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I extend my sincere thanks to all those people who have helped me in the successful
execution of this project with their valuable suggestions.
I am deeply indebted to all those people whose work I have referred to this project. I
must owe a deep sense of gratitude towards my teachers for their kindness and encouragement
in various stages of the project.
This moment of the thesis is one of the prides that I opportunity in this stand of my
career to express my sincere efforts within this limited time. Finally I would like to pay regards
to my family without whose inspiration and monetary aid this project was impossible.

This project report pertains to the making of a project SUMMER TRAINING of
M.B.A. curriculum.
The P!P"#$ of this project is to make the students have thorough knowledge of the
topics given to them. I learned a lot from the hard work I put in to collect information regarding
the same% which would be of great use in my near future as a professional.
&ustification cannot be done to whatever I have learn t within a few pages but I have still
tried my best to cover as much as possible about Consumer Perception Towards Agriculture
Tractors (60 HP Class): A Comparative Study o !SC"#T $ !SC"#T wit% ot%ers& in this
Bein !"u#en"! of M$!"er in Bu!ine!! A#mini!"r$"ion% &e nee# "o 'e $&$re of "(e
or$ni)$"ion in"ern$l en*ironmen". Summer "r$inin (el+! u! "o un#er!"$n# "(e!e
conce+"! rel$"e# "o "(e or$ni)$"ion.
#r no. Particulars Page (o.
1 C-APTER 01
' C-APTER 21
T!+*T"! I()#T!, "F I()I+
- C-APTER 31
*".P+(, P!"FI/$
"!I0I( "F T1$ *".P+(,
I()I+( I()#T!I+/ $(2I!"(.$(T
3#I($## "F $#*"!T 0!"P
4 C-APTER 41
5 C-APTER 51
"3&$*T# "F P!"&$*T
5 C-APTER 61
!$#$+!*1 .$T1")"/"0,
6 C-APTER 71
I(T$!P!$T+TI"( +() +(+/,#I#
7 C-APTER 81
P!")*T /IF$ *,*/$ "F $#*"!T T!+*T"!
#$0.$(T+TI"( 8 T+!0$TI(0
The project studied by me in In#i$n Tr$c"or Com+$n:% Nellore was Consumer
Perception towards Agriculture Tractors (60 HP Class): A Comparative Study o !SC"#T
$ !SC"#T and !scort; It helps to make aware company regarding the various aspects of
brand preference performed at regular basis to cement.
+ survey was conducted by me among the consumers of tractors in (ellore. )uring the
survey I tried my best that more and more 9uestionnaire to be filled from the consumers so that
to conclude the results gracefully.
I was also appreciated by the support of the project guide and .anaging )irector of
'ndian Tractor Company( )ellore% who guided me the basic fundamentals of Tractor marketing
performed by the company.
"ver the years the company has emerged as one of the top players in the world in terms of
number of tractors sold. This gives a clear indication that the company;s market share is one
of its biggest strengths.
The company;s ability to introduce new products in the market and to generate sales from
those new products is a major strength. The reason being that this is very essential for any
company% for its survival in the long run.
The company has established its brand name in other countries of the world as well.
Tough *ompetition
3y introducing the benefits and importance of the tractor to every group% companies can
evolve more.
The company has a history of having invested in unrelated diversifications such as telecom%
holiday and resort inns% financial services% etc. which it has hived off as subsidiaries from
time to time when these turned unmanageable. This is a cause for concern as such
diversifications could divert the company;s attention from its core business. It is a dangerous
tendency as it leads to destruction of shareholders value.
<ith effect of the competition the market may not get shrunk.
(othing is perfect in this mandate world and this study is no exception. 0iven below are
the limitations of the study so that the findings of the study may be understood in their right
1. The result of this research cannot be termed as making a fair representation of the
perception of the population.
'. #tudy was confined to the city of (ellore.
-. #ample si=e taken was 1>> respondents% the result might have varied had there been a
larger sample si=e.
4. It is very much possible that some of the respondents may have given the incorrect
:. The last but the most important point to that survey was carried through ?uestionnaire
and the ?uestions were based on perception. .ost important is positioning. 3ut there
may be certain aspects not taken into consideration.
India is poised to become a major +uto hub in the near future. Indian tractor industry is
changing rapidly% so is the mindset of Indian *onsumers. <e% at the 0reat /akes Institute of
.anagement% took an initiative to find out that whether the changing ground realities have also
changed the India +uto *onsumer@s mindset visAaAvis their perception of the abilities of various
Indian and foreign +uto manufacture to deliver the much sought after attributes in a tractors
<ith the latest numbers showing .#. vehicle sales slumping to a 1:Ayear low%
automakers are wondering where their next buyer is coming from. *learly% winning new
customers was re9uired them to develop more reliable% exciting% and fuelAefficient vehicles% a
task that could take years. 3ut a recent survey suggests that automakers have opportunities to
improve their business performance in the short term by focusing more on the customers they
already have. $specially in these tough times for the industry% one of the most powerful
techni9ues for converting buyers into dieAhard fans is providing exceptional afterAsales service.
3ain 8 *o. surveyed more than 1%7>> customers who had purchased all the automotive
brands sold in the .#.% to better understand their ownership and sales experience and to assess
their brand loyalty. <e asked owners to rate% on a scale of =ero to 1>% how likely they were to
recommend their vehicle to a friend or colleague. 3y subtracting the percentage of BdetractorsB
who gave scores between =ero and 5% from the percentage of BpromotersB who gave a score of C
or 1>% we can calculate a B(et Promoter #coreB D(P#E. (P# is already used in do=ens of
industries to determine how deep loyalty to a particular company runs among its customers% and
how it stacks up against its competitors when it comes to customer loyalty.
The (P# survey for automakers revealed two important findings. First% promoters are
nearly 1> times more likely than detractors to repurchase or lease a vehicle of the same make or
brand as their current one. #econd% promoters are far more likely to recommend their vehicle
brand to a friend. $ach promoter provides nearly five purchase referrals% while each detractor
dissuades two prospective buyers
1igh among the factors that create promotersFand help sustain their loyaltyFis a strong
afterAsales service experience. The reason is simpleG )ealer service is the key point of contact
with customers at the critical time when most people are weighing their next vehicle purchase.
"wners; brand enthusiasm tends to erode as the vehicle ages and the warranty expires. 3ut it is
precisely at this pointFabout four years after the initial saleFthat the leaders capitali=e on their
loyalty advantage by using maintenance visits as opportunities to reinforce their ties with
promoters and win over detractors.
$xcellent service not only reinforces relationships with customers who already feel loyal
to a brand. It can also defuse ill will that causes disaffected customers to badAmouth the brand.
Indeed% the brand leaders excel especially at turning unplanned repair visitsFthose critical
moments of truth on which a customer relationship can hingeFinto opportunities to strengthen
customer bonds. <hile most carmakers aim to ensure that the service experience does as little
harm as possible% the leaders set out to surprise customers with ease and convenience when they
expect it least and value it most.
The power of nurturing promoters shows up dramatically in data showing how severe the
damage can be when a repair experience doesn;t go well. "verall% the (P# of loyalty leaders
whose vehicles have not needed a repair is a stellar 7:. It falls off to a respectable 66 when the
vehicle needs a mechanic;s attention. 3ut among loyalty laggards% an unscheduled stop in the
shop resulted in scores plummeting 'C points to a dismal 1C. "wners of those vehicles are
angry% and they are going to tell their friends and colleagues about it.
ltimately% the biggest influence on customer loyalty and affinity for the nameplate is the
9uality of the vehicle itself. 3ut a bad afterAsales experience can erode it just as 9uickly. In the
economy they face today% automakers need to rethink how they win and retain every customer
they have.
Tractor owners are in for an enjoyable ride this summer. The cut throat competition in the
auto industry has forced major players to focus on the after sales services% an important part of
owning a tractor. (o wonder% the .otown is full of service offers this summer.
1. The study has been done for the tractors so more or less it helps in understanding the
consumer perception towards the tractors market.
'. The study can help in analy=ing certain weak point% improving on which a company can
overcome the low sales of its tractors in (ellore region.
(ow a days % people prefer tractor with good features and of good 9uality.a person who
are going to purchase a tractor wants that tractor should be of well known brand% it should has
good looks% better driving on road and on field % it should be very powerfull and fuel efficient.
#o % tractor industry in these days has many players. These are.

<E!cor"% Po&er"r$c $n# F$rm"r$c=
$scorts /td began local manufacture of For# tractors in1C61 in collaboration with ford%
H and total production climbed steadily to --%>>> in 1C6:reaching 61%>>> by 1C7>. Ford
DFord A (ew 1ollandE was sold in 1CC'. Ford .otor *ompany proper 9uit the tractors business%
but the name was allowed to continue as per agreement until '>>>% when $scorts relabeled its
Ford models under the E!cor" brand. $scort manufactures produces tractors in the '6A6: 1P
range and has already sold over 5 lac tractors. Its tractors are marketed under three brand
names% $scort% Po&er"r$c and F$rm"r$c.
-MT Tr$c"or!
1.T is a large public sector unit and began manufacturing +gricultural Tractors in 1C6'
under the 1.T brand name with technology ac9uired from Ietor of the *=ech !epublic. It
manufactures its tractors in Pinjore% .ohali in a large factory that also manufactures machineA
tools% and 1yderabad It has a capacity of '>%>>> tractors per annum. In the .achineAtool
company is a large foundry. It produces tractors in a range from ': 1P to 6: 1P. For a short
time% 1.T exported tractors to the #+ under the Iebra brand% which were marketed by Ietor
distributors and dealers there. The company is controlled by the .inistry of 1eavy industry that
provides% on a monthly basis to the public its financial performance.
9o(n Deere
In '>>>% &ohn )eere set up production in a joint venture with /arsen 8 Toubro /td in
#anaswadi% in a rural area near Pune% .aharashtra. It was known as L&T John Deere Private
Ltd% and manufactured tractors under the L>T ? 9o(n Deere name for sale in India% and under
the 9o(n Deere name for worldwide sales
In '>>:% )eere 8 *ompany ac9uired nearly all the remaining shares in this joint venture.
The new enterprise% is known as John Deere Equipment Private Limited. The factory currently
produces tractors in of -:% 4>% 4'% 46% :>% :: and 6> 1P capacities for domestic markets and for
export to the #+% .exico% Turkey% (orth and #outh +frica% and #outh $ast +sia. Pune factory
started to produce new :: to 6: 1p :>>- series tractors for $uropean market in '>>7.
Son$li@$ <In"ern$"ion$l Tr$c"or! L"#.=
In"ern$"ion$l Tr$c"or! Limi"e# was incorporated on "ctober 16% 1CC: and began
manufacturing tractors designed by *entral .echanical $ngineering !esearch Institute
D*.$!IE. IT/ currently is manufacturing Son$li@$ tractors between -> 1P to C> 1P% and the
CERES brand between 5>1P to C>1P. IT/ went into collaboration with !enault +gricultural of
France in &uly '>>>. !enault +griculture is a subsidiary of the !enault 0roup. !enault
+griculture was bought by */++# of 0ermany in '>>-. Incidentally */++# already has a
strong presence in India market producing its *rop Tiger range of *ombine 1arvesters in a
plant in Faridabad Dnear (ew )elhiE since 1CC'. */+## has opened a new plant in Punjab at
.orinda in '>>5.
Tr$c"or! $n# F$rm EAui+men" Limi"e# <TAFE= was established in 1C51 to manufacture
and market .assey Ferguson tractors and related farm e9uipment in India. +0*"% the owner of
.assey Ferguson% now owns '4J of T+F$. Tractors are built and sold in India under both the
TAFE and M$!!e: Feru!on brands% and exported under both brands as well. In '>>:% T+F$
bought the $icher .otors tractor and engine division.
Ne& -oll$n#
(ew 1olland +g;s entry into India was facilitated by FI+T;s ac9uisition of FordA(ew
1olland in 1CC1. 3y 1CC7 (ew 1olland +g. DIndiaE completed the construction of a new plant
in (oida% near (ew )elhi% with a capacity of :>>> tractors in the -: A 6: hp range. In 1CCC%
(ew 1olland +g.;s parent company FI+T bought 6>J of holdings of *ase *orporation and
created *ase (ew 1olland 0lobal D*(1 one of the top three tractorKagriculturalKconstruction
machinery manufacturers in the worldE% the new holding company (ew 1olland +g. DIndiaE. In
'>>>% the capacity of the (oida plant rose to 1'%>>> tractors per year and in '>>6 the company
manufactured '4%>>> tractors for the domestic and export markets.(ew 1olland India exports
fullyAbuilt tractors to :1 countries in +frica% +ustralia% #outhA$ast +sia% <est +sia% (orth
+merica and /atin +merica.The India plant of (ew 1olland was originally built in 1CC7 to
cater only to India domestic market. 1owever due to slow down of economy by year '>>1A'>>'
and slump in domestic demand% it became a challenge to utili=e the installed capacity of the
factory.1ence the company started looking its market beyond India borders. Its then *$" .ario
0asparri guided the vision and handed over the task of overseas business to its dynamic
manager 3hanu #harma. The efforts paid off well. 3hanu #harma in capacity of 1eadA
International 3usiness "perations% took op the export volumes from the level of almost nil in
'>>- to 7>>> units in year '>>6. The export business last year in '>>6 contributed over :>J of
the company business of total #) ':> millions.This also made (ew 1olland the second
largest tractor exporter from India after &ohn )eer. In year '>>6% India exported around -'%>>>
tractors of which ':J share was of (ew 1olland

In 1C5>% our parent company% $scorts% set up the strategic +gri .achinery 0roup D+.0E to
venture into tractors.
In 1C5:% we rolled out our first batch of tractors under the brand name of $scort.

In 1C5C a separate company% $scorts Tractors /td.% was established with e9uity participation
of Ford .otor *o.% 3asildon% H for the manufacture of Ford agricultural tractors in India.
In the year 1CC5 $scorts Tractors /td. formally merged with the parent company% $scorts /td.
#ince inception% we have manufactured over 1 million tractors.

$scorts +.0 has three recogni=ed and wellAaccepted tractor brands% which are on distinct
and separate technology platforms.

FarmtracG <orld *lass Premium tractors% with single reduction and epicyclic reduction
transmissions from -4 to 6: 1P.

PowertracG tility and 2alueAforAmoney tractors% offering straightAaxle and hubAreduction
tractors from -4 to :: 1P. India;s (o.1 economy range A engineered to give spectacular diesel

$scortG $conomy tractors having hubAreduction transmission and twinAcylinder engines from
'6 to -: 1P. Pioneering brand of tractors introduced by $scorts with unbeatable advantages.
Func"ion$l EBcellence
M$nuf$c"urin Cu$li": A!!ur$nce
S$le! > M$r@e"in

Fin$nce -um$n Re!ource!
!ecently we have been informed by certain members of the public that they have received
appointment letters and calls for job interview in our *ompany through eAmailsKletters wherein
they are inter alia demanding cash deposit either through certain banks or otherwise before
interviews or issuance of appointment letter. These recruitment agenciesKindividuals are not
only wrongfully using our registered trademark but also names of our officials to illegally trap
innocent members of the public. Please note that such communications are intended to cheat
and play fraud on the public."ur *ompany completely disassociates itself from such fraudulent
practices of recruitment and does not authorise anybody to demand payment on its behalf to be
made by any candidate to our *ompany or to anyone in the process of recruitment. <e re9uest
the general public to not be misled by communicationsKeAmails as mentioned herein purportedly
made by our *ompany. "ur *ompany is also in the process of initiating both civil and criminal
proceedings against such unknown persons and agencies. <e hereby solicit the support of the
general public in case they come across such a wrongdoing relating to recruitment purportedly
being so offered by our *ompany which can be mailed at
Ari M$c(iner:
$scorts has played a pivotal role in the agricultural growth of India for over six decades. 1aving
pioneered farm mechani=ation in the country% we have been developing solutions to enhance
agricultural productivity and improve 9uality of life in rural India. Taking a step forward% the
company launched the ;&ai Hisan; initiative% a unifying platform to empower the Indian farmer
and to make him selfAreliant.

The fact that the farm mechani=ation is the key vector for enhancement of farm productivity and
in many respects the catalyst for the next wave of farm mechani=ation has brought about two
large customer centric initiatives to the fore at $scorts M (ew Products and variants that are
aligned with changing and emerging applications 8 end usages and the shift of $scorts from
being a standalone tractor manufacturer to being a complete ;Farm #olution; provider.

$scorts is laying greater emphasis on improvement% innovation and effective execution of its
offerings. <e are constantly evolving and creating new products to suit market demands. <e are
closely monitoring the 9uality of our products and reAgearing our strategies which are both
customer and market focused. The launch of tractors fitted with 4 A *ylinder engines that are
around 1:J more fuel efficient than most other tractors in the market% or the entry segment
tractor DPowertrac 4'CE to cater to the aspirations of small farmers and first time buyers% or the
;NT!+ Tor9ue; series of tractors that are meant specially for the emerging trends of using
;rotary; implements% or India;s firstAever I(2$!T$! T!+*T"! M have been all case in points
where the farmers; ;cost of ownership;% his overall operating economics and his need for
enhancing productivity have been supreme considerations for $scorts.

!ecogni=ing the various and hu1>>cc y differentiated needs of today;s Indian farmer% $scorts
has further unveiled its new ;&ai Hisan #eries; of tractors. The ;$scorts &ai Hisan #eries; focuses
on maximi=ing farmer productivity by providing differentiated products that are well suited to
agricultural% haulage% infrastructure as well as speciali=ed applications. The new ;$scorts &ai
Hisan #eries; is a path breaking initiative that recogni=es the market order for new 8 varied
needs of the Indian farmer% changing tractor usage for speciali=ed applications and usage of
modern and heavyAduty implements 8 attachments% thereby offering wider options for
agricultural% infrastructure as well as speciali=ed applications for land development activities.

T(e 9$i Ki!$n Serie! come! in fi*e ne& c$"eorie! E
2alue.axx /oad.axx
+g.axx Infra.axx
<hile the 2+/$.+NN is the variant for basic agricultural purposes% the /"+).+NN and
+0.+NN variants speciali=e in haulageAbased applications and speciali=ed +griAapplications
respectively. The #P$!.+NN series is ideal for all types of agriculture and nonAfarming
purposes besides offering addAon applications for dual needs whereas% the I(F!+.NN variant
would speciali=e in infrastructureAbased applications. The ;&ai Hisan #eries is currently available
in the F+!.T!+* line of $scorts tractors.
Pro#uc" Po"folio
T!+*T"!# *!"P #"/TI"(# /3!I*+(T#$(0I($ 8 0$(#$T#
$scorts B0B #eries
$scorts 0ensets
$scorts +gri .achinery has three recogni=ed and wellAaccepted tractor brands% which
are on distinct and separate technology platforms.
FarmtracG <orld *lass Premium tractors% with single reduction and epicyclic reduction
transmissions from -4 to 6: 1P.
PowertracG tility and 2alueAforAmoney tractors% offering straightAaxle and hubA
reduction tractors from -4 to :: 1P. India;s (o.1 economy range M engineered to give
spectacular diesel economy.
$scortG $conomy tractors having hubAreduction transmission and twinAcylinder engines
from '6 to -: 1P. Pioneering brand of tractors introduced by $scorts with unbeatable
Fuc"ion$l EBcellence
?uality +ssurance
.aterials .anagement
#ales 8 .arketing
1uman !esources
Information Technology
Hnowledge .anagement
In"ern$"ion$l Su'!i#i$rie!
$scorts +.0 has one international subsidiary.
Farmtrac Tractors $urope #p.= Poland.
<e now cater to 41 countries.

3eyond manufacture% $scorts has made substantial investments towards the modernisation of
farm technology. The $scorts Training 8 )evelopment *entre D$T)*E at 3angalore is a uni9ue
center where training is imparted in operation% maintenance and repair of farm machinery. It is
among the few institutions of its kind in the world. Its programs are aimed at encouraging
customers% dealers% engineers% mechanics as well as the field staff of $scorts% towards meeting
its objective of enhancing agricultural productivity and improving 9uality of life in rural India.



1ome K 3usinesses K *onstruction $9uipment
Construction Equipment
$scorts manufacturers and markets a diverse range of construction and material handling
e9uipment like cranes% loaders% vibratory rollers and forklifts. The company was a pioneer in
introducing the concept of Pick ;n; *arry hydraulic mobile cranes in the 6>s in India and
continues to be the world;s largest manufacturer of these cranes.
+ nationwide network of 15 #ales "ffices% :> dealership locations% over ->> company trained
dealers; service engineers% gives it the best market reach in India for the #ales 8 #ervice of
material handling and construction e9uipment.
<ith over -> years experience in *onstruction $9uipment Industry% $scorts has a proven track
record in G
1ydraulic .obile *ranes
2ibratory *ompactors
Today% it not only continues to be the largest mobile crane manufacturer in the country% but also
the largest Pick ;n; *arry 1ydraulic .obile *rane manufacturer in the world.
<hile recording a rapid growth in *rane Industry we;ve also been able to steadily increase our
presence in the field of 2ibratory% #oil 8 Tandem *ompactors. $scorts was the first to bring the
concept of 2ibratory *ompactors in India in a big way% back in 7>;s. #ubse9uently more models
in Tandem 2ibratory *ompactors and heavy duty #oil *ompactor range were added in technical
collaboration with 1+.. 0ermany. !ecently% we;ve further strengthened the range with a -T
#houlder *ompactor. Today our range of compaction e9uipments is one of the most preferred in
the market% and is being viewed as the most efficient and effective compaction solutions
available in the country.
+long with *ranes and *ompactors% we also manufacture Frontend loaders with payload
capacity of 6>>kgs. #uitable for narrow lanes and confined spaces% these loaders are compact in
design and are ideal for garbage handling% handing of chemicals% sands% small chips% etc.
$scorts also offers other material handing solutions like Forklifts from )aewoo )oosan
Infracore /td.% Horea and +rticulated boom cranes from Fassi% Italy. In /P0 Forklift category%
the company enjoys a market share in excess of 7:J.
This singleAminded pursuit of precision and customer satisfaction has made us the -rd largest in
terms of *onstruction $9uipment #ales unit per annum.
Product Portfolio
o Pick and *arry cranes
o *rawler cranes
o +rticulated boom cranes
o Tower cranes
o Forklift trucks
o Truck 8 +ll Terrain Truck cranes
o $#*"!T# )I0.+N D3ack1oe /oaderE
o Tandem 2ibratory *ompactors
o 2ibratory #oil *ompactors
o <heel /oader
o .otor 0rader
o $lectricK Telecommunications


1ome K 3usinesses K +uto Products
Auto Products
The leading manufacturer of auto products in India for over four decades% $scorts +uto Products
exhibits 9uality and reliability through its products in the automobile industry
worldwide. *ertified with I#"KT# 15C4CG'>>'% $scorts presents a combination of integrated
manufacturing facilities% inAhouse stateAofAtheAart research and development% as well as
advanced production% testing and validation facilities% which have enabled us to bring new and
reliable products on a global platform.
Technical collaborations with 0ermanyAbased Fichtel 8 #achs Dnow IF #achsE in 1C55 and
&apanAbased Hayaba in 1CC7 have laid a strong foundation for us to deliver glo1>>cc yA
benchmarked products. 2alueAadded engineering is our forte and we have the versatility to
produce an extensive range of auto components for various applications% ranging from #cooters
and .otorcycles to !ailways and Tanks.
"ur extensive product basket caters to "$.s and replacement market in India and several other
overseas markets for all vehicle categories including motorcycles% scooters% passenger cars%
commercial vehicles% and multiAutility vehicles. <e also design and manufacture specialised
dampers and shock absorbers for railway and defence vehicles. "ur everAexpanding
replacement market network is strong at ->> dealers and more than 1>%>>> retailers expanding
all over India% #outh +sia% $urope and the .iddle $ast.
M$nuf$c"urin S"ren"(!
The $scorts +uto Products manufacturing plant in Faridabad is spread across in an area of
'':%:>> s9.ft.% and has the capacity to produce -.' million #hock +bsorbers and #truts and >.-
million Front Forks per annum. The plant features an +ssembly /ine% #ealing Plant% *omponent
*leaning% Powder *oating Plant% 0rinding /ines% #pot <elding% #eam <elding .achine and
!obo <elding #ystems.
"ur manufacturing processes have been duly certified by the international ?uality .anagement
#ystem% T#A15C4C. For continuous improvement of our operations% we have adopted the
O*luster +pproach@ under +*TA*II wherein six to eight companies work together under the
leadership of +*.+ counsellors on a common roadmap to assure customer satisfaction and
value to our shareholders. The primary objective of this cluster approach is to work towards
Olean manufacturing@.
From piston rod grinding to the final painting% and from parts manufacturing to product
assembly% our processes are under constant scrutiny to achieve best product 9uality%
performance and economic cost base for our customers. Hey critical processes are kept inAhouse
to ensure critical performance and safety of the product. +dditionally% we use Poka ,okes to
prevent defects and Hai=ens for continuous improvement of 9uality.
Re!e$rc( $n# De*elo+men"
The research% development and engineering departments of $scorts are committed to delivering
optimallyAdesigned products with robust features and 9uality to meet the life expectancy of any
application. <e are fully e9uipped to perform any kind of durability testing with the help of
highAtech test facilities. .oreover% our fourAdecade long experience enables us to design and
develop products for different segments of automotive applications as per the design and
re9uirements of our customers.
+ll our new products are developed under international 9uality standards and extensively
validated for )2 and P2 at highly advanced .T# machines and test benches operating under
simulated andKor real time road and rail track recordings.
.otor vehicle and parts manufacturers also have a major influence on other industries in the
economy as well. 3uilding motor vehicles re9uires vast 9uantities of materials from% and creates
many jobs in% industries that manufacture steel% rubber% plastics% glass% and other basic materials.
It also spurs employment for automobile and other motor vehicle dealersP automotive repair and
maintenance shopsP gasoline stationsP highway construction companiesP and automotive parts%
accessories% and tire stores.
The motor vehicles manufactured in this industry includeG automobiles% sportAutility vehicles
D#2sE% vans and pickup trucks% heavy duty trucks% buses% truck trailers and motor homes. It
also includes the manufacturing of the parts that go into these vehicles% such as the engine%
seats% brakes% and electrical systems. +ccording to the Federal !eserve% over 11 million motor
vehicles were assembled in the .#. in '>>5. 3uilding and assembling the many different parts
of a car or truck re9uires an ama=ingly complex design% manufacturing% and assembly process.
In '>>5% about C'>> establishments manufactured motor vehicles and parts. These ranged from
small parts plants with only a few workers to huge assembly plants that employ thousands. 3y
far% the largest sector of this industry is motor vehicle parts manufacturing. It has the most
establishments and the most workers. Table 1 shows that about 6 out of 1> establishments in the
industry manufactured motor vehicle partsFincluding electrical and electronic e9uipmentP
engines and transmissionsP brake systemsP seating and interior trimP steering and susvehicles
sion componentsP airAconditionersP and motor vehicle stampings% such as fenders% tops% body
parts% trim% and molding.
The next largest sector% in terms of number of establishments% is motor vehicle body and trailer
manufacturing. In '>>5% nearly oneAfourth of establishments were engaged in this type of
manufacturing. These establishments speciali=ed in manufacturing truck trailersP motor homesP
travel trailersP campersP and car% truck% and bus bodies placed on separately purchased chassis.
+utomotive and light truck assembly plants make up the third largest sector. In '>>5% about :
percent of establishments that employ '- percent of all workers in this industry% were engaged
in assembling these smaller motor vehicles. + growing number of these assembly plants are
owned by foreign automobile makers% known as Qdomestic internationals.R These foreign
automobile manufacturers ovehicles assembly plants in the nited #tates to be closer to their
market% avoid changing exchange rates% and save transportation costs.
+ typical automotive assembly plant can be divided into three major sections. In the first
section% exterior body panels and interior frame are assembled and welded together. This work
is mostly performed by robots% but may also re9uire some manual welding. )uring this stage%
the body is attached to a conveyor system that will move it through the entire assembly process.
Throughout the entire process% numerous inspections are performed to ensure the 9uality of the
The painting process comprises the second section of the assembly plant where bodies of cars
pass through a series of carefully ventilated% sealed paint rooms. 1ere% the bodies are dipped
into chemicals to prevent rust and seal the metal. Then the bodies are primed% painted% and
sealed with a clear coat.
+ssembly of the vehicle comprises the third section of the automobile manufacturing process.
1ere% parts such as seats% dashboard% and the powertrain Dengine and transmissionE are installed.
<hile machines assist with loading heavy parts% much of the assembly work is still performed
by team assemblers working with power tools.
In#u!"r: Perform$nce in 2H02?03
The cumulative production data for +prilA.arch '>1- shows production growth of only
1.'> percent over the same period last year. The industry produced 1%57:%-:: vehicles in
.arch '>1- as against 1%74:%757 in .arch '>1'% which declined by DAE 7.6> percent.
Dome!"ic S$le!
The overall growth in domestic sales during +prilA.arch '>1- was '.51 percent over the
same period last year. <hile in .arch '>1- overall sales fell by DAE 6.65 percent over
.arch '>1'.
Passenger 2ehicles segment grew at '.1: percent during +prilA.arch '>1- over same
period last year. Passenger *ars declined by DAE 5.5C percent% tility 2ehicles grew by
:'.'> percent and 2ans grew only by 1.>7 percent during +prilA.arch '>1- as compared
to the same period last year. 1owever% in .arch '>1- passenger car sales further
declined by DAE ''.:1 percent over .arch '>1'. Total passenger vehicles sales also
declined by DAE 1-.>1 percent in .arch '>1- over same month last year.
The overall *ommercial 2ehicles segment registered deAgrowth of DAE A'.>' percent in
+prilA.arch '>1- as compared to the same period last year. <hile .edium 8 1eavy
*ommercial 2ehicles D.81*2sE declined by DAE '-.17 percent% /ight *ommercial
2ehicles grew at 14.>4 percent. In .arch '>1-% .81*2s sales further declined by DAE
'5.15 percent over .arch '>1'.
Three <heelers sales grew by 4.76 percent in +prilA.arch '>1-. Passenger *arriers
grew by 7.:7 percent during +prilA.arch '>1- and 0oods *arriers registered deAgrowth
at DAE C.'> percent during this period.
Two <heelers registered growth of only '.C> percent during +prilA.arch '>1-.
#cooters% mopeds and motorcycles grew by 14.'4 percent% 1.:- percent and >.1' percent
respectively over same period last year. 1owever% in .arch '>1- all subAsegments of
two wheelers% scooters% motorcycles and mopeds registered deAgrowth at DAE -.17 percent%
DAE 7.-' percent and DAE 4.:4 percent respectively.
)uring +prilA.arch '>1-% overall automobile exports registered deAgrowth of DAE 1.-4
percent compared to the same period last year. Passenger 2ehicles grew by C.>' percent%
while the other segments like *ommercial 2ehicles% Three <heelers and Two <heelers
fell by DAE1-.-: percent% DAE 15.'' percent and DAE >.6' percent respectively. In .arch
'>1-% Passenger 2ehicles% Two 8 Three <heelers grew by -.>6 percent% -.:1 percent
and 6.:> percent respectively. <hile *ommercial 2ehicles declined by DAE '7.-- percent.
F$rm"r$c 6H D, 1?
Farmtrac 60 DX
World Class Tractor
For First Class Farming
Performance data Powerful Engine Comfort
Rated engine
60 HP category
No. of cylinders 3
Bore x Stroke
#y$e of %ear
&onstant mes'
gears ("())
Road S$eed
(*t )000 engine
R.P.+. wit' rear
tyre si,e
+axim-m s$eed )../" k.m.0Hr.
+inim-m s$eed ).!6 k.m.0Hr.
1/0 RP+ (on
600 engine
RP+) (Single
1/0 RP+ (on
"00 engine
RP+) (3-el
4-lly a-tomatic de$t' 5 draft
control 100 k.g.
weig'ing ca$acity at 'ori,ontal
4ront 6.00x66" PR
Rear 3.6x)"6"PR
4-lly sealed7 water $roof7 dry disc
Best in 60 H.P. category.
9t takes less time for more
:n8eata8le $-lling $ower
makes 'a-lage of trolleys
Powerf-l 'ydra-lic ca$acity
'el$s lift more goods and
$lo-g' dee$er wit' 'ig'er
&omforta8le del-xe seat
ad;-sta8le as $er dri<er=s 'eig't
and weig'.
&onstant mes' gear 8ox makes
gear s'ifting easy and
comforta8le as in a car.
#ilted 0 rectang-lar foot $latform
for comforta8le dri<ing.
S$ecially designed steering does
not make yo- tired e<en after
long 'o-rs of work.
Pro$erly mo-nted 'alogen
'eadlig't for maxim-m <isi8ility
at nig't.
Smoke6less engine eliminates
t'e $ro8lem of smoke on dri<er=s
face w'ile dri<ing.
Bigger f-el tank t'at last longer
after ref-eling.
Worl# Cl$!! ADII
>orld class tractor ex$orted to
*merica7 ?-ro$e7 *sia7 *frica7
*-stralia and New @ealand.
4-lly sealed disc 8rake and front
axle for total safety and freedom
from rec-rring ex$enses.
Hig' engine life d-e to
'elical air $assage to
engine w'ic' red-ces
$ress-re on engine $arts.
Re6entrant ty$e $iston
com8-stion c'am8er 8-rns
Side o$ening 8onnet for easy
Hea<y front axle ens-res safety 8y
sto$$ing t'e tractor6 front from
lifting -$.
S$ecially deigned ad;-sta8le front
axle facilities ease of -se in e<ery
#ractor starts only in Ne-tral. #'is
-niA-e feat-re ens-res extra
safety and $re<ents accidents.
4or long lasting s'ine7 s$ecial
coating -sing &.?.3. $aint
diesel com$letely and
red-ces cons-m$tion.
Ring carrier and side drain
$istonsB 'el$ $iston to 8e
re6-sed after first o<er'a-l.
Side drain $iston also
red-ces oil cons-m$tion.
&ross6flow design 8lows o-t
8-rnt gases com$letely and
low tem$erat-re near
<al<es en'ances d-ra8ility.
+ec'anical go<ernor in
diesel $-m$ sa<es f-el and
gi<es $ower wit' e<ery
dro$ of diesel.
The !esearch .ethodology used by me for the purpose of this project is as followsGA
Re!e$rc( De!in1?
The research design used here for this project is a combination of $xploratory 8
$xplanatory designs. First a general know about of the *$riou! "r$c"or! $n# "(eir m$r@e"
!"ruc"ure. Then a personal interaction with the people concerned is made to figure out the
D$"$ Collec"ion Me"(o#1?
+ccording to the needed research of the projectP I pursued both primary 8 secondary data
collection methods. I have used Ari &e' !i"e! rel$"e# "o "r$c"or!% some publications on the
net% 8 tractor information broacher for secondary data collection. To ensure the accuracy of the
results the primary data collection method used is the structured interview method.
The sampling units in my project are Con!umer!. The sample si=e was small by
following the convenience sampling method. There were 9ueries for the persons interacted 8
the 9uestionnaire has been attached at last.
The sample si=e of my research is 1>> consumers. /arge samples give more reliable
results that is why I tried my best to cover more users DconsumersE in Nellore.
S$m+le Si)e J 0HH
#ample nit M users DconsumerE
+rea of #urvey F (ellore.
D$"$ A*$il$'ili":1 )ata has been collected from the sers D*onsumerE and )ealer of Indian
Tractor *ompany.
Prim$r: #$"$1?
Preparing 9uestionnaire which was distributed among consumers to get feedback.
In this survey the more importance has been given to primary data than secondary data
because it is more reliable.
Secon#$r: #$"$1?
The various sources for secondary data like books% pamphlets and small note sheets
from the company. The secondary data was collected after choosing the topic% which is very
practical to the research. It was collected from the company brochures and documents. This
has been used in the profile of the organi=ation. These types of #urveys are expensive and
Tr$inin Or$ni!$"ion1 Indian Tractor *ompany% (ellore
ProKec" Gui#e1 .r. 2ijay Humar% #ales .anager
T(e Re!e$rc( !"$n#! for1?
1. To know how of the actual phenomenon occurring 8 exploring the new ideas
with a clear 8 precise insight.
'. To test the hypothesis with being variables to be compared within their
D$"$ An$l:!i! > In"er+re"$"ion1?
The statistical tools used by me are mainly average% Percentage% 8 comparisons etc. I
would like to give brief points about
1. ?uestionnaireG A The 9uestionnaires are given to respondent with no
pressuri=ation at all% i.e. heKshe is free to provide the information whatever the concern is.
"ne thing to be kept in mind those personal 9uestions apart from name% address etc.
should not be included.
'. )irect InterviewsG A The direct interviews are one up against all the data
collection tools just because one can judge that what a person is telling to the surveyor.
+lthough it is time consuming but the information gathered is of much more weightage
than others.
-. #ampling design% Procedure 8 #ample si=eGA+ sample is always a part of the
desired universe 8 it should represent each 8 every aspect of the study being conducted.
The only thing is that the sample being chosen is of relevance 8 accurate source of
information. .y sampling design is based on random sampling because each element
gets probability to be included 8 all choices made are independent of each other.
Nee# for !"u#:1
1. To get a practical outlook about theories learnt during the academic year.
'. To get knowledge of the present on going in consumer behavior.
0. Ae Grou+
20-30 Years 26
30-40 Years 42
40-50 Year 21
50 Above 11

Wi"( "(e re!ul"! of "(e $n$l:!i!% i" i! cle$r "($" mo!" of "(e "r$c"or u!er! $re from
"(e $e 3H?4H.
2. Income Grou+
10000-20000 26
20000-30000 42
30000-40000 21
40000 Above 11
T(e m$in rou+ i! "(e one &(o ($! "(e !$l$r: 'e"&een 2HHHH $n# 3HHHH.
3. /ou 'elon "o "(e follo&in c$"eor: of "(e !ocie":L
Professional (Farmer) 39
Stuent 1!
"ovt# Servi$e 21
%usinessman 22
Tr$c"or i! "(e nee# of "(e f$rmer! $n# 'u!ine!!m$n "oo% "(ere': "(i! c$"eor: ($! m$Bimum
o&ner!(i+ of "r$c"or $lon&i"( Go*". Ser*ice m$n $l!o.
4. . /our E#uc$"ion$l B$c@roun#
T$'le 41
.atric 44
1igher #econdary 4'
0raduate 1'
Post 0raduate '
InterpretationG .aximum respondents are matric and higher secondary ones i.e% 44J and 4' J
5. W(ic( com+$n: "r$c"or :ou ($*e in 6H -P !emen"
T$'le 51
$#*"!T -C
#<+!+& '5
$#*"!T 11
F"!) 16
&"1( )$$!$ 4
#"(+/IH+ -
Gr$+( 51
From the analysis it has been clear that most of the Indian People #egment like to
purchase .ahindra tractors. <e have concluded the survey and asked the 9uestion
from 1>> candidates and -C responded that they have .ahindra tractors.
6. W(ic( "r$c"or of :our men"ione# com+$n: #o :ou ($*eL
Ar&un 605 i 32
Farmtra$ 60 '( 16
)*+ 6522 23
Sonali,a '- 60 Senior 13
+afe "a&ra& 5900 .4 16
ESCORT ArKun ($! "o++e# "(e li!"% +eo+le $re no& c($nin "(eir "ren#! $n# !"$r"e#
o+"in for -MT $n# F$rm"r$c. Alon&i"( "(i! Son$li@$ 6H i! $l!o in "(e li!" m$@in oo#
m$r@e" &i"( i"! !":le $n# ele$nc:.
7. -o& lon :ou ($*e 'een o+er$"in "(i! "r$c"orL
0-1 Yrs 39
1-3 Yra 32
3-5 Yrs 1!
*ore t/an 5 Yrs 11
In"er+re"$"ion1 "ut of 1>> respondents% 11J of the respondents are operating this tractor for
more than : years% 17 J are for -A: years% -'J for 1A- years and the rest -C J for 1 years.
8. W($" i! "(e +ur+o!e of u!in "(i! "r$c"orL
T$'le 81
3usiness 1'
1eavy <orks '-
farming 5'
Family Purpose -
Gr$+( 81
In"er+re"$"ion1 .ost of the respondents use the tractors for farming purpose that is 5' J %for
heavy works '- J and least for family purpose.
M. Are :ou $&$re of $ll "(e mo#el! of "r$c"or! <6H -P= m$#e $*$il$'le "o
+eo+le of "(i! com+$n:L
Yes 94
0o 6
Re!+on#en"! ($*e 'e""er @no&le#e of $ll "(e mo#el! of "r$c"or of 6H -P !emen" m$#e
$*$il$'le "o +eo+le of "(i! com+$n:.
0H. -o& #o :ou r$"e :our "r$c"or $! com+$re# "o "r$c"or of o"(er com+$n:L
DaE 2ery 0ood DbE 0ood DcE Poor
Please mark the reason for you response
1. Fuel $fficiency
'. Price
-. 3rand image
4. PickAp
:. #pare parts availability
5. +ny other
E*er: re!+on#en" ($*e 'e""er $n# +o!i"i*e *ie&! $'ou" "(e mo#el! "(e: ($*e.
00. -$*e :ou e*er 'een recommen#e# :our com+$n:F! "r$c"or "o $n: oneL
DaE ,es DbE (o
If yes then to whom 1. Friends
'. !elatives
-. *olleagues
4. +ny other
M$n: of "(e re!+on#en"! ($*e recommen#e# "(eir "r$c"or "o "(e one "(e: $re in
rel$"ion "o li@e "(eir frien#! mo!"l: o"(er "($n rel$"i*e $n# colle$ue!.
02. -$*e :ou e*er (e$r# $n: com+l$in" of "(e m$@e of "(i! com+$n: or e*er
($! f$ce# $n: of "(e +ro'lem! &i"( :our "r$c"orL
If yes what kind
*ilea.e 29
Pri$e 1!
Pi$,-12 14
S/o$,ers 20
An3 4t/er 19
Pro'lem! $re "(ere &i"( e*er: +ro#uc"% no"(in i! 0HH N% "(ere': i" *$ri$"e "(e c(oice!
rel$"e# "o "(e 'u:in #eci!ion $n# o"(er offer!.
Product life cycle of tractor is of - years. To say that a product has a life cycle asserts
four things. Products have a limited life. Product sales pass through distance stages% each posing
different challenges% opportunities and problems to the seller. Profits rise and fall at different
stages of the product life cycle. Product re9uires different marketing% financial% manufacturing%
purchasing and human resource strategies in each life cycle stage.
In tractor business name plays very important role till that time the name is not known or
not have place in market% tractor will not sale. In the introduction stage focus is given on sales
rather than profit. For the purpose of name people are made much aware about launching of the
product so as to get maximum number of customers. .arketing strategies is based on the
features of tractors. In this stage $#*"!T tries to expand its market share.
In growth stage focus is given on improving the product 9uality and adds new product
features and new policies so that it can enter new market segment. <hich will be *$(T!+/
D.adhya Pradesh 8 !ajasthanE $+#T D3ihar% <est 3engal% "rissa 8 +ssamE #"T1 D+ndhra
Pradesh% Tamil (adu% Harnataka 8 HeralaE
Focus is also given on increasing distribution coverage and entering a new distribution
channels. Then advertising strategies will shift from product awareness advertising to productA
preference advertising.
In this stage focus is given to expand number of brands users by
*onverting nonAusers into users.
$ntering new market segments.
<inning competitors customers.
*onvince current users to increase use of life insurance and also other types of
insurance so as to minimi=e their risks.
.arket mix of product is also modified in this stage such as Price% )istribution%
+dvertising% #ales promotion% Personal selling% #ervices.
1P #$0.$(T+TI"( T+!0$T$) *#T".$!
3$/"< -> ("!T1 TT+! P!+)$#1
<$#T 0&+!+T
+3"2$ -> ("!T1 P(&+3
("!T1 1+!,+(+
<$#T .+1+!+#1T!+
+griculture Income
Income /evel
#oil DFertilityE
<ith the results of the analysis% it is clear that most of the tractor users are from the
age ->A4>. The main group is the one who has the salary between '>>>> and ->>>>. Tractor is
the need of the farmers and businessman too% thereby this category has maximum ownership
of tractors alongwith 0ovt. #ervice man also. .aximum respondents are matric and higher
secondary i.e% 4' J and 44 J .
$#*"!T has topped the list% escort also doing the fine% right now the market is of
$#*"!T% they are launchin good models with good features and performances.
#onalika also trying its best to capture the market of tractor of 5> 1P with their latest
models.$#*"!T +rjun has topped the list% people are now changing their trends and started
opting for 1.T and Farmtrac. +longwith this #onalika is also in the list making good market
with its style and elegancy. The trend of using tractors of 5> 1P have now started thereby most
of the users are from the last 'A- years. The tractor market has started taking its shape and
people now looking for big heavy vehicles for their solid performance and style.
.ost of the respondents use the tractors@s for 3usiness purpose that is 1' J and more in
case of farming that is5' J% for heavy works '- J and least for family purpose. !espondents
have better knowledge of all the models of tractors made available to people of this company.
$very respondents have better and positive views about the models they have. .any of
the respondents have recommended their tractor to the one they are in relation to like their
friends mostly other than relative and colleagues. Problems are there with every product%
nothing is 1>> J% thereby it variate the choices related to the buying decision and other offers.
*ompanies have to come with an idea to launch low cost tractors so that it can reach to
each and every class of the society.
+verage or mileage of the tractor is the main criteria for the sale of tractor% petrol and
)iesel prices are hiking like anything% companies have to provide a technology for better
mileage and less fuel consumption.
.ostly operating by the farmers and businessman.
*ompany should have to adopt well knowledge marketing executives so that they can
explain and provide comparison of tractor@s with other company@s.
*ompany should have to install Test )rive *amps so that they experience their vehicles
and like to buy. *ompany should have to arrange meals for the demonstration of power.
For over two decades% $#*"!T Tractors is the undisputed leader of the Indian tractor
market% which is the largest tractor market in the world. + division of a #S 5 billion
conglomerate% $#*"!T 8 $#*"!T% we began as a joint venture with International 1arvester.
+nd with that began a new era in power% control and reliability in farm e9uipment
manufacturing. Today% with the largest manufacturing set up in India% $#*"!T Tractors is
among the top three players in the global market. +nd as we step into the ':th year of
excellence% we continue on our journey of cultivating golden harvests across the globe.
In the year '>>-% $#*"!T Tractors bagged the )eming Pri=e% a global honor for 9uality
practices. Three years later% the company was eligible to 9ualify for the &apan ?uality .edal%
the highest honor for excellence in Total ?uality .anagement practices. In '>>6% $#*"!T
Tractors became one of the '> companies worldwide to receive this rare honor. Till date% we are
the only tractor company in the world to bag this prestigious award.
.8. has one tractor manufacturing plant in *hina% three assembly plants in the nited
#tates and one at 3risbane% +ustralia. It has made strategic ac9uisitions across the globe
including #tokes Forgings DHE% &eco 1olding +0 D0ermanyE and #choneweiss 8 *o 0mb1
D0ermanyE. Its global subsidiaries include $#*"!T $urope #rl. based in Italy% $#*"!T #+
Inc. and $#*"!T #outh +frica.
In the # market% $#*"!T #+% a subsidiary company of $#*"!T tractors% sells more
than 1>%>>> tractors annually. + nationwide network of over ->> dealers% total product support
and prompt after sales service ensure that every tractor functions for years without any hassles.
$#*"!T Tractors% the -rd largest tractor manufacturer in the world% notched up yet
another first in the tractor industry by delivering 1'-' tractors on Independence )ay A +ugust
1:% '>>6
*ompanies have to provide better facilities like free testing camps and gifts so as to raise
the sales and promotion of the tractor models.
*ompanies are launching their new models of tractors to make the consumer feel free
from the choices.
3eing in the market of hype competition motorbike companies making brand
positioning of their models. They used to put free test camps and use actors and
*hecking complaints have now become the first priority of the company% for that they
install call centers to rectify those problems.
+t present $#*"!T +rjun sales are high due to their better service providing factor and
rectifying problems.
"ther companies like $scort and #onalika have to look forward and to follow the above
all suggestions for making better market for their tractors.
+msden% +. 1. D1C7CE% Asia's Next Giant, South Korea and Late ndustria!i"ation D(ew
,ork% "xford niversity PressE.
+msden% +. 1. D'>>1E% The #ise o$ %the #est&, 'ha!!en(es to the )est $rom Late
ndustria!i"in( E*onomies
3alassa 3. D1C7>E% QThe Process of Industrial )evelopment and +lternative
)evelopment #trategiesR% )or!d +an, Sta$$ )or,in( Paper% (o. 4-7 D<ashington% ). *.%
<orld 3ankE.
3hagwati% &. D1C67E% -orei(n Trade #e(imes and E*onomi* Deve!opment, Anatom. and
'onsequen*es o$ Ex*han(e 'ontro! #e(imes D*ambridge% 3allinger Publishing
3ruton% 1. D1CC7E% Q+ !econsideration of Import #ubstitutionR% Journa! o$ E*onomi*
Literature% NNN2I% &une% C>-M-5.
*hang% 1. D1CC-E% QThe Political $conomy of Industrial Policy in HoreaR 'am/rid(e
Journa! o$ E*onomi*s% (o. 16% 1-1M:6.
*line% !. <. D1C7-E% QTrade Policy in the 1C7>sR% nstitute $or nternationa! E*onomi*s
D<ashington% ).*.E.
0omery% !. $. and 3aumol% <. &. D'>>>E% G!o/a! Trade and 'on$!i*tin( Nationa!
nterests D.assachusetts% .assachusetts Institute of TechnologyE.
0reenaway% ).% .organ% <. and <right% P. D1CC7E% QTrade !eform% +djustment and
0rowthG <hat )oes the $vidence Tell sR% E*onomi* Journa!% (o. 1>7% #eptember%
Hrueger% +. ". D1CC7E% Q<hy Trade /iberalisation is 0ood for 0rowthR% The E*onomi*
Journa!% (o. 1>7% #eptember% 1:1-M''.
'nternet #esources
0. Ae Grou+
+E '>A-> 3E ->A4> *E 4>A:> )E 4> +bove
2. Income Grou+
+E 1>>>>A'>>>> 3E '>>>>A->>>> *E ->>>>A4>>>>
)E 4>>>> +bove
3. /ou 'elon "o "(e follo&in c$"eor: of "(e !ocie":L
DaE Farmer DbE #tudent DcE 0ovt. #ervice
DdE 3usinessman
4. /our E#uc$"ion$l B$c@roun#
DaE .atric DbE 1igher #econdary DcE 0raduate
DdE Post 0raduate
5. W(ic( com+$n: "r$c"or :ou ($*e in l$re "r$c"or !emen"L
$#*"!T #waraj
$scort Ford
&ohn deere #onalika
6. W(ic( "r$c"or of :our men"ione# com+$n: #o :ou ($*eL
DaE +rjun DbE escort DcE tafe
DdE sonalika DeE1.T
7. -o& lon :ou ($*e 'een o+er$"in "(i! "r$c"orL
DaE >A1 ,rs DbE 1A- DcE -A: DdE .ore than : ,rs
8. W($" i! "(e +ur+o!e of u!in "(i! "r$c"orL
DaE 3usiness DbE 1eavy <orks
DcE farming DdE Family Purpose
M. Are :ou $&$re of $ll "(e mo#el! of "r$c"or of 6H -P m$#e $*$il$'le "o +eo+le of "(i!
DaE ,es DbE (o
0H. -o& #o :ou r$"e :our "r$c"or $! com+$re# "o "r$c"or of o"(er com+$n:L
DaE 2ery 0ood DbE 0ood DcE Poor
Please mark the reason for you response
6. Fuel $fficiency
7. Price
C. 3rand image
1>. PickAp
11. #pare parts availability
1'. +ny other
00. -$*e :ou e*er 'een recommen#e# :our com+$n:F! "r$c"or "o $n: oneL
DaE ,es DbE (o
If yes then to whom 1. Friends
'. !elatives
-. *olleagues
4. +ny other
02. -$*e :ou e*er (e$r# $n: com+l$in" of "(e m$@e of "(i! com+$n: or e*er ($! f$ce# $n:
of "(e +ro'lem! &i"( :our "r$c"orL
DaE ,es DbE (o
If yes what kind
1. .ileage
'. Price
-. PickAup
4. #hockers
:. +ny other

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