linkage subjects, comparison between upcoming
subjects & latest industrial maters, Industrial Visit areas etc. Also, I gave them informaton about duraton of the
semester, mid exam schedule of the sub and fnal university examinaton. Also I discuss about practcal
examinaton & progressive assessment of end of the semester. Then I visited them into all new subjects
laboratories & gave an introducton about instruments which are use in practcal work. I also suggest them all
practcal are designed by GTU commitee.

Finally I gave some important instructon like regular atendance in class as well as lab, daily reading and hard
work is good for scoring in the subject and how the result of each semester is important for fnal result of diploma
eng. At last I wish for their good future & started to conduct my subject lecture.

The 1
day of new semester is really memorable for students as well as for me.


Electrical Engineering & Mechanical Engineering
Mr. Umesh D Patel, Email-,
Mr. Viralkumar H Jayswal, Email-
12 13
Rajkot: It was my great pleasure to teach my students afer a long gap of summer vacaton. It was more excitng for
the students as it was my frst class for them. Usually I teach courses of SEM-V to VIII. I do not teach any courses
from SEM-I to IV. So it was my frst class for these students. Students were looking very energetc. We started with
Prayer OM Tatsat ..... I gave syllabus overview of the course Microcontroller and Interfacing and way of doing
laboratory experience. Students were happy to know that they have to do lot of experimental work in this course. I
introduced the concept of actvity based learning to the student and started from Day 1. All the students were
divided the groups of fve to do an actvity. I gave sufcient tme to them for discussion.

Students were very happy to know that I have given them two optons to complete laboratory experimental

Opton 1: Conventonal Lab Manual
(Sample programs given. They have to run it on simulator and hardware. They have to prepare hardware in group
of three students)

Opton 2: Innovatve industry problem soluton
(Those who want to solve industry problem using microcontroller, free hand is given)

To bridge the gap between curricula and industry requirements, fnishing school programmes are necessary for
the students. Students were happy to know that Android Programming Short term training programme is
arranged for them in the department.

Concept of Activity Based Learning
Electronics and Communication Engineering Department
Dr. C.H. Vithalani, Assoc. Prof. & Head of the E.C. department,
Rajkot: As it is truly said that Day 1 has a signifcant importance at any event of life and it is the same with my 1

day of college. This day was a bit diferent than the others and unexpectedly I woke up early, may be due to
excitement to meet my pals. This was a day when everybody wished to look 1 kg preter or in other words
handsome or beautful.

On entering the college, it seemed really fascinatng to see my friends. Our faces seemed like sun fowers during
the day or like frogs on the arrival of rainy season. All were prety happy to see the new faces of facultes and the
alacrity of students was easily palpable. The head of our department is always enthusiastcally ready with complete
semester plan. Students keenly took a note of guidelines related to the semester and actvites to be carried out
through the semester.

Then we go through some subject orientaton programs and somewhere inside our hearts, grew a hushed voice
saying, Yes, I would do beter, Yes ,I would nurture myself and help others for the same and Yes I would
develop and climb a new step in my life. My frst day in college ends with lots of motvaton and self pleasure.
Hoping that it would contnue for a longer tme.
- B.H Gardi College of Engineering & Technology
Yes, I would do better
Mechanical Engineering
Nawaz Ghodi,
Kotambi: Teaching is the noblest of all professions in the world. This is because teaching is the only profession that
gives birth to all other professions - scientst, doctor, soldier, engineer, lawyer, artst etc. All have to pass through
the bosom of a teacher at least some tme in one's life. There is no escape from the life of a teacher. Remove a
teacher from the society and you have nothing.

Semester V & VII classes commenced from July 02, 2014 while semester III commenced from July 14, 2014.
Before going to the class room, the facultes at VIER ensured well in advance that the class room /Laboratory was
ready with necessary equipments, seatng arrangements, to see how the equipment works etc.

As we know that a successful frst day will leave students interested in taking the course and learning the
material. On the very frst day of current semester, the facultes at our insttute presented an overview of the
course, teaching scheme, course organizaton, requirements, major assignments, and policies.

What we have observed at our insttute is students feel more comfortable if facultes are well prepared; having a
well-writen, detailed syllabus ready to hand out on the frst day is essental. The facultes at our insttute
mentoned course pre-requisites, talked about the workload of the course, e.g., number of exams, number and
length of papers, number of books to read.

The students were explained in detail all policies, including those regarding academic calendar, atendance,
academic integrity, grades. VIER strictly follows all the guidelines given by Gujarat Technological University to make
clear to students their responsibility to adhere to the University Policy on Academic Integrity, as well as the actons
the insttute will take if they do not.

Academic Calendars along with forwarding leter for their parents were given to all the students so that parents
can also know about academic planning for the current semester.

The insttute has planned sessions on following topics in connecton with orientaton programme for students of
BE Semester - I commencing from 24
July, 2014.

Academic Rules and Regulatons
Bridge Course
Know about ISTE,Co-curricular, Extra Curricular Actvites
Views of Senior Student
Learning through Goal Setng and Time Management
Expectatons of the Industries

It is also planned to arrange Campus Tour & Campus Cleaning event as a part of orientaton programme.

Teaching is the noblest of all professions in the world
Civil, Computer, EC, Electrical, IT and Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Jayeshkumar S. Patel , Principal, Vadodara Institute of Engineering, Kotambi,
Prof. Chandrakant Y. Brahmkshatri, Assistant Professor in English,
Prof. Gargi R. Verma, Assistant Professor in Information Technology,
14 15
Vallabh Vidhyanagar : According to the schedule declared by GTU, the startng date of the new academic year (i.e
2014-15) was 2
July 2014. At GCET, we have a unique traditon of registraton procedure for the students to
encourage them to atend the classes and laboratories from the very frst day of the semester. As a part of this
procedure, students have to register by following a specifc process. Afer successful completon of this procedure,
the regular classes and laboratories are started from the next day.

So, we started the teaching from 3
July 2014 afer completng the registraton procedure on 2
July 2014. I am
having a subject Advanced Power System-I in fnal Year Electrical Engineering. All the faces in the classroom were
familiar to me as it was the class of fnal year students. The only new mater was the subject and content of the
subject for them. I could see the feelings of eagerness, enthusiasm and excitement of being fnal year students in
their eyes. I am sure, on the other hand, they could also observe the same.

Have you gone through the syllabus? I asked. Its really surprising when teacher asks you the same queston
on the very frst day of the semester. But, surprisingly a few hands were raised. I was happy to see this. We
discussed the syllabus in detail; which books should be referred, what we will do in laboratory hours, what should
be the scope afer studying the subject and many more. And the most importantly, we discussed how the subject
will be helpful in project work as well as in campus placement process. We discussed the fundamentals of power
system and its operaton. Number of questons were asked from either side.

The frst lecture of the subject with a new class ended with the hope of very good teaching-learning process
through-out the semester and both the sides are ready to perform to the best and share as much knowledge as
possible during the class-room study and laboratory sessions.

Share as much knowledge as possible during study
Electrical Engineering,
Prof. Chintan Patel,
Palsar : I was at home during my vacaton. So, I did not like to go to the college and Hostel. Then One week afer I
came to the college and in this college all teaching staf (Lecturers) were present and they started taking lectures
and one hour later the second lecture was engaged by other lecturer. Every lecture goes nice and joyful.

The Lecturers teach the topics very well and in an easy manner. If we do not understand any point then every
lecturer tried to explain the point two or three tmes very well. We found every subject very interestng. Some-
tmes, some students tried to play mischief but the lecturer came and punished them.

I am very lucky that we have got such good lecturers. They teach us very well. This Insttute is the best that gives
good knowledge and educaton. I do not like to remain absent on any day. We wish to raise the image of our
insttute, faculty and our parents.


Wish to raise the image of our institute, faculty and our
Electrical Engineering.
Prof. C. R. Patel,
Education is the eradication of ignorance
Faculty of Engineering, Dept. of Mathematics,
Prof. Om Teraiya, Head, Department of Mathematics, FOT

Rajkot : If it was very frst day of my job, then it was all fne and fair. But afer having put in ten long years of
serving, afer a break of few weeks of late nights, late mornings, no tensions, just a free bird, if you one fne
morning realize that ohnow college resumpton day is very fastly nearing upspeedier than you would want it
to.its so weird feeling

You start countng now the week, days6..5..4.2..and tomorrow, its the D day.. Suddenly I would start
huntng for my uniform, my footwear, and more importantly my college ID card which I anyhow have to punch
before I get back to routne

And fnally the day has arrived!!! Thank God, the alarm woke me up. Leaving my bed was feeling like a chocolate
is snatched from a baby and crying. This was frst tme ever, I thought of thanking my bed for bearing me
throughout the vacaton period. But leaving my bed was like a newly wedded bride was going to her in-laws place
leaving her parental house.

I got up fast and got ready and saw my watchoh its tme and I jump up in my car to reach college.Finally I am
in.heywhere to parkmy parking place has been encroached by someone else( oh Mr..!!U are Mr Om Teraiya
and not Employer), you are an employee and not owner to have your secured parking ok!!!! Hahaha!!) seeso is
this I start my frst day!!!!Anywayenter the academic block and take out my ID cardthank God, its intact and not
worn of.punch it!!! Oh yes..its donethe day has begun.

Its nice that I reached well before tme that I think now the transiton from fun, holidays and free leisure tmes to
the tough jobof not teaching but readjustng into work life from social life.the reason to reach litle early is to
fnd a few new faces and introduce myself and be introduced to them as wellto socialize you know!!!! It worksI
talk to them except the subjects..not to start academics of Mathematcsa subject hardly few of them would love
to learn on the very frst day!!!!

I want to know who they are.why they have chosen a partcular stream or faculty..what they aspire toand
more so, I want them to realize that a Professor at the college is also a normal humane and not an administrator
and there is nothing to be scared of

Then I entered my staf roomoh..afer a long, meet them.afer how their vacaton tme
passedthe bell goeswhy so soon!!! Cant the going bell ring just 15 minutes later and the class ending bell just
20 minutes earlier!!!! Oh no.. I am a day dreamer!!! Cmon I tell myself, organize yourself and get down to
teaching now.. its tme.

So I enter the classroomwatchfully though, the guys are new to me, I am new to themthey have their
aspiratons and an image of a professor ought to be.but being belonging to a spiritual community and
background, I frst ask all of them to remember their respectve Gods and memorize for a while since I believe,
educaton is most pious profession, may be industry for many, not to me. Every work ought to start with a prayer so
that God blesses in that endeavor.

Afer a brief introducton and orientaton, I get down to the business. Since they are new to my insttuton, its my
duty to familiarize them with the mission statement of the insttute and its policies which afect the students and
how their academics will go through the frst semester.
16 17

Its very frst day, hence I would refrain from not jumping onto the subject soon. So I am bit fexible. To let them
have a sigh of relief and sense the new atmosphere they are in. Talk to them about the overall aspect of educaton,
its contributon, systems, goals setng and their objectves to achieved which otherwise would their parents too
would have thought.

Educaton is the eradicaton of ignorance. Its meant for opening up new horizons, developing a mindset which
sets with the concurrent world and its afairs. There is a mismatch between the academics and the actual real world
they would either start serving, getng self-employed or start their business or contnue parental or family busi-

This mismatch would be my endeavor to bridge the gap between the academics and industryservices..Before I
and they could realize, the bell goes and its the end of the very frst lecture. I leave the class and them in lurch
whether if they liked or notbut I thought I did prety well to begin with. Then back to the staf room and having
hot drinks and snackswhat elseread digital newspapers!!! Oh no!! my college is not a general library or my
drawing room to aford these things. I have to organize the tme table for myself and plan the academics to be
completed in tme during the frst semester. I know, they are paying fees, their parents hard earned money, should
they get money worth. So I slip into deep thinking how to take up now onwards and do a bit of conceptual planning
for the rest of the semester. Its the results that speak volumes for you I frmly believe that each and every actvity
should be result oriented, right from the big wings of the college tll the peon level.

All the stakeholders in this insttuton must get their rewards and returns. Its the joint sincere and efcient
eforts of each on of us that would help the bosses realize the organizatonal goals. That is what the entre thing is
meant for. In realizaton of the organizatonal goals, my individual and personal goal would automatcally be

I take a tour to the library and seek if new books are put up.. its now an e-library concept rapidly growing up and
e-governance too. I meet the Head of the insttuton, the Dean and greet them for the very frst day. I seek their
advices and blessings to fulfll my endeavor for the semester and also seek if there are any other instructons to

That is the waywe pass the day and then the sun also sets.. tme to pack of the bags and preparing to leave,
again punching my card to mark my tmely exit.

While I am again on my steering wheels, I start thinking and talking to myself. Was it good!! Did I do good!! Did I
serve my insttuton I was supposed to serve in the manner and spirit that is expected of me. Did I enhance my
subject knowledge ..has the day added something to me!!! Have I added something to my insttuton. Thinking
about what I shall be doing on the second day..i ignite the engine of car and shif gears towards the home..Sweet

Yes, it was a very good dayshedding my laziness, my inactve tme, idle tme, fnally came to an end and its
lovely working with my college, my insttuton, my academic temple

Jetalpur : The day started with waking up at early 7:19 am just 25 mins before the bus tme.Then heard a loud
voice in bathroom of my mom and suddenly a large vibraton passed through my body. I got on the table for
breakfast at 7:28am. Got to the pick up stand at sharp 7:40am. Got into the bus travelled to college with friends
meetng them afer a long tme of 1 month thanks to GTU for vacaton than discussion took place between us for
long 45 minutes and we reached college at 9:00am.

Though it was the startng of 7
sem last year of engineering , all were searching classes like freshers,
taking a look at college building which has not changed since last 4 years. But this happens at the start of every
semester. Then the lecture begun at sharp 9:15 and students entered the class afer the faculty at 9:25am as
always. All HODs came out to force the students to get into their respectve classes and 7
sem students were
watching that scenario from 2
foor with big smiles on their face as their juniors are also getng same from
HODs. It was funny though nostalgic moments for them.

The college is located 28 kms away from Ahmedabad so weather now a days is very good due to rainy
season. It was cool but laziness is felt in the atmosphere. As bell rang for the 1
recess students ran for the lunch.
Girls were gossiping in the campus and boys were busy with there own talks. The recess ended afer 45 minutes at
12pm. All were back to the classes. They were not willing but they have to go.

Now as the watch showed 1:55 pm all were excited for 2
recess and to
complete the remaining talk. Than the tme came and bell rang for a short break
of 15 minutes. At 2:15 pm sharp all the students were back to their class eagerly
waitng for the ending of day bell with the tredness of whole day. Finally the
tme came it was 4:15pm and all the students gathered near the bus parking
waitng to get home. The day ended with lots of happiness due to meetng

Searching classes like a fresher and taking a look at the
college building which has not changed since last 4 years
Automobile Engineering
Bharuch : On 2nd July, 2014, the classes began as per the schedule given by GTU. NCCA is well known for
maintaining the schedule of GTU and strictly startng the classes on the very frst day of the planned schedule it-
self. The semester's tme table and academic calendar were planned in advance by Dr. Jatnderkumar R. Saini, I/C
Director, NCCA and the same was also notfed to the students through Notce Board and discussion in the class-
rooms. The teaching facultes were also assigned the subjects well in advance during the vacaton itself and hence
they could get sufcient tme to prepare for the lectures to be delivered right from the frst day. The frst day is
the most important day of the college as it marks a new semester, a new term, a new commencement of 5 new
subjects and hence a big new beginning. The same was done at NCCA with great zeal, enthusiasm and gusto by
both the students as well as the staf members.
Big new beginning
Master of Computer Application
Dr. Jatinderkumar R. Saini ,
18 19
Vadodra: I introduced myself as HOD of the computer department , then we contnued with their Introducton as
well. I am working with this insttute since last three years but the smell of the frst day this year was quite diferent
than the previous years.

This year the new students came with the new excitement and enthusiasm they showed engrossing interest on
their new courses. I fnd the new generaton is more qualifed aware about their future and study, so I think my
future job will be more challenging and excitng. My college RMS Polytechnic is being improved a lot in terms of
infrastructure, discipline and rules-regulaton for both students and staf. So, I wish my new students will defnitely
get the advantage of the facilites to build their career.

In the beginning they were a litle hesitant, but slowly as the lecture started conversaton began and the comfort
atmosphere built up. Because it was the frst day of college for the students I tried my lecture to be more
interestng. All Students Interacted well, diferent to my Expectaton they were all very Interactve and eager to
know and Gain Knowledge about their feld. Almost all of them had questons to ask.
Comfort atmosphere built up
Computer Engineering
Mr. Chirag Patel,
Mehsana : Only eight students in the class on the frst day. Having lots of doubts in their eyes about nature of the
teacher, how is the subject & many others. I told them the outcome & objectves of the subject frst. I asked them
the First Faradays law, obviously no one replied because I was frst tme taking their class stll that hesitaton was
existng. I told them as this is professional course all have to partcipate in the class; it is not one way
communicaton & we are going to learn it with fun. I told them they have already studied in EEE subject in previous
semester. One student tried with very low volume & almost correct answer he gave. I appreciated his efort &
corrected it litle. I asked them second Faradays law, they started discussing, I drew the fgure, gave them formula
e=-Nd/dt told them that it is generators principle & told them to put law in sentence. One simple & shy student
came out with correct answer. I was happy & congratulated him. He was so happy by appreciaton; he started
giving almost all answers I asked thereafer. Then we discussed F=BIL principle of motor. While teaching singly ex-
cited system, energy stored, salient torque etc., others were also motvated, they also started partcipatng. I told
them that my efort would be to give them excellent understanding of fundamentals & creatng their interest in
the subject not only theoretcal but practcal by visitng manufacturing/testng industries related to D.C machines &
Transformers provided they should not miss the lectures & study contnuously during the semester.

At the end of the class I found them happy, smiling, clear in their doubts, charged & confdent. I was also feeling


Excellent understanding of fundamentals and creating
interest in the subject
Electrical Engineering
Prof. Hema A. Mehta , Email:
Vallabh Vidhyanagar : At Indukaka Ipcowala College of Pharmacy, each one of us works to fulfll the mission and
vision of the insttute. Pharmacy professionals are required to meet or exceed the expectatons that the industries,
educatonal insttutes, community and society seek for. For the overall development, career and character building
high ethical standards and morals are required to be instlled in any individual.

A balanced environment comprising of technical knowledge with a blend of ethical standards is essental.
Treatng any profession as a religion can pour into wonders and thus we started our 1
day with prayers ofered to
Lord Satyanarayan by organizing Satyanarayan Katha. Faculty members and students took actve part and every
one prayed to God asking for blessings to get strength and knowledge to serve the society. Afer the maha aart,
Prasad was distributed to all the students and staf of the college.

Strength and knowledge to serve the society
Vadu : A teachers life blossoms with students. And this fact can only be known during the tme where we are in
the college but students are not there. Without students emptness is felt in college as well as inside a teacher.

As a teacher I feel happier than students on frst day of college because the emptness which is felt from days
is now flled with new fowers in the classrooms. The happy faces, the feel of achievement on the faces of
students who were successfully able to secure admission, the freshness its all amazing.

On the frst day we arranged a small get together of students, both existng and new, and teachers. We all
introduced each other. I was amazed to know that some of them really had big dreams and defnite goals in their
life. The new generaton knows what they want out of life.

One of the students was good singer and he sung Tadap tadap ke song from Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam
and it was mesmerizing. One student was good at paintng and she painted a duck wishing best of luck to all.
Wow! Instant drawing. As usual I felt that every student has some or the other talent which can make you

Afer the interacton we arranged a 10 over cricket match between existng and new students. The match was
won by existng students but it was fun and we got a chance to know some of the new students. Hope they
remain as fun loving, charming, enthusiastc and curious as they on the frst day of college throughout their life. I
wish them all best of luck.

- VJKM Insttute of Management and Computer Studies
MBA Program
Prof. Chanduji Thakor,
To fulfill the mission and vision of the institute
20 21
Berna : Afer the Summer Exams of 2014, all the students entered our college
building high expectatons and eagerness to learn. The Day began with a sense
of optmism. The Department spends days of planning for a successful new se-
mester opening. Many factors contribute to a successful semester in an engi-
neering college. But nearly all those factors depend on a successful opening
day. The frst day sets the tone for the rest of the semester.

On 2nd July 2014, Computer Engineering Department welcomed back their students for the successful start of
the 3rd, 5th&7thSemester of the ODD SEM 2014.On the frst day, frst of all the students were asked about their
exams and the facultes wished them best luck for their results. Afer that in each lecture session, the
facultes gave them the introducton of their subjects and the contents and topics to be covered in both theoretcal
and practcal sessions. Also the students were given brief about the syllabus contents and the books to refer in
their respectve sessions. The tme-table and the academic calendar were already given to the students through

Also the students were briefed about the actvites and events which are planned by the department for them.
At the end of the day, they were advised to be regular in the class and in their studies.

So the frst day was just a frst step towards ensuring our students contnue to learn, grow and develop through-
out the whole term. The Computer Engineering department will contnue to work to ensure that our faculty mem-
bers are always in a positon to deliver high quality educaton and opportunity to our students.

Afer all, Our Students will always be our Highest priority

To deliver high quality education and opportunity
Computer Engineering Department
Prof. Maitrey Patel
Surat : 2
July date I can seldom forget, the start of a new semester and a
beginning of a fresh chapter in our lives. Not only we were intrigued but also
equally excited to see our new subjects and their respectve professors.

Afer a motvatng welcome address by our H.O.D. which included various
kinds of details about the current semester and what is expected out of us. We
were assigned a rather queer task. We were divided into four teams and were
assigned equal number of areas. We were instructed to not only clean but also to
clean our respectve areas. Time alloted to us was constrained.

The very moment instlled in us a fre to do our best. Without wastng any tme we got onto our jobs. And within
no tme the result was in front of us, a cleaner, greener and a picturesque department. Here we learnt one of the
cardinal lessons in life.
Alone we can do so litle, Together we can do so much.

Cardinal lessons in the life
Mechanical Engineering
Vardaan Parashar ,
Vantavachoda : Om Insttute of Technology, EC Department has started the new term for the semester 5
& 7
a really positve node afer break of the few days of summer. The department is now contnuing its progress
towards an excellent educaton for all our students in their new semester.

The Head of Department encouraged the students to do well in the fnal & pre fnal year with a vision of
excellence, expectaton and opportunity in culture of responsibility, accountability and pride. The staf members
also guide the students of the fnal year about how to make the fnal year project in the 7

The faculty provides an introducton to the students about the subjects that they are going to study in this new
term. The tme table for the new term is also provided to the students by displaying it on the notce board of the

By taking the blessing of god we had started the new term for the fnal & pre fnal year students with confdence
of being successful in the feld of Electronics & Communicaton engineering.

Confidence of being successful
Electronics & Communicaton Engineering
Mr. Maulik Chauhan,
Amreli : The frst day sets the tone for the entre semester, so the frst
day of college was started with the climate most preferred by
students, be it formal but relaxed, not directly focused with study
area. The whole day was divided into two parts:

1. Re-freshening Session
2. General Session.

Firstly, the students were welcomed with the re-freshening actvity
like orientaton which more specifcally focused on the experience sharing of their entre frst year in the
college along with the faculty members. The discussion were related to.

Improvements in their skills during last year
Suggeston from the students about their expectaton for their development from the college for the
current year
Expectaton of college from students regarding their work for the current year

Learning during the SIP training, how theoretcal aspects are practcally implemented. The second part of the
day i.e., General Session focused on the course structure of the current semester. In this session, the faculty
guided students regarding the specializaton subjects; students have to choose one specializaton depending on
their interest area and capability. Further, the guidance was also given on the future scope of each and every
specializaton subjects regarding with their career.

In last the students were given the schedule for the current semester.
Prof. Brinda P. Raycha,
Choose one specialization depending on the interest area
and capability
22 23
Gandhinagar : An orientaton program for newly admited students of semester-1 was organized at Government
Polytechnic, Gandhinagar. Respected principal and faculty members of the insttute has arranged a helpful program
for the new batch of students as well as parents to see the campus and departments of the insttute.

There was an orientaton program arranged at government polytechnic, Gandhinagar. On the day of orientaton,
at early morning students with their parents reached the insttute campus. Students and also their parents were
very happy about arrangements by college. Students were full of excitement as they were going to enter in to the
new part of life. They were warmly welcomed at the insttute by fnal year students. Students were eager to know
about the insttute culture, working system and faculty members. Students of fnal year had welcomed new batch
students by giving them roses and did kumkum tlak on their fore head. Students were very delighted to see such a
blissful actvity.

Afer an auspicious actvity, principal gave an inspiratonal speech to the students and their parents. Principal
also introduced about each department as well as HODs of the same. He told parents not to worry about the
future of their child, as they will be nurtured here. Also, students were introduced about marking system, study
patern of GTU. Faculty members also explained about curriculum they were going to study. Facultes also guided
them about student sectons and library procedures. Parents had asked questons regarding academics and shared
their doubts about GTU academic system and got cleared.

At the end of such an introductory session, students were shown library, canteen and other important places
that they were going to use in their coming days. Polytechnic insttute has organized such type of event for new
batch to get familiar to the new system which was new for them. This kind of knowledge becomes helpful for the
students to get familiar to the insttutes culture.

Such type of program was important for the students and government polytechnic, Gandhinagar had arranged
and this type of event to get helpful to the new admited students.

Eagerness to know about the culture, system & faculty
Instrumentation and Control Department
Modi Devarsh J., Instrumentation & Control Dept.,
Valia: On that frst day the frst lecture was mine ie, Microwave Engineering. Before this the fnal year students
had only seen me in the department. So between me and them everything was frst. It was for the frst tme we
were facing each other in a class. The class was full of students. They were a bit serious and tensed as if they knew I
am strict.

As it was for the frst tme, I made them relaxed by asking about the current afairs and passing good jokes. Thus
i could see smiles on their faces. I gave brief introducton about all the 7
sem subjects and made them realize
about their importance. I motvated them to do their best in projects and also cleared some doubts about it. Many
students were very enthusiastc to show the defnitons brought by them. Hence, it was very interactve. In the last
few minutes I gave introducton about my core subject and how it can be useful in their projects .Then I discussed
about the topics which I will be proceeding it in the next lectures.

So, I think giving brief guideline to these students made them happy.

Enthusiasm in the air at Valia Institute of Technology
Electronics & Communication Engg.
Assistant Prof: Mrs. Varsha Dhekekar, Email
24 25
Praveshotsava at V.V.P. Engg. College, Rajkot
As per the academic calendar of GTU, the term of Pre-Final & Final
year students of BE started on July 2
. Students came to college
early morning and started their frst day with blessing of Maa Saras-
wat by performing Saraswat Pooja. Then all students and staf
members gathered at central garden for prayer. Afer prayer was
over, Dr. PiyushB. Vanzara, Head, Chemical Engineering Department,
welcomed the students on behalf of V.V.P. Engineering College. His
welcome speech emphasized on how 100% result can be achieved, importance of CGPA, which starts from 5

semester as the degree is awarded to the students on the basis of their CGPA. He inspired students for their actve
partcipaton in the ISTE Natonal Level Conventon, which is to be hosted by V.V.P. Engineering College, on 10
October, 2014, frst of its kind in the state of Gujarat. Students were informed about the new canteen building
which was started recently. Then students were directed to go to their departments & asked to see the notce
board for Time Table & Mid Sem Exam schedule. The snapshots of the same are shown below. This is how we
Inspiring students to participate in ISTE Convention
Prof. Dr. Piyush B. Vanzara,
On the day of 14
July 2014 the Praveshotsav-2014 was organized by
the V.V.P. Engineering College to welcome all the students of B.E. Sem-III.
On that occasion as per the college traditon , the students as well as the
staf members along with the Principal, Dr. Sachin Parikh gathered in the
central assembly garden to perform the worship of goddess Sarasvat by
performing the prayer. The whole environment was pious and energizing
when the veneraton was done by the group. Afer that Dr. Jaysukh Markna
who is the Head as well as associate professor in Department Of
Nanotechnology welcomed the students by praising them with the seasons greetngs. He had motvated the
students by explaining about the importance of the studies. He had also given the portrayal regarding the Natonal
level major event that is ISTE Natonal Annual Conventon-2014 ceremony which is going to be host by the V.V.P.
Engineering College in the month of October. Lastly by addressing the students he wished them GOOD LUCK for
the upcoming academic session.
Dr. Jaysukh H Markna,
Afer the hectc examinaton days and summer break, our students are
back to their college. Day 1 was quite excitng for students and facultes both .Our
college warmly welcomed the students for new beginning with new semester.

We have started our day with orientaton where facultes have given brief
knowledge of their subject, future aim, real tme scenario of engineering world etc.
Afer completon of orientaton, they had visited their respectve laboratories
where they came to know about how much practcal session are important for an Engineer.

During lecture sessions, facultes have started to nurture them with basic fundamentals and wity
exercises. So, all in all, our day 1 was having various shades of engineering life which was started with excitement
and completed with new enthusiasm.

-V.V.P. Engineering College-047-Rajkot
Computer Engineering Department
Assistant Prof. Hardi Shukla,
Assistant Prof. Disha Adalja,
24 25
Gandhinagar : Our department arranged Introductory
Session for the students on the very frst day of the fresh
semester. This session contained an outlook of the current
semester viz. - brief intro to various subjects by their
respected facultes, introducton of various changes
incorporated in this semester, our expectatons from the
students, etc.

As planned our department chose subject wise expert
facultes to conduct the programme. Each of the facultes
preferred to present Power-point presentaton of their
respectve subjects to brief with, as we wanted to keep things simple and interestng for the students.

One of our facultes Prof. Nisit Kapadia with great spirits initated the event by welcoming every student in the
fresh new semester. Following it he introduced his own subject- Circuit & Networks. He grabbed the opportunity to
explain the importance and need of the subject. And asked every student to get their sleeves up from the very frst
day and start working on the subject as the subject needs a lot of hard work to be done. Also discussed various
references and video lectures that will be at their help in the preparaton of the subject.

Followed by him, three other facultes namely Prof.Saikumar, Prof.Kinjal Vyas and Prof. Dharmesh Gehlot; briefy
introducing their respectve subjects viz.- Electcal Machines-1,Electrical & Electronic Measurements, Analog &
Digital Electronics. Along with that, they explained the importance of the subjects and their applicatons. More of
it, they also implicated various companies that co-related those subjects and various sources & references to study
the subjects.

Each of the faculty stressed on not missing the lectures and practcal conducted by them. They explained to stu-
dents the insight of conductng more practcal in the lab individually, helps them get a beter interpretaton and
understanding of the subject. They highly recommended on using Reference books by renowned authors and using
video lecturers available on NPTEL websites.

Also our Head Of Department - Prof. Narendra Mahavadia, took the opportunity to welcome the students. He
explained the crucially and importance of the 3
semester and the importance of the subjects to be studied during
the semester. He introduced the marking system adopted during the current semester. And he declared his high
expectatons from student in their studies and in their overall development. He also motvated students by
encouraging them through support them in various endeavour undertaken by them; may be in their studies and
research or partcipaton in various Technical fests organized at any level or may it be any extra-curricular actvites
or hobbies where their talents are out-shined. And on that note our HOD concluded this brief introductory session
reminding them to be regular and industrious during the semester.

Conducting more practicals in the lab individually, helps to get a bet-
ter interpretation and understanding of the subject.
Department of Electrical Engineering
Prof Tejpal Purohit,
Mr. Simit Mishra,

This is the Premises where we are taught Revise and revise
revision makes a man perfect.
Computer Engineering
Prof. Leena Patel,

As per the GTU's schedule our college started on 2
July 2014 for the semester 7
and 5
. On the frst day we fac-
ultes have to play an important role of mentor.

In the frst two hours we conducted the prayer which was followed by the distributon of tmetable. The
students were facilitated by the speech of senior facultes, who motvated and showed the importance of the
Subjects. Our fnal year students had a special session by our IDP commitee. They introduced the students with
the concepts of industry and the requirements and expectatons of the industry.

The next hours were like subject introducton, where students were briefed about their subjects by their respec-
tve subject facultes. And afer that they had their regular lectures and Laboratories.

Student's perspectves:
Life is the most excitng opportunity we have. But we have one shot. You graduate from college once, and
that's it. You're going out of that nest. And you have to fnd that courage that's deep, deep, deep in there. Every
step of the way. The aim of a college educaton is to teach you to know a good man when you see one.

First day of college life starts with a greater excitement in hearts and delightul thinking towards learning in
the minds of students. Afer the long going submissions and exam sessions of 6
semester we all want a big vaca-
ton. We have almost a 30 days vacaton between our 6
and 7
semester. Personally student also wants the vaca-
ton but afer a week or two weeks students really miss their college and friends. And this tme also I eagerly waited
for the college to start as soon as possible. Every student thinks at last I couldn't believe that I'm in the last year of
my college life, the end of my B.E. journey at the tme of reopening of the college.

We 7
Semester students were introduced to all our new 7 subjects, the subjects are Contributor Personality
Development(CPD),Wireless Communicaton and Mobile Programming (WCMP),Web Data Management
(WDM),Advanced Computng Technology(ACT),Advance Java Technology(AJT),Compiler Design(CD) and Project. In
the last slot we had the lecture of Compiler Design. This is the subject students like the most. In all of the above
semesters we created many of the C programs and compiled and run them successively (of course afer getng
many of the errors) but now we have to learn how to make the compiler, phases of the compiler and how the
compiler works in this subject.

We 5
Semester students, also rejoined the college on 2
July 2014, we also started our day with prayer which
was followed by tmetable distributon. In the next session we were introduced to our subjects. This semester we
have interestng subjects like Design and Algorithm (DAA), Object oriented programming with Java (OOPJ),
Computer networks(CN), Advance Processors(AP)and Management. And we are very glad to have such good and
experienced facultes to teach us. And in the last session we had our regular lectures.
26 27
Electrical Engineering ,
Prof. Supraja Giddaluru,
Gandhinagar : First lecture has its own importance while explaining the students a new task which is not known to
them untl now. We started with prayer and distributed the tmetable. It is the most important and most
challenging lecture for any faculty during the whole semester. In the frst session we should create a brief idea
about the syllabus and how to make them interactve with the new faculty.

We have realized that when you are teaching something to someone, it will remain in your long lastng memory.
Its a complete diferent preparaton when you are preparing for delivering lecture and when you are preparing for
gaining marks in exam.

Our department frst lecture was conducted on 14
July 2014. It was really very interestng lecture for our
department. Students are so co-operatve to us. They are really good .They felt very happy with our lectures. Afer
completon of our lectures we asked them so many questons .Students answered very nicely so fnally we
understood that they learnt something from our lectures. They asked so many cross-questons so they are very ea-
ger to learn the things.

Electrical branch has been established since last year in our college but it has well equipped laboratories. College
provides freedom to the facultes and all the required provisions. Students can gain a lot of knowledge from the
well equipped laboratories of GIT. College provides a very good platorm to the student who really wants to pursue
their career in EE.


We, 3
semester students rejoined the insttute on 14
July 2014, Monday. It was a wonderful day as afer frst
year we were now fnally going to be with our subjects. We started our day with prayer as per the culture of our
college which was further followed with tmetable distributon and facilitaton by our senior facultes. We have
fantastc subjects like Database Management System (DBMS), Data Structure (DS),Maths, Digital logic Design(DLD).

We are sure we are going to have a great tme in our college premises.

We will never give up
Students can gain a lot of knowledge from the well
equipped laboratories
Mechanical Engineering
July 2
, 2014. Its not too far when Even Semester Final Exams got over and we were ready once again to start
with our new regular schedule of Odd Semester. 5th and 7th Semesters were to begin from today.

Contrary to the conventon of low atendance on the reopening day a huge mass of students was seen to start
right from the frst day. You fnd that missing element back when a chorus greetng strike your eardrums. Yes! We
met again.

Highlights of the day one are as follows:

A prayer assembly was organized before we contnue with our regular schedule. Prety fair strength of
students gathered for the assembly where we thanked
together the almighty God for all his giving and prayed for
the blessing for the next endeavors.

Time table with every minute detail was then
distributed among the students and also discussed about
the various courses.

Detailed course descripton was then shared with them.
Signifcance of the courses for their professional career
prospect was also made clear to them.

We also introduced the roadmap to the students
including the various actvites throughout the semester like; Class Tests, Guest Lectures, Industrial Visits etc.

Feedback from the students was taken regarding the previous semester actvites and strategies for the
advancement with current syllabus were made. Some of the major points are as under:

Theories and concept should be illustrated with more practcal and real examples, so that a clear visualizaton
can be made.
Piyush Baid (4thSem, PMG Student)

Compliance: More Industrial visits have been scheduled in current Semester; also Expert Lectures with audio visu-
als have been arranged.

LCD Projector screens installed in every classroom is a treat for students to get the subject understood in an
easy manner.
Trushant Patel (4thSem, CR)

Professional training session should be organized.
Sahil Musani (7thSem, CR)

Compliance: Professional training courses scheduled to be organized for interested students during vacatons.
A lot was there to deal, what book to follow, which topic to be selected for project, and all. Students were very
enthusiastc and inquisitve too. A litle more sincerity and a beter sense of maturity were visible in them. Evolu-
ton has taken them to a level, absolutely ready for the new beginning.

In similar fashion we came up diferent batches and bunch of students interactng for the entre schedule of the
day. On a parallel front external viva voice examinaton was also in progress for the 2nd Semester students. And
thus the day ended quite diferent from a regular one and making us remind Half done is well begun.

We welcomed our 3
Semester students in same fashion with same enthusiasm which begun on July 14th, 2014.
The level of their fervor was substantal and why not they were not the junior most anymore.

Thus we had started with our all the existng batches and ready to welcome now the newbies of engineering
to our Insttute.

28 29
Afer a long summer break spent at home sitng in front of telly,
watching movies, playing games, visitng friends and relatves and being
away from books, students started coming to insttute from 14
July, 2014.

Students were not willing to come back to class afer a nice long summer
vacaton, but then the thrill of new subjects, core subjects related to the
branch was entcing, meetng new facultes brought them to college.
Students were quite excited for the feeling was that they will be seniors in
the system, that they will be having juniors in future, giving an opportunity
to meet and interact and also guide new students through the process that they went through a year ago. It was
good to meet old friends back afer the summer break and share the latest gossip and developments. They were
surprised to see the new menu items in the canteen and surely they tried it all on the frst day itself. Also the pro-
spect of meetng new classmates who would begin their college life afer Diploma to Degree admissions is surely
worth looking forward to.

The day was started with a prayer. Semester tme table was distributed amongst them. Study wise, the students
were introduced to the subjects, teaching scheme, given a brief overview about the knowledge that they will gain
in this term and motvatng them with the practcal relevance of the subject. One thing that came out as a good
event for insttute and facultes but a bit melancholic for students was that the facultes who taught them in the
frst year would not be teaching them again and so the students queued up to meet their old facultes and greet
them. In the odd semester, we have 1 major event at our insttute Jazba our cultural festval. Many students
said that they are eagerly waitng for its ofcial announcement, auditon process, the stage fear and competton
and fnally performing on the stage in front of the whole insttute.

During the break, it was an amazing view to watch all students mingle together and talk and laugh, throng the
canteen and open spaces, exchanging summer stories. During the lectures, the students are separated as per their
branch, but during the break they were all together, students of all branches coming together in unison and making
the whole college feel alive and full of youth.

Students Feedback
Shishir Joshi (110120111006) - During the summer break, I was learning about the new subjects to be taught in
next semester from youtube and multple online resources. I will now have a beter understanding of these sub-
jects when they will be taught in class.
Disha Panchal (120123111008) - Since we have Project from the current semester, I was visitng the Internet for
various project topics and also visited few companies for IDP prospect.
Yash Amin (130123111001) I was eager to come to college since I am very eager to take part in various actvites
and clubs in the college.
Shalini Keshwani (120120111017) I was getng a bit bored at home during the summer break, so was looking for-
ward to come to college and learning new subjects.
Mihir Hathi (130120111010) The vacaton was interestng, but the charm of new subjects, new facultes and new
routne was excitng to bring me back to college.
Zulin Patel (130120111021) I was out of town during vacaton, didn't want to come to college, but I came to meet
my friends and them I am enjoying it very much.
Electronics & Communication Department
Prof. Mitul Maniar, (
Meeting old friends back after the summer break and
share the latest gossip and developments
Gandhinagar : The Civil department Odd Semester 7 and 5 commenced from
July 2014 and the Semester 3 commenced from 14
July 2014. Generally
not many students turn on the frst day, but this tme since students and
parents were informed well in advance regarding the commencement of
semester and the atendance rule at GIT, there was good response from the
very frst day.

The frst day at GIT, began with a prayer, remembering Goddess
Saraswat. Afer the prayer there was an introducton session of students
with the newly appointed faculty, which was conducted by the course
coordinator of the respectve subject. Thereafer, the class tme-table were
distributed to the students.

In the Lecture classes, as per the tme-table, the concerned subject faculty interacted with the students and
asked about their performance in the last examinaton during the inital few minutes. Thereafer the faculty
introduced the subject to the students and discussed the contents (lesson planning/ modules) and made them
aware of the portons that would be taken by him/her and the other subject faculty partner. Students were given
the brief idea about the credits of the subject, the reference books and the IS Codes to be used, the contnuous
evaluaton system, the probable dates for the class tests, atendance criteria, proposed industrial visits for the
concerned subject or proposed expert lectures in the concerned subjects. Students were also informed about the
college policies regarding the penalty and strict actons taken for not wearing their I-cards, or using cell-phones in
the academic prohibited areas of the college.

While discussing the subject at length, the students were informed about the importance of that subject, its
feld relevance, how the concerned subject is an extension to the subject studied in the previous semesters or what
would be studied in the higher semesters in relevance to that partcular subject.

In the Lab/ Tutorial classes, as per the tme table, the concerned subject faculty gave the brief introducton of
the list of practcal that would be performed during the entre semester and also about the tutorial exercises that is
mandatory and how it is scheduled for the diferent modules of the subject. Some of the faculty raised feld related
problems relevant to the subject, so to raise curiosity among the students and make the subject interestng and
co-relate the subject to its feld applicatons.
Students Feedback:
Urban transportaton system mainly focuses on public transport system planning and basics of urbanizaton,
transportaton survey and how to serve future travel patern & demand. ..Balu Jay, Sem 7 Civil
Irrigaton engineering will really helpful for agricultural and it will bring advancement in feld of agriculture. In-
dia is basically an agricultural country and all its resources depend on the agricultural output so it will help to
improve economy also. Asif Ali Bat, SEM 7 Civil
Disaster Assessment using Geo spatal Techniques subject is important for mechanical engineering for making
the emergency plan report of any site for disaster or fnd out the parameters that have caused the disaster.
Using modern techniques it will be easier to minimize or mitgate the calamites .. Patel Rajat, Sem 5

- Gandhinagar Insttute of Technology

Civil Engineering
Prof. Madhu S. Trivedi,
30 31
Beginning with prayer at Gandhinagar Institute of
The frst day actvity is briefed in the below mentoned report. The frst class started on 2
July, 2014 on
scheduled tme i.e. 8:30 am. Head of the department had addressed students and discussed about scheme of
subjects and their importance. The introducton of class mentors was given. The registraton procedure was
carried out by class mentors. The students were distributed among the mentors. The details of project to be
undertaken in BE IV was discussed and Informaton about IDP and UDP was given. Actvity calendar which also
included their project and mid-sem review was designed and was intmate to the students. Informaton about
discipline and other academic related event was passed on to them. All the lectures and laboratory sessions were
conducted by respectve faculty member(s). The atendance was more than 80%, a very good indicator of student
Enthusiasm at Sarvajanik College of Engineering & Technology
Electrical Engineering Department
Prof Sandhya Rathore, Prof. Shabbir S. Bohra, Prof. (Dr.) Hardik P. Desai
On the frst day of college, that is, 2-7-2014, most of the students of 3rd year and 4th year atended the college.
Lectures were conducted smoothly. Final year students were given guidelines about selectng their project. We fnd
that there is a defnite improvement in the regularity of the students.
Instrumentaton and Control Engineering Department
Prof Nandkishor P. Joshi,
The frst day of the reopening of the college classes was as usual as of each semester. The efect of leters sent in
the regards had its efect with more than 80% of students atending classes on the very frst day and lecture. This
year, the department has decided to communicate with the parents about new semester beginning using SMS also.
Prof. (Dr.) Vaishali Mungurwadi had a round through the classes on the frst day making sure that the
academics has begun in tme. Prof. Himanshu Padhya made sure all sort of communicatons are done well in
advance. Class teachers introduced the students with subjects in the present semester. Final year students were
reminded by facultes towards the importance of fnal year sincerity and regularity. From the current semester,
mentorship (20 students to a faculty) is being implemented and introduced among students. Also, facultes are
working in developing a Moodle based teaching-learning approach that was announced among students.

Civil Engineering Department
Prof Bhasker V. Bhat,
Principal Sir gave motivational speech to students of
first day of semester
As per the traditon of college the frst day of the term started with prayer. Principal Sir gave motvatonal
speech to students of frst day of semester. Students were excited about the new term. They were also eager about
the functon and events in forth coming term. They were also eager to know about tme table of mid-semester
exam. As per Class teacher instructon students got new tme table of laborites and lectures with room number.

Students got the introducton of the syllabus topic wise and a brief idea for each and every subject. Also
According to the traditon of college the frst day of the term started with prayer. Principal Sir gave motvatonal
speech to students of frst day of semester. Students were enthusiastc about the new syllabus. As per the Class
teacher instructon students got new tme table of laborites and lectures with room number. Encouragement was
provided by the subject teachers to the students.

There was a lab session of theory of machine subject. This subject may be defned as branch of engineering sci-
ence which deals with the students of relatve moton between the various parts and forces, which acts on them.

The knowledge of this subject is very a sincere for engineering and designing the various parts of machine.
Subject division of machineKinematcs, Dynamics, kinetcs and Statcs.
1. The term has been started with enthusiasm, encouragement, excitement and happiness.
2. The frst day of 5th ay mechanical has been started with saraswat pooja and prayer in central ground of
V.V.P. Engg. College.
3. Students were very much excited to know the new subject and their subject faculty.
4. On the very frst day, we have introduced them the mid-sem examinaton patern and schedule of the col-
5. Finally the day 1 of the new semester has been interestng and important to them as it should be.
Subject Fluid Power Engineering
As per the traditon of the college, prayer was the frst part of the day. As this is the fnal year of the students, so
all the students were very much excited about the frst day in the college and they sincerely atend the lecture and
gain the practcal knowledge from respectve facultes.

Eagerness was seen in the students about their fnal year project and the same was discussed by the students
with faculty members. Faculty has given guidance for practcal exposure of the students and encourage them to
gain more and more practcal knowledge so it can be useful to them in industry.

32 33
how this subject is going to be useful in industry of the course was discussed by each faculty.

Students will learn their core mechanical subjects from this semester, so all the students were very much
enthusiastc toward their new subjects.

Jamvadi : People are always so excited about new things and activities. Especially, when they are going to
start something new. When we talk about students they are getting more excited about new activities specially
their first day of college.

We are from Asiatic Institute Of Science & Technology we have started 3rd semester on 2nd July 2014. 3rd
semester students are already passed a year in the institute. They know almost everything about the
functionality of the college though they are so curious about the new semester.

Last year of students were so excited and interesting. They had just known about the engineering. But now,
they will learn how to be an engineer. From the 3rd semester students they will learn all subjects were so
excited and curious to know what will they going to learn in new semester. They had little nervous about the
subjects. Faculty members had explained the details of their subjects and experiments. Students had noted
every information which will be so useful for 3rd semester.

After all of this students also visited their relevant subject laboratories. They got all information about the
practicals and term work for the semester. During this session all students were talking more interest
because they were used to watch all laboratories last year but now they are going to learn and operate now
they will. In electrical department students are so excited about practical work. They got all the information
about the subject laboratories and noted it down. Students were so excited and happy to know they will go to
industrial visit in this semester.

The first day was not having any academic burden but day was so excited for students. They got each and
every detail about the next semester. Students met old faculty members but with new subjects. Everything
which they had in past now going to change and improve.

First day of students at 3rd semester was very excited and interesting. Students enjoyed the day. Not even
students but faculty members were also enjoyed the first day of semester. This day became significant for all.

Share you Feedback

You can share your suggestions and feedback about GTU
Plexus. You can e-mail your feedback on

Thank You !
Students were so excited and happy to know that they
will go to an industrial visit in this semester
Electrical Engineering
Mr. Devendra Kushavaha ,

The ttle is instrumental in bringing you readers. It should be catchy, yet
self-explanatory. It should be diferent, yet easy to comprehend. A good ttle atracts the
atenton of the reader, and makes him want to read further. Having said that,
artcles that have a serious tone, or are scientfc, medical, or research-oriented must have
simple and specifc ttles. Artcles on lifestyle and entertainment can have
innovatve and experimental ttles.

One can't really stress enough on the importance of having an impressive introducton.
By that, it means that an introducton should be more like a tease - it should explain the
topic at hand without revealing everything that's going to follow. On the other hand,
introductons of news-based artcles should do the opposite and follow the 5W & 1H
format, answering the When, Where, Who, What, Why and How questons.
The body of the artcle, as the name goes, is the most important secton. This is the part
where you need to put in all the details and explanatons, along with your examples or
illustratons. Short paragraphs make for easy reading. Also, avoid placing confictng
issues in the same paragraph.

It is easy for most writers to string up random sentences to make up a conclusion, which is
indeed unfair on the artcle that has been writen from the heart. Here, the only thing to
be kept in mind is that any new idea or thought does not deserve a place in the
conclusion. The conclusion is essentally a brief recap of the entre artcle, which
signifes the end of the write-up.
One picture is worth 1000 words. Pick up the best of the photograph evidencing the event
you are reportng. Make sure that the image is of good quality. Do not stretch the image
horizontally or vertcally to enlarge or compress, always use the corners to resize it. At the
end give capton to the photograph.
Proof Reading
At last proof read your artcle.

34 35


Newbies in the Campus

GTU had invited the stories on the Day 1 of the beginning of new semester from the institutes
affiliated to GTU. The stories are published in the Volume I Issue I of the GTU PLEXUS The Newslet-
ter for the institutes affiliated to GTU.

The 1st Semester has begun in most of the colleges and BE students are going through the Bridge
Course. Newbies in the institutes make the environment all fresh and happening. College
environment is new to this fresh batch of students. While they are trying to accommodate themselves
in this new environment, the faculties and senior students also play a crucial role in acquainting
these newbies in the community. Every new batch of students is all new experience for the faculties.
On the other hand new generation also has new perspectives. Lets take the opportunity to share this
fresh air across the GTU Community through the next issue of GTU PLEXUS.

GTU invites interesting stories of the Fresher's start in the colleges to publish the Volume I Issue II of
GTU PLEXUS. All the institutes affiliated to GTU are requested to share interesting write ups as the
specification mentioned below
Refer the following link for more information and specifications.

E-mail it to with the subject mentioned Plexus Vol. I Issue II - Freshers

AUGUST 2014.

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