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1. After a baby is born, what should be the first action performed?

A. Clamp and cut the cord
B. Dry the baby
C. Suction the babys mouth and nose
D. Do foot printing

2. During drying and stimulation of the baby, your rapid assessment shows
that the baby is crying. What is your next action?

A. Suction the babys mouth and nose
B. Clamp and cut the cord
C. Do skin-to-skin contact
D. Do early latching on

3. When should the cord be clamped after birth?

A. When the cord pulsations stop
B. Between 1 and 3 minutes
C. Not less than 1 minute in terms and preterms not needing PPV
D. All of the above are appropriate

4. Bathing the Baby in the First 6 Hours is Protective.


5. How long after birth is a newborn ready to breastfeed?

A. immediately
B. 5-9 minutes
C. 10-19 minutes
D. 20-60 minutes

6. Is the approximate capacity of a newborns stomach?

7. What is the late sign of hunger for the babies?
A. mouthing, licking, tonguing movements
B. rooting
C. changes in facial expressions
D. Crying

8-10 Enumerate the different breastfeeding positions.

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