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Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the answer of your choice on the space provided before the number.

1. Arrangement of elements and principles with medium to create a feeling of completeness or wholeness.
a. Unity b. Balance c. Rhythm
2. Concerned with arranging elements so no one part of a work overpowers or seems heavier than any other part.
a. Unity b. Balance c. Rhythm
3. A principle of art concerned with the relationship of one part to another and to the whole.
a. Contrast b. Emphasis c. Proportion
4. Combining one or more elements to create interest by adding slight changes.
a. Variety b. Emphasis c. None of the above
5. Blending elements to create a calmer, restful, appearance.
a. Emphasis b. Harmony c. Variety
6. It occurs when elements or objects in an artwork are positioned around a central point.
a. Symmetrical b. Asymmetrical c. Radial
7. Repeating elements to make a work seem active or suggest vibration.
a. Rhythm b. Balance c. Unity
8. Principle of art that shows difference and diversity in an artwork by combining elements to create interest. It
also refers to the arrangement of opposite elements.
a. Proportion b. Contrast c. None of the above
9. Kind of balance that creates a mirror image that makes the whole artwork proportional.
a. Radial b. Asymmetrical c. Symmetrical
10. Making an element in a work stand out.
a. Emphasis b. Proportion c. None of the above
11. Used to create the look and feeling of action
a. Proportion b. Movement c. Balance
12. Two unlike elements seem to carry equal weight.
a. Unity b. Emphasis c. Asymmetrical
13. Repetition of elements that are evenly spaced.
a. Regular b. Progressive c. Irregular
14. Elements are repeated but not exactly the same.
a. Progressive b. Irregular c. Regular
15. As elements repeat, they increase or decrease in size.
a. Irregular b. Regular c. Progressive
16. The Japanese Flag is symmetrical.
a. True b. False c. Maybe
17. Guidelines governing how the artist organizes the visual elements to create a work of art.
a. Theories of Art b. Principles of Art c. Variations of art
18. If too little variety can become boring, too much variety can create _____________.
a. harmony b. calmness c. Chaos
19. Emphasis is to make one part of an artwork ________________ over the other parts.
a. Dominant b. Precise c. Equal
20. The American flag is _________________.
a. Symmetrical b. Asymmetrical c. Radial

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