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_ FRENCH 2 .


81 FVM pp. 101-104. Copy the English expression once and the French
expression four times. Prepare for a vocabulary quiz
82 LEL p. 287. Copy the French verse five times. Prepare for a verse
quiz over Philippians 4:4 and Ephesians 5:21
83 LEL p. 294, grammar exercises I-II
84 LEL pp. 305-306. Translate the sentences for chapters 10, 13, and
14 (even numbers only)
85 Study LEL pp. 10-303 and FVM pp. 29-104 for semester exam
86 None
87 LEL p. 309. Copy the French verse five times. Prepare for a verse
quiz over John 1:11 and Philippians 4:4
88 LEL p. 314, grammar exercises I-IV
89 LEL p. 317, grammar exercises I-III
90 FVM pp. 105-108. Copy the English expression once and the French
expression four times. Prepare for a vocabulary quiz
91 LEL p. 319-320. Read the Lecture and answer the questions
92 LEL p. 323. Copy the French verse five times. Prepare for a verse
quiz over Romans 8:1 and John 1:11
93 FVM pp. 109-112. Copy the English expression once and the French
expression four times. Prepare for a vocabulary quiz
94 LEL p. 329, grammar exercises I and II
95 LEL pp. 333-334, grammar exercises I and IV
96 Study LEL pp. 309-334 and FVM pp. 105-112 for test 7
97 LEL pp. 338-339. Read the Lecture and answer the questions
98 LEL p. 347, grammar exercises I-III
99 LEL p. 350, grammar exercises I-II
100 FVM pp. 113-116. Copy the English expression once and the French
expression four times. Prepare for a vocabulary quiz
101 LEL p. 353, grammar exercises II-IV
102 LEL p. 341. Copy the French verse five times. Prepare for a verse
quiz over Galatians 2:20 and Romans 8:1
103 LEL p. 355, the second Composition. Do eight of the items listed
104 LEL p. 367, grammar exercises I-III
105 FVM pp. 117-122. Copy the English expression once and the French
expression four times. Prepare for a vocabulary quiz
106 LEL p. 371, grammar exercises I (complete) and II-IV (numbers 1-5)
107 LEL pp. 357-377. Copy the French verse five times. Prepare for a
verse quiz over Luke 21:33 and Matthew 6:15
108 LEL pp. 382-383, grammar exercises I (complete) and II-IV (odd)
109 LEL p. 388, grammar exercises I and III-V
110 LEL pp. 373-374. Finish writing the Composition
111 FVM pp. 123-128. Copy the English expression once and the French
expression four times. Prepare for a vocabulary quiz
112 Study LEL chapters 17-19 and FVM pp. 113-128 for Test 8
113 None
114 LEL p. 402, grammar exercises I-III
115 LEL p. 400. prepare for a quiz on irregular future stems
116 LEL p. 397. Copy the French verse five times. Prepare for a verse
quiz on Matthew 25:13 and Matthew 6:15
117 FVM pp. 129-134. Copy the English expression once and the French
expression four times. Prepare for a vocabulary quiz
118 LEL p. 409, grammar exercises I-III
119 LEL pp. 429-430. Read the Lecture and answer the questions
120 LEL pp. 420-421, grammar exercises IV-V, and p. 424, grammar
exercise V

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