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Dhananjay Ghate

Project Manager SAP

Mobile :- 9049501301
Email Id:-
I have the qualifications and business acumen to manage large scale, high risk, strategic projects that span organizational
boundaries including multiple business units (from constrction to Mining ! and service partners/vendors
Provided leadership to cross-functional teams responsible for delivering defined project outputs to time, budget and
project quality criteria !enior Project
"nsured adherence to project management methodology practices, provides project manager mentoring, performs
Project #evie$s and reinforces the enterprise kno$ledge management through the communication of lessons learned
and best practices development
Participated in the project planning activities and manage the e%ecution of large scale, high risk, or strategic projects
according to plan (&iscovery ' "valuation, Initiating to (losing)*
"valuated comple% situations accurately and identify viable solutions that create successful outcome for the customer
+anaged relationship $ith project stakeholders, including internal and e%ternal clients, keeping stakeholders informed of
progress and issues in order to manage e%pectations on all project requirements and deliverables
+anaged and communicated a clear vision of the project,s objectives, and motivated the project team to achieve them-
created a project environment that enables peak performance by team members
Proactively identified changes in $ork scope and ensured appropriate planning measures taken $ith internal and e%ternal
stakeholders to reassess and amend the scope of $ork requirements, budget and timeline
+anaged the financial aspects of the project. budgeting and estimate to actual variance
/nalyzed risk, establish contingency plans ad identify trigger events and responsibilities for initiating mitigating action
"scalated early issues about the project to account management
&etermined $hat constitutes successful closure for all parties 0ained acceptance and sign-off by all parties $hen closure
is attained
Designe" an" #on"cte" PP corse an" training to en" sers as $ell as con"cte" PP con%igration training to
consltant in lab
Proactively managed project stakeholder satisfaction to position and secure customer reference and success story
Performed Project #evie$s and mentor project managers on project management methodology, standards and
(oached to clarify assignments and deliverables to project team- revie$ quality of $ork and managed integration of team
members, $ork- provide performance input to project team members, functional management 1no$ledge +anagement
+aintained project documentation and updates to relevant kno$ledge management bases -analyze lessons learned and
share $ith the organization,s project management community
Participated in the development of project management best practices

S&'((S A)D #*MP+,+)#'+S
23 years of !/P project management e%perience in large scale, high risk, strategic projects !uccess fully
implemented 4 "5" projects, 6 support
"%cellent understanding of !/P solutions and of the consulting business processes and functions
7ighly developed business acumen
8iaison and consultative skills. negotiating skills $ithin a conte%t of high political sensitivity and conflicting
!trong $riting, mentoring, decision making, communication, and meeting facilitation skills- ability to utilize a
combination of formal authority and persuasion skill sets
/bility to train and mentor project managers or teams in project management methodologies
1no$ledge of the strategic and operational issues of the project management business unit
/ clear vision of $hat determines a successful project for the customer and for the enterprise
1no$ledge of and competency in project management processes including planning tasks, resource allocation,
risk management, time management, financial management, 7# management, quality management, monitoring
and reporting, documenting and record keeping
/daptability and fle%ibility to manage deadline pressure, ambiguity and change
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!trong leadership, organizational and interpersonal skills- the ability to $ork $ell $ith people from different
disciplines $ith varying degrees of technical e%perience- competence in clear concise and tactful
communication $ith senior e%ecutive management, clients, peers and team ,business partners

(hartered "ngineer / 9" (+"(7*
( and (:: / +!P#;<"(5 / 5P+ (ourse / I!; =332-6333 / Industrial !afety
7aving deep understanding of !/P soft$are and project implementation methodology $ith "%perience in managing projects $ith
teams of >4: members and e%cellent client relationship skills I have strong budget and risk management skills necessary
#esponsible for overall delivery of successful !/P implementations !trong !/P product kno$ledge/ managerial and
communications skills total 16yrs in ERP including 4?years: of e%perience in !/P implementations and support, training in
-!uccessfully e%ecuted @ !/P end to end implementation
-!trong 7ands on e%perience in !/P project preparation, business blue print, realization, final preparation, go live and support
- "nd to end kno$ledge of the +anufacturing industry/(ontinuous processing /construction , processes and challenges
- /ble to provide end to end vision for e%ecuting !/P projects $ith a capability to bring best Practices in all the above phases
of the project
- 7andled teams providing guidance to functional and technical teams
- /ble to architect !/P solutions
- (onducted > /udits for !/P projects incl"e.- developing $ork plans, managing deadlines and coordination of team and sub-teams, "stimating
project skill requirements, $orking $ith #esource &eployment +anagers to identify resources, defining and agreeing on
deliverables and milestones and scope, communicating status and vision to client management and stakeholders, overall
team management, budget management, risk management &emonstrated leadership and managerial skills, client
relationship, ability to $ork closely $ith process o$ners and key stakeholders to communicate progress and vision and
facilitate buy-in I have strong process and industry kno$ledge, deep understanding of !/P s/$ and project implementation
SAP A"0inistration
!ecurity +anagement
Aser +anagement
+anaging databases
Bet$ork +anagement
+anagement ;perating !ystem
;utput +anagement
!ystem +aintenance
(hange and 5ransport +anagement
&iagnostics and 5roubleshooting
&isaster #ecovery
Countries visited
- WG
I have enjoyed around C? Dears of successful Plant and Project +anagement career in various capacities including (ivil
construction ,mechanical ,chemical and plastics ,electrical ,instrumentation, Einancial ,manpo$er ,statutory activities for
manufacturing plant
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,o 0a1e se o% 0y strong 'n"strial e2/erience in the ', arena3 ' ac4ire" SAP %nctional an" technical S1ills Syste0
"esign ie so%t$are selection as /er re4ire0ent an" har"$are si5ing an" selection3 st" ser6er roo0 "esign an"
since last 23 year I have been $orking as fulltime !/P Project +anager started as PP /P+ consultant for implementation of "#P
(!/P #/C >F,",!/P #/C ?33,!/P #/C @33"((* packages for various Industries
In !hort +y I5 e%perience includes 9usiness / !ystems /nalysis, #equirement 0athering, (lient interaction, &eveloper support, and
Implementation, for PP / P+ / P! /G+/!&/++/EI(;/7#//9/P/9/!I!/&+! 7ser ,raining, and Post implementation issue
management $ith !;8+/B
Pro%essional SAP +2/erience:
8ob Details:-
#o0/any . &PMG M7M9A'
Project ,y/e . Implementation Project HI57 +odules PP/G+/!&/++/EI/(;//9/P/9/!I!
Dration : MA.:01: to <A8D6326 relieved in B;I6326
.ole . !/P P#;<"(5 +/B/0"#
#lient : "!!"8 +IBIB0 IB&A!5#I"! 9/#9I8 ;#I!!/
.ole : !/P P#;<"(5 +/B/0"# 1P+0 +A+9/I Phase 2 of !/P #/C @"(( successfully implemented
Project contribtion:
,he roles an" res/onsibilities:
As a SAP Project Manager :-
;rganizing the entire Project
&eveloping strategies and procedures for an efficient !/P implementation &eveloping and maintaining the time schedule for the
implementation of project Einalizing and managing the project scope ,budget and dead lines in accordance $ith the approved
/ssigning and managing resources +onitoring project progress on a $eekly basis (arrying out a format revie$ evaluations and
analysis (arrying out a format revie$ at the end of each phase (larifying open issues in good time
#eporting regularly to the revie$ committee on the progress and status of the project
#epresenting the project internally and e%ternally
0iving status updates to the $hole project teamand P+;
/! I! study
5; 9"
0/P analysis
9ase line configuration
Einal (onfiguration
Anit 5esting
Integration 5esting
+n" ser ,raining
Einal preparation
+aster data validation and uploading
(ut over plan and data collection, validation and upload
0; live and support
0eneration of J reports as per customer requirement
#o0/any : +,+.)7S S*(7,'*)S Pne
Project ,y/e . Implementation Project HI57 +odules PP/P+/P!/!&/++/EI(;/7#/ /9/P/9/!I!/&+!
Dration : MA.:011 to )*;:011, resigned as no projects
.ole . !/P P#;<"(5 +/B/0"#
#lient : 0"BA! </IPA#
.ole : !/P P#;<"(5 +/B/0"# A9"8 PAB" Phase 2 of !/P #/C @"(( successfully implemented
Project contribtion:
,he roles an" res/onsibilities:
As a Project lea"er :-
;rganizing the entire Project
&eveloping strategies and procedures for an efficient !/P implementation &eveloping and maintaining the time schedule for the
implementation of project Einalizing and managing the project scope ,budget and dead lines in accordance $ith the approved
/ssigning and managing resources +onitoring project progress on a $eekly basis (arrying out a format revie$ evaluations and
analysis (arrying out a format revie$ at the end of each phase (larifying open issues in good time
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#eporting regularly to the revie$ committee on the progress and status of the project
#epresenting the project internally and e%ternally
0iving status updates to the $hole project team
/! I! study
5; 9"
0/P analysis
9ase line configuration
Einal (onfiguration
Anit 5esting
Integration 5esting
+n" ser ,raining
Einal preparation
+aster data validation and uploading
(ut over plan
0; live and support
0eneration of J reports as per customer requirement

#o0/any : 79'#S Pne
Project ,y/e . Implementation Project HI57 +odules PP/P+/P!/!&/++/EI(;/7#/ /9/P/9/!I!
Dration : 6>!"P56334 to <A8D6323 , resigned as no projects and got relieving letter in /A06323 and finally relieved in
&"( 6323
.ole . !/P P#;<"(5 +/B/0"#
$ith (++iC level !/P implementation ;rganization Pune $hich stands 2>
in the $orld and implemented !/P @"(( for one of
#lient : A9"8 PAB"
Dration : 2
;(56334 to &"(633= and support till <A8D 6323
.ole : !/P P#;<"(5 +/B/0"# A9"8 PAB" Phase 2 of !/P #/C @"(( successfully implemented
Project contribtion:
,he roles an" res/onsibilities:
As a Project lea"er :-
;rganizing the entire Project
&eveloping strategies and procedures for an efficient !/P implementation &eveloping and maintaining the time schedule for the
implementation of project Einalizing and managing the project scope ,budget and dead lines in accordance $ith the approved
/ssigning and managing resources +onitoring project progress on a $eekly basis (arrying out a format revie$ evaluations and
analysis (arrying out a format revie$ at the end of each phase (larifying open issues in good time
#eporting regularly to the revie$ committee on the progress and status of the project
#epresenting the project internally and e%ternally
0iving status updates to the $hole project team
/! I! study
5; 9"
0/P analysis
9ase line configuration
Einal (onfiguration
Anit 5esting
Integration 5esting
+n" ser ,raining
Einal preparation
+aster data validation and uploading
(ut over plan
0; live and support
0eneration of J reports as per customer requirement
#o0/any . ;#-+.P (,D
Project ,y/e . Implementation Project HI57 +odules PP/PM/P!/!&/++/EI(;/7#/ /9/P/9/!I!
Page | 4
Dration : </B 6334 to +/# 6334 , resigned as no projects and got relieving letter in <AB"34
.ole . !/P P#;<"(5 +/B/0"#/ 8"/&
#o0/any : '#M (,D
Dration : !"P5 633F till &"(633F
.ole . P#;<"(5 7"/&
Project (ontribution. - #esponsible for e%tending leadership and e%pertise to establish the operation at PAB" as ne$ venture &ue
to financial problems company stopped the operation at Pune

#o0/any . ';',+SS+ (,D P7)+
Dration . ;(5633@ till /A0633F
.ole : !/P P#;<"(5 +/B/0"#
<ollo$ing Assign0ents han"le":-;(5633@ to B;I 633@
a* (onducted !/P /udit for 9/1"# 0/A0"! Pvt ltd PAB" for 0; 8ive #eadiness ie (hecking master data ,!cenario testing and
bug fi%ing
b! (onducted /udit at Aniversal !tarch &hule same as above for !/P !ystem 0; 8ive #eadiness
c! !/P &emo given at I""B/ Industries +fg of &0 !ets
"! !/P audit conducted at P/8 industries for !upport
Project =1
Project ,y/e . Implementation Project
Project ,y/e . Implementation Project HI57 +odules PP/PM/P!/!&/++/EI(;/7#/ /9/P/9/!I!
#lient : 0#AP; /B5;8IB PAB"
Dration : 2
&"( 633@ to +/# 633F
.ole : !/P P#;<"(5 +/B/0"#
Project #ontribtion:
0#AP; /B5;8IB PAB" Phase 2 of !/P #/C >F" successfully implemented and $as responsible for .-
/! I! study
5; 9"
0/P analysis
9ase line configuration
Einal (onfiguration
Anit 5esting
Integration 5esting
+n" ser raining
Einal preparation
+aster data validation and uploading
(ut over plan
0; live and support
0eneration of J reports as per customer requirement
Project =:
Project ,y/e : !/P "(( @3 Implementation Project
#lient : I/!(;B (onstruction vertical
Project ,y/e . Implementation Project HI57 +odules PP/PM/P!/!&/++/EI(;/7#/ /9/P/9/!I!
&uration . 1 AP. :00> to 15
A7G :00>
#ole . SAP P.*8+#, MA)AG+.
Project (ontribution.
Page | 5
Sccess%l '0/le0entation o% SAP +## ?-00 at ;AS#*) #onstrction 6ertical %or De6elo/0ent /roject i-e +ngineering3
Procre0ent3 #onstrction acti6ities 3contract /roject 3Maintenance /roject an" res/onsible %or A"iting Mo"les
li1e PS@MM@SD@<'#* in Ph 1 %or ;ascon
/! I! study
5; 9"
0/P analysis
9ase line configuration
Einal (onfiguration
Anit 5esting
Integration 5esting
+n" ser raining
Einal preparation
+aster data validation and uploading
(ut over plan
0; live and support
0eneration of J reports as per customer requirement
Project =3
Project ,y/e : !/P "(( ?3 Implementation Project
#lient : P+5 +achine bulding vertical
Project ,y/e . Implementation Project HI57 +odules PP/PM/P!/!&/++/EI(;/7#/ /9/P/9/!I!
Dration . 2F
/A0 633F till C2/A0633F
.ole . !/P P#;<"(5 +/B/0"#
Project #ontribtion. #esponsible for e%tending leadership and e%pertise to Eunctional consultants for 0o 8ive readiness and (ut
over plan to see thro- successful implementation /t P+5 %or PP/PM/P!/!&/++/EI(;/7#/ /9/P/9/!I! modules for !/P "((
/! I! study
5; 9"
GAP analysis
9ase line con%igration
<inal #on%igration
7nit ,esting
'ntegration ,esting
"nd user raining
<inal /re/aration
Master "ata 6ali"ation an" /loa"ing
#t o6er /lan
G* li6e an" s//ort
Generation o% A re/orts as /er csto0er re4ire0ent
#o0/any . D+(PB' #*MP7,+#B (,D P7)+
Dration : /P#3C till !"P5 3@
.ole : !/P P#;<"(5 +/B/0"#
Project =1
Page | 6
Project ,y/e . Implementation Project $ith modules PP/PM@PS@SD@MM@<'#*@B.@ A9AP@9AS'S
#lient : Premier /utomobiles 8td (through &elphi*
Dration . /P# 633C to +arch 633>
.ole : PP /P+ (onsultant / !/P P#;<"(5 +/B/0"#
+n6iron0ent : !/P #/C >3, ;racle 43, B5
Project #ontribtion:
,he roles an" res/onsibilities:
&iscontinuation of materials
#eplacing one material by another in 9;+ as per clients requirement
#elease of production orders
#eleasing the production order to shop floor before the delivery of the dependent
material is entered in the system for urgent e%ecution of the orders
Planning file entries
+anual creation of planning file entries as request from the PP( head
Project =:@3
Project ,y/e . Implementation Project $ith modules PP/PM@PS@SD@MM@<'#*@B.@ A9AP@9AS'S
#lient : !iddhi 0roup, /hmednagar
Dration . /pril 633> to C3 !ept 633@
.ole : !/P PP / P+ (onsultant In lead role , !/P P#;<"(5 +/B/0"#
+n6iron0ent . !/P #/C >F !#223, !/P &9 FC, Hindo$s
#lient Pro%ile:
A CS 9000 co0/any3 0an%actrers o% close" "ie steel %orgings and fully machined flanges/fittings in carbon ' stainless steel
and #ing #olling Plant $ith lot of 75 chemicals +ain customers include /lfa 8aval, JE steering, !picer, +ahindra ' +ahindra
Stats *% Projects
!iddhi Eorging Ph I and II -Ph2 +ade 0; 8II" !uccessfully in /P# 633@ and on support ' Ph II started
#ing #olling plant - (ompleted in and no$ in support
!iddhi (B( Ph I and II -- Ph I made 0; 8II" in !"P5 633@ and in support
Project #ontribtion:
.oles an" res/onsibilities:
As a Project lea"er :-
;rganizing the entire Project
&eveloping strategies and procedures for an efficient !/P implementation
&eveloping and maintaining the time schedule for the implementation of project
Einalizing and managing the project scope ,budget and dead lines in accordance $ith the approved
/ssigning and managing resources
+onitoring project progress on a $eekly basis
(arrying out a format revie$ evaluations and analysis
(arrying out a format revie$ at the end of each phase
(larifying open issues in good time
#eporting regularly to the revie$ committee on the progress and status of the project
#epresenting the project internally and e%ternally
Gi6ing stats /"ates to the $hole /roject tea0-
PP Mo"le :-
"%tensive interaction $ith 9usiness Process ;$ners and PP training to en" ser an" con%igration to consltant
(onducted /s-Is !tudy ' 5o-9e /nalysis (ontribution in preparation of 9usiness 9lue Print for PP/ P+
+apping different procedure of client into !/P functionality. !tandard/alternative sequences in #outing
(ustomization of ++#, 9;+, Hork center, #outing, +#P, !E( ,/ssessed different strategies. +5!, +5;
5esting of scenarios .
&iscrete +anufacturing
#epetitive +anufacturing
(o ordination $ith /9/P/> consultants for generation of reports
+#P run
P+ +odule .-
"%tensive interaction $ith 9usiness Process ;$ners
(onducted /s-Is !tudy ' 5o-9e /nalysis
(ontribution in preparation of 9usiness 9lue Print for P+
#ealization Phase
0; live and support and (ontinual &evelopment
+apping the !tructure of the company from !/P P+ angle
(onfiguring and customizing .-
+aintenance Plant and +aintenance Planning plant
Eunctional locations and "quipments
Page | 7
8ogistic master data like.-
!erial Bumber
P+ 9;+
+easuring point and counters
P+ $ork centers
+aintenance task list and maintenance plans
+aintenance notifications
+aintenance ;rders
Processing 9reak do$n ,(orrective maintenance,, Preventive +aintenance in !/P
+apping #efurbishment process in !/P
+apping "%ternal service managements process in !/P
)*) SAP +2/erience :-
#o0/any : +/s Iika "B5"#P#I!"! PAB"
Designation . H;#1! +/B/0"#
Dration : 6332-633C
P8/B5 /B& P#;<"(5 +/B/0"+"B5 ;E /l 0&( ABI5 using /rocessing che0icals I!; I+P8"+"B5/5I;B /B& "#P
E"/!I9I8I5D !5A&D /B& "KP/B!I;B /B& (A!5;+"# H#I55"B "#P !;E5H/#" E;# +#P
#o0/any : /!("B5 IBE;#+/5I(! PAB" !;E5H/#" &"I
Designation . P#;<"(5 +/B/0"#
Dration : 6333-6332
P#;<"(5 +/B/0"+"B5 /B & /&+IB!5#/5I;B Hith +! P#;<"(5 !/H
#o0/any : +/s B"5/EI+ I##I0/5I;B PI585& A+9"#0/;B , +/s 0/#H/#" H/88 #;P"! 85&
Designation : P#;&A(5I;B/ P8/B5 +/B/0"#/ +/B/0"# "B00!"#II("!
Dration : 2==4-6333
P8/B5 /B& P#;<"(5 +/B/0"+"B5 ;E (P( P8/!5I( P#;("!!IB0 P8/B5 using /rocessing che0icals HI57
(A!5;+"# H#I55"B "#P !;E5H/#" E;# +#P
#o0/any : +/s /+;07 P8/!5;P/(1 PAB" +/s 97;# IB&A!5I#"! 85& PAB"
Designation : H;#1! +/B/0"# / (;B!A85/B5
Dration : 2==6 -2==4
P8/B5 /B& P#;<"(5 +/B/0"+"B5 ;E (P( P8/!5I( P#;("!!IB0 P8/B5 using /rocessing che0ica
#o0/any : +/s E8;H+;#" P;8D!5"#, B"H &"87I / +/s 0A8E (/98"!, 1AH/I5 +/s I"B8;B P;8D!5"# 85&
+A+9/I ' +D!;#"
Designation : &0+ /IB (7/#0" +"(7/BI(/8 "B00/ P#;<"(5 +/B/0"#
Dration : 2=4?-2==6
P8/B5 /B& P#;<"(5 +/B/0"+"B5 ;E (P( P8/!5I( P#;("!!IB0 P8/B5 using /rocessing che0icals HI57 !I"+"B!
"#P PP-PI +;&A8" !I+/5I( +/B/0"#
#o0/any : +/s 1I#8;!1/# PB"A+/5I(! PAB"
Designation : !"(5I;B +/B/0"#
Dration : 2=4C-2=4?
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"BGAI#D 0"B"#/5I;B !/8"! P#;+;5I;B, (;;#&IB/5I;B HI57 P#;&A(5I;B/ G(/ #'&/ &I!P/5(7 /IB!A#/B(" /
"&P, 5"B&"# !A9+I!!I;B,/55"B&IB0 ;P"BIB0 ' &;88;H AP
#o0/any : +/s 0/#H/#" P;8D!5"# EI8+ 85&/A#/B0/9/&
Designation : +"(7/BI(/8 "B0IB""#
Dration : 2=FF-2=4C
P8/B5 /B& P#;<"(5 +/B/0"+"B5 ;E (P( P8/!5I( P#;("!!IB0 P8/B5
#o0/any . +/s #A!5;B 7;#B!9D (I* 8td ,Pune
Designation : 5#/IB"" "B0IB""#
Dration : 2=F@-FF
7)D+. G*)+ ,.A')')G ') '+D@ASSE @ ,. @ ;D
#areer Achie6e0ents
M@s A0ogh /lasto /ac1 (t"- Pne-
(ommissioned (P+ bottle plant '#PI( Pipefitting plant using /rocessing che0icals in time I#! ;?mn saved due to
development of solid phase thermoforming machine on the lines of +/s !I((/ +/(, I5/8D 7ot mi%er capacity increased from
6?kg /63mint 5o >3kg/63mint 7ydraulic oil filtration process implemented instead of scraping oil $hich saved I#!o2mn
M@s 9hor in"stries (t"
Increased production of tape unit by 6?L due to my modifications in equipment design +odified /eromatic mi%er for addition of
/rocessing che0icals PI( (;/5IB0 8IB" to reduce do$n time by ?3L +odified coating head blade arrangement to
adjust the gap bet$een roller ' blade in running there by reducing do$ntime to zero
M@s ;enlon /olyester (t"
!aved &+ ;@ mn by selecting Indian equipments 'developing equipments in India there
Iisits /broad for latest technology and /rocessing che0icals
/s Project +anager visited Hest 0ermany for technical discussion, equipment selection and negotiations
Personal Details:
)a0e &hananjay 0hate
Date o% 9irth 64 +/# 2=?@
Pass/ort )o 0C43C2C> validity 2@/3F/632F
1! +r !ubhash !he$alkar &irector
+obile.- =4@32CCF@=
: ! +r I 9 P/B!"
+IB5/0" "8"(5#; "GAIP+"B5 85&
/-C6 B/B&97AI/B Industrial "state +ahakali #oad
/ndheri ("* +A+9/IMNO>333=C 5elephone .-363-?@=6?@FC / F> E/K.- 363-?@=6?@F@
"-mail .- gen%tPvsnlnet
3 ! +r /B/B& P 1/#I" &I#"(5;#,
P7/#+/(; 42@, !adashiv Peth 0/&0I8 !5#""5
PAB"->223C3 5"8"P7;B".- 363->>F@643 E/K .- 363->>4>2=3
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